HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-02-21, Page 3'••••40.. WHITELEY S CAREER Minister Spettlis /1.011•11, Something About the World' 6 est Storekeeper. to Mothers rendered it ueertheary to remove the • I,ife into lt-ludsur Great Park, I undertook the teethes met tits emu. ,IMITY.,•••• • niissariat I presided 6.01.4 itOrSea for s reat. um ins zosni. I ilerviee Selthaury Plain." (London Leader.) 1 3lessre. Bradbury, Greatroex, Bewail de Williem eyeiteloy lied written me I Co. After ',het be L10(.11104 as etrike out- ovea epitaph. the world is nty p:trieh," f'ir kilimalf• I he it said, eam I have o vergot right "I preferred the Wett-end. to tee tr.; do bwrinees in any or all parte of it, 1:11,t'and," ha %ewe exPleined. " beettlise ia As many different ‘vayS as .1. tidal; pro- I '' , nor tistati not, do a low•• pei, rto Goa .1 ao ttll honorably, helmet. elass trade, al 1 had no knowledge of ly am' lawfully," it, and did not wish -to have. I prefer - Herein we find the principle and the red doing business with the better (less atiphation that were at the bottom Of a of people, anti selling the better class mover which was notably bid a great goods; alai I preferred to reside in tea commercial romance, an asph.ation the 1 l'S'est-entl.'s simile liSilliam Whiteley a veritable Napo- Ihe wise -acres warned him special! 1 . of the "Univereal ProvidA" to the mule of the cattle ef Englishmen aro rustion of shop- keepers, Then William 'Whiteley limit have beeu a prince of Englishmen, to . he was the greate.st shopkeeper of them all. Yet Ms career Was no mere trades - mots' tale, for it typillea the qualities .,wheelt brought modern England to tho. front rank of the Meanest; world, and Wiliiam Whiteley wee a true citizen of twentieth, centm7 'sonar/a, eon of retail trade, and served the fame A Yorkshiremen. Ife was born of middle-class par- ents e village named Agbrigg (near Wakefield). some 73 year. aga . Ile re- mained at achool uutil he Was 14. Then he svelte on the family farra-Mr, Whiteley's appearance even in later life alwaye had something of the bucolic: about it. But his friendeyero keen on hie entering tha nwdieal pro - Cesium Sie w.ent. from the farm into the service of a famous bone - setter. Ile hue a rollicking tibe at this Stage, A His duties took to the fair% and 1 be attended. the raves and steeple- chases, ste at child he had been tauteit to ride, and lie was a killed horseman at nine years of age. At 16 ite could mount any animal, There is perhaps it melancholy inter- est hi the fact that lie Ives a. splendid allot, having acquired his skill in a country kitchen by placing it cap on his gnu mid blowing out the flame of a eandle. "If ever I excelled," he boasted onee, eat was in two things, riding and shooting: " Farming and bone -setting and fol- lowing the hounde were not very ap- propriate apprenticeships for a draper in Westbourne Grove. ,But it was not until the age of 16 1-2 that young Whiteley really turned his thoughts to businese. Ills first step was to he apprenticed to a firm of drapers. and house ime- nishers at 'Wakefield. The hours were long and the work heavy (including errandaunaing, sweeping the premieete and window -cleaning). Young Whiteley beguiled the labor end the tedium by chapel -going and taking it Sundaaf school class. Seeing the Great Exhibition. "It was not till the year 1651 that he got a holiday. He utilized it by running up to London to see the great exhibition. But lie had a more serious ft purpose than that of sight-seeing. From his hee,dquerters-apartmenia over it shop in Oxford. street -he issued. forth on a thorough exploration of London. Me found the metropolis was the place in which he•would have to seek his fortune. "In the following year his indeutures expired. His employers were auxious that he should stay on. But Whites ley's thoughts were bent on London, and thither he went -with less than 410 in his possession. , "The first thing he did was to ob- tabz employment with Messrs. Willey te. Co., of Ludgate- Rill and St. Paul's Churchyard. New appointments followed . With several firms, as traveller and in other capacities. "The last er gagement he had. was with sea sgainet two" streete. elna was lippe street, N., the otter was Westbourn t grove, which, as Mr. Whitely later said, "wee then considered the wore business street in London," aud "Wit frequently referred to as Bankrupte marine by those svho thought they knew." In looking for premises, eowever, fat or chance took him down this steeY street,- On the frontage of No. 63 wer the words, "To let" " 6 00 , said Mr. Whiteley, "and had it °goad look. I liked the general pearence of the place. It was 3 o'clock when I first took dock of the prem lees, • • or Ow In a single day Whiteley's will re - $oho of Other Suffereri. cave through. the post from 11,000 to 1,000 lettere, which are handled by a The following letter has been sent °t°'" °f between 40 au(' r)i) to Dr. T. A. Slocum, Ltd., for pub. lication. Pr, T, A, mecum, nixie tecl :-Deer First Within WORE OP' THE la" SAVERS' the last two yeers toy wife (Who is of a deticate eopresented in Year Just Mend by Ou islisr ubolon) how had two Revere Rosa s or le tpri, oth of which have been speedill.