HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-02-07, Page 6ours y, CHAS. F. TILTON. ' This she did for some time, but another temple girl gave away the secret, with thenesult that the next night when bathe Mg ehe heard the tramp of many feet tend on rushing out to see what was the Ladylike Geometry. matter was accidentally kn eked into the e. river and drowned by the crowd of men rushing to the river side .to see her. - 1 IL A straight line determined by Madras Mail. two bargain tables is considerea as (Milwankee. Seatinel.) . closes. Everyone Ikon Down Tobacco Grown in Canada. Iprolonged both ways until the store 1 b • k line is a. series of 4°Fes'el-wIth headaches, indion._ ,ccuaills; ful other remits or - as • I. A straight line is the shortest di the pars ' 1 children that he had already tance between two millinery openings. meane They must forego the airing of Helen, si.s she tried tobreakopene simp e day, and after this, should you kindly i carriage door. But Laura threw continue to take charge of Helen in her nil' purchased. it or hours of recreation why, other arrange- . The most singular feature in the arms around the form of the excited wo- ments must be made for them." whole case is, that the widow, even in man, and forced her back into her seat, Laura inmer less satisfied than ever, and slm sank in a moon. reirese, withont assigning any reason for great trooble, refuses to seek legal where here resd.stance suddenly ceareid, her id **1204'•17044444414VMOCC4 TRIAL FOR LIFE to all its envies?" cried Helen hi tbe . same pierelog tome of Anguish with whielt elle had spoken to tlee stria/ger. "Can 1 serve you in no way, Mo. Ilex- euvroft r pleaded Leura, I "lit nu way but oue; conceal from Sir Vincentthe circumstance of my meeting-----" , She Ultra Amble to prouounce the name, • her voice that had been faltering, 110W ti 'utterly 6ank, and she broke lute a pes- , shoe, of teen and *sobs. 1 Laura drew the poor head clown upon ee, her own bosom, mid with tender words es:4**000414***0=0411:Mpt212000Vell land. caresses sought to soothe thie itiex- pheable sorrow. "Dhl e•ou---1 beg 'you will forgive the 1 Laura, opened the windows, ansl the „Tear Aire. Reseneereetie she said, queition, Mem Ehner-but did you. carriage wound slowly around one of the looking. calmly into the wild and troub- notice:. anything remarkable about tide nost beauttlni nna sechnled. avenues of led eyes of her companion and modulate lady2" inquired the baronet, with in , the park. They had left the gay three; ing her voice to its utmost tenderness, tereat. . of fashionable visitora behind, and bad ',whatever the unknown cause of your "I notisail her extreme pallor, which, ' reaehea ;I, quarter frequented by nurse- sorrow may be, believe me, I sympathize with you from my soul. 1 will Kim you pethapa, eeerned so ghastly only in con- welch; and young children. I trast to her jet -blase: hair and eyes, "See," said Laura, 'we have reached a to the extent of my power; and 1 will and. her blaek drees. 1 ooticed, also a very quiet part now; will you not raese never reveal the ineident of Ma after - deep melancholy approaching despair. in your veil and breathe some of this deli- neon, unless I should be convincea that the eepression of her features, and a , claim air?" vour own safety and welfare required sort of retrained frenzy in her sglaxtere I The lady put asiele her veil, revealing In and motions. I saw her but an instal% again that face oi ghastly pallor, with Helen ltavenseroft caught and kieeed but in that instant 1 will not deny that its bloodless Ups, wild. black eyes, and the timid that was extended to her in her appearance impressed me very deep" • shadowy black tresses. pledge of the speaker's sincerity, and ••Seel observe these various groups of then she drew her black veil across her "Humpht hulnph!" muttered. the bar- i little children as they pass • how much face, and relapsed into silence, whith onet to himself. whether he approved marked individuality there is even in lasted until they reached Lester House. or disapproved of the interest expreesed these little people; their very bloke end Sir Vincent Lester met them in the by aliss Elmer in the person alluded to. manners tell their characters and histor- hall, thanked Miss Elmer for her kind- * "Mess Inner, your appeerance hod ies. These, now, are the children of ness, and took the hand of Mrs. Ravens - 'manner, no less than the bight enceinte seine wealthy citizen, with their pamper- croft and hoping that she had .enjoyed urns of my friend, Dr. Seymour, give me ed nurse -observe the children, all the drive, he led her away. the greatest faith in your prudence and and sashes, hats and feathers -and see That same evening. after tea, Laura benevolence." 