HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-02-07, Page 525 Per Gent. Discount Saving Opportunities in the Men's Blue Front Store. The Big Cut Price Sale is still on, but it is not going to last for ever, We may call it off without notice, so don't delay, come right in and save your money, .Men's Suits. Men's Suitt' in Tweeds and Fancy Tweeds, made up in Single and. Double-breasted Sacque Style. New, Fashionable Goods. All sizes. A $14.00 Suit will cost you $10.50 A. 12.50 Suit as ct " 9.38 A 10.00 Snit " tf 'a 7.50 A 7.50 Suit as " as 6.63 Odd Trousers. Men's Odd Trousers, consisting of Tweeds and Worsteds, in a variety of fancy stripes and checks. $1.00 lines cost you.....$ .75 $2,00 cc ct ,. 1.50 $3.00 as " 2.50 $1.50 Iines cost you $1.12• $2.50 as " 1,87 $4.00 a a' " a 3.00 Underwear. Men's Pen -Angle Wool Underwear, guaranteed unshrinkable, winter weight, double-breasted, worth $1.00 a garment—Sale Price 75c. And all other lines are at the same 25% discount. No matter what a man wants, we can supply that want, and on every dollar's worth of goods purchased we hand back 25 cts. Everything marked in plain figures. 1 McGee & Campbell Successors to The R. H. Crowder Co. Furniture —and, Uudertaking Walker Bros. & Button r Lucknow. Mr. John Joynt has returned from a trip to Philadelphia, Boston and other American cities. • Geo. Aitcheson has patented and is preparing to place on the market a dustless ash sifter and coal saver. Mr. P. A. Malcomson was appointed County Clerk for the County of Bruce at the recent sitting of Council, in place of Wm. Gould, resigned. Word has been received of the death of Mr. H. McDonald, who underwent an operation at Fergus on Monday. Mr. Angus McDonald of this place is a son of deceased. A. public meeting was held in the Town Hall on Tuesday evening to consider a request from the Lucknow Furniture ntture Co.,Laid before the lash meeting of Council, asking for a loan of $4,000. A resolution was passed 1 When Illness Comes Haveou near at hand a remedy Y that will alleviate 'pain and help till doctor comes ? A wise thing is to have right in your home a bottle of "Nerviline" which gives instant relief, and prevents disease from spreading. Nothing known for the stomach and bowels that compares with Nerviline. For cramps, indigestion, heartburn and headache, it's indispensable. For fifty years Poison's Nerviline in 25c bottles has been a family stand-by. get it to -day. i that the Couecil should prepare and submit to the people a By-law approv- ing pproving of the requested loan to the Luck - now Furniture Co. The interment took place at Kinloss . cemetery on Saturday, 20th Jan., of Peter McKenzie, who died on Thurs- day, the 24th, at the age of seventy-six years, who been for an .' t ho has Al L years a highly esteemed resident of Paratnount. MARTYR DAYS ARE NOT YET PASSED! GREAT ARMIES OF MEN AND WOMEN GO UP AND DOWN THE EARTH IN BONDS MORE IRISS MEa IN SUFFERINGS MO E INTENSE, IN SHACKLES MORE SECURE THAN WERE THE IRON MANACLES OF SLAVERY'` DAYS, AND YET THE " LINCOLN OP EMANCIPATION =' FINDS IN THESE LATER. DAYS HIS COUNTERPART IN Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder whose mission it is and which mission it fills in freeing thousands front the bondage of dreaded, disgusting, discouraging, distracting catarrh, that cruel, relentless master that is no respecter of persons. How do you know you are in its thrall ? Note the symptoms --headache, watery eyes, pains over the eyes, deafness, buzzing in the head, dropping in the throat, offensive breath, dryness in the nostrils—any or all of these symptoms are forerunners of catarrh, and catarrh in the headache stage can be relieved in ro minutes by Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder end the sufferer may be saved the suffering that comes with the chronic stage and the distress and maybe fatal results when catarrh takes hold. on the lung tissues. Take catarrh hi time with this wonderful cure, which, as thousands have said :t 1 thousands more could say, "works like magic," and you will have struck the chord that is the keynote to health and happiness. ALL I)Rt1GGISTS AND IVE1)ICXNE I)X ALl:lt5 SL`I.I. T. o DR. AGNEW'S CURE FOR THE HEART gives relief in thirty minutes. DR. AGNEW'S OINTI .ENT relieves eczema, scrofula and all akin eruptions' with fiat application — 35 cents. For Sale fly A. T. ItA:1•Itxi ol't. r! �. �. THE WINGHAM