HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-04-04, Page 7THAiW A GOOD WITNESS ' found in the Darner Hotel. He Wea -
; arraigned before Pollee lifegistrate
Houston at G o'clock and pleaded glailty.
1 li,no
eewas remanded until Friday for
ile is intelligent looking and we
11- 6
B • hidressed, ml all present eyinpathized with !
m for his unaccounteble lapse. When
apprehended lie had on his person $350,
or $10 less, than the amennt received .
Defence Will Rest Case Believing That the Board
Will Declare film Sane.
Jerome Believes it Will be Several Days Before
Commission Can Report.
Dr. Leopold Putzel. Peter Butler Olney.
New York, April 1, ---An important
development in the court proceedings
against Harry K. The wie the tomonnee-
ment to -day by counsel for tint prisoner
that the Thaw side rests, so far as .fur-
ther testimony by their side is concerned,
before the lunacy commission. The de.
fence believes that this will help to bring
this particular hearing to a close by
Tuesday night, so that the trial, delayed
for more than a week by the movement
to determine Thaw's sanity at the pres-
ent time, can be immediately resumed.
The defence assumes, of course, that the
commission will find. that Thaw is now
In fact, they are extremely confident
of an outcome, basing their opinion on
the splendid showing Thaw is said to
have made when questioned by the eone
District Attorney Jerome flees not
share the opinion of the defettee that the
commission will eonelitde its heariiig on
Tuesday. [Te said the defence Wa8 os -
smiting too mueli, and, expressed the be-
lief that several days would elapse le,.
fore the eorrunission report ed. .;\ Ir. .1
roma believes that the commission will
hear his alienists, and he hopes, besides,
that the testimony (.4 Dr. Allan Nletstne
A, Hamilton will be admitted.
There is no doubt that (1 u' Interim will
be prolonged if the Slate's elioniAs are
allowed to testify as fully as Mr. Jerome
wishes them to do, but the deleuee's
lawyers believe that they will only In,
permitted to tell what they think of
Thaw's present emelition, and faets of
the distant past on which most of their
conclusions are based will be eliminated.
Daniel O'Reilly, who since the eine-
mission was appointed has tal«,n an ac-
tive part in. the defence with Clifford
Hartridge, made Um anti ouneemmi t the t
Thaw will stand on les testimony before
the commission, and that 000044,1 will
call no witnesses. He said: "The defence
from the bank.
hae notified the powers invited to Ru
attend the eonferenee of this action.
Thomas Hanle, a young white inan, ,
formerly a Baptist prealeher, wait hang- '
iu the jail yard at Gaffney, 8. O., yes- FOR THE tIAGtit CONFERENCE
terday for the murder of Mrs. Hortense
Morgan, an aged white woman, last No-
sessemenoreemesmisemmigil vember, Befere the black eap was adjust-
ed Harris preached hie own funeral tier -
mon. He killed Astrs. Morgan by cutting
CANADIAN, her throat, after which he tools $800 from
• clothei3.
Belleville earpentere are amide% an 111.
A silk manufacturing induetry is to he MAY NOT RECOVER.
erease in wagon.
TUG RUN DOWN BY FERRY BOAT ) (14011144 1 11 TorDniu•
IN NORTH RIVER. Altu oh( age pension bill lete been intro- CONDITION OF HON. J.
(hived m the Nova, Hartle. Legislature.
,Alre, AL N. Bird, of New York, is under
New York, Apra 1, -.Two melt ate be.
arrest in, Toronto on a charge of vag-
lieved to have lost their lives in a col-
lision in the North Myer early to -day,
when the tug John D. Dailey W04 run
down and sung by the ferryboat Mus -
conetcongsof the Delaware, Lackawanna
& ‘Vestern Railroad Co. Four members
of the tug's erew were saved after jump-
ing -overboard, but they euffered severe-
ly from exposure, and were taken to
1 1Plit'VM! 110S1tital.
no 10011 unaccounted for fire John
sitaimpity, first offieer, and a deekhaud
named MeDevitt. Captain. Wm, Healey
and First Engineer John Cronin are also
missing, but it is thought that they were
not on. board the tug boat at the time of
- the accident. The ferry boat euffered
little damage. The tug boat attempted
to cross the course of the ferry boat just
as the latter approttehed its slip on the
New York side of the river in a thick
snow storm.
will offer no more witnesses. We will
not eall any alieniets, although we know
that Mr. Jerome has the promise of the
emninission to hear whet his experts
have to say on the writing of Thaw on
evidence: nilduced at the trial and on the
observation.; they have made during the
Mr. O'Reilly expressed the opinion
that Dr. Hamilton would not be allowed
to testify, and he added that he hoped
that the whole matter would. be ended
on Tuesday night. "I do not see why it
should mit be," he concluded.
