HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-02-07, Page 8Wiegrekti MONEY•M,AKERS. The undersigned wishes to corres- nd with, or sicca personally, any per - ban or anemone who wish to invest in western hinds, or city property, or in British Columbia #unit lands. I have for sale some of the choicest lands and beet x14cmeyy making Propositions in the west. Lots for sale in Winnipeg, Edmonton and other western cities. Improved and unimproved lands in Manitoba and Saskatchewan, in whole. sale blocks, or retail from $7.50 to $50 per acre and up. Investigate at once, as land values are advancing, rapidly.Enquire of Dr. Agnew, or Thos. 1I. Taylor, Wingham. J. N. BF LL, Wingham P. 0. Rheumatism Almost Killed Her. For years Mrs. S, Staahlsohrnidt of Hutnherstone, Ont., w a martyr to rheumatism. "I was so stiff and lame I mold hardly walk" she writes. "An attack striking my limbs made walk- ing impossible. Friends and doctors gave prescriptions but I only got relief from Ferrozone. I took twelve boxes and gained from the first. To -day I am well, feel stronger, weigh heavier and look the picture of health." Whether muscular or inflammatory, chronic or otherwise, Ferrozone does cure rheumatism and Sciatica, 50c per box at all dealers. ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT removes all hard, soft or calloused ltnnps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney,. stifles, sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known, Sold by A. L. Hamilton. Teacher Wanted. School Teacher holding a legal cer- tificate for School Section No. 1, Hud- son, six miles from New Liskeard. Convenient board; a small school. State salary. Duties to commence after Easter. E. SACKRIDER, Sec.-Treas., Hillview, Ont. $5407c® Per Year Miss Snell, formerly of Bluevale. is receiving $45 per month from the Cal- gary Calgary. This school education, and in a few months with us prepared for the above situation. With a few years' experience Miss Snell will receive at least $75.00 per month. Stenography is Better than School Teaching. What wo have done for otbers wo can do for you. Enter any time. In- dividual instruction. Write for catalogue.' Wingham Business College (Affiliated with Clinton l3usiness College) GEO. SPOTTON - Principal Valentines. a Feb.Valentine D eb. 4 h. Day, t = See our stock of the pret- tiest, sweetest and daintiest Valentines, Prices right. Also the Comic ones. Picture Post Cards. Jost what your friends like to receive. See our big stock. Charming views, and scenes of Wingham, in great variety. Latest Stationery. The latest in Stationery, "At Home" Cards, &c. A. Call Solicited. Your Patronage Appreciated K. 1 Fisher The "Big Book" Store Drink Christie's 40c Coffee. The Price is 40c Pet Lb. A Snap 200 lbs. of PRUNES, large siza and of good quality Per Ib 10e Cbin.a.ware TPA. SETB--45 and 41 Piece Sets, ex. notional value, from #3.75 D/111 its OE TS A big selection of high-class wars to choose from. O/LtT SRI'S --- A largo number of the latest designsfrom, decoration, lftc., , Tlal4U OT STANDS,- About 2 dozen Fine China Stands, beautifully dec- orated, torch only 20e J. Henry Christie GROCts ANO 0,10.0KttRY MtACHAN'r WX'GTLAVI +atralra' Rev, W. 11. Graham of Ooderich has been irvikel to become pastor of . rc- toriaa Avenue Methodist Church, Chat- ham, after ne*t Conference. The lir, F. M. S. meets in St. An- drew'a eburok on Wednesday after- noon at 3 o'clock. The subject for the meeting is "The Islands of the Sea." Next Sunday, Rev. W. S. Jamieson of Chesley will preach in S'Vingharn Methodist Church, Morning and even- ing. Rev, W. G. Howson will preach special sermons in Listowel, and lee - tore there on Monday evening. Sunday next, at 3 p.m., in the Army hall, there will be an enrollment of re - emits as soldiers ; also the presenta• tion of a new cornet, made and sold by the Salvation Army, andurchased by the Wingham corps for the use of Bandmaster James, Special Services At St. Pant's. At St.. Paul's church, a service for men will be held next Sunday even ing. On Ash Wednesday a morning service will be held at 10.30, and in addition to the regular Wednesday prayer tweeting; a special service will he held every Friday evening during Lent, at 8 o'clock. Missionary Funds Needed. Rev, Dr. Somerville, interims treas- urer of the Presbyterian Church, states that very large stuns are re- quired before the year closes this month for Hone and Foreign Mis- sions, Augmentation, and French Evangelization if the Church is to keep clear of a deficit. The amount required before February 28th is $270.