1 the consequential air of their over -areal- Elmer was alone in the sitting room used Laura bowed in silence. ed attendant." said Laura, wishing to in common by the governess and her The baronet seemed embarrassed, and wile her companion from her sorrowful pupils, when there came a knock at the doubted how to proceed. I thoughts. door and to her gentle "Come in," en - At length he said: The pale woman looked languidly tered Ferdinand Cassinove. "Her name is Mrs. Ravenscroft. For forth, but, neither the pomposity of the "I pray you will forgive this intrusion, important reasons she lives in strict se- . nurse nor the vanity of the babies could and grant me a few moments converse - elusion. Her home has hitherto been at bring one smile to those sad lips. tion, Miss Hillier," he said. Hurst Hill, our place in. Yorkshire, but 1 eyee, look again," said Laura. "There "Certainly, Mr. Cassinove," replied she has come up to town for a particular is quite a different group; there is some Lama, inviting him to be seated. purpose. The seclusion that was desirable . poor young widow, who has left her oe• He took the offered chair and said: even in the country, is quite indispensible , eupation to bring her little boy and girl "I wish to epeak to you, Miss Elmer, for her in London, but she requires re- I out for an hour's Rhine. in regard to the appearance of that creation air and gentle exercise, and I . I Mrs. Ravenscroft loorced out, and seem. strange man, who caused so much con - she mos't take this in company Of gm° - ed more interested in this little group. sternation to your friend, as well as to proper companion, whose eomety and cou- ; Her eyes became riveted to the two child.- my unfortunate landlady and her chile versation will be her eecurity. For she 't ee„, and. like the flarae of an expiring dren. Forgive the question; but do you Miss Elmer, is the confidence I. had to '-----5. , candle. the light and color flickering in know anything of him?" and out from her lethally deathlike faee. "Nothing whatever, Mr. Cassinove, ex - must be kept from all other pupils. Me repose in you. The favor I have to ask r At last her fixed regard. attracted the cept that I have three times seen him lin- is, that you will be so kind as to take attention of the boy, who exclaimed, as gering about the vicinity of Lester two hours daily, not from your own he pulled his mother's sleeve. House, and that to -day he certainly fol - time, but froni the schoolroom, and be- i "Oh, mother! see that beautiful, pale lowed our carriage fronrthis house to the come the companion of this unhappy . lady: how she looks at us!" park." young woman in her drives." 1 The young widow turned to look, when "Did he attempt to speak to anyone The baronet ceased, and Laura, Elmer in your carriage?" thee l her attention was humediately recalled prepared to reply. The "confidence" by the little giri, who, starting forward "No, not once. He kept out of our half confidence at the best. Who wee Mrs. Ravenscroft. What were her re- 1 and pointing eagerly, exclahued: "Mother, mother! Here! Here is the one's attention was tailed to him by the sight even until the moment that every he had professed to give her was bull a lations with Sir Vincent and his family? , very inan that took away all your exclamation of the little girl." I "Little Emily Russel?" What was the nature of her unhappinees 1: st?, excitement and vebemence of the 1 child drew all eyes to follow the diree- "It is most singular. You do not even --ouilt or misfortune? And what was • iiie , the reason for her strict seclusion? These LONDON I1AS BRIGHT DAYS. Not A.lways Foga, es Vtore AM In- clined to BelieVe. It le the conviction a many American touriats in London that there is fog in that, metropolla 305 daps in every e -ear with the exeeptien of leap year, when there is fog on 366 days. Tide exaggerated notion of London fogs is quite refuted, by an official pab- lication of the English government, whielt gives a compilation of the wee- WHEN 6 RIMEDIES1 ., .. IRE IN A SIMIAN PRISON. fl AD fAILED on eiberia with a sort of hungry venge• Winter, fanged and. renterselees ste whiter iii iu. these regions only, boa teems auce, and lengthened the long )ournee intermingle:1y. Cooped up in a eOliViet HE TRIED 33ILRANS. ; car, which was divided into sonie twenty small, badly -ventilated cells, it looms a Now He Hae Dyspepsia No MOM miracle that we did not, periels miserably -- . wretches, bitten deeply by expoaure and on the wile One or two emaciated coneuttiption, slid sueeninte while the rc. ther gonditions taken twice a day 411, very thing that would do them gooa until maiuder of ul"°1";1111°118 gradaally in numbere as we creel:II:title?. Strange why people should not try the which shows the following result for last! Mr. (leo, La Portwin, of ' L' . tuously from station to station-priso) last year: Days. cPvallastetsreeft,:r Todryosnit)oeilstiranus,itietiaetfefier.e,„iiti, i ttwo.veeni•listotstio-sioaveinr """empire. Akatial tt decrepit oil- Iteterobpeals.rtieind tileteagclolensfiab;; .• • 1.45 'heartburn before he tried Minim, 'Ilie i Overcast (part fog) ... Fe el Su Ga Vs su ri ot ti ea hi almost universal use of soft coal. as year there were more days of sunlight in London than there had been on an evarage for twenty years before. . age at best, was more 'than halt buriee ear Eery ...... ,.