HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-02-14, Page 37 -.7,7771r. Annexe. STORNOWAY. 11.1,8; OA.PITAL OF TUN IIMUMS, The Diland of LeWie, lying 180 mace lierthwest of Oben and about itt from the mainland, ben become Almon, all over the English spealsing world, ow.. ing in great ineamire to William Iliaclee "Princess of Thule," Mika' haa done tor tine organ, a the 11el:irides what Scotta ,nove nul for the Border country. It Li forty milee long and about eixteea in breadth, find aunuelly there flock to its eliores thousands ef entlomiaetie tem- ists, who fina inStornowey n. mow- eource of wonder and delight, liar aver two centuries the name ot Nene forth wile synonymous with eovereignty In the island, for, as a newepaper of 1,11,1 day Put it, the old family "pla,yea itex" there, and the ileferenee pai&t to them was certainly equal to that paid e1e. swhere to royalty. By a- eharter dated MOtli September, 1326, the Hon, Mary Frederic% lilizabeth Stewaraditaclaeuzie empowered the fetiena a Stornoway to elect nine of their number to be magis- trates and councilliors, two of whom were to be bailie% one to be treasurer, and the other six councillor% The char.. ter defined the powers .and duties of the magistrete, epeeial atipulation being made thht the election should be with- out prejudice to the powor in reapeot of the town which had been conferrea by royal charter. In the May previous to that the island, with the oteeption the parish of Stornoway, was exposed for sale; ana though the upset price Wae £137,3$4 124. •4d,, it realized £160,i 000, the purehaeer being Mr. Stewart MacKenzie. But nineteen years later it passed finally out of the hands of the family who had held it for close on 234 years; for in 1844 Lewis was sold to Mr. (afterwards air) Sutherland Matheson, of the family of Achany and Shiners in Sutherlandshire, for the sum of 4190,- Elir James died on the last day of ia without issue, and on the death of his widow. in virtue of the entail it de- volved upon Sir James' nephew, Mr. Don- ald Matheson, wlio in July, 180D, handed over the property to his son, Major Dun- ean. Matheson, the present proprietor. The merchants of Stornoway were a most prosperous body in the first quar- ter of the nineteenth century. They monopolized, the fishing trade by means of the truelcsystem, but after the fail- ure of the kelp the proprietor assumed • the supervision of the industry; and it ia interesting to note that Mr. Stewart - MacKenzie was the first to send a cargo of fresh fish to the London market. According to MacKenzie, the author of the histeny of the Outer Hebrides, illicit distilling was carried on openly in Lewis aa late as 1827, it being no uncommon thing for even the Exciee officer e to be asked, when treated to a "dram," if they e preferred ililoli" or "Gros," both of which farms were celebrated for their stills. Distilleries' were erected in the island to counteract the illicit traffic, which, however, died hard. The great commercial development of Stornoway, however, WW1 almost entire- ly due to the enterprise of Sir James Matheson, who expended enormous sums on improvements and in the establish- ment of steam communication with the mainland. Apart from the halo of ro- mance east upon it by modern novelists, visitors are surprised to find such a. flourishing place in a corner so remote. 'Mt is the head port not only of all the creeks and harbors of the Outer Heb- rides, but also those of Skye and Mull. During the period of the herring fishing the animated sight of some 500 boats leaving the harbor of an evening may be seen, Stornoway being the centre of the . Scottish fishery districts. Before the' days of the energetic Sir James, little more than a narrow belt along the shore was unaer cultivation, the rest being a • dismal expanse of moor and bog. Large tracts were reclahned under the new '.. laird, including that part on whit% , stands Stornoway Castle, grounds whieb , are so beautifully laid off as to com- pare favorably, with any in Setoland. The town is supposed to have derived its name from the point of lana on which it is situated. "Stron" in the language signifies "Nose"; "Stron-aibaigh," three - fore, tile nose of the bay. Tourists who have not had time to call at Stella or Iona usually make an effort to see the rocky chambers of Stor- noway, three of which aro excellent, One of these caves has two apartments, with vaulted roof and finely sanded floor. The sides of the chambers are beautifully oed closely studded with small mussels, : pldeh reflect a variety of colors, in the elear day, to the eye of the observer. The place, however, is only aecessible at spring tides. The sell cave, on the other hand, is the most remarkable on the island. It is about a furlong in length . from the entrance to the -high-water ! mark in the interior. It terminates in a spacious semi-eircle, irregularly arched, . and containing a deep basin of water. Here the roof is very lofty and resplen- dent when viewed. by torchlight, the • icicles of stalactites suspended from the roof reflecting the light like so many ' diamonds. In this cave, tradition says, • once took place a big slaughter of seal% but, finding their retreat discovered, they ceased to iallabit the halls of their ancestors. The strikingly rich and grand drapery of the evening and morning clouds in • the vicinity of Lewis forms a general j ',object of remark among all who visit the island, while it is usually agreed • that here the brillianey of the aurora Pee bandit; enepa.isee nay appeeranee of the kind on tle• rimininud.