The Wingham Advance, 1907-02-21, Page 2Stirtday Se'loot
e 1'tte fl. brahatlea prayer
* and SerttrIty tee. 2343). Ia Lot
In A
lever its limit soul simeertalaty Olou.
lax. 1713). Abrithitet tould plead. for
INTERNA-TIOXAL LESSON IX. --178R. others. Lot only thought of himself.
& 1907- lemie at Loteit .eutt ((oa. xi*. 4-38).Thene
41ito mord ite to his teeth. U4 had eu*"11113/1 11.14.441g ter Sederee-GeLVUL pluee among the beret'who overcame by
1513. faith (lTeb. xi). ee deerly do men pey
Conettenteryee-I The Lord reveeling . feliiweeheret ,.,4 The reveipte of grain to -day were
The purpotie to Abraham Oa. 10-e2)- 10 Alm e . ... . t i e hem- entail. Wheat le unchanged, 100 bush -
The ment-The teree eaves. They lied re i
them that thing which I dor (v. 17 i. eie et red ten% at eee Barley we
tebateam, eine woe) that , ., fri.ellg, ef Ckla Rae. ii• 23h ie "changed, 100 bushels selling at
boon wale be born to him the expeeted to know hod.. to.iil wile Ilia seer;ets to .35e. Oats firmer, 300 bushele selling at
hair of the promiam. aLlio.?1.11,,e_r _tllit„st 1,(Iti,!: i Iwthis0 I It.,!eatiikdesti( Ntlailitunte.z. J14) .1.01T.etai iee14noteitits, teelexieiryelhEte)itinen in moderate 4upoy,
lerPileittomelrsottiteornt ,lrevabeir: ingetrrog' t Vprophecy of Hie combat with ten thou- t with :tale* cif butter at 25e to 20e per lb.,
deetroyed for its wiekodueete. "Abealtam,eend or 111$ salute Mete le 22; Jude eite• and of egg e at 35e per dozen.
et it sappoied thee etrangeet to be Noah, a jest man and perfect in his illy in: fair supply, with sato of 30
men; but his ociume towara them wee . generation), ite revealed the approachlug Made ot 813 to $14.00 a ton. for timothy,
that us usd ao rennou tee eeteet when ;deluge e len. vi. 0; vii. 1). they Joteph,
he eouod they were engehe ihete. It a l the teeing maa tif purity, eould telt of
good war to treat everybody whom we 1 the coming famine (Gen. xli, 16). To
eneounter, MO 'that if tbey turn out to "Mose) alone," the man of God, feithful
I e tinge*, thee. would. bave no reason to iit all his houee, God whitpered the see- light quote(' at $0.50, and heavy- at ei) to
einerphtiu of re, aud wo nothing to ba Tots of the tanernacie (Ex. exile 2, 12-; Itieee.
irony for in our treatment of them. See Mee iii. e, 5). Only Daniel, the greatly Wheat, white, bush.. $ 07 4 $ 000
Deb. xiii. 2."-Trumatbull. Looked to beloved, could read the hendwriting on Do., red.? besh, .. . - 074 000
ward. Sodom -They looked toward tio- the wall (Dan. v. 29; ix. 23). Ja John, Do„ spring,- Walt. , 070 000
dont for tbe purpose of deatToying it. leaning ou Hie bosom, Ile told the secret Do., goose, bush. - - 008 000
Abraham went twee them for the pur- elf who ehounld betray Hint (John xiii. Oats) bush. - .. ., 0 4a 043
poste of gualing them. 23, 20). To each of us Jesus stip: "I Barley, bush. ... .. 0 54 055
17. Shall I hide -That is. I will not have called von frientle; fer all thins peas, bush. , . .. 0. eg 000
that 1 Lave heard al my Father .1 bare iray, timothy,. ton
made known unto you" (John xv. 15). Do„ mixed, ton .. 1103 0000. 14 50
12 00
As Spurgeon saes, ettaints have the key Straw, per ton .. , 12 00 13 00
to tete hieroglyphics of heaven; they can eceds-
about thie present evil world is not to t.egestme enigmas. They are Mee:a, fitney, Meth, 0 75
be mixed up with it in its echemes aud llnlI4Ill
speculetione, but to be entirely separated initiated Into the fellowship of tile DO., No. 1, bush. 0 00
trot A. 'Phe more closely we walk with skies; they have heard words it le not Do.. No. 2, bush. 5 75
.Goelt .tete more We shall know His mind possible for them, to repeat to their fel- Red Outer, eew „ . ,$ 00
lows. Do.. clover, old - 7 00
III. Trustworthiness. "1 know him," Timothy, bush. .. .. I 25
(y. 10), God Mid q0nfidently of Abra- Dressed hogs .. .. „, 0 00
beim A lady giviwt her testimony said: Eggs, new laid, dozen . 0 35
"It is not diffieultpfor me to him, Colt- /hitter, dairy .. .. . 0 25
tidence in (led, but the question is Has Butter, erealnoll • • e • 0 30
God coraideeee in me?" He could:trust Chickens, dressed,. lb. 011
.;kbrahant; can He trust es? To know Ducks, per lb. „ „ 0 11
His secrets? To ealk in II% way? To Turkeys, per lb. 015
-.Apples, per bbl. - . '2 00
do Ilia work?. To suffer Nis wall
IV. Conviction, "That be far from Potatoes,. per bush. .. , . 0 80
thee.. .to slay the righteous with the Cabbage, per dozen 033
wickea...lf 1 find in Sodom fifty right- Oeionsii,hitideciruablatgers..,.,. ..: 01 3005
eons within the eity, then I will spare Beef,
Do., forequarters .. . 4 50
all the place for their sakes" (ve. 23•20).