‘ .reetc4 Lives eud itra,o09•000 Property, elnelence ot loYur refaetat tigiteetthalt"alettly"gi The report of the work of the United use no other. ear toning up a oebiattocci system; States life savers during 1000 emphatic - Melia furl fog, teem:tree to ,emeetharietion elly shovel the really greet lelite vi Ing als.Aeueje/.4yAr4p's!,4a444,1,1106=1;41110,Yrrt their eervices. No lese than 811 lives simply peerless. Toms sincorelY, Rev, J. Itice, were sexed by the men at the ri , 4 PSYCHINV., Pronounced Si.keen tgen:14"8* u bile the total value of ;rue! aaiker avenue. Toronto, p ety saved wee Sila"00 100 Work that P t y eaerses to e Is a scientific pre oration huh ke,• bears such fruit colt 1 " ✓ wOnderful tonic properties acting, encouraged and enlarged, and the recent- • enendo,tion le, , provided for bera of e • quickly restoring them, to strong- tkpartment is inemthelife-saving not without merit. The e directly upon the Stomaof General Superintendent and weak organs of the body ch, -11-r"d-1 Kimball that retirement pimiento be and healthy action. It is especially time for <evil. peusiorts has not yet come, adapted for people who ere run but the service of the life-savers is one of such hardship And dangerperilathatt iap- down from any cause, especially prea Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, LaGrippo, I dignity o ches nearly to the and the ot the army and navy. It is In Pneumonia, Consumption and all time of peace that these soldiers win e stomach Or organic troubles. It their greatest victories and perform their deeds of valor. has no substitute, ) I - I. CHI , , , (PRONOUNCED' aligiN) "I stood opposite for two hours, that he until 5 o'clock, end, I felt quite Bere that if I had that shop -and. took care to beer the window Wady dress- ed. with pretty flowers, i• gloves, Pte., and tieketed at prices commanding a sale, 1 hart seen enough inteengers itull traftle go by in the two Items to ensure sufficient business to pay enpenses. So I walked up one side of the Greve and down the other, tout was womierfully surprised to see how far behind the age 'Westbourne genre shopee were, "1 lookea round the neighborhood, and found a good and greatly increas- ing one, and the result of a few enquir- les was to put me in possession of the fart that the inbabitants were badly ca- tered for, I then enquired about the shop of the man who had the letting of It, I found there tad been tero• ten- ants in it since it had been built, and that both had failed. 'forever, T felt that that was the fault of the former tenants, and not of the shop or its situation, so I made up my mind to take it. I spent my little money on the shop and, started. bulgi- ness on the llth March, 1863, with two young ladies and an errand boy to as- sist me." At that time Mr, Wbiteley was 31 years old. The shop he then took Is still part of the establishment, and is now numbered 31, The First Customer'i Prayer. The first customer was an elderly lady, and her purchase was it eap-front. When she was told that she was the first customer ale proposed to offer a prayer for the success of the undertak- ing, and this she did in the presence of Mr. Whiteley anti. his assistants. The lady remained a customer until her death. • The success of the business was never in doubt. At the beginning of the second year the assistants hall in- creased to 16, and the errand boy's plere was taken by two light porters. Three years later second shop was taken, and a neUr establishment was thereafter added every spring, the list of artioles dealt in extending proper- , tionately. Mr.Whiteley himself lived on bhe pre- mises. He toiled hard tor the success he won, etarting work at mean in the morning and keeping at it till eleven at night. By the year „3.800 lie had 21 shops, stables with accomentolation for over 350 horses, a farm at Fineltley front 'which siz two -home wagons carted fod- der, vegetables, fruit and flowers to Tumors Conquered With The United States life-saving service controls 278 stations, of which 200 axe on the Atlantic coast, sixteen on the Pa- cific coast, one in Alaska, one on the Ohio River and sixty on the greet lakes, The work of the men who are stationed along the takes is well appreciated. They form emergency departments in each of the large cities, as well as guards of dan- gerous localities along the course of nava fe for sale at all dealers, at 150c and &eon. In Clevelend these men sae -$1.00 per bottle, or write direct to ready ana anxious to assist M whatever Dr. 1% A. Slocum, Limited, 179 their services may be desired. 