HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-04-04, Page 2i s *tie ia the Mire of hi* fellOW•prieoners)
d Sha
..fry ciolap. xestiv. 22-40, 41. Work is• not
. un a
• ... -- e miefortune, it itt ts. blessing. 4, Auother
,e,,,,,,,t ef Joiceples comfortn prisou was• hi*
INTERNA.TIONAL LESSON Me -APRIL iieetliacful teipior13.. it intereet hitt beotalwee
p. te. . . e WAS 1106 a sor in
atla 'Tee. hi$ own wrongs, though be had erentgh
Joeapb. riathtta i -D, Pin. Gen. =six. reason to be. 5. Another gloat blessure
ate to xl. ee. to Jeseph in ide prieen waS a good rem• ,,,,)„,„...e0 ,,,„,,,,r„Re, ze,„xar.
t oneuentary,-- 1. Jeeteer ea -t into pro tdene.e, tap. xi. 14, 15.)--Illuetrat1.t1ve
12011. tVS3.., a 11110 NOW
erata were light todaY. Whea
, probably implies an eelLiee.„ or por- .,; PRACTICAL APPLICA'DIONS. eteodY. 2,0 bushels et h,alt eelline et 7
ie 74e. awl 100 Weisel* of goetei at liSe. Iti
Cosi ot Use 4r t1 mansitet, zwestis ,,,to. : 1. .itia havrieenmort. oiee Ives livattr, Veltrgil "1,11,a'61,7 cat% aill:kin tariohteleetss.
ilmr-1°,411, of. 4t1',4 -felt the r!"'l 11i%mat; . titere itt the prison. Inut the Lord was wife eciling at ..... to eee. "'Inge eat's. at• )••
1.'4,43 ItirtlV4ItattV from tae'4411,:tri• *It With .10Sepit" II'S, ;A 211, , Every Chile- ott ;at ettr dozen.
,th''" gr°141°14 w" i'itaut, ' '-' ,-.113P,a,"." 41 tian wito has it in him. to do good. work ei)%3; 1: Iforierwliitriee, Ind23tjt°34dte% tacit Ili
441.'1 1"d 1'111 1. ill 11441'tvr mt. It it i fur the leara must tepeet to he brought tor mixed. Strew timing at $f2.50. a tem
tolled "the dungen:4- l''lleil thltti4 '""' •'1*:con,lition for tlte beet service Dressed boa are unchanged. with Unlit
under sinular CiletitlIStailtv,, Il•i•ii , thri, sewce. diseipiine, ;rosette. Was girdled ;a tatie to eatet .and heevr at ti le
in the Ea -A-- -INAto- 1114 LoP-41'3.4alaruf : itaintel for the ruliug of EgYpt by se' - fyie•at, wbite, bush .. .. $ 0 t3 I 0 74
intiet have le -en very seVert. at first. in 0,e1 years (if servitude. St4Iten gives- Ito.. red .. ....e. ... .. 0, ea 0 74
kealin tee 17le, we read that they lett,.. , tie tee seeeee ee his iies, timing thee Ite.. mine- eaters •• - tile 0 71
his feet With tette-re; ho wae laid iss 'Ism evare wizen he SVs: "The patriarelol, 01'..?.,.. ger`,!iu,S,h .. - „ „„ 0%61 00 4e?,
eint God greatle bleestel hint anti it was ' d with envy, soft Joseph into Barbey, but „, ,;:-..; 0 650 56
not long befeett Lt e Ii."41 Mao,- 1.tWol-& t 1:t4:ctit. bet te,,a ,,,,,, .with him, (Aets .1,0,.,..$. bo,h .. „ .... ..... 60
oo ie 00
bilOwn hirn. eas.. was th.-tes-doeeph wae i, Ili, 91. The
. , the home of Potiphari, lital".. tlutttrtze4114r: tr '
in plasma three yeare. t wizens he met and resisted the great. straw'. eer ton .......... 3 00 u 00
21. The Lord Wee With JOSe1111--"1/ii,"` !temptation and suffered 80 unjustly $eeds re-eleaned- 13 60 0 00
iS an example of the stneigth of oua's ftten the vile eharge told grave sus)icion, 14.;441; °kr% Pefe,s1g.,,:•.....:146,3 112
consolatione in the worst triale." tftesel'h ; "the Lord was with Joseph" (Gen, xxxix. Tiat,t,t;;eae%41,....„ ., e„„ e se e 00
had power triage hint, welch enabled , z?, I. There, in the preens where his feet. Dressed hogs .. ,. .. • 0 00 0 a
lam to .press forward, even, though, it ' were hurt with fetters, aull his sonlwas Begi. neW Mid .. ••• •.
019 0 el
nas very dark, before bine The. disuip- ; hcattel with irons irsa. cr. 133. and there lIn„1"xL.e„d„aele,t3.' *,; '• 027
tine seemed severe; he wasstiffse, -rinas a ; se-ented Ms peseibility of the fulfilment efl."'fjenee,*ii; ..": , ,„ 0 el 0 33
050 -0 re
martyr. But he learned -to truste'thol, tie his di-eats:A. "the laird was with .4).„ spr g .. .. ... . ' 014 0 la
t.413, with gladness of heart be goes to i.leeeph" iv. el). Runyan, shut in Red- putts. Per lie .. ••• ..• 012 014
sleet -rye perseeution and itteni,enuteet. I, ford :,ett tit -Ire years. wrote a book that TAuj.t:Is^11.L7bibbi . - 12„.:f1
tilieVe eye was Upton Met, at.ln nd 110 Weap; nes t., r.": a th• n4an.,' OIL:: = more than petito&t.- per bag .: .. ...... u 90 400
TOrined against 11118 prosp,•red. lie ttl- .:•.11 Lis preatasing, for God was with hint. Cababge, per dozea
ways eid right and made the best te l'aul, with hie feet in the stoeles and the antoue. ver bag 01 3755 02 (t.2
everything. 22. Keeper of tlte prison-- 'grit of the dungeon floor mixiug with Beil;:. bflourder„arrtt:1,1: :: •
6 ea gee
An inferior offieer who was Charged, Nlitii .,1:,,... 11 1 of his nowashed st•ripes, KMDb.. cheese carouse „:'.. 6'5 7 00
the 'actual disei)line of tho itrison.-- ; a itynta of praise at midnight, for he Do . medium, earease 5 06 it co
limn. Corm tamonitted to Joseph's bandi knew that God was with ititn, and int- tIla,.f;.11. ner;-cr
e-- per e v .. ... .•• : 2 112
-11e see here the real nature of humau • itatliately there was an earthquake and I. ',- 00 13 en
infirienee. It is not the ialluene4.• of rank, ia
foundatione of the prison were mor -R PRICES.
