HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-03-21, Page 7SUEVIC STRUCK
The Vint Baby 001:a 4. bi
Saskatoon, Sask., Marelt 17.-A. baby
0NBRANDits RocK (baolytiwkeitsaellotlationaanti itign elraprtialcoupitt
Had Nearly Six Hundred Passengers on Board
and Will he a Total Wreck,
All the Passengers, Including 160 Children, Were
Rescued -Crew Still Aboard.
London, WIerelt. 18.-1)etails received
thie mowing of the disaster to the White
Ster line steamer, Suevie, homeward
bound, tem Sydney, N. S. We by way
of Cape Town, with neerly 600 passeng-
r ere and, crew on boerd, show that she
-struck the 13randiert rocks, close meter
the Lizard Lighthourse, at about 10,30
lase night and will probably be a total
wreck, Life boats aml tugs from the
Lizard. and Fallmouth soon reached the
Beene and together with the SueviCe
own boats, commenced iandieg paseeng-
ers. The women and children were first
sent ashore, There were no fewer than
160 children on board, many of them
being babies in arms whom the local
fishermen and their wives lifted out of
the boats end carried through the surf
to nearby eottages.
A fresh wind, rough sea and fog ham-
pered early landing operations, but the
fog lifted about 7 in the morning, and
from thence forward boats loaded with
passengers were sent ashore in quick
I3y 1 p.m., all the passengers had been
landed, but the crew were still stand.
ing by the wreck.
The North German Lloyd line steamer
Kaiser Wilhelm IL, during the morning
passed close astern of the -Suevie, whieh
was then througed with passel:gees. The
wrecked steamer's bow was low in the
teeter, her fore -compartments were full
and elle seemed to be pleaded on the
rocks, As plenty of assistanee was 1411111(1^
lug by the Kaiser Wilhelm. II, proeeed-
Steamers, some of which are dewribed
as being largo, are ashore near nye,
Dungeeness, Dover and Cuckinere. The
vessel ashore off Cuekmere is the MI-
tieh steamer Newstead, front Novoroa-
ek, Bluth Son. Her position is serious.
Jebba Also Ashore.
London, Eng., March 18. -Almost
within eight of the wrecked White
Star line steamer Suevie, the Elder
Dempster line steamer, Abbas from Cala-
bar, Lagos and other west African points,
for PlymouthandLiverpool, ran on the
rocks under the cliffs near Prawle Point,
early this morning. Her 70 paseengers,
many of whom were soldiers invalided
home from the west Roast of Africa,
and her crew, were safely taken ashore
b ythe breeches buoy. Heavy seas are
breaking over the steamer rendering the
life boats which are standing by the ves-
sel useless. The JOU& will prove a total
Man Who Was Teazed Knocked Down andfrlis
Skull Fractured,
New York, Arendt 18. --Some mischiev-
ous boys were indirectly responsible for
the arrest early to -day of David Stan-
hoff, jun,, of Brooklyn, on a charge of
haying murdered his friend and next
door neighbor, John Hoffman. According
to Stanhoff's story, lie was returning
home just after midnight when he came
upon Hoffman beating two boys in front •
stettel the other man turned upon him.
Sta,nhoff declared that he was forced to
fight to defend himsefl. One of his blows
knocked Hoffman down, and as he fell
his head struck the stone curb, fractur-
ing his skull. He died soon after Wino'
taken to a hospital. Stanhoff was imme-
diately arrested. t!
It is said that a crowd of boys have.
been annoying Hoffman for some time,
and it is suppose(' the two he was beat -
of his house. Hoffnum was in a fearful ing when Stanhoff interfered were mem-
rage, he said, and when Stanhoff remote bers of the gang whom he had caught.
• ty
:tyleebury. The mother wati given the
smoking depdrtment ina first class
oath. Services volunteerea by lady
pamsengere were availea of, but the
temple refused the Resistance of medical
men. The parents and thild are now
emnfortably !anted at Immigrant Hall
in this eity, The Reeve of Aylesbury
offered the father of the ehiltl a town
lot if he would locate there, as the boy
1Van 1110 first male eltild born in that
village. The parent e are from Russia,
111(1 came to Saskatchewan to settle.
Passengers on board raised a purse of
money for the infant.
Killed by Engine
North Battleford, Sask.. March
18. --John McLaughlin and James
Anderson were run down by a C.
N. R. engine east of the town on
Saturdey night. Anderson was in-
stantly killed, and McLaughlin
was so badly injured that he died.
before morning. The two men
were returning home along the
track in a sleigh, when atruck by
the train,
Me/ford, Sask., March x8. -Pat -
rich McGovern, of Ethelton dis-
trict, committed suicide by hang-
ing. No reason can be assigned
for the act.
