HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-04-11, Page 2Stutday Sertool, INTERNATIONAL LESSON 1110 -MAY 392 1907. Jniprorgives Prothers.-Gen. I. 15.31. L'cuunantary.---L Joseph makes him- , eolf known to las 1.,rorners iva. 1-13.) 1. Joireph.--.19ieph le now thirtyotine years eta; Ins bed 'been in Emit twenty-two e'ears, anti luta been governor of Egypt Mile veers (.'ould "" e- brew'word is very emphatie and signifies to or tine's self, to the sin:it:thing against nature. ..losf'ph could no longer emistrain himself. The severity of the inflexible miegistrate givee way to the tiatural feelings of the man and. the brother. To ego oute-That ie. all of the Egyptians. This- was. I. In order that Ju, might give free and full scope to hie fee/legs. e. It wee the part of prudence to prevent the in of Ito bretbren from becoming knowu. !mother. "We are Verily guilty eiteeern ' • iese ' nig our brother," eoseph "turned luiuself I About from them end wept" (Gen. xlii. I NX hen after long setare of tieextr- I Bj".ie eought where to weep. ation joseph Tin looked into. t of enamin, ho ; and he entered into his climber and . seeps there" Wen, NAO. 30.) When once more he wos elasped in tile arms a his fond father, he, "wept en hie neck a good Olen. 40, 29.) Wbett after the death of Jacob his brethren doubted his 1"" in Preeed to "forgive" thou, "Jose eph wept whot they spake unto hint' , Wen. 50, 17,) Joseph's .testris latheate how all through the 'ewe I1il heert held anly tendentess fisr:. those who had wronged hint. Sorrow had uot made him bitter. • The memory of his wrongs had not rankled. How like hien who 'came suite Ids owe, and hie own reeeivea him note (John 1, II), yet whose life Was one king mint:testi:at eesus wept over jerttealem (Luke 19, 41); ee wept at the grave of Lazarue (John 11. 33); he wept in the garden (Ileb. 5, 7.)Ana toelay he is the same gooa Samaritau of eons - es ( u t, e e 1 Is 1 33.) I I peon T o 1 • v leo 1- 1. Wept aloud -Froth the fulness of jug, the pretuge.ii he Jute eempeeee, highly 'excited emotion. "This IS the usual Way in which Orientals exprese ex- tfaike 13-20); metes the hungry, sliep- cited feelings,"-Thilpit Com, ! herdlees multitudes. he has compassion Ue411\17- (elate 20. 341. Ties may mean the servants. who may , it. por„ive oriso.tely. ,,cou,„ every have bet within the sound of his voice, man to ,,,r).out Itolinue,, (e. 1 was ,1,,,,* or 4the words may oul,y signify that th? 1 report was brought to Pharaoh's bowie' , (2..1r;;Istqe)i'1:111}14,ent's1" Nte:;:jetellitsle'lle'.11.tagt°Iterwele.,:e13r. (v. 16.) 3. 1 tun Joeepit-The natural ' wive, the native tougue, the long re.: ere. cruelty brought 111111- into Egypt Membered features, would all at wive Men. 40, 15.) Faithfully he dealt with strike the apprehension of the brothers. .t. a sil 1 i them in itrivate; all our rebuke of child - 'their terror by shringing from labt°54;13..oe,etl. titIone ‘cvlititi.- tIlLtIVioetat.r lfleergnivi:te•mattsbtr ellillottei% . ,--Slurphy. Troubled -They elev. Thu memory of the sills thbad' ey be extended when all others but those committed against Joeem ph came frofleeter 115. 1 who have offended us are gone "out them with great force. 4. Come, stole to , . ine-"He ensiles them to his free favor.' III. Forgive and seek reconeiliatloa, So our Jose* of the gospel bids us "Joseph nutde himself known unto hig VOW to hini."1:he gospel message is, brethren" (v, 1). There is no record that "Come unto me;" it is the entreaty of hturdie to etuo discover him.vieit hie to eviule allusion to their alley wick- imposse TjchseePblirsostibierr4tslivron. the love, Sold into Egypt -It. was 4 alisd neoateneaaleind rumsesiTs; Iv, .H3e).resvueale edrierce, but this Joseph does in a spirit In not of angry upbraiding. but of elevatea; Saviour,ultiuufseuefliesutrlirouwsiunigrrstn(Lu‘keeulsHi ue 19. e0).- piety and tender eharity.-Pulpit Com.1: 5. Be not grieved -"Ile spoke of their self as Jesus because "Ile shall save), having sold hint -not to wound. ,their (Matt. 1. 21). He arrests the persecutor feelings, but to convince them of his hurrying to Damascus and in answer to identity; and then to reassure their Saul's question says, "I ant Jesus" (Acts niinds, he tvaced the agency of an over- 0. 5), 2. He revealed his affection. "Doth my father yot live?" (v. 3). Not a word ruling providence iu his exile and present ' honor." Did send me -"God used their of reproach, not a threat, not tt derma - elation, only a loving inquiry after the not need. their evil; ItePtlitirae.thOtuosaduidd evil to accomplish his dear old. fa`ther, And when "they were troubled at his presence," and slunk ways of itetiomplishin his etids. bub pre servo life -Not only your lives, u theaway, (tes.st3ti,d,4)".CoTre nLarratos says, Ir prayul ' il Euptiaus and the eeople of the neY017 borine laid . now, and let us reason together"- (Isa.. 1. counts -les. fhe principle, 18); "Come unto me -and I will give you doweby Joseph are, 1. "'That while 511,1; rest" (Matt. 11. 