The Wingham Advance, 1907-02-21, Page 8For Clothing,
Dress Goods,
New, Rich and Fashionable Furs, and all
lines of Ladies' and Gentlemen's seasonable Un-
derwear, come direct to D. M. Gordon's. No
house, no matter how much noise they make,
can give better value than you will .find here,
and every article new and up-to-date, The new-
est and best is none too good for our customers.
As usual, all lines of pure, fresh Groceries
are always in stock.
D. M. Gordon
aura) tiewse-1
Rev. J. E. Maunders of Brussels will
preach on the Belgrave Methodist cir-
cuit next Sunday in the absence of
Rev. G. W. Rivers, who takes anni-
versary services Cranhrook.
Next Sunday, Rev. D. Rogers, of
Thorudale, President of the London
Conference, will preach the Educa-
tional sermons in Wingham Metho-
dist church. Mr. Rogers has many
friends in Wingliam and vicinity,
who will be pleased to see hien again.
Rev. W. G. Howson will preach in
An announcement was made in the
churches of the town last Sunday, to
the effect that Miss Preston, a return.
ed missionary from Japan, would give
an address in the Methodist church on
Thursday of this week. On Sunday
evening a message reached here, say-
ing that Miss Preston was very in
Sarnia, and so the aforesaid meeting
has been withdrawn for the present.
This Friday, Rev. T. G. A. Wright,
of Walkerton, will be the speaker at
St. Paul's Lenten service. His sub-
ject will be "St. Patrick." On Friday
of next week, March lst, Rev. Wm.
Lowe, of London, is expected to ad-
dress the congregation. On Sunday
morning Rev. T. S. Boyle will continue
his series of sermons on the Lord's
prayer, and in the evening on the
Lord's example.
DR. OVENS, M. D., London, Eye and
Ear Surgeon, will be at McKibbon's
drug store the first Tuesday in each
month ; hours all day. Cataract,
squint, failing eyesight, nasal Catarrh,
deafness, head noises treated and.glas-
ses properly fitted. Next visit is on
Tuesday, March 5th.
On B line, Turnberry, farm stock,
implements, etc., on Tuesday, March
5th. See posters for sale list ; terms -
$5 and tinder cash, over that ten
months' credit. Sale at one o'clock.
Geo. Day, proprietor ; Jno. Purvis,
On lot 20, con. 1, Kinloss, on Wed-
nesday, March Oth, a clearing sale of
stock and implements. Fourteen hogs
ready for mark -et, a dry cow, and all
sums under $5, will be cash; for the
i,est, nine months' credit on approved
joint notes, or 6 per cent, off for cash.
J. T. Holmes, proprietor ; Jno. Purvis,
On Tuesday of last week Mr. Geo.
Baird left for Cobalt, New Ontario,
Mr. Albert Aitken and bride are
visiting at his father's home. Albert
is doing well in North Dakota.
The congregation of Eadies Church
are collecting the materials for a, large
church barn, to be built next spring.
The timber which is being squared in
Mr. Marshall's bush by Abram Bros.
is being hauled to Glenannan station
for shipment. The thither is of a fine
quality of rock elm and the work of t
squaring has been well done.
The tenth anniversary of the butte -
tion of Rev. W. J. West, M.A., will be g
observed next Sabbath, when Rev, A,
C. Wishart, B.A.. of Brussels will -
conduct the service at 2.30 p.m, A s
grand teameeting will be held the - w
following Tuesday evening, Feb. 26th, o
when an excellent program of vocal t
and instrumental music will be ren-
dered by Blnevale Presbyterian choir.
Miss M. Duff of Bluevale will recite,
Rev. Mr. Duncan of Whitechurch and
Rev. Mr. Radford of Belniore will de-
liver addresses. Everybody is wel-
Rev. L. Perrin is slightly indisposed.
The little son of W. A. Rutherford
is seriously ill.
Miss Stnith of Galt is visiting her
aunt, Mrs, 0. Smith.
Skiff. Robinson of Toronto is visit-
ing at his home here.
Robt. McKercher was laid up last
week with a bad cold.
W, S. McKercher was in Goderich
on business last week.
B. F. Carr was a Winghtun visitor
Wednesday of last week.
Mrs. John McTavish and, children of
Paris visited friends here last week.