144 1 1 1 1 1 1 : •-•-•-•-•+++4-(1-
Police • Arrest 21 After eo Mob Com-
Hammond, Ind., March 17. --In a strike
riot to -day at the East Chicago mill of
the Republic Iron & Steel Co., several
men were shot, two probably fatally.
The trouble started when 50 laborers
struck for higher wages. Twenty went
back to work, and the remaining 30
broke through the gates of the steel
plant to get at their companions.
A riot followed, in which a hundred
shots were fired.
Nesho Zecovich, a foreman, was sltot
through the shoulders. The wound will
probably cause his death. John Kenna
a laborer, was shot and beaten, prob-
ably fataily.
Several others were injured by knife
thrusts and bullets.
The East Chicago police, after an
hour's work, arrested. 21 men and ended
the riot. •
: 1
Eighteen Drowned Terrified by Flames
in Nearby Building -Explosion in
Pottery Factory Startled People in
Surrounding Colony.
Wheeling, W. Va., March 17.-Eigh-
•teen persons are known to have lost
their lives as the result of a fire which
broke out early yesterday morning- in
the plant of the Warwick Pottery CAI-
pany. The factory was situated in the
flooded district, and woe surrounded by
a, colony of Syrians. Shortly after 1
o'clock an explosion °mined. in the
Pottery building, and was followed im-
mediately by fire, which etiveloped the
entire plant and threatened the ad-
joining property. Startled, by the ex-
plosion and terrified by the flames, the
frenzied foreigners crowded to ,the win-
dows of their homes, and helped by
dozens into the water, which was flow-
ing with a deep, swift current through
the street. Had. they remained. in thew
homes all would have been safe, as none
of the houses inhabited by them were
'reached by the fire.
Alarm after alarm was sent In by
persons who saw the Dames from a
tance, but the surrounding water made
it impossible for the fire apparatus to
be brought to the scene. The firemen.
pressed into service all the boats they
could secure and by this means carried
their hose to the burning building. They
did heroic work, end, net •only fought
the fire, but, assisted in resetting many
of the people who had east themselves
into the flooded street. - The crew of a
boat that was moored across the river
from the pottery works lent their aid;
and alleoeeded in reseuing over a hun-
dred in their yawl. While the flames
continued the screams of the frighten-
ed Syrians could be heard '5 ,mile north
of the scene of the disaster, where thou-
tete& of people unable to render any as-
sistance, gathered on the steel bridge to
wet& the flames.
The work of recovering the bodies of
the drowned has been going on all day,
but the current is very swift, a.nd the
impression is that more bodies will be
Mid 'when the flood subsides. With
e exception of Viatehman Holmes, ,or
the pottery works, ell the. victims were
Syrians, most of them children. Five
were drowned, by the capsizing of boat
which was earrying them to a place of
safety. There is seem 41 family in
the whole Syrien eolony but has lost tt
erteinber. The survivor* are frantic,
:e114 Absolutely refuee to return to their
tome*, The eity has taken Omega of •
them, and they are being eared for at
tbe jail and City Hall.
The pottery plant was eonipletyly de-
etroyed, the lees being about $100,000.
Tit Wheeling the total rausat by the
flood will reach well over $3.000,000. So
groat le the damage to Meal iniinetrial
plants that many of them will tett open
or der.
W. Wye Smith Resigns His Charge
St. eatharine$.
St, CatIntrinee. Afttreh 17. -At the
teeming service' in the Colmregational
(Introit to -day Rev. W. Wye Smith Mb
rontrieed his reeigeation, to take effete
,April 1. He will be 80 years of age to-
eetnerroW, and, owing to hie advanced. ago.
WISIlta 40 NA relieved from waive for -
'leo, The announeement Dante ae a
great etwpriee.
Bee. Air. Smith is a well-known Sentelt
phet end Authority on the Seottish lan
ow. A few yeevs ago be translated
000 published the New Teetament 111
Maeda akoteh."
To-Witdit he took Inc Ms text, "Weds
My Nether,' A,nd presoosi the sermon, in
"braid Scotch," Ife was born in Jedburg,
Scotland, in 1827, and went to New
York with his parents when three years
old, and mule Caeada when ten years
of ege,
11: t
London, OniO, March 18. -(Special),
Another fatal accident happened on tit
Grand Truk- this morning, ftt one
Week, the victim being II. W. Maildoel
a brakeman, of this city. Maddock wn
at Capetown, where his train was wait
ing for two eastbound freights to pas
when it is supposed he stepped in front
of one of the latter and was instantly
killed. Ire was missed shortly afterwards,
tied his body was found in a pool of
water beside the rails. The deceased
was 27 years of age and had been em-
ployed brakemaa eince December
aWa Oat. Mardi 18 -T1: vill f
e 0
the widow of the late Alexander Lums-
den, lumberman, of Ottawa, bequeaths
$50,000 to the Protestant -Hospital, *15,-
000 each to her nephews, and some $500,-
4j 000 to two daughters. $250,000 had been'
already given to • John Lumaden, a eon,
by deed. When the late Alexander Lutes-
- den died two years ago succeasion duties
were paid on some $050,000, aria the
• estate will lie again considerably taxed,
as it has materially increased In value
C, SiliCe then.
