HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-02-07, Page 4n
Bargains! Bargains!
Until February lst.
We announce Bargains in our Tailoring Department.
t l
eels seasons,
l' 1e betty
As the present time is a little
order to clean up our stock and make room for the
New Goods which are arriving daily, and also to keep
our hands steadily employed, we will sell at the follow-
ing reduced prices :--
7 Suit lengths only, of our Scotch and English
Tweeds and Worsteds. $22.00 Suits at $18.50
11 Suit lengths only, of our $20.00 Suits at$17.00
10 Suit lengths only, $18,00 Suits at $15.00
10 Only of our $16.00 Suits at $13.00
Overcoats -Only a few left at the sante reduction.
Also special bargains in Pants. A large stock to
select from.
Remember these are not old styles out of date, but
made any style to suit you. Cut and made on the
premises. No sweat shop work here.
Although our stock is all new you can pick up lots
of special bargains, such as Underwear, Caps, Fur Collars,
Mitts, Gloves, etc.
We sell the best Overalls made in Canada -The
Monarch. All double -stitched seams and made in good
Fxweli &
..►. .-
4E106 ••••••• r-. -. ll
Tailors and Men's Furnishings
l �1C kalinglyan Abbant.e
Theo. Ralf - Proprietor.
Sr ssceieviox Pater. -V.00 per antrum to
N advance, $1.50 if not so paid,
ADVERrisn t RATxs.--I.egal and other caa-
nal advertisements 10o per nonparlel line for
tint insertion. 3e per line for each subsequent
Advrrtisements in the local columns are
and 5e
to first insertion, n
perline x G
el rrgc�cl or .
Per Iluo for each subsequent insertion.
iL Advertisements of Strayed. Farms for Sale
or to Rent, and similar, $1.00 for first throe
;I weeks, and 25 cents for each subsequent in.
CONTRACT RATES. -The following are our
rates for the insertion of advertisements for
Ispecified periods; -
SPAM 1 Yr. 0 Mo. 3 Mo. 1 Mo.
I One Column $70.00 7it0.00 $22.50 18.00
Half Column 40,00 25.00 15.00 6.00
Quarter Column20,00 12.50 7.50 3.00
One Inch .... 5.00 3.03 2.60 1.25
Advertisements without specific directions
will be inserted till forbid and charged ac-
cordingly. Transient advertisements must be
paid for in advance.
Until the entire stock is cleared out, we're offer-
ing greatly reduced prices on following lines -
Skates, Hockey Sticks, Lamps, Mitts,
Crosscut Saws and Axes.
Just Arrived: -An assortment of Steam Cookers and Food Cotters.
See our Graniteware, Copper and Nickel Goode, before buying.
Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000
Rest, - - -
Total Assets, - 113,000,000
Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England.
Deposits of $1 and upwards received, and interest allowed
current rates. The depositor is subject
o they whatever
the withdrawal of the whole or any portion
ofWingham, Ont., Branch :-A. E. Smith, Manager.
B. E. WALKER, President
ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager
A. H. IRELAND, Superintendent of
$15 to every rural sellout .Of the dif- looking lifter the interests of the far-
ference between $fix► and $300, the liters, stock l'aisets and packers (as
Ooverntneut will pay 40 per cent. or well as the consumers of such pro -
$S0; this added to the $15 graut ducts) in Canada, I1. is gratifying to
makes $95, leaving the amount to be know, from the report to the Govern -
raised for salary, $405, The Township leen t, that ('anadlan packing hooses
Council must raise $300 for cacti are in a "highly: satisfactory condi-
school section, all of which is to be kion." As, however, the Minister
applied to salary of teacher. The Pro- deems it nocessal'y to introduce a mea-
vineial Government on its part will sure on the subject, it seems to us that
increase the grant to rural Public and this action may be traced to the
Separate schools from $120.000 to watchfulness of the member for hast
$380,000, this increase to go into effect Huron, who lost no time in bringing
this year. Of this sum $50,000 will be the matter to the attention of the
divided up into $15 grants to each Government, and in doing so referred
of the
s lett
a I a
tosn tar
retial school without any conditions.
-The net earnings of the Temis-
katning and Northern Ontario Rail-
way, over and above cost of operating
expenses, for the past year, will just
about prove sufficient to pay three per
ceut on the capital invested, Our
Proviucial railway is doing well.
CAritat. PAID rip:
ad $00 000 win he distributed question, but to its beating upon corn-
an the basis of equipment in schools : petition with Canadian industries,
this will average about $12 per school, : We append herewith a couple of ex -
well -equipped getting more and poor- tracts showing that the importance of
ly-equipped schools less, The remain- the matter was recognized by the
ing $240,000 is to be applied in paying daily press: --
forty per cent, of the salaries of rural
teachers in excess of $300 and up to
-Mr. Graham, the new leader of
the Liberal party in Ontario, has an-
nounced his policy. On the whole, it
is a good one, but it is so similar to
that which the Government itself is
endeavoring to follow and develop,
that it seems to us that the Opposition
should fall right in line and assist Mr.