Do., eltotee„ carcase 6 75
In the profound conviction of the justice
Do., medium, carcase e 5 50
of his cause, Atualaam dares to say to
the Lord: "It is not right to destroy the '‘'''reuttilt.,01):2erpecilyet-N.vt.., .......; 07 0000
I with the wicked"; and Wit says: Lomb, pr ewt, , , _. 10 50
"I will not (Mit." As to the destruction
of the wicked, he trusts to the justice Flour Prices.
of God. "nail not the Judge .of all the
Floure-alauitobe patent, $3.85 track
earth do right?" Anil here you and I
Toronto; Ontario, 90 per cent. patents,
limy rest all the perplexing problems
$e.07 bid for export; Manitoba patent,
which our finite m'isatint cannot yet en
epeeial brands, $4,50, strong bakers', $4.
V. Boldness. "Abrahem drew .uear" (v. Winnipeg Wheat Prices.
logs end prime ere firm.
,T3 nitre, There le a deckled eleirtage
Wiunipeg----The railroad systems it
gradually recovering from the genet
tail tellie ie Meek mitt colleetioee aro TRAIN wpFirit OTTAWA W.A.S SliA.WEN.
;Foist. latutis•ring has been mid% ham- .--..-- •
Ivrea oith by the unseal sold Withal VIRICK Three Ca$08 of Wasting Powder Exploded
fiat froron up- iiie river* gad preverited
, .
Tonto Fannere' Market.
INNM YORK 94 &Man $11004
re New York Central txpress Derailed
In the Bronx.
tie-up of a, week or •two ego and they a
entleavormg to move some of the freight
bus been aceumulating during that
time The tem of melte On the ranges
i- titis ,year likely to be heavy. Retoil
trete 1 lithe country has not been heavy
and collections have, in many instances,
been a tittle slow. They will improve,
however, with the leather anarketing
Quebee-Cold and bolsterolle wcath
cf the past week has somewhat retarded
and at 1r9. to $11 for mixed. Straw un- tbe we:emcee) of travellers in country
cbangea, three loads -selling at tee to places. City retail trade is somewhat
a to. quiet.
Doesed bogs are uneaangee with • Hamilton-Wbelesale and retail trade
contmuce faille fictive. Winter hues.
have been moveig well and it winter mad
summer trade has all the promise of be-
ing heavy. Local industries are busy
and money is fairly free.
London -General business eantinues
fairly eetive for this time of the 'teem
Travellers on the read report an excel-
lent dement) for seminar and. fall lines.
Deliveries of cottons are still slow. Col -
teethes are emerally satisfactory.
of I
or President of Cape Breton Railroad
Among Dead.
Twenty Persons Were Killed and
Many Injured.
hide. lerahmn was the "beetle of God,
and "aommtudeation of secrets is oue
of the special privileges of friendship."
"The way to know the divine purposes
about everething."-C. II, M. Thing
which 1 do-Whielt I.purpose doing, or
am about to 4o.-Hom. Cont. God gave
Abraham the look of %indium. aud love,
but to Sodem it Wait a, look of indig-
nation and wrath, "The right hand of
tho judge implies. his left." 18. efighty
nation -The Jewish nation. Shall be
blessed in the Messiah that Was to
6Pritke flrOM Ahraham. 19. I know Him -
Ms chameter and destiny. Will com-
mand His Mildren-He not only prayed
with His family but he taught and.
commanded them, and was "prophet Ana
king as well as prieete "Abraham made
ib Us businom to promote practleal re -
beton in his faanily, and this is given as
Iste recteon why God -would make known
ati him hie purpose ooncerning Sodom."
-elleztry. 20, Cry.... is great- That is,
these tette% bave slanted very „orievously.
21. 1 will go clown -I will inquire
into tbe faeta God could not have been
in doubt, but He desires to show Abra-
bun that Ho was not judging hastily, or
without full knowledge of all the fact.
22. The men hurled, et. - The two
augele elle aceompanied Jehovah were
now sent toward Sodom; while the third, 23). "Let us draw near (Heb. a. e.).
mainea with Abraham. As God is never ieg1-Y
impossible" things. Elis us aek for the large gifts, foe eeene
he prayed
who le railed tbe Lord or Jehovab, re- 1
Iseen in any bodily shape, consequently and the Lord opened the eyes of the
Cellist, must be meant, -Clarke. d, ervant to see that,-tl:e
the great angel of the covenant, Jesus frightene
mountain wits full of horses and char -
0.11. Abraham's intere,ession (vs. 23-33), lots of fire round about Elisha" (e Kings
.3. Abraham drew near -(1) Ie bodily vi. 17). Luther prayed, and. Melanethon
spiritual (34
hin holy fervency, (4) with boldneee, (5) mane bac.k to him from the gate of
resenee, (e) in. nearness,
in humility,. (0) with confidence. The death. Baxter preyed mul Richard Cook,
righteous neth the pen...the lunatic, had hie reason restored to
et* of justice, that the righteous Alai]
eviehed-"It is a lane Mrs, Whittemore preyed, and down
not be punished for the mimes of the in the low dive the ph* rose was plate
'necked, and this Abraham lays ed la Dell's hand, and the "Blue Bird
the. foundation of his supplications."
down at of Mulberry Bend" became the saintly
.24. Fifty righteous -These were more 1
'evangel to her lost sisters.
righteoue than others in the cit VI. Persistence. "Abraham stood, yet
ithould not oven know that Lo't. 1
tt Ve i t
e before the Lord" (v. 22), He asked thee
fighteote had not the apostle Peter tkii-alds •
1 e el m
the aty m' ht be saved. for fifty righte-
n». But true celerity and 'ens men, for forty-five, for forty, thirty,
goodness. ng 'twenty, ten, and only ceased when the
25. Shall not the Jud do right-. :number was so entail he did not doubt
}but among Lot's family end friends and.
