The Wingham Advance, 1907-02-28, Page 44 THE WINGHAM Bargains! Bargains! Until February 21st. We announce Bargains in our Tailoring Department. As the present time is a little between seasons, and in Order to clean up our stock and make room for the New Goods which are arriving daily, and also to keep our bands steadily employed, we will sell at the follow- ing reduced prices :--- 7 Suit lengths only, of our Scotch and English r Tweeds and Worsteds, $22.00 Suits at..,$18.50 11 Suit lengths only, of our $20.00 Suits at$17.00 16 Suit lengths only, $18.00 Suits at $ 0 10 Only of our $1.8.00 Suits at $13.00 Overcoats -Only a few Mt at the same reduction. Also special bargains in Pants, A large stock to select from. Remember these are not old styles out of date, but made any style to suit you. Cut and made on the premises. No sweat shop work here. MEN'S FURNISHINGS. Although our stock is all new you can pick up lots of special bargains, such as Underwear, Caps, Fur Collars, Mitts, Gloves, etc. We sell the best Overalls made in Canada -The Monarch. All double -stitched seams and made in good style. Awl .-:.d.,,. ..., .... M Tailors and Den's Furnishings 044100'"`etati ' Zs 'ro on Stoves FOONLYSH Cut Prices One Happy Thought Range, six hole, with reservoir and warm- ing closet, regular $60.00 for $50.00 One Steel Range, six hole, regular 45 00 for 39.00 One No. 9 Wood Cook with reservoir 22.00 for 19.00 One No. 6 Radiant Home Parlor Cook, double heater. • 47.00 for 39.00 7 00 for 32.00 7 One Ideal Jewel Parlor Heater 4 .27.00 One Brilliant Favorite Parlor Heater 3315.0005for 0 for 2.00 One No. 5 Oak Heater, wood or coal 14.00 for 10.00 One No. 17 Queen Oak, wood or coal 18.00 for 15.00 One Primo National, wood heater CENTRAL HARDWARE H. BISHOP ADVANCE --*THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1907 c ate .bi)1111tc Theo. Hall - Proprietor. [bitotia1 -A, meeting is announced to be held in Toronto on Dlarch 20th, to wealth, Not only will a good wager' road be built but the Government is planning to build a branch of the Tetniscaming railway into the district. Ontario mineral wealth is only in the infancy of development. There is. danger, however, right here. Many mining companies will be formed that will never mine a dollar's worth of ore, and the investor who intends to invest bard -earned cash, should thor•• oughly investigate before he takes stock in any of the propositions that are now or may be advertised, perhaps very loudly, as money-makers. organize a third party in. Ontario, to SCUUE61E OF MONOPOLIES. be known as the "Labor Party." -It is reported in Ottawa that Par- liament will prorogue by April 70, as on April 0th, Premier Laurier ;and several other members of the Cabinet leave to attend the Colonial confer- ence. «t• -Dr. Clapp, M. P. P. for South Bruce, has introduced a bill in the Legislature to amend the High School Act. At present when pupils choose to attend a high school in some other county than the one they live in, their county is obliged to contribute a cer- tain sum per head towards the main- tenance of such school. Dr. Clapp's bill will do away with this arrange- ment and oblige pupils to pay their own way if they insist on attending a high school outside their own county. THEF COMMERCE ANADIAN NK HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO B. E. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager A. H. IRELAIND, Superintendent of Branches ESTABLISHED 1867 Paid-up Capital, $1,,000 Rest, - - 5,000,000 Total Total Assets, - 113,000,000 ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT removes all bard, soft or calloused ltuxtps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stoles, sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs, ete. Save $50 by use of one bottle, Warranted the kCure �tex nown, Sold by A. 14. Blemish Recently the province was startled by the announcement that all the electrical companies of Ontario centre- ing around Niagara Falls, have formed a combination with a capital of twen- ty-five millions, to fight the scheme of the Ontario Government designed to give the people of Ontario cheap Five Lilies Flour, } bbl.. ,$2.20 to $2,40 electrical power. Prairie Rose Flour, bbl. . 