‘ ... .. .... ... co did bias no good. The Bileans have cured i in. snow when we-myeelf, two other prise. guards -arrived, after sledg- : gfilenSe) • • 4, II •• SO IP ••••• IA ' ow ..... ... ,„,, „ 10 ,himl Ile says: "I bad heartburn, dys- 1 ("ler% and ling thir last fifty -mile stage of the Pur- a. ... ... .,. ._ .., ....... a 5 Pepsin, ana wind after food, The now- over the town at one end uuderetorm .... „ , „. „ , „„ 3 ,ishment I took seemed to dome no good, ; rte.).* -ttleinle" acute. , was the gray priors, surrounded by high le . .. . . ,..' • It* •116 ... I, • .1.1t• 2 and the pain I suffered was very and maseive walls, built, it its said, of triable ,,, „ , „ , , .... e0 I tried six diffirent remedies before material taken from the greet, wall of -. Bileans, but they did me no good. With Total ... „ ... , •.,. 305 Means it was quite different. I found China. lialf frozen, nearly famished, and - wholly discouraged by the first glimpse London had last year 1,460 hours of l•tileY relieved the flatulence and the pain of what was to be my %wide= for near - sing out of 5,470 hours hetween the within, a few hours, and a short course ly two years, I was lodged in a roomy sing and the setting of the sun. In resulted in a complete cure," in company with two other prison. cell her words, about three•quartene of the I. In every country where they have been at and the balance was 'clear. first place because of their rapid and introduced, Bileans have quickly taken . ersDucifirhi that followed, every spare moment •we me taken by observations was over- goptelie eighteen wretched months London owes its fogs to a triple cone lasting cures of indigestion, liver and but so heavy was the guard maintained outhwesterly winds 325 out of 365 days •bility, constipation, piles; female ailments kidney complaints, anenlin, headache, de. had was spent hi planning an escape, over the town as well as the prison and so vigilant were the soldiery, that two nation of circumstances -westerly or f the year, salt marshes through much and irregularities, rheumatism, liver chill, f the territory over which the wester- t etc. Purely herbal and containing no years passed before my dream of escape y or southwesterly winds blow and an ale°ht:d' they are an ideal; family medi- i eine. All stores and druggists sell at 50e. came true -two years of drudging, Imre- ' e witting labor in the silver mince of the . were mysteries which Laura Elmer felt1ition of here outstretched finger. know his name?' The widow started, an dturned dead- 1 should have been elucidated before sbe ly pale. , ' "Nor suspect who he may be?" should have been yequested to become Ebner followed the index of tae the companion of Helen Bavenscroft. and to 1.er surprise, saw the same "It is perfectly unaccountable, The un - "You are silent, Miss Elmer. I am well . eluld, man who had watched them from the happy lady in your carriage who swoon- 005 aware that the service I venture to ask Your Doctor Can cure your Cough or Cold, ) no question about that, but - why go to all the tropble and facer snienee of looking him up, and. n of having hisprescription filled, ween you can step into any drug store in Canada and obtain a bottle of SHILOH'S CURE for a quarter. Why pay two to five dollars when a twenty-five cent bottle of SHILOH will cure you as quickly 7 Why not do as hundreds of thousands a Canadians have done -for the past thirty-four years: let SHILOH be your doc- tor whenever a Cough or Cold appears. SHILOH will cure you, and all druggists back up this statement with a positive guarantee. The next time you have a Cough or Cold cure it with corner of Lester liouse. He was still on ed at the sight of this strange man, Egarge" ors. e ac el an had evidently followed called aim Rayburne, I think?" of you is a very important one. If you. b 1 d do not hesitate to say so," said the 1 their ea e. mime to the park. He had. mw "Yes," replied Laura, hearing again in feel any reluctance to undertake it, pray . baronet, gently. . reined. up Ins horse m a line with the ima,gination those piercing cries of an- : side windows ef the carriage, but at a guish-"Rayburne! Rayburnel Ray - "I only wish to reflect for a feW MOM- . few yards distance, where he remained burner" accept the charge you would honor me ; 1 Before Laura could form a conjecture ness, I have an excellent reason for it, calmly upon the watch. for ive my inquisitive - eats whether I could, wath propriety, e • upon the eircurnstanee, the was startled which I Ivill soon explain -the lady gave gehaitauarzuear thi,i,:tt. itIouwsee!s with. I will at least drive out with the - lady this afternoon, when I shall thenshriek from her companion. you no explanation of her own painful a box, or front the Wean 0., region; two years of rigor and hardships for price; 6 boxes sent for $2.50; !which only the strongest constitutions may possibly survive. Death, in fact, is a release which on a dozen occasions I At the Coronation of Queen Victoria. My seat in the Abbey was an excellent have heard welcomed in our exile com- one for seeiug and hearing everything. munity there.