Toronto, Merch 18. -(Special.) -A
company has been formed which will
take over the Mikado, the gold mine
near the Lake or the Woods.. The mine
produced $500,000 under an English com-
pany, which owned it formerly, but two
years ago the work was stopped. Mr.
R. H. Alun, of the Vermilion River Devel-
opment Company, was 4 the parliament
imildiugs this Morning. Hje company is
interested in a number of claimteethe
Vermilion River, about 20 miles north of
Sudbur,v. They have been at work there
a couple of years, are satisfied with tlie
merits of the property, and now have
the machinery all on hand ready to com-
mence active operations on a big scale
when the opening up comes.
• •
Montreal, 911e., March 18. -The fixing
of to -day for the local celebration of
St.Patrick's day was fully justified by
climatic -developments. Following yes-
terday's heavy downpour of rain to -day
Is bright and cheerful, while the night
was sufficiently cold to herden up the
ram -soaked streets. The usual parade
was held after high mass at St. Pat-
riek's Church this morning. Tito turn-
out was up to full strength. Rev, Thos.
Heffernan preached the sermon of the
da.,y, This evening there will be many
flesh mineerts and St, Patrick's Society
will dine at the Windsor ima listen
:speeches by many prominent men.
• e :.e- - -
..• -
Driver Thrown Prom Sleigh in Rune:Way
Gets Feet Frozen.
Prime Albert, Seek„ Meech 17. --While
driving frmn Kinistino with e eoffin tor
Patriek McGovern, formerly of
who hanged himself at the home of Chas.
Bradt', twelve mike from the town,
Parker eferphy was thrown from his
sleigh, his horses running :may.
110 got lost in a blizzard, tied tvaa
found by two antiniereial travelers yes-
terday. 13oth his feet were frozen omit
may have to be amputated,
- ••-•-•
Gnl il1s Cotiple od Dog.
Philadelphia, Mattelt 17.-41ng eide by •
side on a bed itt their home here, Thos, •
sherlow, tIR yOnt:4 of ege, and his wife, .
Annie,01 yeare obi, were /mina dead yea-
terday. They had been naphyxiated.
A fox terrier lay dead beside them.
.t depely tlueif•f who had gone to the
hmete to st,Ire 41. 911111111011,1 for debt made
the iliac:no-se
Killed on Same Spot
Elmira, N. Y., March • x8.- A
week ago Walter Casterline, an
Erie track walker, was waiting
near Chemung to be relieved, when
he was struck and killed by a fast
train. Last night Lewis H. Sher-
man, who succeeded Cagterlioe,
had finished his work and sat
down on the track in the same
spot Casterline met his death.
Sherman was deaf and did not
hear a fast train approaching. He
was instantly killed.
.11 t .
Motion for Indictment of G.T. R. on
Two -Cent -a -Mite Clans
March IS. -The Court a Ap-
peal having quaelted the conviction id
General :Manager Hays, of the Grand
Trunk Railway, for the failure of the
company to provide third-class accommo-
dation et two cents it mile on its
as provided by au early eharter, J. W.
Carry, K. C., has been instructed to
move for the indictment of the com-
pany. The conviction was quashed,
as Magistrnte Deeison convicted the
General Manager of an offence, proved
against the company, the Court of Ap-
peal holding that, however high the Gen-
eral Manager's positio might be, he
could not be made theicapegoat for the
SIAS of the corporation.
Chief Justiee Weatherbee of
Sofia has resigned.
1 Rev. John D. F1TOnlan, pastor ef
Street Baldish. Church, Toronto, It
d, 34e the Olcbta Theatre, St. Petereburg. Ile
I Y h t al lie officer was leaving . Adrilitted-More Defence Witn sses.
• Following a blow given by a fell
f:1).=4 w" j"nellea within a 'THE itOPLE RBIS IN MAW TRIAL
worker lu the foundry of Warden, King
& Son, at Illaissoneuve, on `Phut -Way
1 morning, John Griffin, a moUlder, who
7 a 0 Latonineau
lived wrth his :mull t 00'
Nova evenne, Itialasoneuve, died at the General _
Ilospital Saturdev.
13lo9r Pollee Capt. Itudzeevaky Wan mortelly Photograptlie Negative. of Evelyn's Signature Also
as re- was mortally woUnded by workmen on •
Levi daeob liertley, CO years ol
Yonge street, Toronto, dropped deft
rnorning in. ltis home.