Miss Cassie Harris visited last week
with friends in Brussels and Walton,
Miss Ride, Hazlewood, who has been
on the sick list, has resumed her labors
at the Howick Mutual office.
B. F. Carr preached in Gorrie last
Sunday night, Rev. Wells being away
in Sarnia at his father's funeral.
Electric lights were installed in the
manse last week, and Rev. Perrin and
family now have plenty of light.
Hugh McLeod is employed with E.
W. Lewis in the bakery for a time.
Miss Ella Smith is having some holi-
Don't forget the date of the lecture
by John R. Clarke, the boot -black
orator, under the auspices of the Li-
brary Board, March 12th.
Mrs. E. 1Ar. Lewis, the proprietress
of our millinery store, has engaged
the services of Miss Donah, as head
milliner. Miss Donah comes from Mt,
Forest, and has had several years' ex-
perience and the ladies will find their
wants well looked after.
Resolved -"That the introduction
of machinery has improved the physi-
cal condition of man, was the subject
for debate at the open meeting of the
Wroxeter Young Men's Club last
Tuesday evening. It was a very in-
teresting and profitable debate.
The Masquerade Carnival on the
rink last Thursday evening was a
great success. There was a large
crowd present; the ice was in good
condition and the costumes were num-
erous and well gotten up. The prize-
winners were : Best dressed gents -
Stewart MoKercher, Merton Howo ;
best dressed ladies -Tena Rae, Ella
Smith; gest dressed boy -X. Moat;
best dressed - R. Smith ; best,
comic costume -Georgie Howe. Mana-
ger Paulin is to be congratulated on
the success of the Carnival.
Mr. and Mrs. Little Elliott of Moles-
worth are visiting friends in Tara this
Miss jenny Hogg has gone for a
ouple of weeks' visit with relatives in
Miss Hannah MeLeunan has gone
Or a visit to her sister, Mrs, Will. Mc-
Bride, Hamilton.
The funeral of the late Mrs. John
Bishop took place on Monday from
he fatnilyresidence on the 6th con.
Mr, Ed. Code of Dauphin, Man., and
Ister, Mrs. Kersey Jackson of Cat -
am visited at the home of Ed. Bry-
ns on Monday.
On Monday night of last week a
leigh-load of young people from Ford-
ich and vicinity drove to the home
f Ed. Bryans and spent a, pleasant
Mr. lin Fraser opened school again
this week at Mice's. This school has
been closed for the past few weeks,
owing to the smallpox being in the
It's the highest standard of quality,
a natural tonic, cleanses your system,
reddens the cheeks, brightens the
eyes, gives flavor to all yon eat. Hol-
lister's Rooky Mountain Tea Iva' do
this for you. 35 cents, Tea or Tab-
lets. Ask your druggist.
removes all hard, soft or ealloused
intnps and blemishes from horse,
blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone,
sweeney, stifles, sprains, more and
swollen throat, cough, etc. Save $5()
by 1.18e of one bottle. Warranted the lo
most wonderful 131einish Cure ever re
known. Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
Wm. Bishop and daughter Mabel, of
Komoka, attended the funeral of Mrs.
John Bishop. His many friends Were
pleased to see him looking so well.
He returned on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. :los. Ames entertained
a few of their young friends one even-
ing last week. Needless to say, all en-
joyed the evening's proceedings,as
and Mrs. Ames make Al hosand
John Savage, 3rd eon., has sold his
farin to Jos. Reynard, who gets pos-
session this Spring. As yet we have
ot heard where Mr. Savage will
cote, but hope he will still remain a
Mr. and Mrs. William McIntosh of
anitoba, who have been visiting
fends in this locality, started on
lair homeward journey On Saturday.
is fifteen years since Mr. Mobil OS11
1%9 in Ontario, and his trip this time
s certainly been an enjoyable one.
Word was received here last week
the sudden death of Mrs. D. M.
