HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-03-21, Page 5111111 1 111111 1 I 1 1_
11111 11111 1, Lai •
An attractive exhibit of
Fashionable Clothing,
Hats and Furnishings.
A complete display of
approved spring styles
for Men and Boys.
New Spring Suits and Suitings.
New Spring Trousers & Trouserings.
New Spring Overcoats.
Our Clothing Departinent has had special attention
and we are in a position to supply the wants of every
man and boy, with the newest style, with a perfect fit
and with dependable quality.
Swell Easter Neckwear.
We are showing a large and choice display of Easter
Neckwear. All the newest shades and color combinations
are represented in our assortment. We make special
mention of the Pearls, Mauves, and the new Wood shades.
Easter Shirts.
Au exclusive showing of Shirts in the newest and
most attractive patterns, with cuff attached or separate.
Special values at -$1.00, $1.25, $1.50.
Easter Hats. •
Do not forget your Easter Hat or Cap.
choice to -day before your shape and size is
Make your
e...v .
-Twenty years ago,Egypt had hard-
a 1ly
a single good road. During the last 1
6 years over 1,000 miles of good roads
have been malt,
Mr. Smith bag purchased the .resi-
denct' of his father-in-law, I. Irwin.
n -
r so 1proprietoro the l,1 ck
i t I t
! 0W'bi s�line,�ecetly purchased five
torscs at Toronto.
Mr. John Irwin has purchased the
residence of the late Thos, Anderson,
on Hanilock street.
M. J. II. Ackert has secured the
Boyd property and will move his saw
mils from 11olyrood.
About another month will see build-
ing operations in full swing at the
new Carnegie Library.
Air. Jelin Joynt has purchased the
Reid .Hotel property and intends
erecting three line new residences.
Mr. George Gillies has secured
the Cameron property on Havelock
street, formerly occupied by Rev, Me-
There passed away on Friday even-
ing last Miss Jessie McPherson of this
village. The deceased, who was in
her 40th year, had been ill for some
time. Interment took place on Mon-
day, llth inst., to Kinloss cemetery.
The many friends in the vicinity
will regret to hear of the death of
Nor•inau MacLeod, which took place
in Stratton on Feb. 20, 1907. Mr. Mac-
Leod resided formerly on the 6th con.
of Kinloss, where he was a highly
respected citizen,.
A charming home wedding was cele-
brated at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, the
Oth inst., at the residence of Mrs. J.
Conley, Kinloss, when her eldest
daughter, Miss Ida E. was united in
marriage to Mr. Jofrnston in the pre-
sence of 200 guests. The ceremony
was performed by Rev. Mr. Duncan
of Langside.
-Jos. 'Willson, of Maple Creek,
Alta., went to the woods on it twenty
mile trip for load of wood. After
three days he was found in a galley.
-W. J. Harwood, of Owen Sound,
G. T. It. brakeman, was crushed be-
tween eats in the Listowel yards.
Slight hope is held for his recovery.
-The dress of Japanese women is
regulated by their age and condition,
One can tell at a glance, if he knows
the rules, whether any lady he meets
is married or single, and how old
she is.
-The 0, 1?, R. will build two new
• steamships for the Atlantic service.
' The Empress of Ireland and the Eni-
, press of Britain will be transfev'ed to
• the Orient service from which two
- boats will be taken and put on the
- Anstralia and New Zealand route,
Moorefield, March 14.-Schnitler's
large grain elevator and cider mill
_ - burned to the ground at one o'clock
• this morning.. For a time the whole
• village was in great danger on ac-
., count of pieces of fire settling on the
roofs of the houses, but through the
heroic efforts of the villagers with
buckets the fire was prevented from
spreading. Considerable grain was
also burned. Loss heavy. No insur-
ance on building.
-An order has been made by Chief
rustice Falconhridge for a commis-
sion to take evidence in New York, in
connection with the estate of the late
David Morrison, of Walkerton, who
left in the neighborhood of $20,000.
A sister, Sarah Watson, was last
heard of in New York, thirty years
ago. An advertisement in a New
York paper revealed thirty persons
who claimed to be her heirs. The
commission is to determine who of
these are entitled to share in the
-At the age of one hundred and
one Mr. John Haley of Fergus is re-
ported hale and hearty. He attributes
his health to the never takes medi-
cine, and never visited a doctor but
once, His universal specific is a syrup
of lemon juice and salt, mixed with a
Attie cream of tartar, and taken twice
a week. Mr. Haley has smoked for
sixty years, and his only regret is that
he began so late in life. The centen-
•- arian was born in Ireland, is a typical
- - son of the old sod, witty, peppery and
large hearted.
- They Give Wonderful Health.
- = None are so healthy, so buoyant and
full of life as those who regulate with
Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Even in one
night they work wonders. Fur and
coating they take from the tongue,
headaches they relegate to the past,
biliousness and stomach disorders
McGee Carnpbell
they prevent and absolutely cure.