ADVANCE - TuuRswAy', PEBRt1AI Y 7, 1907 HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. The First Session of Huron county's New Council. The first 'fleeting of the new Horan County Council opened, at (Ioderieh on Tuesday afternoon of last week. There was a full list of members tires - out, The first business was the elec- tion of a Warden, 11Ir. John T. Onr. rie, Reeve of East 1•Vawanosh, wits proposed. After waiting the required half-hour, and no other nominations being made, Clerk Lane, who presided, declared Mr, Currie duly elected WVar- den, Judge Holt then performed the ceremony of swearing in the Warden, and in a neat address congratulated the Warden on his election. Cantelon of Clinton and S. Mc- Kereher of Wroxeter were selected from a number of applicants as Audi, tors. Mr, Duff asked for the addition of a footbridge at I3luevale bridge. The road and bridge committee recoln- mended no action, but the Council amended their report by granting re- quest, providing the cost be not more than $350, The county property committee re- ported having visited the gaol, and finding incarcerated therein fonr pris- oners, ane for insanity, two for vag- rancy, and one for assault; they also, among other recommendations, se- comnrended that the use of the Court house be not given to Police Magis- trate Humber, for the hearing of cer- tain police cases. The arbitrators appointed at the December session in reference to the petition of certain r'atepayer's of the townships of East Wawanosh and Morris, asking for the formation of a new union school section at or near Helgrave, reported that tbey had come to the conclusion that as new union school section should be formed and that the prayer of the petition should be granted, and an award has been accordingly made. M. Y. McLean, Seaforth, and W. Lane, county clerk, were appointed members of the board of audit of criminal accounts. The reports of public school inspec- tors Robb and Tom were read and rb- ferred to the educational committee. These reports were most exhaustive, and contained much valuable and use- ful information. The county registrar's report, which was read, showed that during the year there had been 1,438 deeds regis- tered ; 1,024 mortgages ; 1,105 mort- gages discharged ; 232 wills registered and the amount of the mortgages reg- istered was $1,000,083. The gross re- ceipts of the office were $5,917, of this the county receives $1,208 and the registrar, $2,589. The treasurer submitted his ac- counts for the year which were re- ferred to the finance cornrilittee. The total expenditure for the year amount- ed to $58,144 and was made up as fol- lows:—Administration of justice, $0,- 082; schools, $10,420; municipal gov- ernment, $4,600; interest, $500; coun- ty property, $1,708 ; industrial home, $5,101 ; roads and bridges, $20,155. Two • tenders for county printing were received—from the Goderich Star and Signal, that of the former being accepted. The Sovereign Hank ap- plied for a share of the county deposit but no action was taken in the matter. $50 was granted to the National Sani- tarla ne ; $20 to the Sick Children's hospital, Toronto; $15 to each of the Public Libraries in the county ; $20 to each of the Agricultural and Horticul- tural societies in the county, including the Huron Central Fair Association ; $25 to each of the Farmers' Associa- tions • 25 to eachqfthe Teachers'chers , In- stitutes ; the Salvation Aruly made application for a grant of $100 to aid in their children's rescue work, but in view of the fact that they receive gov- ernment aid, no action was taken. A grant of $20 was made additional to the salary of Mr. Knox, turnkey at the jail. The usual grant of 25c per man was made to the 33rd Battalion, the total grant not to exceed $600. The education committee recom- mended—That the Legislature be ask- ed to arrange the school law so that instead of the salaries of teachers be- ing graded in accordance with the as- sessment of the section, they be grad- ed in accordance with the qualifica- tions and experience of the teachers employed. That J. II. Cameron of Brussels and W. J. Moffat of Seaforth be appointed on the Board of County School Examiners. That the follow. ing amounts be paid the several inst.i- tnt•es, less the fees collected front county pupils :—Goderich $2101, Clin- ton $21.13, Seaforth $2421. That the claims of the St. Mary's Collegiate In- stitute