The Wingham Advance, 1907-03-14, Page 5, II .11 fur 1)111 1 I,.,. THE WINGHAM ADVANCE :101 101110 III 'Mews Ifitelii$ The Newest Spring Styles In Men's and Boyo' Cloth- ing are now open for your inspection. Every day has seen us opening up new bM (ods until our tables are now heaped with the now - est and most up-to-date Clothing obtainable, What about a new Suit for Easter. Have you talked it over yet ? Drop in and talk it over with us. If your own judgment does not prompt you to buy, you will not be urged. For Men. We're showing both Dou- ble and Single Breasted Suits in Faucy Tweeds and Wor- steds as well as the Blues and Blacks, in prices rang- ing from $7.50 to $18.00. These goods are made by experienced workmen and we aro quite safe in guar- anteeing satisfaction in style, fit and quality. SUITINGS. We have a new and up-to-date range of Spring Suitings and Trouserings which we make up to your order. We can guarantee you satisfaction in this de- partment too. Men's Furnishings. The new Spring Furnishings are here too and it would be a wise thing for you to make your choice now before the lines get broken. New Hats, New Caps, New Shirts, New Collars, New Ties, New Shoes, New Hose, New Gloves, &c. Every- thing is up-to-date. McGee & Campbell Clothiers and Men's Furnishers WINGHAM -It 18 asserted that Mrs, Kiddy, the priestess of the socalled Christian Science Church, has about one million dollars stowed away, and some of the converts want to know what the otos lady wants with all that money. ---Palmerston is after O.P.R. railway connection and a doptttation from. THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1907 Brussels. This week Jae, Ferguson and family moved into town and took possession of the colnfortablo residence purchas- ed from Mrs, Cleo. Steam. By-law is to be submitted to the electors of Brussels, on Match 20th, to remove the Town Hall and to dis- establish the present market site and erect thereon a Carnegie Library. Alex, Sharpe bas been appointed in- spector of all wires, trolley and tele - that town waited on the tlarriston graph poles in Toledo city at a good council, asking their co-operation in : salary. The office was created by the assisting them in procuring the right Board of Trade, the Council and fire 'of way of the old Lake Erie road bed, Department. The above person is the that is now lying idle. - second son of Jas. Sharpe of town. —Mr. R, 13. Young, 16th line, Erin, had one of the most successful sales ever held in Wellington County. Seven horses were disposed of for $1,403, one umre bringing $345. Eight cows and twenty sheep realized $901. The total proceeds of the sale were slightly under $1,000, —An amusing thing happened the other day in a local option. town. A box labelled "books" came to the rail- way station, addressed to a certain party and a few days afterwards the station agent wrote to the party as c follows :—"Dear Sir ---Please send for your case of books at once. It is leak- . ing. The Harriston Preview reports :-- As a substantial evidence of the prosperity that is attending our young industry, "The Canada Stove Works," it is worthy of mention that Mr. Cave on Saturday promptly paid into the Town Treasury the principal • and interest of the first installment of the loan granted the Company by the town of Harriston. —To a Holstein cow named "Katy Gerben" owned in Nebraska is due the honor of making what is probably a world's record. In thirteen months she produced 18,573 lbs.—over nine and one-quarter tons—of milk. This was an average of ferty-seven lbs. per day for a month over the even year. Her average test was 3.34 per cent. butter fat, and her butter product for the thirteen months totalled. nearly 721 lbs., the solids not fat amounting to 1,55.11 lbs. The 9,000 quarts of - milk produced by her sold at six cents per quart, or $540. The cost of her feed was $71.43, thus showing a net profit of $408.57. Here is a Canadian cow, that has made a good record also. In 1905, the Ontario Agricul- tural College paid $700 for two cows, and to-diiy one of them alone will sell for $1,000. In November, this cow, a Holstein, gave "2,522 pounds of milk, testing 3.5 per cent: butter fat. In - December and January she gave 2,- 300 pounds of milk per month." 1. Teeswater. A statement of account in connec- tion with the recount of the local op- tion election ballots was received. It amounts to $5555.60, and must be paid by the corporation, the judgment hav- ing been given against it. On the evening of Feb. 28th, at Plea- sant Valley Farm, the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Howe, their only daughter, Elia, was united in '• marriage to John, youngest son of Mhos. Thompson of Oulross. Rich. Sellars, our well-known dray and express man, had a close call at the G. 1'. 