ways hope the best and not the worst. t
Abraham must have had divine e -eervants there were -so many righteous
tem:aiming the fact that Jehovah teachinge-souls. Abraham's mistake was not in
the world's Judge. This im A' tl
...'es lack of faith, but lack of knowledge
God would certainly d I les let of the character of Lot. braham was. fun
y o right, although )v anwered,
Abraham might not see bow. 26. 11 I e
I will spare -So faithfutiy VIII. Definitenese. The Ilible prayers
given to us as models are always definite.
ocl protect His chosen ones when Not Moses pryer for Israel (Num. xlv.
appealed to by Abraham in their behalf. 19, 20); the prayer made for Peter
Nor does this go to show that He will not l Atts se. 51; the prayer Paul desired
protect them unless urged to do so by of the Romens (Rom. xv. 30-33).
others. It does show, however, the power VIIL Love- A grea.t love breathes
anti value of prayer. el% Duet and. ashes through all Abraham's prayer. We can
--Dust in my origin, ashee in iny end,- plead successfully for men wben wehave
Hem. Com. By these expressions he ibis mine' love for the lost. Such love
shows how deeply his sent was humbled as bupelled. John Knox to dry oat in
in the preseuce of God. agony, "Lord, give me Secelaud, or I
te3, There shall lack -The safety ot the die:
eity being granted on the condition that *, •
fifty righteous could be found, Abraham THE TRENT VALLEY.
tak-es courage and asks still larger
Ober. He drops to forty-five, then to Trenton Route Found Superior to Port
forty. then to thirty, then to twenty, Hope Outlet. .
and finally to ten. "He was climbing the
Mallet- of hope and faith; -with each Ottawa. Feb. 17. -The long otttstand-
promise he took courage to ask for tog question as to whether the outlet of
more; he grew into larger rIsions of the- Trent Valley Canal would be at
God's goodness."
Trenton or Port Hope has at last been
1,1 But this once -Abraham's interces-
sion wits litnited because the intercessor deeided in favor of Trenton. Careful
was but a man; it did not reach the •
surveys have been made of both routes
The Week in Trade.
Dames Review: Despite holiday and
7 00 weather interruptions the volume of
025 busiuess is well Maintained, In most
5 85 section* of the country the movement
8 25 of inereliandiso has resumed normal pro -
7 25 portions, snow block -stiles being removed,
1 50 but tardy deliveries still cause much
50 complaiut, especially in regard to grain,
000 Retail stocks of winter goods were most
29 satisfactorily depleted. during the pet -
032 led of low temperature, and the Dew Sea
0 13 son will open under favorable auspices,
013 Wholesale and jobblug houses report
0 17 a liberal spring demand,. particularly In
350 dry goods, while at the interior there is
099 a vagorous movement of agricultural other farm supplies. A
140 Pigralleifying feature of many teperts is
zits and.
8.00 the greater promptness of mercantile
0 00 collections. Prices of commodities rule
00 remarkably steatly, Dun's Index Num -
0 00
10 00
$107,264 a month previoue and $108
her -on February e. being 107,366, against
and $108,172 on December 1. During the
past week farm staples declined slightly,
12 00 but most manufactured products held
firm. Mills and factories have so mime
forward business that new contracts are
not taken except at full figureseinct there
is dissatisfaction because shipmentare
not prompt. Wages have *en advanced
in several important concerns and there
are no serious labor controversies.. Rail-
way earnings in the first week of Feb-
ruary averaged 2.0 per cent. larger time
last year, and foreign trade at thie port
for the latest week exceeded that of
the same week, in 006 by $3,898,920 as
to importe, while exports inereased $871,-
bles are steady at 110 to 12 3-4c per Ib,; 143. Securities rose moderately, although
dressed weight; refrigerator beef qua- money rates advanced because of the
ed at 0 I -4c to 0 1-2c per lb. low position of local bank reserves. Bank
mtrzttroor., APPLE efentehir. mechangee at New York declined 7,1 per
Woodall & Co. ettlited Ebert .Tames: --3.340 Cent. as compared with the same week
bbIs. selling; market better; more enquire; last year, owing tosmaller sales of se -
upward tendeneY. eurities at lower prices, while at other
LEADING- WHEAT MABK,E1r, leading cities there was an average gain
Of 3.9 per cent.
Now York .„ ..„„ ... .31874 jueitYte Sept.
Detroit ............ ..... 80% 70%
Toledo ... .. 130%, RODE TO DEATIL
St, Louis ,.. .. 77 761.1
Minneapolis 79 79% 773fi . Fatal Termination to Three Woodcutters'
Duluth ... .... 80% 80% ....
need. He said I will speak yet but this
owe, and there he stopped short, as if
afraid of baring presented too large a
draft at the treasurr of infinite grace,
for forgetting that faith's cheque was
tierer yet dishonored at Ged's benk. It
tras not that God was not able to give,
for there was an abundance of grave and
pritieure lit Hint to have hearkened upto
His servant bud he proeeteleti to three
or one; but the eentant Was limited, and
ahead of overdrawing hie account. Ile
eeased to ask and God ceased to give.
Not No our blessed Intercessor; of Him
it ea» be said: "Ile 15 able to save to
the uttermost:et-C. IL et. 33. lite Lord
wee, His way -The angel--dehorah---
with whom Abraham had been commun-
ing, went his way. Abraham's prayer
was answered, though not in the way
Ite expected. I. The righteous were de-
livered front the eity. 2. "By the de-
struction of the vity righteousuese Was
promoted. Sin was bringing forth death;
each v1i eities would corrupt the raee;
the cancer must be cut out. lest tbe
whole being 'be deetroyedet The good
are often in peril by being. in Mel exit -
In eltapter 11) we have an acenunt of
the ilzatruttion of 'Sodom and the cities
of the plain. The two angels that left
Matthaei Went. 10 Sodom (xix. 1), where
the were received kindly by Lot, but
stiamenally ueea by the people nf Sedate.