'King St. W., Toronto. o i A striking example of this willingness I afforded during the last flooe of *There is no other remedy "Just the Cuyahoga Beyer, seemed year, ego, ! WaS as Good" as PSYCFUNE. , Word was received that a Baltimore ta Ohio train was stalled at Brecksville, I Da Root's Kidney Pills are a sure and with water in front of it, water behind I permanent cure for Rheumatism, Bright's it, matey 011 ettee sem of it. Tee me Disease, Pain in the Back and all. forme severs loaded their boats on a wagon and , of Kidney Trouble, 25e per box, at all drove all night over winter roads almost • .......................,.....................de,alers. ! nieeraseseadbeles. only to find their services London every day; and wbole etreetsI The cost of the life-saving service dur- , it is eonsidered what hies been eceom- Employed 6,000 Persons. s. plialied at this outlay it seems very As far bleak as 1800 the firm em- ' ernall.-Cleveland Plain Dealer. ployed 6,000 pensonss. Isar the sleep- 1 'mei:steads 1)1r. • 'Whiteley' provided it TORTURED BY INDIfiESTION of laborers' cottages. ling 1900 has been only $1,832 365. When ang accommodation of seine of his lady whole street, while an enormous build- I Ing in Queen's road :was erected dionnitorium for the women, Dr, Williams' Pink Pills Cured After 1 Upon several pensions the wonder- Doctors Had Failed. ful emporiuzn fell a victoria to fire, 'The i wont fire was that which occurred in Mrs. P. J, Jobin, 368 King street, Que. 1884, and landed Mr. Whiteley, even bee, wife of the circulation manager of after receiving the ineurance money, In L'Evenement, is one of the best known a loss of snore than 4260,000. A e:plen, and most estimable ladies in the cit ' s earn ng but for the help he has them as well as he eould, but the &sera A id pile of buildings la Queen' read and her statement that Dr. Williams: Icat philanthropy of tha took the place of the shops destroyed. Pink Pills cured her of a very severe 1 In his other regivetrenevelaue!he erect church be bad no recourse to was bootless, and Ge.iffin, the cerpenter I; of lettlfrog. was added to. the long list w The /8,rue of Whiteley's (whites be. attack of indigestion will bring hope to eame a Heated company et seem spread similar sufferers. Mrs. Jobin. says; such aids to religion, for the reason that they of Alk-sert victims. Several months tater 0 far and wide. Els goods found numerous "About a year ago I was seized with in. 1 i lertrvettnottilietraCilliag ittst?ThadUelipeatt)rulie8 a Pl'rtY of ?respecters tumbled by h, customers in. India, in, the West Indies, digestion, which had an alaiming effect ; was notably conservative for the reason that chance across what was left of him. in Australia and New Zealand; and the upon my health, Day by ta he had. an estaatbtelinsdheded,chouirdelfalerhilttdc ucern- Ogfunl5lishinsutefaitlehe:: , otil Mailaralahs of India went straight to strength grew less. I suffered from ter. ay my isrlegatIon that ..Tlialider+8.1;voel'ar-iPz no-owalyraelielas the heart and sleeplessness. I was in 1, Cegtrlheaa7ii:t N:(1;i1,..totinttwsagrk!t a and his het. One shoe was found 30 ht body and he had tom oh 0, the "Univereal Provider* for what they rible headaches, dizziness, palpitation of ' To Whiteley's, too, Oetewayie (the this condition for about six months. I fancy had become 'widely. scattered in New and. flung aw-ay moat 'of his eloteing. , Those who hod worshipped there in to- feet from hie needed. iyeramstierogroltauti JejlegaCitInanlat These 11, -"Pre tilt' ghaetly evidenees of the ' MyBettt set of noble and wier and 1-PardimiSgilloie . t -ti read. Axel wIwie we re bin the . ehe1- eation publiely rhai • god ;Lofts VAIJOBV1101413 and privately mite, end, also is; proud vevritWp And envy or w# tan aot bo 00:1A - IN A. CHLIII,C1-1 upon us. . We run over our Hot of titled Pier - Owes every now and then in the news. !pepsin and disease them and esrees them thlt4e evenrieltal"Bsetn4ie°°°4t oeuereill14'etIrew., tit'o6retu,rtiaeut aueljed}};rtewtil3pagnokpif:110, Weasel ate devil's toterugeoeu lute evades 11131clielgt14yPPAYWd rieloafishonlgl; lor goad WM ewe reraiteltable effect teat he l'arel's end take pride in their nobiltbee IlhaaoartznOdfa Nbleawajalli'rocrhk'zia tlfeeliTeriOninl.b"viVSettg:atintadt airheisjhottnullbulteulaitiltIliteili4r7tFthehomarefitesertti°4g- rounding the altered edifice there are in the same block seven theatres and half a desalt ZIO return but contempt. Contempt sloes .. salaam ; not alums them; they are used to it and To ee battle with therm worielly anoluse- ' tia.y recognize that it 10 their proper mane tee leader of the (Murcia was 'Prod. to due. We are alt made like that. In combat fire wall fire and nielte his church a. ii Retractive as eoesibre. sie halt dour this no 4. leitrepe we easily end iptic-kly leen to skillfully that nor the "S. it. 0.' 