28); "Come unto Itle and nem are eneouroged to .hope in God e. e excuse for . drink" (. el water ofjliflenfi%ely71';(R"ev.m262'..1.44;k"Cotilill mercy, the' are left wthout e their sin." . 2. That God is able to mate leitt ee the wid4 actions of wicked 111011. Ile revealed hie .relationship. "I am Jos- , eph, your brother" (v. 4); The lad for the advancement of his work. 1 "whom ve sold." but your brother; the 0. Neither be earing-"Sball be no,itli. ruler orall ."Egypt," but your brother; er plowing nor harve"Ear" st."-R. V. "Eis . ... not your judge, but your brother. an ohl English word meaning to piew.is I TV. peegive am and comfort (2 Cor. 2. 7). Great deliveranee-That is, that you, ei li danger, might grow into a vase mute r: ! Joseph said, "Be not grieved, nor angry are now but a handful, escaping tile with yourselves, that ye sold me thither; . for God did send me before you to pre- tude. -Benson. 8. Father to Pharaoh "His principal counselor of state, and. To '. serve life." He comforted them with the , thought that their evil purpose was God's ho.re the authority, repower spect and good providence. "The patriarchs, moved of a, father with him." IL Go up to my father -"He desires that his father m " ight ; withiie7nyyeut/ , sold Joseph intEgypt" o but God "sent" him speedily be made glad with the tidings e 105. 17), "Ye sold me," Joseph. said. He of his life and honor." 10. Land of Gosh- 1 I did not deny the truth of their sin, but en -Probably this district had been id- ol Egypt, .(1,1ne,sedov,riedseintdminriteh,, the ma.ntIe of love lotted to Josepb by the king (Epli, 4 15; 1 Pet. . else we can seemly think he could have 'I 478).‘"Tuhey could never bave sold him if promised it so positively, without firs.' ' God had . not chosen to sena him. Man obtainleg Pharaoh's eon.seat.-Clarke, Go- ' plots evil; God makes it work "for good" alien was a poet of Egypt, east of the (Rom. 8. 28). Man curses; God changes Nile, well -watered and fit for cattle, and the curse into a. blessing (Deut. 23. 5). therefore, most proper for the Isralites, I VS Forgive readily. Joseph's forgive - nob only for present use, but also that !Imes was ready because through theyears in God's time they might with the least - he had. dwelt upon the good that gree . disadvantage return to Canaan. It -was I out of his brothers' sin and not upon the very fertile, for it was stated to be the evil intended in it. It is easy to forgive best ofthe land of Egypt. II. Nourish, when you dwell upon God's providential ithee-It is the duty of children, if the . purpose in your life, and not upon the necessity of their parents does at any I wrong_ doing of others; when you re - One require it, to support and supply rember Paul's injunction in Phil. 4. 8. them to the utmost of their ability,- VI, Forgive generously. Joseph gave Henry. And thy household -In verse 18 las brethren the land of Goshen, that Joseph speaks of "their households," they migla be "near" him, and promised shoeing that each of the patriarchs bad to "nourish" them and their little ones now ha own family, besides the still tvs. 9-11). So our .Tos,eph not only for- . larger family belonging to Jacob. - elves our sins, but "is able to do exceed, - 12. My mouth -Up to this thee he had . nes abundantly above all (bat we ask spoken to them through an interpreter, ii;think" (F,ple 3. 20). Ife has given us hut now he speaks in the Hebrew tongue. "execediug great and precious promise" 13. Ail my glory -He enjoins this not out (2 Pet. J. 4. of pride, but from love to his aged fa- titer, knowing what pleasure it would ,gire him -Benson. Ye that haste- It had been twenty-two yearsince Jos. eph had seen hts father, and it was only natural for him to ask them to hasten . their journey. 14. His brother - Benja- SAVED BY GRASPING A PROJECTING min was the only one who was full bro- ther to Joseph. SCAFFOLD. 15. Kissed all his brethren -Az a token of love and forgiveness. Talked with him.. Chicago, Ajril 8.-.7lion Nagel, a con- ---"They were now at rest, the past for- structine• engineer, fell from the top given, the present full of hope, anti they of a 200 feat chimney at Standard street. could now tell the thousand things Jas- eph 'wished to know about then), and ear works, in Hannnond yesterday, but learn his history from bim so as to re- in his fall he struek a projecting seal - peat tbe marvelous tale to their father." fold en the outside about 25 feet from Intervening history. -1. Joseph send- ing for his father (chap. 45, 17-28). Cre0, the lop, which enabled him to grasp a provisioes were made. At first .Tacob",./ plank, thus isaving hie life, heart fainted, but when he saw tite ;Nagel was in charge of the building "wagons" anti the "good things ef of the giant danokestaelt anti 111 order Egypt," his ipirit revived and ha believed to site Inc pi-ogre:re, he itecefutied to the what his sons said. So Christ makes top of the structure in a drop bucket, ample provisions for us in the gospel. lv hen the bucket neared the top ,the 2. The journey to Egypt (46, 1-27). The men in charge of the hoisting engine be- n hole family with their flocks and mov- ' Jew, failed to perceive Hagees signal to able property made the journey (about etop and the engineer was thrown over 230 miles) to Egypt. 