-Gregori Gershuni, Bus - 1 was in the Ambassadors' tribune,. shin Social -Revolutionary leader, in Les - directly behind Mr. Stevenson and before lic's Weekly. all the secretaries and. attaches of em - lassies and legations. The Queen was Ri directly in front of and below me, where I could see much of her expression. Whilst engaged in prayer she raised her Saye Itesults aro 'Ai'Xirrsu.tiy. Hheutenetveer,Iloone; , • Raglan Road, Kingston, Ont,, says: "I have suffered with kidney and liver trou- ble and chronic consti- pation for some time. I was subject to dizzi- ness, .bilious headache, nervousness, drowsi ISSUE NO. 6, 1007. ILISCELLANEGIM. Mr'. WiellOWN Soothing' Syrae should el - Weis be usee for chilarea teethinee n soothes the child, 'wallas the aunt% cures wind coo and the b"""way for db.: RS. HUNTER'S STORY lea, LEROY'S AMU.% MAI MAI pewee gleamy mode, FEMALE PILLS tor. I Sue Ville Wm imla Wied Is Yuma flQurr°thYrirroos7 rxideilsauemid.fs9nuir arir Snat4auluhill. stmlualedbicrelsar. ellrsireElilerper°LstsPal'arot y mull, seversly Smash ea wont sr 11,04 Idill ROT PfleTe 00., Box Se, Bemilton. Myna -----"........1•••••••••*.f We MM..* ITCII. MA -NOD, FRAM'S SCR/001'VA and every form of contagious itch on hu- man or animale cured la Ze ratnutem by Wol• Lord's Sanitary Loden. It 'Meer tails, eleld by drugstore. —,............—....... --,----, countenance directly towards our ., and a sweeter face no Queen need have.. When she first entered she was consid- erably flurried, but became calmer af- 1 ter half an hour's performance, as I call I it. The whole ceremony occupied about : four hours and a half, during which time 1 she retired from public gaze only twice, t and each time only for a minute. She got through the affair admirably an seems to have excellent sense, and keeps Mrs. I. Hunter. and side, and a tired, ness, pants en the back without much apparent fatigue. She constantly inquiring, like a sensible wo- weary feeling nearly all the time. man, what she is to do next, rather than "I tries' almost every medicine, VMS push on and bungle- treated by doctors and druggists, with aagscee,nbaeeidn When old Lord Rolle was doing hem. little or no benefit. gt1Leryhl fi throne,rn1 all fiealllleadftedlo. wi'liei. an exclamation of concern; she started the results have been truly wonderful. I am so much better. Anti -Pill is a "I tried Dr, Leonhardt's Anti -Pill, and three steps to the bottom of the .Abbey most wonderful remedy?' .---....-o-- front the throne as if to catch him, and All dealers, or the Wilson-Fyle Co., 003 floor. Everybody but the Queen made 1 recollecting her dignity, reseated herself Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. 'moment in le young girl, though The Ghost of Trinchinopoly. instantly, which natural and graceful Queen, drew down thunders of ap- between the hours of 11 and. 12 on the Tee ghost may be seen on most nights Famine in Teachers. worm.) Good teachers are guiles scarce. Cities which exact a WO sten:lard of essential - tion tail their eligible depleted aad no immediate supple In eight. Tine state of things is in a ineaeure aceunterl or by the prevailing shabbiness ie. the remunera- tion of teachers. The rover& are not such as to 1neuee enough ambitious yonng men to Inv .qat their IWO and strength in It thorough Preparatory course. 'rho increase of meney- earning opportunities for working women has still further reduced the Influx of deeirable material. The sitinction is a serious one. Thoustinde et efficient beachere have school work every year far mere remunerative labor. They feel tbat they can not afford the luxury of toaohing. Meanwhile the num- ber of inefieleut ones must of necessity lu- OreaSe. Minardes Liniment Cures Distemper, IMEMIEMOVNOM• When Father Cleans the Sidewalk. °Chicago Record -Herald.) When father cleans the Sidewalk He puffs and Dante and blows Ile roars at us for hinting b better able to endue," 1 She turned quickly round, but Helen interest in this man?" . • I le v no more than There's trouble round the place. When father cleans the sidewalk Is really a disgrace; in the fevor of his gratitude he would with her wild eyes fixed, and her thin .: - I He plays golf In the sumrner use it as a sure relief for sore throat an MENT a very superior article, and w have raised the hand of Laura to his hi w te arms and clasped bands extended Poseibly net so much, Miss Elmer. I To get the exercise, , chest. Wheu I tell you I would not b lips, but she coldly withdrew it, saying , toward the horseman, and her piercing And now I will give you my reasons for • And on the rainy Sundays without it if the price was one dollar that she would go and prepare for het taking so deep an interest in the discov- He often nearly dies. drive. !voice, calling in an agony of supplies - •t • ery of this man. The little woman in ' you'd think that he would flatten The ball at every whack; bottle, I mean It. Sir Vincent held the door open for her, , black, with the two chilaren, was my nut when he bee to shovel Itayburne! Rayburne! Rayburne! ' to pass out, She paused one mesment up- . Rayburne!" landlady, a widow, olio kept a i . It nearly breaks his back. - on the threshold and said: trimming shop in Berkeley street. A He stoles about the climate . "I thank you more than you can mar -From "John Van Buren in England Tennur road. She is a naost beauEiful in the December (Chrietmaa) Scribner.,e creature Olio walks out of the river idolise from the spectators. .01.1...1•04•00...... with her clothes all wet, water dripping - from her long silken tresses, and she car- ries in her eight hand -no, not a. piece tairville, Sept. 30, 1902. of soap nor an antiquated toothbrush- Minard's Liniment Co., Limited: merely a brass lotale If any ?mean at- tempts to appe each her she merely points ' . the forefinger of • her left hand at hint and. he d' The ghost was originally that we consider your MINARD'S 'AM- one of the temple dancing girls famous e all over the town for her striking d beauty. The temple authorities raised e objectione to her bathing theee and or- e, dered. her to creep .out quietly at 11 every night and bathe in the river at Tennur where no one would see her. How Tom Fooled the Old Boy. 'There was a fellee In the town where , my another come from whose name woe Tenn Cook. Tom avas a pretty rough sort of a customer, and it was eonxmonly believed that he was in league with the devil, and he -was, too. Well, by and by, the devil concluded he'd like 'roll's cone ' pony down. below. ',So he called. on Tom. early one morning and 1 mad Tom had just got up and was. dressing. "Tomo said be, 'you've lived in this town long enough. I want you to come , down to the pit awl stay with ane. So make haste. I've got to loep the teres • goin' dow uthere, you know.' "Then the devil took Tom by the arm . to hurry him and make sure of him. Tom didee5t like the looks of the devil, . and the devil's fingers were awful liot. Tom. tried to pall eking, and at the • same time he said,, 'Wait, wait, can't you, until I get •iny galluses on?' "The devil 'looked Min all over and then he grinned and he said: 'Yee, weuit till you get your Fetuses on." "Ile no sooner said that than Tom threw the galuges into the fire. The devil saw he'd lost his man and went off in great, anger, and Toni never wore gal- luses again." -New England Magazine. Raxenscroft had already darted to tne one w Dear e wish to m oim you agine, Miss Elmer," said the baronet; and open window, from which she leaned, yourself." The thrilling anguish of those tones few days sem, during her absence, ancl And says he wishes we "I have been in the habit of driving , out daily with the young ladiee, shall while the shop -was left in charge of the Could live where snow was something eould never be described ,and never be . they join us in our drive this afternoon?, ergo en. i me horseman smiled and held out his two children, ' • That we world neyer see. -break the shovel an, whom they "By no means," said the baronet, hast- arra. light and removed the most 'valuable ' recognized, came in a cab in broad day- ! liAne screeches up his face; When father cleans tile sidewalk f tt ily, and with great emphaeis; "by no , A wild cry of joy burst from the lips t of the widow's little stock, telling', There's trouble round the place. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc. 'Sounds funny to bear of tobacco being, 111. and: ped the caeriage, and began to bathe the ' even have made me :promise not to en- r tricrn:y, itt Crgradenpia."•?isenoZ rMuccri,noriesj. successive straight lines described by hon, boils, tumours, missed her pupils for the day, a woman alighting from a street car. impure blood -can find speedy relief in Mira then went to her own room to put on; hands and face of the fainting woman dea,vor to fin& him out, but I informed to Wisconsin people, svho know that It Piss Blood Tonic. her bonnet and shawl for the drive. She It drawn out the poison from the blood and , with some Hungary water that she hap- . her that it was the duty of every honest grown in this late, where the mercury fro- IV. A mixed line is a line composing tly gees out of eight, but the average the reception committee. of a club's had scarcely drawn on her gloves, man of the eominunity to protect the ican thinks of the waving palms of the presidential candidate. tones up Stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels. xiously engaged in trying to restore innocent and prosehut 'lt Y • • e e gui y, our tropics as soon as tobacco culture le mea- r • dreedfully tioned. It is a Mt, however, that the weed t BD eese ontario of which have been neglected by the V. A plain figure is one all poixits • * P virtues of curative herbs which aet in a natural manner on the syStem. Price, $1 a -bottle -6 (or Pone sal alatable-contains the medicinal when I pened to have at hand. While thus an- • mnaueenr 8•1/111.1,1i••••••1111014! Save Your Earnings The difficulty often experienced of safely investing small sums, ean be ob- viated by securing some shares in a first class Lean Company, paying down prem- ium of Ten Dollars per share, and then obtaining 6 per cent. on all subsequent payments. Write for particulars to John Wright, Broker, London, Ont. References, Merchants Bank of Canada. She returned. to her schoolrocma, dm- • Laura was greatly shocked. She stop- ' her strange forbearamee. bowed