- 190.02, leaving the sura of $240,202.21 to be made up. Sacramental Services. The Sacramental services held last Sunday in the Methodist church here were very helpful and impressive. The pastor preached in the morning from the words—"And when He had thus spoken, He showed them His feet"; subject—"The feet of Christ." After the sermon, a Reception service was held, and twenty were received into membership in the Church. In the evening, Mr, Howson spoke from the words—"Out of Zion, the perfec- tion of beauty hath God shined,' The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered at the close of morning and evening services. There was a large number of communicants and all felt the solemnity and impressive- ness of the service. The individual communion service is appreciated by the congregation, and is conducted in a quiet, systematic manner, appro- priate to the occasion. invited To Remain. At the February meeting of the Official Board of Wingham Methodist Church, the following resolution was carried unanimously by a standing vote : Moved by Theo. Hall, seconde by Wm. Fessant "That this Quarterly Official Board place on record its sincere apprecia- tion of the efficient work of our pas- tor, Rev. W. G. Howson. We have listened with great spiritual profit to his able expositions of Divine Truth, in which the old, old story has been presented with evangelical earnest- ness, as well as in language ever fresh and impressive. To us, his sermons have come not merely clothed in a beauty of diction, but as messages of help and grace, accompanied by the Holy Spirit's power. We have also appreciated Mr. Howson's pastoral visits and his faithful attendance upon the sick, as well as his timely aid to those in need. We most cordially in- vite Mr. Howson to return to us an- other year, and assure him of our con- tinued earnest co-operation in the Master's work. We also request that this resolution be published in the Christian Guardian." Nearly every member present spoke in favor of the resolution, expressing the most kindly sentiments, and bear- ing witness to the help received from Mr. Howson's ministrations. Mr. Howson was deeply affected, but thanked the Board for its apprecia- tion and kind words. He accepted the invitation and hoped that the present pleasant and harmonious re- lations might continue. H. Brown, Rag and Metal Co., buy- ing all kinds of hides, wool and pick- ings, rubber, copper, and feathers of all kinds. Highest price in cash ; if brought to house, five cents a hundred extra; 50e a 100, cash, for old iron. A tissue builder, reconstructor, builds up waste force, makes strong nerves and muscle. 'Yoe will realize after taking Hollister's Rocky Moun- tain Tea what a wonderful benefit it will be to you. 35c, Tea or Tablets. Ask your druggist. BIRTHS. Murch,—In Winghaxn, Feb. 2nd, Mrs. R. Murch, a son. Free. --In Wingham, Feb. 5th, Mrs. J. 13. Free, a daughter. Tennant.—In Winglram, on Feb. 2nd, Mrs. Rich, Tennant, a son. McDonald. --In Wingham, Feb. 1st, Mrs, T. T. McDonald, a son. Blackhal — 1. InWt 'n m haJan,31st Mrs. C. Blackall, agdaughter, , Bluevale. Mr. R. N. Duff is suffering from as- thma and bronchitis. Mr. and Mrs. Mason are visiting their daughter, Mrs. David Erwin, of the 2nd line. The meeting of the Epworth League of the Methodist Church, held last Monday even:=ng, was indeed a success. The topic was "Studies in Christian Experience. The Divine Purpose for us." It being consecration night, most of the members were present and responded to their names as the roll was called. Tile topic for next Monday evening is "Lessons from the Patriarch—Noah." Everyone is in- vited. The Official Board of Bluevale cir- cuit of the Methodist Church met last week and extended to their pastor, Rev. Geo. Baker, a cordial and unani- mous invitation to return the fourth year. The relations existing between the pastor and the different appoint- ments OR the circuit have been most cordial and harmonious, and the invi- tation was emphasized by a standing vote. Mr. Baker thanked the Board for its expression of appreciation and feeepted the invitation, subject to the approval of Rationing committee. THE WiNCHAM ADVANCE -*^ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY ra. 1907 W hlteehtirch. Messrs 3. T. anti Jos. Volutes .spent Sunday et Lonitesi)oro with their mother, who is very ill. Inst Sunday was Quarterly meet- ing in the Methodist Church, but owing to the storm there were none from the other appointments, The storm of two weeks ago upset 1. (*aunt's windmill, tower and all ; it was a wooden tower over 20 years old, It also blew the wheel oft James Ross' power windmill, Mr. Archie (.