There will be a brief session of Justice
Fitsgerald's epurt to -day, but the jury
will again be dismissed, probably until
Wednesday, to await the report of the
lunacy commission,
Thaw Wao1 under direct examinatiftn
by the eommissioners for more than
three hours on Saturday, and then for 45
minutes lie was under cross-examination
IJV Dietrict At torney ;termite. The com-
mission refused to allow Mr. Jerome to
go into the prisoner's pest life.
Thaw's direct and. cross-examinations
were 110111 behind elosed doors, .and the
eommission took extraordinary preean-
floes to It Ivo the 1041 ring kept seeret.
1 t was Alai elk however, that Thaw eom-
ported himself moet meditably and, an-
swered Mr. 0r01110'A Sharp poinleit
ulaNlial1A with calmness and delilwrn-
His attorneys expreesed themselves 11
entirely satisfied with the final stages of
their elient's examination. Mr..Terome's
ern s- een minatio II, they deel a red, did no
sheke Thaw in the least.
During the session the emmnission
exemined four prison guarda, one of
heel Thaw's personal wardew in GIs
voila Toone and a. visiting physician to
the 'Pond All declared that 'Maw hag
net ed rot ionolly ever einee his int.:ills-To-
t ion.
Excused Until Thursday.
New York. April I,- The jury in the
Thaw trial to -day was ('X011 0(i until
C. P. R. Conductor Had Him Arrested -Tried to
Suicide With a Jack -Knife.
Newport, V., April I. -Dwight Niles,
it of Newport, for whom the authorities
had been searching since Saturday night,
when he is alleged to have shot and
killed his wife, waif arrested at Rich -
ford to -day and placed in the local lock-
up. Shortly afterward he eut his throat
with a jack knife, but it is believed that
the wound will not prove serious. Ar-
rangements were neele to have hitit
brought here en the noon traill, and 11
Was expeeted that lie would be given a
hearing here this afternoon.
Niles, 'who is said to have shot his
wife at her father's home after she re-
fused to return to live with him follow-
ing a separations, disappeared after the
sltooting. JTe headed for the Canadian
line, an11 yesterday boarded a freight
train on the Canadian Pati [10 Railroad
bound for Montreal. The conductor had
hen rd of the murder, and tweeting sus-
picions, when the train reached Richford
MANN' the authorities. Niles made no
reeistanee when nrrested.
Toronto, April I. -Captain J. M. Cody, I
an ex -war correspondent and historian,
who came to Toronto from Detroit, wits
placed in No. 3 Police Station. early yes-
terday morning as being insane. Ile had
been arrested at the Western Hospital.
The man, who appeared in eburt here be -
fere, but who was given into the care of
a relative, Mr. J. P. Sewell, of 65 Clara
avenue, Toronto Junction, last, Thule, -
day, wandered from that place on 1ie-
Cody came to Toronto1-
aeon. 1 a week
ago and registered at the Queen's Hotel.
Sillortly afterwards he addressed tele-
grams to President Theodore Roosevelt
and another prominent United. States
statesman, which indieated him to be in-
sane and. to be laboring under the hal-
lucination that Ile was a delegate to an
imagined peace conference. Oorrespon-
&nee and papers found with him showed
the man to have a mania on the subject
of social, political and. international pro-
blems, in the latter of which W01.4 01111
rumors a war figured largely.
Cray was a war correspondent iu the
late Philippine war, and afterwards wrote
°Ahistory of that event. Ito is not eon-
sidertscl. dangerously insane tied Ida con-
dttet is alWaye inoffensive. Ito takes his
arrest as a joke.
Swettenham's Successor.
tendon, "Alarelt 30. -King Edward lins
upprovect the appointment of Ssciney
Olivier to be Govereor of ,Ta 01111)41, itt
SUM' ell Sir Alexander Swot toillant. who
recently resigned the calve, giving as
the reason Ins aimed years.