3. The meeting of the edge of the narrow aperture above. Jacob and Joseph (46, 28.34). 4. The Ifis tall was witnessed by itundrede ot electing of Jamb and Pharaoh (47, 1-10). working men on the eurroundiug build - .Joseph shows his nobleness of charaeter lugs, whose attention was drawn to the be not being ashamed of his aged father, t°P of the f4werillg ellialuaY by Nagells. 3. Jacob blessing his sons (elutes. 48, 49), cries. -He escaped praetically unhurt, but Jaeob takes Joseph's sone. Ephraim anti the other men on the smokestack were Manasseh, AS his own sons (48, 5) ane :to unnerved that they could not work makes them heads of tribes. and makes . for some time afterwards. Jedah the leading tribe from which the "ehiloh" was to spring. 6. Jacob's death end burial (40, 29 to 50, 141. jiteob wa:,, STREET CAR STRIKE 1:7 years of age when he died. Re was • intried in Um cave where Abraliam lind. Isaac were buried. RIOTERS EGG STRIKE BREAKERS II. Joseph forgives hie brother e (5(j, Arlo DREAtc CAR WINDOWS. 1e-21). After Jeweler; death Joseph's bro- thers, fearing that now Joseph would hate them, regain plead for forgiveness. Kalamazoo, Mich., April 8.---- Rioting 1 hey paid that their father before he te a eenoto charaeter took place last - died had told them to ask Joseph to for- 'evening, and no cors were operated at - give them. They had probably asked ter 5 o'clock. (Jars were stoned, the their father io help them in their trete window:3 smashed, and those, in charge humble themselves before their brother, ' Frank Lempitier, a sympathizer, en- ond obtain a fresh aseurartee of forgive. Med in a fight with one of the ear- no,s4. 11. rotgive, ete,mieso 1,701,(is men named Lewis 174i:earns. A, mob tier- seere spoken in n way to appeal in the rounded the two and Stearns was kiekttI tiost forcible manner to eosepbe piety 1.1 tee face, his hue being severely cut. r tied fele affeetion. eleseph wept-'T1e Ik'til menwere arrested. %rept out or sympathy with thee. deep - Last night till attempt Was made to s•wrow of many years." burn the bridge just outside the city on eg„ esee eteseeeeeete, eleme „Thi arrni„ the Hattie -Cm it interurban line. Frank :It we soe the fulfiftnent of :loot:lee Thompson, a strike-breaker, displayed a f,reatits in it remarkable maimer fehap. ievolver while throwing a switch and .,7, 58). 19. Am 1 in the plate+ of God. . li".1"101'lesti'd. Justiee Mason sent him to I have corgi% en yoe end th$, mail." i.., jail for 30 days without the alternative woe between you mid God. 1 am not, '0' a fl"°' ) our Judo, to tioiii,,b you. tv. A., meent . superintendent Nwilit and it &teethes ..e:11 (11, lees Ana what they ,iid w„,, ftom Grand Rapide, in charge of the i et ae eleeed tie though the results hell sttilse-breakere, were tottenegged and 1...en disastrota. tbe crews of the Ittst tars on their way PRACTIVAte A ttl' MUT rONS• . 1 l 111:' barno were egged off the ears : wol the car windows broken. Forgiveness. . Chief of Police Allen, !earning .that 1. Forgive tenderly. el„seph eould not ''ttike'break"g go atmed' 1141g "dere(' i.,frailt hi:1mq (v. le "Ite wept 410Thio the arrest of every man carrying fire- •1.-. 32.) "Ile 'kissed all his brethren and • " m 1.,:1,21* „ite (v. 15.) wiwit 30,epws brawn; ,uayor Tholtlitg011 ii,tyr; he will main... ••• lilt awaettod tont.cience, taid one to teen order cm behalf of tbe public. 11 200 FEET DROP. He. Jaeob must hove advised then), ti pdtcd with eggs and other missiles, lflarket Reports The Week. The Toronto Fertaere Merixet. • tlrain receiptsto-day were soinewitat largo. Wheat unehanged, with Balm: of Ible bushels of fall at 73 to 75e, alid 200 bushele of goose at tele. Barley firm, 1300 bushel's selling, at eth to 57e. Otsts firm ' with sale, of 300 blishels at, 45 to 46e, leery produte in fair supply to -day. The best dairy butter sold at ill .to 30e.. .per Ile, ane eggs et 17 to ltie. per dOgeli, eonitry ecarce and fkm. Lay is unehangeds with sales of 40 loade nt $13 ,to l$15 a, ton for timothy, mei at $10 to $fl for mixed. Straw unchanged, two loads selliog at $12 a ton. Dressed hogs are twanged, with light quoted at 80.33, and heavy at 89, neat, white, bushel ...$ 0 73 te 0 74 Doe red, bushel .. .. 0 73 Do„ vying, bushel 0 71 Do., goose, bushel 0 68. tithe, buithel 0 45 bueltel 0 55 Peas, !melee 0 77 flay, timothy, ton .. 13 00 Do., mixed, bon . „ .. 10 00 Straw, per ton .... „ .. 00 Soots, re-eleanett- Red elover, per ewt. ... 11 50 „Vence clover, pet cwt. 10 50 Tbentity, per tt ..., 5 00 Bressea hogs .. 9 00 Eggs, new laid .. 0 17 Butter, dairy .. .,., 0 27 Do., eremeery ..„ 0 30 Chiekens, dressed, lb. .... 0 10 Po., sprites; • • • 0 14 Dueles, per ab. .... 0 13 Turkeys, per lb• • • • • • • 0 17 Apples, per bbl. 2 00 Potatoes, per bag 0 85 Cabbage, per dozen. .. 0 35 Onions, per bag . , 1 75 Beer, hindquarters .. 7 00 Doe forequarters 5 00 Du., choice, carcase „0 75 Do., medium, carcase.. 0 00 eitittme per ewt, 10 50 Veal, per ewe .... 