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The Wingham Advance, 1907-02-28, Page 8
THE WINGHAM ADVANCE Whitechurch. Mrs. (leo. Gaunt is very poczrly, Little /Imola Spading is ill with pneumonia. Thcut. Kew an►i ;ears. (1. Henderson Left on Al;rnd+ay morning to attend the futtei'ral of their sister-in-law, Mrs. Wm. Kew elf Niagara Falls, On Tuesday itiorning Ur. J. Gilles - pie's mare ran away while he was gall. mg at IL McKay's. She ran through Whitechiueh and straight on through Lncknow and several utiles beyond. Will. Conn and S. Hutchison started in pursuit, also 11r. Gillespie and others. The liveryman at Lutkuaw, when he slaw her pass, also started in pursuit. home fanners hauling woad succeeded in stopping her; there ry Ito damage done, except a piece broke out of the dashboard of the cutter Ware hope the mare, which is a fine one, will be none the worse of he. run. On Monday last, lair. and Mrs. J. W. Muckle left otir neighborhood to take op their residence near \Vawoti, Sask. Mrs. Markle, during the whole of her youth-tiiue and maidenhood, was one of this district's own girls, and her loss to the community will be strange- ly and keenly felt, vas young and old alike held her always in the highest esteem. Mr. Markle too, though a comparative stranger to us till a short tithe ago, has made many friends •amongst us. 'While we regret to have lost them, we feel like congratulating the district that is, in the future, to enjoy their society. All jour in wish, ing them much of life's sunshine and little of its storm throughout the jour- ney of life. which they have under, taken to travel together. Orey. Wesley Rendes-ton of Teesrva spent Sunday with Jobe Savage. Miss stella 5.1equarrie of Ctoderi'lt High School is ltoliclnyiug under the parental roof this week, Blyth. ter Miss Twitchell of Clinton visited her friend, Miss tillie Eanigh, this week. Miss Livingstone and :hiss Bennett are attending the tuillinery openings in Toronto. std edlis. Kennedy of Medicine Hat visit. her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) Anderson, during the past week. Mr, and Sirs. John Etnigh will leave here on Saturday on a trip west ; they pnrposo being away two. months, Rev. D. Norutan, a returned alis. sionary from Japan, gave a mission- ary address in the Methodist church, Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. N. 11. Young of To. rant°, former citizens' of out village; are visitiug friends in town.; their many friends are pleased to see theta. Rev. Dir, Nieol of Cargill preached in the Presbyterian church on Sun, tray. On Tuesday there was ,a congre, gational meeting to ciieenss to call, Rev, Mr, Small of Auburn is modern - tor and presided. Word reached here on Tuesday of the death of Mrs, J, M. Hamilton. A few weeks ago site was taken to Tam - don for treatutent, being afflicted with nervous debility. The deceased was a daughter of the late Geo. McGowan of East Wawanosh. firs. Hamilton was to a consistent member of St, Andrew's )e Church and was highly esteemed for 11- her noble qualities of herart and niind ; a faithful wife and affectionate soother. The sympathy of the cuan- amity is extended to Mr. Hamilton e' anti daughter, Miss Etelka, The funeral took place on li'riclay to Union. cemetery. Rev. Dr, McLean of Gode- ss .rich conducted the services, Deceased d was 45 years of age. 13. S. Cole has 80.0 or 701) cords wood now at the Iieufryu brieky ready for next season's operation*. A.t (leo. Oxtoby's auction sale a 4 year old heavy draft filly was sold to Joseph Engler of $lt10, " gl t for the handsome sura 11r, and D'lrs. John Jackson enter- tained a number of their young friends on Thursday evening hast, in honor of their Deices, the Misses Kathleen and WA Cora Evans. All report a. delightful tithe. Roe's Epwortit League has extended + an invitation to Ethel League to take ✓ charge of service on March 5th. After the service, the evening will be spent socially. All are welcomer to enjoy the treat. Friday morning of last week Mrs. John Bishop, 5th con., was summoned from the earthly home to the Mouse of Many Mansions