'ago se take that attitude toward the sovereigns frequently wen outside the theatres roul4 and the aristocracies; moreoVer, it has owitthh operculuecretu!orrectneee be mover{ la feout 1 Non obeerved that when we get the atti- Wineglasses in church!' Not to be used for tude we go and exesegernte it. presently the holy purpose* of ectiustuclon but as a beeoming more servile than the natives startling in the Idea. Yet It Is one Of -the .. , tom. Of etitertainnieuti Teere is eometetne ad wane,. of it. The ont gep hi to „ono, of evil that Dr. org,40,11,1 has moo .rait aizu ecoff At reptiblica an deateera. work for the prosperity end good influence cies. elwIlllise telihnas.r.geto" 0, would Tats_gra topesig t ;all of whieli is natural, for we have te be eat ot pace liz a buug no,. ceased V) he illItilall beings by beeom- :arta:14i%. halugthlirr tdbeeycwielipedi a t I I u g involves an art ing Americans anti, the humeri race was as that of singing always intended to be governed by king- ni4entdert,bt)weleeerieitinieedoilees thiredeaffe4e tercrontel eshciacari ship, 1,.lot .by popular vote. --North Amer - mule prematee tu all churches? Hr. Goodchtld admits tizat, lila methods wie 111111 iseview. unusual, Mit denies that there is in them ealY u ti 1 , Ile has had to meet very difficult eondi. ...--- -a - S. tions !a rertherieg the cause of a churoh lo- ONE LAW OF THE DESERT, — ideate and more prosaic forms of b1.1811204. Ti. .,„,,,,, • York's gilded arausentente have chased res-thian At Liberty to Kill Partner Who Wants All in Pight. • cated in a neighborhood_ from• withal New . slowly die at Inanition or of gating In touch alithitell, title tbhig;tbe;iiienk.orfelimilillfirnolga Iteliattat He had his choice between seeing the church .1, "03 11- .-e 1-4 o . . . with tee time and giving tho services met siement of amusement which the modern of Nevada, told his view of law an the idea seems to tleinand. Be hos succeeded to o aonteedrereinktes atouitesottifiteebe thwelneezzgpiae.ireimesentt 'winch referent.° was made tu an earlier eat tem, 3 sonclatibyleollhollgreollwr paeeritlintegr 1%;v1.1tit 4wn-filnultsretao. eve water. T et min a musical Marc- teen gargle down Ms throat, wbile in tbem, I Of -bread fecilti•ebleettfk'bfaasetenanda11111falisaltflien. eiV- paragraph, In fact, there is never anything ment, the equipment of Charles Wald, genius, who eau draw most beautiful truste- e pet, along with it strip of ham and dies bola these carefully toned and gradu- ated glasSee. moisten your lips whtn you take a d Mr. World has become immensely popular ' Iti'dienkiTto'hilit:i lit1f1 tillit littif sYnoit" n%ilylt with the congregation of the Central Baptist. liznInary to the sermon be -will execute a Yam 1-ile else to do, It's it tough game, and church and an announownent that as it pre- cient to aecure a crowded auditorium. ' l'f or his when you're lost or trinnher of sacred melodies is always suffl- grubstake and w.tter are giving on Such nUmbers as the prayer from. "Caval -J, These obw.rvations were suggeste !Grits itusticaus," and I'llgriat's Chorus" t"1.10 Itrrival in camp two days Infer Ira"lettre. Chord" are deezned by the pastor to Pe eon- nr:anzlnyha(umeder,,1t10 ;Ltd,. aiinidnd!ymIeagtxt,511' (?)Ifteohlio4tiltessoOrfuelt tiotrrottysipitntelsr itVrohOini113a1d811 neatly suited to the •purposo of a religious timing the pre% iota s:tarn7uuwearg.esleief his parishioners, who first frit same raisgtv- day In the lie servIce. and even the most conservative of been a. eerps• . - earn. lugs, have freely admitted thereafter that ipi during the "ho th sweet notes from the glasses brought no .. . ihat the gold itti i.r led then away f Jarring offence into the eervice. this sate and profitable toil. Ile pie "Another novelty for a Sunday evening was up a partner, they loaaed their -bo the aPPearenCe of Alias ;Ethel Palolori Silo ana trailed. off -south toward the 1) is a most accomplished whistler, one of the Mrs. Shaw type, who can trill and do the valley' country to prospeet in the b SILICISt Phenomenal thine with her puckered anti ranee lips. She was just as careful ill plcklug her, Three weeks after the desert swallow - numbers as Mr. Weld had boon and had the dual satisfaction of giving delight to the ed them up the leather wautiered into a oonp„rogatlon and °scanting all crawl:an, freighters' swam ball crazed with thirst BItzabeth Barrio IM GM, a singer mad elo- and exhaustion. lie was able to tell cutiould, was another of the smithy night entertainers. freighters that tile carpenter Was so There is nothing of Cie sensationalist about where out beyond, lost and without N tee plater of the church, who has intro- et-, too helpless to move. The par duced these radical changes ln -the method was too weak and feverea to go b of worship, Ile M a deep student, a aerlour, earnest man, who gained dlatinetion at col- with the rescue party of freighters 'eget and has since taken high rank not only they left liiin in camp. itt.