8 00 Lamb, per ewt. „ 12 00 0 74 0'00 0 00 0 40 0 57 O 78 15 00 11 00 12 rio 15 30 13 00 7 00 9 35 O 18 0 30 0 33 O 12 0 13 0 14 0 18 3 50 O 05 0 50 200 8 50 0 50 7 00 O 50 11 00 11130 14 00 British Cattle Markets. London. -Liverpool and London cables are firwar at 1.13A to 12c per lb., dress- ed weight; refrigerator beef is quoted at 83fi to 8eett per lb. Flour Prices. Fleur -Manitoba patent, $3.815, track, Toronto; Ontario, 00 per cent, petents, e2.67 bid for export; Manitoba patent, special brands, $4.50; strong bakers', $4, Winnipeg Wheat Market. Following are the closing quotations to -day on Winnipeg futures: Wheat - April 75%c bid, May 70e bid, July eiSee bid. Oats -April 35eee bid, May Wee bid, July 35eee TORONTO LIVE STOCN Receipts of live stock at the City Market for Wednesday and Thursday, as reported by the railways, were 121. car loads, composed of 1,814 cattle, 2,375 hogs, 480 sheen and ISO calves. Besides the above, there were 077 hogs that were received for the packing houses and not handled on the market. TORONTO EOG PRICES. llog prices have declined 10e per cwt., tied selects are now quoted at 311,70, and lights and fats at 46.48 ser cwt., LEADING WREAT IYIARICETS. NoNY York .. 853. 30% 86% St. Louis Detroit .. Toledo Duluth .. . Minneapolis . . . 7r,%, 77% 80 80% 82% 804 8111 804 70 80% 80% BRADSTREET'S.,TRADE REVIEW. Montreal -General retell trade has had rather a quiet tone during the week. Rib - bolts and feathers have been in particularly heavy demand. Prices for these lines hold very firm owing to light stocks. In some lines it is reported sleeks have been swept clean. The anills are over -sold on domestic textiles, being the same condition as Euro- pean mills. The scarcity of silks Is partleu- a feature of trade. The Montreal Ca- ttle Co. has Issued a now price list, showing advances of front Live to seven awl a half Per cent. Ali textiles are exceedingly firm la tone. The hardware trade is having one of the busiest seasons iu years. The de- mand for Iron and steel or all kinds is un- usually heavy and prices bold firm.. Eastern mills aro turning out large qua•utities of metal, hut they are unable to entirely cope with the busleess lu hand. All lines of building material are active. Navigatiou is about ooentag and this will facilitate ship- ments of heavy goods. Toronto -All branches of trade continue to show great activity here, A brisk busi- ness is reported in all retail lines. Country' trade is slightly quieter than Was the case a week ' or two ago. There is,- however, a good business moving in all the towns and cities of the Province. The dry goods trade continues very brisk, with a good sorting trade now reeving. This latter has latterly been somewhat affected by the cold snap, which dame too late to spoil title Easter trade. The demand for millinery and all fancy linos was very heavy, notwithstanding the fact that prices were high all round. The general -spring trade this year leaveo all records be- hind. Out of town buyers brul hardly be- lieved the stories of scarcity and higher prices for almost all lines a goods and as a result they found but small stocks from which to choose. A heavy ,business is doing In all lines of men's wear. Clothing inanu- torturers find trouble In keeping up with orders. Ail lines of woolens are firm. This spring has seen a record business in house- hold furnishings. Now carpets are being delivered, but owing to the heavy demand stecks are light. Colleetions aro otill re- a ported quiet although there has been some I. Mierovemeat in this this respect during the nast week or so. There haa been a some- f what better tone to the money market. It - Is quoted unchanged, but hardly as firm. hi Groceries are moving fairly well. Sugars are in good demand and firm, Lied teas are I, active. Winnipeg -Spring bitsiness continties very o uniyth ° in MI linee. 'The roads are noW 111 nretty bad state, and is has affected coun- _ try retail trade. The sorting trazde Is brisk Li and wholesale goods are now moving' as li rapidly as the crowded state of the railroads II will permit. Collections show further slight enerovement, although they aro still slow from many parts of the country. The comieg Y season promises to be an exceedingly active di see;ese THE DEATH Of DR. DRUMMOND. The Poet of the Habitant Passes Away at Cabal -Tributes to Him. THE LATE DL W. IL Cabalt, April 7.- Canada has lost o of her most distinguisbed citizens. Dr. H. Drummond died yesterday morning 10,40. Re passed away quite peaceful By hie bedeitle were his devoted, wife a brother Mr. T. J. Drummond, of Mo treat, while Dr. Schmidt of Cobalt a DRUMMOND. Ile An' tie her to do Inas'. w. Don ho also Itak' de life proserVe, An' itillto ell on do Mk', at An' say, "Good-bye. ma Rosie, dear, ly. / I go down for your sake'." 1111 're;eriuninv„ so -four - 11. De captInne-scow-an' de poor Rosie d Was eZlile:h.rbltot) lak hurrboaue, et'. Blineby she blow some more, eel., Ale de scow bus' up in Lao St. Pierre, Won, arpent from de shore. 