and passed peaee- felly away after an illness of abont five months. The fine 100 acre faun of Albert Car- ter, eon. 11, has been sold to Richard MitebeIi, also of this locality, for tl sura of $0,500. Possession will 1 given in April. lair. Carter and fan ly will likely go West where lir. Car tee spent last sununer. The 100 acre farm of John Savag lot 10, con. 3, has been purchased b Joseph Raynard, of the same line, ft the sum of $4,200, and he will get po session next mouth. Mr. Savage ht bought a farm near Dungannou an will remove there ; the good wishe of his many friencls go with hint. Robert McKay, Ethel, took charg of the services at Roe's church lasja Sabbath morning. rn ng. l It, McKay, ivh has always sontething good to to took for his text, "Rener to C,es the things that are Ccesar's, and God the things that are God's," au delivered an excellent discourse. Mf ses Kathleen Evans and Lottie Jack sou sang a very pretty and appropri On Friday evening a nlintber of our young people gathered at the house of Sire. G. a11cOlenaghau to celebrate the -Hanging of the Crane." The bride and groom, 31rs. and Mr. Geo. Me- Clenaghan, arrived on the afternoon train, a t, rafter an extended trip to De- troit and other places. In the even- ing they went welcomed home by a host of they. guests, Nothing was loft undone that could add to the en- tertainment of the evening. The oys- ters, judging from their palatableness, were prepared by an expert chef, whose services will, no doubt, be greatly in demand on similar occa- sions shenceforth. The anter coarses werercu equally s` q unre, istable. 1� a all join iii wishing the young couple every success, and in extending a hearty 1ve'le +•tae to the bri,[�', who is held in Well esteem and who will prove a valuable aeg.tisition to our village. The angel of Death has once more been r @ 1 ,LmnU us, andMrs. 11 .Jo i,b 8 Holmes ,H lin s was called away at the ripe age of 84 yeatrs, 5 months. Deceased, whose maiden name was Jane Holmes, was born Sept. 20th, 1822, in the county of Kilkenny, Ireland, She came to this country about the year 1841. She was married to Jos. Holmes and they set- tled on lot 22 in the filth con, of Gode- rick tp. In 1850, they rented their farm and came to Kinloss and settled on the 2nd. con., where they lived for about 12 years, They then moved to the 4th con., where they lived for over 4 years. During these years they suf- fered all the trials and privations of pioneer life in Ontario. When they came here in 1850 the township was an almost trackless waste. In 1875 they removed to lot 20, con. 1, Kinloss, where their younger son still resides, On Oct. 13th, 1000, Mrs. Holmes met with her first great Toss, in the death of her husband, who fell asleep at the ripe age of 85 years. In the spring of 1003 she went to reside with her elder daughter at Londesborough, where she remained till her Lord took her. She was from early life a consistent Christian, being first identified with the Church of England, but of later years with the Plymouth Brethren, She Ieaves two sons, J'. T., on the homestead, J. G., also of Kinloss, and T two daughters, Jennie of Londesboro' and Mrs, Rice of Ochre River, Man. The funeral, which took place on Sat- urday last from the old homestead, t was well attended. t I • DIa. Ovaxs, M. D., London, Eye and Ear Surgeon, will be at McKibbon's drug store the first Tuesday in each a month ; hours -- aII day. Cataract, o squint, failingeyesight, nasal catarrh, deafness, head noises treated and glas- ses properly fitted. Next visit is on Tuesday, March 5th. s ' Morris. Mr, and Mrs. John Spiers are visit - e, ing friends at Sea -forth. tel Jit.s. Olotakey disposed of a fine brood mare to Jtas, $. Kerney, for which he t° received a fancy figure. s- Thos. Clark disposed of a fine driver , to Robt. Shedden, 4th Iine. Tom is a r, hustler to buy and sell horses, The quarantine for smallpox has been lifted from the house of Elijah Rea. There are new eases at the Holmes homestead and the Bradford house is still on the list. Dr. Sproule of Toronto, is in attendance, bei)) quarantined as well as