• dire W ZALOVIC WOOIDIOMI iirtAZIKO. Here are three powerful Woos* Io he wale in widish ZaneSsik the great herbal balm, iii doing good throughout the DetlahalinL FloSe you .et enjoyed. in benefit? Trodden on by a Rorso-Bad Ontieee, Mr. D. Cumming, of SP42410109 Wilt.), say*: "i UV* pre)11 thet Zauelink has 0am:ordinary merit. I was trampled On by a horse and my foot Wit* all blaek And, owollene I could. ficarcely move it the pain will se bail. A few applications of Um, Buk cured the pans and removed the diseolonetion. The foot WAS 0On ahl right again. It is a wonderful. balm." Running Sore Roiled. Mrs. S. .T. Holden, of Hannah at. W., Hamilton, bays: "My little girl had a running sore on her leg wideti defied all manner of treatment. With- in a few days of trying Zam-Buk tiara waM a distinct improvement and the wound is now completely healed. I have since uesia Zam-Bulc for othee skin diseases, etc., and find it excel- lent." Zam-Buk is an albround. household beim. It is compounded from purely herbal essences, end cures eczema, ulcers, aures, ohapped bruise; cuts, burns, etc. It also curea lemma- tism, sciatica, neuralela, and rubbed well A over the chest in cases of ing, All st cold removee the tightnees and *eh - druggists and stereo sell at him. k' 50e a box, or poet free from the Zam,, toes, aluk Co., 'Toronto, upon receipt of ipe price. 6 boxes sent. for 02.50, • • yo,tir t: WINKED AT BY THE BISHOP. a by e es One Small Burst of Profanity Necessary 4hiatte't tral Pennsylvania and for years the to Start the Western Stage. Ireg Ethelbert Talbot, aew bishop of cen- ,st a, bishop of Wyoming and Idaho in the ' early (lays of that region, gives many Te"dt An aneedete in his entertaining book of reminiscences, eery People of the Plains." .1••••••••••• Teas It both phased and amused him to nos en'th tiee the stage drivers -it class accuatona ed to the use of free profesnit -wer wont to be respectful arta clean spokeu in his prasent, and. that when one day chance let slip an oath he followed it by profane apologies; and he gives an t'a illustrative anecdote from the expert- akmet. enees of Bishop larkson on the plains of Nebraska. t,liseer of Nebraska. It was -in the spring and One occasion the hiehop wits due to preaeh at a Certain town on the prairies cied the bight of the village which the bishop . vies up to the hubs in places. Already it was growing dark and the tie trying to reach seemed still a Ion ity of -f. tie became a little nervous lest should be late for hi* appointment. at then they encountered it mud hole, 11 the stage coach stuck fast. The liver laid ou the lash, but in vain; the ases %voted not move, The bishop was the box with the driver, who was etting deeperate. 17nable to stand it any longer, he tui•ned to the bishop and -1)0 you see those wheelers looking aek at me?" eYee, Harry, what does that mean?" "Bishop, you know I have always tried 1 treat you light, and I respect your .i, ut do you say you want to preach in that there town to -night?" "Of coulee I do, Ratty. Why don't you whip sena Itorsee" "Whip 'ent, bishop! Ain't 1 been a - them in an effort to get you fere or beet What do you Bay, you est preach there to -night?" "Of course 1 -Must." "A‘ ell, bishop, I ask it just once. You e. Omar horsee are used to my style talkie' te 'ern, 1 know its' a bad bit, and know its' wrong, but will please give me. a dispeusatIon pet Zulu Ring) end many another celebrity consulted two doctors and although I fol - went a•shopping. It was a matter lowed their treatment carefully it did have in two decades utterry altered the (tar- last great fight he had ntade to sti uggle ea of course. seeing that instead of re ainin m act' of this neighborhood. loyal to Many ofithese former members remained (II° old eilitIll;oh even after moving 310211,1 itvh.het krenedjiagthefozdzeartter‘ea' b not help me M the least. Last October, on. No Idle Jest. • The name of "Universal Provider" try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. After I . felled thes are gone, nue you genorolly was im mere idle jest. For Mr. had taken the second box there was a This was the proposition presented to Dr. find tb.c.at without a stitch on," --Outing. of keePlit: the church altoM.e.ati a their elo Whiteley could lieerally supply all a change for the bette d f Goodchild. If the church pasawl out of exist - health was growing worse, deelled runaLyaniouvr„,eer; wrovitedtt. romakeelmthe 13tIreV "they throw away everythin,tttttit alt g mom. neede, from the -cradle tn. the the pills for a month longer the trotior :bulge menocr°0 Oar" of three whose religious life was 1 4 4.4. ----- less bound up with it might not; readuy farm the habit or going somewheim ' jocular story' onoe went round that the Pills that I always keep them in the 680 ses the jest nue Th autich confidence in Dr. Williams' Pink oefeoaeeeedemipenaseeveleteeyityeewephiengre maul eo: tehgeenieu;-- i s;any*S ()tan Tablets have saved e Moreover, the minister felt that much want ! „ , firm was steal:ally asked on one ocea- house and take them occasionally as a nany a preemus little life. There is no a sion to supply a second-hand coffin; safeguard." , Ius first venture 1 th 111A -class eine - fluences -tend rather t.b r T erse. other medicine to equal them for stono but that the cusbomer was informed 1 ; ill that while that -was not possible the Pills cured Mr. Jobin's i . firm could let him have a misfit ' , can cure all the other ailments w lc Just as surely as Dr. iasilliarns' Pink ! ndigestion they ehtaintmgedetattheagaasinah. denwin card cornetist. She drew a or a c urch Htids.ewedraenuee, bad 10 te0h0de gcoNo,earSf 00; ,teet1.1.ing troubles. They are Then Dr. Goodehild rule t d was when io arch and bowel troubles, colas, simpa 1 , intothei, new thildlo a of all agar -from the sa grolivte erthoeu can book a railway ticket premises in Weetbourne. come from bad Id d. D Pills actually maokoe lamer. eWd ibillieaemd.siTPkinakt the deliberate programme of getting Church those who haver w„ht ee.9nd the mother has the guarantee of born babe to the well grown eltild. 