-eleattish Pieta, LAST MAU TO numt Luounow 1. An Intereeting Mei:lent of the Indian Mutiny ie rivalled by the death at Nairn oe Chrieteete morniree of Sergeant Alexi nyder aitemliernon, of the laird Misers. lie formed part of the farce in the bar. noire, of Luelinow when tar Cohn Camp . - nett came to lei Inetruefions had been retedveil from Sir Colin to evacuate the barracke, and Maceaterson was the one W10) warned the men to be in ree.dir When the lime eame, however, he wae so fatieued Old he was found asleep in nie men que vitae, and leul to be awak- ened by one of bia cenneeles. lle again fell yokel:, and when lie awoke in lamed daylieht be found that he was the only tine left in Lucknow, with a horde of Sepoya ready to Deemer. The wells of the fortress were lined with Sepoye, and the loopholee glintened with muskets. Sandy relatee the incident as follows: "I sant to myself, it" all up with you title time, Sandy Baepherson but it'a better to be sbot than to be MAW, so I tight- ened my belt and shouldered my rifle, and went forth in full marching order in the face of the blacks." The Sepoys sein- ed bewildered by his audacity, and when they came to their senses shortly after- ward:I a volley was sent after him, one of the shote grazing his leg. Taking to his heels, he was followed by the Sepoya, but was able to hide in the long grime uetil darkness set in, when, after wan. (Tering about, a picket of the British army came across him and escorted him to camp. The guard took bim before an officer, who refused to believe his story, and if it had not been for a young sub- oltern of his own regiment who inter- posed he would probably have been treated as a deserter •Sandy afterwards appeared before Sir Colin, who was greatly interested in his adventure and, after questioning him regarding the en: emy, Sir Colin dismissed him, saying: "Go now, Sergeant Macpherson, but take care you never eleep in again. You were tlia Met man to leave Lueknow'be sure and. be the first to enter it when. you are called." DEADLY CA GRIPPE. ••••••••••••••/, Canada Again Being Ravished by an Epidemic of This Disease. Winter after winter Canada is wept from ocean to ocean by an epedemio of la, grippe or influenza, It is one of the deadliest troubles known to our elimate. It atolls with a eneeze -and ends with a complication. Itlays the strong man on his back; It tortares him with fever and chills; headitebes and backaches. Ib leave" the eufferer an easy prey to pneumonia, bronchitis, consumption and other deadly • diseases. You can avoid la grippe by for- , tifying your .systeon with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. You ean cure its disas- trous after effects with this same ; m'edicine, These - pills patel. tom; tleY euro You; they up -build you; , they banish all evil after effects. Dr, Williams' Pink Pills ward off all win- ter ailments. Thee cure all blood and nerve disorders. They are the greatest blood -builder and nerver tonic 1 science has yet discovered. Ask your neighbonst no matter where you live, and you will learn of someone who Inas been °urea by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills after other medieines have failed, It is on the unbiased evidence of your neigh- bors that we ask you. to give Male pills a fair trial if yeti are sick or ailing. Mrs, Emma Doucet, St . Eulalle, Que., says: Words can hardly express my gra- titude for what Dr. Williams' Pink Pill ha,ve done for me, had an attack of la grippe which left Illa a sufferer from headaches and pain in the stomach. I used several medieinee but found noth- ing to help ,me until I took Dr. liVilliaime' Pink Villa. When I began them I was weak and very much run down. The pills have not only fully restored my health, but I gained. in flesh while taking thein. I recommend them to all sufferers." You ean get the,se pills from any medi- cine dealer or by inail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from the 1)r. Win llama Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. *so .fEtt DOWN fLIGHT Of STEPS r .0vere' eat who heard bar wits may too ;411Xielle to give her free tuition, proud! to help her ono Rani ou the road to , • hulk which she was destined so soott to i travel. Than Kubelik Paine upon th „ Nene. 14,143 lIali listened 811-e114/011114 to I l'it(WED ZA14"'BUK BgEDIFflREN ltslileNix511,,RPi- hie brilliant performanee, luta with th courage of youth, waylaid him ctli hill ex One of the most valuable volute II; iir°14 Vie °,4"rtselhallrtt„„,outl 1)‘18,0,4,,elltil about Zam-Buk, the herbal balm, re the riae'alteae4tuianersoittYli Vt'illed4isr"--urprsigleW 4:t ..11 variety of URI to Wilieh it Mit be ap- plied, Mee. A. Livernoie, of l31 teydenitani 4Plaid3:14111161411 tt()Wittilihe tegnineree°11htreliet:elufelei,%11 street, Toronto, says: ee a young vie in 3 W10 Ill le Zuni -link for colds on title lei= ti-in'ti of oregsene•tlint iiilt ititowlitatniulerlilit:refe0:(htiltellag seuni found when rubLed well in it gave 1,,i on im, eentaxy ea, wee west inn almoet instant relief to the "tieht- t - nese awl estufm,84.