HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-02-21, Page 7•••••••••t
' street:4 lima two revolver sitote
coming from Yea:NW:at tamp, a, little
wootlea shook.
1 Ile Melee in and found Paquette ou
the floor aud French° with a timoking
AND BOLTON 32-ca1ibre revolver in ids haud, Tee
R sENT .
- • •• .• the institution, while the conatable piac-
i ed Frenette under artest,
ll'enette's story is that Paa,uette had
entered the 8110R in tot intoxicated con
The Doctor Tells of kW Several Visits_ to Thaw in • dition and endeavord to puelt tie way
Ito the rear of the shop. Wien ;le,
.(Frenette) attempted to restrain Pa.-
.. _ .. I gnette be Wm gripped by the throat and,
1 130111g II cripple and airoia of being heat -
Defence to Prove Thaw Insane at Time of Muri., pu, he drew the. revolver in a momeut of
excitement and fired two shots,
der and Sane Now. Paquette, on the other hand„ claims
that be waa not :trunk, Ana it le wins-
pored that a woman is mixed up in the
New York,. Feb, 113,,,-4. eerioue differ- "That elided the Jade totting," said ease in some way or other.
the witneee, "I mar omit easeatiai da -
tails, but I will Lave to depend entirely
on my memoryca
Here Ma Jerome again objected.
"Vila witness," he declared, :says lie
may omit essential facts,"
."Whet can hm. do" replied Justice - FLINT MAN PAYS PENALTY FOR
"but give Ids best memory? MURDER or PATROLMAN.
.all that is required by the rules Columbus, 0., Feb. 17.-3?red. Caster,
of evidence,"
TIte objection was overruled and Dr. ofFlint, Mica., was electrocuted early
Evaus began to relete the incidents of on Friday morning at the Obio State
hie first .visit to Thaw (I11 A. 4t11. penitentiary. Deputy Warden Woods
"I took a. letter of introditetiou to turned, on 1,750 volts of electricity. The
Mr. Thaw from Mr. Hartridge and was current was reduced to 3501 then increas-
finally conducted to his cell. He gave ed and maintained until 12.10. The elm
nut his Laud and totem' at mo tette a trocution was withoue inelaent. The
staring and twitching of the ey(si. 1Vith
a nMichigan youth had paid the penalty
ervousness such as we seldom see,
and in an agitated manner, ho -asked me 7for the murder of Policeman Daniel
to have a seat beside him on Ids cot, Davis, in this city, in 1903.
Caster entered the death chamber
He looked at me a long time and then with a firm step. He was accompan-
said: 'You have different eyes from Dr. led by Rev. Fr. Kelley, who adminis-
Hamiltou. Your eyes look as if you teed extreme unction, the last rites
were a sane num.' Ilis eyes suggested fe. of the Catholic church, When he
sanity. reached the chair the condemned man
"I asked him how lie was, saying I had
mat- lk had his last chance to make a state -
been sent by Mr. liartridge to ta,nt. He eefusect to throw any light
.ters over. Ile said it was all right if 1 on his past crimes. In reply to a
came from Mr. Hartridge, and in re- question by Warden Gould, he said
sponse to my question as to how he felt, "Yes, I thank everybody, I thank m-
ho said, '011, Pm all rig11t.'4' peeially Mr. James. I know you (ad -
'The words were nervously uttered dressing Patrolman James). I thank you
and were piled together: Then he- con- ell. I know you have done all you can
thmed: 'Lew Delafield, a lawyer, and the far 111!"
filen of Black, Olcott Huber & lionynge Caster's crime was the murder of Pin
are in a eonspiravy With Jerome so as to trete= Dan E. Davis, on the night of
close this matter up and railroad MO off June 7, 1005. Caster and an Recoil -intim
to an as,yluni. They want to have me supposed to be Mike Murray, of Can -
declared insane.. It is all rot. There's ton, 0., were burglarizing. the home of
nothing to it. They don't want me to Horace la Chapman, former Democratie
come to trial, where I may be vindicat- candidate for governor of Ohio.
ed, where I can tell the court and the , • • •
jury all there is in the matter.' .
Dr, Evans said Thaw tola him he had
not wanted to kill Whitebut had sought ..
to bring him to trial and to juetice, mid •
would rather have thus humiliated him, CHARGES AGAINST CERTAIN MAG -
"But this was an act of Providence," TRATE%
the prisoner said. .%. ..'.
Hired to Xi& Him. to Death. - Allegation That They Assisted in Ex -
New York, Feb. 18, --Dr. Evans said torting Money by Threats of Pro -
Thaw told him that Stanford White bad secution-- Six Nations Petitioning
hired the Monk &Amen gang to kick
him to death. . for an Elective Council.