Robinette, K. C., wae e
y Lite the destroyer l'Ipee, while ma,noeuvri
I without lighte near Ajaccio on Sat
day night, ran into each, other. 'Pr
1 Wil9
ty the PT' tvero killed and ono was fata
this hail etumed the blared of the revolution -
bite end they condemned • to ies
The French torpedo. boat, No. 263 a
President of the Toronto Univereit
teary and Scientific Society.
His tirstee Archbishop Sweatmet
presented with a theque for $4,105 1
laity of the Toronto Diocese,
George McLean, Town Treasurer of ,
Breekville, dial last. night, s Vlialln of 1
paralysis, aged 68 years. s
.Mi' J IL Howden hale been sworn in
f - • .'
as Minister of Railways and Telephonco ,
now has been invited to take the propos: f
in the Manitoba Government,
It is reported that Professor 13. E. For- 1
-ed chair of forestry at the University of
William P. Berry, who lived with his
wife and son about a mile from Kaleder, '
Ont., station, committal suicide yester- I
day, by shoeting,.
The Victeria hall, summer hotel et
Niagara Falls, was burned. on Saturday
, and several of the inmates- had it nate
row escape with their lives.
A case of smallpox has been discovered !
in Southwold township, the patient be-
ing an Indian woman, Sewell -1 other ie.
tl New York, March 18.-14iere was
114 fifteen mtnutes' deley in the opening o
Ur -
e the Thaw trial this morning. When tit
ea proceedings finally began Mr. Jerome of
Ily fend in evidence the 'broken pieecti o
er a, photographic negative of the last page
of the famous Hummel affidavit, bear
ing the gigneture of Evelyn Nesbit. /tie
at- Dolmas promptly objected to its intro
o t auction. and began an argument on the
SC . polite
al- The defence had three new experts in
court to -day, making seven altogether,
n- appearing for the defendant. The alien -
't ists new to the case are Dr. Charles W.
ae Pilgrim, superintendent of the Hudeon
River State Ilospitol at Poughkeepsie,
e: N. Y., and President of the State Lunaey
Commission, Dr. Wm. A. 'White, :Medical
-Superintendent of the Government Hos-
pital for the Insane at St. Elizabedits at
n- Washington, C., and Dr. Minas Gra-
e. gory, in charge of the pavilion for the
e insane at Bellevue Hospital, this city.
Is The other four experts for the de-
s fence ere Drs. Britton IX Evans, and
a --, 1903, &re said, she went to Etirope witk
her mother at thr' requeot Thew: Vtel
remeined in Paris for a time, and then
went to Boulogne.
• They travelled es man and Wife UK'
f der the mune of Mr. and Mrs. Dellis.
The affidavit tells of Thaw leaving
leased a matte in the AUstrian morintethe
where alise Nesbit end he vontinued to
• live together as tutu and wife. White
• et the castle it is aliegeu that Thaw tore
a bath robe from the girl and leaveng
lier abselutely muted, attacked her with
Tsva"Ilividenewlivinipa, terrorized," said. Alba
Nesbit, in the effidavit, "and big eyee
were glaring. He threw me on 4 bed,
and when started to scream, he put his
fingers down ley throat and tried to
choke me.
"Then upon my pare skin he struck me
several severe and violent blows with the
cowhide whip. So brutally was I beat-
en that my skin was left bruised and
"After the first beating he attacked
me again. and for a period. of several
minutes beat me. He <toted like a de -
exerted • reamed, but we were
far at one end of the castle, and my
Mee emild not be heard by the sere
Ilv-aanatst;aataLlielne TeTehia.ew. finally left me
-"The next day he repeated the athaek
upon me, unmercifully beating rite with
a whip, until I was fainting on the bed.
For three weeks I was so nervous awl
weak I could not leave my bed, but dui*.
Ing all this time I WAS in fear he would
take me Rfe.
"Front Austria we went to Switzer-
land, where one day. when I was ht my
night gown, Time- attacked me and beat
ine on my bare lege, below the knee. He
v:ntinued on the slightest pretext to
beat me. Afterward we went to Rads,
where Thaw for an entire dey, at inter-
vals of half an hour, beat me mckebantly
with a rattan whip.
"He heat me eacet time until I was
left swooning and fainting, and could not
readiee what was happening."
While in London, the affidavit goes on,
afiss Nesbit was extremely nervous and
was confined to her bed for two weeks.
The people rests at 12.20 p.
dians were -exposed to infection.
A. j. Bible was superintending th
moval of ore 'from, the dump of Le
mine, at Rossland, 13. 0., with four
wider his charge, when the earth ca
in end he was killed.
The building of the Edmonton 13
in, owned by Hon. Frank Oliver,
destroyed by fire on Sunday. A lo
tatutes of the Alberta Legislature r
ost in the blaze.