slightly and withdrew. • 1 Lizzy, the little ladaes matd,oame to her door with Sir Vincent's compliments and carriage was waiting. Laura Elmer went down to the front hall, in which she found Sir Vincent with .lady, clothed in black and. closely veil- ed, leaning upon his arm. When Laura came quite near, he went through a slight presentation, merely saying, in a very low tone: "Mrs. Ravenseroft, Miss Elmer." Lima courtesied, and was about to offa• her hand when the lady, 'without consciousness to her charge, she hear you'll& nen is now &T her own name softly called, and looking , agitated by the appearanee of thie man and other provinces in the eastern patt Of dressmaker. $5. At drug-itores-or from e up saw Ferdinand Cassinove and. young • weld, afford some clue to bis identity if tho Dominion. So groat have been the ro- , VI tires f the mune shape do 't of yustme by an mini, fled . "Masi no, for she not only refused 1 • • * consider themselves equivalent. to give me any eatplarration of the cause Mug's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows.' VIII. Women equal to the same Percy Lester standing beside the earri- she would. Can you not serve the eause turns, in Mot, that many Miners are giving ' 1.1 of Canada, Limited, Hamilton -Toronto. age window, • ?,, . up wheat and are plantingetobacco In their always ave t 6 same style. VII. Figures of the same size never Be sure to get Me genuine -ask for jO "I beg your pardon, Miss Elmer, but m oun friend Percy here recognized your carnage, and insisted on coming up. , 01 her agitation, but she even wrung We were taking a walk through the ' from me a. conditional promise not to in - park. Your companion scents to be ill. foem Sir Vincent of her accidental en - Can I be of any service 1" said the tu- "Oh, Mr. Cassinove, I am so glad that raising her veil, gravely bowed, and im- you are here! Yet I do not know how mediately averted her head.either," said Laura. Sir Vincent then led her oet, and plan- 'YOU can assist ane, (suddenly recollccting Sir Vincent's or - ed her in a carriage. He then returne to Laura, handed her into a seat beside Mrs. Ravenseroft, and told de comer - men to drive to the park. As the bar- onet ditiappeered within, and as Laura, was settling herself in the carriage, she observed a gentleman on horseback emerge from around. the corner, glance in- quisitively at the oceupant of the car- riage, and then, as though wfwilling to be discovered, retreat behind the angle of the house. Shelled twice before noticed this indi- vidual loitering near the entrance of Les- ter House. And now his appearance the third, time, and seemingly with the same purpose of espionage, filler her mina with recognized 3;e„, carriage, end we we:e vague surmise*, which were, however, veining toward. it, when I happened to unmixed with misgivings, for certainly eee my landlady with her two children; there was nothing whatever einister 111 I saw the little girt start forward, with ders that Mrs. Ithvenscroft was to be seen by no one; yet greatly perplexed. to know how she should get home with her strange eharge, should tbe latter upon her recovery, again become unman- ageable. "The lady has fainted! Let me itssist you," eagerly pleaded Cassinove, attempt- ing to open the carriage door. "No, no; she is recovering TIOW, and you must leave us if you please, Mr. Cassinove; but first tell me how much of this strange scene you have witness- ed "The whole of it. Percy and myself were Walking in the park, as I essid, lie counber with this man. From this day, for several weeks, no e more was seen or heard of the myster- Zilitu gies".itrut roici,ts carte; aitvotnurtil pearanee had caused so nitwit disturb- democratic simplicity. once I met a silk 4 • te Ithing are not always equal to eae,h The Universal Language of Clothes. ,other. -(Nellie Parker Jones in Chicago , Record -Herald.) The top hat represents the universal keg- ,-.....--...-........ tti" It 'wails aud wee° ag°In't veneargeemeeeinesholiebgeholieseeeetheseeane ItAsk for tho Purple Pachago.li ions "light -haired Stranger," -whose tap- nest mountain peaks are not safe from its once. bat, probably rescued from some benevolent CHAPTER XIV. mist bin, milking a cow in a London park, The hat nearly caused a riot; oaoh and every Vaeserby turned and stared indignantly. Light came back to the dark eyes, and The ectentric cowboy in the tOp hat finiehed .tasic, and the compane of hie Color to the pale cheeks of Laura Hinter. I me alacithed the appearatee of this teen. He seemed to be about twenty-eight or thirty years of age, with a tall ole- gant figure, a fine head, covered .with Oman, whoni those children had pain - shining light yellow heir, that fell in I ful Cattee to be interested, and I saw an exclamation that drew every ortes attention, mine among the rest, toward a certain horseman, a light-hairea gen- clustering curls around a iorebead white, smooth, and round, as that of childhooa, his features were delicate and regular, ids eyebrows softly traced, his eyes blue, clear, and gentle le their gaze. his nose straight, lips and chin molded into the very ideal