1 a or a ticket for a the t wChetZ•re it not in the direct line to seven• the- ' that tl ' d they o i contain opiates or harmful druee. MrA. grave. He kept everything in store entirely disappeared, and I am again else and hence pass out of church aZabel' 1 white elephant to a, second. enjoying the best of health I hav hand• kt BABY'S BEST MEND. a re; end (41 a is the one thin tl d • atres we »ot 3. e egrara; deal in etocks and ithares; wan. In ranking this new rich 'Mood For slits purpose he planned to have an at- John C. (intim t, Prosser Broil, N. ,,- obtain a tutor for your child headaches and baeleete,hes I traction every Sunday night. He enlisted the s s, genera weak- soundin brass and the making Of a 40Y- aY ren; "1 have proved that Baley"s Own liaateenitteanmaiinlvceljtitsan _rind form a synai. neas, nervous debility, neuralgia, rheu- tie nowt; to often referred to ltt um holy writ Tablets are a gre.a.t help to InotherS, and S p t bank your money; matiszn, and the torturing, tveakening es agenciea for the saving 01 80)135 stole tho aro baby's best friend. a hc•s• :at almost I . have your estate mantiged or your ailments that afflict women and °rowing devtiiri thunder, to speak, and Ills unique ilk. magic, and ket•p than in , ! OU Operatfons • In fact, as one writer b 't • rents collected. rne re sac fruit that the church hos irls. You eau, get these pills frtzu any timidly been large eaunigh during the last 9., lienee•" The Tabl'':e ere °eh: 'Unqualified Success of Lydia E. Pinkhara's Vegetable Compound in Cases of Mrs. Fox and Miss Adams. man -.....s.11:111=1111ftsa- - One of the ,greatest triumphs of Lydia I. Pinkhain's Vegetable Compound. is the eoriquering of woman's dread enemy, Tumor. iiksesalled " wa.ndering paine " may °Om° from ita early sta es or the reserice of clanger may be 31•1 0 manifest by ex- etteeiVe monthly perioc1s accompanied by unusual pain extending from the Women through the groin and thighe. If yeti haat) myeteriotes /mina if there - ' are incteations of inflammation, ulceration - or disArtcoment, don't wait for time to aelefirm. your fe,ars and go through tho yrora of * hospital openttion; secure dia n. Mikhail:es Vegetable Com - mid at onto end begin its use and ;mete Mrs. Tinkhate of Lynn, Mese for advice. lead these strong lettere from grateful women who have been cured i , Dear etre. Pinkhioni- (Piret Letter.) "Be looking over your book I see that your medicine cures Turnoroi I have been Iss a dotter and be Mlle inc ASV° a tumor. i ' Will be more than geatella if you con , 6Ip ing, as I do so dread an operation.' — aim% D. Pox, Bradford, Pa, , Dear lire liankham:- (Second Letter.) ' "I take the liberty to congratulate you, on • the sneaess T hoe hed with your wonderful szkedieine, . "Eighteen molatlis nee my periods . Shortly after I fit so brolly I subs to ft thorOugh exemination by a phy•• , and was told thst I Ilea ft tumor and **did hem to undergo at (halation. "1 loon after read One of veer Meredith- 14 th and decided to give Lydia n.rink,. tet'it Vegetable Compound n Wel. After five bottled as Weeded, the tumor is goat. / have again been examined 116 g• 1 by the physician and he says I have no signs °fat tnnaor now. It bas also brought my periods around once snore; and I an entirely well. I shall never be without A bottle of Lydia Pinkhanes Vegetable Compound in the house." ---Fannie D. Fox; Bradford, Pa, • Another Case of Tumor Cured by Lydia IL Pinkliam's Vegetable Come pound. Dear Mrs. Pinklatin "About three years ago I had ittense pain in my stomach, with cratape and raging headaches. The doctor ptescribed for me, but finding that I did not get any better he examined me and, to my ourprith, deolared / had a tumor. "I felt sure that it meant nay death warrant, .and was very disheartened, I vent hundred of clollare in doctoring, but the tumor kept growing, till the doctor said that nothing but an Operation would save tite, Fortunately I torreaponded with my amain the Now Emden d States, s'vho advised me to tr,v Lydia E. Pinkhanes Vegetable Compound before submitting to an oper- ation, and I at once Mailed taking a regular treatment, finding to my greet relief that my general health began to improve, and after three months r notieed that the tumor had reduced In gin. I kept on taking the Compound, and in ten months it had entire- ly chaappreria without an operation, and using no maliciee but Lydia E. Pinklitures Vegetable Compound, and worde fail to express how grateful I ant for the good it haa done me." -Mies Luella Adams, 'Colons nsde Hotel, Seattle, Wash. Such uncptestionable testimony proved the value of Lydia Pinkhamei 'Vege- table Compound, stud should give eond- denee and hope to every eick woman. l'inkhain