011 Mors]. • Ys Now all good Wood scow saliorman Tak' warning by dat storm, as Artgti'an' marry fr some nice 'ench girl An,l ef Do win can n011Invleowniakbe'eginifrriane. to An' s'pose she bloW some more, You can't get drown on Las St. Pierre et, ho long yell stay on ehore. ✓ Dr. W. IL Drummond. td, (Written by J. ev. eeneoueu before the (Doctor's death.) Jus' w'en de Spring she's tonna', re :An' leetle bird is gay, n- An' Winter storm an' [Wee tut' snow Has uo awl:se for stay; Jus' w'en de whole worP lookin' eo you etuet fine no fault- 1)sh at's w'en de bad news e'll nrrIve, De bad UOIVS on Cobalt! No; dat hos nottin"tall for do Wit nowo of silver mine: De prospeo' for get monee dare It's Inebbe seem ver' fine; spik not of suoh subjeo', me, d, out how it down my head, For Poet of de Eabitailt al Dot's lyin' sick ou heti. :it Do rasa vat mak' eomo leetle book Dr. Bell, of Montreal were in attendee The stroke of paralytsis from which Drummond suceufribed took place Monday, and. during the lutervening da ho had laid quite unconscious, The platform at Cobalt station W packed. this afternoon with admirers the late Dr. Drummena who had come pay their last respects, The body was e dosed iu a simple cloth -covered cask drawn from the mine by the (100t.Or'ii. ON team, It was placed in the familees p veto car „Miehipieoten, Mrs. Drumnen Mr. T. J. Druntmond and Dr. Bell we also in the private ear, which will at -ti in Montreal at 9 o'idoek on Monday mor ing. l3y special request of the family all the proceedinge were as unostentatious as possible, the only inscription on the casket; being Heury Drum- mond," Dr. Drummond was the son of the late George Drummond, an officer in bite Roy- al Irish Constabulary, and: was born at Currawn House, County Leitrim, helm! April 13, 1854. He was educated ittN hill, County Leitrim, and at Montre High School. He studied medicine Bishop's College, Lennoxville, gradua lug in .1884. Later on 1m was appoint to the chair of medieal jurisprudence the faculty of Bishop's College, and too up general practice in Montreal D Drummond took considerable interest fish culture and the fpreseevatton game. He was viee-presideut of the Lau- rentian Club, and prescient of .the Lau- rentian Club, and preeident of the eit. .eliturice Club and of the Montreal Kennel Club. Wit verso 'bout Papineau, ed Do Julie Plante, do Rossignol, in Ate Jean Baptiste Trudeau, eue mum,' more -de man w'at write De gam' way lak' we folk; 1)0 bad news cornea ou Cobalt, itt Our Irian' is new ver' sick. Some versa 'e write for mak do fame, An' some for bring do tear; But DI•untmond, 'o Is our good ,frien' , Always for plaintee year; Proteslant, but al de own' At Mass, Von we 'av kneel, De Cure 'e will pray, Bon Dieu jr sure to xnak"Im well. - The Feeling in Montreal. Montreal, April 7. -Nowa of Dr. Dune- mond's death, which refueled here late on Saturday 'afternoon, brought sorrow to the entire city. Few mon were better or more favorably knowa and. his Bud- den end has caused great grief le time who knew- and loved Wm. Ilis molt trip to Cobalt, was tseleey be- cause he had hoard that smullpox had brokett out iunong the men at his mine, and althougle far from being well bin self, Ids great heart -prompted him to g to the relief of others. He had been In well all winter, and experienced a grea deal of difficulty in walking and movin about. • Three brothers, George E, Thome& an John, vs well as Ids widow and two chit dreie survive' him. Dr. Drummond .wa fifty-three eears of age. Rc was bons it Ireland and brought to Canada when lad, bis educntion being completed a Bisbop's College, Le»noxville. He wt* in April, 1861, to May Mabel daughter of Dr. O. C. Harvey of &venni la Mar, jamaies. In religion he was i Proteetant, The body will reach here Monday morn 1- 1- FOUL MURDER. GEORGE WOOD KILLED WITH AXE IN A DRUNKEN ROW, Several Men, Including the 'Victim, Lived Together in a Shanty -Evidence That Dick Hood, a Jockey, Killed Wood by Hitting Him With Axe. g Edmo-ton, Alta., April 8. -Murder,. as the result of a druneen row, was dis- _ covered this morning, when Geo: Wood, • a caipenter, was missed front his usual haunts and a search was begun. His it body was found in a shack, where ho t and two chums, Dick Hood and John Peasock, had "bitched" together for Some • time. There was a pool of blood on the t' floor and a wound on the back of the , dead Inan's head. A small axe was lying under the • bed and anr- othewas stand- - nig behind the door. 11 was evident that a struggle had oe- e culled, the. body had been dragged :zeroes the floor. Tile men who were as- sociated with him last night were all promptly gathered in by the pollee, but - were all too drunk to tell an intelligent stoey. They are eohn Pepper, John Pea- - cock and Hood. Pepper told a story • , implicating Hood, however, iudicatIng . that there had been a fight, 41 noon to -day another luau, Albert - Jones, volunteered information to the pullet: tha1 he had seen Hood etrike the fatal blow, bitting Wood on the back of the head with a bottle, at the :came time exelabning, "You beat tide after, noon, nut I will do you now." They were all done; at, the time. • Itood