„ ono dai: , to Me brave little girl, for she wee the fell to the bottom. My right arin was anil only just sixteen mei 001 "inne lutist g 0 et li ' r, l' Q 16 1 gl .e" 14 Blipped when deseending the stairs ciune quite stiff, living for technique." 'ritet mentor wit terribly discolored end ewollen end be - m i am bad, it ativoy Iii:nv;i1en,ittlatxe‘, tellaeenlg.raitielneto 4.:,fibilz'c.00nel,laiir.ailaRto of Zituelitik I rubbed some on the brute- the necessary money, ana Anse Hall wa ed limb and it was realty surprising how 0,1 her way to plague, quickly it removed the discoloration, i The rnonthe in tale congenia/ abeam cured the Witness, and restored the awn Inhere gilded by au too swiftly, end a to its proper form. Since that time 4 ho.ve had occasiou to use Zenalluk for the end of ta enty num the, so carne rheumatism, and I have found it equally laiNtivial Ibleaeinintihnetiot-pornka,naelaeio•ofikmipslaeieleadu an i good: garrolnik le so uniformly good be told her to go out and conquer th world. It was the same violin whici cause It is composed of the filled her" had been, lent to Kubelik when he mad bal balm% essences, and iniees known lis debut, and its inek wee true to th to medical science, eompounded and eairataired girl, who roused the oriti refined in a special and peeidiar way. cal audiences at Vienna, probably tli It hint ouch high germ -killing power that it is unequalled AO an antiseptio. Its healing virtue is very- great mid as a household balm. ZamsBule is ab- solutely unique. it is a sure cure for enema, Rein blood poison, ulcers, obronie sores, ringworm, children'e rashes, spots, etc. It also cures cuts, burns, bruises, chapped hands, enlarged veins, piles, and all diseased or injured conditions of the skin and adjacent tissues. All drug- gists and stores sell at 50% a box, or post hiee from the ZamiBuk Co., To - route, for price. 6 benefit sent for $2.50, Send one eent for dainty trial box, •••••• . I i eie more Mom to tho 144 4,1ot of I h Coro* Effected by Psychinea GORED ANOTHER WONDERF111 VICTORY eieseseieneeienneeenestinies et e, This yelp]; lady, who lives in Drown*. • ville, near lifoodstock, Ontl tells her own, • story ia 4 few effective worde of bow 'le obtained deliverance from the tersiLde ;. grip of weakness and disease, o • hare to thank rsychine terms prisent beelth. ; trw?ireate ego' was going Into a decline. leQUId 0 sweep the vomit. If meet for it drive I bad to lie tiewii when t • came beck, If 'I wcut fr %V; 01 w o 8 wheel I WM toe i week to lift it Z1: • her y drag myself iterees the Atm i mita net • cerue in t• LIVIT iattfcti. utterly hennas d from %figure My tether would give Inc itemizes until I tprooured e e (benne or weak, nem. I meet play 4, tell:n=111"er° ci people renteree miimprorement. Inste&ed of a little., pee, gnaw I checked, listlesi,. melancholy girl. I ern to-eey - lull of life, reed) for A 404h -ride, a skating f raet11, or an evening mtrty witb. enyone, end n few ennui ago I could not atrugele to ehurch, ea reeds frora my hones. I beam sewer heel the • *lightest mum tokunatrittAtotivatil3liseatte. , 4 Oat i• Thousands of women are using PSY- CHINE, becalm) they know lam ever- • twice that in it they leave a safe friend and deliverer. Psytilifne is a wonderful tonic, purifying. the blood, driving out disease geruee, gives a ravenous appetite, • aids digestion and as,similation of food, and la a positive and absolute cure for dieesse of throat, chest, lungs, stomeele and other organ& It uickly builds up _ the entire System, ma ing sick people well and weak people strong. ROMANCE OF severest in the world, to shouts an cheers of approval. Then same the ehallenge to the Lon don public. With the grehestran o Henry Wooa, who is atm well known in Amerlea, Mee Nall made her first Lon don appearance. Nothing can nosed]) the entliusiaina of that occasion, Sue cess followed success. Miss Hall created a Seneation in all the In S, cities eh vieited on her tour in Americe tev years ago and she will be accorded a great reception when Bile returns to this country shortly, -New York Tele gram. 44 4, More Sense and Less Sebum lt is high time that a lot a expert meriting doctors and yellow journalists rii0TED miiSICIAN;y. 11,2,,,,tabne geopliealitotidteealtiLerroy to -day is =sal by lively imagination •festered by detailed publieation of the A certain stmount of roma,nee sur - theories of doctors. (mr forefathers ate rounds the life of every artist, but the what the wanted, 1 e. rom e romance oi Marie Hall