A Cordial InvitatiOti 10 Dieettee, fr
This is an apt description of consti-
pation, It's an unnatural condition w
to begin with, and It's more, beeause
If brings about blood deterioration, in-
ti -fere with digestion, renders you
tni-4septible to infectious diseases and of
t•auses anaemia. Not so much a per- CI
alive ns natural stimulant to the, w
'Imola in what yon need. You get It nu
in Dr. Ifturillton'm whieh Increase Th
liver activity, restore the bowels to in
perfect action and poetively cure con- pl
etipation and its attendant evils. In- ro
pint on having only Dr. Harnilton'stft
Pills of Mandrake and Buttairnat, Stki this
utis of °Jubilee, Mich. The remains
ere brought too the home of her
ahoy, Mrs. That, Code, Teowbridge,
e funeral took place on Tueeday,
terment being made in the family
ot, Elms, Centre cemetery, The soy -
wing friends have the deepeet, sm.
thy of this community, MI thla Is
fourth death in len than five years
;or bo X at all dattlert, . in
ths Cods fattilly.
Chester Hogg of Winghant is
Mg friends on the 4th this week.
Mr. John Lamont, Algoma, is
ing on old friends on the 4th
visit- Mr. and Mrs. PAO Smelizer visited
their son Jo e one clay this week,
eall- Thomas Bantford and sister Emma,
this of West Wawanosh, visited friends of
Lanes on Neturday.
cut- Wna. Kilpatrick of Ashtleld has so1d.
s in his fawn on 7th con., to Joh m Savage
idecl of Grey ; the price paid was 85,600.
Andy Stein is having a sale of stock
ood- and implements March 8, Everything
lied- will he sold as Ur. Stein intends going
the West,
r to Our blacksmith, J. Smeltzer. 1188
line, pleased to say that be is ROW Able to
ago . be out again.
been oft work with la grippe ; we are
James Ritchie was felling trees in
Vita bush, when a (lead limb fell, etriking
Sue" him'oxi the head ; it cot his head and
left hint unconscious for an hour. The
heavy CfT he wore probably saved
him from instant death.
John Watson has been engnged
ting down some of the poplar.
front of his place,
which is dee
improvement to the road,
Mrs, Miles and son John, of W
stock, have been visiting at jits. S
den's and. A. Stewart's dining
Ates,snieeewka;rtMre. Miles is a siste
Miss NetUe Itellington. 4th
who went to Toronto some time
to attend the Conservatory of Ma
has passed her examination
honors; we wish Nettie continued.
essTii.'e Council met Feb, llth, pursuant
' to adjournment; members all present ;
the Reeve in the ehair. Minutes of
last meeting read and passed.
The Auditors' report on the accounts
of 1900 was presented, and after being
examined by the Council it was moved
by Mr. Campbell and seconded by Mr^
McCutcheon that said report be adopt-
ed -carried.
Tenders were, received, for the con-
struction of the Ellisondrain, and on
motion of Messrs. Shaw and Taylor
the tender of Mr. P. Nicholson, for
doing the work tit 2lie per yard, was
On motion of Messrs. Campbell and
MeCutcheon, Richard Proctor was a.P-
pointed, Collector at a salary of $85,
on furnishing security for the faithful
performance of the work.
Accounts were ordered to be paid as
follows :-Corporation of Grey, E line
account. $26.14; T. Hall, printing bal-
lots, $4; R. Johnston, Auditor's salary,
$8; P. MeNab, Auditor's salary, $S;
T. S. Brandon, expenses re Co. rate,
$5; W. Clegg, fees re Ellison drain,
$20; T. 5, Brandon, balance of salary,
$25; W. Clegg, fees re Ellison dram,
$20; T. S. Brandon, postage and sta-
tionery, $1.50; McKinnon Bros.,coun-
ty work on west boundary, $14.50 : A.
Miller, services as caretaker, $3.
By-law No. 2, 1907, was duly read
and passed.
Council then adjourned to -meet
again on the llth of March next,
West Wawanosh.
Wm. Kilpatrick has sold his farm,
con. 7, Ashiield, to a son-in-law of
Paul Stneltzer, of Lucknow, the price
being $5,500.
Frank Glenn has rented his farm
for a term of five years to Hugh Duff
and son. On Saturday Thos. Gundry
sold his stock and implements, and on
Monday Frank left via Lucknow for
his new farm in Alberta. As usual,
the stock brought good prices, but the
implements not much, only a fraction
of the origival cost. A five -months' -
old colt sold for $98.