is a well-known character lit the . city. having been a poolroom marker and joekey around here .for years. lug and the funeral will take place Oa ftuerrunlohon ot 2.30 from 81. George' I A Good Citizen, In a. city such as thirs, of mixed Prone nd British origin, les Drummond MS Ito ideal citizen. Iie had a genuine af eetion for the French-Canadian people 'o Mtn they were not merely "copy" fat* le dialect poeins that epread his fame o the remotest corner of the Empire, but len to be understood, and loved beeline nderstood. No man did more than Dr, rummond to bring the two races lega- tee He MIA active along. malty diverse nes. Re wee praetheng pilysician; c lee:Aired often before public bodies Melly Canadian clubs in the last few ears; he was in demand 118 1111 after - elver .epeaker, for the keen wit that 10 one in the Matter of building. Vancouver and Victoria -The general trade movement along the Ottast is ,brisic. Both 11 wholesale and erten business is tidily* and in VillOc141.11411=es4hhervitirQnymeerxetaaeti Previous records, -although there is still much complaint Of the slownfts of east= II brought from his native Iand Was never 4ed to wound; he was greatly interested fish culture and game preeervatien and the Montreal Kennel Club. lie lived happy outdoor life wheuever he could y the. city, aed it, was in the camps of goods. tit Quebec -Dad roods have somewhat fitter- of feted With the movenleat of merchandise In country places, and orders chow a slight .." falling off, city' roan trado is fairly naive, C especially amongst the milliters. Ribbons pe and flowers are in .profusion. Collections jo aro slow and an improvement is not antiel- Dated until the season is more A advaneed. e eorthern woods that he heard many the tales that he embodied in his he ree books, "TITabitant," "Johnny ourteatt" ancl "The Yoe -agent." It Wits limps most fitting that lie should die nesse same woode with Prenehlettn- fart miners around, CounUT produce is high. No Panama In thlelsgladiltiternW110 iet-t06tsaleak01business 'continues cr aetvio 1 an Mee. Retail trade was brisk active In all lines. ileum trades was brisk Dad roads aro interfering with eountrr trade, but oiled:on% here and there, show some Immoveanant. The comine season Iwo. ese ultSSO 10 sbow great activity In all branches ot the g tre4es. Po London -General bltsilless In Ms city mei the surignualing e,outitry is active. All Ao spring lines ore moving welt end there is •\ a good hill trade opening out lo WhOlesitio lines. C011eetiOnS are eerie good. Do ottaweeerreite is generate" satisfac- tory, although Wow deliveries of manufae. sneers' goods are delaying ebipments. Got. leitiorts aro mostly fair. Values hold firm. Do Toronto Matt Tries Suicide. wo Toronto. April 8.--Martirl Seeman:, on De ellerly luau, attempted to, commit std. g He Saturday at his home, 4180 Dela. Yee tare avenue, try drinking carboli:t aeid, le wits found by his wiM lying on theXIS ill his hedrOOM. iiOOflmfl, Wisix iS Do aid to have tried to end his life- once 13 is otill alive, but in a very mitt. , 14 condition. Seeman has been working o comber for the' Veited Factories CO. 'tl7; Tim following is one -of his popular cations: The Wreck of the Julie Plante. on wan dark night on Lac St. Pierre, Do Win she blow, blew, blow, de Crew Of do wocal erieW Julie Plante blot valet an' rau below - 1' de win' she blea, lak hurricane; Inman' she blow some more, ' de scow bus' ap Oil Lae St. Pierre, Van expent from de shore. combine walk on do fronto deck, An' walk do bin' deck, tea - call de MTV UP 00 bole, le call do cook also, cook shoes DARIO Vitta itoste, he 081110 frOnt etouttea1, a thambro maid on lumber bargc n tbe Grande 1.4.91due Canal. win' abo bleiv from nor'-eme-wete- lo emit' *In' he blow, too, en Itmee cry, "Peon elver etotinne, fon cher, DO41.1 1 seal/ de?" out 4:tilrgunet.ateletre 0d6rere ankttre' crew he can't plum on de shore, otos he los' his ?dad, nlidit was dark lak was bleek eat, et settee run bite an' Use en do eitettnne tak' 00 Reslir girl -i;siglinlIMIMIIhe' _as _ - :- LAKE CHAMPLAIN FISH. Quebec Government Charged With / Breach of Faith, St. Alban's, W., April 6. United States Senator Redfield Proctor has written to Secretary Mu. Root, of the „ State Department, calling his attention 10 the action of the Quebec minorities e littensitig Nothing in the Miseissquoi Bar, part of Lake Champlain, is alleged etifl to have been made 11351 AFTER KRUGER'S GOLD, Treasure -Seekers Set Sail to Fig It Oft The Wingham Muller 9t AO African COW.. London, April 7.