The Wingham Advance, 1907-03-28, Page 7FIG OUT 0 1* TO KEEP THAW - THE MADHOUSE Delmas and Others Will Swear Ue is Quite COM" petent to Direct His All t134 Alienist:1 for the Def*j WW Offgr S;lintilar Affidavits.. ;New York, Monet 25.--T1ie Thaw trial. 'stands adjourned until Wedneeday next, as directed by Juntiee Fitzgerahl at the brief sessien of court yesterday, but by o'elock We afternoons in acc•ordance with the jueticees prior inetructions, vomited foe the defence must file atte -Jo elavitte end other evideuee controvertiag the affidavits sulnuittoe. D1etrict At- .torney jerome to the effect that the prisoner in of .1111450111111 Mind 1131(1 illi:0111- patent to consult hie litwyere, . - The defetwe le :acetify prepared with • this ovieenue and this attenuent ie will tilie with 0: elm le ol the ettuet, Mime; with the atfelavite, a letter uf •I'llaw's, Is/tiding Deeeein el. Delmas talze charge of his catte 14:11(1 follow suds a course as • Jte -demi; best in. presenting it to tire The defence coneolore this letter etrong proof that 1.7baw le capable of advising his lawyer:J. The enctunstancee under whieli the let- ter was written are said to hare been Ou these: t110 Sccona clay of the defence, which was shortly after lite trial began, • it almost broke down owing to the Ditrjct e- toiney Sarligo onelanght upon its Bret medical witness, Dr. Wiley. Dif- ferences ensued. among Tham"s lawyere, anti it was reported. at the .titee that, Delmas told "lbw that if the then e confused stato ot his defenee ti 1 )1 ,t would not be reAp031Sibie 101' the outcome of the trial. Upon. this Thaw wrote to "Mr. Deimos front the Tondo, inahieo Jilol hie loading trial itte•yer. Mr. Deletes • will accompany the letter to -day with • an affidavit by himself that hie client 12 lvo11 able to conenit ins counsel and that he has done so daily since the • trial be- gan. Messrs. liartridge, Gleason, Mcleike, lee:dee:1y Mel O'Reilly will submit :Muller flidevitn 'Oho last tuo u lit eet forth that Goy have mat Iasi& 'Thaw in the tenni; room (whey trial day„ and that they have sleeted him often in the ToMbs„ anti that on all oceallomi he has been capable of hinnies; sane judgments 113 LO the mended of his ease and in ex- preseing them. All the alieniets for the defence will offer alai:Lelia in kiud. One of them boo made ita examination of Thaw us a e as since hurt 1,17eduesday, and his eenclusione will be embodied in his affi- davits, Among the allenints" affieaVits will be 0110 by Dr. (leoege H. Side's, who has not; tcAtified ill tile ease, but has sat Whit .thaw during the trial. Further to streogtheu their contention that the prisoner is sane and competent, vounsel will file a series of notes and memoranda writteu by Thaw to them during Um rial. It has been. thought that some of Thaw's relatives would make affidavits:, but it was learned last night 01.4 they will not do eo. In 1114 attempt to show that These ie insane Distriet Attorney Jerome filed with his affidavits a number of letters written by Thaw to J. Denison Lyon, his ran set. in 1 ittsbuleg. Somo were NOM= prior to White's death and some subse- quent, from the Tombs. Theywere made public; last night through Assistant Dis- trict Attorney Gerrie, The letters are upecimebs of eorrespondence, being in the 11111111, disconeeeted sentences, with tier a few misspelled words, yet they apparently show an appreciation of the practmel matters of the life tho young Pittsburg man was leading before he was loeked up in the Tombs for shooting .14te and his plight when he was im- prisoned. The contention of Mr, Jerome 18, 110VICVer, that their incoherence and other characteristics Acne that the writer is not sane. WIDE OPEN SALOOS MAT P: A uVLfrf. rt -11€1: FWD, New York D-/latAstrate Who Pushed the Police Aside and Acted Himself. ow York, Meth 25.-A most sensa- tional series of raids upon alleged vio- lators of the exci4e haw was made early to -day umfer the personal direction of President Whitman, of the Board of City Magistrates. To accomplish his purpose le the inagistrate forcibly aeized the West •""` 47111 street station, in the :Tenderloin, temporarily deposed the sergeant in 'command, directed the arrest of several alleged violators of the excise law, and then held an impromptu session of court in the police station, Two men who Were found in charge of saloons where it is alleged liquor was being served after hours, were held in $2,500 for further hearing, and the magietrate declared that he would appear person- ally to press the charges against them when they are Arraigned, In the cours4 of the police come ses- sion Magistrate Whitman declared that the two men who were arrested told 111131 that they were permitted to keep their places open after hours becauee "the ratertain is fixed." Capt. Daly, who com- mends the 'West 47th street station, was at his home when Magistrate