reads like that of springs and brooks with never a though a story book heroine. Born in small of the microbe and they lited to a green. old age. Nye etrain and filter and boi town in England, of humble and hapless parents the baby opened her eyes on „ and examine and test and worry and world of eufferiug and privation. "1 stew and most of es die untimely from Miss Hall digestive trouble if we eseape an opera ribilItY as a'sratiliciettnr 'hold aer one more eoinmon sense, a little less popular eratirablee faon for appendicitis, Let's have a little Played in the oreheetra of the Carl Rosa • science and a whole lot better health. - Opera Company, but he evidently had Milan& Ore., Times, more talent than application and. weighed down with the strenuous necessity of 4, (PRONOUNCED SH<LE14)6 for sale at all druggiets at 50c, and $1.00 per bottle, or at Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, 1 Laboratory, 179 King St. Weet, Toronto. Dr. Root'', Kidney' Pills are a sure and i permanent cure for Rheumatiena, Bright's .Dliseese, Pain in the Back and all forms of Kidney Trouble, 25e per box, at ail , dealers. 1 ing family, he stepped backward rather , pA providing food and raiment for a grow- i LL smir WOMEN then forward in 'his musical weer. At his home, however, musicians were wont.SHOULD READ MISS SCHWALM'S LETTER t oessernble, and these were the brightest moments in Marie Halle cluldhood. There were -several harpists in the Hall family, and it was intended that Marie should also learn this instrument. When still scarcely able to talk plainly she Was accordingly set to practice- on the huge. instrument; which seemed but brutal, neath ber tiny fingers. She want- ed to learn the fiddle, but the wish was not encouraged till, having slyly pram Used some few pieces to surprise her father, there was no longer doubt of the fact that the little girl was divinely gifted in this direction. The surprise was complete, and from that moment Marie wits*alloyed to indulge her prefer - 1 • WHAT IS A DEBENTURE, "You will often heat of a debenture, al- though is a term ueed much more Ire - herr than in other countries. It is rather eard thfne to define, as it Is used to cover several kids of eeourittee; but gen- erally it Is o.'etraple bond or note, Promise to Dee', without epeeist sectirlty be- hind b. It le put in the form of it bond and has the rather high-eounding name of debee- ture to °deli. the unwary, but you always want to know What it Is eeeured Upon. "There ere debentures which are securei by mortgagee, and also by collateral, but tbe word Is used very broadly end is likely to load to tnisaepreldecolon and a troor invest- ment. "/ have now pretty well covered the names of the ,teols ammeters wort 'with,. There are, of mime, many variations, many sub-titiee, many ottehots. Having explatned briefly the meaning of tho terms, we will try to learn nsomething of the ohmmeter and valee at these eecurities and Investments as in- vestments; and bear in mind that I am talk - tug all the time about investments, pertaan- eut places for money for the purpose of get- ting a steady income, end not speculation tilth lutes largo laes be well as gaine). and long berm in divitionde. Be tnust be a good boy who can keep a job in rubber faetory withont getting bounded. once, and the mei) was discarded. A eourse of lessons under a competent nuts - ter was out of the euestton, so the tiny artiet struggled bravely on alone, and under her father's tuition, till a local teethe); interested herself in the child's behalf. She played at the pavement's edeiel Marie Hall, who now takes the highest fee paid for any lady violinist, has actu- ally played in the streets, and her sad eyes, that spoke as loudly as words of the great sorrow -the sorrow of genius battling with starvation -attracted the attention of, passers-by, who dropped spare miles at hee feet. One day, they attracted attention to some purpose. The strain e from the violin must have been unusually pathetic, for the child Marie was asked to eater the house of it gen- tleman of means, who was se struck with her ability, that he then and there determined something must be done. It was arranged that Marie Hall should be sent to London to compete for the newly created Wesseley scholarship at the Royal Academy. She was delirious with delight, and though only fifteen years of age, her young heart beat lightly for the first time, as it swelled with hope for. the future. She went to London, won easily the coveted seholarship, but imagine her despair when it was found to include only the tuition, and that the funds to pay for her living in London were not forthcoming. Down to earth went the lovely air -castles that Marie had built, and back to the pavement's edge went the greatest woman violinist that has ever lived. Is it any wondei that the violin then was almost liumall in its appeal? The sad eyes were sadder than ever, and the slender fingers grew more frail with the burden of crushed hope. However, brighter days were in store, and Canon Pellowee, ef 