-Witit the ea-el/era. tion of the Cape Uovernment, the steamer Alfred Nobel, once the yacht of the famous inventor, will sail from .Loadon on Sunday for South Africa, ,a) t it treasure -seeking evedition. She is equipped with the latest sidentifie Ma- - eltiziery for the recovery at submerged Iwealth, of which it Is el:Wanted that .830.00,000- lies at the bettont of the sett on the South Arfican Roasts. The chief objective of the expedition ' is the gold of Dom Patti Kruger, who wee President of the Trithsveal at the outbreak of the Boer War, and wee- _ died after elle close of thee atruggle. Sensational stories in regara to Own Paul's gold reached Europe at the begin' iiIng of the Boer War, it was saidat that thne that the then President Kruger despatelied $30,000,000 to Europe from Pretoria, which was stelen before it left South Africa, and placed Memel the steamer Dorothea, which was wrecked 011 the Cape Coast, A company luta been formed to salv• age this 'and other eargoesknown to 114‘.1 been sunk in South African wet- ers. 1 CURED BY THE SHOCK. Insane Patients Recovered After Passing of Tornado. New Orleans, April 7.----8everal of the inmates of the State Insane Asylum at Jaekson, La., mey 10 disehargee as cured within a short time as a result of the tornado. When the physicians restored order and -were WO to make an examination the remarkable diseovery was made that several of the patients had been virtualty cured by shock, These men and women had been sufferingfrom what w is known as chronic hysteria. Some of them were in very bad shape just be- fore the tornado, and the keepers be- lieved they would be tenants for a, long time, But a sudden chauge, whieh the iloeter believe will prove permauent re - revery, emu° after the first Shook ef the eatastrophe was over. t - A YELLOW JOURNAL MUMMY. flow a Woman's Curiosity Revealed a Fraud by Arabs. London, hpril 0.-A correspondent of the Tablet writing from Egypt says at Assuit it little while ago a German lady was much pleased at having secured for a- considerable sum the mummy of a sacred eat. She was delighted with her baVgain, and the .Artib dealer wee quite satisfied with the sum he re- ceived. "But svith the euriosity inherited from our first; poor titothere' says the eorre. spondent, "she begun to examine her mummy. Site looked at it 0108e1y and even picked a hole bit 11, "Then, .theouraged by what she saw, site proceeded to rip it open. tler mununy was stuffed, with the London Daily :tra if." •••-•-• ••••1111 •:• BROOKMAN'S CHURCH DISBANDS, Toronto Church of the Baptized Believers is No More. Toronto, April 8. --The eller& of whiclt the late Rev, Wm. Brookman ma; pastor since its organization in 1881. styling itself "The Church of Baptized Believers " 18 DO 8101e. The final service was held yesterday, collate:led by Mr. Thomas C, Thomson, and attended by some thirty persone, a fair repreeentie tion of the emig,regalion. 11 WAS Air. Brook -mates speeml request that et his death the • (lurch should disband. The church terminated its existence yesterday with the memorial service for the late pastor. KILLED AT PARIS: Horse Rau Away and Dashed Into Iron Fountain, Paris, Ont„ April 6,- -This morning Robert, geNutight. of South Dumfries, re- ceived fatal injuries in 'a runaway, His horse becamm. frightened at. the subway on Grand River street by a train and dasheti down the long hill at a break- neck speed, crashing into the iron drink- ing fountin and breaking it right in two. The man's head struck the pave- ment with lei -rifle cofrce, and his .skull was crushed, ife died this afternoon at I o'clock. t. SCHOOL FOR PROPHETESSES. Novel Educational Institution Estab- lished in Berlin. . • • Berlin, April 7.--E00cational estab- lishments; here have been enriched by the inaugufation of a school for prophetesses. The prospectus announces that the school is eondueted by a lady of large experience. Only female pnpils will be admitted. The course ineludes all forms of chiromency, besides instruct - tion how to read the future from coffee gerunds the fli it of eggs and the forms taken by molten 1;1 s of birds, the yolks lead when dropped in water. The proprie- tress is receiving numerous applications for instruction • 1l - SISTER ARRESTED, Young Girl lield on Suspicion of Murder- ing Amedee Carrier, Quebec, April 7. -Chief McCarthy and Detective Seirain, of the Provincial police itave returned front their seeond visit to St. Charles de Belleehasse, where they wont to investi at IA murder of Amedee Cthrier, aged four- teen yeans, whose dead. bode was found ying in the snow on Monday last, and mre'brought back with them Alexina Carrier, aged fifteen years, sister of the deceased, who is held on suspicion of taxing committed the murder. The girl, who is closely guarded, de - litres she is innocent of the killing of her rather, nevertheless she is. iteld Pending urther investigation, violation of 0 promise to the eontrary, - y ilon, Jean Provost, enlister of Fisheries at Quebec. It te understooti here that e Seeretery.11oot lute aintounced his into:- tion of briuguer the matter to the Iloilo) ef the leetish Ambassador, .11r. 13reee. t ;emitter Proctor suggests peret»ptory N action on the part of the Secretary of „ State. TAKES HIS LIFE. HURT IN COLLISION. Huntsville, Ont., April 8.