hat of eharaeter. Make all men c•inal 7 ".•-etten. Jolat the Revelator, banished to Pleur-Manitolra patent, .13.35, track, To -
in rank to -day, and to-moreew ritt,r„ wal I Petinoe, where- there were only a feW rensol -Ontario. 00 per cent. patents, $2.C7
be fouutt those who have ampiired latut. i fisherraen's huts, did there the best bid for export; Manitoba patent, sped
knee over the others. ihece preseeeee, t wcrk et his life. - breeds. $4.50; strong bakehs . at
were ad' in the same position, bet very I II. joseph's integrity. "The keeper of BeaTiaR CATTLE idARereurs.
:soon jesepli'a eharaeter had gainee 11M 1 1110 prison committed to Joseph's hand Lontiose-Liveregeol and London costes sue
inilsseilete-11obertson. i st!i• the prisonere, aud looked striae; at lle to 12lee per lb., dreesed weight;
0. Becanee the Lord, ete.,--The ro.
•..t- . '
I rt.t to anything" (ye. 22,23). Joseph's rillefrigerutor beef is quoted. at Seise -to 0c per
. ;
soa of his iuflitenee was the God Nvittain I le,••izers, stripped him of his coat; they ,
hint. Just so far as a man is tinis,like i r..tild net stip ini of his character; they i Receipts 00 live stoele at the city market,
will he have ineelenee," ewjeaem flea I eel -i his belly: they could not sell his as pOporta1 to• the railways, Since la4t
rtile• will ehine in the narrows -et "..1. Through all the years of histrar9.°13'te, 1401
Were 6° ear 1C4de' e°1411°-9ea °I.
spheree. A good inaai will do flood whet- ': tnt.tetton life lie etool firm in his no
• ',311 cattlhogs 0 sheep and lambs.
eier wises about 100 veal calves,
he is, and will be a Itiessrag even ie If 1.4g'.if3.: lie won the heart of the keeper, The quelity of fat cattle was fair.
betels and banishments, tor the enarit : en.l. though pieced there for being a Tmde was dull aud draggy, with prices
ilettry. j
of tat'6 -oat he was an innocent and trustwor- front' T,u Emraelluealerswitiviho held fleet& tit:
Lord is not bound or batlisited."-- ''• s... make). he soon ctetvineed the jailer eetisef. -galsie Y.:
esdayes market sold them for leas
11. ihe tattler and bet er taStirdt) pri. li q•.'.' limlt"he ifeeame a general superk
n. and, released from dose con- moseey thau was then offered. Milell cows
et (vs. I-4). I. The lettler-•-Or vor)- i l'"'I
te ova, exxatc°"" "t
but.ti Is,
bearer, the overseer of tip, kitIffi wintsi. 1 iso/dt•nt of prison aa.?szorters-fNc7loasis of export cattle were
affairs. Wherever otat3hivelleera.
ilaker-Another ()facer who had eilad,re 1...,.,,opit 'wasi
s plaeed he became the first offered anti none apparently warded. Est:0a
sot the kie.ge 'dead Or foisd. Beth .-01-. 01116, and. ze an linetration of the truth buita wero. a drug on the market, sellitte
1140nrelel and worldling are cow
,,e, men were irepertant ofilems ami . , ere , . owl, ner cw
for butehe.rs
Lela vasitions c4 trust. we aro lic.( te„, p•,,ittel to honorthough in their hearts, nlinutebers- hi demand ' 4,1
ot nearly es strong. Chale picked lo
bow they offend". 2. w.ii. wa...th_07.i.",. ; int -7 may not eulogize with their lips, sold at e4.75 to $.5 per met.; loads of good
I t inietian firm in erseeution che rful $4.00 to 94.85; fair 40 good cows at at to 44.2
entel deepote held hi their hands tee 3 'ilt, noVertv tritetfulPin josees 'tritune he fair 'Yaws' $314 40 4l3-,.;;90; wninitna COWS, 'SI
power 4)1 life mid death, and Iheir sue, ; • . • ' i P . to V.35; canners, 91....., to
; ent sn death. There are Christian men. 1 Deese -Receipts weee not large. Mr. Har-
ieele were liable at ally raomeet te le)! in „ii professions and oempatiOns who unebanged at 46.90 for ae•
stterifieed. These officers would eee,.... - ris Quoted prices
i ! at ; reepeeted, honored and successful. i lecte anti $6. for lights and Mts.
chilly be subject to suspicion rteeattee of i 111. Josepti'e interest. "Wherefore look reeders 1 airs soresitersiztr.anljuribeIdebrosugUast
the ease with whit+ they void,' poi4on f „.: e., ed*„:„•:'' tr. '71. "Pharaoh's great le'Veet-.4etre°t:eeers, 'ale to 900 lbs. $3.$0 t'a $1
the king:s food. •3. }Leese of the eaptaill i efEeers Were imprisoned anti Joseph had re- cwt.; feeders. 1000 to 1100 ll'oseach, at
--That es, the house of Potifilmr. Th.:- i oelece tit theme ,,es, 1.41. priaeana are . $4.25 to $4.-60 per, cwt. Bought and shipped
pristert Was in emmeetion With the reek- ; e„e `..;,,eeeerssify -,-e-ry e e i i , ‘ . one !,d butcher.' to the north, ....