`low has been rather unfortunate. The storm of January 20th stripped some of the shingles oft his barn roof, He covered it with a paper roofing, expecting it to last till spring, when he intended shingling it, but the storm of last Saturday strip- ped the paper ort, He is now going to cover it with lumber. A number of young people spent a Pleasant evening recently at the home of Mr, I. Moore, While Miss Addie McClenaghan and Miss Amy Well - wood were trying to taffy the boys, the latter accidentally cut one of her fingers to the bone. Another very pleasant evening was spent at the home of J. T. Holmes, by the same company, Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Martin of Cobalt have been visiting relatives in this vicinity for the past week, His many friends will be pleased to hear of his wonderful success in the silver region. Wo understand that Joln has sold. one of his mining claims for the hand- some stun of $25,000, and still possess- es the smiling number of five claims yet for sale. •r East Wawanosh. Mr. and Mrs. John Bell of Manitoba are visiting friends here. Robt. Scott is still improving, and is able to be up a little while during the day. Mr. Westbrook has his mill -yard full of logs again ; if the sleighing keeps on he will have to enlarge his yard. Miss Lillie Bierd, who has been stay- ing with her grandfather for a few months, returned to her home in Michigan last week. Rev. J. T. Hastie gave a splendid ad- dress on Sunday last, on "The early days of our Church." The day was very stormy, but a fair number were present. One of those happy events, a wed- ding, took place in Wingham Catholic Church on Wednesday of last week, when Joseph Gibbons was joined in holy bonds of wedlock to Miss Kath- arine Keine. At the home of Patrick Gibbons, brother of the groom, a sup- per was given to a large number of friends. The evening was spent in dancing and other amusements,'when all returned to their homes, wishing Mr. and Mrs. Gibbons a very prosper- ous and happy married life. They will spend a few weeks visiting friends here before going to their home in the West, where Mr. Gibbons has been for a number of years. Ashfield. Soine of the farmers attended the sale of horses ; they were sold by Mr. Grundy of Goderich. Mrs. Paul Smeltzer of Lucknow and Mrs. D. Marian of Dungannon are visiting Mrs. John Savage of Grey. Syd. Gibson, who has been agent for Wm. Allen of Lucknow has gone to Seaforth to act as agent for W. Allan, jr. Mrs. M. Sheckelton, sr., has been ill for some time ; we are sorry to say there is no hope for her recovery as she is advanced in years. Joseph Smeltzer bought some valua- ble elm from Messrs. Flynn and Hus- sey of Kingsbridge ; he has men with teams hauling it out to the rnill. Joseph Courtney had a narrow es- cape while Ioading wood in the bush ; a large limb of a tree fell, striking him on the hand, breaking several bones. If it had struck him on the head, it wonld have been instant death. liolyrood. Mr. Robt. McKenzie died on Satur- - day last. Mr. Foran is buying a number of colts this winter. Prayer meeting is stili continued every Thursday evening. We are sorry to hear of Mrs. Joseph Hanna's severe illness. Jas. W. Haines of Dungannon gave his brothers a flying visit last week. Quarterly meeting was held in the Methodist church last Sunday morn- ing. Mr. and Mrs. John Haines of Rivers - dale spent last Friday with their parents. Mrs. Samuel Parker of Teeswater spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. H. l')rehmann. Rev. Mr. Jones of Auburn gave a very profitable and interesting sermon on educational work, an Jan. 27th. • Turnberry. The following is the report of S. S. No. 0, Turnberry, for January. Names arranged in order of merit; 5th class —Retie Mt:Barney, Frank Powell. 4th class --Gordon Wray, Clara Mc- Kersie, Robt, Breen, Mattie 13reen, 3rd class -Lizzie Preen, AleathaSnmith, George Benedict, Hugh Russell. 2nd Sr.—Toy Wray, Jean Ross, tattle Me - Burney, Willie Bolt, t Pearl Merk ley, Cecil Fuller, Nellie Breen, Percy Merit - ley, Murray Ross, Mary McBurney. 2nd Jr.