The angelic told Lot to warn his friends serletIslY wounded in the White Bear
to neer for they boa been sent to destroelmine by the aeeidental disebnrge of It
teeee,e, mud. hole. They were working on
tillgtetleite4.r• 1.1011. ies morning n agn ehi Pti_r tile 800 -foot Nothinger's piek
"" penetrated a hole with dynamite in it
n411.101-ter.s.' tel..ii"(,g,t.ir_nl..,t_o_le".,1;ve_tellteeetritteY. and it. ceploded. The full force of the
tioottelkels. feetioloftZit;telei‘teatoW(tane'leeTpiitet".. expteeten. streek Curno the stem-
aeh, tearing it uot, while Nothinger es-
Winuipeg Futures - Closed to -day
Feb. 75e bid, May 77 1-2e, Jttly 77 7-8c.
British Cattle Market.
Liverpool - Liverpool and London ea-
;ltecelpts of live stock at the city market Geneva, Feb. 18. -Three Italian wood.
as reverted by the railways, were: 92 car cutters of the Village of Carenna,
loads, composed of 1,174 cattle, 2,358 hogs,
766 alteep and 86 earves. near the Swiss -Italian frontier, were
'The quality of the bulk of fat eatt was carried on an avalanche yesterday, and
not say better than has been coming for one of them was killed.
some weeks paot. Good to prime cattle are They were descending the San Jeri's,
scarce. to the east of Bellinzena, on their
Trade was brisk, all offerings being 'Sold
early in the day- at an advance ot 100 to sledge laden with wood, one of the men
20o per cwt., in some 1r:stances over Tues. standing behind steering by means of a
day's quotationa.
Exporters -Only a limited number ot atm- thiheit pole, Suddenly cracks appeared in
eine cattle were offered, the bulk of which , a snow on either side, and the men
were bought for butchere' purposes. ittport ;Knew that they had started an weal -
cattle sold from 95 to $5.25. Export bulls anche,
tam te 84.25.
13utehers--PrIces for the bast lots and loads tee there were no -obstacles in the
ranged from $4.50 to 85; other grades sold way, the woodcutters began to joke
trona fa.7s to tem: cows sold from es to about their ;journey beiug thus unex-
elet; canners, $1.50 to 82.40.
Feeders and se:more-There was nate or
pectectly expedited, wizen the pace in -
nothing tieing in these netssen, as any- &tzars creased and the snow, diverting its
with flesh en thorn Were takea for the but. course to the right in the direction of a
cher trade, many of them going to Montreal.
Mich Cows -There hes been a heavy trade
preeipiee, beoeli to uloVII With express
in rankers_ end speingers, the bulk of offer- SPT •
lags. which are large, being of medium gum- The steersman threW himself into the
fix. The bulk of sales were from 850 to PO teat callino on his companions to
each, with a. fear at ea -and sso each. snow. e
Veal Oelvee--The best calves sold readily, follow Iiiin. -, One of them did so, but
but the inferior and common were Slow sale. the other remained. on the sledge and
Prices ranged from 83.60 to 87 per cwt. went over the precipice with it.
Sheep and Lambs -Export ewes sold at $4.75 F.iletlUe and woodeuttee the em mad
to 85.25 per ewt., rants et 43.60 to 94.29 par - - --aere - -
ewt., iambs at ss to $7.26 for best, and 95 from view, and no tritee of them could
to se per Mat. for common -to good.
flogs-Afr. Harris reports the market easy wheitfhotbinrd.uisesT.he other two men escaped
at $6.80 for aeleets, and 86.55 for lights and
fate. • 4.41..
He Stayed in Bed From rtiee Till Two
'Weeks Ago. t
London. Feb, 17, --The Board of Guar-
-di:ins of Lurgan, Ireland, assert that a
villager named Thompson is the laziest
limn on earth. Thompson went to bed
in 1877 and did not leave it until two
weeks ago, and then only On C01111)11181011.
Ills need mother, with whom lac lived
a10110. WAS taken ill and had to be TO -
moved to an i»firinary, and Thommion
was then rompelled to get up. Tire effort
retulered hint too fired to walk, and he
I 0 the ton in. value, ': awlzlit5tbillielle"'
taken to ithe N.vorkhouse in an
wbere he remained till his
whim Is a erondertui showing for 0 nee. i In ner ie erne tome. .
lietvy draught, 'weighing from 1,450 to
by the Department of Itaiiways mid Can- 115oo pounds-, use to ttse; general purpose
als. and the result bas been to indicate horses, aeiguing from 1,m to .1450 pounds,
that Trenton, on the whole, has more in1.100 t% dpoeitiiiirdaYs, 11$112;e34 wsgritugatfcrIferdi
its favor as an outlet for this wateeway carriage oars, 15.2 to 16 hands, $3.50 co geo;
than has Port litme. The surveys show singie cobs and carriage, 15 to 16 butidS,
that the difference between the two 11.2 t 89212734 lngIe rahrKIIPIJ lesr:15' n1(15 " 1.1fti
routes. so far as construction 18 C011- to $100; eerviceably soundu dril,e;°rar, Fs Ito°
vented, is not very material. In this 8135: plugs, 820 to MO.