End Came Suddenly.
London, Ont., ltfarelt 31.- Sergi. Major
llohert Adams, of the London pollee
levee, died ett, hie lutine last night from
heart failure. Ile was on duly all Vil•
tiny night •and in es:vented health.
lie WaS 01 years of age and luta been on
the foree situ* 1S7i1.
• fi
Ilow Some French Fashionables Set an
Paris, April 1.- Paris confronts
smallpox, that iusidious foe, in the same
gay, daring: spirit, that she has repulsed
so many el her enemies.
It is Inc from true that smallpox is
epidemic here, hut there are many cases.
No law vompels vaeeination, and very
few Freneli, comparatively, bavo been
inoeulated against the, disease.. Mothers
devoted to their children, who are so
few and precious. deelare that their
babies' betties shall not be "marred,"
Cmintese Bardazon asked her female
friends to is tem party yesterday. The
invitetiOnS react:
"Miesie, singing, vaccination."
The music and the songs were very
pleasing. There appeared -a young doe'
tor, who, it may be noted, is handsome,
He made a few polite remarks, telliug
how smallpox mars beouty, can • eon -
vert the whole lovable face into a
eous- visage.
Countess Bardazon first bared her
arm, and the doctor remarked after-
ward: 'Anatomically, it was a very fine
one." He vaccinated her and every one
of her guests.
And every one of them says she will
giver a vaccination tea party.
A Sad Tragedy,
Dover, N. J., April I. -Matilda
Britting, 28 years old, wife of Otto
T3ritting, of Millbrook, near here,
yesterday afternoon drowned her-
self and Iter nine -months -old son
George and three-year-old step-
daughter Grace in Shongum Lake,
two miles from home. The three
bodies were discovered at 'day-
break to -day in shallow water
about twenty feet from shore. The
mother was in a stooping posture
with the boy clasped in her arms,
while the girl was beneath her. The
garments of both children were
fastened to their mother's with
safety pins.
Suicide Left Word, "Bury Me Beside
'Chick' Stahl."
Fort Wayne. Ind., March 31. --David
I'. Murphy, an engineer 011 the Grand
Rapids & Indiana Railroad, committed
suicide- yesiterday illy' swallowing car-
lseilbelieved the suicide of Chick
Stahl, the Bosten American baseball
Player, who was an intimate friend
of Murphy, had somee effect in. giving
suicidaimpulse to Murphy's mind.
Murphy left a note saying:
'Bury me beside Chick."
Cheque Book and Pocket Book Turn
Bullet Aside.
Ripe, Wis.. March 31. --Mrs. W. H.
°echos following the eonvietion of her
hushand fur 'erectly of old iron, last
eliciting snot Justice of the Peace L.
E. Nithlin, in the court room, but the
bullet- was defitsded by a cheque book
autl a pocket book, saving his life.
She fired fonr other shots, three go.
iii" wide of the mark, and one striking
Charles Nashuba over the heart. Ile
may die.
Mrs. Ogden was_ arrested.
Ottawa, April Is -Two Commissioners • FLEW SIXTY YARDS.
ed Sir Wilfrid Laurier, asking his spa- Sucessful Experiments Conducted With
from the United States to-dtty interview -
pathetic assistance in the celebration pori.; mtrre7e3hi._A-e,roolpelaitier.itthi of the
of the tercentenary of the discovery by
Champlain of the Lake bearing his name.
The U. S. vonsul, Hon, J. G. Foster, in-
terviewed the representatives, Hon, H.
W. Bailey, of Newbury, Vermont, and
L. M. Hays, of Burlington. They want the
Premier to be n. speaker at OAS (went,
and 10 eteoperate hi the rrangem en N.
------ --
Revolutionist, Single Hande, Kills Two
Policemen Lying in Wait.
Moscow, March 31.---1he police on
Saturday dieeovered and m4111.11(4 a
revolutiohloy meeting plaee. They sta-
tioned au tonlefiwade, and to -day a stir
dent who hail not been warned that the
plats, had been disetiveret1 a1)pro4te1its1
the maritime. Polieemen Andreff and
el on (kelt ari 11 leaped frt on t lie ambush
toward the studeut, killed both of
them with his revolver and eseapeil 110
- 10, playing 111'01111a it hole itt the river at
FORGED CHECK ON BANK. leaminietiernia three eliildren belongieg
to Mr. Elliott, storekeeper, fell into the
ivy water, Wine, aged seven years.