Whitman made his descent upon the station house, The captain was notified of the action, and called the magistrate on the tele- phone. "You fell Captain Daly that I won't talk with him, said Magistrate Whit - "Tell hurl I don't want to have senanything to do with Mine' After he had er completed his night's work Magistrate Whitman issued a etatement, in which he says: "I'm sick and tired of •this baeineee of . . seeing Fleenor& nrraigned in my mat, charged with violating the eeeise Jaw, by officers who say they saw nothing sold and saw no one in the plitec. I'm sick and tired of the whole business, andlen going to smash it or go ou1 of bueiness, I've got the goode. I tasted the liquor they sold me; one man told Inc he owned the precinct, aud another that the cap• taitt was fixed. "1 wits out bite hist evening, having been playing whist with a number of fiends, and was walking down Sixth avenue, when at 4911t street and etxth avenue I saw a saloon wide open. I went inside, where e saw five or six pere.ons. I asked the barkeeper for Whiskey, which he eerved to me withoot question. "I. iteked the barkeeper if it was not rather late to be doing bueinees after hours. lie replied that it was all right. A mon whom I took to lie the propri- etor stood beside the barkeeper and he said: 'We own this precinet."That's interesting," 1 said, and I tasted the whiskey. I paid twenty-five cents and ten cents Wa8 returned to Inc. "How do you do 112' I then asked, arid the man behin11 the bar replied that the leave ran all night, 'When T wene outside I noticed a pecin clothes man standing a few doors aivoy watehing a. suspected •place, and, grew to Mtn I risked why he did not mid tbe sateen. Ile replied that be 11.115 Under in....4111(110ns 001 to do so. I told hint the plate! wee not- a hotel; net I 11>01 jest myeelf bought a, drink in the J)1;10)', bet his only reply was tied he was neder instructions not to interfere. 1 esked him to what preciact he was at- tacbed tied then waltzed -in. All this happened about 1.35 o'clock. I took out my watelt treveral times. "1 then walked toward the station honec, and at 471h street and Eith avenue --this was about I.40-1 found auother saloon wide open, I walked into the phtee mei asked for whiskey. It was placed before me without the slightest ques- tion. At the time 0 man whom I took te be the proprietor stood beside the bart ender, " 'How do you do it?' 1 tucked him and his allSWer was, 'We ore fixed with the captain. Yon motet be a stranger in .New York.' "I thee went to the station house, dIr- 41.1.1.q1 1110 arrest ane -convened court. "1 am :mime to smaell this Oleg or go ont of besieees. I don't want eensational- itshi:4 I (100°1 want notoriety, but I feet something ncust be done and as p10. 3)410111 of thee 'Want of city megiserates I feel it is op to Inc." BURN 'YOUR ASHES; .SAV E 'YOUR COAL PLENTY OF /rEAT IN YOTIR BACK- YARD HEAP. 4n Altoona Man, After Twenty V'ears' Experimenting,' Claims to Have . Discovered Compound Which Will Produce Ileat Prom Mineral Portion of Coal and Wood, Alfooutt, PM, March 25. sitting at his bench eking out 5 living: will: hammer mid awl, John Ellmore, a cob- bler of this city, for twenty years Into - boort revolving in his brain e problem that he hos finally solved to his own satisfaction, and that apparently is destined to revolutionize the question of proditeeitig heat. Mutat: says he has dificoeered a method of making ashes burn, and a practical demonstration ham convinced former sceptic& Mimeo not only =keg ashes burn and produce Ieat;, hot he produces considerably mere heat from a given quantity of mime than tan be obtained from the Ramo turientnt ef pure bituminous or anthra- cite coal At tho plant 'of the Citi- zens' Ilketrie Compituy he yesterday was elicited one of ten boilers, and with three bushels of toshes he produced Snore heat thitu was obtained from the othet This demonstration was 01 witnessed by several hundred per- WM& =morei caretvilly guarding Ms 114 scent, and has applied for patent at rights. Hie proem ie very oimpie. takes ten puts of ashes to one pore so e cetil and over Oh eptinklee a entail n quantity of a compound which eausee the combustion, No says that for 25 mite sufficimit of title -compound, can be prepared to last an ordinary family one muter, with a coal constunption of less than one ton. In his shop be ime used less than half a ton of octal this winter, tout he declares that a ton will latet him two years. When he opened the doors of the boil- er in which his eompoond wits burning, yesterday speetatoni gazed upon a fire that glowed brilliantly and had a bluish tinge. A lump of coal was surromuled ley ashes and the ashes &eyed like a bed of burning anthracite. There waa apparently no diminution in the amount of heat during the several hours that the demonstration eontinued. Ellmore says his discovery was. not