Action has been takenagainst the
township of Colborne in the claim of
Mrs. Wm. Ivers, of West Wawanosh,
for damages for the death of her hus-
band, caused' by the overturning of
his wagon last fall on a road which
the plaintiff claims was not in proper
condition. Mrs. Ivers claims $10,000
damages. At the meeting of the Col-
borne township council on Monday
last it was decided to contest the
claim. It is understood that the
township, while denying any liability,
would consider a proposition for set-
tlement of the claim, but of course for
a very much smaller amount than is
named. The township has had a good
deal of litigation lately and is probab-
ly not anxious for any more. In the
meantime it looks as if the matter
would go before the courts.
Mr. Roy McKersie and his sister
spent Sunday last with friends in
We are pleased to learn that Mrs.
Andrew Gemmill is again on the
Mr. Wm. Abraham received the sad
news of the death of his sister, Mrs.
McDonald of Whitechurch.
Mr. Wm. Gallaher, of Gorrie, and J.
C. Goodfellow, Toronto, spent Sunday
last at the home of Albert Gal-
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McMichael spent
Sunday evening last at the home of
the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 3.
Word has reached here of the mar-
riage of Mr. Wm, Geminill, jr., son of
Mr. Jno, Gen-unill, Pilot Mound ; we
wish him much success in married
Mr, and Mrs. Ezra Merkley enter-
tained a number of their neighbors on
Monday afternoon last, including the
forrner's parents from Wingham. It,
was the christening of their youngest
sou Cecil, and in the evening the
Salem choir was invited in and spent
a very enjoyable time
?dr. and Mrs, Geo. Balmier spent
Sunday with Ethel friends.
Miss Margaret Snell spent a few
days with Bluevale friends last
Misses Muriel Brothers and Kate
Deadman of Brussels visited Mrs. D.
McDonald last week.
Mr, and Mrs. D. Rae of Wroxeter
Were the gnests of Mr. and Mrs. D.
McDonald last week,
Rumor says there is to bo another
wedding in the near future in which
Jamestown will furnish the groOM.
Ir. Mason of Wingham conducted
service in the hall last Sunday even-
. Mr. McAllister is expected next
day evening.
nesS, tt remedy that does cure cern and
000d Corti Sheller Por 2k.
marvel of efficacy and prompt -
On Tuesday, Feb. Sth, Mr, and Mrs,
John Nixon celebrated the fiftieth an-
niversary of their marriage. During
the afternoon in the neighborhood of
30 guests assembled at their home,
con. 13, Asirfield. The day being so
pleasant, almost all who were invited
were enabled to be present, At six
o'clock all sat down to a somptuous
wedding diner, after which a very
pleasant evening was spent in games,
music, and social conversation.
Five of the McMichael Bros. are en-
gaged in buying horses for the West-
ern market.
M. P. Brown has a gang of men
drawing logs to his mill in Clifford
from his farm on the Oth con. of
Min to.
Mr. W. J. Strong, of the 11th con.,
purchased a fine brood mare last
week near Tara, paying in the neigh-
borhood_ of $225. He brought her
home on Tuesday evening and on the
following morning she died. Inflam-
mation is said to be the cause.
On Jan. 22nd, one of the old pion-
eers of Howick passed away in the
person of Mr. Arthur Mitchell, at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. Dulmage,
near Beamsville. aged 91 years, In
company with the late Henry New-
ton, he opened out the first general
store in Fordwich and was shortly
after appointed first postmaster of
this village. He was elected to the
first Howick council and sat at the
board for several years. He owned
300 acres of land and did considerable
fawning. Mr. Mitchell built the first
flour -mill on the site of the present
mill and the first saw -mill on the op-
posite bank of the Maitland.Of late
years he lived with his daughter about
two miles. from Bearasville,
Turn berry.
Report of 5, S. No, 6; names in
order of merit: Sr. IV -T. McCor-
mick, S. King, H. Mitchell, V, Chand-
ler, Jr. IV-V, Showers, 5, Dickson,
R. Porter, Sr. III -N. McKague, H.
Foxton, W. James, IJ, Chandler, R.
Mel/Ague, B. Little. Jr. III -V, Ring,
J. Snell, A. McKinnon, W. McKague,
T. Snell, P. Earns E. Pains, Sr. II-
B. Chandler, T. McKagne,
E. Dickson, L. Snell. Jr. II -T. Dal-
gleish, M. Porter. Pt. II -E. °hand-
ler, L, James, T. Ferns. Pt. I -H,
Holn3es, H. Showers, A„. A. Lemon -
by, teacher.