3. Eery Wiers, of Charing Cross, ArrestedIltis &sweet's see „iis,r tWO 01111(11101
at Chatham. I being 1'e9eue4I with diffieulty.
Chatham, Marelt 31. -Yesterday elf- I
trnoon Jamee Simon, "Manager of the 1 Sunday Mail at Kingston.
local breech of the Canadian Bank tif ' Ningston, March 31. - Postmaster
Onnineree, informed the ,jediee depart- Stewart received- antliority last night to
lent that J. Parry \Vlore of Charing open the lobby of lite postoffiee to box
Cross. had during the early afternomi loaders on Sundays, itini toslay, for the
ferged a elteque Inc $375. first time, 1 11 ie privilege mits iteeortled
Wiers„ 11111.) 144 :33 2,0;114 a -age and leivestonises. The lobby -was spot from
ciaid to be its live in Situelay eeltool 11101 p. in.. a nil many seemed
einirell viril4 ,. of bie native ball, W0,1 ma
Toronto, April ,T, W. St, John,
Duties collectee at Toronto during
past 11100 111011ths showed au increase of was operated tipon one week ago yester-
the filwaker of the Legislative ,Assembly, who
Do lit Grange aeroplane were conducted
yesterday before tt. number of well-
known aeronauts, They were most sue-
«,ssful. the maehine flying Inc a distatwe
of sixty yatds. M. Santos-lhunont, who
was present, heertily eongratulated his
rivals on their stloec,i,I.
4 .1
Piano Fen on Strathroy Drayman.
Strathroy, Ont., March, 30.--Berbert
copper. drayman, of this town, met with
a very serious end peinful accident early
this morning. Cooper was 'unloading a
piano in front. of E. J. Wright's 11111510
ort., when 11 slipped. of f the Melt, fall-
ing on his ankh.. di,doeating it badly.
The. herge bone eves rowed elem. through
the skin and the small bone fraetured.
Ile will be laid up Inc some time.
- 4
Three Children in River,
Fort, William, Marelt 31. -- While
Wider in the Rideau, River resit ,11011
flooding seva
eral villges ;seer Ot-
James Graham fell into a vat of Veil-
ing water at Lindsay cuel was terribly
IL is reported that the Grand Trunk
will put on a new train between Chicago
and Montreal about May 1.
day at the General Hospital for ante
appendicitis, is critieally ill and his re•
covery is regarded as doubtful. Ile bad
been making an excellent recovery until
o'eloek yesterday morning, when he
was seized with heart failure, d110 JO
110111 Whieh he 11.05 110011 FAlf-
filing, and at one time it was thought
Professor B. E. Barrow was appointed
professor of the Department of Forestry
in the University of Toronto.
Eire mused considerable damage in
premises oceupied by several firifte on
Wellington street east, Toronto.,
Premier Whitney said he knew noth-
ing of nus proposal for an fiterease in
the eateries of Cabinet Ministers,
Mr. Peter Ryan Wa4 knoeked down by
a car on Yonge street, Toronto, on
Thursday. 1 Us inj Lilies were not serious.
The C. 1'. R. steamer Loire Manitoba.
arrived at St. John from Liverpool, four
days overdue, having lost two men over-
board on the passage.
.Tudge McHugh has been promoted to
he senior judge of msex comity, and Mr.
N. P. Clement, K. C., of Berlin, succeeds
hina ns junior Judge.
The overdue debts of the late Ontario
Bank nre plaeed at $1,771,759. There
are still $198,011 of Ontario Bank notes
in circulation.
Word has ben received of the death at
Ridgetown of James Rushton, ex -Grand
Treasurer el the Ancient Order of Unit-
ed Workmen.
A deputation representing the Advi-
sory Council of the Ontario Medical As-
sociation asked the Government to create
O Department of Public Health.
A search is being made for the secur-
ities formerly held by the Ontario Bank,
which, it, is said, were removeti from a
eafety deposit vault after the failure,
Two sectioes of a freight train col-
lided at Merritton yesterday and several
ears were wrecked. A large quantity of
provisions, including eggs and butter,
was scattered over thetrack.