Archbishop Langevin officiated a
rather remarkable St. Patrick's Day
vice in St. Mary's Church, Winni
when Ito received into Roman Catholic
forty-three converts to that faith fi
The Woodstock jury empanelled to
vestigate the deatk of the late se
stable Pow returned a verdict pre°
the cause ot the accident on the bad. c
dition of the roadway through the RI
ortrelessness of the municipa,lity.
The body of Joseph Coarsen, wh
death was revealed a few days ago, A
brought into Saskatoon by Constab
Currie and Grey. It was located in
shack in Humboldt district, near wit
it had been found on the prairie.
The McGregor -Banwell Fence Co
pany's plant and the °berth of
Lady of Lake St, Clair, at Walkene
were destroyed by fire. The loss on the
fence plant is between $70,000 and $80,-
000, and the church was valued at $25,-
The body of five-year-old Edward Ben-
nett, son of Edward Bennett, of Quincy,
was found dead in a -shed at Saskatoon
late on Friday. 14: is Isupposed that the
little chap was killed by a falling plank,
as a loose plank was lying near bis body
when discovered.
Because he allowed. his freight train
to obstruct the Thames street crossing,
at Ingersoll, for over 10 minutes, on Fri-
day, G. T. R. Conductor W. J. Ball f
:Anton, wee summoned to the Poll
Court and fined $5. The action was ta.
en under a town by -}v.
The death oecurred very Sliddenly
Feidlts evening at at. Joseph't Hospit
(hlolPh: of Mr. Robeet Ross, formerly
Ayr, latterly of West Dublin stece
George. Drury, engineer at the Cool
Shapley Muir Company Weeks, Bran
fate], was on Saturday badly scalded by
the bursting of a steam -pipe in the en-
gine -room. Ile is now et the hospital in
t< critieal condition.
The fourth flowing well on the St.
'1111011ViS COODWIrlaa ‘ipropciety weer;
struck on Saturday at; a depth of 82
feet, and yields; about 70,000 gallons a
day, The four wells combined are
flowing nearly 200,000 gallone a day.
John O'Leary, the Fenian leader, died
in Dublin last night.
haeThe Porto Rican House of Delegates
islandde.manded self-government for the
,110The floods in Cincinnati have caused
age collapse of a viaduct, causing dam -
to the extent of $15000.
Official despatches show that the war
iliviaCentral America, like that over -Cuba,
s started in the first instance by a
despatch front Teheran says that an
inventory of the late Shah's jewels shows
that he collected precious stones to the
value of $50,000,000.
mimed. - The Epee was able to *'c-ent
the harbor.
Wm. j. Savidge, en !Actor, and it s
of the late William Savulge, the old -ti
actor, was locked up in Brooklyn <ma
urday night, charged with having sh
Miss. Roselyn 'Wilbert, a trained titir
The latter is believed. to have been fat
ly wounded.
The litrike Of the Stevedores et Na
tes, France, resulted Saturday in violet
rioting, in the course of which a aped
tor of the disorder was shot dead.
mob stoned the gendarmes and voile
who were forced to disperse the crow
with drawn sabres.
Charles J. Oldham, who died in Brigh
on, left four Stradivarius violins of u
doubted. authenticity to the British M
seum. Another Stradivarius, named th
"Tuscan," the testator left to two filen<
to sell for at least $10,000, or turn 1
• .
tne noon oluseStinalR'day, while the Va-
t' re' -Hewes receptions were crowded by per.
Rei sons awaiting the Pope's passage, an el-
olini, who was aecompanied by hdr
derly Italian woman of the name of Pa -
daughters, had an apoleptie stroke, and
idle- fel Mead in Clementine Hale
W$ General DeWet strongly objects to
t of Premier Botha's proposed visit to Lon-
rere don, on the ground that before leavin
home he ought to have gone through a•
full session of Parliament. "Dinners and
sor- again dinners, and nothing but dinners,"
peg, Dewet thinks, may divert Both' s human
ism mind front the business of his country.
',on.. Some time ago John Pendleton, •of Par-
sons, W. Ya,, was killed by a railreme
le. train while, it was .alleged, intoxicated
me from the effects of liquor. Pendleton's
ing wife had warned the saloonkeeper not to
en. sell her husband liquor, end after the lat.
„as :er'sood. eath sued the publican for dam-
ages. Saturday a jury awarded her
vas Giving evidence before the Congested
les Districts Commission at London, W. H.
a Boyd, representing the Irish Landowners'
Convention, said the Irish peasant was
ere • to lazy to work, and had become igno-
rant of agriculture. He would emigrate
these people in shiploads and 1 thein
(-)11r in districts in Canada where land aml
labor would be procured for them.