respeet l'ort llope has a sometvliat Br
Thonetfolrierrhign atratitIttse o?toi*ItZ'imttr' oE
strenger The distances compared in Moore Townsbip nwegmtles wersti%f Pte) -
e it h Trenton, is emnewhat shorter. Vie trolea, brought in a well iast week that has
ensi. of construction therefore would be, broken tbe record in the Pettolea district
- for the pest two years.; starting off at 59
at ...ording to the engineers' report, about barrels a daY,
s.;40.000 less te Port Irope than to Tren- Ur. Murray etratrms that the general Co-
nte. But this does not take into ac- hajt_.canni now averages 1,000 teas a mMith,
vaunt the land damagea and waterpower Iv“mn
Inivileges. in which respect the Trenton
route ie bend te be better. • One great
faetor in favor of Trenton is that barges
eau lie taken from Midlaud through the
Trent Valley Canal to 'Montreal with
perfect safety, being landlocked all the
way. If Port Hope had been selected as
an outlet these barges would have to be
timed for a considerable distance 0111 in
the Opril lake, a rather risky if not int -
A brunch estabishment of the Campenie Thompson followed her immediately,
des meta= Unita' will likely be located in ,-,
latt was eottipelled to walk this time,
Termite before many mouths, If ft em. roe poor guardians refusing to furnish an
Moment will be provided for Um ar more ambithetee. now comfortably in
Bradstreet's Trade Report. bed again. Ire is supported by his old
mother, who receives occasional help front
elontreal-Verysevere weather during ltitt:::nenergetie ;ems in Australia, and. eigh-
th' past wtek has had a. tendency to penee a week front the guardians.
wark against the retail trade. Later in
•` The doetors tried irritating plasters
and eleetrie currents oit Thompsott to
inake him get up, but they had no
effect. Ire is quite healthy, but suffers
front :wide, eltronie laziness,
poeeble experiment in severe weather. (rhteter, ehehe was some mod. •
um an t e retort cteniend was agate
• . o
KILLED IN WHI'TE BEAR, brisk. Travellers report. the outlook for
- he/ h summer and fall trade to be exceed-
ingly briolit. Dr • ewes lines are mote
Thomat Curmon the Victim of a Dyna- u.„ • .. ,i '', ..1 •• -.
lore are etill complainte re-
tnita Explosion. garding deliveries' in several lines and
Beteland, 11, Feb, 17, __Thomas elk /aloes an:1 threads: are advancing.
Curno was killed and Fred leothiuger Catpet ;wives have also advances mid it
te repotted Cenadian manufecturers have
et:limey wild up for sprirer delivery. The
gee Pry !rink. is fairlytttive. Canned
;eau:A are flan mei Sllgat is steady to
feel. l'itere is little inerease in the ar-
rival tif elnlitiry produce her.
Tetanal- - . General trade continues
of melt . Meet here. Vehoiesale trade and triftint-
eyed with a few slight bruises around lecturing eouthulte eeeeterinate netiee•
.. PIIMeIleetle Al'PLICATIONS. •the head. There is stilt eomphtitit retreating the
Itetentiels to Successful Intercession, elle bruised miner had been e rem- eloe tees of deliveries of cottone end
t. Character. The tontrast between the telt of the city for nine mon:he, 0011- wooltott ane prieee are firm. etaterate.
ye:traders of Abralimn niul Lot illus. Mg here front Cornwall, Eng arel. lie tunas of white wear ore hampered hy
b.:4es hog. one mat gtend for sogoin was twent,,,,ifie year, eie leo wee:oil-a the teareity of suitable, eotton, scant sup-
*lel the other eon', net. "nee, toil *P. .............44.0.-. niii-4 441* riiihroidery an(' a shortage of ex-
teered" ittlin Alatitil/11 4 V. 11. Ite ;tent Sends Thaw Itebbit's Foot. perienceit operators. General lime of
hic eringebt" to Lot Olen, IkiN. 11. 'Abra- Winitser, Feb. 17. -Mrs. Wililliii Fran- siding drY goode are going forwent fairly
teart Was triten an opportunity denied to tit, of Window, has initi191 to 'Horn. h. well. although Weetern traneportetion
lei. The Lora eppearal Ingo Abraham '
Thaw the foot of it rabbit whit* site fatilities are etill much motet. The fat -
be eat in the tent door" tv. 1). The has earried for a nuniber of ;slava., and ter atatineeney hee Rise heel seine effeet
semen mme to Lot as he "sat in the ale meet o. tenet -mat letter in which the "leen Weerern aneler'l "fel e0lleetione' in
pile of Sodom" %(en. Mx. 1). The man exprested the hope that gem would pewee' lines. ilardware continuee
vee ass miffed" }ketone not the man e nequittt 4 of the elterge of murder. the. with iron met etre) pricee firm, In
Vet lief don inflitential position Meek, eine Fritneie hal had the bat 111 her gr'""eriee• dried trutte lipid very firm' Stratton', Fele 17.- Donald Midi:m-
ut:Id pieta" fo'f' findofd. 'The joyful re- pfetiesientfer cieveret yeallt, tlittl thinks et nee doee canned salmon. Fruit il5 sem eel, T. 11. employee, was found dead
spouse to AbritheM'a offer of hoepitalitee that it lies brought her goad luck. costive, with a heitvy deniaral for nil tem- n him tatter in this eity hog night. Ile
10,19, "lb do, as then haat mitt" (v. 6). --et - '• - - •••• thorn lime. Country trade is fairly littiel in the mentry, and mate to town
l'INi Kers tchske to IAA'S offer was, The Tembikeming & Nest/rem Ontario gii,n1, with eolleetions, on the aloha eat- .ti the reviling. When lest 'mei Alive
eatty. hat we will tibiae in the street Itailemy Commiernion awarded the ente itfnetatte• he Wd4 making reedy foe the return
ci nightw 4Cfa. Nix. 23. An warnodifiad Iran 1 for the conttruction of the new ex.. Vont-out er tine Vietorie - As 14 llettel eget,. IN'. Renton, ceroner, bas 41r'
19. eilemeaticie ef hie position. That they tension from the present terminus ta at ibis time -if tho year, uholesak trade /mei art ingneet for Monday morning. I
'lit Homily +evert Me hospitality provost connect eith the Tarnecontinentel RAW lia - s "lighlly quiet tone, althongh it ere: hteeet was 37 ;yearn of age, and
ets,t he 441 "pit" and .irtaitteons*, (it way to the firm of Moue & chamfer. emirates well with previous sealants. Re- hettee•a widow sad six children.