13rietol, on hear- ing the -wonderful tones drawn from a woree than mediocre via% determined that Marie Hall ,should have a chance to take the posithm waiting for her among 'the great artists of the day. Ho inter- ested a number of people in the porn - child, and she wag sent to London,where • Your: Grandsons Will. Be Old Men Before This "Oshawa" Roof Wears Out Send for FREE book— "Roofing Ri gh t,"— worth your reading. Roof Your building it with "Oshawa" Galvanized Steel, Shingles this year, and that will be a GOOD roof in 2007. We will give you. a Written guarantee, backed by $250,000, that such a Ted, preperly put on, will need no reptiles tlathio painting for at leatit twenty-five vete. HAWK"M STEELd SHINELE yelin make roofs water -tight, wind -proof, weather-proof, rust -proof, fire-prOof for a century, -our plain guarantee keeps it so for 25 years Without a centof Cot to the man WhO buys it' The -4Patilav Paopl:e. Gat the fedi 14VOlof a thirt. of Oshawa Made in ONE QUALITY ONLY,—of 28-guage; aemi.bardened S TEEL double -galvanized They lock on all POUR sitkz-the ONLY METAL shingle that need NO CLEATS. Easy to put on-aham- iner and t snips (tinners' shears) two tools enough. Cost LESS and last longer' than any other root. Tell us the surface area of any roof on your place and we will tell you exactly what it will cost to roof it right. retrofit. °Rowe tendon Williebejf Vr• uolboineStr 42$ Sento OS inmate at. 78 LoMeare Si. gragrect. e Is All Parts of Canada Lydia 13, Ilnhhant'll Vegetable Cm:twined Has affected Similar Cures. - • Many wonderful cures of female ill. are continually coming to light which have been brought about by Lydia E. Pinkhain's Vegetable Compound, and through the advice of Mau. Pinkham, of Lynn, Masa, which is given to sick women absolutely freo of charge. The present Mrs, Pinkham ho for twenty-five years ' made a study of ths ills of her sex; she has eoneulted with and advised thousands of suffering women, who to -day owe not only their health but even life to her helpful advice. Miss Annie E. Schwalm, of 826 Spa. dina Ave., Toronto, Ont., writes: Dear Mrs. lankhara:- / -"I have found Lydia Ie. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound a specific for female weak- ness with which I have been troubled for years. I also had irregular and painful periods whiclt affected my general healtit until last spring. I was only it wreck of my former self. In my affliction / was ad- vised to uso ;your Compound, and am so glad that I did so. I found that in a few short months there was no tmee of female weakness, my strength gradually returned, and in a very short time I considered myself a perfectly well woman. I appre- ciate my good health, and beg to assure you that I ant most grateful to you for discover- ing sucha wonderful remedy for suffering womait." The testimonials which We are con- stantly publishing from grateful women establiell beyond a doubt the power of Lydia E. Pink/meg Vegetable Com- pound to conquer female diseases. ' 1Vomon sinifering from any forna of female weakness are invited to promptly communicate with Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. She Asks nothing In return for her advice. , It is absolutely free, and to thousands of women has preyed to be more precious than gold. A GREAT INVENTION The current Scientific American de- votes considerable space to a description of the new incandescent lamp filament perfected by Prof. IL O. Parker and Wal- ter G. Clark, of Columbia University, which is expected to work a revolution inelectric lighting by the improvement in the miality of the light furnished litit greatly reduced cost, and by he greater economy and life of the lamp, I The name "Hellen" has been given to the filament, bee:Luse of the resemblance of 1 its spear= to that of the sun. It is composed chiefly of silicon deposited on a carbon filament similar to those in common use. The Scientific Amerleall says: The Helton filament is remarkable in several respects. Foremost among these is the white quality of the light, Which is obtained at a comparatively low tem- perature and with a ceneumption of electrieal ionergy of but one watt per candle pewer produced. The new file - Meld, hilo nonenetallie, miethicee tbe unit or light with the unit of Oedema ' energy at a mueli lower temperature than do some of the more ret.ent niolalik file- /fleas- when ,giving like result% Intell fin ament hoe a point of maxinium eandle- power. Filaments have withstood 100 ter cent. overload of current beyond the point of neiximum brilliancy without rupture. Ile ainon»t of overload one of the neW filaments will stand wee for- eibly demonstrated by mounting ane if them in a bulb on two piteeee cif per wire eeveral SAMOA greater in. -eross- saection than the filament. The filament teithstobel without demoa eurrent that fused the wire. Canaparieon between the luminosity of a Helton filaineet lamp and that of an Ordinary, ineandestent show e that the former woOliees three and one-half Unica Ittur light With the tatperidituri of ooneitlecrably loss ensrgy 1 lizperime Fruit Growing. 