The death in Miami, Fla., of Mr. Peter
Potvin, of Midland, Ont., on Friday last
was announced by a telegram received
in Toronto yesterday, Mr, Potvin, who
was Presidene of the Georgian Bay
Stook Mills Company, Limited, and.who
was very well known in Canadian and
'United States_ lumbering circles, had
ebfeeangeill about e month. He wase50 years
A shooting affray took place last
,night in the Grand Hotel de Europe,
St. -Petersburg, between Prinee Nikar-
idze, a Marshal of the nobility front Ku-
" tais, end Captain lsmatoff, of the East
• Siberie Sharpshooters. In the midst of
It" a spirited. argument Captain Kostoff
drew his sabre ansi cut off the Prince's
on ear. Reaching into his pocket the Prince
LIS, pulled a revolver and, taking aim, fired
of twice, the bullet penetrating the neck
and the breast Of the captain.
t -
vi et
he body of Arthur Herbert, th
g's messenger, who was one of tit
ims of the steamer Berlin, which wa
eked at the Hook of Holland, ha,
n recovered.
. Osiris, France's richest map, wh
1 recently, left vast sums to cherit
art projects. One of the leoacies
it statue of William Tell, to be er
d in Lucerne.
tottly after 11 o'clock last night th
to Line steamer Suovie, front Cap
-n Feb. 26, with .400 passengers oi
rd, ran on Clidge's Rocks, just out
the Lizard lighthouse,
despateh to the Telegraph from Tan -
says that a courier from the Beni
wl tribe has informed the War Min -
1 that Raisuli had arrived among
L tribe and had been detained.
lward taunt, a farm hand, is web»
.st et Windsor, Mass., charged witl
tiering his employer by putting rat
on in jug of eider from which the
er was in the habit of drinking,
m dressmaker and. laides' tailors, of
net, held MRS meetings on Sunday,
unanimously decided to strike for in -
sed wagee. Nine thousand womee
girls and 3,000 men are involved.
was ileveloped through testimony
te 00101101"n il1(11109t into the suicide
't. Louis, of Liebling Slocum, aged
;veers, that she had eetered into it
do pact with -Gertrude Harper, also
Ves old.
Guthrie, Okla., Marelt 18. -The con- Es
st itut het emmni tt et', of ter rompleting _
to govern the proposal Jim State of sae
et- filial the room. The two were to
stalled for the west to -day.
e Oceanic Steamship Compttny lute
drawn its Australian service from
Franciseo, ana is sending all its
rimers via Valle:ewer on the 'Union
1151113) ]lit' tunning in .eormection
the Caundian Pacific Railway.
Indomitalde, first of new elites, .ar-
er111001$1, WAR 2110C0l2Nly 1111111011.
t the. 'Clyde on Saturday. The two
p cruisers, the Invincible, building •at
kb-, tied the Infleeiblee be/Winged.
Girl Triplets
Comber, Ont., March x8. -Trip-
lets, all girls, were born to Mrs.
and Me William Manley, of the
village of Staples, six miles from
here on Sunday. Mother and little
tots are doing well.
Believes the Practice of Lavishing on
Brutes Affection Hhat Should Be
Reserved for Husband and Children
Will Bring a Curse.
London, March 17. -Father Vaughan's
latest sermons have pitilessly lashed
women for their sins and foibles. He
e eitee dog worship as one of the .evils of
o the hour and aeks, "Will not the prae-
s tice of lavishing upon brutes love which
s should be bestowed upon a husband and
child bring some horrible curse with it?"
O "During the past week," said the
• priest, "as a woman was taking her
"B pet dog to a dog party she began to
, talk to the little beast in her arms in
French. When asked why she did so she
• "'This darling. little child of mine
o understands every word soy when 1
1 speak my native tongue, and I should
• not like him to grow vain like Bertha.'
"Yet this woman, who WAS wearing on
her hat it plume torn front a living bird
of paradise, did not realize that she was
making a disgusting exhibition of her-
sVhile this degrading Kactice is on
• the increase the birth rate is on the de -
cream and infant mortality has already
reached one-fourth of the total em»ber
of deaths.