an accident. Iis father before him had eonceivetthe possibility of obtaining heat from ashes, but lout not lived to demonetrate it. The younger Ellinore has beenexperie meeting for more than twenty years, and it wris about eight months ago that be finally obtained the right 8011111011. Before' giving his seeret to the world Ellmore demonstrated time and again its practicability, and was satisfiee aftm, he had made less 111511 ft half ton of eon' prodtwo mere heat than he 1ere- Lotor hpd obtoined from ten fir fifteen tons of coal that he held probably the greatest discovery that has been made 131 a century. ARMY FALL PASSED After Continuous Session Of .Almost 27 1101118. Louden. :1151'elz 25. --After a continu- ous session of about twenty-seven >um ill., House of Commons to -day Lintel the army bill and rake at 13.35 le. The ineviettee wee not it code!, ere) '• 1111A:(1 the Oppmdtloti to obstreet 10 Government businees. )Ineurance Man'. Advice to C10110411d Clergymen, GET PRESS AGENT, New York, Mardi 24, ----The Telegraph has received the following despatch from Cleveland: ''There can be no doubt that wero Paul the Apostle alive to -day he would nee every proper means of publicity, as he did in his own day, and '3 0)11(1 not only employ a press agent, but would run display advertisemente." day's meeting the mon will ask the Sueli W11.8 the statement made to -day Mr. Romaine hlosier says he has dis- Grand Trunk Railway to give them a, by Wilbur G, Warner in 031 address to covered anthracite eoal near EInoston. 'decisive answer AS to All 1411 round in- crease, and in the event of a refusal I ' . 1} MACHINISTS' DEMANDS. --,...„ iGranil Trunk and Other Men 1Vent All - Round Increate. Montreal, Mardi 23. -For sonue little time there has been 41. feeling -of unrest in labor cireles, especially' among the machinists, and last Pight it Nva.0 AU - CANADIAN. mama(' that AS 4 real,* of Wettlemi- NEWS IN BRIEF the ministers of Cleveland. Warner The Canadian Niagara Power Com nv e to answer oue wey 01' the other a strike formerly waa 0, preacher, but now Is in has been permitted to increase its bouillon be ono. eliarge of the Ohie office of a, lam: iseue front 1e13 000 000 to tele 000 000 insuranee eornpany. ire urged the min. , , 18ters to advertise, mooli alter the man, !Lite C oefecleretion Life Anoiciation is ,Firet Vice -President of the international tier that theatres do. to put up a 111200.000 building at the cor- ASSOciatiOn of Madinists, has been In "There were no printing presses in npr of Queen and Victoria streets, Worm).- ,the city for some days 4114 41e8 had time of our Levier ministry but Ile to, personal vhar e of the ti t • , 1 Mr, P. 3. • Conlon, of Witellingi,0111 used 1130 means at hand in spreading the theme of the new teaehing by miracles. The Apostle Atha wrote everyWhere vertisirig, the blessings; of Gimlet Ife Used the Manual methoi." RAD CUT Off. TERRIBLE DEATH OF FOUR -YEA OLD RONALD YOUNG. in bed at a Wiunipeg boarding. house, the oitY," Nothiug ite preeent ist known of Ine rela- disetoti the purchase of the street rail Way' will meet President Everett William Bond, -aged GO, was found •dead. there will be serious labor troubles in t°1411t. t° "(Mless. there ia- a, change of heart on :the pare of some of the large 'ent lo qe 13 of labor within the next day or so, ing for the men, Mr. Conlon etudi- twoot the znen and the company. Speak- -n-1one.-- The Loadon„ Oat., Mumma Committeo tives. The Department of Marine and Fish: ^DEATH SENTENCE. .R- eries will put a now steamer on the 'great lake this year to patrol the buoys land other ietvigation morks, RAYNOR TO HE HANGED FOR MR. WIIITgLY'S IYIURDER. be! Max Swereda, it Galician of rather ball els dvi'lltet sees, at Webinipeg, him yeare 'psefnt to the . Prisoner No Relation to Murdered Man eniontiory for or stealing Inase and metal front the C. P. R. yards, -Raynor Said to be a Degenerate-- Caused by Over Indulgence and The Exc.:lair() of the Canadian Maim- facturers' Acesoclation opposes auy leght- 011 lation to prevent boys of 14 and 10 years Drink. of age from working more than deed hours a day, "Ole Mamma, Mamma," the Little 0 Cried, as He Rolled Beneath Whe of Street Car-iNlotorman Did N Sce Him oar Fender, Toronto despatch: Carried along the fender of a. .0overcourt car, sod bound, on Dovereourt roed, Rona Yong, the little four-year-old son of A ld 1- fred houeg, of 1,037 Dovereourt roa W5'3 seen to fall beneath the wheela the ear, his head and one men bait completely severed from the body ax his chest crushed in. Bo died instant) This dreadful tragedy, which oceurr just north of Hellion street, on Dove eourt road, at 3.20 yesterday afternoo wits witnessed oy several horror-strieke onlookers. Accordleg to their story, U ehild was picked up by the fender of cm: evhile howag endeavoring to cro. the traeks, mot was lying safely in ti feeder. 