Alt'. Charles Clark, of the Comber Her-
ald, states that he will run as an inde-
pendent caudidtite against Dr. Anderson.
the party nominee in South Essex for
the Legislature.
judge Fraleck, Beilevilie, ltas quash-
ed ten of.:the eleven convictions against
the Corby Distillery Company falDr
don of the alien labor net, but upholds
the eleventh convietion.
John Wilson, it prominentfarmer of
Belle Plaine, malinger of the Western
Elevator at :Masque, near Moose Jaw,
was iustantly killed. this morning while
starting a gasoline engine.
Tho congregation of the First Baptist,
Wiipeg, has extended a cell to
Rev. A, A. Shaw, Brookline, Mass., to
succeed Rev. john McNeil, now of Tor-
Geeeral Manager ;tames, ef the C. N.
1.1„ who has been in Chicago attending
the eonferenee of railway men, thinks a
strike will le, .tivoided, Mr. James. de-
nies the report that he will resign his, po-
sition with the Cautulian Northern.
All the employees at the Belleville gas
plant handed in their resignations to
the City Council on Thursday evening.
They have been compelled to take the
action owing to some disagreement be-
eween them and Mr. Thos. Gardner, who
two clays ago assumed managenwnt of
the gas department..
Unless unfore'seen developments arise
within the next few days ealculated to
prolong the session of Parliament, Sir
Wilfrid Laurier, Sir Frederiek Borden,
and probably Hon. Mr. Brodeur, will
leave Ottawa on Thursday next, sailing
from St. John the following day on the
steamship Empress of Britain for London.
The Baptist Foreign Mission Board de-
cided yesterday afternoon to request
its missionaries in :India to make a care -
fel estimate of the actual numbn of
missionaries required to evangelize their
'maim) of the mission field, with ft view
to the future poliey of the board, 10;0
14 ansious to send out the full vonsple-
meet of men and WOM011 required cwt.-
ing the next few years.
that he would not live through the day,
At night he ralliecl somewhat, but no
hope was held out. Drs. Bruce, W. Caren
and J., Caven were in attendance.
Last night a statement front the hos-
pital was to tee effect that 3Ir. St.
Johu's condition had been low all day,
He had rallied somewhat, but at a late
hour the outlook Wile very unfav-
Toronto, April L -Tho condition of
the Hon. J. W. St. John, Speaker of the
Legislature, this morning is unchanged,
so the general hospital reports.
4-0.4-4-4-++.44-4-4-4--4-4-4-4-1.-4--4--4-4 4-4-4-4 -4-
In Front of Mirror.
Pittsburg, Pa., April I. -George
B. Boswell, 52 years of age, a re-
tired business man, art connoisseur
and millionaire, committed suicide
by shooting himself through the
head in the toilet room at the
East Liberty station of the Penn-
sylvania Railroad last evening.
Yesterday he purchased a revolver.
A short time later Boswell walked
into the station and, going to the
toilet room, he walked over to the
mirror above the washstand and
stood looking at his reflection for
a moment. Suddenly he pushed
back his hat and drawing his re-
volver fired a bullet into his right
4-4 +4.44-4-0 -4-4-4 4- 4- 0-4.4-4-4-4.4-4-4-4-04-4-
60,00-6 VOLTS.
Essex, OM., April L-lt is alleged that
it si the intention of the Windsor, Essex
& Lake Shore Railway to carry six. thou-
sand volts on its trolley wire through
the main street of this town, and to
carry a fifteen thousand volt. feed wire
unprotected through the corporation, 'the
town will ask tit Government to send an
iuspector here to report before the work
is :snowed in go on.
It is announced Gen. Keroki will re-
present the japaneee army at the James-
town celebration.
Rayner, the murderer of Win. White-
ley in London, has been granted. a re-
prieve by the Crown.
The sealing eteamer etreeniand, after
a, long battle with storm and ice, foun-
dered in the northern ice fields.
Captain Charles W. Stone, formerly a
resident of Windsor, told for many years
etiptain of em, of the Greed Trunk ear
ferries between Winfkor and Detroit, is
dead in Detroit, in his 73rd year.