Albanian Gees After His Debtor With a
Revolver at Galt.
Galt. rely. 17.--A tively scene WaS en-
neted on eaturday in the moulding shop
of tire Gohlie & efeCultoch Company,
when Evift Goatees, a husky Albanian,
employed in the works, rushed at his
mitre; brother, &new Petro, with
loaded revolver, and enapped the trigger
four finite. retekily the hardwnre telt
elm Nord the oettit eupplioa Idift with
rim -fire eartridges. while the revolver
ens the centre -fire pattern.
II appears Petro owed his brother -M-
ita- $10, whieh be ere; tardy in repitying.
17elli-e. the al tare. Georgius isVOW
100,011 np oil a eliarge of attempted
nrin der.
Dotted Matheson, 0, T, 1 Employee,
PasseS Away Suddenly at Stratford.
'sew yoylt, Fob. IL -Twenty den
ewe 'Waite hurt and. 145 others. more or
Mee seriously injurea is tlie result of
the wreck of an elect* .express train
on the New York Central Railroad at
203th Street and Webster Avenue last
night. Of the large number of in
jilted fifty, aecordieg to hospital and
police reports, are .seriously hurt, and
the death list may inereau within tne
next twenty-four hours. Most of the
others are. statue% from laverations 01
hock and will recover.
Pollowitig to it complete and revised
liet of the dead; .1We. Moreno Brady,
Cloideuebridge, died 111 Lincoln Hos-
pital; Miss Little Etwele stenographer,
ilawtherue; Myron It, 13vann, White
elains; eirs. Katherine le, Earrauth
Pleasantville; . Miss Jessie Jubin,
whetter,. White Plaine; Mrs, Mary
Ranch, Chapeaqua; Clara. It, Hudson,
Minneapolis,: liras, ...knie II. 'Mee
Lain, wiclow, aged 00, sister-in-law of
Superintendent Lyoue, of the Blooming-
dale Dwane tesyltun; Miss Aunie eioor-
head, Briarcliff° Manor also reportea
as ;formerly a resident of Pittsburg,
Pe.• Page, Wbite Plains; Cornel-
ius 'Kelly, North; Robert J. Ros-
borougle White Plains, employee of te,
& .1. elven°, New York eity,e Juane*
Storm Bedford Station; Mrs. Isaac b.
Webeeer. White Plaino; Miss Bessie See,
Pleasantville; Niece .Aatuie eievoui,
serving, White Plains; Elsie D. Warren)
New York; Mary Beals, New York
city- Mrs, Dorothy W. Perrin, New
Yorit city; Mrs. E. F. Newcomb, Poke,
Wyoming couaty, N,
elte seriously Injured: Ira J. Dutton,
White Plains: Emily Fendrock, White
Mains • Miss Belle Fowler, Pleasantville;
ear:di:Merritt, Pleasentville dengerous-
ly; Mar„oaret Muttony, Station.
.ballerit Moll, .1101414 Kt00; thlines A.
MeNieliol, New York eity; ,Annie O'Shea,
%White Plains. Mabel Smith, aged 23,
Oneonta, prob'ably fatally; Elsie Sniff -me
Elmwood, probably fatally; Jose-
phine Share, Briatcliffe Manor; Char -
lotto Young, Pleasantville; unknown
girt, unconscious in Ferdhain Hospital,
skull fractured, There arc besides at
least 125 with injuries more or lei pate -
The train, filled with matinee crowd')
tee} .commuters, tette made tip of two
electric motors, Si couthinatioa baggage
.and smoking car and four passenger
coaches. It Ieft the Grand Central at
6,13 o'clock, the first sekeduled stop
ing White Plains. It was miming at a
high speed when it reached Woodlawn
road, where there is a sharp curve. The
motors and the forward ear took the
curve. safely, but the following coachee
were derailed, and, tumbling on one side,
WCre dragged one hundred yards before
the couplings gave way and the four
ears piled together in ruins at the foot
of a IOW peeled:meat A sheet of flame
enveloped the rear car and for a mo-
ment threatened to roasts the victims pin-
ioned the debris.
But the flames -did not speead, and a
holocaust was averted., As the cars fell
they .sinashed the- eltird rail, breaking the
current and ending danger feout this
source. But in, the terrible crash many
met death, while practically every one
else in the eoachee received injuries of
some sort. Many were ground to pieces,
and for hours identification was almost
hopeless. As the ears went over many
of the passengers were huried, against
or through the windows, and thus were
cut and maimed.
Ottawa, Feb, 18. -3y the .explesion of
three canes of .blasting powder on Nor-
man street, near _Rochester, this morn -
no outhouse hi wbieh the explosive
. wee stored was blown to pieces, the win-
dows of all the 11Oarby houeee were
sintuthed, and Unmet Berne, a thy em-
ployee, was thrown to the ground anti
stunned. Tee accident occurred at 8
lo'elock, It is thought the powder had
become overheated.
The powder was the property of tlie
city, a»d was being used by a gang of
men who are laying a water main on
Norman street. There were about forty
men en the job, and it was the greatest
it t
e, good fortune that all escaped tt liott
serious lejury.
Coroner Schwannicke saki to -day
that he had secured a statement from
eletorman Rogers of the wreeked tram.
In this, .according to the Coroner, the
motorman said that he was running on
echethile time when the accident oc-
curred, and. he Admitted that the speed
of his train was seventy. ranee an hour.