It seems a waste of words to argue
that a business education is necessary
for the success in life of young men and
women. No reasonable person doubts it.
It is a fixed fact.
Tho only question -the vital question
-is this:
"Which college?"
Shall it be a school where common
sense, practical methods are followed 1"
Shall it be the best college or next best?
It costs nothing to get our new cata-
logue. Simply ask us to send it to your
address. It tells about the most practi-
cal Business College in Ontario. We
believe it to be the very best.
Enter any time. Individual instruction.
Wingham Business College
(Affiliated with Clinton
Business College)
020. SPOTTON Principn
Teacher Wanted.
School Teacher holding a legal cer-
tificate for School Section No. 1. Bind -
son, six miles from New Liskeard.
Convenient board; a small school.
State salary. Duties to commence
after Easter.
E. SAOKRIDER, Sec.-Treas.,
Hillview, Ont,
Farm For Sale.
Lot 38, Concession 1, Cuirass town-
ship, containing 120 acres, of which
DO acres are cleared. The farm is well
located, and has fair buildings. Eas
terms of payment may be securedy
Apply to
Farm For Sale.
The undersigned offers for sale his
. farm of 100 iere, situated 2 miles east
of Belgrave, being Si of lot 9, con, 4,
Morris. There is on it a large frame
house, good bank baro, one acre (itch -
Very Choice.
A fine stock of New China,
Lunch Oloths and Doilies just
arrived ; they are very pretty ;
see them ; they are cheap as
well as pretty,
A Snap.
A few Christmas (Ilobes
stjlj remain, with elegant pie -
tures suitable for framing;
they go at 35 cents,
Half Price.
Calendars and Diaries for
1007 at half price; it will pay
to buy now -10 months of the
year Still remain,
Hold your Wall Paper
orders until you see our
K. M. Fisher
The "Big Book" Store
H. Brown, Bag and Metal Co., buy-
ing all kinds of hides, wool and pick-
ings, rubber, copper, and feathers of
all kinds. Highest price in cash ; if
brought to house, five cents a hundred
extra; 500 a 100, cash, for old iron. •
A tissue builder, reconstructor,
builds up waste force, makes strong
nerves and muscle. You will realize
after taking Hollister's Rocky Moun-
tain Tea what a wonderful benefit it
will be to you. 35c, Tea or Tablets.
Ask your druggist.
Ini, le, 1,1 1
The Difference
in foods is always quite apparent
to all who look for quality. There _
are Low GRADE and Man GRADE -
qualities in both pure and (Welter- _
ated kinds.
Don't Be Content
with big quantity only. This often '
paves the way for many consequent
evils. Secure at all times the
- which in the end is the Mosr
Nothing Pays Better
than dealing at a REVABLE Gam -
000y SToitt, where the food wants
of the people is a constant study.
Get Some of My Good
Coffee 40c Per Lb.
J. Henry Christie
I lo • I 1 I .
Flour Mills.
We Have Good Corn
at $20.00 Per Ton.
Como and secure your supply. All
kinds of Chop, and a good supply of
Bran, Shorts and Low Grade Flour.
Always ask for Wingham Mills' Flour.
Five Lilies Flonr, bbI...$2.20 to $2.40
Prairie Rose Flour, bbl.. 2.00 to 2.20
Star Flour, per 4 bbl..., 2,00 to 2.15
Cream Pastry Flour 2.00 to 2.05
Low Grade Flour, ton25.00 to 27.00
Bran, per ton 20.00 to 22.00
Shorts, per ton 20.00 to 22.00
• ScreeningS, per ton 18.00 to 20.00
Chop (mixed) 25.00 to 25.00
Chop (oat) 25,00 to 28.00
Chop (corn) 21.00 to 24.00
Winter Wheat, per bush, Mc to 70e
Goose Wheat, per bush 60c to 620
Manitoba Wheat, per bush.,750 to 85e
Goods delivered promptly to any
part of the town.
awl, seven acres of bosh, 30 acres
plowed ready for crop ; the balance is
in grass. The Maitland river crosses
one corner of farm. The farm also o
includes Bochnitt Lime Works, Rea-
sonable terms to suit purehaser, Ap-
ply to
GRAN V( 1.1 '
Belgrave P. OSYST E M
wart& Its name is Putnarns' Corn FARm LABORERs
Extractor. Contains no Acids, never
pains, gives lasting satisfaetion. In-
sist00 "Potnaires" only. It's the
AND DOMESTICS, Colonist Rates
One Way Second Class
St. Helens.