—Howard '!Wylie, Bobbie Paw. ell. Part 2nd ---Leslie Bolt. Part let Sanderson Breen, Dorothy MoTavish. L. 11, Vanastone, tefoker. Wroxeter. Nisi Lulu Hemphill is visitin in Toronto, Idr, Cotn•tice of Listowel ;vas visi- tor here on Saturday. Rev. L. Perrin preached in James- town hast Sunday night. Mrs, T. G. Ilemphili spent a few shays last week in Toronto. Miss Charlotte McMichael visited a few slays lest week in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs, (low of ,Saskatchewan are visiting Mrs, A. Mester ael, sop. The ice harvest was gatherell-in last Thursday and Friday ; it was of excel- lent sample. Walter Hamilton, who hats been as- sisting T. Douglass, has returned to his home in Atwood, Nesbitt Laing was on the sick list last week, but we are glad to r'epor't that he is better. Miss Carrie Lawrie has returned from Wingliam, where she spent a month visiting relatives. W. A. Rutherford has improved his store by having a now office put in ; he is an enterprising citizen. Mr. R. Rae, who has spent some time visiting relatives here, hats re- turned home to Radisson, Sask. There was no service in the Presby- terian Church last Sunday night, as Rev, Perrin preached in Jamestown, 5. R. Clark, the fatuous orator, will give a lecture here under the auspices of the Public Library, on March I2th. Paste the date in your hat. Mrs. McLennan, sister to Mrs. Robt. Blank, has moved her household effects from London, and has taken up her residence in the rooms lately occupied by N. J. Robinson. Miss Laura Servis left last Monday for Toronto, where she will enter a wholesale millinery establishinent. She is one of our most popular young ladies, and will be greatly missed. Rev. Mt'. Taylor, a returned Mis- sionary, gave at very interesting and helpful address on his work in India, in the Presbyterian Church last Sun- day morning. He is a good speaker, and his address was enjoyed by the large audience, The C. 0. F. held an oyster supper for themselves, wives and friends, last Friday evening, and a very enjoyable time was spent. 0. F. Edwards, Chief Ranger, was master of ceremonies, and did his part well. All voted the C. 0. F. excellent entertainers. On Wednesday of last week an in- teresting ceremony was performed at the home of Robert Hupfer by Rev. Osterhout, when the young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hupfer was baptized. The young daughter of Mrs. Cowden of Lylton, Man., was also baptized at the same time. Mrs. Cowden is a sis- ter of Mrs. Hupfer, and is spending a few months here. The Francis Green Theatrical Co. will put on a show at the town hall on Friday night, Feb. 8th. The play will be entitled "Hazel Kirke." A com- mittee, consisting of Dr. Brawn, W. H. Carr, J. Douglass and C. Reis, are bringing the Company to town. They have signified their intention of giving all over the amount the Co. gets, and the expenses, to the Public Library. There was a large crowd at the Methodist church last Sunday night, and all enjoyed the highly interest- ing service of song. The choir, al- though crippled by a number of their members having colds, did well. Rev. Osterhout gave short talks on Hymn- ology between the selections, and re- lated some interesting incidents in connection with the writing and use of the hymns sung. These song ser- vices are productive of much good. Good Reasons For Its Success. The majority of catarrh remedies are useless. But one that does cure is "Catarrizozone." It clears the head of all mucous discharge. Putrid matter in the nostrils, phlegm in the throat, and disease germs are completely swept away. The cause of the disease is destroyed, it's results are destroyed, and the system so thoroughly cleansed of catarrhal poison that cure is perma- nent. All types of catarrh, throat and bronchial trouble, colds and coughs are more certainly cured by Cat.arrho, zone than anything else. Two sizes, 25e and $L00, at all dealers. tirey. Duke's school is closed for the pres- ent on account of smallpox. Mrs. James Lynn and Will, of How - ick (formerly of Grey), renewed old neighborly acquaintances on the 2nd con. on Tuesday, Miss Hannah McLennan left for Hamilton on Wednesday, where she will spend a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Will McBride. Last Tttesday evening the election of officers took place at Roe's League ; it had been postponed for a few Weeks owing to illness of the pastor. The smallpox is gradually spread- ing ; pread-ing; three hornet are quarantined, and Fin. Fraser's school is closed, also Mr. Johnston's at Molesworth. The Health Inspector