h e Id b t
deeee. u 0111- .! :items cows -Trade in railhers and sprite,
z peeeaing three two men were more sad era was dull, owing to the quality generalte
4. Charged Joseph. et.. -The captain ' 1..:1 a rieual--showed their trouble in mo4 lime.; good, but raore especially on a�-
01 the guard hints -if, who was Potiphar; •Ieter fac•ee, so that Joseph noticed e count of there being iso Montreal dealers on
. „ it. He
ohlugell aoeoPh wll athem, whiell hal- ; to, o.sess sympatitizea 'with them in their ! mete
the market Prices- ranged from 40 to elei
Mates that he began now to be. reeaneil- ' ,elif-eleno
„e. and manifested a kindly in- I Veal oall'en-PeT.' aga°° C-IIN'eS -were on
ea te) 141-n, aaet Perhaps to be convineed teteet in their dietrese." - sew, the bulk selling from e3.60 to $6.50 per
I -
of hie innoeenee.-Henry. He served I Iv. Jaseoble inteepretatien. "And Jo- I wt.,
with 4 teW tat 9
7 te 4745 per
them--,Ioseph waited. upon them. Se* ,,lei sate. :..thie is the interpretation"' ) to tare per cwt.; buc.ks, 44 to et 50 per cwt.:
Sheep and lambs -Export ewes sold at 93
long as God is with him. Joseph will . • <.. i•fe "Wben Joseph knew that the yeariing lambs. 16 to -$7.75 per ewt.: spring
shine even irk the dungeon. "Pharaoh's ' ri.teters were grieving because there! tatel., .15 to 410 each.
offieers are eent to wituess Lie graeee, 1 -i".,
wiliett he is not permitted to come forth tie one to interpret their dreams, I BRADSTREE7P'S TRA.DI.1 REVIEW.
i.,- eine:tested that, as interpretations he- i Montreal: The Ivey In wbich payments aro
to Nhotv.". ''',Tof!eph ii titus brought into • -,,,e.e.e. to Geed aisd loo eisaitulinieates the being met is still the matter -of general M-
ete -se and. familiar reload with them. , eewer to whom he will, they. tell him l. /erect here. As was stated a week ago pay-
T.11:-; was ,of great advantage to hint in their dreams lvs. 7, St. Ile thus is care- i Tieittsobaybeulosrosomemetme,enee4 more voeroileasot,
mew of what was before hint. It gave fel like Daniel tDan. 2, 30) to transmit : is noted. Those from the west are comlnee
him, alnPie ollortelnite" ise beeolne ae- the eatery to God. Hie interpretation. ' ferward more freely and eastern =turns also
(itta:ntfei '34111 the e°Urt and ite ttaYs- Lectoid the eldef bittleti delivelItnee. To. I'liaa. a "ter- te:4?'
with many details of the Generai _tree de, condi-.
gaveramentt d.ty God sometimes foretells future 1,jeat4tt.'1"1 retain
t tatIoluatYnloerneal, Tend Volume 00
steel with the geueral ton:Mien of the events by dreamou
s," -crs are busy sending t delayed spring
44-. e. l
e.”--Peesubet. . • ee ;wee -lees inno,„.,ent,e., 01. _have.. goods and looking after what sorting orders
Ilf. Jeateph interpreting dlearns (vs. e - . th- h t i i id , • are coming forward. In. all lines of tmde
-see; ne mg t a t sey s liet rate me • ebeste sorting orders are fair. In tbe dry
'),64'),64see dengeone iv. ea). Like Nue, goods trade ther are enelined to be a little Feseeh man .... in eine nigist--This .1,,,,,seh had ,,,- oct„,it,nco void of offense . nett. The slowness of manufacturere de-
showe that the dreams were of the lefr.L : .v..:1,1 Go -I and toward man (Acts 24, Heil eries _contiunduentoe..,beia eovece of worry to
Whiie our ordinary dritatus Itave eo spe. , ,,,,,..;,. 1.-onseione of hie innoeenee, be be. Leltt.raitriav '.- Of linen:9 44;11are 40 P3eluieiairii;
real eignitleancT. y(•t it can not Ise (1 '80 e „..42t. the ehiet butler. whose speeds e'.etv. it is reported certain lines cannot be
est tha God has in many eaees, especial- le-teratien he had foretold, to sneak for tit,:ered..ait4ougtz ordered.now, imtil Jan-
ie- i Dearly times. spoken in 410P'4 3' ate „
;- sielleereenee When he ..T.hOnid :Mill 2‘iii-.0 Ir‘Ed nearhier alitifienestardwinsee tingdeevitiii
eotelittg to thz iittereretation-Tbis ex- ___ .
o....1 befere Phareoh. The ungraternt 8 heavy demand. Iron and steel is unu.su-
jirepcum is intended to show that the ,.. ,,,.. e•,,..e.,_ „... recize.„t fli. two km.
ene active for this time -of tbe year.
dreams -.vere net merininglees but snit- ,...e,".`: ."....4.'e...;;I'"..4"e 4
tel to each man% case and eapable of a ts'-;-. - - , - Bar reci'd re'utinded Irbil ..!011,11 and wholesale trade here ie exceed -
Toronto: Tee worm:nerd in nit lines of
emend iuterroretatien.-Thons. Coln. . „
t•t. end so broagat afoul Joseph's ex- male Leavy. The demand for p-ering oth-
d. Sed --They wc-re eure their •Ireame
ha.I more titan an ordinary -meaning,. 7.
Husband, Wife, Sons and Brothers Eight Side by
Side in Roumania A.gainst the Troops,
But•liarest. April 1.--- Field guile
loaded With grape shot, according to the
()Metal. reports, are winning against the
Ii ,peaitlittry Whose arms are
mostly hayftni:e anti seythe blades. The
insurgents Winv .able to hold .tbeir own
agabiet the 400 116' elose mtertere and
even withstood cavalry tdtargee sloing
terrible exeention with long pronged
forks and seythe blades etrapped to leng
poles, but the slaughter sinee the troupe
used artillery appear's. to he terrifying
them into submission, In the distriec of
Vieshic, where the outbreak wits pdr-
ticularly serious, large numbers of in-
surgeuts llaVC surrendered and haVe cle•
noituced their leaders to the authorities
with the result that many of the latter
hove been arreeted.
The government hopes that with the
tlemlers in jail the undisciplined betide
'will soon nhaudon the field.
Tee self-styled. "generals" usually then
out to be couutry tehoolmasters mid Vile
lege prieete. Numbers of women are
fighting in the insurgent ranke and inauy
of them have been round among the km -
ed, side by ettle with their husbande, 80124
and brothers.
Details of the attack made by the pea.
saws on °elate show that a pitched bat-
tle was fought, The insurgent», who were
several thousand et,rong, began the we
sault at. midnight1. carried; the outer
earthworks by storm and eaptured a :sub-
urb, wide+ they set on fire, after pillite•
nig it. Three battalions, of infantry at-
tempted to stem the peasants' entry into
the city itself, but tiw fork and scythe
armed ruaties fought riesperetely, hand
to hand, and had utmost routed the•
troops when the governor ordered field
gut), loaded with -grape shot to be fired
at the insurgente. win) wavered. and. then
fled. The fire of the guns wrought great
havoc on the retreating masses.