'The Car, however, ran tult eixty yards before it -10115 stopped, a though it was goieg at only a very rno crate rail). Police Sergeant Batton, o No. 7 divieion, was standing, in the vest bule of the ear with the motorman a the tune. The particular point the Col mum will have to investigate is why 11 Car Was allowed to run the distance did with the child, on the fender. • Mr. Thoinne efeliabo-n, of 1,034 Dome court road, -was lathiuge on the south sed of a home on the west sine of the etree about 135 feet north of Hallam state Ilie three eons were with him, . two o them working, the youngest was sietin on the end. of the scaffolding wettchie the ear passe Suddenly, he cried on Loneon, Mundt 25. -Horace George Raynor 1008 arraigne(1 in the Centre]. Rev. Jeele admen has tendered hie Criminal Court to -day, eharged with Inc .a, resignation as pastor of Dovercourt Rood wilful murder ef \Neil. Whitely, the dry ee Baptist Mad); Toronto, to bo appoiuted goods euvrehante of Westbourn Grove, on Associate Field Secretary of the Upper! anode, lithle Society. Jan. 24. The general interese taken in jas. Robertson, a svell Oilmen farmer, the ease was evidmiced by the crowded of Cornwall Centre, was killed on Wed.. teourt room, many yomen.being amo,ng, nesday afternoon white assisting in the 3 hose meeent. lu his opening statement moving ot a buildiitg at William Robert- !ehunsel ,for ,the prolocution, whose asser- sores, Eamer's Corners. ; hone 11 C 1 0 tante( qucntly corroborated on the witness stancl by Louisa Turner, who Oliver Mason, a prominent, farmer horse-deo/or, aged fifty-two, 531(1 i lived under Mr. Whitely's protection, die - 1,A .H0Pee I posed of the fiction that Raynor was an town, near Charlottetown, found dead in it field near h perished in Wednesday mght's Mom.: behalf of the . P. l'e le 11.'1,8 ; illesetimate son of Um Man 1la killed. 18 •ho'”°' ij° I The rest of the evidence preeented in proeoeution was Inerelee, a Fire that started in the Canada Tag & 'repetition of the Police Court teetimony Label Company's prennees, Notre Dame ) eetteseeng the murder. street, Montreal, did $100,000 damage. 1 Geo. Elliot, counsel for Raynor, in. his Firemen Bernier fell seventy feet clown opening speech for the defeece, said it the elevator shaft, but escaped with a . was not ' t f h' 111 1 to t- tow brinsee, the prisoner was a smi of the late e- 30 Sir John Boyd, Chancellor of the Whitely. Raynoie rightly or wrong3>1 ly b 11 Oharicery division of the Nigh (bort /roved lte was lus son and counsel eve of Ontario, iota Lady Boyd, who bare going to show that Raynor was insane '- been ou a pleasure trip in Mexico and la the legal sense that ho 1058 a deg= one or two of the southern States have erate whose mind was tainted, dofeetiv t 'returned to Toronto. aud weakened by the ever indulgence o te 1 The statement of the assets and Habil- two generations of bis family in chine jury, after being absent nine min es of the Fielding Chemical Company, The g Guelph, which is in liquidation at Guelph, are; reburned a verdict of wilfttl mite " shows assets, not of $0,000, as stated. der, and Raynor was sentenced to death "Ob, father, father! Look at the lit tl; but of $17,000, according to the stock At Winnipeg Barbara Cox, one of the I " - • L., • O women of the under world. made a, des- perate attempt to commit euiciee last, 'ROUMANIAN TOWNS DESTROYED- evenin4 by throwiug herself in front of> PEOPLE FLEE FOR SAFETY. a train. Later she went to her roomnd. a' attempted to drink carbolic, acid, but the man with ber prevented this. An at- 1 Vienna, Mardi 25. -According to the tempt at suicide was also made by Ili-, trews received to -day in Bficht-Peet, Moe. ram 11Ioitl1. 8. young meehinis o , dame, the peasant movement iu Rote been wintering front melancholia. )mania is spreading, The town of Done At Portage la Prairie in the Asnize , .ton has teen sacked and burned by the Court the Grand Jury roturned true bills . against Wilson Lyle for murder and • peasants. The inhabitants were com- against Prytella for arson. The case of 'wiled to flee for their lives. net Cueu- Lyle was the first taken. He is charged teni, where many Iluugarians live, a with the murder of Jas. Alexander at fight mimed between the Hungarians Tenby on February 113111 last, and plead- and Roumanian inhabitants. Four Win- ed not guilty. The evidence was all take !garians are reported killed and thirty en. The prisoner is believed to be ineane. !wounded, The Canadian Pacific Railway cow. hdourteen peasants were killed in a col- pany's telegraph. will reduce the rates heron with troops at BeIgestie, while in oleokshanu the people are in revolt 'from the following places, commencing .April 1: Sturgeon Falls, Gaelic Bay, leer. against the authorities,. the village of entice (('113 destroyed by ner, Warren. Markstay, Witnapitae, .Romford, Stu'lbury and Copper