Think what it means to have the sy-
stem cleansed and purified by Dr.
Hamilton's Pills ! A true laxative, a
perfect tonic, harmless and wholly
- vegetable in composition, they will do
you good. To feel and look your best
use Dr. Hamilton's Pills, 25c at any
Clothiers and Men's Furnishers
..� i a ,.. .1 .1 1 ..:n.. 1.. 1 1 . 11 1 -1 ..,_ . _ , 4 dealers.
Lu Lturuut
SpringTerm begins April 1st
During January and February, the Wingham Business College
had twenty-five times as many calls for Stenographers, Telegraphers,
Bookkeepers and College Teachers, as we bad graduates to send.
Attendance is always smallest during April, May and June, con-
sequently each student gets more individnal attention. This is the
best term of the year for the student.
Learn of the success of our graduates by writing for a handsome
catalogue of the
Best Actual Business School In Ontario.
The "backward" or "rusty" feel at home with us, as each
student is instructed at his own desk by a painstaking, sympathetic
teacher. Graduates guaranteed situations. Enter any time.
(Affiliated with Clinton Business College)
' Brussels. -
The question now is where shall the
Carnegie Library building be placed ?
D. A. Lowry and N. F. Gerry have
purchased Monbars yearling colts that
they expect will develop that quality
✓ known as speed.
k Somebody has been defacing plate
glass windows with a diamond or
other sharp instrtunent and the
authorities are after the wrong -doer.
On Friday evening of last week the
local Conservative Association met in
• the Council Chamber at 7.30 o'clock to
• meet the Riding President, Barrister
• Dudley Hohnes, Wingham.
East Huron License Commissioners
met at the Central I-Iotel, Brussels,
last Saturday. Jno. Cardiff was re-
elected Chairman and Inspector Clegg
Secretary. Their next meeting will
be in April.
A gravel hauling bee was on the
program on Tuesday and Wednesday
afternoons, the material being intend-
ed for a new cement stable at the
Methodist Parsonage. G. McDowell
was awarded the contract for the
cement work.
fat Is It
Why, the same big Bargain Days at
YOUNG'S, in Granitewarare and all lines -
of Hardware too numerous to mention
Specials For This Week
5 and 54. ft. Cross -cut Saws, reg. $2.50 and $3.00, at $1.25 and $1.50
Regular •$1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 Razors, at: 50c, 35c, 750
Granite Water Pails, regular 75c and 85c, at. 40c and 50o
Grani+e Sauce Pans, regular 30c and 35c, at.. .. « ....... 15c
It will pay you to call, at
Young's Big Hardware
irr41110.010 fleiNNINO Ow111.111sIMO wrwrrr�
f -
Miss Lucy Stevens, teacher in the
Public school, has resigned owing to
ill -health.
Rev. W. D. Magee, pastor of the
Baptist Church, is laid up with la
grippe, and unable to take his work
for ten days.
Messrs. Wm. and Roy Plumsteel,
who have been conducting a business
in Moosejaw, have disposed of the
same and returned to town.
Mr. Wm. Stackhouse, of East Wa-
wanosb, has recently purchased from
C. Hoare the fine Newcombe Exhibi-
tion style Cabinet Grand piano.
Mrs. Nelson Keyes, of the Babylon
line, Stanley, who has been in the
hospital hero for over two months,
was able to go home last week.
Miss Maggie Wiseman, of 'Clinton
Jumping Whit Nerve Pain.
That's how you feel with neuralgia.
But why lie awake at night, grumble
or complain -get busy with a bottle
.02 Nerviline. It does act like magic,
seeks out the pain and destroys it,
Harmless and certain,instaat in effect,
nothing 50 popular as Nerviline for
aches and pains of all kinds. Try it
for lumbago, test it in rheumatism,
prove It to neuralgia, pleurisy or
colds.. You'll soon acknowledge that
Polson's Nerviline beats therm all.
Sold everywhere in large lac bottles.
Knitting. Co. office staff, has received
an appointment as stenographer in
the office of the minister of the in-
terior at Ottawa with a salary of
Ilaroid Wiltse, son of Mayor Wiltse,
who has been with the . Sovereign
Bank for sonae time, has given up his
position in order that he may take a
partnership in a Winnipeg real estate
W. Q. Phillips, so long associated
with the office of the Salt Association,
and later with the same concern in
London, has moved to Sarnia, where
he has a position with the Empire
Salt Co.
House of Refuge Committee met at
Clinton on March 8th, and spent con-
siderable time looking through the
House and buildings and are satisfied
that the Inspector, Keeper and
Matron are doing their best to keep
the house clean and comfortable, so
that the 90 inmates are being as well
cared for as circumstances will per-
mit, Six inmates have been admitted
during the quarter. One inmate has
been discharged. It is understood
that if the head of any municipality
request the Inspector and Keeper to
allow an inmate from such municipali-
ty, to leave the House for any period
of time the Inspector and Keeper may
do so. The accounts for the quarter
were audited and approved, and
amounted to $1300. To prevent fur-
ther settling near the center of the
new building it was decided to place
an iron pillar in the woman's sitting -
room, this to be put in under the
direction of Inspector and Keeper.