for arrears on pupils front this county attending their institute, be paid, together with $17.37 dues for 100G. That Dr, Burrows be appointed Trustee for Seaforth Co legitte; that Rev. Mr. Gunne be appointed for Clin- ton ; that J. A, Mo'to'r be appointed for Wingham, and F. W. Jordan for Goderich, That the usual grants be given for Continuation classes. That both Varna and Bayfield be examina- tion centres, That the grant to the SVinghattr High School be made on the same basis as to the Collegiate In- stitutes, which grant would amount to $500, as near as wo can cotnpute. The Beeves of munieipaiities were given power, by resolution, to get small repairs nude in county bridges, payment to be made to the contraetol' by the municipality and then -charged to the county, the said amount not to exceed $30'. Atter reading a couple of by-laws, the Council adjourned to meet on the first Tuesday in *Tuna next, sisasr ieaarlu�i.�irtaiiuti Ir. Meow* °rut Took and Disuse Destroyer PSYCIIINE (P•ONOWICtD ! Kii1N) tTsed in Thousands of Homes in Canada THOSE WHO dont knowwhatPeyehine is and what it does are asking aboutit. THOSE WHO do know what Psychine is and what it does are using it, They regard it as their best physician and friend. TIIOSB WHO use it are being quickly and permanently cured of all forme of throat, chest, lung .and stomach troubles. It is a scientific prepara tion, destroying all disease germs in the blood and system. It is a wonderful tonic and system building remedy, and is a certain cure for COUGHS, LA GRIPPL Colds, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Weak Voice, Sleeplessness, Nervousness, Malaria, Anaemia, Storn'ach. All these din'tises are rerions in them- selves, and if not promptly cured in the early stages are the rertttiu forerunners of Consumption in its most terrible forms. Psychine conquers and tures Consulnp- .tion, but it is much caster and cater to prevent its development by using I'sy. 'chine. here is a s,tlnple of thousands of voluntary and unsolicited statements from all over Canada Dr, T. A, Slocum, Limited; Gculiotnen,—1 feel It my duty to Ovine yon of the rem,rt:nble en e affected by your i'srchine and Oxenua: inn, 1,111(11 here ;vino under my petsonnl observtutoe. Throe vlon, tell known to Inc. Albert Totvmsclel, JIazci 1tipsnn and John mA:Kuy, ail of Shelburne t,ottnty, were pro nnuneed by the best nlydirn � Bronchial Coughs, Chills and Fever, Difficult Breathing, General Weakness Female Troubles, Fichte Appetite, Hemorrhages, Hight Sweats, Consumption, Catarrh of the 2 na't to halo een9t 111 fr r t l a! n 1 a, a 1 to ae At••tu r o, •r 11 >• a r, ut n i an h dt c rcaehn nudieni Wiry, 'rh:•y a '1'.;;• l t 4116 Oxanudsi. n and they aro naw 1 , ; nod health. I feel It n duty 1 owe to sulTcrl,F humanity to elateom ttll:s heseterribfactsle rfotrke thease bemolit of other Nlaerors fr Yours very truly, LEANDCIt JIeTfliNZTE, J.P. Green 'Turbot', N,5 Psychine, pronounced Si -keen, is for sale at all up-to-date dealers. If your druggist or general store cannot supple yeti, write Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, 179 King Street West, Toronto. ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch on hu- man or animals cured in 80 minutes by Wolford's Sanitary Lotion. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. 1 —The late Prince Bismarck once re - ceived from some miners in West- , phalia a bust of himself carved in coal, and it is said that this odd present was always carefully preserved by him and looked upon somewhat in the light of a luck bringer. I It's the highest standard of quality, a natural tonic, cleanses your system, reddens the cheeks, brightens the eyes, gives flavor to all you eat. Hot- lister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do this for you. 35 cents, Tea or Tab- lets. Ask your druggist. Property Owners Will find it distinctly to their advant- age to make me their Agent, based on quick returns and satisfactory dealing. The following are a few of the many properties for salo:— $10501} story house, 8 rooms. good repair, rents for $98 per year, John Sr. $it00 1} story frame house, 8 rooms, hard and soft water, lino cellar, excellent repair, Frances St. $1200 13 story new solid brick house, eight rooms, comfortable homo, Chas. St. $1250 ll story houso, 8 rooms, hard and soft water, good location, rents for $102 per year, Victoria St. $1300 2 story