Dr. Evans said the arrival of the Fie- Brantford, Feb. 1 i.---Actin,g Superin-
oiler's wife end mother interrupted the tendent Ramsden of the Six'Nations In -
interview. Thaw asked them to excuse diens is in possession of the charges
him. - Thaw declared that White had which have been laid against eertain his -
drugged and poisoned a number of young tices o•f . the Peace of - alleged extortion
women, whim lulu& as well as bodies of Money from the Indians. who have
had been pure. Ile declared it to be the been held up with threats of impending
scheme of Ids own lawyers and every- punishments Sealed and signed wanants,
body else to have all these matters it is allegcdthave been served on innocent
shut away from the public. . residents ot the reserve with. a view
Dr, Evans next described ale second to enforcing the unlawfuCtlemands. It is
visit on Aug 21 last. "Ho referred eon- intimated that the trouble originated in
stantly to 'this mama 'this creature,"the Hagereville. Tho subject will probably
deaa man,"the bettet"the Wel:guard/ be investigated by the Iodian Depart -
"1 then asked why, under such dream. malt'
Indians of the reserve to the number
stances, he had shot Mr. White,
Of three hundred have petitioned the In -
'Providence took charge of it,' he -re -
Wan Department at Ottawa to change
the system of choosing Councillors from
the hereditary to the elective plan,
claiming the present; liereaitary Council
is uneducated and incompetent of pro-
gressive measures for further advance-
ment in civilization; that the system
lends no encouragement to the young
men; that the Cowell is not representa-
tive of the people, and that it is too
His Prison Cell.
puce among the lawyers engaged in OW
defense of Harry Thaw was patched up
last QVenings atra it is probable, that for
the remainder of the trial therewill be
• at least an assurea truce among them.
For a time it looked as if the trouble
'a had reaehed a stage where Delplau
Dolmas, who hat( conducted the defense,
would withdraw from the ease, but it
now uppears that he will go on. The
intercession of Mrs. William. Thaw, the
defendeat'e aged mother, is said to be
responsible for the patching up of the
quarrel, •
There is little fear among the attorr-
man on. either side of the now famous
case that .Jtator Joseph B. Bolton will
cause a mistrial. Both sides are twat -
dent that he will be willing
with the to go (m
ease w
lien mut coavenes this
morning, in spite of the grief occasional
by the death of his wife, whose funeral
took place on Saturday.
A mistrial would be a scrams matter,
particularly for the defense, for, besides
the enormous amount of money already
expended by both the defense and the
prosecution,. the ease of the defense bas
been well exposed, and if the whole nutt-
ier has to be gone over again the prose -
ration would have the advantage of
, al:ambits exactly to whtte the principal
aanvitnesses for the defense would testify.
.Again, waled probably take nutty
weeks- to secure another jury, because
of the enormous harvest manifested in
the ease by the pub.& and the great de-
tail in which it luta been reported by the
The idienists, Dr, Britton D. Evans and
Dr. Charles G. Waguer, will resume the
stand to -day and will repeat the wooer-
sations they bad, with Thaw in the
Tombs during the period 'when they be-
lieve be was of unsound nand, It is
believed by the attorneyfor Thaw tad
these couvereations will show that
Thaw's mind was not in a normal state,
,not only at the time of the killing, but
for many weeks afterward.
The problem of the defense will by no
means be finished with the proof that
Thaw was insane when ho fired the shot
that killed White. Tben will come the
task of proving that he is sane now, that
the trouble was only what the alienist
described as "brain storno" ana that
now that his vengeance on the subject of
Iiia hatred, bas been wreaked las brain
has reeevered its ordinary calm. In
other words, the defense mast prove
Taw insane antl then sane again, for he
is as anxious tn escape the asylum for
the criminally insane at Mattewan as lm
is to cams the death chamber at Sing
Thaw Won't Hang. •
Boston, Mass., Feb. 18. --Rey. F. A.
Wiggin, in a sermon on "The Unwritten
Law," yesterday, predicteJ. that Harry
Thaw wouldlo free,.for the mnrder
oI Stanford. White. The speaker said:
"Thaw will go free even from the mad
house. Ire is not insane ally .more than plied, this was an act of Providence.
itity of you are insane. lie• has been : my part. I would rather have had
sane. of course. The storm cloud came him Buffer in mutt the hamilietion the
revelations of his acts would have cam
at asked him why he heal carried a
pistol, and hesaid. Roger O'Mara, a de-
tective in Pittsburg, had advised him to
Boston, Feb. Ina -Evelyn Thaw was
do so, after he had told O'Mara that on
&Oared by Rev. C. j. Hawkins, at the
'Central CengrcgtltkIllftl Church, to be several occasions thugs had jostled him
•atot bad; she had jut lived to be hap- in an attempt to get him into a quarrel.
Do said these thugs were the. hired
agents of White, who did, not want to
attaek. He said White had hued toe
Monk Eastman gang to get hint into a
New York, Feb. 18. -After an inter -
gunnel and then kick him to death."
ruption of four days the trial of Harry Baby Named After Evelyn.
K. Thaw was resumed to -day. Jos. 13. Kalamazoo, Mich., Feb. 18.-Bacause
Bolton, juror No. 11, the death of whose her tuaiden name was Holman, Mrs.
wife on Thursday last caused the posh Alexander Babcock, mother of a daugh-
ponement of the case and the release.
ter born ten days nee, christened the lit-
tle one Evelyn Nesbit, after the wife of
Harry --aw, on trial for the murder ot
Stanford White, in New York city. The
father had serious objections, it is aid,
to the child being given the 1.11
attendance at the ceremony; however,
were so many that voted in favor of the
name that the :father finally consented
to the Youngster beteg named after the
to him as it hmny
as atunes come to
most men. A storm cloud came to Thew
and broke over. Then he was insane."
Lived to be Happy.
NOW York, Feb, 18. ---The Thaw trial
was resumed. at 10.30. Dr. 11. D. Evans take the danger of making a personal
was called at the first witness.
Evans on Stand.
of the jury from close confinement, was
early at the criminal courts building
l,this morning, declaring he felt perfect-
" .May able to go ahead with the trial.
Dr. Britton D. Evans, Superintendent
of the New Ilersey State Hospital for
the Insane, was on the stand last Thurs-
day when the trial was suljourned, and
was recalled to -day as the first witnees.
Mr. Dolmas took up the direct examm-
ation of the Tamest thus resuming is former chorus girl.
-- • 3
position as leading eounsel.
yersations he bad with Thaw during las MONTRFAL SHOOTINC
Dr. Evans was asked to relate the eel: -
first three visits to the defendant in the
The witness has heretofore teelified
that as the result of these first three
visits he had reached the conclusion thet
Thaw was of unsound mind.
District Attorney Jerome submitted to
the court the contention that the wit-
ness 'should proattee, any notes he may
have taken at the time of the inter -
"That ie a matter for general cross
extanination," ruled Justice Fitzgerald.
,"Although 1 tun net C01111)(...14: •
SOP said Mr. Delmas, "I will extunine
the witness on the point 110 .225. to Sil1.
isfy the learned district attorney."
Dr. Evans said be did tilk0 some notes
of one visit, but they were meagre mid
had been lost after he bad turned them
over to his stenographer. He took his
assistant along to take
notes of the third visit, but Thaw (1i0
1211880(1 the physieiaus and counsel on
that occesion.
Some Mystery Attached to the Affair -
Shooting Took Place, in Former's
Shop, and the Two Men Concerned
Tell Different Stories.
Montreal, Feb. 17.-A shooting Amy,
about which there are some mysterious
features, occerred. on Saturday night ia
ct shoemaker's shop near the corner of
Vitre Facet MM. City Hall avenue, when
Diettaonne Frenette, the shoemaker, shot
a man named George Paquette, wito
had entered, the shop, Paquette is in
the General Hospital and may die. It
appears that about 7.30 o'clock Consta-
ble Pettigrew of No. 4 station, who had
been standieg at the junction of the
Marks on Throat Lead Police to Believe She Had
Been Choked to Death.
FlynnNew York, Feb. DV --airs. Bridget tate Neal that Flynn 1211(1 31,012 beating his
Iwas amnia dead in ber - home at wife* 1212(1 Its I'verYthing 1122A iweeine quiet
320 East Forty -ankh street to -day. She ,
in their. amine 00 W0111011 etigb t have
. . ,
had litliiSeS 011 her throat and breast )et9l 1..1,1 1011.1 I J .
dint indicated that she'bed been (42(21(2)11 t
dust then Father Daffy errivea and
anall went tipetairs. An ambulance was
to death, Her little (laughter, min, (tat' from Flower Ihapital, awl Dr.
Waft 111 the bed with. her, tugging at the
dead woman's swat elothing. Thoutts ' vacated to 23e22112. .0
c't.1121212:1711:01::21111(321212.1.1eIllev0t111:caelitglitlia, ashitileletiald (hteaen
Flynn, the husband, Was sitting in it. . Mono watt ia, an ellginem' in the Cm"'
chair near the bed when. Policeman Geo. inertial imililieg•,. 2.1119 arrested and taken
Downey and Um Father Duffy, of St. to the list Fifty-first stret station. He
bad it mark on his nese, and said lieliad
Agnes' 'Chitral, in Eant Porta -third street, fount' a 12: en in the room with his wife
entered. The man appoftred to have been -011 his ret tilt home' iti-ellY, e,man A11,1 the 1,11m,
Downey 011114101 ithrt, Ili. them:at tile lm
it:teeing the houee sitotly tkilled 104 wife. . .
after 4 o'clock this afternoon when Mrs. Ile wait 1(10.01 lip and the 'Hey WIS
BrOgitni. t3i4 Immelseviver. ealied to him. sent 1.0 iletlevue Hospital.
How a Winnipeg Couple Heard Madame
Melba in New York.
laew York, Feb. 18. --In the Manhattan
Opera House hereafter all babies will be
cheerfully checked, along with umbrellas
and overshoes.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lewis, of Winni-
peg, Manitoba, were exceedingly anxious
to hear Mine. Melba. in "Rigoletto" last
night before they left for home, but had
no place in which to leave their baby
boy, who is eighteen months old.
They solved the problem by asking
whether the baby might be checked in
the cloak room. The astonished maid
referred the question to the manager,
who replied that by all means the baby
8110211(1 be cared for.,
Resting on a pile of coats, the infant
slept through the performance, and was
still asleep when the mother left the
opera house with the little; one in her
4 • •
Waives Preliminary Examination on
Charge of Theft at Perth.
Perth, Feb. 18. -The preliminary hear-
ing of W, H. Brick, former manager of
the Canadian liminess of Henry K.
Wampole & Co., apprehended in Toronto
on Thureatty night on a elmare of theft,
preferred by the company, took place be-
fore Magistrate Taylor this evening,
about 0 o'elovk. Mr. Brick 2.188 in 'the
vompany of his solicitor all day at, the
Hicks House. The delay of the hearing
was duo to the matter of bail that would
be aceptable to the Attorney -Genera's
Department. Finally they sent, word not
to press for too nmeh bail,
Mr. Brick was aeraigned on the (tartrate
that he stole $3,875 from the Walpole
Company on June 21st last, the proceeds
of a eheqne. Through Mit solicitor, Wm.
Douglas, be pleaded not gollty, waived a
preliminary examination and consented
to a eommittal to the Assizne here.
At 7 &deck application WaS made be-
fore judge. Senkler far bail, which was
granted in his owe, surety of $1,000. They
return to Toronto to -night.
Startlirtg Phenomena Witnessed at Pitts-
burg -Thunder mid Lightning.
Pittsburg, Pa., l'eb. 1.8., --The most
phenomenal atmospheric disturbanceever
witnessed in this city (mimed at 12.52
yesterday, when in the midst of tut ex-
traordinarily heavy blizzard fieveral loud
peals of thimiler were heard and a vivid
flanii of lightning came front the beim,
ens, frightening many persons. :Prof
John A. llassear, of the Allegheny 01
servatory, who announced through the
Associated Press the discovery a great
sun spot, mitt to -day that this, disturb
•11100 was the, most remarkable thing he
had ever know*. In view of the gigantic
eurt spot he expactea an electric dia.
The first overland mail time the out-
break (if the wnr between ,lapao and
Russia, left Heflin for Sliangtat
KILLED WOMAN t kII:e t211 Lelu''' 't°114t4 '2‘, Ylfs;
P National, and the Provinettil Pewit
c zie*OrreoleaschwrutgaLtionwo Ira:moat!: quale
SHOT HIMSEILI • profits owlag 14 the decline o ail
value of London boada On teased Of
damage to the eity's credit by tile
Council's extravaganee. Tide neeeseit-
ated a auspemion a till cuatont of dis-
tributing a portion of the profit*
among the staffe.
Dined Takes Strong Hold.
Double Tragedy in Toronto, on Rich.
mond Street,
Crazed by Jealousy, John Raymore
Murdered Mrs. Charlton,
She Was a Widow With Whom lie
Rad Lived..
Toronto despatch: Crazed with jeal-
ouey,. John a... Reyntore, 45 years old, a
bartender at the Tremont House, yester-
day afternocu about 3.30 shot Mrs, Afary
CharRam, 34 years of age, a widow, who
livea with him in the house at 100 Rich-
mond street west. Payment then turned
the revolver upon lamself and inflicted
Mimics from width he died in a short
time. Km fallarltion expired in a cab
while on her trey to St. Michael's Hospi-
tal. The -man had shot himself in the
'rigat temple after firing the revolver
twice at the Amami, the bullets enter -
ink her left breast and the mouth. Both
beaks were taken to the morgue, and
were afterwards claimedby ndertakee J.
A. Humphrey, of range street.
The double shooting affray was the
outcome 01 22 quarrel Which the man had
woman had a little (WCT a week ago.
Baymore left the Richmond street house
and wont to five at 110 Church street.
Frequently, so the pollee say, he met
Mrs. Cbarlten on the street, and eaoh
time they had some words. Mrs. Ohara
ton was out yesterday afternoon with
Mrs. Mabel Cartwright, of 117 Sher -
bourne street, •and while on Riebmond
street, pearly opposite old Knox Ohurca,
they met Raymore„ who usea some bad
language. After telling the man that Le
would be sorry for recent nate of alleged
cruelty, Mrs. Obarlton and her companion.
hurried away down Yange street.'
When they thought Haymow had gone
they returned by a roundabout way to
the banise, widah is a clapboard structure
on the uorth side of Ricamond street
opposite Sheppard street. Baymore sur-
prised them by opening the door."Conte to the room, -Mary; I want to
see teal," Waft his greeting. Mrs. Charl-
ton hesitated for an instant Whereupon
she was dragged inside by the man. Mrs.
Cartwriglit, nito was an eye -witness of
the shootings says two shots were fired
in rapid succession, and Mrs. Charlton
eania helpless on the floor. As her son,
Willinon who was in the 'rear ot the
house, was 171101.111g to her assistanee
Raymore firea on aimself, the bullet tak-
ing effect 311 his head.
Mrs. Marlton was eerried to a hack
that was passing at the time and lair-
ried to 81. Michael's Hospital, but dealt
overtook the woman on the way.
Patrol Sergeant George Sa.wdon was
one of the first to reach the house, being
summoned by 44 little cbild. Mr. ELT.
LOW, 215 Logan avenne, a pedestrian,
wile also ealled in by the inmates, and
they found Daymore lying on the floor
of the bedroom downstairs near the door.
He was still breathing, but expired in
about ten minutes. Detectives Twigg,
.Sockett, .Kennedy and Wallace made an
investigation sifter the shooting, and
satisfied themselves that Raymore had
shot the woman and turned. the revolver
on himself. "'carol Sergeant Reeve and
plain clothee Constables Armstrong and.
Lundy examinedthe inmates of the
dwellieg. Mrs. Charltone son, William.
told Patrol Sergeant Reeve that jealousy
was the cause dale double tragedy.
• ohn Raymore was at one time a. mem-
ber of the Northwest Mounted Pollee,
hut of recent yeaes had been a bartender
at the Wilson 'Toltec and Tremont
House. Some six or seven years ago his
wife, Who ie still living and employed by
a. city fu,reier, -conducted a cigar etore
on Yawn street, maw Pease .street. The
dead woman was the widow of Robert
Charlton, ()nee a hoteikeeper at Yonge
and Edward streets. Raptor° had known
her for the post six years. Mrs. Charl-
ton had three sons. They both came from
The revolver found by the poliee
clutched in Itnymove's right hand was
a new 32-ca1ibre Iveajoanson weapon.
Three shots and been fired, the revolver
being cue with five chambers. Coroner
W. A. Young will open an inquest at
noon to -day on the body of the dead
Hayman is said to bave met Mrs.
Oharlton's son yesterday afternoon, and
toldhim lie. was going to get even with
laa mother. Tbe deadoweinan lad about
$2,000 in• the bank and about $300 in her
4 • •
Banks Are Losing -Money -Decline in
Value of City's Bonds -Striking Ex-
amples of Work of the Progressists.
London, Feb. 17. -The campaign
against the muuicipal Socialist party,
which controls the administration of
London gains in strength as the elec-
tion approaelies. Last week's meeting
of the County Council was one of the
stormiest in its history, and it de-
veloped fresh revelations of inefficieuey
and extravagance,
There was one inteiesting little la
ject lesson itt munieipal ownership
conneetW. with municipal brick mak-
ing.- The Council decided 501110 time
ago, when bricks cost $6 a thousand,
to make its ()wit and did so. The
0. bricks cost $10 a thousand, and it
turns out that only 16 per cent, of the
•bricks were any good. The mt. lose to
London taxpapers by this experitneut
was $125,000.
One of the defenders of the Council -
made bricks was embarrassed by the
specimen, breaking in hie hands while
ho was defending it quality.
Champions of the municipal tram-
ways have been confoundea by the fact
which has jut transpired that the Coun-
cil ie in a dispute with the income tax
commissioner over the tax elehned on
tramway 1)rofit:4. The Council argues to
the pnblie that the tramways earned a
small :surplus. They object to pay the
income tax thereon, however, on the
ground that, tho reported profit is it
There was a striking ',example this
week of the ultimate effect of the ex-
• perimmits in municipal ownershi in
• the temporary insolvency of the `at
wieh Local Council, which was obligea
to seek an overdraft atthe bank
-Mountieg to $27.100. Owing to losta;
on the 'municipal electric lighting
leheme tat rate of taxation must be
retiatel to 12' per rent. this in oraar
to meet, the tlefieitiney. The incline -a
effect, of County Council extravagenee
'AS shown nt the ennead meetings of
There is tonne revulsion, agetnst the
progressist eontrol of London even
Among the prominent sympathizers
with the Liberal policy. IL Vivian,
who is closely identified with the work-
ing classes and a strung Liberal, made
au empliatie protest in the House of
Comments on Tueeday agaiast the So-
-deli= of the County Council. Vivian
is interested in the co-operative move-
ment and bas no faith in aational or
municipal ownenship.
"It means," ae :mid, "a decrease in
proauetion and an enormous increase
in administrative expensee, and a low-
er standard in the article itself. In the
lag run the loss will fall on the poor,"
The manifesto of the Municipal Be
form party is now in the hands of all
voters ana is being aavocated on scores
of public platforms, The reform ean-
didates make no extravagant promises.
They declare that if, owing to the maw -
mous commitments of the Council un-
der the progressive rule, they are -un-
able to reduce the present rates, they
"will, at all events, call a halt to fu-
ture expenditurce of a reckless and un-
femunerative tharacter, and Will (Mid
Socialistic and municipal trading ex-
periments and give their time and en -
orgies to the detailed work of a sober
and common-sense adinlinistintion of
the vast pewere entrusted to them for
the good of the capital of the Empire."
Roumanian Girl, Aged r3, Left Home at
Owen Sound,
Toronto despatch: Telegrams to the
policedepartment yesterday stopped a
runaway marriage, in which a Rouman-
ian girl, said to be only 13 years of age,
MS to bave been wedded to Sarcase
ti110, Za-
8 Roumanian gentleman, who pen
suaded ber to leave the home of her par-
ents in Owen Samna and come to Toron-
The Male of the girl is Josephine
Poshoma,n, and when aer parents
learned of • her departure with Zatino,
they 'immediately telegraphed to the
detective department here to have, the
wedding stopped, as the girl was under
Detective Tipton loeated the pair oa
King street west, where they had re-
mained over night with S. E. Sheyck,
a fellotheountryman. Zatino had al-
ready beett to 'the Parliament Build-
ings to get a license, in which lie and
his prospective bride's ages were re-
corded as le.
Zatino was questioned by Chief In-
spector Archibald, and, after considera-
tion, he decided to detain the girl until •
her parents could be Consulted.
• he.
Nothing in His Appearance to Indicate
Cause for His Trip.
Kingston, Feb. 10. -Charles - McGill,
former manager of the Ontario Bank,
arrived at the penitentiary here this af-
ternoolo to enter upon his five-year
He was stylishly dressed, and when
he stepped from the G. T. It. train, ac.
comp:oiled by Sheriff Jarvis, there was
nothing to indicate the nature of his
visit to Kingston. He was in the best
of spirits and WILS 'smoking a good el -
gar with apparent enjoyment.
Another prisoner, John Doi -say, was
brought -down from Toronto on the
same train by the same officials, to
serve three years for theft of brass fit-
tings. The latter 11e125 Weighed: (101111
with shackles and irons, while McGill
travelled light
McGill smoked cigars and ate can-
dies and fruit A passenger asked to
be allowed to provide Dorsey with
&me like pleasures, but was denied
the privilege.
Toronto Manufacturers Talk of Forming
a Company.
Toronto, Feb. 18. -Several manufac-
turers of this city are making ar-
rangements to form a joint stock com-
pany for the purpose of putting up work-
ingmen's homes. The company, if organ-
ized, will have a capital of $1,000,000,
and of this it le proposed to have twen-
ty-five per cent paid up at the begin-
ning. Each manufacturer who goes into
the scheme will be privileged to allot
a home to one of his workmen for each
$1,000 he puts into tile company.
It is proposed to build homes which
will cost the men about $1,200 each.
The homoe will be sold to them on a
certain pereentage deposit, and so much
will. have to be paid back to the eompany
each year for twelve years after the
The entire details of the idea will be
outlined with demonstrations, next
Thursday night at a dinner to be given
at 6.30 by the manufacturers.
Woman Has Narrow Escape From Being
Buried Alive.
13erlin Feb, 18.--A woman named
Hecker lad a narrow escape from be-
ing buried alive at Potsdam.
She had epparently died, her doctor
had given a certificate, and the under-
taker was on the point of placing the
bodtr in ite coffin. when the woman sat
ep and demanded something to eat and
Relativewho were in the room fled
in terror, but afterward returned and
fed tho mai:Toed sleeper. Thirty-six
hours had elapsed between the sup-
posed death and the revival.
All signs of mourning were removed,
but she died next day.
Death of Boy Mined Dean at Oil
Oil Springs, Feb. 18.---A boy named
Crosbie aecidentalyy shot and killed tun
other boy named Dean on Wednesday
evening. The boys were preetising with
a revolver, Ana by some means Wan wee
shot in the forehead and died in a few
1 minutee. The eonorer wits notified, biat
tonsidered tut iuquest unneccesary. Both
boys were obout fifteen years of op and
residents of this village.
i - 4 • a
1 G. T. R. Expre88 Derailed.
lahentom Ont., Feb. 17. --On ttecoont
rif ntils spreading t1,0 ((mai aielnk
paato tiger ttain No, 4. Whieh kat Tor-
iii.iin• aft 9 (Mi)tk this mornieg for
Mentreal, ran off the tatels near itideriu,
ilitee 11111:::1 113. c f tam All the 0018'
'Mere &railed, led the engine kept the 1
Thawing Dynamite KWs Mother, Fatally 171
Dataghters and R-1-1111$ Home.
Lebanou, Pito Feb, IL -Three stieke
of frog% dynamite, placed in a cook
stove to the.w, this morning wrecked the
home of John Zeller, on the Bachman
farm, a quarter of a, mile southeast of
Annville; killed. Zeller's wife outright
•and injured their two daubsters so
dreatlfully that they are likely to die.
The flesh was blown off the bones of
eoule parte of the unfortunate woman'e
body, and two great rents were torn in
iter side, beside many other cute and
bruises suet:tilled by flying pieces of irJa
and furniture. She wa5 tie years old.
The fatality was; one of the toost
slicking weer recorded, in the +ninety.
Alen. firet o22 the scene say that as they
approached. the home Lydia Zeller, A
13-yea1-ol4 daughter, rushed out with
bleed streaming from her face, and
bands, and her clothing on fire. Closely
following her was her 5 -year-old Bider
...tlary, the latter with a, frightful gush in
ger back aud awful cuts and bruises
.iver her body. Her clothing, too, was
071 fire,
Children's Pitiable Plight.
The rescuers et once extinguished the
flames and Jtelfed the frightened gals
to the adjoining ouzo, where they were
placed in bed. Then they rualuel beta
• tea &twee astupletely wreekse b.eate,
and After extinguishonig the blazing reams
discovered the mangled body of Mrs. Zeta
I• A peculinr feature of the 50832168.1
e a
ivae that the people living in the isrkk
portion 01 1120 woe home were not even
injured. Mrs. Frank Long, wife of the
tenant, wee in the basement, and was
not even ea muc12 as disturbed, the force
of the shock being meetly upstairs.
On the next floor het daughter, Oars
rie, was nursing nn infant in the room
next to that in which the exploeion oc-
currea. Though plaster was shaken down
the windows broken and furniture over-
turned and broken by the force of the
shock, she was not burt, and neither
was the baby.
Sou Safely Studying .in School.
Another fortunate circumstance was
that Irwin, the only son of the Zeller
household, was at school when the acct.
• dent happened. He was not told of his
mother's death until noon, and remained
at ids studies for three hours in blieetul
ignorance that Ito was motherless and
Geo. A. IsIcBeth Believed to Have Accidentally
Shot and Killed Himself.
London, Feb, I8. --Lieut, Geo. A. Me -
Beth, known in this city as a veteran of
the South African War, and a respected
young citizen, was found in. Ms room at
Wolseley Dermas at 1.20 this morning
with a thot from a 38-calibee revolver in
his brain by Major Mills. Death had. been
instantaneous. Coroner Ferguson inclines
bo the theory of accidental death. The
saucy which was given to Coroner Fea,gto
son was one \villc1t at any rate eliminat-
ed all idea of premeditation on the part
Mr. MeBeth.
Major Mills stated that he and Mr.
la:Beth had been in the city together
luring the evening and had returned to
the barracks about midnight. They sat
together talking for some time and their
aonversation touched upon a Cobalt ven-
ture in whieh both had been interested.
According to his companion, Mr. Mclieth
spoke of how they had gone to the silver
count-ry together to inspect the property,
and incidentally he spoke of the fact
that he had taken his revolver with bim.
and that he did not at the present thno
remember whether or not he had brought
it back with him. Ile also remarked that
he would see if he could, find the revol-
"I want to find that gun. I don't re-
member what I did with it' are said to
have been his last words. Major Mills,
...molding to the repetition story given
by Mr. (libeon, heard a shot almose im-
mediately after Mr, afelteth had gone
into Ins bedroom, lie states that he be-
lieved. that Mr. McBeth had fired the
allot as a jok ' but when he heard the
thud of it. fella..., body be became aroused
and immediately went into the bedtoom
and found to his horror that Mr. MeBeth
had Shot himself behind the right ear,
The builet had taken an upward course
after entering the skull, and had eonie
out on the same side, just above the
Arrested at the Instance of the Harris
Abattoir Company, Toronto -How
the Missing Stuff Was Traced to
Toronto, Feb. 18.-Heinrick and Her:
num Krull, of 03 Niagara street, are un-
der arrest charged 11111) stealma front
the Harris Abattoir Company, °during
the past eighteen months, quantities of
fat or tallow valued in all at $10,000.
the brothers, who are but recently out
from Germany, were employed at special
work in preparing certain of Ma rctuse
of the slaughter house for shipment to
By an agreement with the German cor-
respondents of the Harris Conspany cer-
tain parts of fat were it:meet:a before
elapment lhie, it is ciatmea, has net
be.en done »y the i•f. !llt,i.vad
aeparatin,g the fat from the organs it
was left on, thus causing the Toronto
firm emtain losses.
The accused, 117110 are so recently
come to Canada as to be scarcely able
to speak the language, claim that the.
fat which they left with the portions
to be shipped to Germany •Wite that not
mentioned by or described in the Harris
Company's contract with the German
The complainants, however, allege
that tons of fat have been placed ready
for shipment in the very early morn-
ing. By means Of tracers consign-
ments of the tallow were found to ar-
rive in the Gem= factory.
The rooms of the brothers were
searched, and books and letters, some
said to bear upon these dealings, were
discovered. Crown Attorney Corley
yesterday refased bail at $1,000 e ach,
and will grant it only at $10,000.
New York Woman Charged Withh Mur-
dering Her Mother,
New_ York, Feb. 17. Airs. Lottie
Wailful, wife of teapot(' Wallau, a well-
to-do importer of bronzes, was arraign-
ed before Cloroner Aciitelli today,
charged with murder in the Heat degree
in having caused the death of her moth-
er, Mrs. Ida Binge, by the use of poison.
She was held without bail to await the
inquest on Wodeestlay.
Mrs. Dingo, a wealthy widow, who liv-
ed with har daughter and the lateen
busband and the latteetc twenty -year -Oa
son at 68 Eat Eightieth ' street, .died
.m February Ota, three weeks after she
underwent an operation for •cancer, per-
formed by Dr. Bull.
Alt.amtlyeis of the eontents of the
dead weman's stomach showed quanta
ties of biebloride. of mercury. lt, is
stated that bichlothle of mercury wile
ale) found 312 some ehampagne whiah
Airs. •Wallatti bad been giving her mother
to drink.
NeW Zealand servants Vont 5 Unitin and
Make Detainds.
Lonclon, Feb. 17. ---The Timee hae re-
erived the following cable despatch front
its thrreepoialent at 'Wellington, NOV
Zealand: Demeetie eervants here have
feinted a union under the arbitration
act. Their .cleeentas include preferenee
for unionists, it eltilling per hoer for all
on holidays, work on Mondays,
Tuesdays, Vriclays ana Saturaays to
cense at 7.30 12. no, 0» ThuretLe3'8 and
N1111d83'0. at 2 11, no, end on Wetinesanye
et, 10 31. 112., 111,111'54121y. when they
12t2132' etay mit till midnight. 'Many
iniateeena; clijeet 32 the flemanas oral
are threatenel With vitaii011 berme, the
arlit ration toilet.
-4ilf+ • ---
T1(2 Manit ba Leeisleture has bee» 1114-
(4(112.011, The eleetinn takes plaee on afar&
It is Proving Expensive to the People of
Great Britain.
London, Feb, 18. -The shareholders
and members of London's joint stock
banks ]lave learned something about
municipal trading in the last two
weeks. They have learned that
through reckless borrowings the mu-
nicipalities that go in for trading heav-
ily have caused. an enormous deprecias
non in their securities. The managers
of several of the banks at recent
meetings took large amounts out of
the net profits in order to write down
the book values depreciated.
The municipal stocks of the London
and County Bank were treated in this
way; £50,000 which it had. earned during
the year were written off. The national
Provincial Bank did the same thing, and
other banks pocketed losses nearly as
large. The people of Great Britain
are beginning to understand that mu-
nicipal socialism is just a bit expen-
4 • *
French on the Meuse Frontier Fear It
Means War.
Paris, Feb. 18. -In the Chamber of
Deputies to -day M. Lefebvre complained
that the people of the Department of the
Meuse, who would have to sustain the
first shock in 222.181' with Germany, were
greatly exercised by the activity of the
Germans on the frontier between
Longwy and lIontmedy. General Pic -
quart, Minister of War, raised a storm
of applause when he replied. that if the
Germans were violating the neutral ter-
ritory of the Grand Duchy of Luxem-
burg, France would take measures to
meet the situation.
London Officers Seriously Injured in
Fierce Street Fight.
London, Ont, Feb, 1a.--lao1icemen
lIarq Downs and Thomas 13olton were
:severely injured on Sattuday evening
in the fiercest street fight that has oe-
enlace. in London for a long ime.
The fight was the outcome of a
dtunken brawl, and while quelling it
the policemen were bit by a whiskey bat
tle thrown by some unknown person.
Policeman Downe teal a bad cut over
hie left eye, and Polictenan Bolton's nose
is eaverely eut
The following men will appear before
Magistrates :ewe: John Meson, Devitt
Mason, Stephen Fogarty, Theaard. Deo.
erv, Wm. Flitton, Charles Farmer and
Michael M1211011k.y.
A Faithful Dog ott Guard Over its Aged
Master's Body.
Fredericton, X. B., Feb. 17. - On
Thursatty, near Dial Settlement, Ken-
neth Lira found the body of 0. G.
Hampton. an old man from Coverdele,
near 'Me dstock, in the anew on the
lumber road leaaing off York mut
The old man tad beenio that vicinity
. for sevelal weeks selling recite, herbs,
eta It 15 thOlIght be perished AVM%
expoottre on Tuesday.
A pathetie inealent 311 entinecticm with
the (la:covert. Watt the finding of IL Malt
dog, the old inaias pet, whielt teae perela
cal on his dead master's body. The faith -
int animal had stayed with his master to
the last, and thus kept guard over his
mortal remaitte.
Ifighlaud Light, Mass., Feb. 18.-Th0
barge Gerard, eoal laden, went asione
to -day, near the Highland light life.sal.
Ing station, and tun of her erew urre
AirtiWritil. wt a in Laraen aria 'matter
member of the erew wore Aavtd by this
life savers, batge will be a to