of aweetuese and berievolence. lettinknees, affeetion, and gay good - humor were blended in the habitual ex- preseien of this eaptivating countenauee. So Louta lamer felt no misgiving at *wing this gentleman, fir the third thne, loitering near tester House. Tits mot- ives and purposes might be eccentric.. but &mid not, with such a face as that. be evil. The terriaee drove on. Ana in due ettention to her patient, who had now t' turnea into the peek. It was, as remvered sufficiently to enable bel' 4.0 ow and the milk pail ho ambled placidly out Same new spring of life wanoth and in- , Of eleht. Sun, one can't help asking, in the spira,tion seemed opened, in her soul. 1 interest of personal liberty, why shouldn't There were few in that large household , a silk hat be ()omitted to rank it cow? The that cared to observe the looks of the cow doesn't mind. so why should we? 04 To Keep Windows From Frosting, (N. Y. Iteread.) The larberdatsher alghed tor his w features gave a sweeter, clearer tone to tun ot lovely holiday redeems, was quits; Iter eich, deep vole°, and a more elastic I opaque with frost, grace to all her stately motions. She , "I'd glve a let," he said. "for some meth - n od to keep my window front frosting over in seemed, indieed, its one who had found, 1cold wegither." "1'11 let you 'have the method you want for nothing," said tho patron. "Coat the inelde of your window with glycerine, and it will keep al clear in winter ee in aura- l' a eUrveyor and in my trade we governess, else they mast have seen the change that was coining over ther coun- tenance; the spiritual beauty that at once s.oftened and irradiated her noble the frantic gestures ana heat(' the wild cries of your friend before she faintee, And now, as you will not permit me to assist you in any way, I shall go in search of that mysterious light -haired Adonis, with whom also I have an no - count to settle on behalf of the widow aud her orphans. So ehall see before night, evliether. despite his very prepos- sessing appearanee and fascinating man- ner, I eannot bring hint to the intimate aequitilitanee of the -Magistrate," said young Cassineve, bowing and retiring. And lifting his lett, lie bowed deeply and walked rudely away. I inner then gave her exclusive at last, The seeret of some happy dream, She ilid not care to tell. She teemed to have diseovered, within tonna, throteea with vieitors bit carni - on horeehaek, awl en foot. The lady by Laura's side bail not once raised her *tell or spcken a word; and Laura herself was too much °berthed he thought to break her companion's reverie until they had reaehea the park, When, thinking it well ta engage the un- asppT lady in conversation, she Stitt: It. up and bieathe free y. Helen ItTivenecrof looked around with it bewildered gate, and as memory eeera- ea to return to her, sigh after sigh beret from her bosom. Laura gave -orders to the outchmen to drive home. "I hope you feel better," the said. in it gentle voice, turning to her strange tom - "RELIANCE 95 BAKING POWDER Mrakee rood Healthful. coots Lase to uce. Gives Beltetsr ROSUlta. Insist on the QOhuine. FREE • 13EAUTIFUL receuna PO/1T CARDS To anyone writing us answoring the fol- lowing We Will glI1diy send aim. solutely fro', postage° prepaid, a set of fear of our le.teet edition of beeutted picture post cards lithographed in brilliant oelors ; - 1st Nam. your !grocer. 2nd. Name this paper. INTERNATIONAL FOOD CO., TORONTO, CANADA 11. de Os of her own opirit, the swot I '1"w411 U/5° glycerine. our glass tustru- - of an infinite content. For all the ends of earthly happinese slic appeared to be sufficient unto herself, as one whose treaatiree were all within, cafe front ex. ternal vicissitudes, inaependett of ex- terior eireurnstancee. Indeed., there was little in lier ogee life to strengthen, comfort or cheer her. She eaW no company, went to no place_e of amusement, had no congenial friends. }ter mornings were lama an the itchool room and music room with ter young pupils; her afternoons in driving out with :qvs. Ravenseroft, who had lapsed in&d to ent reserve, and her evenings in the eolitudc of her own room, where she oceopial her time in reeding and eriting, Only at 211031 timee, Ana in the pree- ence of her pupils, elm tnet Mr. Ouse nave end. bis young ebarge, Master Les- ter. She had not teen reedy teeter onee eince the htterview in her hadyehip's dressing room. Sit` Vitment Lester frequeittly vleited the lehoolroom, and often sent to re. quest the presence of Miss Elmer in the library. 