Cliff. Tim 3>181>11(1)3 3.13>10(2. Ube fate of tho inhabit - rates will be changed. frone 50 cents for ante is not known. .ten words ancl three .eents for each me. •ditionaI word to 25 cents for ten words and one cent for each additional word. tle boy on the fender!" The father looked and saw little Ron ald lying, safely, as he thought, on th fender as the ear was just passing out o sight. A Mrs, William H. Churchill, of 142 Hallam street, was in her batik yard, when, glancing over the fame), she obe eervea the boy on the fender, and the motorman toning the brake handle a though to stop at the corner. Suddenly the child seemed to clueeh at something by -which to held, but apparently missed and with a wail of "Oh, mamma, Main ma." rolled under the front wheel. It is said the motorman did not see the child fall on the fender. sheets of the company. 4! • ff. A TERRIFIC IND/CTMENT. Cheap Labor and Bridge Whist Parties, Idanoonver, March 25. -Claiming that investmanon ieto the labor market shows the .supply of labor in the Pro- vince equal to the demand; thee society women 10130 want the .Cleinese poll tax reduced want; it so thae they may have more time to enjoy bridge whist parties, pink teae and other unproduc- tive frivolities; that the imporeation of eltettp workmen is designed to chesipen labor and save employers from the necessity of raising wages to a five° in keeping with the advance0 east of liv- ing, that: the Provincial Government is controlled by employers, and that the importation of cheap labor w111 cause in- dustrial troubles and ,an exodue of Can- adian workmen, the trades and Labor Council paenecl a series of tesolutIons condemning the Provincial Governinent'e immigration policy. Copies were sent to Premier' Laurier and the Premier of each Province. MISSING° ARTIST. SEARCH BEING MADE FOR DR. BECKER, OF GERMANY.. New York, Marelt 25. --The friends in thie country and in (termany of Dr. Albreche 13ecker, a well-known painter and a former lieuatuant in the German army, who has been missieg for some menthe, have enlistea the aid of the Ameriean police in their search for 131111. Mr, 17. 0. Voelekerling, of Dresden, a Heed of 01;3 nuesing artiste Is nOXV 311 this county to personally oversee and take charge of the seareh for the ease - mg >1(1111 3fv Voelekerling will make his headmiartere at the (terman 00318(1)- 1 11 Chicago, where any communica- tione which ma7. lead to the tracing of 'Mr. Becker cen be •fteldressed, THE IRISH PARTY • TO AVOID PRICTION, O'BRIEN WILL STAY OUT OP PARLIAMENT. ••••61,....01•14. London, March 2V5. --W111. O'llrien, Nn - 111)01111141 member of the House of .Com - 1110118. for Cork, has announced his inten- tion, of absenting himself from the; present session of Parliament in order to 1 nreid furtluo. friction with the Irish i party. evhigh has now virtually aecepted 1 the clevernmenCe proposals- for Irish ; 1(131211111011.Thee there ie ito longer any 3110>10114 divergence, ?fr. O'llriett ex- plains, between himself and the, patty. It 134 melee:too() further that Mr. O'Brien and his 'Mende have decided to drop all pending 'Rigel -Aim svith the fol- towere of joint E. 'Redmond. • itr - EARTHQUAKE AT KINGSTON. _- People Agein Plime.strreiceit dna D4111. aged Walls Thrown Down. 'Kingston, Ja... Mart+ 1.13.-A. violent earthquake shot* °Named here at 0.40 018 evening. The people were pauiid !oriel:en. A nuntber of damaged 111 the prosiou:i quakes were thrown down. 1 -lo far as known nobody was I lent. The tourists on the steamship ; 1'!U('(131'1' last twee4 the experienee, 3(44 she gaited shortly before the shock Watt felt, A SMART GIRL. .Bert 'Windsor, twenty-two years 0144 1 a boxmaker employed by the Firetbrook 'FOR THE THIRD TIME WINS TYPE- ' Box Company, Toronee, Ivan - -arrested I WRITING CHANIPIONSHIP. last night charged. with bigamy, on a t waloant sworn out by Lydia Cattle, the •elleged fieie wife, who lives with her Chicago, Moreh 25. -Miss Rose L. father, Robert 0. Cattle, at 32 Oornwall entz, two tones serener of the chano street. Some time in January or rano 'ary Whole -or 10 said to have married pionship typewriting contest, at the .Annie Woodward, the twenty -year-old Coliseum last night won the champion - daughter of George Woodward, a earpen- ship for the third time, whming per - ter, giving -at 500 Jones avenue. manently the silver cup offered and iBRITISH- AND FOREIGN breaking the world's record for copying dictation from shorthand notes. The John Alexander Dowie's, will names 'record she established -last night was 2,445 words in 30 minutes. This is 200 ;General ;John A. Lewis 08 his successor words better than her last record which Ito the apostichip. was mole a year ago at the contest 1 It is regarded as certain that a world's held at Madison Square Garden, New fair will be held in Berlin in 1913. The 3 York. movemene is supported by leading men - chants and influential politicians. 