"If drinking has decreased among men
it has been made up for by the increase
among womet. 'Mental deficiency is
growing among them. Now blitaness
and skin, bomt and immure disensee like
loeomotor ataxia are becoming more
japan Working Fogel -161y to t emplete 141
Her E ui Ment
New York, March 18.-TJuable to ob-
tale entployetnent as a bookkeeper, al-
though he elaimed to be an expert in his
profession and proficient in three but-"
- gnas, English, French and German, as 111111.
well, Lined 13(3110450,as yearsm
old, re- P4418mitted stueide in his home in West 17111
street to -day by inhaling gas. Deboise TI
woe native of Austria. Wen be lost' Vier
Itis position at Trieste. a few months ago and
mid was uneble to obtain another de erea
deeide to Nene to •Amerlea, bet luid arid
been eipially unsiteeessful hero. It
New State to Ifitve Most Stringeht Pro- saki
hibition Law in Erdstence. t en
its work of drawing up a eat of lawe ges
nest Querel, of Los Angeles, <ma his
were asphyziated by illuminating
Itt it bodging hoese in ICow York 'on
rday eight? Gas escaping from
Oklahoma, ;Idiom -nett sine die to -day. lees
The eonetitution will be submitted to haw
the people of Oklahoma mut Indian ,,
Territory at a epeetal election. on An- :1.'1
mist G. with
Oklahoma will 110 it prohibition state, 8'111
the meet stringent liquor law in exist- Pa"
ente, prohibiting not only the sale. but 8t,en."
the introduetion of %pew into the state, wo,id
In-ing providea Inc. Th
The ismsme ol unterea stoek is pro- 'mat
bibited. mid the tooke of all eorpora• Jtd it
tione. 010 made euldeet to inapeetion at si-t
all times:
las. CT. \Napier, who have already been
upon the stand and Dr, Smith Ely- Job
liffe and Grimm M. Hammond, who have
not as yet been called, but have been in
eourt daily,
Justic,e Fitzgerald overruled the objec-
tion and the negative was accepted in
evidence. Mr. Jerome then offered in
evidence a photographic print from the
Mr. Deletes also objected to the intro-
duction of the print and another long
argument ensued.
The Hummel affidavit was admitted in
evidence by consent, a,nd read to the
jury. In it Evelyn Nesbit a.ecused Thaw
of unmercifully beating her many' times
in Europe in 1903.
Mr. Jerome proceeded to read to the
jury the carbon copy ef tim affidavit.
Et was headed:
Supreme' Court, County of New York;
Evelyn Nesbit, plaintiff, vs. Harry Ken-
dall Thaw, defendant.
In the affidavit Miss Nesbit says that
the was 18 years old, having been born *
on Christmas Day, 1884. During June,
The Town of Podihilo Totally Destroyed and the
Jewish Population Ruined.
New York, March 18. -The cable des-
patch received last night by the Jewish
Morning Journal, of this city, reporting
that terrible massacres have occurred at
Podihiloi Roumania, has caused constern-
ation among the Rournenian Jews in
New York. They fear another Kishineff
r, in which so many Russian Jews
perished. Podihilo is only about 30 miles
from Kishineff, which is in Bessarabia,
across the Russian frontier.
All the Roumanian soeieties in New
York have been noadfied to attend re
mass meeting to -night in the ManIncttan
Lyceum in the heart of the east side
Ghetto. The best measures that can be
' taken to aid the afflicted at Podihilo
are to be diseussed and decided upon.
The cablegram received here an-
nouncing the massacre waa si
cording to the recipients by three lead-
ing :merchants of Podihile. The cable-
gram follows:
pillaged. We ask help."
"Terrible massacre since last Thurs.
day. Town totally destroyed. All the
Jewish population are runiped and houses
Had Contract for Burial of Pauper De
-Alleged That He Placed Two Id
in the One Coffin 'Without Shrou
-Covered Only With Sheet,
ad County Crown Attorney Dingwall Urges
en That the Charge be Murder, but Is
ds Overruled by the Magistrate.
Medieine Hat, March 17.-A most r
volti•ng deed was revealed ye/stele-la
whet: J. J. Moore, a local undertake
was placed, under arrest, charged wi
the hideous crime of improper burial
the dead. The accused has the co
tract. for burying the pauper deasi fro
the General Hospital, and on Wednesdey
last, having two bodies turned over t
A Cornwall. despatch: Charles E. Maz-
e- son, the Ottawa hockey player, was thie
Y afternoon coramitted for trial on a
Ft charge of manstaughter as the result of
01 I the hockey fatality last week. After a
- number of witnesses had been heard by
. Police :Magistrate Danis, Masson's court-
sel, Messrs. John A. Chisholm and R. A.
placed them both in one coffin and
eaerred them in that manner.
(ibody was that of Dane, who com-
mitted suicide on Sunday last, and the
Other was that of Ernest R. Minns, of
toronto Junction, who had been employ -
el by 11. IL Foster on his "Seven Per.
'0115' ranch. When yoong Minns died on
the 8th 41 eiagrallA was emit to Mr, Fos-
ter, but ae Ins raneh is 20 miles from
<he station, he was nimble to get into
the city until Wednesdiy, arriving here
about an hour after the interment had
taken place.