the familic mentioned. Duke's school, which wa closed to prevent any danger o spreading the disease, s a @ resumed O n d r , opera tions last Monday as did Molesworth school. Vaccination was carried on by the wholesale and some of th adults were real sick from the effect of it. Belnnore. Mr. W. Bremner left last week for his fantn in Manitoba, Alex, Finlay of Algoma paid a 8 ing F visit to his uncle, Thos. Miiler, a line, and other friends this week. A new farm hand has arrived at hl hone of Thos. Bradshaw; he h come to stay; his name is 13radsha THURSDAY, F1:I3RU,r1Rv 28, 1 907 Turn. berry. Representatives from the school sections of the township met In S. 1 . - No. 0, Tut'nberry, un Tneeday,. Feb. th 1Q , tt, decide, upon uniform action In regard to the School Act, and to fornuttate a definite plan of united ac- tion in requesting the (Ioveismtent to repeal certain objectionable features. The meeting was strictly nvn-pat'tisan and intensely earnest. It was decided to send a delegation to wait upon the Government, as soon as rtrran gen)ents • can bo )nude, to state the objections, the members of the.delegation to be chosen by the ratepayer's of school sections in the different townships tlrt'ougiront ill@ pt'ovinee. Clorrespon, dente with a view to'.co-operation is solieited. Jas, Powell of Tut'nherr'Y wits called to the chair, and J. P. Hooper', Turuberry, acted as Secre- tary. The objections to the Act were Hum considered. Moved by W. Henderson of Morris, And seconded by It. Ciilkinson of Turn. Flert'y----Thu,t we ask for the repeal of that portion. in the new Act that di- rects that a Compulsory minimum, salary shall he paid to tettchel's--car vied. Moved by Ilobt. Muir, seconded by Wm. McGill—That we ask Inc the re- peal of that portion of the Act that gives Tnspeetors power to cancel cel', tificates of teachers engaged to teach for less than the minimitna-^-catrt'iecl. Moved by P. S, Aiels{won, seconded by .1, T. Wylie—.That we ask for the repeal of that portion of the Act that rural schools shall provide scales, treasures, tette lnensurxition set, gee - metrical, solids, library, cpnet'ete walks, teachers' private rooms, and enlargements of school grounds by half ,acre—carried. .Moved by Robe. Muir, seconded by 1l. Gilkinson--Phot we ask for the re- peal of that portion of the Act that compels County Councils to levy a rate for rural school purposes—car- ried. Moved o d by P. S. A1cENen, seconded by Robt. Sharpin—That we ask for the amendment of the portion of the Act that regulates the training and qualification of teachers, because the poorer classes can have little hope of becoming teachers, although many of our brightest intellects come from this class; thus a discrimination is Y- . created in favor of the rich. against th the. peer—carried. pot crtrried. Moved by W. Henderson of Morris, 1e seconded by P. S. McEwen, Turn - es berry --That we ask for the repeal of N. that portion of the Act that raises the salaries of Inspector's and removes the r- power of their dismissal from the a County Council—carried. say Moved by John Porter, seconded by s. Df v` a td Wallace—That amendment of the Act by giving the e e e', Trustees of the province a fair repro- ek, sentation on the Advisory Council of .' e +'duration—carried. is P.1 . McEwen—Th totheeSeiet by publish the minutes of this meeting r and ask for correspondence with a view to of School Tr'nsptees,tton or ndi idua,I sfrom i' pe- payers, willing to aid ns in securing a our civil rights. do Jas, Powell, J. F. Hooper, Chairman, Secretary, e Wingham P.O. 1Vroxeter P.O. °f N. B.— I earnestly request that evof Y Huronrwilllschool in take up this measurehe twith s the object in view of amending the School Act by electing delegates in ' each and every rural school section in the county, with the object of in- • terviewing the Government.—J. F, H. Holyrood. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wheeler ente s tained at their comfortable home, f jolly crowd of young people on Frill - evening, a whenenjoyed young. t hemselve Win. Little and grand -daughter the Misses Henderson, moved to Blu e vale on Wednesday. of this we s where they intend to reside fur th future, as Mr. Little has leased h farm for a term of years. Mr. J. Stokes has moved to the farm lately owned by Mr. R. Metcalf. The latter has returned to his -farm in Turn berry. A number of the young people of the Methodist Church are planning to pay a visit to their pastor, Mr. Oster- hout, some evening soon. On account of other engagements Rev. J. Radford held the meeting of the °Christifan Endeavor Society on Monday evening instead of Tuesday. Because of the small attendance at. the Foresters' meeting on Friday even- ing, the debate on "The Inflnence of Women for Good or Evil." was post- poned. Rev. J. H. Osterhout preached an excellent sermon last Sunday. His subject was "Sabbath Consecration," e Salem choir took charge of the fuging. Mr. W. I. Chisholm, M. A., Inspec- or of Public Schools for Bruce Oouu- y, paid our school a visit a short time go. He reported the work done in he school as satisfactory in every espeet. Regarding the grading of he school building and equipment, Mr. Chisholm acted very fairly, and if 11 Inspectors are doing likewise many f the objections to the new School' Act will be removed. H. Brown, lingand Metal Co., buy - ng all kinds of ides, wool and pick- gs, rubber, copper, and feathers of all kinds. Highest price in cash; if nought to hoose, five cents. a hundred extra; 50c a 100, cash, for old iron. ,( Salem. Mr. Robert Miicheti took a trip to A tissue builder, reconstructor, - t builds up waste force, makes strong in nerves and muscle. You will realize after taking HoIiister's Rocky Moun- tain Tea what a wonderful benefit it will be to you. 35e, Tea or Tablets. Ask your druggist. PASTOR AND PEOPLE Toronto en Monday last. The Sateen Chair took e PRAISE si las jo � w (PRONOUNCE. Bt"KEEP1) e A Marvellous and Triumphant Record se of Victory Over Disease. barge of the nging in Behnore Methodist Church t Sunday morning. The young yeople spent a. very en- yable time at the home of Mr, Jos. Itchen on Tuesday evening last. 'e W se Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Abraham attend- d the funeral of the former's sister at hitechurch on Wednesday of last eek. Mr. Johnston of Wroxeter has paint- d the seats in the Salem church. ruing to this, there will not be any rvice next Sunday afternoon. No medicine has ver effected as large a number of wonderful and almost roar - venous cures as Psychine. It has had one continuous record of victories over diseas- es of the throats chest, lungs and stomach. Whr eo doctors ford• have pronounced cases incurable I b e front wasting diseases-l'ayclmtine teps tui and rescues numberless people even from the very verge of the grave, Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, Eronchitis, Chills, Nightsweats, La Grippe, Pneumonia, and other like troubles, all of which are forerunners of Consumption, yield quickly to the cura- tive powers ofPsychine. Mrd. Campbell,, one of the nlatlycured, makes the following statement X cannot refrain from telling all who(., 7 r Of my remarkable recovery with firyehina, !rr .Apr11,1902, I oaught a heavy cold which settled mtmyhwgsand gradually' lel to eous,rinptiot►. I mild not sleep, was cubjeet to night sweats, my lungs were so diseased, my doctor considered me incurable. Rev. Mr. Mahafry, Port Elgin Presbyterian Church, rcrro mmen deaf 8)e fsrin. I'Rlchlru,ttomr; when 1 nisi living in Ontario. .After using Peyehine for *Aunt tiros I ate and sI t well, the night sweats and tough ceased. Iaranthw ago I stern d taklag Phyrhine, err I Was peHactlyres ored iri health and to -day I never telt better in my life.. Psychtnd hat been it �- do bend tante. Uzer, A5nasw CAinitttL, Cottonwood, N,A.7; 2,i. PSYOCIT E never disc • , ,rote. to P2YCE1i3',L hes uiosu.: x tats. 11 Ito other medicine "Ellet int At all deef+rr�J<Oe, and SLOG par battl.. not t4 tiOc in vitt ft llf, mane trite Glenannan. Mr. Robert Muir has completed the contract of potting in the wood for the school. Last Monday morning the C. P. R, express became me stuck i nthcs naw near the switch, behind Mr. 