There is difficulty in properly drying
the clothing of the inmates after be-
ing washed and the keeper is request-
ed to procure catalogues and other in-
formation so that the matter may be
considered at next meeting. The
Committee instructed the Inspector
and Keeper to arrange for a sufficient
supply of water at once and if found
necessary purchase a new pump,
guaranteed to supply the quantity re-
quired for the House and out build-
ings. The Inspector and Matron were
empowered to secure the services of a
suitable woman to assist in sewing
and mending.
South American Rhet r =. t otic Cure
is the fortress behind which you may be perfectly secure; and why take
chances if, through exposure to heat and wet, you feel those unwelcome
chills, then the -fever, then the sweating, then the pains in the joints.
Do not put off securing the greatest of rheumatic and neuralgia cures.
Experience shows that' the duration of inflammatory rheumatism, under
ordinary treatment, will cover a period of six to eight weeks; and what
a wracking it gives to the sufferer, and it seems almost incredible that
the great South American Rheumatic Cure has, in thousands of
instances, controlled and conquered most stubborn and next to baffling
cases in from one to three days.
Lumbago is one of rheumatism's full brothers. It conies and prostrates
at times with the suddenness of a thunderclap, and yet, as in the most
acute inflammatory cases, the great South American Rheumatic Cure
comes as a ministering angel, holds out its healing hand, and bids the
bent and bedridden take on the suppleness of youth. Lots of
testimony for the asking. 11
Healthy kidneys are kept so by South American Kidney Cure,
and unhealthy kidneys are cured by the same great remedy
For Sale By A. L. HAMILTON.
Short. stiff, hard, steel wire stays make a"hinge-like'
joint at every lateral wire on the Dillion fence.
These ' Eingo-stays" givo our fence a greater degree of
elasticity -enable it to withstand greater strain. Tney act
like, and really aro, hinges -make our fence swing or spring
back into shape after receiving a heavy blow, orthe
pressure caused by a furious bull or other animal endeavoring to
posh his way through to freedom. Catalogue tells more about
this "twice as strong"fence.
The Owen Sound Wire Fence Co.. Limited,
Owen Sound, Ont.
for New
The Leading Store tuw„
H. B. Isard & Co. °°i> i°°
If you will write
for our handsomely
for 1907,
we will show
you how you can get
a CARVINGt S5'l of
superior SHEFFIELD
CUTLERY with cella-
loid h undies and Ster-
ling Silver Mounts.
We could get plenty of agents
to take hold of a proposition like
this, but the prefer to give seed
buyers a chance first.
Our Cataiegue and Outdo nook
Rivet full information of this and
other Special Offers, ns Well ns full
det;tilsregarding new and standard
varieties of Seeds. Plants and Bulbs.
Write at once.
LI I I :14itIII.III1. I1.
1 9 0 7
We announce for the • Spring Season of 1907
a larger, more complete and better assorted Stock,
in all our Departments, than ever before.
We have been in touch with the best markets
and have been able to secure many link's, at ad-
vantageous prices. If you are looking for the right
class of Goods, at right prices, you will find them
in this store.
New Spring Coats
and Skirts.
We are agents for McKINNON'S Coats and
Skirts. We have just opened up a large shipment
of these celebrated garments and can show you a
nice range of the very latest styles at very reason-
able prices. Visit our Skirt and Coat Department
on second floor, we will be pleased to show you
m - ...I .I, ,.b1u1..e 1, ■1.111 ., a 1.11 natal/Li .,Yui. .n.el.d. L1 .11,.1,1:.11 11 .. 11 aI 11. . .
H. E. ISARD 8i CO.
Special Furniture
Bargains for Cash
at S. Gracey's ...
In order to make room for Spring Goods
we will give special Cut Prices.
Mattresses, &c.
$3.25 Mattresses for ..$2.65
4.5o Mattresses for
Hercules Spring Beds -best in the market for
the money -guaranteed for 5 years for...$3.5o
We carry the Ostermoor Mattresses.
Parlor Furniture.
$46.00 Parlor Suite, silk, for $39.00
39.00 tt " " 31.50
35.00 t 1t for 29.00
23.00 l4 it for 18.50
13.00 Divan for 10.00
9.50 Divan for 7.50
Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, Tables, &c., at
special prices ; 4o off leaves 26 on -we can do
better than that for cash.
See Our Go -Carts.
Something new in this line never shown in
Wingham before. See our 1907 line before you
Carpets and Rugs.
Perhaps we can suit you in this line too.
Room Mouldings, Window Shades, Ste.
We make a Specialty of neat Picture Framing«
. Gracey