frame house, splendid cellar, stable worth $300, fruit trees, rents for $102 per year, Leopold St. $1300 New Brick Cottage, 7 rooms, hard and soft water, Josephine St. @ 2 story house, 9 rooms, good repair, '�i 00 a beautiful home, Scott St. $1950 2 story Brick Cottage, 7 rooms, elec- tric lights, good stable, John St, $2000 11 story double frame house, ten rooms all conveniences, Frances 'a s St. $2500 2 storyhouse,bath,elect' lights, lots wrth $000, able wort0 Minnie Street. • $2700 2 story solid brick houso, bath, fur- nace could not bo built now for $1000, Maple Street. If you want anything at any time in Real Estate, conte direct to headquarters. • Money to loan on farm security. J. 11. Chisholm REAL ESTATE INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT Vanstone Block — Wingllam WINGHAM Flour Mills • We're often asked by farmers, which is better, to get wheat gristed or buy flour? Gristing is the cheapest; you save from 25e to 35e on each bag of flour, and then you will get our flour, whioh is the best. Oar ehopper is running again, and can chop from 4000 to 6000 lbs. an hour, so there will be no waiting to got ybur h done. a by PRICE LIST : Vivo Lilies Flour, bbl ...$2.10 to $2.30 Prairie Rose Flour, bbl. , 2.00 to 2.2(1 Star Flour, per 3 bbl, , .. 2 00 to 2. iii Cream Pastry Flour 1,80 to 2,0e Lew Grade Flour, ton26.00 to 27.00 Bran, per ton 17.00 to 18 00 Shorts, per ton, 18.00 to 20,00 Soreettings, per ton 18.00 to 20.00 Chop, per ton 20.00 to 25,00 Winter Wheat, per bush.... 690 to 70e Goose 'Wheat, per bush 600 to 02c Manitoba Wheat, per bush75o to 850 Goods delivered promptly to any part of the town. lOWSOl HARVEY & f Clinton. The engine on the upward bound freight broke au axle itt the ninon yard on Saturday and had to be towed back to Stratford for .repairs. U'niver'sal sympathy will go out to Mr, John Riggin in the loss of his wife, which occurred on friday last, at the ago of 35 years .and 7 mouths, in the intermediate 0, H. A. game here on the Slst nit., Clinton defeated Ooderich by 14 to 3, It was a fast game and very exciting, Referee Mc- Ivor kept the teams welt in hand. Mr, Edward Levy was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Miss Matilda, Wagner, formerly of Wing - ham, on Wdnesday afternoon, Tartu• ary 30th, at the manse, Brueefieid, The Robinson farm on the Huron road, just west of the town, has been rented to Mr, W. Steep, It consists of 120 acres for which he pays $300 per year.. lifeBrien met with a bad accident at the Doherty organ factory on let inst., while running the shaper. His left hand was caught in the knives and as a result he lost two fingers and may lose the four, On February 1st, Mr. 0. S. Dean, one of the oldest residents of Clinton, passed away in his 80th year. He was in the tannery business for a great many years and later in the commis- sion business. For over 50 years he has striven to advance the town's in- terests, and for several years acted in the capacity of councillor. Ite was a prominent -member of the A, F, & A. M. order and was buried with Masonic honors on Sunday. On Saturday morning last what might have been rather a serious af- fair happened at Mr. T. T, Murphy's. During the temporary absence of Mr. and Mrs. Murphy, their little daugh- ter alone being in the house, some light wood which had been placed in the oven ignited and fell to the floor. The flames reached up and caught on some clothes hanging close to the stove to dry. Fortunately, just in the nick of time, Mr. Murphy's brother happened along and to extinguish the fames was for him but a tnatter of a few minutes. Stop Limping, Cure The Corn. Quickly done by Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor, Acts in one day, causes no pain, removes every trace of soreness. Fifty years of success proves Putnam's is the best. Refuse substi- tutes. Teeswater. • The local camp of Sons of Scotland have fixed upon Tuesday and Wednes- day, Feb. 20 and 27, as the dates for their annual concert. A Vancouver paper announces the sale of the large business of the Pater- son Shoe Co„ Limited, of that city, to a. firer known as Colvin & Harris. The Colvin in the firm is Mr. John Colvin, son of Mrs. George Colvin of town. Mrs. George Caslick of town, who a year ago suffered a stroke of paralysis, was again stricken on Thursday even- ing last. This time the whole of one side is completely paralized. Her con- dition is