HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-02-14, Page 5711
„I„ Isstaat
Advantages of
Buying Your
Clothing Now..
Never before were such prices
given as aro quoted below. Stock.
must be reduced in order to make
room for New Goods. It is your
chance to save some money—we're
the losers. Study these prices.
Fancy Tweed Suits in Youths' and Men's sea-
sonable goods, Sizes from 33 to 39, worth
from $5 5o to $7.5o—Your choice for $4,00
Men's Fancy Tweeds, sizes 36 to 44, regular
$6.75, $7.00, $7,75—Your choice for $4,50
Men's Black and Navy Serge Suits, sizes 36
to 44, regular $9.00, $9.5o and $lio.00--
Your choice for $6.00
6 Suits only, in Fancy Worsteds and Tweeds,
= sizes 40 to 46, worth from $9.00 to $12
—Your choice for.. ............ $6.00
Ftrnshngs at a Dsount.
We are giving a straight discount of 25 . per
cent. off all lines we sell; and we sell everything
a man wears. No old goods in stock.
McGee & Campbell
Successors to The R. Ii. Crowder Co.
0. LL�_�
Mr. R. D. Cameron, P. H. 0. R., I.
0. F., gave an address in St. Mary's
last week on the merits and benefits
of the order.
Miss Nellie Somerville, of Wawa -
nosh, was married at the home of her
cousin, Mrs, W. Connell, on Wednes-
day evening to Mr. Harvey Anderson,
of Alberta. The young couple will
make their home in the West.
Mr. R. Vanstone, Wingham, pre-
sided as judge at the division court
here, 'Wednesday of last week and
disposed of quite a large docket.
Lawyers Morrison and Malcomson re-
presented the various contestants.
Mr. Jimmy Hunter of Lucknow has
accepted the challenge given him by
Wingham Curlers, of four players
res from each side, 60 years of age, to play
a friendly match. One game to be
played'in Lucknow and one game in'
Wingham, and the team making the
largest score in points to be 'win-
Messrs. J. iildred, D. 0. Taylor and
Miss Annie Joynt took part in a de-
bate at Teeswater with members of
the Epworth League there on Tues-
day evening. Mrs. Ham and the
Presbyterian minister of Teeswater
acted as judges, and were felly per-
suaded by the Local orators that en-
vironment has more influence on char-
acter than heredity.
The interment took place at Kinloss
cemetery on Monday afternoon of the
late Alexander McKenzie, who died at
his home, lot 20, eon. 9, Kinloss, on
Saturday morning last, after an ill-
ness extended over a period of one
year, - Deceased, who was in his 21st
year, hacl spent some time in the
West tit Abernethy and Indian Head
and returned home about a year
Struck By Lightning
Neatly describes the celerity of
Putnam's Corn Extractor. Roots
corns out in short order. Causes no
pain, leaves no scar, and gives perfect
satisfaction. Remember there is only
one "best" — that's Putnam's — fifty
years in use.
A quiet wedding was solemnized on
Wednesday of last week at the home
of Mrs. T. Douse, 13th con. of Culross,
when she and Mr. Win. Baptist, sr.,
were united in marriage. Rev. S. V.
R. Pentland officiated.
Mrs. McAulay, who, on account of
illness, was a few weeks ago moved
from Ripley to the home of her son.
in-law, Mr. John McDonald of Tees•
water, is reported as not making any
progress towards recovery.
Mrs. George Casliek of the village,
who last week was reported very low
from paralysis, died on Friday even-
ing. Mrs. Caslick's maiden name was
Hannah McKenzie and she was the
second wife of Mr. Caslick. She was
70 years of age. Besides a husbancl
she leaves to mourn her loss a daugh-
ter, Mrs. Geo. Harkness of town, and
a son, Mr. John Caslick of the 3rd con,
of Culross.
Mr. Angus McVicar of the 4th con„
whose serious illness was reported last
week, passed peacefully away to the
great beyond on the afternoon of
Thursday, Jan. 31st. Deceased had
been in declining health for the last
two or three years and death was due
to a natural wearing out of the con-
stitution.. IIe had reached the ripe
old age of ninety years, and was well
known as one of the early residents of
the township, having come to Culross
from North Uist, Inverness Shire,
Scotland, in the year 1864.
fir. VattStan'sPine-appleTablets
Doesn't it stan(i to reason that manse her-
self has in herself a cure for our ills --and
doesn't it stand to reason that nature rebels
at many of the nauseous so tailed remedies,
that pass ns eines for stomach ailments?—
Dr. Von Stan pine -apple Tablets are na-
tire's cure in very deed, because they're
purely vegetable end are extracted front one
`-( of the most luscious fruits that grows—and
what a been they have proved themselves to
be, is best expressed in the hundreds of un
witched testimonials that could be printed
here—and which will be produced if you're
a bit credulous,
How is your stomach affected? --Do you
have sour stomach --distress after eating—
weight on the stomach—wind on the stomach
—Lou of appetite—dizzineat --nauseam-sick
headache and ether uncomfortable derange-
ments? --the first tablet will give you relief
and persistance will cure -and there's no
case of stomach trouble so stubborn as to
baffle Dr. Von Stan's Pine -apple 'Tablets.