invitee all ailing Women to write to her et Isynit ;fates f $41. medicine dealer or b mail at 50 ents few weeks to hold ita attendants, uniggists or by mail at. -23 cents a aux p once hfr. Whiteley "will menegellyou anti box or six boxes forY$2.50 from Tehe Dre. I fbuoe time thet Dr. Goodehlid took fig. T1 1)r Williatiee elrelieine Co., Niyveonreguresr:!irtoly.geaettibyomrnieraestnainadi euveheree:tteyoauhariabareonaknoe. WiNiams' Medicine Co., Brock-ville, •• • ont. cyheaarrsa• tetwieteheasettulornterg-aelse abasey teerriobedi twelve .4'1! . ' Predecossomv-the congregation has been In- creased 600 members. llereovor the church' s many ,I5ror•kvalle, Ont. ment to your memory -iaat your tureen- Had to Take His I3ath Standee , w a bt transient attendance fro h I tons' expense." A country gentleman of the °Id school reee ea): igeteird killaiteri;tht:mons have The treatment need el to rid arty com- /natio illustration of tvitat the firm The Man „from Beenakyie ie a dra„ found himself an honored guest in the some bearing en the musioal features of the gorgeous Grosvenor square residence of nr(Igeatame, " that these do not sown like munity of ,Judee Lotich is so simple Goa there is no exeuse for not Applying it. diro. s ru t a Judge Lynch Easily Handled. can do in the way. of providing mist°. the Snookee. His host took him over the tracrheelligioinucsidvs haavinf nao actian.tttione with crates guests for snobbish, middle-class mansion, and took care he should not 8 . It consists s,f the prompt and. vise hosts; while at least one well-autheate MISS any of its magnificence. "W've even cuted by the whistler or performers on the • H: tells the story of Its eaered"MusiZre::- prone use of -the lotereeeteblislasel svea. cabal ease is on record in which an assistant in the silk clepartinent was got a musical arrangement in the bath - hastily told. off to aet as "best man" mini" he remarked casually, 'so that . winaglaoses, something about the life of ths pens with wheat the state liat armed ite tuoytegt:tongieus you can take your bath to the accom- y Fheeniterrehistorr:ftelills labs: grt' , repreentatives for the leasteetion of its Ida relatives. the church. ! Yej `u, eitizens. 'here a mob hi able for any to a .bridegroont Who was botoemsed be paniment of sweet nausie. Good idea This happened two and a half year; isn't itl" The old gentleman said it ealrzettutlekifirngst thetauspserufreormbeimetilfr. assistant had only a little over an ing it next morning. When he came down gramma. MTV el 1 yg f „Iles tres ' ,, irbetu kin %Pr n"rti erg of the law ere incompetent, eovardly that theehyild Jes tiloolltsitlitezav.hiliei pro- Iteligfthounpal time tteii;leefnyfotrhee. ago in County Tyrone, Ireland, The silk was, and exprossed his intention of try - hour in which to prepare for the jour- to breakfast they' asked him how he or eorrupt. I he reeponsibility for theee ney aria he was back again behind the liked it. He sniffed in! aristocratic die- There .ist a pretty etory in me mance or 1.011(11thus rests on the citizens them- ceunter before the bride and bridegroom guilt. "It is an abomination, like all found that all of the 2.112u(lizzc. Lori ittLre about. :0 iwutiginewtheotitrzatI4 selves, who. got the kiind of government monks eLa some sewed modern inventions," he said. "Bah, If aeseemailehinteti Ysilleil tufa ne" far they ere welmg.aratogiatte itn)tli who by had arrived in England on their hone , you'll believe me, sir, that wretched anus- ii'l ° se r .tue most rum ()toe oompoh.ad ,holy , cent: capable men ean ah no- , tee losable; on gocd atiminavtati.i 7 by .de - make atri- a- teal box struck up 'God Savo the King,' e mown, moon. But in. spite of his business, Mr.strItzurfaesceenneest cern ittenos:zathofteittkpeetontel eie le- -things to gnu' fy hti an. the Suring outbreak. ----- New York Sun. , possible such dismaeeful ineelents as 'Whiteley enjoyed excellent health. Ite and kept au playing le A T hal 4 take my bath standing up, air. I expect I shall .., and . ..to other_ worked ornaments TOT the akar. - ....._..._ cottlIT dohanjoungegi= these mourned •becaiuse ha was never an epicure, and he at and ecatch my death of cold. tight" tanker. Than suddenly he recalled his proureasee Stick to the Farm, drank sparbagly. -------raia---e. (lleterautid's Oakville Record.) Clogs Worn by English Workinen. Placa in front of the altar, and, lying on his early with t e f , back with foot remora Juggled ban dozso mal and fronsiship$ ?Pore reale witere and there' la" ss a juggler. In all reverence he ;took his , Plot in His Vocabulary. h arm tvhere life is nat. As was inevitable, he had much to An acknowledged authority has esti- bails eetteeeen his fingersoorto toes. , you ,an wear what you aant, teach to younger aapirants, and was h a fellow . by mated there are at least 4,000,000 pairs A. nuroberhef I not backward in giving advice: of dogs sold in the northern counties of tAle'llealetdoa Tito nroi 000e'afengoeiriaata long -to' ie none who win '1 !twit!. Stay with the 'St have never allosved the word i eta. But when the poor farm, England every year. leggier explained to the head of the church lineSS, from With its spiiit uf trust and friend- '11 the testae, who followe yati thr due one time? li you will I'll get you there or bust, What do you gay, bi'"htotpell', !tarry, 1 suppose I'll have to, Fire avoty this one tiwe." Haley sipped. out an oath and the huise gut down on their haunches, eleared the mud hole, and landed the bishop in town just in time to keep AM appointment.