1 Charles Miller, a retired broker, emu- mittecl suicide at his 1101110 in Brooklyn yesterday by shooting. He retired from nbr jilleiaealths 'bout a, year ago on account of i joshnit Haerison was yesterday at Eli- zabeth City, N. C., sentenced to twenty years' imprisonment for the kidnappitig and murder of 'Kenneth Beaeley two yenrs ago. The boy was it eon of State Senator Beasley. The property of tho Chicago Termite al Railway will be sold at Oublie nue- ion on ltlay 3 by Henry 117. Wolin spec- ial Master in Chancery, appointed by the United States Cireuit Court. The upset price is fixed at 115,000,000. !I he Commonwealth Government has deified to introduce next; seeeion a bill eeteblishing penny postage theoughout Auseredia mid with 'all parts of the ein- pire. mid all eontitries tvhiell will (10111 er ponny letters front Australia. The atrike of thoemployees of the Republic Iron & Steel Companv and of the 111101 -State Steel 'Company et least Chicago has boon- settled by the agree- ment of the 11ee33 to aceept a ton per cent. increase in wages. All have returned t°1.47ttirkle' 1ite in Paris have lost (me of the most celebrated and generally sought speetarles of the city, ileneeforth the morgue will he vlosed to all visitors who are enable to satisfy the registrar that they ecene for the purpose of trying to 'Pr • 27 b In reply to a questint asked in the imperial Moist! of Commons, yesterday, Alm WI. Ituniciman, Parliamentary semi- taty of the Local Government Board, aahl that the (40111111111C8lt bad in formed the United States that Great 11i- tain was willing to participate in either o coeferenee or a eommieeion eespecting the opinnt traffic in testern Fear that the income tax -bill will be passee is driving toteigners who have big income (3031 V('(3 100311 tibrotot Ina Ot P1 013Ce. Tiro Parliamentary Commission taving the nueismo in hand him adopt- ed. MI 0111010311O11 1 fixing a tax on for- eign re OdenO4 nnt engaged in bnsinees in hone* at the uniform rate of ten pee tent. 4)13 the MA180 or lodgings they oc- eepy. MURDEROUS NATAL NATIVES. Thirteen Africans on Trial for Killing of Englishman. London, Mardi 25. -The Mail and Empire's vorrespondent .itt Durban, Natal, telegraphs that thirteen natives aro on trial for an atrociously brutal murder. It appeal 111:11 during the rebellion a imin named Stele aroused the spe- cial tactility of the natives:. One dav he esae (based while bicycling,. He man - need to elele his pursuers for a tune, Li 111 Ivegte they found him Wing in a hen!. Teces 1111,11 flayed hie feet and left him 1c1 tie timely fer the legit. In the meneirg they mutilated him further anti then killed. 111111. • POPE THANKS EMPEROR. Grateful to ?rands Joseph for Securing A1d11008 Seized in France. Vienna, March t?5,-T11e Pope has written to Emperor Francis ,loseph thanking him for his assistance, in, ob- taining t he archives of the Paris >Immature, which had been seized by the French Revernment, The Emperor, in reply, expressed his ploastwe in ren - doting a service in his Holiness, The Pope lets conferree doeorations on Baron von Aehreethal, Austrian Minister of Ferrety skffairs, and Count von lelteventheellu, Anstricm Ambassa- dor 113 PralleP. ITC also sent hie auto - gamine' portrait to Baron von Aohren- rAMILY PROZEN TO DEATH, John. Comeau TrieilW Move Them, But Got Lost in Storm. Itallnirst, IL, March. 25.- -On Wed- nesday afteructote during it heavy gale, the roof and the upper portion of john Comeati's house was blown down. The family had to 101100 the 13033340. Camettu took one child to the neatest, lontee, e (plotter of a utile distant, and was rottIrning, foe the test of the fem. ily when he got lost in the etorin. 1Z:etching 'the hone() the following; morning, in a veto •exletneted state, he found hie 'wife .tuld three .ehildren in the suove, froten to death, MUD NOBLEMAN WHO STOLE IlJS Wiff. Sent Five Bullets Into the IsvianIs Body in a Nevada Restaurant. Goldfield, Nev., efereli presence of 200 diners in the Ajax taurant, the "Rat Mite" of Goldfi sichere wipe was flowing frely everybody was in the beet of spit X. 0, Hines to -lay fired five bullets i the body of Count Constantine I. the 1 Early in the evening •Count roahod^ um. 