4 -4441 -410** -414 For a, number Nof year*, extenelYa var lely teats with fruit* have been waled on at the Ontario Agrieultirral (Mingo mid the varioue Fruit Experhaout Stet Wine in the Provinee. These tests hay given a, good idelt of whet are auntie e the beet Vatietite for the eeetione whet the tele have Woe .ruade. The following net OW* ugnos a windier of these, width ere now (Vex cd for mopthative teeting. One of tit objeets of ihet eteoperatiVe teating te distribute theses leading varieties mor widely that they may be tasted in ever township of the Province aud that eel grower may select for Itimeelf groe mete extensively thoee whielt give th best zee:Otte on lele awn farm. Over 2, 000 experimentere ere alieedy engage‘ 111 thio work and are profiting beeauee it% nautical and edueatiemal value. Th co-operation of all wile are intereeted 13 fruit growing it 'keened. Any resident of the Peovineiswh whales to take pare in this work inae eeleet tiny one of the expreimente the Ha,. and tbe plains for the saine wit be funnelled flee of cost. All we require is that melt applieant must promis Girt he will try to follow tin. direetioe cob year on forms which will be furn ished for the purple*. The experinien selected eliould be indleated by giving ite number in the lieti Experiment No, 1. Stranterrica -- _Sp112endpilianainentenntne,b,Ruby, and Parson Experlineet, No. 2. Raspberries.-Onth bort. Golden Queen, 'Nferlbore, and Col umbiana-0 plants of each. , Experiment No, 3. Black Raspberries - - Gregg-, Katmai, Palmer, and Older- 6 plants of each. Experiment No, 4. Blieekberriee - (Adapted only to *SOUthern eections ri Ontario) Agaivam, lindortedo, Kittatinuy aud Snyder -6 plants of each. linmeriment Ni 5. Clarinda -Pay, Red Cross, Victoria, and White Clrape-2 'Amite este)). Expariment No. 6. Black Churants - Champion. Lees, Naples and Black Vie- torie-2.plants of each. Experiment No. 7.---flooseberries - Downing. Pearl, Bed jacket, and White - smith -2 plents of each, Experiment N. B. Ceapes-(For *Sou- thern Ontario) Ceneord, Vailder, Niagara, Lindley, Brightone and Vergennes- 1 V105 of eath. • Experiment No. 9. Grapes -(Por Nor- thern Ontario) Champion, Worden, Win- chell, Delaware, Lindley, and. Moyer -1 • a "Have this put up and take it, VS e will be all right in a del or two," eet . Sayer. "Don't I get any hot wkliksy punahr" g asks the patient. IV* memo of counie4 os, PlUtnle)let."well for me to tokkat , hot mustard foot bathe" o e0;:roeud telupt7, if you like. It woint hurt, yoa any if you go right to lead and keep 41Votet it chest protector helpt" me I"No, Take the medicine, ventilate your toloziutWedalyirldatdeornt'thaboptahteire,'n't mous . hie frieinle again ite right as a trivet, t but still feeling that he has been done out Of illeniethitig. That's the way they treat colds It these degenerate days, •and, at lead, It s is not as odoriferous a method as bra fore.---Baltintore News. K1UNEY eit 111 LI , q-14-fitifiritipmN;104.'il-‘' j)61 ntr4 Psi 5 4,1 itu Alathens,11Set:11074 IA rEW SQUIBS. KRAVIS ite plaoe-"There's tnie thing I do like about the week." "What le itt"- "et I never comes down east." . e e 1 "l'ou reauy ou,glitto be Moro thrifty, Avers , time you take a car it costa you 5 cents, , I Think how the t..eir fares." 1"I domes. I think lesty I fare.' rine of each. at the point of greatest luminosity Which correeponds to the. same wave- length for each. The higli efficiency of the Hellen filament is thought to be due largely to selective radiation, for al- though an increase in temperature above 1,720 deg.. increases the intensity of the light; It does not make much ehange in its color, as is the ease with the usual earbon filament lamp. • If the new filament gives three and. a half time the light of the lamps ia present use snit!' the expenditure of considerably less energy the invention will prove to be one of the first Wiper- tance. And its durability is also great I Our contemporary says that the ex- 1 tremes of eight kimpe tested were 435 sLima 3,210 hours. The short-lived lamp- howed a decrease in candle power of 15 per cent., while the long-lived one fell off , only 3 per cent. But that is not all. It showed an inerease in candle power for , the first 400 hours, followed by a grail -1 ual and alight failing off in candle pow- er for the rest of its life. And we are told that "these lamps were rather crudely made in the laboratory." Evi- dently it will he a great advance on tlie ordinary lamp, "giving aa it does rip- preximrstely twice as muoh light with half the current consumption, and furn- iehing a much whiter light sit that." We ere only groping in electrical science ytt; nobody can guess on what diseoveriee we may stumble any day now. Some fine 1 morning an inventor may announce a revolutionary discover' that will send property costing millions to the Romp ; • heap. THINGS JAPANESE. Leading japitneso merchants and capitalists have established a marine Insurauce company ; with a emit capital of 172,500,000, to be in- creased