Rogers, the Coroner mid, deelnree that
he -did not know anything was wrong
until an eighth of a, mile beyond the
plaee of derailment Then, said the Cor-
oner, it was mother eighth of a nine
before the motors came to it standstill.
Rogers declared the motors did not
leave the traeks. The Coroner is
positive that. the notore did leave the
tracks, And has it piece of a rail which
Ite says will prove that the rails were
out of alignment,
The Coroner ht e obtained statements
from some of the passengers that the
traiat WAS miming et a speed whieh
frightened .them, that -several declare
they were so alarmed 'that "they put.
on their overshoes in the third ear and
went te the rear car, believing there
Was less danger there."
:Myron. E. Evans, of White Plains,.
one of those killed inethe wreck, wee
President of the Cape Breton R. leg
anu was one of the best known cone
suttee*. engineers in the country.
MalEvans. was on his way to his
home in White Plains front his office
He had spent most of tlie day
at the roffiees of the 'Cape Breton Rale
way at 11 Pine street, in consultation
%vita the board of directors over the plan
to extend the road from Saint Peter's,
C. B., to Louieburge Canada He hur-
ried from the coeference to catch the
fatal train.
In the -engineering world Mr. Evans
bore a. nom wont' to few iit proinho
mire, and lie was onsidered the great-
est expert upon Canadian railway pre-
emie; and development in the colue
try.. lie Wan a tunther of the Amer -
icon Society of Civil Engineers. He
leaves it family in White rIttlEnt.
Bloomington, Ill., Feb. I8. --The moo
ters of the Noma Christian Church yes-
terday eontributed $1,000 to eover tho
alleged ahorta,ge of $1,300 in the ae.
eounta of Helen Dixon, the young woman
custodian of the organ font-1.30es Dixon,
who was indieted by the grand jury on
ititurdity for embezzlement, forgery and
lamely. took $1,200. whkh balI bowl
raised for the purchase of the new Church
vegan. nhe aent it to hey bro-
Waistcoats That Dazzle -Suspicion of
Grey Appearing in Menet Eeetline
Coats, Fealced Lapels Being Fatth
. New 'York, Feb. 18. --If it were true
that a man is town by the clothes he
tveors 11 wouldn't be safe to appear be
km Fulton atreet dead lino in some of
the faney waisteorits being exhibited at
the Hotel Aetor in connection with the
coevention of the Merchant Tailors' Rae
tional Excleause.
It is admitted by the more conserva-
tive of the tailors that wall paper ef-
fects bound with gilt cord and mite -
tion Monona buttons are a. trifle ex-
treme. There is not one of them, how-
ever, who would not face death rather
than appear in a dd.uner coat cut with
anythieg but peaked lapels. What is
IllOre, they would dare appear in evening
clothes shaded from the proverbial dead
0ord and Cambridge. dotes are the
names they give to the variation from
the ideal of a century, The former has Office: Meyer Block Winghams,
just it suspicion ef gray and the latter a
triflemore white wovi
en nto it. They all
declare We the proper caper now, only
00 one is ready to give statieties as to
the number of such .suits Ito bus sold.
There leen eventing dress coat of the 1 ARRISTER AND SOLICITOR,
vintage of '42 on exhibtion. To the titan
in the street who looks upon clothed as MONEY TO Losx
neeessity rather than an art the old
-coat doesn't seem far removed front tbe Office :--Morton Block, Nifinglima
"latest thing in eutawaye" bound with
flat braid and harking back to Itin first
custom made suit if he happens to have
been a boy in the eighties.
All the tailors agree that braid's. the
thing now. They have it not only on
coats, eitt on waistcoats as well. So
much so, in fact, thae sometimes you
think you are looking at au exhibition
of braid rather than at something 80810- (tarty on the cavil er premium notesoarturrsysteect,
body miglit wear if he really eidiet tem 1i„s, Gomm;
ORAL Dernoiscre,
Ivitat happened to him.
Collars on waistcoats and. cuffs on Peeeidenb.
coats are imitated by the ever present J0H1t1 RITCHIE,
braid, only here aud there the braid 4-GENt• Wr....10/LILX
gives place to cording.
If you happen to own one of those
shaped overcoats, borrow one with a
box effect, the tailors say- not quite
it bag, only not too closely following che
lines of the figure.
Sack eoate by the way, are to bare
only two batons, so fashion as ob-
served by the National Exebauge has
decreed. They are not shortened from
the effect prevalent this wi»tetie to any TRADE MARKS
considerabie degree and are less extreme COPDESIGNS
in cut in this respect Anyone sending 5 sketch and desert:3qm mar
Mg tints on exhibition, although the qutakty escertain our opinion free whe her an
invention Is probablypatentahla,
Mouse color and blues are the prevail -
Mons strletponOdentia. HANDDJOI, on Pewee
browns are kat iforgotten. ()reroute
generally Mitten through, instead of env-
ine a fly. Evening waistcoats are cut in
eshape more decidedly than ever, ana
the coats have dipping fronts instimd of
being cut squarely across in front.
The WIngham Ranee
me, Hell proptiete.
46C ilteriiCiAtitt SURGEON
OtAco:-Vrotolra iii the itac4o4611
Night collo owowerod 4 saw
T P. KENNEDY) •4.0., No.c.r,swo
J', 00100S ot the British Neiliem,
4604 attention paid to Diseases of woes*
and children.
0141109 p.ra,; ?tot sum.
R.. Q. (1111
Physician and Surgeon.
(Moo "Oh Dr, DhishOlMi
ikETittat J. MIN
.844 ADA
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the rip.
nsylvanits College 404 Lanantiate oS
Dental Surgery of Ontario.
oleos over Post elnee-WINGILtele
• SARRISTER AND souorron
&Loney to loon at loweatratme. Offtet
745, WINONA/4
Barristers, Solicitors, etc.