3s cents a box at ail Druggist and medicine dealers. 7
For ;Sale 13y A. L. UA1Hlxr rola.
Doul Use (creasy Llahltents.
A. century ago they were popular.
To -(lay people want something easy to
apply,. certain in results, 411)(1 above all
a clean liniment. When Nerviline is
applied aches and pains disappear as
the pores absorb its soothing healing
properties.. Nervlline penetrates to
the core of the pain, eases instantly,.
and leaves no oily bad smelling
memory behind. flood to take In,
capital to tub on, and five times
more powerful in destroying pain
than any oily liniment. Don't fad to
get e large 25e bottle.
i .
Rev, W. E. Kerr, and Rev, Joliffe
have both been invited to remain an -0
other year as pastors of Clinton
Rev, W. D. Magee, pastor of the
Baptist ch,ucch, is not only populate
here but his fume has evidently
spread abroad for he last week reedy -
al a very pressing invitation to Tavi-
stoclr. and Eatst'Lorra churches, but it
is likely he will remain here.
The revival services opened accord-
ing to the announcement on Sunday
last. Large audiences were in attend-
ance. In sermon, exhortation and
song the Misses Hall are highly
The farmers in the vicinity of Wal-
kerburne on the 13th con. of Hullett
etre desirous of having a post -office
located in their midst and their claims
are good for the nearest, office is Au-
four zz ft1) rt t i1c
John Elliott, of the London Ilond,
Tneker4tttith, a short distauce below
Clinton, experienced a heavy loss dur-
ing the last few .days, by the infection
of a drove of 85 pigs with hog cholera.
The animals bad been dying for some
time, until be had lost fifty of them,
and he diel not consult a Veterinary
nntil last week, as he could not ac-
count for their death. The moment
Dr, Evans was consulted he pronounc•.
ed it hog cholera, and sent to Chat.
hang for Mr. Perdue, a government in.
specter, who on seeing the animals
last week, at once ordered the balance,
some 35, tobe killed. Among them
were 8 large sows, heavy with pig,
He will receive $233 front the govern-
ment, which pays two-thirds of the
value of animals killed,
Some time ago Mr. Thos, Mason, of
town, shipped 140 head of sheep and
lambs, on the order of Mr. Collier, of
Cayuga, to Buffalo, as they were in-
tended for export to the old country
via Baltimore. At Fort brie they
were inspected find passed, and at
Buffalo they were also inspected and
passed. For some reason they were
afterwards seized by the Canadian
Inspector at Fort Erie, and brought
hack to Toronto, where they were all
siaeghtere(d under orders) of the Do-
minion Government Inspector, on the
Bgood of having scab.
Mr. Mason
had two urea at Toronto looking after
his interests,, who claim that the anl-
inale had no disease whatever, Mr.
Mason is trying to secnt'e a peaceable
settlement for the sheep, being un-
willing to accept the percentage of
price offered by the government, be-
lieving, as he does, that they were
slaughtered without cause, Mr. Ten-
nant, of London, a Government In-
spector, cavae here and visited every
place where Mr, Mason had bought
any of the sheep, and did not find the
slightest trace of scab.
Select Your Medicine With Cue,
In debility and weakness medicine
should be mild and far reaching.
Many pills and purgative are too
harsh, are drastic instead of curative.
Excessive action is always followed by
depression, and knowing this, Dr.
Hamilton devised his pills of Man-
drake & Butternut so as. to mildly in-
crease liver and kidney activity, flush
out the elementary canal, tone ' and
regulate the bowels. Thus do Dr.
Hamilton's Pills eliminate poisons
from the body, restore clearness to
the skin, bring strength and that
sweet restorer of health—sleep. Best
medicine on earth, 25c per box at all
St�c1: Slaughtered
Regardless o' Cost.
No Goods Charged
Trade Taken Same as Cash
Macdonald BI.ock, Wingham.
" Tiny ' Manlo Leat'
Rubbers and keen your
toot dry and warm."--
Wirolessfrom 'the old
woman twho lived in
a shoo,"
Made of the best
.'are gum, cut to fit
snugly a n d accurately,
"Maple Leaf Rubbers"
present a thoroughly
waterproof surface.
Keep your feet dry and
warm in the wettest kind
of weather.