Artillery was used at Cueuesti, Voice -
:11:7elsewherea and in some instances
whole village$ I* said to have been
ut tarty destroyed by fire by nine inch
How a Lady Took a Lesson in Couet
Procedure. •
Lyndon, April L ---A lady's lack of
al knowledge of the rules governing the
court was the cause of some amusement
at Shoredith before his honor Judge
Smely, K. C.
A judgmeut summons was called on
for hearings when rt lady stepped briskly
into the box. The usher requested her
to remove her right glove, and then
with the Testament in his hand, whkh
he held toward her, he proceedea to
admineter the oath, at the conclusion of
whieh he added in his most courtly
style, "Kiss,"
"Sir!" exclaimed the lady,
The Usher -Kiss!
The lady (indignatly)-Sirt
The Usher (with a gesture of imp.
The lady -I am not in the habit--•
The teller ((with a wormea look) -
Win you kiss the book, lame, and tell
his honor what you kuow of this matter?
, The lady with a hot blush)- 'Yes,
5; certainly, certainly; pardon me not Itrt-
7:i deretanding you. (Laughter).
..see $41, filto, 17' ilf? uf ,,,3seai, ie ataCe. The sorting trade is quiet owing
I"' to tee fare that placing orders hare not beee
. ret if'..:-,!ral fen of the teXt.`..,An things ----" eyed est-- - • .
e.....: , .... 7 ..er fer g.. -e.: ts, teem that eussa in getting goeds. Valuee ine.11.7 line':
Wiwrefere ..., r -,k1 1.f...dly--Tinpil spoke • • . ...
r. .- . tee.. A. C. ei, :we eery firm. Collections. on the whole,
kindly to them: be. too. was a et -oilmen are new fair. but tor some time .they have
that treeahlei tieeen was that they were ----4.,..- -
sufferer with them. ane underetoad their been slow. Wtoiesalers Imre say those Irma
S. No interpreter -One thing
Gatario have shorn up better ethan from
c. ay other province. It is a feet, however,
jeer, ready money is in very great demand
tot in a position to summit their dreams • here. and that it Ls unusually s.carce. Sugar
t3 the magexams Egypt. wito svere
TO BE •ORGANIZED IN BUFFAIO BY streee wosiiion. Teas and coftees are
3 firm and mimed goods continue to hold
eupposae ba able te- interpret dreanne.
RESIDENT CANTICES. . lairir ualve and firm la tone.
Teat Josepit eisee:ezi theni to his Goa as
winetpee: General trade -shows increased
the one who cant" reve-al difficult thintas. 001 (00 in an line% although considerable
al.f.sio, Aptil 1 -For Os. e p•
Tell me •ttem-Tials bad -Ged at la-st hie, a • -
...verses from the east. Dry .good jobbers,
t r wee clue. is sun felt from the slowness f
Lrottebt Joseph preniiriently befere ore Pernmeof enadlan
el.. ea I:entree) ?Immo the 4tittett "en- on Ibis amount. are behind on their deity-
theie suffteers. 0. 10. The butler dream- , .• . -
living le tele eity l'.111 eeles to the country. Collections are Mill a
ed that a vine was before Lim with
three branehee. end it brought ferth ripe
eiteapee. and Ole pressed them inte
Pi:area's ezip. 13. Pleesed them -
-I'rom this 110 fiNii. that wine antiently
woe the pare jetiea of the grape. without
fermentailen. The cup-beadrer took the
lentch. preseed. tite juke int.) the eup.
arel iitinzediately delivered it het° tite
hands of his master."-Clarlse.
le. Three branches are three days -
Human knowledge could not have known
that these brar.elies had refereeee to time
or if they did have whether three e-ays.
months, or years were intemied. "It was
wisely ordered that one part of the
dreem simuld require a divinely inspir-
ed interpreter. It NVCR God's &sten t
assui•e the better that .Toseph
his wisdom not from man. but by revel-
ation from above." -Bush.
340. Joseph said that in three days
the Ling -would restore the butler try fli:z
place. 'die then requested the butler It
remember lihn and use hi3 inftnenve
"cringing Lint out of prieon. The baker
then told line dream. Ile said he dreamed
that he bad three white basdrets est n!,..
/tea" and in the upper +me WCS "italzo-
meats" for Pharaoh and the birds
them (nit -of the bashet..ifieepla toff Itnit
that in three days the king would Lati,Z
Man on a tree alai the birele weted eat
his flesh. On the thir-1 day .after this
Pharaeh 'made a birthday feast. ana the
butler was restored tit hie offiee and. the
baker MIS banged, as Jeeepb La,' inter.,
prated to them.- The heftier. 114,M.NATT.
gpt Joseph. It is supposed that .1.ateat
hail at this, time teen in piisan rate vear.
end be must wait "two full years"' yet.
befere God's tinte welled ceme fer 114
release. Joiepb knew the fature of the
tntri-t and Itat-ee, hut ova flit11Ic?
wee. fit hidden from hie vitext 'He
tnaet walk by faith and net by sight.
Lesighte.--Itere Lula it dark aud
Lriehe eleie cair experiencee. If Jes--
epf,tbad been taokitel kr the dark
he cstald have fetita it painted in strott
liu e--ltatted, enelavement, unjust
tneatian. wtong treatment. Riff :what
were .1ciseplt*e eentforta in the dungeon?
L Ileret waft tile Lord's preeenee (than.
eeecs. 414. Joettpli was net alote in his env ,ew teeter wares. let WA% trewers,
for a iniinitty Coniforler 'WAN by hi; • otirsetia rs tee Gee-is:ca.. tel the teewere
elole; eitit a privet With (nod n* hogVey t•'.17:;1'•felf‘-?r c4.„ga at -14
s0 .711 1'.0Ues50,j owe saw, but they am el:sowing improve -
10 attend the zneetiret went. A big slannier trade is looked for in
alt ul ding Operations are going te
it ce.rrad on to an untsual degree In all
stireetiets and the proposed railroad building
- . •
htdel in ehe 1 iet,,ria F.401/1S,
3:1 ietnien Lesurance lieet 118t
11 I,:y evening., v1i.ce1 plane will bd a.ga number of !rami-
e 4,1o4ted for a perieanetil ereets are already eteaung la and the year's
SrarreigralMn 14 011it,,,kd to break all
;e1".-110 t OA e 4. 031' Veneouver eel( Victoria: General trade
4 7i6-
11,ovinnetat, and has affiliated here is ateive. Wholesale trade le profitine
ti ;1' many prominent. r anadian4 r:rm) the 14-rIval of g°°11 have l'ena
!zees le new an intereational ;Carder -
/4 r_muliatt eltiee for the benefit
unnadians ail ever the weld. 3Ir.