3. Weir's, It was delayed for about au hoot, it being 8 o'eloek before it got started on its wayagain, This is a new thing around here this winter. • The Cobalt paper speaks of a forme Morrisite in the person of Geo. Oak heck, as follow :—A large number the prominent citizens of Cobalt ga_- ered together at the Cobalt Hotel t partake of an oyster supper and to honor to one of of the most popular and most deserving persons in th Silver city. Geo. Caldbeck, chief police of Cobalt and the District of Nipissing. The chair was occupied b R. H, C. Broon, and after an addrea was read, Chief Oaldbeck was present ed with a purse of gold eontainin $100, and a silver shield wrought silver taken' from the mines of Cobalt. Inscribed are these words, "Chief Ge , Caldbeck, greetings from Cobalt citi- zens, Dec. 10th, 1006," '1: ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches an every form of contagious Itch on hu 1nan or animals cured in 80 minutes by Wolford's Sanitary Lotion. Sol by A. L. Hamilton. East Wawanosh. Hugh McLean intends removing to d Gillies Haines led the prayer meet- - ing last Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Stutters took • in a wedding at Teeswater the other week. Mrs. Frazer, who has been laid up with rlieuinatisni, is improving very. slowly. Peter Dyment of St. Marys is visit- ing ,his sister, and renewing old ac- quaintances. ' Belgrave this week. The many friends of Mrs. John Bee- croft, sr., are glad to hear that she is recovering from her recent illness, Dougeld Simpson of Fordyce has moved into the vacant house of .Tann Menzie, jr.; we regret losin Mr. Simp- son as he was a very obliging post- master. On Wednesday evening of last week the Epworth League of Briek Church spent a social evening at 'the .tome of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Walker, of Bast Wawanosh. The evening was pleasantly spent in social conversation and amusements. After doing atnple justice to a sumptuous lunch prepared by tate !tulles of the League, all united in singing "God be with you till we meet again" and the National Acts. them." Mr. Rivers then dismissed the gathering with prayer. The following report gives the standing of the pupils of S. S. No. 11, East Wa.wanosh : Class V --Joyce Mc- Lean and Gordon Shiells (equal), Net- tie McLean. Sr. IV --Birdie Robert- son, Mari Fer uson, Luella Shiells, ,Berson Irwin, *Jas. Currie. Sr. III -- Norman and Edna McNeil. Jr. 717— Bernice Shiells, Pearl Auld, Roselle McNeil, Sr. II--Driltou McBurney, *Edna, Robertson. Jr. II (b)—Maty Currie, *Russel Walker. Jz'. II (a)— Eddie McBurney, Charlie Shiells, Pt. Il—May Shiells, Sandy Young, Willie Fitzpatrick. Pt. 1—Willie Young. those marked * were absent from exams. S. Seel, teacher. St. Augustine. Thomas Ploughman is at resent spending a few days at the old home. Mr S. Y Hoover, with his wife and family, from Michigan, are visiting friends around Westfield. We noticed the smiling face of Mr. iV. Findlay of Ashfield in oar little burg s egg he was the guest of Mr. John formerly of Westfield, has pissed into the unseen beyond. The funeral. took plate on Monday p n to the Westfield la Hemetery'. On Monday Miss Minnie Craig left orDetroit, in company with leer aunt. Iilise Craig will be very much missed montg� her large circle of friends ; es- peeially wilt she be missed in Church work, as she was an earnest and de- Voted worker in the Sunday School d Epworth League. West 'Wawanosh. Council diet Feb, 0th according to adjournment ; tnembers all present ; Reeve Bailey ail e in the ehair yair ; minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. The Treasurer's report shotved a bal- ance on hand of i$788.06 ; report - f filed. By-law No.1 was rtrnended by ellen- a, ging Assessor's salary from. $50 to $60, on motion of Dailey and Murray. • The Auditors' report, after being finally audited, was adopted, on too.att n of Anderson and Thompson. A. Anderson was empowered to buy 10 feet of tamerao 3 -inch plank for wnship pnrposes, on motion of ornpson and Medd. Tho following Cheques were issued; - t McGregor, printing debentures, t (16 • .1. I;owlci , repairing culvert. h D. It Munroe, expenses Boer1 of t alth, $27; J, 1). Smylle, drain eon. Jahnstoonauditor,Sul,$7 ; culvert, . 