2.00 to 2.20 This big combination of twenty-five Star Flour, per ?4 bbl.... 2.00 to 2.15 millions is to take in the electrical CreLowam (.,� Paste ry louro ton, ...22ur .00 to 22.05 to 2.05 light, power and electric railway coin.Bran per lou 20.00 to 22 00 WINGHAM Flour Mills. We Have. Good Corn at $20.00 Per Ton. Come and secure your supply. ,M1 kinds of Chop, and a good supply of Bran, Shorts and Law Grade Flour. Always ask for Wiugham Mills' Flour, PRICE LiST : -The rapidly increasing consump- tion of alcohol in France is attracting the serious attention of statesmen, who, following the example of Belgian and Swiss legislators, are devoting earnest efforts to restrict the spread of the evil in both chambers. It is argued that the enormous augmenta- tion in the percentage of lunatics among the population of recent years is for the most part due to drink and that the habit is, besides, having a general deteriorating effect on the nation. BANK MONEY ORDERS ISSUED AT THE.FOLLOWINO RATES: $5 and under 3 cents Over $5 and not exceeding $10 6 cents " $10 " II$30 10 cents 87 " $30 " " $5015 cents These Orders are payable at par at any office in Canada of a Chartered Bank (Yukon excepted), and at the principal banking points in the United States. They are negotiable at $4.90 to the £ sterling in Great Britain and Ireland. They form an excellent of with safety and at small cost, and may be obtained without delay at any office of the Bank Wingham, Ont., Branch :-A. E. Smith, Manager. T { 11 t method of remitting small sums money CAPITAL PMD II!: TOTAZ, ASSETS: RESERVE FEED: $2,500,000 Thirty-two Million Dollars 32,500,000 BANK OF HAMILTON A General Banking Business Transacted SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received, and highest current rate of interest allowed. 46 Branches throughout Canada. WINGHAM BRANCH C. f. %mfth - agent * -The bye -election in West Middle- sex was held Wednesday, 20th inst. Mr. D. Ross, son of Hon. G. W. Ross, who held the constituency so' many years, was elected by a majority of 124. The election of Mr. Ross does not change the numerical standing of the parties in the House, but merely substitutes Mr. Ross, junior, for Mr. Ross, senior. Fair-minded people will compare the prompt holding of West Middlesex bye - election with the shameful delay of the old administra- tion regarding North Renfrew. -As a result of the exceptionally severe winter in our Northwest Pro- vinces, which has paralyzed the tran- sportation departments of the rail- ways, the return of money to the east has been backward. The grain move- ment eastward to the lakes has been greatly curtailed by the congested state of railway traffic, and there has been practically no direct receipts of wheat by rail to Ontario or Quebec this season. This means a heavy loss t business interests Ti- is estimated paries deriving their power from Shorts, per ton 20.00 to 22.00 18.00 to 20.00 25.00 to 25.00 25.00 to 28.00 21,00 to 24.00 Niagara Falls. They have formed a Soreenings, per ton coinbination, with lair. Gibson at the Chop (inixed) Ahead, and are applying to the Do- minionChop Government for ;a charter. If Winter Wheat, per bush, ... 680 to 700 they succeed, they can cleft' the Whit Goose Wheat, per bash..... 600 to 620 ney Government and charge the peo- Manitoba Wheat, per bush... 750 to 850 ple of Western Ontario twice as much Goods delivered promptly' to any for electrical power as they would be part of the town.. required to pay under the scheme of Hon. Adam Beck. Premier Whitney is keeping cool over the proposal and will beyond question strike back at the schemers with the full force of the Ontario Government. In referring to this, the Toronto Telegram says :-"Ontario is face to , face with a crisis created by a plot, a conspiracy, worked out by a lot of a corporation lawyers who have gone to ' Rival 1 l erb Tablets Ottawa for a Federal charter that will permit their clients to confiscate capi- ' for Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, tal in this province. The fight ,upon and for cleansing the Blood - which Hon. J. P. Whitney has now - there is nothing better. entered is