'get:hews deelares thee although But
is larger than Detroit, this eity
1.,•4, represented eithe.r "oy a (anadien
yeti, or a Britielt Deteeit bae
determined effort will be
tise Canadiare 11n. city tt,
ern delayed by fresh,. congestion. The
liamter trade continues very active, With
seems firm. Mining end other provineeo In-
dee:vie; seew stssuly exeen_siot..
!toes are geeerelly fair 40 good.
Couebeet Trade coeditions show no Marked
Etre:races:sett loves preceding week. Bad
0341.S tampee ttermoventeet of trarelees And
ereers stow a slight falling off.
Ilemilton: There is little complaint re -
=Ming trade tend:Cote here. Spring bud -
rem 15 111UW1g well in all elepartmenm. The
4ry gnteis tr-de particularly active and
4-4e relieinery tas beet large. Locel
STARVED TO DEATH 952.:' e'"3 rmdww.d lr'il with
.S.E. Rem.
• Letidoa; All tines of Wall trade are mor -
1 Ong wele_ The 'eleveatd for spring and sum -
COMMITS sIncmit BY LEAPING w21:-.7"..,ater:6tbltrange'er"tiV586tetey te°r.dbeenyolreatevrg.to
DOWN A CHIMNEY'. ' netle.re. autoegh the sortsag trade has not
Fe! etrened *et to anY great *Vett. Collet -
.1 -583 nre fair to good.
Apeii .een,,ohaa,4 Otte -we: Tee eerie:4 trade in spreig Meet
tetiong E=3 Teere Es also a fair
e. @hese0 trae of lite eee„..„aeo eetearie teem -tem in the -Itun'ber
- iesees, Dant:* mate -Lila .pre meetiee With
4.4 vi,„..„,„ 041;;,-e deessie ed. centers' •eroduce ts 31116
•4:1=0-1- in cceming fericard aed er'oet are firm.
rz:t1Istrzai cor_cerus continue Very bung. Pro-
C. 2-.11S (11. feouthatrea. 80 ratite laeslewes for the- fall
trede eareclioss ere generally fair Con-
.* 0.,r three ;tetite / •
t4.14 fettiel in tie) eitinesev Iesteer wEeeer ON 'CifsteiGE.
'0,.,t4:, i„.,:.•.• P• Ms lem,e. iie 11n 1 'e, lie -seen.: Keette• retall trade sur -
.,,,.....,. Ito t:'1.' ilt•I':,..P,,:ip and limped . (15-a 12 ta-,neatns 'matter
le..•. •,.'..e.• t.ae. -,, tg yet a very ltege voCame of hail -
a ilreemg the ieet doep5a„ ivti:e cf.....,7•1c4r
...•,..i..,.. a, i*. to. ke ;zee e„se,„.1 tee 1161e e.- net ese..7•cal V> esecteeeteex, het ettetteeel.
. - 1 - e e it 1 „lase.- tie ..i i tidies: itiz.. t Le fea L-tti? .._'....*:(3 cf sta. ie.; 11»06 2233• .
. • , , -. eleholeesee end eeelteng tee'leosa awa...vel
1 1; ft-1.3.kt-- Tic) 1,,c1,).° had liven renee 5.1 -.87 ne.-7-eten 019.7:214
•' S... -.3. aiel e .,,,,..a ,,l-.,81 I., ) furthow 1se seeds ,-zet_ a re• lerstaa, esee ..ereeer see--
ires.,10.11 Ia.+ •!1.114:. eteiv. 1 its cli,:n13., I: '1,Fe.,-s:e.12-ytt '" GL' »11 111-5 7 -‘,../e1 -...‘---
r ens reetenteaste .ellesteural err.v.,e. 4.->
- ..• 1,, 1, ta.:;,t• 11.0 ite,t;.% tin, 1-hinint,y 0:,,,...,..:. g =-0....o,ne,t of 1,:sxe!..4,L "...„3.,,,
J I..; 6.0 10896411,4411. t:::ituv 1.-..,:c."..,c5 alls i;:z.V..tr.F.e3 ::„..t.g.13 VS:si
----.........4,...-... ::.-t q_r_r!c.r ef 74•17 eieecei 4c.a, a
c4:.., rz-_'.14 ef meratt::e cz.r.s:er ,tlev.i,..:,-
GREAT BREWERS' STRINE. --, , cr..» its,;1c.,. tscune Io:.2_ioer oc:. la 4,-...
. __ ...- g -r.,:! .C.cc:::•_o a slate: , tee eerecee (tee% el
Tv:enty-five Ilundtroe:i2eit Work At St eeoe-_,-'seriatise ed; eee s-„e•-rt.eete,•-- e'e7-:are: Ate,- seta'''.
Teo: thee eieeene 4,3 U9T. ,eee tee eees el
tateeeix colter iii 4f..e.roA te *et ettesetteet .
to. Lztais, Al.:Aid 1. ---fro thezt.1104 live 04 4.10tt.i.: aL-04 4'...ertot rAw..ert* e_c2t.
7...a.:121(-1 Ltexccra wcnt.01,-.1 en r.te2ke tlere to- reeves far it,e 404:eSlY Of It, frget,.Init2
dIs,,,::::,.4!..!2, ti.fA c*:;Iticr osr.:-...144R tins ihr
:-.2,±zoik far Null ire.te..!!.4 :Air (-1'n1.. klittir
ee Wet VeaTes. Metalisetteteig aaente so,
.,n. eyset tese.:st srdeetriore
• et *etre a ecke ee tl-ie Atil 1 r-.67 0! ,
or tt.7.1.,.fa esivisineer 61...f. $X et sat*
e.."1-311 !OP.:A ft1116, were; Cies tupply el
VIA.. t t!os el -ewe -re TLIi...e.f13z. dt.ii,..t!., yak. it..W 41r1.3 Co teeng euseamattea tif etteep•
i-#:.!ni -:.1.. wall,d.,e0,4. t_.......,. *6t100013, 1,./.. ,,J, , ',:nirr," •••-t.:tn:, 1115,741 Anti* Wets
Viet ‘Nith hint. !I, There Wait bie ompa- wit, oilers eed heftier& tri 10 Vet -417,
tlein 'Aloft without Ilia,. There c.1:4-1; 47,;5,14-,.••ely eaerleeeeg
t he teepees lei or fatale x %Aix'» ef tee -Wesieers, tit ni.t
6. wog A-mething loi(ph %Ousel Eit tr_o The sts.