- -Rochester Herald. • se. This Language of Ours. Baby powder--Pewder to put on babies ot a pass:Rea case, Fieh exists -Food for fishes ha eat. '8fleitie,f:j:°41..o. 12- ..5:134- -Shoe fax- hems Us mum fahl ales eas-Ruee atiantt heal. Baby boggy---Ittaggy der baby to wide 14:11,1e. tAinbuggy---..Not a buggy or a top to Boot tree --A tree to slope boots on. Apple tree -Not a tree to ehape topples ce. :eta 't -'-'A cart to haul rnairk Push cart -Not it cart to theme the pueh Kitten -A small eat Mitten- -Not a small, etrat. azt We may not quite have readied are spike. tau coat stage .sf seam elegance Sabotba_ there ain t a town la the state teat caa w a finer line of fano vest* than worn US Sabath& men4ae.society runotioas. te nay to reach it inane§ heart is eugh his stontaeh, but It it doubt if the missionary would tare to reach the eatinibal's that way. 'caul' to have c. place in my voeltbn- Different tvOods are preferred in, dif- bat the meant only women). that h - to AMY) he wrete. "The business man ferent districts, ear The She and eloaing tbe &ore of God tbe IN? linti down the , le to the swallow ful should forget the such a word as Leather Reporter. The workers in fee- 437-ta11117. waa ever invented" tortes and other indoor man Mame in Again he summed up. is own loons , melt districts as Bolton, Oldham and 1 P ciples in the following maxims, which . Preston prefer a sole made from either nitty be taken as the bueiness man's alder or bitch, svhile in the colliery elle- vade mecum: trials, such as Wigan, beeela birch and Add your cOnaCierieC to your eapital. ash are most generally used, the first It is not the largenesa of your named in each instance being M greateat capital, but the smallness of your wants, demand. SOM0 idea of the hnmenee that will make you rich. quaritity of soles used mAy be gathered Watch the waste. front an estimate that each pair of Be discreet in your transactions; run clop will be resol dtwiee before being no risk that you cannot ineet aititout in- replaced by a USW pair, thus avemging conveuience. ptahirie.eofproo! toles to the life of ono Truitt iu self-help. Always; pay as you go; if you can't pay, don't go, Civility (mats nothing. It is tetter to be the victim than the culprit. Never disappoint a elient. Don't despise trifles; the ocean is made out of drops of With% Keep cool; don't loee your temper. Fair traditig wealth suceessful trading, It Wit8- believed to have been the last interview ever Recorded by Mr. Whiteley to a journalist, end which appeara from the pen of Itia Alfred Kinnear in the leebruary Iltlinher of the Magazine of Commerce, the great business adminit- trator destribee the vastuces of his compute la theta words: 'We have - catered for the Colston $ Villiddi esaliefa 14 alhoutes heti for wales a Nadi et Bristol, providing for 1,600 9 pegs. We have **raped large boast el trim etrantesed with it blessing.. Something of the same charity could JualY he applied Le Dr. Goodchild's vulture. Wtne- glass zriusie and whistling ts ehurch may bo unusual, but If they are aohtevitag a worthy result who Is wise enough to condemn theta? 4--------so,e-0.-------• SEES A MONARCHY COM/NG. Mark Twaiti Says Americans Are Human , Like Other NationS. Human nature being what it is, I sup. pose we must expent to drift into mon. amity by and by It is a tacidening thought, but we can not change our na- ture; we ere all alike, we human beings, raid in our blood and bone, and ineradica, bit, we carry the seeds out of which monarehies and aristoeracies are grown- worsbip of gands, titles, distinctions, power. We have to -worship these thimes and their poseesors; we are all born so, and we eau not help IL We have to he despised by somebody whom we regent as above us or we Are not happy; we have to have somebody to 1 . stvebrtship and envy or we ean net he ton - In Atneries, we manifest this in ell the ancient ittid euetontary ways. In publie We scoff at tithe e and hereditary privi- ' lege, but priverely we hanger after them, and when we get it Omuta we buy titer* for cash and it daughter. Sometime* ete sot it good man and worth the Met,. but we are ready to takehim anyway, whether he be ripe or rotten, whether In bi- olotti etid inset or bluirelg I bets t s in the 10111, 441.44016:Ckal$4144.01414400.0... 1 A Boston weak and sickly. His arms were soft and flabby. He didn't have a strong muscle in his entire body. The physician who had attended the family for thirty years prescribed Scoteis gryit‘t.stor:sra. NOW: To feel that boy's MTh you would think he was apprenticed to a blacksmith. schoolboy was tall, ALL mug:mats: sos. AND 01400i t,