'Wilson, li auditor, $7. Clo twit a'utljom•ned to meet March flair gth wt 10 o'clock. W. S. Maccrosti,, Clerk, ialfl i Let The Stomach Alone. Yon can't cure catarrh by dotting he etontaloh. The disease is in the hroat, nose and bronchial tubee. In - ale Gatarrhozone to the spot where he disease really is—it clears away i' out eeerctions, stops discharges at onee, purifies And heals the passages, tensity ennihiiattes every trace of ca - h. Nothing else is so direct: And certain awl •Vaatitrrhozorte." Results guaranteed. d. 'rwo sizes, 25e and $1 at dream The weather for the past week has been stormy, but cheer up, spring is close at handl. Geo. Bell of Culross Was united in marriage to Miss Mary Morrison of Kinloss on the 5th of February, Gillies Haines gave a few of his friends a party Iast Friday night ; the evening was spent in social gauzes. The marriage of Fred. Johnston which was to have taken place on the 20th inst., has been postponed till the 0th of March, on account of his being dangerously ill with pneumonia, but we hope soon to hear of his recovery. Are You Losing Looks or Strength ? Once you were robust, bright and happy. To -day yon are doll, worried, failing in vitality and appearance. Just when you should be at your best you're played out and need it cleans- ing, bracing tonic. Yonr blood will soon redden, your vivacious spirit will soon return, you'll be yourself again if you regulate the system with Dr.Iiamiltou s Pills. A truly wonderful 'medicine. It . searches out disease, positively drives away headache, weariness and Lack of vital force. Give yourself a chance. Use Dr, Hamilton's Pills and watch the result. Sotd everywhere in 25c boxes. Farm For Sale. Lot 83, Concession 1, Culross town- ship, containing 1 p26 are c s o f which O(1 acres , ite@ cleae located, and has fair The ' Easy . terms of payment may be secured. Apply to DUDLEY HOLMES, Wingham. One Way Seoand Glass e Colonist st Rates San Francisco, Los Angeles, Mexi- co City; Ogden end Salt Lake, Utah; Helena and Bette, Mont.; Vie oria, Van000uve pans New Wet. winner, 13. O. Itatetido. Tieketeth n sale dMIy proper. March 1st to April 80th, tiokete.atid fen 1nformalion, call en I,. A A , Town Agent. 1. b. McD0NAU msbrlob?ame :gar .&gent, Toronkt. Which It seems a waste of words to argue that a business education is necessary for the success in lite of young men suet women. No reasonable person doubts it, It is a Axed tact. The only question --the vital question --is this: "Which college." Shall it be a school where common sense, practical methods are followed 1" Wit it be the best college or next best. 1t costs nothing to get our new cats - vogue. Simply ask us to send it to your eadrocs. It tolls about the most prsetl- est nosiness College in Ontario, We beiteve it to he the very best. Inter any time. Individual instruction. Wingham Business College (Affiliated with Clinton 1lusiness C011cbe GEO, SPOTTON - Princif/aj Farm For Sale. The undersigned offers for sale his farm of 100 acres, situated 2 miles east of Belgrave, being S4 of lot 0, con. 4, Morris. `There is on it a large frame house, good bank barn one acre orch- ard, seven acres of bush, 30 acres plowed ready for crop ; the balance is ru grass. The Maitland river crossed one corner of farm. The farm alga includes Bodtuln Lime Works, Rea- sonable terms to suit purchaser; Ap. ply to O. 13, WILKINSON, Belgrave P. O. Fresh Arrivals AT THE "Big Book" Store. A New Line of NEW CUSHION . COVERS • Ready For Use. LUNCH CiH C LOTH S CENTRE PIECES CUSHION TOPS And a new range of Fancy Goods—just what you need to do up before the house- - cleaning. OAWINIAAWAMMIA6WWWWWWWWWWWWW0*. A Rush of Business. ,.7ht There's a rush of business in the Dress Goods' de- partments of these Three ,Stores. Repeat orders for ex- clusive Dress Lengths of newest weaves and colorings Alt the departments for this week's: selling. We're _after the Latest and Beet for Bee Hive custorners and we always get it, ' New Clothing For Men and Boys, A heavy purebase of Men's and Boys' Suits, ]rade to our special ,,,*(ler of the boot Tweeds and Worsteds. of English and Canadian manufacture, Every Suit made up with best linings and equal in flt and finish to regular ordered Tailor-made goods. Prices here will save you dollars, Groceries of Extra Quality. We allow nothing but the Highest -class Groceries to pass into Bee Rive departments .