He immedietely arranged with the un-
dertaker to raise the body and place it in
a better class of coffin than provided for
in the hospital contract, and gave a
ebeque for $30 in payment. Interment
was to take plaee on Friday. On Reliv-
ing at theemmetery the party found that
the body haa already been transferred
to the new grave. The case in which it
had been plaeed, -however, bore a rough
appettrance, and. Mr. A. E. Wiffin, who
wes present,
41511(11 if there WAS an inner
casket in the case.
Mr. Moore is Alleged to have answered
ie the _affirmative, but his nervousness
caused 00010001. and'an investigation
followed. Metre took the grave -digger
to the cemetery, and on the coffin be
ing teased. 1111,1 (p001311 the latter was as-
tonished to find that two bodies wt's'
in if, 110na to feet. 'with only a
sheet over them. Not being aware of
the enormity ef the offence, the grave.
digger said nothing about it in the city
until refused ro melioration for his loss
in not having two graves to dig,
Ile then tohl, end on Mooree aetab-
Aishmeut being visited the ideutieal coffin
whirl' had been purchased Was 6111111 to
e there. To endeavor to rig,ht mat•
we Moore volunteered to take Oa A
ost expensive coffin end transfer the
14 to it. This he Actually did, hat
r. Poster )1'f 1151'&t to compromise, and
oere wee arrested, by Sergeant Penny -
tick, on Iwo eharges, bolter liable for
srespeet 41It' dna olataiMng
oney under felse pretenees. lie wee re.
ased on iti,(kl0 14511.
Berlin, Mena; 18.- Captein Ilona qi
Rodie of the General Staff of the Ails- di
Wan -Hungarian army, in it pamphlet en111
tetlea "The Prospeets of the Future Ant- le
eriernehpanctee War," declares that the
unprotected Itteific coast ef the 'United
States offers exeellent chentele for the
sueee.ss of the dapanese. Ire asserts
that Japan is working feverishly to
complete her military and naval equip- -
ments, tubbier that .during tho last few el
months 50,000 men have been at work tit
day end night in the ersenale, turning
oot gums and mall arms, while the Cart111
ridge Inatinfeetoriee at Tokio .n.rel tv
Nimoya, where 20010 mon ere empleyed, fir
have turned 'out daily 5011 riflee end the tu
projeetile works at 'Pokio make 600 is
shella per day for the field artillery, la
Toronto, Ont., Mehl 18.--(Speci4t1.)
Three new townshipe are to be
tone(1 up for 'ovation by settlers under
a Veteran lands greets. They are the
'ease, DIMS end Crawford townships
the Algoma Disttiet, about 50 miles
est of Lake Abitibi. Those townships
e the •six mile square veriety, end will
ake room for 43:1 locations. The tetra
reported to be first-ratengrieulturel
Pringle, made a strolla plea to have the
charge amended from murder to man-
slaughter. Crown Attorney Dingwall
objected, and held the charge should
remain murder.
The Magistrate felt that a charge ox
manslaughter would serve the interests
of justiee. Under the eiretunstances itt
whieh the blow was struck and consid-
ering the game, he could not believe
that any jury or any court would h.old
this young num guilty of murder, and
he therefore reduced the charge to man-
"Reddy" McGill testified that after
Masson struck MeCourt he skated up to
witness, and they wont to the fence
with their sticka crosed. Then wit-
ness was stunned by a blow, and when
Ito recovered Masson was lying on the
ice at his feet. He had several years'
experience in hockey and carried many
sears therefrom, a cut se -alp aud broken
nese being thia seasons trophies,
Durand, Mick., March 18.-T1te Atlan-
tie express 00 the Grand Trunk Railway.
due here at 5.55 a, ni. from tliertgo, en
route to Port Haran and the east, and
running late, ran into an 'open smith at
Bancroft, five miles from here, to -day
atud sti tick a fright train. Five persous
were severely injured, two of them per-
haps fetidly. Engineer A. 13. Sehraan
:eel Fireman Frank Cowen, both of 13at-
tle Creek, Miele, suffered broken- limbs
$et ere sealde may die, I. Id.
Smith, of Dowagiae, aed Mrs. 1). Shook
and Mi.s Ruth Shenk, of Lansing, her
daughters Were severely reahled, but a.ve
not theught to lie fatally hurt. num-
ber of other passengers rereived atinor
injuries, but were able to proeeed east
011 n later train.
• -
The trial of the six Thiel detectives
for manslaughter in connection with tho
linekinghtun affray of last Oetober, ter-
minated yesterday with the acquittal of
the- :mewed. The magistrate teverely
enmenttel upon some of the eitnesses for
the proseeution. Reviewing nil the eir-
0111114(11W0R 110 gave the benefit of the
aoubt to the atoned end distil/aged.
M. i
floarleft. president of the Hutmerftue
Natiettal At.-xenbly, litre beet eheatet
Premier, to teteceed the late M. POW!,
\Ain was ateassittated ;Vetch Iltla.