'ski and the woman who attractive, . lettered the itift1i: an'd eccupie4 a table eid, , at the. rear of the roora. Ile Aeomod flu" to be in the beet of spirits and elm twined, to share thcm. Few in the big room noted the quiek but guiet entrance of 4 wiry little ernoaunn,re tiegt.walleed directly to the Nive.pistol shots rang out in rapid suocesmon, Count Porfluelski, with five bullets in his body, elid from his chair to the floor, dead. The woman fell fainting beehle him. Instantly the room woe a seem of 10114 eonfueleu. Those nearest the doors overturned tables in thole. rush to escape. Faeing the crowd, :trines, holding his empty revolver aloft, made it mute appeal for quiet, Then. with- out a trace of bravado 01011:xturlat:etaitym. ht Ms yoke) ex.plained Count 14dliodskt, a Rosoicut Pole, was the son of Princess Radgrill. He was a, former Governor of a Siberian province and was known to have been absolutely. fearless. (loth men were formerly No' me, whore Hines Icept .saloon. Podhodski had been in the employ of Maj. French, the mine oper- atm:, formerly of Nome. Podhodski's father Ws formerly Russian ambassador at London. hecum, or Poland, killing bine instan 'With the Count wee Hines' wife, the husband, after aeeing that his tim was deael, turned to the liar stricken. guests end said: "Icedies and gentIoneme I want say this men betrayed a woman. T wonean is my wife. He ruined life, and now 1 ant prepared to s the penalty for ealying the dog." Then he walked from tlio room the bar where he awaited the arri of an offices. and half an heur Ju was loelced ht jail. Hines' vengeance came after t years of relentless peewit, of the 111 130 claimed 'wrecked his home. He se he had traced the couple more th 7,000 miles, from New York to Nom and back to New York, where he pass the winter. Two weeks ago ho learn they 1,170r0 in Goldfield. He reached he just a week ago. nto tly. and ole- 001'- to 3117 1117 to val ter an 3131) an 75 0, e 4 ed re A.O.U.W. NEW OFFICERS GRAND LODGE ELECTION CLOSED ANNUA.I, SESSION. Few Changes in the Constitution this Year -Decided That Toronto Should be the Next Place of Meeting Organization Question Left Over. , ,...,....=•••••••••••011 MAY STOP THE WAR. UNITED STATES LANDS MARINES AT HONDURAN PORTS. Wetshington, March 2L-13Itiejackets aud marines have been landed from the - United. States gunboat, Marietta at Tru- jillo and Ceiba, and probably at Puerto Cortez, Honduras, to protect American interests in these ports. Connnancler Fullanes action is regarded here. as a diplomatie move that will prevent any international complications growing out of the pollee of the United' States not to permit European demonstrations in :Settle' American or South -enteric= 15 me/Lem. Joint intervention by Mexico . t end the 'United States in the war which o threatened to involve all Central Amer - 3" lea is now regarded as probable by dip- lomatists. , Tleree Days' Battle. ' Managua, Nicaragua, Marcel 25.-A despatch received here from the front at 10.03 p. 111yesterday said: The Hon - 12 (loran ail Salvadorean army, numbering - over 5,000 men in all, attacked the 1 Nicaraguan positions at Portillos de 0 Namasque, and after three days and s two nights of fierce fighting the Hon - 4120111)8 and Salvadoreans were complete- ly defeated, leaving hundreds of dead ▪ and wounled on the battle field. The Nicaraguans also captured many prison- ers, among them being several high - officers, over 2,000 rifles, and a great luantity of all kinds of war munitions. • The Nicaraguans lost many men • 'rounded and had it few killed. Toronto despatch: The Grand Lodge of the Ancient Order oe United Work- men concluded. ite 802810110 in tile Temple huilding yesterday afternoou. The elm - Lion of offieers was; the prineipal Inor- aess tritusatted during the clay. It 'vi decided to have Toronto ice the nex place of meeting. Fewer ehanges wer ;Dade in the constitution during tide se eeon than at any meeting for two deo mime Past Grand Master 3. 13. Nixoe installed the Grand officers and. Grano 03,111titile.r Cameron. addressed the district officers. The matter of organization, svas dieeuased, rests with the Exe- 11 was proposed to increase thepc, capita tax to 05 cents per half-year, ia etead of 00 emits. At present an ann.: income of 311 0,000 a year is obtained, bu Wenn) is neeessary in the mind* of som of the delegates to carry on the work o organization, This propoeal was defeated, as it wa necessary to get a two-thirds majority carry the motion, Another propose was to give a bontis of $5 for each eau dictate brought into the order, but the met with a isimitar fate to the others. Tho vclection of officere ra esulted fol Past Grand Master Workman, Ala. M. Peregrine, Hamilton.; Graud Mao ter 'Workman, Charles es, Cameron, fro quois; Wand lememan, S. 13. --Morrie Rodney; Grand Overseer, Major J. .1 Craig. M. P. P., Fergus; Graud Record- er, M. D, Carder, Torouto ; Gram treasurer, bred. G. Inwood, Toronto; Grand Solicitor, A. G. he Lowrence, Toronto; Grand Medical Examiner, J. Milton Cotton, M. D., Toronto; Grand Guide, Wm. C. Mtkel, Grand Inside- Watehman, W. W. Bur- gess; Past Orand Mester Workmen, Lieut. -Colonel 'AL D. Deeveon, London; !le. W. Porter, Detroit, efiche M. 1). Carder Toronto; John Milne, London; le 0. 