Several Indian regimeets will this year
be .celebrating their jubilee. It was in
1857, on the outbreak of the Sepoy Mu-
tiny that the Paujaub showed its full
measure of loyalty.
There Was ft bomb explosion in the
Peva quarter of Constantinople yester-
day. Beyond the fact that two men
were killed and four wounded no details
have yet been learned.
An unknown wonutu jumped to death
over the brink of the American falls et
Proepect Park lete yesterday-. Several
people witnessed the traged,y. The woman
was about farty Tearik of age ana waa
&('41ed in black.
London Vanity Fair states that rather
diequieting 1701)01(4eome from 'Madrid
as to the 'health of King Alfonso. It is
Raid there that he has been eofferiarts
from 0 recurrence of the lung trouble ed
several mulles ago, when it was rumor-
ed that ho was it lietim of ftdheren1o44.
Four boes were run down and instant-
ly killed by tt light engine. on, the Penu-
sylvanitt P. 1.1. traeks at Indian Churelt
road, near Buffalo, last night. The dead
arm Anthony Phillips, nineteen years
of age; Frederick Phillips, sixteen yeast%
brother of. Anthony; Otto Mole, tie -
Yin yeate; Hugh Heavy, fotirteen evars.
Great Britain has. made a 'forma awl
of fieial requeet upon Russia, to include
in the programme of the next Hague
Conferenee the queetion ed the limitation
of the expenditnre ne armaments, owl
through her Ambassadors and Ministers
King and Queen of Spain Visit the
Virgin's Seven Shrines.
- London, Morel' 31, --The Times' cor-
reapondent sends the following. front
Madrid: The Ring and Queen seem to
1011,0 elven nmeh pleasure to the people
of Mirdrid by visiting together without
state the seven popular Shrines of the
Virgin Mary. The custom has been fol-
lowed by all the Queens of Spain for cen-
turies on tit etw of their accouchement.
• • •
Six Men Killed.
Fort Worth, Tex., April r. -Six
men are reported to have been
killed in a collision. between two
freight trains on the Missouri,
Kansas & Texas Railroad at
Betides switch, six miles south of
here, to -day. Thirty freight cars
were burned. Aid has been sent
from this city.
Great Britain Anxious to Have the Question of
Disarmament Discussed by the Powers,
Berlin, April 1. ---The Ruseian Govern-, a armaments will find a, place in the
ment hats euhmitted to the principal 1
powers confidentially a revised pro- ' ''''"
pl'ortuntite to .Dreat Britairfe inesets
Lsertious made in London that Ger
gnome of the subjects to be discussed many will withdraw from the conference.
at the approitehing Peace eanferenee At rather than have the question of the
The nape, limitation of armaments discussed axe
unfounde. The United States, it is
'The correspondence ia this connection . understoodd. will reserve its decision re -
between the Russian Foreign Office and garding participation of the discussion of
the Foreign Offieee of the powere con- , the arntaments question, the general
Gimes, the objeet being to reach 011 eiew at Waeltington being, it is assert -
agreement in advance of communieating ed here, that as the United litatea ie out-
ninIntireingl(jtavserinticititelflto4;undateel a poeition to urge the continental powers
1 141(30 the European system it Is not in
prize plan for the limitation of arnsti,t,-.., Nf..liirift..tilleoti11(10' arrest their land armaments
;melte aid seems unwilling' to do subject of naval armaments
Nevertheless it 14 VottKitlerril most prob. atiq.nhorit les at Washington appear to
able that' it discussion of the limitation be bens/insect to cease their development,
Cliivago,•April 1.-- Wilbur Mena 'Vol -
Iva issued au ultimatum in Zion yester•
day. Videee the people subinit to lihn on
May 1 he will take radio' aetion him-
eelf, he said.
Voliva denaturett every one who lute
opposed him. He took as the occasion
for Ids ultimatum the anniversary of his
ejection of John Alex, Dowie from the
church, having expelled the late leader
one year ago yesterday.
"I say to you, officers and people, that
one month more 1 will give you," be
said. ''On May 1, if you do not make
a. radical move 1 shall make One and put
a stop to this eriticism of me," lie then
melted, Ins own deeds, claiming he made
Zion what it is. Re ORO said he would
make the community the wonder of the
age, and set it strongly on its feet finan-
cially .