to $5,000,000, frbis Is to take advan- tage of the Increase et Japanese merchant tonnage from 160,13e0 to 1,000,000 since the War. 1 le *addition to controlling the camphor, salt and tobacco iritereets and nationalizing the railways tho Government of Japan, says the Anglo -Japanese Gazette ot Lontlou and Tokio, has now attacked the questiou of trusts, and bits mapped out 0 policy of State / ownership es a meane to ocquire wealth. J'apan's Government hoe successfully float- ed at home a first bond Ilene of 3e,000,000 1 yen (115,000,000), in connection with its pur- chase of -privately owned rally/45-s. t Jeoan it thil largest eop,per producing COUR- try of the Far Eatt, but as yet her 'output duction of the world. The output rose trout ! (1805) is only eno-fitteenth of the total pro - 23,890 LOOS in 1.599 to 35,000 tons in 1905. I copper miniree is at present one of Japan'e 10 weak rpoints, the operating tieing conducted without method, leer home c011etallptfOR Li 1 ablohaut 711,11000nuaitonbsudageyetarof. the Japanese colony ; of 'Formosa shows a small surplus in tipile ; of 12,000,000 extra, expenditure. Imports and p exports balanced at $11,50.000 etieh. The I i sum. of 17,000,000 is to be event this year on ralliveys and harbor works .in the bland. The Core= Government 1ton received 175 c applicatiens for charters to work mines in thraotr'e'iwgnaklinrgmsupti.r.e ci7itivnittetdY, to gond .sainples for exhibition at the porestanont Osaka Com- mertial Moment. The management under- takes to keep the articles in good condition "seceilDet etnitatl noatilithicael Tdoektroltraleetiotrnb Railway Is to bo ineremed to 136,000,00e for Improve- mli'ettr° atnlide °Innosiiths ended Septeinber, med, Ripan's foreign commerce amounted to $305,000,000, a decrease et 0,500,000 from that of the eorresponding period of 1901. Exports winleproorttetw3,00,000g6,2,awn minoc:reansedocroonsf ni,00001 v,0004.! 60000. How the Game is Played.. one steel trrust remorselessly robs our shipbuilders. It is now proppsed to help the shipbuilders, not by repealing the tariff plates, obuttitidberrapaesta ingmakno :I? ship sugbettl IT,1) overcharges of the Trust out. of the pockets of taxpayers. tin this eubject The New York World (quoting Its figures •front page 115 ot the eeport of the Corranirsioner of Nevi- gatiou) ha e this te In October, 1900, the priest in the united tatfigeontli'.8 tiV,11,4tatg'11:14tArriTcV eau twice wee fixed at Wet, With the ex- wertion of the six months trout floptember, 1004, to Pobruery, Wee inelucive, this erice hat t1,1131 matntaftisd VIVA iuiOnge TI!e° tt r o fa n as tow as teeas, tied except for a peeled of three mouths in it 'never egtialei the American price. During Most of the time there luts beee a difference of from $5 to 18 a ton in favor of the English ehipbuilder and tile Steel Tribt ban suceetsfully nee 13r1 - Usti conmetItion pricaLerbile DaYlne the freight train Pittsburg. thEerxnpeoriment No. 10. An I I nagr7abi; du Bt io4)711Pomrrnlifptleya,rdpGe iran ,x.9-franlit ansir,Mo- Se en tree of each. No. 11. Apples -(Por *Northern Ontar- io) Transparent, Duchess, Wealthy, W- inton), Scott's Wilder, and Hyslop Cirab -1 treo odfiveisafeehr; of the Province into North and South ma,y be approvimately made by a line miming from Coiling - wood to Kingston. Aeldre,sa all application,' to IL L. Hutt, Agrieultural College, Guelph. SHORT WORK. "'OP A COLD. Treatment To -day Not Include ' Goose Grease and Flannel. Maeda medico. has advanced in 'noth- ing of late years so much as in the treat- ment of colds. Time was when even the most dignified gentleman in the world Who was suffer- ing from this aihnent had to submit to having lus stately nose rubbed with goose grease,. • Now, there is no emollient more dis- agreeable then goose grease, which may be the reason it was once considered so efficacious. At all events, it was in other days placed in the category of things which could not be avoided, like death and taxes. In the course of a long life everyone at some time• came to the place vshere goose greased he had to be, willy-nilly. Time was also when the outtvard and visible sign ot en inward sore throat was a strip of red flannel bound tightly about the aching part. Now, the spectacle of a learned and dignified gentleman with a line of red showing above his linen was hardly edi- fying, and there were frequent struggles against it -but they were ever in vein. The f the • y eve in the efficeey of red flannel. Without that flannel the sore throat might de- velop into diplitheila, the diliptheria would certainly develop into consump- tion and the consumption into a grave. It was a. cough that carried him off, t was a coffin they carried him off in, as the classic rhyme has it. Besides goose grease and red flannel here were such remedies as rubbings vith turpentine and anointing with cant-. PhOmn'e rould tell when it person had a ohl while he was yet half a mile away, nd it wits very disagreeable even for the meet loving friends. They do things better now. No house- iold boastesany