Vlie9 t!,e, regard cif all nett in
How Coreans Hope te Pay Japanese
Tokio, April L -The anti-Japanese
movement in the form of a popular
subseription to pity off the national
debt is steariny growing in the core. -in
provinces. An organization in Hang-
k-ong Province has prohiitbed smoking
by the uatives, with rt view to increasing
their subseriptione. So also in the
elites ef Gensan wad Pinyaug, Japan's
important toll:were trade has practically
been boyeottea. The Japaneee news -
pesters say that the foreign miesionaries
are backing Ilse utoVement, which threat-
ens to reeult in it boyeott of Japalwee
geode in general.
The Jripanese loan, whirit the Coreans
believe 10 13 the part of patriotism to pay
of, amounts to $1.000.000. It was issued
in duly., NO. In it the outstanding bal-
ance of the Japanese 'loan of ISO 44845
ineorporated. In Tokio alone it was. sub-
seribed four times over.
• •
Bainbridge Stafford's Weighed Pour
Pounds Two Ounces.
New York. April 1.-T.he largest
Immo» heart ever found was discover-
ed to -day, when an antopey was per-
formed on. the body of Bantbrid,ge O.
Stafford, who died last night in the
Tombs Prison. The lupin weighed four
ponnds and two ounces, the normal
weight of a human heart being about
twelre to fourteen ounces. Stafford
was arrested on a charge of perjury pre-
ferred by Brice & Co., of Baltimore,who
alleged the conversion of stook valued
at $10,000.
His death -was caused by a. combina-
tion of lobar pneumonia. cardiac hyper-
trophy and. ehronie nephritis. The left
lung was .almost entirely shrivelled up,
the heart ocrupying nearly all the space
which the lung Amid have had. The
heart will be placed in the nmeeum of the
College ed. Phyeicians arid .Surgeons.
- • •
Depondeut Japanese Left Letter on
Third Sister Island.
Niagara Falls. N. Y., devateli:
open letter found. on the Third Sistet
Island just above the Falls this morn-
ing end signed T. 'Tanicti, 17 Concord
street, Brooklyn, reads:
"I will tommit suicide in this fall."
Other letters found are addresed to
parties in New York and Indianapolis.
James Liebe of Valleyfield. Que., a
visitor here, reports having seen a man
Eo down tile upper rainds this morning.
He wore blue jumper, and struggled
fiercely to get out. but was swept to
If the Droeltlen titan tarried out his
threat to etecnnit enientle this will make
the thin" life lost by going over this
falls since last nighe, reeord unpre-
erelentea here.
The titan who wrote the letter ie
Tokoneeke Mittel who ie relented to
have dreappeared trom Ilroklyn tWO
days ago. It ne known That he erns
41. 3)10187881. heednsa out of work. Ile
eame froureiatern six years ago.
Senator Whyte, of Maryland, Has Never
Lost, When Homielde Was Charged.
nelitivenre. April 1. -Senator Wit-
ham PaAnoty Mbyte toeley stet Ise.
elseetietle metier ha. eet
" 4-22
tee eery thie niece -Erten gave a
d,f eteaaittel 6.2 the mete of 311e.
charged with hiding he)
reee• 'ei. el:e -.weave threw lier artier
see- eLe ten= rele`e lateyer mea
4,3 nu. 41te ftiotlim
• en-aaed-e 861214.
Lee Witte Eat Rix- 'Life by Shooting ot
Davison 'City.
V:J.:-Iwfvor. 4'. Mari-% -- :VMS
Iwo Lim vapht that Le,-
• vall.lolown (Ontario inan, had
culille by the..fing Daa•-
s..n, Li» nu.1 oar 30590 (44.1 awl married.
Ifro..1%,igle%4 mother 14 Mrs. TM% t 44t,
• ilioderielt.
Two Tons of Coal With Compound Used
en Ashes Gives One-third More Heat I
Than Three and a Half Tons in
The Ingbarn Advanco
Will be About Bei000,000-Assets Half
That Amount.
Toronto, April 1. lit is unofficially
nialsoitirest that elaitne to the number oi
12,1,000 have heen filed with the National
'rrtiet Company, litididators of the y oaIt
k y Loon k'z Company. Them,
1) „ 01.iime, it ie I olittatte?, ;till tidal eleiose• PHYSICIAN, 111.11MEOB
Otto. - helmet*.
coo, and tile rieeete .•a far as at preeent
' estimatei 210 net appear likely to realize )
time. then etteetieciuti. etiurse..thie
1, •objeet 1'' revisiost the
tellies of "some prepertlee now held ap-
pr, 1 fate °Whig 10 the athaneing teatime.
es. in, real estate,
Another Furnace.
New York, April 1.-4. despatele from
Pittsburg to the Tribune says: Before /nen I
representing a Philadeiphia company, the
Wheeling Gas Company and numerous other
firms Interested la fuel, John Ellmore this
afternoon maee a public demonstration of
the working of his new fuel compound in
one ot the furnaces of the Hotel Henry.
Owing to a hitch, the advertised demonstra-
tions at the Jones & Laughlin mills did not
tako piece, but Ellraore says they will be
made fu a few days.
In (be test to -day two tons of coal were
eonsurned in one furnace and the ashes af-
terward burned. At the eame time the fur-
naea elangelde consumed three and one-half
tons of coal, while the amount of heat gen-
411 the turn:toe burning the ashes wes
fully one-third greater than tbat generated
in the other furnace
Youngstown, a. April 1. -The bolter
of a lueometi•P attached to 811 ore train
on the Pittelturg, Youngstown & Aeitta.
bide. road, it bone+ of the Lake Shore
expreee,. explodt•d near 1.1.042 wood, t hir t y
mile; southeaet of here. to -day. The en-
gineer, IL IL lt etc.'s); of .lialioningteetts,
eannet be tound, and it hi Alf:peed
that he Was 121.04111 pieeee. The fire -
Man and brakeman 0181 a tramp were
badly hurt.