-A collision coined it few miles north of here this nothing, about 5.30, between the North I e 0S)n'css uutd a height, in whtell oec . c man .e'cleon Richardson, of he freight, awl two others. Conductor Villitigton and Brakeman Meyers, both - 1 the freight, were injured. No passen- erg were hurt. The injured men are11 he tleneral Rosplotatiwitere. Chey Wrin't Tax Whiskers. Dorlitt, April G. --The pttblication just fa& by the Illustrirte Zoltung of the ortrttits of 302 member:4 of the Reicht- • tg shows that there aro only two clean - toren men besides the eight clergymen, very one else wears either a beard or mouStaelte, 11 UNENOWN MAN SUICIDES AT CEN- p TRE ISLAND. 11 • 1.1 Toronto, Ont., April 8.--(13pe(tial).--- An unknown man, well dressed and about 20 years of ago, who committed suicide, was found tleild this morning at Centro nett Wits nothing in Isis clothes. by wItich Ito eould be identified. He has w bean dead since yederday. Ills body was fo Utkon to the morgue. t.4 Asyluto Patient Panful Deed. lIr elan., April 7.--Whe». the guard as making his rounds at Asylum r insane last evening, he discovered amucl Pollock, of Cornwall, deed. Mk Proprtalse, I • ovp. DR. AGNEW 110IMUCIAN, SVNCE.Sei AccoucHEUM Mee ;--TIpetaire in the PrigItt, calla answered IS OS* .' P. KENNEDY/ KO., IN.C...104.0 • citieetber of the British *WWI Aesociation) COLO MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. Spools* attention raid to Dieeeeee et wooer end obiidrea. omen Hoene I-1 to p.ra. I / bate" DR, [MDT. C. REDMOND 17: Physician and Surgeon. (CtIoir with Dr. C111111141110 ARTIlUit J. LA" ' Doctor of Dental Surgery of the ream nsylvattia College and 1.4centiata oS Dental Surgery of Ontario. Mee over Post Offfee-,WINCilfAX R VANSTONE xv• SARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Honey DO loan at lowest rates. Mee BEAVER BLOOK, 7-95, WINGILAM. DICE:1380N & HOLMES Barristers, Solicitor; ott. Office: Meyer Block Winglomo, E. L. Diekhoura Wadley Balm& 3. A. MORTON BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR, MONEY TO LOAM. Oftlee :--Mortola Block. WIAOmpe ELUNGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS CO. Zstablished 1840. lifead Met GUELPH, ONT. Risks takeon all °lames of haaterab14 ova party **the cash or premium note gneiss. • faxes Gomm; COSS.Dararoonr,‘ • President. *aerator?. JOHN RITCHIE, &ORNT, ViTINSIRAN OWT 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TFIA OE ki ARK S DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &G.. Anyone sending 5 eke eh and description quickly ascertain eur opinion free trnether au loventlon is probably Dateutable. Communicit- Lions strictly egenkiential. FlAilaS001( on Patents sent f reo..(ndost neauto for securing_putents. Patents taken through Munn h co. receivo rarciatnottco. without charge, in the Scientific JImericatt handeornoti Illustrated 'weekly. Largest, elr- (=tidbit Of any selentige jounal. Terms. *3 a enr : tour months, O. Sold by an norrildedler., MUNN & Co 30 1 Broadway, New yeti Branch °Mee, 415 V St,, Washington, D. C. PROMPTLY SECURED Write for our interestiug books "Invent; or's Help" an I "How you aro twitidled." Send us a rough sketth or model of your in- vention ot i mprovem en t and we will tell yeti }Me our opinion as to whether it is probithiy patentable. Rejected applications haveoften been successfullyprosecuted by us, We conduct fully equipped offiees 10 ivjenttv and Wa.Mingtoe ; this qgalifies us to prhilipt- • • ly dispatch work and quickly secure Patents r as broad as the invention. Ilighest references furnished. Patents procured through Marion & Ma- rion receive special notice without charge in oVer too newspapers distributed throughout the D. Illi1li011. specieitym-Patent business uf Manufac- turers and Engineers. MARION & mimori es Patent Expert and Solicitors. offic. • f New York Life flontreaq ' Atlantic Mile Washington D.C. ALMOST THREE, THOUSAND. One Day's Arrivalsat the Port of St. John et. John, N. 13.,.1111:1;i1 8.'elle, C. P. R. steamer Montezuma, in command of Captain Birseliman, arrived in port to- day with 2,161 passengers. This is the largest number of passengers ever landed here from one steamer, and it is also rceord front the fad; that there Was vitcoytaageSingle ease of siektiess during the la rigielt; jiZtisrstehtr 41t.vi(vi bIIiiS ,with a sprinkling of ticrmans4 Hol att.iers and BeIghtus. All but 78 are going- to the Canadian west. r The Donaldson liner Cassandra, the big new boat of the Donaldsoe fleet, item 1,,voiatchi7A113poprats,tehnigseilt.storning front Glasgow , , • STREET RAILWAY FIGHT, The Trouble That Winnipeg Has With the Company. 'Winnipeg, April 7.-11e1e Was a liar- rible liceitlent in the gab-id:Aim: of Ott 00110,31 It I Irt(s‘.(t.tel,i v(c.-t(iii if ititlit • ttio: big tiow('t' plate at etie du Bennet, 611 inees away. Euetete 1-11011 rattle le tended with a 30,000 vette. The ent•rent, was so heave tram-ride:skit wire weiee was vont. ey log It burned the soles off ids boots and inatie 1111 1111p1e ,40)1 of his feet, in the pail:tell floor, while belie; were made lit 1 bit' is:peyote miderneallt, fle*Ii 00 his feet, anl bende wos literally ronsieti. it ill alive. remeeteil tenteeiousuess t'.iiil 14 • 4-#* • Switchman's Shocking Death. .11Iaetood, Alia.. April 7, -UM. el Ili • Witch/nem, employed on the C. 1'. :IL, met his death in the yanb; at Yotterday afternoon while coupling ear,. '''ruoutikt!ags