Miss Gertio Lockhart of Wingham
is visiting at Mr. Sam, Phillip's,
Miss_Maggie Buchanan visited
friends in Winghain last Sunday..
Mr. and Mrs. Jno. rtfcCrostie of
Ripley visited at Will. McCrestie's last
Mr. Sam. and Miss Charlotte John.
son of Stanley are visiting friends
around here at present.
The West Huron Farmer's Institute
intend holding s meeting in St.
Helens on Thtaw good speakers aro soiketed.
tuttlayFab,t A
I have been appointed by the Do,
raiuioa Government to plaee
grants from the United Eingdom in
ponitionn AS farm laborers or domestic
servants in this vieinity. Any person
requiring such help should notify are
_ by latter, stating fully ths kind of belp
required, when wanted and wages
offered. The number may not be sten.
Cleat to supply alt requests, but every
effort will be made to provide each
applicant with help required.
Canadian Go-v't Employment Agt.
San Francisco, Francisco. Los Angeles, liext-
on City; Ogden and Salt Lake
Utah; Helena and Butte, Mont.;
' Nelson, 13 C.; Spokaue, Wash.;
Victoria, Vaneouver and New West-
mintaer, B. 0.
Raton to other points in proper -
tion. Tickets on sale daily from
Mart:411st to April 30th.
Poi* tiekets and fall information. oat!, on
• L, UAROLD, Town ligont,
J. D. McbONA1.b
Disttivit Passouger Amt., Tomato.
The Bee Hive
Seem 'to be the drawing feature by the masses.
Ey the way goods are moving in and out, there
must be something doing, No dead stocks here.
The quality of Groceries, Clothing and
Dry Goods is of the best, and being selected
by a large staff of experienced buyers, is filliug
a long -felt want, We buy in large quantities,
therefore we buy cheaper.
Our offer of part Cash as well as Trade is
still on. People from the country ought to take
advantage for your produce.
Get busy. We can save you some money.
American Coal Oil always in stock.
The Bee Hive Stores
i?AvAN91. mmommiwwwwwwwwwwwfm
Bargains For 2 Weeks
in all Kinds of Furniture
, 100 Mattresses in stock, good claim sea.grass, wool both sides, • 1
heavy fancy Hokin, worth $3.25 -Price for 2 weeks only $2.80
Same Mattress, with sateen tioking, worth $4.25 -Bargain Price3 50
50 Iron Beds, worth $0 50 each -Bargain Price 4.75
Iron Beds, worth $9,50 each, just while they last 6.50
(Not more than 1 Bed or more than 2 Mattresses to :1
each customer at above prices.) I
Parlor Suites must move out at some price. -Conches and Side-
boards must also get oat .... A few odd Washstands to clear out,
worth $2.75 each, for $1.90 .... A few high Beds in wood, worth
$3.75 eaoh, to clear out at pm. These prices are for _Cash orily.
We have heavy payments to make by March lst, and must sell
the goods. This is your opportunity,
Walker's Furniture Store
Special Furniture ,
Bargains for Cash
at S. Gracey's . .
In order to make room for Spring Goods
we will give special Cut Prices.
Mattresses, &c.
$3.25 Mattresses for
4.50 Mattresses for 3 35
Hercules Spring Beds -best in the market for
the tnoney-guaranteed for 5 years for -43 50
We carry the Ostermoor Mattresses,
Parlor Furniture.
$46.00 Parlor Suite, slik, for $39.00
39.00 i i i t i i • 31.60
35.00 it " ' for 29.00
23.00 t t " for 18.50
13.00 Divan for-- . . .... ... 10.00
9,50 Divan for 7.50
Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, Tables, &c,, at
special prices ; 40 off leaves 26 on -we can do
better than that for cash.
See Our Go.Carts.
Something new in this line never shown in
Wingham before. See our 1907 line before you
Carpets and Rugs.
Perhap$ we can suit you in this line too,
Room Monidingst Window Shades, Ste.
We Make a Specialty of neat Picture Framing.
G -race 4