When the engine boiler blew up the
locomotive and twelve ears of the ore
went down an embankmeat. The engine
eae demoliehett.
1 4 Killed at Crossing.
Kansas City, Mo., April '.-Four 4.
persons in a buggy were killed
yesterday afternoon at the Fif-
teenth street crossing of the Chi-
Fag() & Alton Railroad by a pas-
senger train. The horses escaped
t injury. The dead are George
iT Henry and wife and D. IL Monner v
and wife. The men were salesmen * 1
for a local mercantile house.
Thun. .--‘1411
Taliana. Leonteff, the Ruselan woman
who murdered a Frenchman named Mul-
ler at Interlaken in September last, mis-
taking lain for :NI, Durnov.
42: Ow Interior vf IttISSia, was to -day sen-
teneee to four yeatee solitary eonfere-
1111111 :11t1 10 twenty s-eare' expitkion
ont he iNitiritl-v. e he prisoner eons•
plainest that she had been submitted to
the 16,:nost brutality by the examinine,
!nestle:rate mid the prieon wardens, who
uhen ceded to the witness stand were
linable to deny the charge.
FINED $6.25.
A Wintleor, Ont., despatch:
and John Kenton the Detroit Iivery-
10 who supplied heeks for Senator Cas -
grate s funeral. leive been) finml $6.25
raeh, fey violating the eity by.lawe
neteit torts:ifs earmagee being brought
int ) Window' for hire. The eomplaint
wae made by tht• lute'emenee 11111091,
Iborich it wile well understood that,
mith 4.1-ery hack the eity engagee, the
essi.isey etas etiii eorteitlerably short of
tire clemancl on that eeeesion. Suttoit &
Twee.. the uneertakers, who had charge
4 the /emend, paid the fines
Nea- Volt, April L-Chathee Remit.
isenetal manager of the postal telegraph
ren party, 24 to -day ag stating
tha his company has raised its WtteS
praeth.ally to the same basie as that re-
vert:Iv aniuninee by the Western rnion.
ri.e new rate nein into erfeet last
Light. _Xpril 14.
Mr. lericeir said. in :addition to an-
. 1 .,1114,.lipg the ineteeee, teat it Ni,815 vaus.
etaritoy by the 1111T4.81,41 4-04
Witt Bf
1th mvo. Aptil 1. eispeeieto.erhe To.
ileac that sir Vredeviek Ittoden has ean•
atrill;g1.111eIlltS tq, tO the COI.
r; 9.4681010114,1. inecotreet. He
-ad train Ilalitav on 4/411 ilth. goingity
1:.."mpie-:i of liriimft along '.i
The poeition of many of the claimants ;
has 1101 yet boon emitted, mid the Nit-
tinrel Trust company is at present aelt•
big 00 leeislaiion to enable the liquida-
tion of the York County Loan & Saw,
ewe, company to he prbeeeileil With more
exers; ;co 4•
***-4-4-feee++44-4, e-+++4++ 44-v,r-is+
Riddled With Bullets
Durand, T„ April 1. -Jim Wil -
Hams, a negro charged with coin»
mitting a criminal assault on Mlle
Minter, white, near Colbert, I. T.,
on Saturday afternoon, was lynch-
ed At Durand last night by a mob
of a thousand people.
Williams was hanged to An oil
derrick and his body riddled with
bullets. Deputy United States
marshals pleaded with the mob,
and threatened it with their re-
volvers, but to no avail. The girl
positively identified Williams.
Bill to be Shortly Presented to British
Lnodon, March al.-Iforace C. Ray-
ner, the young num who shot bliti kill-
ed William Whiteley, the well-known
merchant, on Jan. 24, and was sell-
teneed to be haltered, has been repriev-
ed, Mr. Gladstone, the Home i'leere•
tary, having advised the King to com-
mute the sentenee to pt•nal servitude
for life. The newspaper editorials thie
morning generally prove the action 04
necurately reflecting pnblie opinion.
although the ground of the Home Sec-
retary's decision is admittedly based
more an sentiment than law.
The opportunity is taken advantage
of to diseover phases of similarity be-
tween the Rayner and Thaw eitees. The
Sheriff of Hull is quoted. as saying:
"Thank God for a Thaw and a Ray-
ner, who are prepared to give thine
lives to rid the world of suell pests to
eoeiety as White and Whiteley."
The reprieve has raised the question
of the abolition of capital punishment,
it bill for which is expected to be
shortly presented to Parliament.
Lloyd's Weekly News suggests that
the numerous reprieves in recent years
promise the early abolition of eftpitak
punishment in this country.
Winnipeg, Aphil 1.---A statenint of
elaim wee filed yesterday afternoon
against P. H. afelewen, who is giving
performance!) here. MeEwen is
widely -known hypnotist and black not
entertainer. The plaintiff, J. W. Phil-
liepon. Is the guardian, duly appointed
by the Surrogate Court of :Manitoba, of
104 brother, O. E. Phillipeon, who is un-
der age, and brought Ude action in hie
eapstoty or guardian. Ire allege that
MeEwen has been wing the younger
Phillipson as a hypnotice .subject at his
performances, anti that he also exposed
the boy in a hypnotic trance on the
afternoon of Monday in the window of a
store at the corner of Portage avenue.
and Main street . The nevardian warned
McEwen not to use his brother, bur Me -
Ewen still used Min on _Monday night
and Tuesday. It is contended that Me -
Ewen hes injured the boy, both mentally
and pbyeieally, and an order of the court
was asked for restraining MeEwen from
using any hypnotic influence over the
hoy. This orderwas granted.
4 4.
Approaching Meeting of Monarchs Re-
ceived With High Approval.
Madrid, Marelt 3 I. -The approaehing
meeting of King Alfonso and Kites
Eilivatel, at Cartagena is creating- nuteE
eorentent. the eloee understandtne fm-
tween Spain mid Great Britain rrheing
the subject of general welter/tie. .\.
1131.1.414) it ie offieially aimouneed that
the meeting will not be a 11, politieal
eliaraeter, epeeulation it rife relative
to ite infhtenee on the political situa-
tion. Every Spanish war -ship
able will proceed to Cartagene meet
the British squadron of seventeen ves-
sele. aud gala. banquet for the °nieces
of both retennis has been arranged to
take place on hoard the Spatueli bat.