14, station. He was loading a box from the car to his sleigh when he was caught between the door and the box, He called for help and the men at the coal house came to his reserve. The nominating convention for the East riding of fltuon was held in the Town Hall, Brussels, March Sth, for the purpose of nominating a Liberal candidate for the Provincial Legisla- ture. One hundred and seventy-six delegates answered to their names. The first ballot showed W. H. Kerr, editor of The Post, the candidate by a vote of 122. Thos. McMillan, a well known resident of Hullett, stood next with 51 votes. On motion of Mr, Mc- Millan, seconded by F. S. Scott, the nomination was made unanimous. ' Are you tired, fagged out, nervous, sleepless, feel mean S Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea strengthens the nerves, aids digestion, brings refreshing sleep. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Ask your Druggist. 1.111.1•01,, m 11 ..,.11 n11Y .11.111.a .. .rl .IL .. 1y� Machine Works. I have moved to the • Chair Factory And to get the Public acquainted with my new shop, I will grind Skates at 5c per pair for one week, commencing February 28th. W. G. PATON H. Brown, Rag and Metal Co., buy- ing all kinds of aides, wool and pick- ings, rubber, copper, and feathers of all kinds. Highest price in cash ; if brought to house, five cents a hundred extra; 50c a 100, cash, for ole. iron. W. J. PRICE, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTIST (Successor to Dr. Holloway) Just a month after the death of his partner in life who died on February 1st, Geo. Caslick passed away on Fri- day last. He was aged 70 years and 0 months, and though not a pioneer was one of the early residents of Culross. The problem of securing a town caretaker, to look after the Town Hall, the streets, the school -house, do police ditty, etc., etc., which has given the council some difficulty this year Will continue the practice in the office was settled at the meeting on Monday lately occupied by Dr. Holloway, in evening by the engagement of Mr. the Beaver Block, Wiugham. Cris. Donohue at a salary of $425 for the year. Anyone desiring a particularly desirable five per cent. investment, kindly call on ABNER COSENS Loan & Insurance Agt. ITCII:, Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch on hu- man or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wolford's Sanitary Lotion. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. Mr. Alex. Butehart, of Edmonton, Alta., a former proprietor of The News, is taking a months holiday visiting friends in Ontario. He is much heavier than he was when he left Teeswater, and we believe much richer. Mr. Butchart is chiefly em- ployed in clerical work—book-keeping, book -auditing, etc., hut he is also in- terested with his brothers in real- estate transactions. Never Slit Your Boots. That doesn't cure the corn. Just apply the old standby, Putnam's Corn Extractor. It acts like magic. Kills the pain, cures the corn, does it without burn or scar. Get the best -- it's "Putnam's," 111101211110 kIoi lili:iuilliilY.liani,i IiII!idituaftwaiiiigto GI thgatigiabgatiao ® OSINI ESMO re 1 Graniteware rites I Cut, In Two. • Sauce Pans, regular 25c and 35c, now 15c Granite Bowls, regular 25e, now 15c 15c Preserving Kettles, large size, regular 65e and 75c, now 50c Preserving 1 etties, medium size, regular 50e and 60e, now 35e and 40c Preserving Kettles, small size, regular 35c and 50c, now 25e and 30c Granite Water Pails, regular 75c, 85c and $1.00, now - 40e and 50c Also Big Bargains in several other lines. Stew Kettles, regular 25e and 35c, now Stove reductions only good until March 15th. Call and see them while the stock is large. Call and see our fine assortment of Sherwin-Williams' and Robertson's . Ready -mixed Paints. CHURCH'S ALABASTINE, HOME-MADE SAP PAILS AND BOILING PANS. EAVETROUGIIING - PLUMBING TINSMITHING Call in and see our special Bargain Prices, as we consider it to show goods. a plesure The Deaf Made To Hear. Deafness because uenaliy due to Ca- . tarrh, is quite curable. In a thousand cases tills is proved absolutely true. - ,Seccess invariably attends the use of Catarrhozone which has cured catar- rhal deafness of twenty-five years standing. Penetrating through the - passages of the ear, the soothing vapor of Catarrhozone relieves the in- flammation, destroys the seeds of Oa• tarrh and thereby allow nature to re - assist herself, Try Catarrhoeone yourself, 35c and $1 sizes sold by all dealers. Lucknow. Editor McGregor, of the Sentinel, looks supremely happy ; it is a boy, Mr. John Joynt has purchased the Reid Hotel.property, on which he in- tends erecting three new residences. Fire at Rinlough on Tuesday even- ing destroyed a building, the Presby- terian church shed and the threshing outfit of Messrs. Ryan and Pennell. Mr, W. Murdio, hardware merchant, has taken into partnership Mr. J. A. Sutherlaud, of Detroit, and the firm will be known as Murdie & Suther- land. Perhaps no other home in this vi- cinity has been visited as frequently by the Angel of Death as that of Mr. Archie McKenzie at Paramount, where in the past ten months four members of the household have been called to join the silent majority. Mr. McKenzie's mother, Mrs. Peter Mc- Kenzie, having passed away ten months ago ; his daughter and also his father, Mr. Peter McKenzie have since died, and on Wednesday of last week a brother, Mr. John T. McKen- zie, died at the age of 33 years. t torbNe ,� 'he actin Scor Idea Patterns H, E, Isard Co. WITH THE FORESIGHT OF A PROPHET, BY THE AID OF THAT GREATEST OF KNOWN TREATMENTS—" DR. AGNEW'S CURE FOR THE HEART"—IS LEADING THOUSANDS OUT OF "EGYPTIAN BONDAGE," OUT OF ILL -HEALTH AND UNTOLD SUFFERING TO THE "PROMISED LAND" OF PERFECT HEALTH • DOE YOU OHE? DR. AGNEW'S CNBC FOR THE HEART WILL STOP THE PAIN Is there palpitation — Is there fluttering — Is your breath short— Is it hard to find your pulse sometimes—Do you have smothering spells—Do your feet and ankles swell— Do you have fainting turns—Do you have nightmare—Do you have pain in the left side, shoulder or arm—Ever experience great hunger and exhaustion—Do you have chilly sensations? Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart has saved thousands of sufferers, and it can help and cure you ; but you cannot afford to toy with heart troubles, so if you have any of the heart symptosis 'to -day then to -day is the day to put yourself in touch with a remedy—this great heart treatment that never fails. "I was under treatment," says Mr. A. Lavers, of Collingwood, Ont., "with some of the best physicians in London (England) for what they diagnosed as incurable heart trouble. I suffered agonies through pain about my heart, fainting spells, palpitation and exhaustion. As a drowning man grasps at a straw I tried I)r. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. The first bottle relieved hie greatly; two bottles took away all traces of my heart trouble." 10 DR. AGNEW'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS cure all liver ills -10 cents, DR• AGNEW'S CATARRHAL POWDER es lure cure for catarrh. For Sale By A. L. HAMILTON. Alex. Youngl ("minced SI K6EM) °RAL Il°����®���� _ OUBLES agliels.e. AL. • • ..,11111111111111"S:'., Y,. t TWENTY-FIVE YEARS' SUCCESSFUL RECORD /1ONEY' can buy advertising space, but it can't buy a quarter century's successful record of wonderful and almost miraculous cures of the most difficult and intricate cases of throat, lung and stomach troubles. Such is Psychine's record. Thousands of cases given up by leading doctors as hopeless and incurable have been gnic y and per- manently cnred by Psychine. It is an inf*tlible remedy for coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, consumption, indigestion, loss of appetite and all wasting diseases. "My son bad a terrible cough and again worth living."—Mn L Bich - was wasted to a shadow. Doctors aids, Marriotts Cove, N.B. said he could not live. He used Pay My lungs are now sound ea aben chine, itcured him."—]Cru J. Rang- after using Psyching"—H. Bobbins, er Brockville. Bridgebnrg, Ont. t' After taking WOO worth of Psy- Psychine saved my life."—S.wa1- chine my lungs are well and life is - den, 7 Cornwall Bt., Toronto. Psychine Never Fails Psychine has no Substitute AT AU. DBALBRS. 80c and 51.00 A BOTQ,B DR. T.A. SLOCUM, Limited, 179 King St. W., Toronto "Duh, 'Maple Leaf' rtubbere if You want a "the ora woman tubo lived hi a shoo." Light and pliable, beeauso no mixed wth the finest Para gum. Conform to tho shape of the shoe—give a glove -like, aceurate, stylish fit, Stay in shape. Wear long. For Sale by Cr'. B. GRE1 1 neat, smart, accurate fit." --Wireless from weal' -destroying adulterants aro 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 S?IG 19 0 7 We announce for the Spring Season of 1907 a larger, more complete and better assorted Stock, in all our Departments, than ever - before. We have been in touch with the best markets and have been able to secure many lines, at ad- vantageous prices. If you are looking for the right class of Goods, at right prices, you will find them in this store. New Spring Coats and Skirts. We are agents for McKINNON'S Coats and Skirts. We have just opened up a large shipment of these celebrated garments and can show you a nice range of the very latest styles at very reason- able prices. Visit our Skirt and Coat Department on second floor, we will be pleased to show you through. .1.. on. 11..1...1 I. 1i , a . 1 A. , 1d. •.. H. [;I$3RD & CO. PHONE 68 WINGHAM e gssimisizigsm Special Furniture Bargains for Cash at S. Gracey's .. . STOCK ALL NEW AND UP -TO . DATE. In order to make room for Spring Goods we will give special Cut Prices. Mattresses, &C. $3.25 Mattresses for ..$a.65 335 450 Mattresses for Hercules Spring Beds—best in the market for the money—guaranteed for 5 years for...$3.50 \l\'e carry the Ostermoor Mattresses. Parlor Furniture. $46.00 Parlor 39.00 " 35.00 23.00 13.00 Divan 9.50 Divan di do Suite, silk, for Lt (1 $39.00 31,50 " for 29.00 " d for 18.50 for 10.00 for 7.50 Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, special prices ; 4o off leaves 26 better than that for cash. Tables, &c., at on—we can do See Our Go Carts. Something new in this line never shown in Wingham before. See our 1907 line before you buy. Carpets and Rugs. Perhaps we can suit you in this line too. Room Mouldings, Window Shades, &e. We make a Specialty of neat Picture Framing. . Gracey FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAXER