HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-02-21, Page 5.,,,a. '�'•r+ "fr7,•.,f.irelT rr. 4 11110 , 111 11111 1 li, A DIST CHANCE! This is the last week of our 25 per cent. Discount Sale. It will pay you to have a look through our stock. Twenty-five cents hand- ed back to you on every dollar's worth of goods purchased and there are no exceptions. 'Every article sold is a bargain. LINES TO CLEAR : Men's heavy wool Top Shirts in navy and grey, at prices to suit everyone. The reduced prices are, per garment 37-c, 64c, 75c, 94C and $1.124 Men's and Boys' Wool Sweaters in navy, brown, black, white, royal, &c., plain fancy, reduced prices ranging from, 37ic Men's Fleece -lined Underwear, medium heavy weights, reduced prices per ment 374.0 red, and each to $2.45 and gar - and 57c THE WING AM ADVANCE -. TIIUTR iDAV, 'Pews 'items Port• Huron, Feb ]3 -There are over two miles of empty freight cars la the yards at this point, and at Point Edward there are 301) more waiting for an opening to slip into the yards here. Back. at London, Ont„ and nearby points are 200 more, All these empties are eoirring from the east, and the effort of the Grand Trunk is to get. them to Chicago and way points. The congestion appears to be due to a lack of motive power, --An income of $2,420 from, hogs and $810 from seed corn, the former, at $0 per cwt., and the latter at $1.82 per bushel, on an 80 acre farm. This • return is shown in a bulletin issued by United States Department of Agricul- ture. The e owner's outlay for feed and hired labor was $001, leaving him, $2,284 for interest, insurance, depre- ciation of equipment, his own and his family's wages. A very good show- ing, but of course one that could be made only in a year of high prices for hogs and corn. —Cattle buyers have been acting a fraud upon the farmers near Erin. The plan of these ,nen is to go to the farmers and represent themselves as owners of a farm but shy of ready cash, ancl to bny cattle for which pay- ment would be made later. After the lapse of some time those who bad sold their stock bectune suspicious and as no satisfactory information could be obtained as to the operators' financial standing the matter was reported. One, John Black, has been arrested and is now in Guelph gaol, Boys' Fleece -lined and Wool Underwear in • sizes from 24 to 34, reduced prices, ac- cording to sizes ...26 c to 37c Men's and Boys' Reefers made of heavy Frieze and Beaver cloths, well lined, . Regular prices of Men's, $2.75 to $7.5o ; reduced prices ....$2 07 to $5.62f Regular prices of Boys', $3.00, $J.50 and $4.0o ; reduced prices...$2.25, $2.62+ and $3.00 I f you have not already taken advantage of the Big Cut Price Sale it will be to your ad- vantage to d- vantaato do so this week. Everything goes at 25% • McGee & Carnpbeii ii Successors to The R. H. Crowder Co. _. �.=.r Teeswater. Friends here have received word of the death, at Wheatland, North Da- kota, on Jan. 24th last, of Jane Mc- Intyre, relict of the late John Mc- Kenzie, formerly of Culross. The village clerk is advertising for a man of all works for the corporation —a roan who will devote all his time to the work of the corporation. The salary offered this year is $425. The marriage of Miss Katherine Trautman, of the Town Line, to Mr. Frank Moran,- 2nd con., Culross, took place at the R. C. Church, Formosa, on Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock. Mr. J. H. Pentland has sold out his bakery and grocery business and is this week moving back to his farm near Nile. Mr. Pentland was a good rtizen and he and his fancily will be Pissed. Mr. Mallough of Dungannon is his successor. The dates of the Scotch Concerts are Tuesday and Weclnesclay, Feb. 26th and 27th. Though the same artists are engaged for both evenings there will he, in fact, two concerts, as the program of the 27th will be made up of entirely different numbers from those of the 26th. The members of Knox Church Choir had a pleasant evening at the Manse on Friday last, being entertained by Mrs, Tait. A pleasing feature of the evening was the presentation to one of the members, Miss Maria Mc- Donald, of a "kitchen shower." • Miss McDonald was united in marriage last week to Mr. Geo. Mc0lenaghan of Whitechurch, Judge Malcomson has decided that 1 cal option was not carried in Tees - Tater, at the election of Jan. 7. As will be remembered there were two ballots in question. One with the cross upon the line, but projecting more below than above, and one marked for the law but lacking the returning officer's initials on the back. The former was counted by the judge against the law, and the latter was rejected as spoiled, thus cutting down the vote required to carry by a frac- tion below the necessary 60 per cent. , it Does Cure Womanly ills. "I feel it my duty" writes Mrs. S. Mead, Fraserville, Ont., "to let you know that souceticnes previous to the change of life I suffered more t.han_I could tell. Neighbors told me Ferro - zone was the only remedy and their advice was good. Ferrozone put a stop to my pain and sickness, had a direct action on my troubles that re- lieved from the start. I safely passed the turn, and now enjoy perfect health and rest. No womanly medi- cine can he better than Ferrozone." Instant relief is found in Ferrozone for female weakness of every kind, 50c per box at all deal5x•s. —On Thursday, Jan. 24, a bare knuckle prizefight took place in a barn in the township of Caledon between Robt. Benson and Oleo. Duke, both farmers in the neighborhood. The stakes were. $4.0. The fighters, or those of them whom the constable could reach, were before Police Magistrate Crawford at Brampton on Tuesday and pleaded guilty. Duke, who Iost the battle, was let go on suspended sentence, but he has $25 in costs to pay. A. Speers, an aider and abettor, was fined $100 without costs. Benson and two brothers aro being looked for. INSU ANCE COMPANIES LOOK ASKANCE AT A MAN II` HE CANNOT ANSWER THE QUESTION, "HAVE YOU EVER HAD RHEUMATISM ? " WITH A GOOD HONEST "NO!" So you see bow it bars happiness and comfort if you neglect the means to prevent and cure — the great South American Rheumatic Cure is the effective means, and while lack of provision for your `a loved ones " front such a cause may be counted secondary to a life of suffering to oneself, it is one of the many sides in the study of health that we should take in dead earnest. Every disease has its symptoms—every ailment that flesh is heir to has its note of warning, and it's for us to heed or suffer the consequences; and who does not know the signs by experience or observation ? — fever, chills, sweating, shooting pains, dumbness, aching muscles, stiffened and swelled joints. The great South Anxerican Rheumatic Cure gives ease from the first dose band it gently and effectually eradicates the trouble front the system. It gets at the root of the evil and it gas there quickly —most stubborn cases cured in one to three days. Influential physicians prescribe it as the best and surest cure they know of. ALL DRUGGISTS ANT) MEDICINE DEALERS SELL IT. SOUTH AMERICAN NERVINE makes blood that is poor and pale rich crud red—and that means good health., For Sale Ey A. L. }IAMILTo1I. Seaforth, Feb. 14,—The new clothing factory which has just been establish- ed by Mr. Southgate, formerly of Ber- lin, is soon to he in operation. Soine twenty-five young women, employes of the above concern, arrived in town yesterday. We understand that the factory will, when under full swing, employ upwards of one hundred hands. Houses are already very scarce in town, in fact, are scarcely to be had at any price, and it would seem, that unless some enterprising capital- ists undertake to build a few rentable houses, the lack of then will become a serious drawback to the progress of our industries. There is no doubt, whatever, that if twenty new houses were built, they would not lie idle a week. Many Children Sick. Get their feet wet, catch cold or cramps, and give mothers an anxious time. With the first shiver or sneeze rub the little one's chest with Nervi - line, gargle the throat, and give ten drops in hot water at bed -time. Next morning all is well. No cold, no tune lost at school. If Poison's Nerviline is not in your house get it there at once. Dealers sell it in large 25c bottles. Minister Speaks to Mothers Tells iiia VVlfe's Experience for the Salle of Other Sufferers. The following letter has been sent to Dt. T. A. Slocum, Ltd., for pub- lication. Pr. T. A. $locum, lAmited :—Pear $1r1: Within the Inst two years my wlfc *who is of a delicate von tluafar) bus had two severe attack* of la grippe, both at n Melt have been speedly corrected t,y t f x' y 11 11 1 vosueh tatth lathe tie UB00 9'e'tne. o ra etiiclency of your r•emedies that as a family we use no other. Nor toning up u debilitated system, however run down, restornig to hotrlthy acttou the heart and lungs, and as a specific for all was, lug diseases. your t'sychino and oxomulsion arc siwnnly peer]css, Xours sincerely, ltov. J. J. ltice, Ct Walker Avenue, Toronto. PSYCH INE, Pronounced Si -keen, is a scientific preparation, having wonderful tonic properties acting directly upon the Stomach, Blood and weak organs of the body, quickly restoring them to strong and healthy action. It is especially adapted for people who are run clown from any cause, especially Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, LaGrippe, Pneumonia, Consumption and all stolnach or organic troubles. It has no substitute. (PRONOUNCED' s1 -KEEN) is for sale at all dealers, at 50c and $1.00 per bottle, or write direct to Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, 179 King St. W., Toronto. There is no other remedy "Just as Good" as PSYCHINE. Dr, Root's Kidney Pills are a sure and permanent cure for Rheumatism, Bright's Disease, Pain in the Back and all forms of Kidney Trouble. 25c per box, at all dealers. It's a good world after all ; I If you have no friends or money, In the river you can fall; Marriages are quite common and, More people there would be, Provided you take Rocky Mountain Tea. Ask your druggist. ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch on hu- man or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wolford's Sanitary Lotion. Sold by A. L. Ilamilton. How To Destroy Moths. When once moths have got into a carpet neither camphor nor tobacco will stop them. The only way is to take a damp towel, spread it out upon the carpet, and iron it dry with a hot iron. Most ironing should be clone in those portions of the carpet that do not take the chief wear of the room. The heat and steam will be found to destroy the worms and eggs. FEBRUARY 21, 1907 Brussels. Monthly Raise ,'air on Thursday, With inst., at Brussels. Jno. Galbraith has purchased a roadster £coin J, Johnston, of I3ttre- vale. The Grand '.Trunk should give us a close connection at Wingbazn with the morning train from London on the L. 11, & B. Thursday evening, 21st inst., Rev. Mr. Boyle, M. A., of Wingham, will conduct the service in St, John's church. He is a good speaker. We are sorry to state that Harriet Greta, the infant daughter of Drug- gist and Mrs. Fox died last Monday morning of pneumonia, aged 10 months and 7 days. It was decided at a meeting of the Trustee Board of the Methodist church, Wednesday evening, to have the old stable at the parsonage torn down and a new ono built. The man who canvassed and collect- ed by fraud, in Brussels for the Mail and Empire has been arrested at Bar- rie and some witnesses may go from here on Monday to identify him. After an illness of a couple of weeks from pneumonia Mrs. Wm. Booth, whose home is near Trowbridge, died last Monday, aged 60 years. The fun- eral took place on Wednesday. They are old settlers having spent over 35 years in that locality. The comfortable residence of the late Geo. Stemn, corner of Albert and William streets, has been sold to Jas. Ferguson, 9th con., Grey, who re- cently disposed of his farm. Posses- sion will be given before March lst. Mrs. Stemp, son and daughter will likely take up residence at Stratford in which locality they have relatives and old friends. it Actually Destroys The Cause. That's why catarrh is invariably cured by inhaling "Catarrhozone." The healing vapor spreads to every ptu't of the breathing organs. Germs infecting the tissues of the nose, throat and lungs are killed. Nothing is left to cause inflammation. Spots that are sore are healed. Discharge is cleared away and catarrh becomes something of the past. Use Catarrho- zone and your recovery is guaranteed. Two sizes, 25c and $ at all dealers. —The act has been passed at Ot- tawa, allowing an extension of time for the building of the lines of the Huron and Ontario Electric Railway, and also authorizing the building of branch lines between Shelburne and Tottenham, ; also westerly through the counties of Simcoe, Dufferin, Peel, Wellington, Waterloo, Perth, Huron, Middlesex, Lambton, Kent and Essex to Strathroy, Parkhill, \Vallaceburg, Sarnia and Windsor, and also from Shelburne to Collingwood. FIRE FIRE ! $1O,OOLOt Stoc{ be Slaoghtered Regardless of Cost. Auction Sale of Damaged. Goods. Saturday Afternoon and Night Old Post Office Stand 2 o'clock and 7 o'clock IIANNA St CO. Macdonald Block, Wingharn1 Isard's The Leading Store loads Wingham's Brightest, Busiest and Wit. BIG CLEAN-UP AFTER THE BIG SALE. Ends of Dress Goods, Silks, Coat- ings, Waistings, Muslins, Table Linens, Table Oilcloth, Prints, Wrapperettes, Flannelettes, Ginghams, Shirtings, Cot- tonades, Cottons, Tickings, Carpets, Oilcloths, Mattings, Ribbons, Laces, Embroideries, Insertions, &c. Broken Lines of Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Under- wear, Waists, Wrappers, Ladies' Coats, Hats and Caps, Overcoats, Men's Suits, Boys' Suits, Pants, Smocks, Overalls,. Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, &c. All these ODDS and ENDS must be cleared out that we may have room to display our Spring Goods now coming in. PHONE 68 H. E. I$RD CO. Lucknow. W. J. Lyons is assessor and collec- tor for 1907 ; J, E. Agnew, Clerk, and Jno. Murchison, Treasurer. A public meeting of the ratepayers of the village of Lucknow was held in the Town Hall, at 8 p.m., on the evening of Friday, Feb. 15th, to dis- cuss a proposition from the Canada Tailoring Company to locate a Cloth- ing Factory in the village. The employees of the Lucknow Eva- porator were banqueted by their employer, Mr. John Joynt, at the Royal Hotel, on Thursday evening last. About eighty guests were pre- sent, including the employees of tht- evaporator together with the mem- bers of the village council and a few others connected in a business way with the firm. The occasion was full of pleasure for all, from the worthy host to the smallest boy or girl who had the good fortune to be present as a guest. Al'r. Joynt has been a worthy citizen and a successful busi- ness roan and his employees and others present were glad of this op- portunity to demonstrate their good- will for him and their appreciation of his services for the public good. The large dining -rooms of the Royal Hotel were a pleasing sight with the long rows of, tables spread With all the choice viands a person could desire to feast upon. Mr. Joynt intends mak- ing the bauquet an annual affair. TAKE Rival Herb Tablets for Stomaoh, Liver, Kidneys, and for cleansing the Blood— there is nothing bettor. 200 Days' Treatment $I.00 Trial Package -30 Days' Treatment -25o. At all Druggists, and W. McKibben, Winghatn. Wholesale from The Rival Herb Agency, Kincardine, Ont. 4444044444444444444444! You Make 2• A Mistake If you buy a Piano with- out seeing our stock, comparing prices and- taking into account the quality of the instrument. All the best makes always in stock — Heintzmau, Newcombe, Dominion, and others. d Also Organs, and the very • best Sewing Machines. 2 60040004404044400040440440 David Bell Stand—Opp. Skating Rink 2 2 A 4 4 O A • 2 s 0 e 2 e,rea.LLN aapi,,,LtL.uu.•Co41a WI. -B....eM J. d..1 •,...., Jd LL.. i a .. i 1,...u, 1. i. L i i. .11 " There aro 'Maple Leaf' Rub- , hors to fit all sizes and shapes of i men's, women's and children's ■ Allem "—Wireless from "the old woman who livcd in a shoo." ; Fit neatly, snugly and accurately, too. - Leave no openings for the water to sneak in at the sides. Get a pair and keep your feet dry. _ l _Maple Leaf Rubbers; For Sale by G. B. GREEN F N