very critical, and at time of writing little hope of her recovery is entertained. Mr. Caslick is also seriously ill. A recount and scrutiny of the bal- lots for local option was held here on Thursday, by Judge Malcolmson of Walkerton, with the sestilt showing 131 for to 80 against, with judgment reserved on two ballots. One was marked for the by-law and had been counted by the returning officer, but it appeared that when the ballot was torn from the stub two blank ballots were torn off and folded instead of one, and only one being initialed and that not the one marked by the voter. The other ballot reserved was marked on the line. Judgment was also re- served as to whether it should be 00 per cent. of all ballots cast or G0 per cent. of ballots counted only, On the 00 per cent. basis of the ballots as already allowed, local option barely carries. Diet Not The Whole Thing, Your table is loaded with food—di- gestible and wholesome, yet you never gain strength. What's the trouble? Look within, and what do you find ? A lazy liver, a stomach overloaded with work ---useless work because the bowels and liver are not sufficiently active. Relief is quickly supplied by Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They make weak folks strong by removing the cause of the weakness. Digestion improves, constipation leaves, liver takes new life, kidneys wake up,—the whole sys- tem is enlivened by Dr. Hamilton's Pills. No better medicine for the sick or well, 25c at all dealers. TELEGRAPHY is the first step towards positions paring from $5000 to $50,000 per annum in rail- way service. otr can become a good t' operator in r 0 months it on studyn Th Central Telegraphy School, 3 Gerard St 10., Toronto, The finest School in Canada. Write for partieulars, H. SHAW T. J. JOIINSTON Pres. Prin. BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. 111. A, Yon Sta. TORONTO. (met; 1115 VEAk ROtlNO. IINTSR ANY 'LIME. The oldest And strongest business sohool. All facilities are of the best. Students receive expert instruction and personal fttention and etre as- sisted to positions• write for catalog of this live up•to•date school. T. M. WATSON, PRINCIPAL. ISARD'S BIG CLEAN -SWEEP SALE WILL BE CONTINUED 3 Days More. Thursday - Friday - Saturday POSITIVELY ENDING Saturday, Feb. 9th. We can't afford to carry it on any longer. Don't miss this grand opportunity of SAVING MONEY. Shop Early. [N. E. ISARD & CO. TAKE Rival Herb Tablets Thr Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, and for cleansing the Blood— there is nothing better. 200 Days' Treatment $I.00 Trial Package -30 Days' Treatment -25c. At nil Druggists, and W. McKibben, Wingham. Wholesale from The Rival Herb Agency, Kincardine, Ont. NN•N•ONNle•N•N•1••• You Make A Mistake I If you buy a Piano with- out seeing our stock, comparing prices and taking into account the quality of the instrument. All the best makes always in stock — Heintzman, Newcombe, Dominion, and others. Also Organs, and the very best Sewing Machines. David Bell Stand—Opp. Skating Rink 1 t w. J. PRICE, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTIST (Successor to Dr. Holloway) Will continue the practice in the office lately occupied by Dr, Holloway, in the Beaver Block, Wingham. Anyone desiring a particularly desirable five per cent. investment, kindly call on I ABNER COSBNS Loan & Insurance Agt. WINGHAM Machine Works. O O 4 Having a iirst•elass machinist, I am prepared to do all kinds of repairing on the shortest notice ; also castings made to order. I am building a few PORTABLE SAWING MACHINES—they're some- thing new, Call and inspeot before placing your order elsewhere. A Cali Solicited. At the OId Stand on Victoria St. W. G. PATON et' 7 4-H% From DesKi'o Desk 51 Sale " 0 N!PRIVATEER! \Vr is only another way of saying "Ambition, " We alt are ambitious—. -we all avant to reach the top, but if the first few rungs in the ladder of success are missing, it's pretty hard to get a foothold, isn't it P Begin right and attend the PoRES'r CITY BUSINESS $L SHORTHAND COLLEGE. Nothing is taught that is not needed in business life. The rungs are all in oUlx ladder, and when you graduate you stand alone on a firm foundation. Business and Shorthand work our specialty. Write for our catalogue ; it's free. School term t September till June, inclusive. forest City Business Colles J. t7, wa5'rta'VSt.T, Prettiest, Y. M. 0. A. •fdg., L.Qntlon.