--,••and sell them at the very closest possible nargiu of profit. A. trial order for Groceries snakes a new customer every time, We have a Special Bargain this week -G Cans of Choice Pa as for 25e. We pay highest prices for Farm Produce and part cash if so desired. - Tho Bee Riva Three Stores WINGHAM and GORRIE AMWMARAMMAMMWMA> WMPAMA WW F llurry! llurry! Big Fire Sale Still Going On. K. M. Fisher Bigger Everythng The "Big Book" Store _ f • Ladies' Readywears ' ,i $15.00, for $10. 00 Satisfaction 3.00,for10.00, for... , 5.008.�6. in Food Supplies demands great ' a care in seledtien. CHEAP FOODS Dress Goods. . never give satisfaction, and in the end are the most expensive. -$1.00 yard, for Good Foods and s '.75 yard, for .50 yard, for j Altho' sometimes (and only some- '', times) a trifle dearer than inferior sand cheaper foods. are always the BEST. THESE KINDS give su.i preme ' atisfaction, and make you I feel that YOURS IS WELL -SPENT MONEY. - a Only high -Grade Teas and Coffees kept j in Stock. Try Them s Pure Foods 4J. HenryChristeJ GROCER AND CROCKERY M1RCHANT. WELNTGRAIVI Property Owners Will find it distinctly to their advant- age to make me their Agent, based on quiek returns and satisfactory dealing. The following ere a few of the many properties for sale:— $850 sarlo,e.- $3stnarYyoaroAmt ,oeHoSa- ynew' ev rents tlOat/ II aver house, 8 rooms good repair, rents for $00 per year, John St. IlVV ari4 dtortpwatter,house,f©llaar collar, repair, Frances St. 2 story house, six rooms, beautiful w location, Albert St. �mvu stable, 201fruit, trees twonacresl01 land,Lower won tylia g bam saw I sten h 1 ou o Y d 8 r aom9 hard atria soft orator gnoel location, rents for 1)102 per year, Victoria St, Ia Q� flew ohick water, Josephine rooms, hard and soft Water, Josephlno St. woo 2 story house, 0 rooms, Rood repair, a beautiful home, Scott St, $19500 story brick Cottage, 7. rooms, Cleo - trio lights, good staple, Toho St. $27'ob 2 story solid brick house, bath. ter. Waco could not bo built now for. $000, Maple Street, 100 .Acres -11 miles from W10551115; excellent buildings, 10 sores fail wheat. 10 sores bush, Owner has lived on farm over fifty years, Snap at the 1)rloe. 11 R l stenengahearC1ta,amdirectto dquuats. Money to loan on farm eeenrity, J 1.1. Chisholm Mat iCsrAr XItet1RAN0g AND LOAlt Aotwr anoborte Birtak h Bargaios Than Ever8 Sold at bargain Prices. } Ladies' Fur Coats. Men's & Boys' Caps 5 Coat t $45.00 75c Caps for... .....50c 55,00 Coat 40.00 .50e Caps for 20e 45.00 Coat 33.00 000 Clips for 10c 25.00 Coat 23.00 25e Caps for........ i5e Men's Hats. Men's White Shirts. 69e $2.50 Hats $1.25 $1.25 Shirts for 40c 400 2.25 Hats 1.00 1.00 Shirts lor..,..49c 29e 1.50 Hots .75 .75 Shirts for 37c Positively Last Week. Men's Suitings. Men's Underwear. $2.50 yard, for.... $1.255 2.00 'yard, for.... 1.00 1.25 yard, for, .. , .75 $1.00 for 60e .75 for. 49e .50 for.. • 800 FRESH GROCERIES IN STOCK. Han a & C Macdonald Block. BALDNESS Thin Hair, Discolor. ed hair, etc. ti9 PROF. D�RENWEND i COMINCL He will be at the BRUNSWICK ' HOTEL, WINOHAM, on Wednesday, March 6th With HAIRZ GOODS, (tulles' and Gents' TOUPEES, WIGS BANGS, WAVY" and PLAIN FRONTS, SWITCHES of every description, POMPADOURS, TRANSFORMATIONS, 4:e. Ile ten improve your per. sonal appearance. Plain features and disfigured heads, caused through the loss of hair, matte perfection, Thonrlattde owe their fine looks to the AM of Prof. Dorenwend. 11811)an h»ir ADORNS end PROTECTS this head, Don't fail to see his new PATENT HAIR STRUCTURE, patented all over the world. Private Apartments at Hotel. Remember -- only one day Tlrst-class out hair. ertprciaily hair taken into ox0.aance.