Of the 1,500 people present, 1,200 Said
they would follow him. He launched
into a, denunciation of those who weuld
not submit. lie said that while lie would,
consider the adviee of his counsel, he
would do as he saw fit, and continue tho
one man rules
}The development wort: on the Ltittle Nlp-
issing and the Princess has iiroved very
There is considerable talk at Cobalt about
the discovery ot two new veins on the Sli-
ver 131ra pronertY.
At the Rochester Cooalt the new plant Is
installed and the steam drill at vas.
At the Silver Queen everything is in good
shape. Superintendent Bryce has 40 men
steadily at work in three shifts.
(At the Cleveland -Cobalt everything 18
ready for the Mstallation, of the plant, and
when this is done they will .probably have
the best plant in the camp.
'rho big, new plant at the Watts is mow
In operation, and four drills are being
steadily worked both day and arightIn a
short time ten. drills be In. operation.
At the MacKlnley-Darragh steady and
conscientlous development work has teen
done all vtinter by Superintendent MacDon-
ald, and, while the shipments. from this
mine since Christmas have not been numer-
ous, they have sent some very rich ore.
At the Cobalt Silver Mountain Mining Co.,
Stmt, John A.. Macdonald (formerly et the
tfretheway) reports that their shaft Is now
down a depth of over ten feet, and their
four foot vein has widened to five feet, and
PellOWS ,geod ealcite, micookite and art abund-
ance of bloom,
(.011,tfuntinopk, April Le -The report
that a severe earth:inake ftee0Mp4tided
ivy los4 of life, has oceurred at Bitlis
appears to lit, confirmed, but the number
avalits i unktitmn. Beyeliti a brief
Ineeseste lime the missionaries at Billie
ri.pialing that 1 ht. badly dam -
:teed. that they are itoinelteet and that
the ir people :tie eneemptel ia the enew.
whielt itt plaree 115 fmt.t deep. 1:0 11(11.'S
of 1 lip 01!.:1-te1 it.aolto
Phillips at the Penitentiary.
Ripest on, Mated' 30.--Josepit Phillips,
ex-Preeitlent of the York Loan & Say -
inset towhee., melt ed here this afteroon,
Ile wee Itemleuffeel to Another prisoner,
Nattlialliel Hillman, sentenced to two
yezIrS. :for the ft. Phillips appeared to be
in the health and epirits when
lie alighted front the train, and talked
and lokeel with Itis fellew-prieoner and
the eleteetives. On the journey down
lte was just as joeial.
The Cochrane is one of the highly thought
of erOperties in this Vert of the camp. 0
consists of the east 20 acres of the south
ball of the northeast quarter at lot 1 in
the thirdconcession of Coleman, lying di-
rectly south of the Temiskaming mine and
east of tbe Gnns 20 acres.
Chief of Pollee George •Caldbeek, P. E.
Calverley anti "another" ore 0111011g 1110
men who expect to figure very shortly its
owners of gold Mines in Northern New On-
tario. They received word yesterday tbat
a very valuable discovery had been mode
011 ono of their properties down near Tighe
Syndicate holdings at Larder Lake. The
discovery consists of several large quariz
veins carrying free gold.
It is believed tbe .big Timmons merger,
affecting a number of properties, will be
consummated in a few days. °facials of
some of the companies were in Toronto on
Saturday, but they refusetl to make anv
comment oa the situation. .Supposlug the
negotiations are brought to a successful
conclusion, it means that all the properties
effected will be mined in Just the saule
systematic manner as the La Rose.
The new plant of the Keewatin Cobalt
Silver Mining Company thas arrived at the
mine. Officials or the company say it will
be in operation this month,
threago, EL, April 1. --The railroads
am:omits, a eerret eatiVits jlt,t colnplettd
It luting their employees, showing a strong
sentiment against mines a big strike
and in favor of accepting the wage offer
of tilt . roads. The announcentent Was
Made to the Federal Commissionere, who
are attempting to bring, about a. settle -
mein. of the dispute. It may have an
important bearing on the peace negotia-
tions. Yellowing this 111011e of the rail-
road:I. a report wa4 spreadthat the lead-
ers ofthe unions were preparing to
make severalcone4ee.soions.
Operator of Moving Picture Machine
Burned to Death at Lockport.