the greatest of all Ontario's. 200 Days' Treatment $1.00 battles for provincial rights. Ontario y could have lost Oliver Mowat's . Trial Package -30 Days' Streams Bill fight, and even the boun- Treatment -25c. dary award fight, and still lived and prospered. Ontario cannot lose J. P. Wingham. t all Druggists, les ale from The Kibbon, Whitney's fight to control the cot- Her.Agency, Kincardine, Ont. porations which seek to RULE the pro • - vince which they were created to ♦t►�NHi SERVE. The supreme issue of provin- N•N caul life and death is raised by the policy of favoritism to corporations that has been developed under the auspices of the Laurier Government. The Ontario Government has faced that issue bravely. A united province is behind Hon. J. P. Whitney, even as a united province was behind Oli- ver Mowat." Premier Whitney, speaking in the Legislature, declared that the govern- ment would not submit unless they had too. He was not sure that they had the power to prevent it, hat they Chop (oat) HO' SON, HARVEY & BROCRLEBANC. TAKE had other power which might avail, one of them being the power of taxa- • tion. Leader Graham -said the Opposition ' Stand -Opp. Skating the overnment in You Make A Mistake If you buy a Piano with- out seeing our stock, comparing prices and taking into account the quality of the instrument. • All the best makes always in stock - Heintzman, Newcombe, Dominion, and others. ♦♦♦ Also Organs, and the very best Sewing Machines. David Bell Rink o a i would stand by g by good authorities that owing to the resenting this attack upon provincial insufficiency of rolling stock and the ri has. detention of laden cars in consequence Mr. Studholme, the Labor member of snow blockades, fully been lost of for Hamilton, congratulated the Pre- wheatmoney or credit have been lost in mien on standing tip for Provincial n alone for export since the be- Rights, as his predecessor, Sir Oliver ginning of the season. Mowat, had done so successfully on several occasions. -"We have all a our defects, but I hate still the honest intention and desire to do what I can to lessen the drink evil," declared Mr. Whitney at a banquet of Toronto District Council, Royal Tetnplars of Temperance, on Monday night. He pointed out that in the past year 43 or 44 municipali- ties had been won to the temperance cause under the legislation passed last last year, as compared with about 160 in the past ten years. Mr. Whitney rison is now getting busy preparing said he had spent a reasonable portion his case. of his life in sympathy with the en- Lucknow is on the upward move. deavor to think out a way to solve the - Some new dwelling houses will be re - problem of the drink evil, knowing quired. All our mill yards are full that he would get little credit for his and running over with logs, which position. The Prime Minister assert- will ensure employment during next ed that he `vas going to continue to summer, to a number of hands, take the seine attitude, and he intend- The Ripley Express says :-"Last ed to carry it into effect in his own Thursday, John McGarry, the popu- way. lar proprietor of the McGarry House, Lucknow, celebrated his seventh year, as a strictly temperance hotel -man. Mr. McGarry looks back with consid- erable pride to the day he signed the temperance pledge. His example is an excellent one, and in the village of Lucknow, Mr. McGarry is looked up- - on with esteem." Two By-laws are to be submitted to - the property -holders, March 20. The first provides for a loan of $4,000 to the Lucknow Furniture Co, The firm agrees to employ thirty hands. The titer is to assist an industry, for the r1►i•itrNtwN�Nfr��r��N NN•/i1A�'►w Goal Coal We are sole agents for the celebrated Scranton goal, which has no equal. Also the best grades of Smithing, Cannel and Do - /nestle Coal and Wood of all kind, always ozz hand. Resident* P'ho'p e, No. 66 Office r. 0.44 'We carry a full stock of Lumber (dressed or undres- sed), Shingles, Lath, Cedar Posts, Barrels, etc. Bight Price Paid for said kinds of togs. J. A. McI,EAN Lucknow. We understand that the contract for the new Carnegie Hall has been let to a Hanover firm. Those interested in the defeat