Rubber boot illustrated
is thoroughly waterproof
and doubly strengthened
at points whore wear is
For Sale by G. B. GREEN
I-.i-a•21111e611= ilarm...,
The heading Store
Wingham'a Brightest Busiest and B
Ends of Dress Goods, Silks, Coat-
ings, Waistings, Muslins, Table Linens,
1 Table Oilcloth, Prints, Wrapperettes,
Flannelettes,Ginghams, G nghams, Sh>.rtings, Cot-
tonades, Cottons, Tickings, Carpets,
Oilcloths, Mattings, Ribbons, Laces,
Embroideries, Insertions, &c.
Broken Lines
of Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Under-
wear, Waists, Wrappers, Ladies' Coats,
Hats and Caps, Overcoats, Men's Suits,
Boys' Suits, Pants, Smocks, Overalls,
Boots,- Shoes, Rubbers, &c. All these
ODDS and ENDS must be cleared
out that we may have room to display
our Spring Goods now coming in.
A new smoke stack has been put in
plaee at the Electric Light power
house by Thuell Bros.
It is reported that W. F. Stewart
has disposed of his flourishing mill to
Pryne, of Toronto, a practical
millman, who is expected to take pos-
session in the course of a week.
There were about 20 horses changed
hands at Brussels monthly Horse Fair
on Thursday of last week. Some ten
buyers were here, Next Fair will be
held on Thursday, Feb. 28th. Mark it
Quietly and peacefully came the
close of life to Mrs. Wan. Pawson, at
the home of CVm. Gordon, Flora St.,
13russels, on Tuesday afternoon. She
had been up to breakfast and had con-
versed with friends as cheery as usual
and it was a matter of sad surprise
that almost without warning she was
called away,
The Brussels Oil Company suffered
a loss last Sunday night by fire at
the scene of operations in Elma, by
which the shed over the engine was
destroyed and injury done to the en-
gine and belting. Fire was an incendi-
ary character, if all that is said is true.
The derrick was not injured. Some-
body is looking for an excursion trip
to Kingston and extended holidays in
a government institution in that city
and they may get it sooner than they
Last Friday the summons of the
Master came to Mrs. Oliver Smith and
she passed away from the earthly
tabernacle to the home of many man-
sions in her 92nd year. Deceased
whose maiden name was Helen
Waters, was born in Roxboro'shire,
Scotland, where she was also married
to her late husband, Oliver Smith, 72
years ago, In Juno 1800 they carne to
Canada, locating on lot 6, eon. ii, Grey,
which had been taken np by their
son, Thomas, who crossed the Atlantic
10 years prior. Mr. Smith died 28
years ago, aged 71 years, and since
this Islrs. Smith has tirade her home
with her son, John. She was a
bright, happy woman, who possessed
her faculties to a marked degree eon -1
shifting her great age.
Be A Strong Man
Increase your vitality and nerve en-
ergy, restore vino and force to your
overworked body. Ferrozane will do
this as it flits for Walter Wood of
Eauport, N. 13., who writes :—j"I can
say S, errozone has given ane a nese
lease of life, A year ago I suffered so
from nervous exhaustion I was sear( e
ly able to drag myself around. My
appetite was gone, I had no color or
ambition and felt used up. One box
Of h'errozane started me back to
health. I took It number of lynxes and
my health was completely restored."
For men who are tired, nervous and
thin -blooded nothing comperes with
Frsrroaone,110e per box at alt dealers.
W. J. PRiCE, L,D.S., D.D.S.
(Successor to Dr. Holloway)
Will continue the practice in the Office
lately occupied by Dr. Holloway, in
the Beaver Block, Wingham.
Anyone desiring a
particularly desirable five
per cent. investment,
kindly call on
Loan & Insurance Agt,
Machine Works.
Having a first•class machinist, I am
prepared to do all kinds of repairing
ou the shortest notice ; also castings
made to order.
I am building a few PORTABLE
SAWING MACHINES -.they're some-
thing new. Cali and inspect before
placing your order elsewhere.
A Call Solicited.
At the Old Stand on Victoria St.
Rival Herb Tablets
for Stomach, Liver, Kidneys,
and for oleanaing the Blood—
there is nothing better.
200 Days' Treatment $I,00
Trial Package -80 Days'
Treatment -25o,
At all Druggists, and W. btcKibbon,
Wingham. Wholesale from The Rival
Herb Agency, Kincardine, Ont.
You Make
A Mistake
If you buy a Piano with -
mit seeing our stock, comparing
prices and taking into account
the gnality of the instrument.
All the beat makes always in
stock Reintztnan, Newcombe,
Dotninion, and others.
Also Organs, and the very
beat Sewing Machines.
lid - this, Jkating /link