Lockport. April 1. ---Albert Phillips,
21 years of ago. operator of a moving
eteture nmelline in the Amnia Theatre,
was burned tn death to -night. Phillips
wee in the 1.0e of the in:whine when it
In the panic. which
speetators Phillips
was forgot tea. llis body, burned to a
erisp, was tented inside the box when
the fire wee put ottt. No one in the
crowd was injured.
drink, They had a misuntlersta,nding
in the solon, and When: they reached
the street Farley says Dawkinge seized
him anel took a roll of bills amounting
to $12 front his pocket, threatening to
elub him if be made an outcry.
Darkins was arraigned. and held, in
$2,000 bail for examination Monday. He
was also suspended front the force pend-
ing the hearing.
Senate of the University Approves of
Degrees to Revs. R. E. Welsh, J
G. Shearer, J. H. Ratcliffe and Hugh
Toronto, April 1.--Forn Doctors of
Divinity vill be created by Knox Got -
lege next Thursday evening in connec-
tion with the closing exercises of the
present session. The gentlemen selected
for this honor by the. Senate of the col-
lege, are, Rev. It. E. Welsh, M. A., of To-
ronto, General Secretary of the Canadian
St. Joseph, Mo., April' 1.- Charles L.
14taitb-ey 11 eommereial traveller,. utak
killed here last night by Wesley Chris.
toplier. Clo•booplier is alleged to have
assaulted a. young woman in an alley.
When Staitley heard the girl seream he
ran tO her reeene aud 11711,4 shot Itt tho
heart. Christeether wag arreMied.
Charged With Highway Robery in New
Nev Yorl.. April Patrolman
teleage Dawkins, of the Brooklyn police
feree, Was arreetcd. to -day on a charge
tI huldiug itt John Earley, it stereo-
typer, end tatting bine of $12. :Ae-
einelhor to Palley, he irivited Dawkine,
eslioni he 'met in the street, to take a
Bible Society, who is nominated for the
chair of apologetics in the Presbyterian
College, Montreal, who will be presented
for laureation by His Honor the Lieut. -
Governor of Ontario; Rev. J. G. Shear-
er, 13, A. of Toronto. Secretary of the
Lord's Day Allianee of Canada, and for-
merly pastor of Erskine Church, Hamil-
ton, who will be presented: by Mr. John
A. Paterson, M. A., is,. C.; Rev. J. li.
Ratcliffe, B. A., minister of First Pres-
by t erian (11111011, St. Catharines who
Will be presenteby Rev. Dr. Fletcher,
of Hamilton, and Rev. 'Hugh Maelisty,
13, A., missionary to tile Indians, Round
Lake, Sask.
- • -*
Disappearnce of John Lewis Kelly at
Orillia Explained.
()riffle, despeteht John LESWIA Kelly,
aged 21 years, became mentally de-
ranged laet December and escaped from
his home one night about the middle of
that month. Search wars instituted
without avail, but yesterday his body
was brought here from Lake St, john,
eight miles distance. where it Was found
on the lee by two Indians. Deceased's
Watch and money Were found on him,
and it is assumed that he wandered
away until he perished with the eold.
Ilis parents moved here from Canning -
ton a few inonthe ago,
Five Colleges and Colored Schools Get
Share of $32,000,000.
New York, April 1. -The first dis-
tribution by the fleneral. Falticarron
BOard since it received joint Roeke-
feller's most recent eontribution (it
$32,0utko0o was made 01 11. meeting, of
the lloord tosloy, when eonditional
gifts of :1,43115,000 wero made to five
edneational institutions 114 foiloWS:
Y0 10 $300,000; Princeton
retiversity, $.200,000; llowdoitt College,
Itrunswiek, Mee $50;000; Colorado Col-
lege, Colorado Springe, $50,000; Mill.
saps College, .Ittektion, Miss,, Se5,00e,
and $4,2,r,no to entered sehoole, the
anieS of whit+ Were we -
Jerusalem, "..‘tarelt I. -The foundation
stone of the new German hospital on the
mount of Olives was laid yesterday in
the presenee of the (Inventor of Jerusa-
ilem, the other local 011101019 awl many
speetatore to the aecompautent of cheevs
for Emperor William and for the Sultan
of Than, who gave the land and au-
thorized the coustntetion of the hoe/that,