110011131 Dowager Queen
Christina, Premier Mania and the Por-
eign and 'Marine Minietere will totem -
pane. King Alionee to Cartagena,
Biarritz, Mareh 31. --King Edwara will
leave here on April ath for Toulon, and
he will leave that port the uext day, on
board the Royal yacht, for Cartagena,
whew be will meet, King Alfonso.
• • -• •
Detroit, 1110r., April 1.- Twenty -
fist, etams ago Douala. MeAribar and
Lookivond el'.' 11V111g 21 80111 11 Ly -
01)s, this Mid nem, engaged to be
inarriel Difforeneee arose bier Goan-
elai ma t 1 ere, and Mt -Arthur %tent to Can•
ash, u here be has sinee wedded, Reemdly.
he wturnea to south Lyone cm a visit.
when he looked. up hie 4)111 Bence, the
engagement wee reeumell, and yesterday
the temple were married and itrit VIM
epending their honeymoon at the Initleco
bottle, Roth are about sixty-five years
of me.
Terrible E*plosion in a Mint at brie-
Johannesburg, stortI sse.Vour white leen
end Rita ileum were last/mete klital and
three vomits emt eletemi tuttlece were le -
Owed Shh iht4A-Nfeted el:yeomen tare
night et eere erteee of denatulte at the Mel-
lemtele nitrite One of the white awn 'killed
wee an Atileriettrt mimed Williato
owlet). st a slate when
mete worker: were mustered eretntrd-
Ntilftid Tawnier and !lir. Ittoli.vim tore, to itotox Itork. A native targeted
"AM the drounIto, whieh explottel
Dines :-Upstsirs In Use ItokoskosAid
NIxht ealls answered. At sale*
T P. KENNEDY) wi„D., kt,c,rxo
ot Cho British 214.411s$ •
SPOial attention pd to Diaosaos
and children,
Omos Homo to pan. ; Itsollauss,
Physician and Surgeon..
Mlles with Da EldshakOi
D.1).00 I4DX.,
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Tow
nolyania College andl 1.Acentiats
Dental Surgery of Ontarig,
Mos Poe 91dess-WI1G$3A
Motley to loan at towestrates. Ogile•
7-96. WING MAX
Barristers, &Miters, at.
Mace : Meyer Mock Winghasa.
L. Mechem analoy tieback
Office :-/iflortoix Block Vilangtiona
Established Mk
Hod Ofilce GUELPII, Olet.
Risks talon an all chutes of laffereble Pola
party on the oseh or premium het* asters.
liusa GOLDtx, Cz, DOT:moat,
Proaldena. iteeretery.,
AGBN'T, WiNs3-111,21
Anyone sending a. sketch and deseription may
quiekiy ascertain our opinion free -Whether an
Invention Is probably patentabte, Conimuniea.
nous strictly comitiene el. HANDBOOK an lettents
sent free. okiest agency for securing vatents.
Patents taken tbrough Nunn & CV. receive
special notice, NLithout charge, la tbe
Scientific Jimericati,
A. handsomely illustrated weekly. eareeest.eir•
mention of Any scientific jA12111/21. Vereeve tt
year • four months, 91. SOldb", au newhdiaterg..
MUNN & Co SSIBroadway, New York
Branch Office. (02115' St., WashingtOh„ A. C.
Write for our interesting books "Inv,enie
or's Help" and "ROW you are sw1ndle,(1. '
Send us a rough sketch or model of yezir rte.
rendes) orimprovement and we willted
tree our opinion as to weather if ispm,
pateutabie. Rejected applitestionsfliake o12
been successfully prosecpted tsy nes i
conduct fully equipped offices us Alentreal
and Washington; thisqualifies us 1teiyielOte
ly dispatch work and quickly secure sleeves
as broed as the invention. Ilighest ref ienceli
Patent.; procured through Marion & hie-
riou receive special notice without chargein
04110 100 nevrspzipers distributed throughotit
the D. mizziou.
Specialty ;-Patent business of Manufac-
turers and lingineers.
‘ Patent Experts and Solicitors .
offices, f Kew York Lite EVItPet, Montreal
t A tinotic 131tig,Wasterattots D.C.
•••••••••••.e....... os..............•,.••............... o.,...., • ...........,
Try to Act the "Bold mid Free" Near
Cornwall, Mamie 31.-- On Friday after -
nowt thi•eo young men called at IL 31e -
Donald's lionee near the G. T. It, a
couple of miles; east of 00111W811. MTS.
MeD0lia1d was alone at tbo time and ilio
sayo that after being fed they returned
to the house and demanded money. Slit'
seNed au Ivo and keptthem et bay. Af-
ter she Welit islizide they lowed the door ja
and threatened her with revolvere, but
elle pluckily drove them out -with the
The smite eight It horse ana buggy
were stolen at Stammeretown, and es)
some of lite tentd brikeS MOM Parried
CCU by the flood the rig Wee tisiVell &Nen
the (4» a temple Or Milee till the
1l0re0 44193 ealiglit hi a enivert, where
along with the iniggy it wee found next
teller Stne.th. of Cornwall, suepeeied
three young men, and. tieting 00 his or-
der, Constable rren of rap»
lured them at River lleatultette. They
pee their trainee as Joe. Pavement. aged
erventeen ;veare: Wm. Pounden. age.1 eev
eutoen, and (itemete :efeteranahan, aged
eleteme all of Mmitreal, Each yarded a
loaded -revolver etel a lot of ;immune
um). 'rhos N‘ili 1,0 trim here fo-morrosr.
A Discouraged Irluashrtion, Tired of To-
ronto, Tries to liana Ilinisen,
beteuee he otthl tom ito more than ell
a Week alter :teeing been iale a year mut
ft 11310111 91148 1.1.1 etnIntry, Ede aril Lew ee,
4h0 mYears .ld, ried to end Itie selli'fe11'1by,ia714X141;1111t""Isl;1
ethe top a hie reef ill :1 Mutlia'ri
sti:lat1;;111.11-eit r* 01.4314
81* emu ter. Ili, 811111 poi e. Edward
4111184;i iiiiilltaiiiii;401;t11,111t4eiluvats 1,1.1-1,ist (Ls- aillv
Curree,::11116," 1 112 kitia. 1,4 3(11,11%./