1iaere quita numerous aseemblage pitmen. And it might have been observed that the oialy- occasions upon which Mite re- ef visitors here toelay. Will you not 'Bette?, bette! yes. I shied(' be bet- iner's. titer brow were clouded Ivor* 36 e I threw **fide your veil *nil look mit!' tee in my gravel Oh, for thet dreamless those of the baronets visite to the °lie, no; 'but you may 'let dewata the steep. Ala *leg does death semi the toted school room, or her own forced attend- windowe, irate; the air 1s stifitheg„" ft- and Ole happy from all the blessings of awes ta tire *nary. AA tits sdr. In a low yoke. life, imi leave t'he desolate sled wreaked (To be Ocietiefiell.) Von know how good Witch. Ilazelie-heale cuts and seretches -soothes chafing Ana skin irritation? "Royal Crown" Toilet Soap Is just and Intro VEGIVABT414 oilt. iloth tenet soap awl Teenaged set for the price of one. only ma gt*ke. 3 for 2, duties' mid ywhere. Mysterious Electric' y. . • (Washington Ilorald.) Prom an electric locentotive arm a lium• dreds of tons of freight to a fourte'n playing Ott it dining table 11 n far ery, Aid yet the imano mysterious agency is responsible fov both. It Is a curious (net that with all of . Ite utilization little or nothing la known of ; the source 432' nature of electricity. Theories of every oharacter have been advanced, but mine of Diens bee definitely solved Die pro- ; Viotti. We know how to lueice electricity end I how US centebi it, but lb; origin is am Oliteive ma the myettry of life. In ties preeteene age. however, the tack of thie kilowledge does Ind MVO itny concern. Wo are more ceneernea es temmerelal nation la iti.Teaeing the ...7...-•1:!MARWEI-Oile I-. •• TRADE MARK REGISTERED. . . SPIDERS AND MUSIC. -- French Savant Discredits Idea of Their Fondneas for Melody. It hits been asserted that, spiders pos- sess a sensitiveness to musical sounds. Some species. seem to respond to the If Kings Had to Work. Nearly aa the royalties of could, if driver' to it, earn their own liv- ing. The Queen of Rou.maatia, Cermen Serer ea., makes as it is ten income from her books that many other manors cannot equal. The Queen of Italy is a linguist of un- doubtedly have suceeed,ed in grand opera. The Queen of Italy is a linguist of un- usual talent. Oonversing fluantly and correctly in eight languageo, she could , Re any time get it good yegb in a high , echoot The King of England.is one of the • best I, judges of .wines and cigars in the world. As la wine or tobacco expert, or as a dealer he eheze luxuries, he would. soon have grown rice. Tire Queen of Portugal has, a medical ' degree, and could easily earn heir hiving' as a doctor. The German Empesee, as everybody knows, conkl make a good living as a. poet, it -musician, en fetid, ehip build- er, it pottery 'manufacturer, a horse demi- or, an actor, it bookblirdee, a clergyman, a tailor, a, iieulptor, a barber, a karma or a dentist. D . and so on, in a, manner suggestive of , their ability to recognize these sounds, or the harmonic vibrations on which they are' basal, Ilut Monsieur A. Le- day came round, ed him as follows: 'John, o v what a work of necessi ' said John. ttyi(16-4;:ertsik,tnlin,g,o,n,‘ Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. A Work of Necessity. A. minister of a rural parish in Scot - notes of the piano, the harp, • e lute land observed one of his flock iihooting a hare on the Sabbath. d'Vlien catechising canton, of the College of France, who I I "Well, do you h it hare on ilk has made a, special study of the instincts sun 1 the su posed "psyehism" of spiders.' thatd.illYsaina jwoohint, "How do you in?.ke that of necessity?" "It is thinks that the apparent sensitiveness of thest• animals to musie has been misun- derstood. It is his 'minion that when nutsieal instrument:A are played near their nests the seeders sim ly feel the vibrations -through tseir webs, o e wise• without vceognizing tbe musical The largest. birds' swats are to bo .4 notes rn• Belinda, The effeet upon them e e s Lome. en asthma -Le. Th2, AustrAnmt jun. is siiiiilar to that of the buzzing; of flan „tele fowl bad for meets genet monocle, Olt ra 1P011 doel" not ttseribe ultien fifteen feet ern anl 125 or 150 feet Manlier Of MOS it) ()Markey can las adapted. oat 1" "Were, ye zee, meemeter, it mic be awa' on Monday!" was the Gunner Scot's reply. Nests Weighing Five Tons. "had igence" 'to spiders. 4. a - Trying to Avoid Expotture, (Catholic Stendarda Ilielssed carped my wim's umbrella with me yesterday and lost it somewhere. Now tdie WaT11.1 to aevertice it. wiekeeerlial'a0. goed idea, It 'eV he Iliekre-Tliat's Net the troUble. I'M al- 413`)‘'":4'l'd viii *V734 te) a returned in her. mott eertaln / lett it la Pores valoon.Meeleh, ets feve tone in circumference. Grass., leaves and other riNgetalke matter are wed in the con- struction of the mots, wile& easley weigh a ton. 'floe Atestitillanbrueli torkeyt, working in colonios, build pyramidal meta, even lerete. Ono of thisee eteste, on being re- t\s Danger Front Minna& Wrecks. The immedinte aud all-important ques- tion ie not why the frequent wrecks are so deetructiee, hut why they ehould be allowed to mew in the first place. Steel Cara, of cotwse, are better then wooden owe, but there would he no tomplaint ibmger from the latter if the number of wrecks could be reduced in this coun- try to what experience elnead shelve to be the unavoideble minimum. The mere nfospect, of collieimaproof MShi the dim future will beraly.divert publie at - tendon from the task in hand, widish is to prevent the ronsequeneee of 0111th:eel ' by ehollehing eollistori.--Cleteland Plebe Dealer. mAera KB Pio ARLC Pt 11111%.1 114 Wilt WAX Ash to ILLIVrif ItATellite rest vtortts, Ashanti. MX