'Inwood, 'Toronto; Judge 11. F. MacWatt, Sarnia; Thomas C. Irving, Toronto; James Rushton, Ridgetown; Hon. Geo. P. Graham, M. P. P. Brock. - District Deputy Grand Masters, John Watsoe, Dresden; George McAuley, Mapleton; James Armitage, London; Geo, P. Hume, Ingersoll; Wni. Gatten- by, Hamilton; R. L. ehriner, Thor- old; E. C. Moves, Galt; Harry Morris, Loyal; J. A. Chapman, Port Elgin; John Rutherford, ()well Sound; Jas. Hood, Esquesing; William Tooze, Toronto; Henry Fielter, Concord; T. 'McKnight. Cookstown; George Brown, Saintfield; J. J. Turner, Peterboro; Alex. Moore, Plainfield; It. W. Longinore, Camden East; J. T. Quinn, Addison; 'Wm. Clark, Cardinal; E. le. Drake, Ottawa; P. 0. Mc- Gregor, Almonte; Fred. Sanders, Brace - bridge; A. McGregor, Schreiber; T. A. Kinsella, North Bay. Representative to Olamitoba Grand Lodge, P. G. M. W. F. G. Inwood; Grand Trusteee, Timms Ri- ley and 3. Lockie Wilson, Toronto; j. Mclewing, Dreyton. Other me niters of the Ex:real-en elected yesterday morning were: Past Grand Masters Lieut. -Col. el. D. Dawson, of London; E. W. Porter, of Detroit; M. 11, Carder, of Toeontcn John 'Milne, of Lon - Jon ; F. 0. 'Emend, of Toronto; Judge D. MacWatt, of Sarnia; T. ('. of Toronto; dames Rushton, of Ridgetown: Hon. G. le (frahem, of Broekville; Capt. T. M. (703.31011, Gananoque; and 30301311 Gibson, Ingersoll. M0Stilli. T. A. Hast- ings, of 1 (mato, ancl oseph Ross, of Hamilton, were elected on the Executive for two oat: 4. 431 - C. P. R. NEW LINES • • . NEARLY TWELVE HUNDRED MILES NOW UNDER CONTRACT. Zirectors Confirm the Contracts-Dou- ble-TracIdng Probramme-One New Stretch From Kirkeila, Man., to Wetaskiwin, Alberta. IN ENGLAND NOW. . - PORTSMOUTH pOL/CE BELIEVE THEY HAVE MARVIN BOY, Washington, Marelt 25. --Third Assist- ant Secretary of State Wilson to -night rechived 1.3 cahlogram from the Ameriean 'consul ot Portsmouth, Englaud, saying that the authorities there have to boy who 111181rorS the description of the kith monied 'Marvin law, for whom a, general eleareh is being Made. 13LAiviEs THE OTHER MAN, Note Left by Mrs, Steinberg, the Alix, Alberta Suicide. Ali, Alta,. Mend' "23.. -An inquest was held toelay en the body of Aire, seteinberge e Gorman settlee's wife, who shot het sc,If 011 1110 Imuteelead northeeet of Stettler few daya ago. A verdict of suicide wee Monied. A note lolt by her, statieg "Whelan ie 0033>033 4(111' for nty death," tehl a eorrowfttl toe, that bong; the name ef the num weft had come between her and her intsband's love. Montreal, March 25. -The chief busi- nese transacted at the last nientilly meeting of the Board of Directors of the Comedian Paelfic Railway was the con- firmation of the oontraets given out for the building of new lines during the pre- sent year. There will be no less than 1.,402 miles under construction, of which 531 will be double-traeking from Win- nipeg to Vert 'William and from St. Aune's Que., to Smith's Falls, The big - get bit of absolutely new teritory through -which the C. P. It. will pass is the US -mile stretch which will com- plete the through connection between the Calgary & Edmonton line at eWt- -askiwin, Alberta, and the main line at Kirkella, Man. • *es AFTER THE BACHELORS. Every Man Between 25 and es Has to Marty or Pay a int. Chicago, Ill., March 25.-A despatch from Fort Dodge, Ift„ says: "Every man in Fort Dodge betweeit the ages of 25 and 45 must become a marrie(1 mane as the result .of an ortlin- anee introducee by Mayor Bennett and passed by the City Council yesterday, Anyone failing to comply with the law will be fined. "The ordinneme in part provides: "That all able-bodied men between the ages of 25 end 45 yeael, whose mental, physii- eal propensities and capabilities aro normal, and who are not now married, shall be required to obtain a license end bride, elle straightway be exalted to a sten.) of connubial Wine "Any person or persons failing to cent - ply with the proviaions of this ordin- ance shall lie fined a sum tot len than. *10 nor more than $100, according to the degree of criminal negligence.'" - es. •-• • - WOMAN'S ACCUSATION. ,Tury Hours Slander Suit, Which judge Withdrew. Belleville despatch: Before, Hon. Jus- tice McMahon at tho Spring Assizes be - Poo held. 111110, ;Mabel Bonter. 0. 7011114 lady of Trenton, aCCUsed Mrs. Charles RicHardson, of the same place of slander,: ellegins: !het the ilefeudant circulated a story that elm intended to elope with the defendaet's husband. The latter is head bookkeeper for the Gilmour -Com- pane" at Trenton, and the plaintiff was entitle:: el there :as stenographer. hliee Bolder and efr. Illebarthent had oceasieu to go to Trenton Station to 11118,i -11 Niiss Prior, when Mts. Richardson malt el on the memo, aml &weasel 'Anse Peeitor of 'Aping with her hushand. Not limo after elise Rueter was dismissed from her tuipicryineut. and as it MAUR 111>. ,1411it 1)rolight, the plaintiff allege, iter that ber dismissal 11>118 4110 to "AirS. 1..!, ner1031. After the plaiutitle3 witneeeto were lamol, 'Mr. Justice McMahon withdreW tho ense from the jury and dismissed it, With coste.