of Toronto visited these schools, and demanded every person to be veecinated. Seventy- eight were vaccinated in Molesworth. Morris. Miss Louise higgins spent the past two weeks with friends in '"Wroxeter. We are pleased to report Mr. Lyon Findlater on the mend after a lengthy illness. Mr. and Mrs. John McCutcheon of Frobisher, Saskhave been renewingvin g old aequaintanoes in Morris. litre. T, S. and Miss Hazel Brandon are spending' a felt weeks with friends in Toronto we are pleased to note Miss Havel very sueeeeefully passed. herr Intermediate piano exam. Belgrave!. Itir's, Sproat is visiting at Seaforth this week. Mr. Hunter of Orangeville visited in Belgrave 1t . t week, Mr. Will. Corbett rejoices over the birth of a slaughter.. Mr's. Irwin of Wawanosh visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bates on Mon- - day, Miss Rachel Bates is et present at home, Word reaches Belgrave that Dan. Frazer of the Soo, formerly of this village, is very low and not expected to recover front his illness. Messrs, Will, Corbett, Will, Cole and Percy Scandrett are engaged with their teams by Win. Watson, draw- ing logs from. Belgrave to Wingham. At the Belgrave Quarterly Board meeting in the Methodist church, Rev, W, Rivers, B. A., received a unani- mous invitation to remain for another year. The invitation was suitably replied to and accepted Mr. and Mrs, John Bell of Brandon are visiting in and around Belgrave. It is 20 years since Mr. Bell removed from Belgrave to the west, and he has net yet regretted the change. Mr. Bell is in the real estate business, which he claims to be lively. BEuinAyis MAizgaTs,—Corrected by R, E, McKenzie : Wheat, 68c to 70e ;; peas, 75c to 77e ; oats 36e to 37c ; bar- ley, 43e to 46c ; corn, $21 per ton ; flour, $2 to $2.50 ; coal, $7 ; wood, $2 to $2.25 ; butter, 20c to 22c ; eggs, 22e ; tray, $10. The young men in and around Bel - grave are having a Charity Concert in the Foresters' hall on the evening of Feb. 15th, for the benefit of the Chit- dven's Hospital, Toronto, and Con- sumptive Hospital, Gravonhurst. The scheme is a good one and well worthy of public patronage ; further notice will he given, Sad news has reached here of the death of Miss Lizzie Gallagher, aged 18 years, second eldest daughter of Robert Gallagher of Moose Jaw, but formerly of Belgrave, where the young lady was well and favorably known. It appears she contracted a bad cold, which developed into pneu- monia, proving fatal in a short time. The citizens of Belgrave express their regret as well as their sympathy to Mr. Gallagher and family in their sad bereavement, by the departure of one so fair, just launching out into wom- anhood. From the annual report of Belgrave Presbyterian Church we get the fol- lowing particulars :-The number of faznilies at the beginning of year was 72; number of families added during the year, 9; two families left, leaving 79 families and a membership of 158. During the year there was three deaths and three removals from the congregation. The receipts for the year amounted ,to $080.86, and after paying expenses there is a balance. On Friday evening the friends of Mr. Duncan McGregor, G. T. R. agent, assembled to spend a social hour with him. The respect felt for hien was manifest by the company present in the following address, which was read by Dr, Hamilton, Mr. Chas. McLelIand snaking the presentation of a pipe and tobacco pouch, as tokens of esteem :— To Mr. D. McGregor-- BEAM cGregor-DEAR Sin.—We the citizens and business risen of Belgrave, on the eve • of your departure, are convened for the purpose of showing the esteem and respect in which you are held. You have been with us but little more than a year, but even in that brief period you have endeared yourself to us all. From aselfish motive on our part, we regret exceedingly that the G. T. R. Co., having recognized your 'abilities, have seen fit to call you to a higher position, for we feel that we are not only losing a capable and obliging agent, but a good citizen and friend. As a gentle reminder of your friends at Belgrave and as a memento of our esteem, we beg of you to accept this Pipe and Tobacco Pouch, and may you long be spared to smoke the tobacco of contentment therefrom. With kind regards from us alt and wishing you a boundless amount of happiness and prosperity, Signed in behalf of friends in Bel - grave, C. McClellaand David Sproat B. H. Hamilton; M.D. 7. Scandrett Wm. Watson Thos. Hill Mr. McGregor made a suitable