of the Local Option in Huron, have engaged Hugh Morrison, of Lucknow, to test the Iegality of the vote. Mr. • Mor- •NN••NNV•• -A• Bill before *the Ontario Legisla- ture is aimed to prevent the spread of Consumption, or the "White plague." The Bill provides for the establish- ment of County Associations for the prevention of the spread of the dis- ease. Every physician must report to their Board all cases coming under his notice, within one week of his seeing the patient. When a case of tubercu- Iosis has been definitely located, pre- cautionary measures must be taken by the Board and all possible means adopted to help the patient and pre- vent the spread of the disease As tuberculosis is on the increaseur ose. The company will be com- tario, the Bill touches a live question, • purpose, of TheLttecots any wilns, and coin - that bears directly on the home life, posed Mr. and the Goverment does well to give McAlpine, Toronto, as head tailor and the matter consideration. The in manager of the concern. AU the com- referred to has the approval of the Pang ask from the town is the use of Provincial Board of Health. the banding, and to pay interest on * * loan of $2,000, this interest decreasing s TELEGRAPHY is the first step towards positions paying from $5000 to $x0,000 per annum in rail- way service. Yon can become a good • operator in 6 months if you study in Tho Central Telegraphy School, 3 Gerrard St. E., Toronto. The finest School in Canada. Write for particulars. W. H. SHAW T. J. JOHNSTON Pres. Prin. o manufacture of high grade clothing, in On. and to utilize the old town hall for the ' - by $10 a year, until at end of tenth Graduates of the Popular . ELLIOTT The "Big Store W inghant, Ontario. John Kerr Tea -Tea -Tea_ Red Bell Tea - Red Bell Tea That's the name of OUR OWN BLEND NEW PACK- AGE TEA. In future we're going to put up in 1 lb. and ib, packages our own Special Blend of Tea, known as KERR'S RED BELL TEA. We will guarantee every package to be just as good as we say it is. And we say that its the best, the very best Tea on the market for the money. The regular price of this "Red Bell Tea" is 350 & 50c a lb., Black or Mixed. But to introduce it we are offering it for a time at 28e & 40c a lb. If you're a lover of good Tea try :a Red Bell Tea." Give it a good fair trial. If you do, you'll always use Kerr's Red Bell Tea. OUR BARGAIN TABLE bas proved to be quite a success. This week we offer, in addition to other money- saving opportunities, a big bargain in Writing Pads. Nearly Plain. 800 ORegular Writings. Good Linen each. Special Paper. ice, each Ruled or More Bargain Prunes, 200 lbs. just received, per lb •. 5c TORONTO, ONT. Readily get positions as Stenographers, Book-keepers, Invoice Clerks, Commercial Teachers, Shorthand Teachers, eto., at good salaries. Demand frilly twenty times our supply. Such a demand does not workpossible s9 ell•knownis Enternowur .uperior ()ata- loguo free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal (Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sta.) DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT ATTRACTIVE JUST NOW. New Dress Goods arriving continually. The most popular weaves and most fashionable shades. Fancy Tweed Suitings, Grey 'Worsted Suitings, Blk. and White Worsted Suitings, Pretty Spring Color- ings blended in two and three tone shadings. W. J. PRICE, L.D.S., D.D.S. WINGHAM DENTIST (Successor to Dr. Holloway) Will continue the practice in the office lately occupied by Dr. Holloway, in the Beaver Blook, Wingham. A FAMOUS SCHOOL CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. is recognized to be ono of the leading commercial schools of Ontario. Our courses are thorough and practical. Each department is in tho hands of ex. perleneed instructors. Our graduates aro in demand and are meeting with great suecees. Many leading Bueinese Colleges employ our graduates as tone- • hers. Write for free catalogue. You may enter at any time. Hamm rr st Mot`noutAN, Principals Anyone desiring a particularly desirable five per cent. investment, - kindly call on ABNER COSENS Loan & Insurance Agt. J Machine Works. I have moved to the Chair Factory And to get the Public