E,14. Dickinson Duals, Sam*
!teed Ogles GUELPH, ONT.
Risks taken eh all elute* Of huorrahim pg
sent free. mast ngeney for secure:4e patents.
Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive
spectaltedice,trIth.out chum°, In the
Ahandsomely illustrated tvenkly. Largest eir.
Scientific American.
cwatto,Lot any scientific journal. Terms, $3
Year; four months, 91. 8010 bean newsdealer,
NIUNN Co 3618rearrwaY' New York
Branch Mee, St.. Washington, D. C.
Buffalo, Feb. 17. -Thomas Irwin, who
says that his home is 300 Sumach street,
Toronto, attracted attention in South
Buffalo yesterday by saying that he had
been delegated by Daley, of San Fran-
•eisco, to look out for fires. He tried to
elimb telegraph poles and to get into
buildings and was arrested by Sergeant
Other hallucinations of Irwin were
that he owned Buffalo and had las sine
pine money invested itt camels ia Asia
Minor. He had $325 on his person. Ite
will be examined to -day.
4 •
Port Hume 'Mich., Fele 18. -Bleeding
ansi unoonscious, <Ian Gibson, who gives
hie home as Dresden, Ont., was found
in an alley on Sunday. When kelt&
to the county jail it was learned that
the num was almost frozen to .dentle He
wee so mine) from exposure when he was
received teat he meld not amount for
the blood on his- face and Mutate The
police say they wilt detain Gibson on
tuspiciou that he ie Otte of the gang of
elite blowers who aynamited a safe at
Dreteten a few nights ago and 'secured
Omit $13.
Paris, Feb. 18. --During the afternoon
the prospect of the Cabinet surviving
wightened fie the result of a. conference
between Premier Clemenceau and mem.
bets of his Cabinet, nod a semeofficial
tote was issued announeing that it ronn
plete agreement had beett reached and
that M. Clemenceett would be able to
oport to M. Fallieres that the Minietry
mild present n. utfitea front in Patna.
meet to -morrow.
New York, Fele 18.-T1ie Tribune to-
day says; The ravel of railroad nevi -
:lents nett deaths end injuries resulting
trent thou in this country for the last
eiX »torahs is astounding, According to
the »ewepaper reeords front August 1,
1906, to date, there have Nen forty-nine
wreks, serione enough to cense injury
• for lose of life.
rtiy resulted in 1
7he1351lt i
I initv of 4
sons. TI:e mon Ith t gnat1
eord was 3stiusty, when 20 wrecks of.
• Italler to Present a Statue.
London, 1%, lt---The Xing has ite
Apeeted and approved 4 site at 'MO
south feint ef Ievnefing•ton lednee for
Maim. ef \Wilma ItI., White) i t -i
preemie(' to the Ring for the eation
4, Emperor Willlient.
Write for our interesting books "Wept;
or's Help" and "How you are soft:MO.
vention orimprovement aed wewinta you
Send us a rough sketch or model of yeti -
free our opintom as to whetter it is ptob y
patentable. Rejected epplications hared/ten
thee:: successfully presecuted by us. We
?conduct fully equipped offices in MatltrCa)
and Washington; this qualifies us to /preftla-
L _P:tortt Expert; and Soilettors. ;
ly dispatch work and quickly secure Patents
its bro id as the invention, Highestreferences
Patents procured through Marion & Ma.
rion receive special notice without charge In
over too newspapers distributed throughout
tbe 0- minion.
tuSrePeers aleintrd R:Taispaateeeurts,busieess vi Mauufac.
ffimo I New York Lift 13.1Mg, Hontreal5
4, Athletic Bldg Weeitinnton D.C.
Yardman at Falls Killed While Making
a Coupling,
Niagara, Falls, Ont., Feb. 17.- Roy
Cooper, aged 21 years, Lirand Trunk
yardman, had his head angled bettveen
the beams of two coaches) while, it is
supposed, he was fastening the coupling
chains about 9 o'cloelt Gee morning.
When 'the engineer, Mulligan'released the
oetetnafiliponhtebn:tticed the body of Cooper fall
alive eteqtu
11 tittb
ee eati;t Iirca
ad wttthe
s still
when picked
City Irospital.
Lady Pole -Carew Wins Prize in London
Paper Competition.
Loudon, Fele 17. --The Evening. News
amunintes the result t 1 at plebiseite
lfltsiialeistoi11tre On 111itieaiiifllvzpIin.raitoL
Lady Beatrice Pol(i•Carew heads the
list with au iwerivitelming- Into, fill -
lowed Ly Lady Helm Viineent, Pale
st:tvage 1.Il:8; -f 1k'.,
1 , ailetitil)"01'y1i1:81:ie2itiM1i:1nr ieft1el.174
se enres the fiftli and sixth
Owe, with Tilia Neiliel nal Eveln
Infants of Mrs. Cartwright Illused and
Kept Without Food,
Brockville, Feb. 17, --Tor: act
to the point sir ago t tie
efe,a Mrs-. Careeteleat, •tiletg
near tee Visiage of 1.4*Istle
brought to the 1 hil•lient; ell to hie'
her on Saturday by ;egged Trent. '1.1 1'
children, throe years one eirze
mouths, respeetivety, were vietime (51
their mother, who not 4,1)1'.' abutel the 15
Wily, hut let them eo wale) tt f •oci tta'
days and compelled. 'Caen to 1410.11, ,0
trlitilt at night.
Stewart 117. Illighee. tif Toronto. O.e.:
eleetea preeillont e The intettet; kn.)!
Master nottee :110
Afottolution by iterlamation, in conven-
Hon here.