reply, and then all sat down to enjoy the oysters, ham, confectionery etc., tas- tily prepared by Mr. and Mrs. Hill and their lady assistants. After these had been disposed of a box of choice cigars was passed, which all enjoyed. Mr. Watson of Belgrave s g e was chosen chair- man n and lte an ouneedhe t following numbers of a pleasing "program:— Song, by Mr. and Mrs. D. Geddes ; in- strutnerttal music, by J. L. •Stewart; song, by Mr. Stalker ; a deer story, by Mr. W. G. Nicholson, the veteran hunter of Morris ; a groundhog anec- dote, by Chummy Johnston, the come- dian of Bast Wawanosh. Speeches were also given by Messrs. Allison, Nicholson, Porterfield and others. Andrew McManus then gave the Irish Jig ; few men in thou '78th year are so active as Andy. After three cheers for the chairman, the singing of "Auld Lang Syne," and wishing Mr. McGre- gor success in the future, and expres- sing their appreciation of the kindness of mine host and his good .lady, .all retired to their homes, having enjoyed a pleasant evening. Mr. McGregor is removing to Grimsby. To BtnmenS.--A carload of fresh Durham Cement to head ; also the best plastering hair always on hand (eleven pounds to the bushel) .it the Wingham Cement Factory. ---Simon Mitebell, Manager. .. + It's a good world after all ; If you have no friends or money, In the river you con fall; Marriages are quite common and, More people there wonld be, Provided you talte RorkMountain Tit, Ask your tit'uggisst. Everybody Should Avail Themselves of This Opportunity. .1 1-. .0•I., The monster Stock -Reduction Sale at " The Bee Hive" Two Stores goes merrily on, and a smile and a bargain greet you on every hand. Our Proposition. Just think of the proposition we place before you. The only question is --- Can you, dare you, in justice to yourself, overlook a chance like Thais]; STORES offer to save at Ieast one-third, and in some cases even one-half the Price you would be obliged to pay regularly for your Winter Merchandise. Some of the Bargain Lines. Dress Goods, Silks, Linens, Shirtings, Cottons, Men's and Boys' Clothing, Furs, Carpets, Curtains, Linoleum, Floor Oilcloth, Hosiery, Gloves, Underwear, Men's and Boys' Furnishings, Ladies' and Misses' Jackets, &c. ''a , We Could Write Columns. We could write column after column of price quota- tions but space in this valuable paper costs money, and our tremendous Low Prices won't allow of our telling you in print of the hundreds of good things we have waiting for you. Enough said. We'll look for you in. Bring along your Farm Produce and secure highest prices in exchange for any of the splendid Bargains offered. THE BEE HIVE TWO STORES &)111 ...,... 11 Next to E. Moore's and in Carey Stand For Clothing, Dress Goods, New, Rich and Fashionable Furs, and all lines of Ladies' and Gentlemen's seasonable Un- derwear, come direct to D. M. Gordon's. No house, no matter how much noise they make, can give better value than you will find here, and every article new and up-to-date. The newTi - est and best is none too good for our customers. As usual, all lines of pure, fresh Groceries are always in stock. D. M. Gordon The Term Defined. Naggsby—"The Rev. Dr, Fourthly has quit beating the Bible with bis fist since the congregation protested so vigorously against it." Witggsby—"Yes? I s'pose that's why he's called an ex -pounder of the Scriptures," Farm For Sale. The North Half of Lot 10, on Con, 2, in the township of Morris, consist- ing of 100 acres, is offered for sale. For farther particulars apply to I, E. FARREND, 21-24 Bluevale P. 0. Farm For Sale. The undersigned offers for sale his farts of 100 acres, situated 2 miles east of Belgrave, being S of lot 9, con. 4, Mo There T c,re is on it a large frainro house, good bank barn, one acre orch- ard, seven acres of bush, 30 acres plowed ready for crop ; the balance 's in grass, The Maitland river cross one corner of farm. The farm also includes Bodxnin Lime Works. Rea- sonable terms to suit purchaser. Ap- ply to C. 13. WILKINSON, Belgrave P. 0. EMMENlifatie Do You Wish To Visit CALIFORNIA, MEXICO. FLORIDA, OR THE "SUNNY SOUTH ?" Are yott anxious to escape the cold Weather and snow end spend the whiter in the "LAND OF FRUIT AND FLOWERS?" Winter tourist tickets are on sale daily, and if you are contemplating a trip see that A. , vont tickets are routed over the i Grand Trunk. k'or tickets and Rill infornialion, call o L. HAROLD, Town Agent, J. D. rdaDONALD District Paieestteer Agent, Termite.