acquainted with my now shop, I will grind Skates at 50 per pair for one week, commencing February 28th. W. G. PATON 00000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000 00008+ BOWtO BANK HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Capital (paid up) -Northern year it w run e$erve ceased to unfold new fields for the assumes very little responsibility. Total Assets, over $42,000,000 prospector and Cobalt is not the only This firm expects to employ anywhere WINGHAM BRANCH. source of precious metal. Eighty frenal thirty to fifty hands. miles from Cobalt and 76 from Hailey bury is Larder Lake, and the district +- --- ' Farmers' Notes discouttted, is said to be rich in minerals; even Doubled by With Cramps. Drafts sold on all points in Can- tle precious gold Is to be found there, Ada, the United States and Europe. as well as silver. Already prospectors Stomach feels like an Infernal wa- ste rushing in, and between two and WW1 and you want relief mighty gnoduk. Nothityg does tbe well half three thousand are searching for ore ,on pt,l 's NN'orvnisi e. Why under the steep snow. The matter of it kills the pain ;netantl . If your at surveybrought i the twister- battle is empty p�mt another to -day. _ w Ne�rvilire�lrt keeps ttite doctor $3,000,000 (and undivid. a $3,929,000 Ontario has not yet illout in faet the town od profits) nrve was up n Ye bill srtlali titre and this brrntgbt out the Govern- bemuse a ecePtlittle dial before rimy men vis intention& The duettist will Mims Masts; l g�indigestion, and t.be Government 6et,'rt<f `n nil like olaOn's be surveyed list mineral Nevr fare, les . igw�lg�6s� will tract upon SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Intereistt allowed en deposits of $t.00 and i,t,D added Cee h yam rcipsl 30th Jane H. 'it HINDU, huger ft. rs;mwion's, 501018or 4, 4. 4. 4. 4, r 4. k M 4. 4. .4, Fal. and Winter t3 Announceinent, 1 DRESS GOODS. -I have determined to clear out my Dress Goods 0 stock at greatly reduced prices this fall. As the season goes on, many 33 lines are going at less than 75c en the dollar. Black Dress Goods a specialty. eo PRINTS. -Fall and Dark Winter Prints at cost. FLANNELETTES. -I purchased very largely by the case in all 0 kinds from 5c per yard up, Can give you heavy 36 inches wide, all color- 51 ings, at 10c a yard. O SHIRTINGS.-Grey Flannels and Flannel Shirtiugs, and a nice 0 variety of Shirts made to order. . 0 HOME-MADE BLANKETS. -From the Wroxeter, Teeswator and Kingsmill factories, Pure stock, well cleansed, and very cheap, at the price wool has been this summer. Call and see them if in need of a pair, Sheeting in white and grey, 36 and 72 inches wide. UNDERWEAR.• -•I keep the celebrated Stanfield Shirts and Drawers, made from Nova Scotia wools, soft and flexible, and guaranteed not to shrink, in sizes front 86 to 46. Ladies' Wear in the Puritan make. The best brands in Canada. Also Misses' and Children's in all sizes, from 150 each np to the finest. , HOSIERY. --From the Wellaley Knitting Mills direct. The best wearing goods in Canada, made from pure Northwest wools, and at prices that cannot be equalled, quality considered. READY-MADE OLOTHING.»1 have decided to clear out my large stock of Clothing Shia fall and winter, and can give you great bargains in this line. A nioe Overcoat for $4.00, usual price so 00: A good service- able Snit for 54.00, and a large stock to select from. Boys' School Suits, a splendid variety. A good work Pant for 51.00, worth 51.40. CARPETS. -A largo number of ends in All -wool, Union, Tapestry and Brussels, at about half price. Call and see them and get prices. Some chsap Hemp Carpets and Mete to offer. Linoleum in 1, 2 and 4 yards wide, Oilcloth iia 1 and 2 yards wide. FUR GOODS. -A lot of Coon, Wombat, Russian Calf, 'Dog and Bishop Coats for men, For ladies, Astrachan Coats that cannot be beaten for values and quality. Workmanship guaranteed. Call and see them. Hats, (Saps, Gloves, new styles, and large variety to select from. Boots, Shoes, Hubbell, a full line on hand and of best quality. Groceries, always a complete stock on hand, fresh and cheap. r n n n n r a ,t . a n n a a n n r a n a n a a a a :, M•� _ s To A.