goose grease, nor would he mother of a family know where to rooure some, no matter how desperately t were needed. Bed flannel ie in disgrace. The physie ians of the present day say that wearing it melees the throat delicate. Even the merry chest protector is abandoned. There are few rubbinga with turpentine. The alt' is no longer camphor scented. When a person evolves a cold from his system in this day and age the family doctor is called and looks him over care- fully. "Where did you encounter this germ?" he Asks. The patient thinks he Adopted it in, the hedea streetttrize. T writes a presctiption. Puttbeg a Limit on Fortunes. At itheett what paint doee it fortune heatene to •geea:t its to be dangetotte? Slicad alio elation aaseint tezensegie in lti ktsidable.perpose net to -die riell err &mild it more him ard Amano hi,mg:!Af to John Ilockelenert Or eltonid it tekee elf:lege of the tteititke of bibitit neon and of all other men who poeteeent mare then the average Meal la able to gtt getter in the eons** of a IlletiMer•. lobriladelphla Asgard. * * • "I think a wermall ehould have as 10U011 voice in the home as the num bee." "4 don't, It wouldn't be fair." "Why 4057" "e, wommes voice Is more perietratiae." * "What is the source et the trouble between you and your wife?" "I don't knerve-ttei got a French mune " .1 • is - When Ibuytng canned, chic:age he our, it's not but. • • "Is it true. Pa, that there's sawaye hope?" "Certainly roY boy." "Then, Pa. why OS ela stop advertising for a imitable cook?" 1 • Motorist-It'a never too late to mond. Observer -Not Still. I gueas it may SO to far ueder. • • It's easy enough to get in ou the snow% floor. The trouble Is all M the getting Out - e • • What's the difference between a taaa and a W0TO111/2 If thiy are married it may be anythtlia. 54 • Acting a lie is worse than %Meg a Ile. Particularly ft you are a bad actor. "Old money -bags seeke to me is the club Saab night. !Ha told me he'd eeme inside information." "What was it?" "Ho told WO he'd found out late ampere didn't agree with livers like Idle" • • • HER RePLY. "I've often vronderod, How to approach your Dad." "He's lost his money. Willy, 'You won't find Pa too bad." • • • "When I remember how you vowed and wombed you'd love me I &dilate fOU even neve" "How so?" "You showed more energy then Ube you ever have 131II00," 4 • 40. BABY SLEEPS SOUNDLY. Babies who are given on cocilaimal dose of Baby's &Wu Tablets slteeya sleep soundly at night earl it le riot the drugged sleep produeed by alcep- big drops or "eoothinga sewups either -the sleep is natural, healthy and restful, and baby wakes up Le the morning bright and e.beerfal. The Tablets are the best inediethe in the world for the cure of all the minor ailmenes of little ines. Mrs. le Gagne, Inaanunds- ton, N . R, Says: "My baby was cross and fretiful and I hardly ever got a tpreiet night's rest until I began giving Babee Own Tablets, These Tabletremoved the cause of the trouble and now baby sleeps well at night." The Tablets aro eohl. by druggists or by mail at 26 cents a box from The Da Williains' Medicbai Co., Broekville, Ont. Better Without Her Colonies, apion has been advancing in material prosperity and, indeed. in general moral standing ever since she lost the last of Iter foreign possessions in the war with She United State. Her Philippine posses- sions she sold at a good. price and got a wholesome chastisement into the bar- gain. She has learned a leason and is now giving intelligent and successful at- tention to her own country. Statements of her condition grow better from year to year. Spain is haele within her natural environment and is getting along well If she keeps on at her present pace the will be out of debt and have money to lend. It is a pious hope that she will never attempt to absorb other people's land, again and that the other nations of the earth will not disturb her in her home Tule. -Cincinnati Enquirer. When the Mississippi Freezes. Since 1870 there have been hitt stx meatine when the Missisaippi did not treeze over. there being the years 1873, 1375, 1882, UN. 1202 and 1906. The thirty timer that it did close, the Ice etopped running thirty times in December, showing thee thin b the month When the heavy cold usually set* 18. The earliest date recorded is December 3, 11172, end the latest February 24, 1889. Otte season. 1805-1896. the lee tiers AP tight and then moved six teems the eariatiott of the tempera- ture for the 'winter. -a • • "A man of ,your tAlent thould write for posterity," said thie dreamer. "I would but for one thing," eigheot the prettiest author; "I have never heard of posterity paying any royalties." 3:10000000.0)01044010010141141410 Is your baby thin, weak, fretful? Make him a Scott' ,c Emulsion baby. Scofea Etnatafon is Cod Liver Oil and 14ypophosphites prepared so that it is easily digested by little folks. Consequently the baby that it fed on Scofe.t Emulator: is a sturdy, rosy. cheeked little fellow full of health and vigor. • ALL DRUGGISTS" 80o. AND $1.00. 64104144444004100404.40+13+0.44