Whitney in carrying out the reforms
he has begun and those in contempla-
tion. Here are the points in the policy
outlined :-
A progressive forestry policy.
Abolition of contract prison labor.
Limiting the powers of large cor-
Perfect titles by the government.
Free school books.
Cheap power.
Economy in provincial business.
Absolute control by municipalities
of streets.
Management of the public schools
by teachers.
Increase of the succession duties.
Fixed and adequate income for the -
Development of iron mines.
Establishment of smelting works.
Extension of the T. and N, 0. rail-
way to Georgian bay.
This is a very good program indeed,
but it contains very few things not
favored by the Whitney government,
and that government has not by any
means reached the limit of its ambi-
tion to do things for the people of On-
-Railway mileage under construc-
tion was greater during 1906 than in
any previous year in the history of
the Dominion. It was estimated that
upwards of 3,300 miles of new road
were built, and a total of $62,000,000
expended on construction and addi-
tional equipment, the largeness of
these totals illustrating in a striking
manner the developments in progress
in the commercial and industrial life
of the country.
-The British Columbia Provincial
elections were held on Saturday last.
The elector's arose in their might, and
resenting the interference of Premier
Laurier, returned Premier McBride to
power with a good majority over Lib-
erals and Socialists. The latest figures
are -Conservatives, 26 ; Liberals, 10;
Socialists, 3; in doubt, 4. It was a
hard-fought contest. The Conserva-
tives are elated and the Liberals are
correspondingly depressed, for they
were confident of victory.
-The importance ;of Agriculture in
the prosperity and development of a
country's possibilities is seen in the
fact that a bill is now before Congress
at Washington which calls for an ap-
propriation of $7,635,000 for the Unit-
ed States Department of Agriculture.
Since each State makes liberal appro-
priations for like purposes, the total
expenditure for agriculture in the
United States will probably reach the
neighborhood of $20,000,000, or more
than three times the expenditure of
the Provincial Government of Ontario
for all purposes.
Thirty-two Million Dollars, $2,500,000
RECEIVES accounts of corporations, firms and in-
dividuals, on favorable terms. Deposits of $1.00
and upwards received, and highest current rate of
interest allowed. 96 Branches throughout Canada.
t . 10. %mit% - Agent
We are sole agents for
the celebrated Scranton Coal,
which has no equal.
Also the bent grades of
Smithitag, Cannel fond Do.
metttie Coal and Wood of
AU kinds, always On hand.
Gffice R once Phone, No. 55
adlll " 1(o.44
,.1., Alba,.:.rte., . ..
-The report of the Department of
Public Works for the last fiscal year
shows an expenditure of $9,347,527.
Ten years ago the expenditure was
barely two millions ; now it is border-
ing on ten rniilions. The Chief Archi-
tect's report goes into many minor de-
tails. For instance, we learn from
this report how many coat -hooks were
put up in the buildings ; how many
desks were oiled; that nine chairs
were repaired in the Census office ;
that two window sashes were added
to the Privy Council building ; also
that three step -ladders were purchas-
ed, and a cushion was supplied for
each of two departments, and three
lamp shades were furnished the De-
partment of the Interior. While the
Chief Architect's report goes into
these little things, nothing is said
about the fall of the Laurier Tower,
on which $57,000 had been paid. It
will be remembered that this matter
-The famine in China is extending, was investigated by a Commission of
and is sad indeed. We, in Canada, Architects, who reported astonishing
where plenty abounds, can form no negligence, carelessness and ignorance
adequate idea of what it means for and yet all the reference one can find
four millions of human beings (or two- in the Chief Architect's report is the
thirds of the population of Canada) to following few lines :-
be starving for food. Camps have "This work is now nearly coni -
been formed where the suffering na- pleted. Plans, etc., prepared, and
work supervised by this depart-
inifeeding them. Ad for is toldldnofce meat. Contractor -Geo. Goodwin.
them. story is of The report of the Commission of Ar -
one family -the mother; father, and chitects showed that this costly struc-
two children. The mother left home tore, built within a few yards of the
on a search for food, and the father, Chief Architect's office, and seen daily
despairing of aid, threw both children by the Minister of Public Works, was
into the river. The motherareturned constructed of wretched material badly
and learning what had happened put together, not according to con-
ftherdrowned herself. The grief-stricken tract, and so badly built that it did
father followed. not stand until it was finished. One
would have thought thatu, report that
told of the repairs of a few chairs, and
of the purchase of three lamp shades,
would have had something to say
about such adisastrous occurrence.
(Ottawa Evening Journal.)
Dr. Chisholm, of East Huron,
has voiced the opportunity that
exists of aiding and promoting the
industry of our own fanners in
the canned meat industry as
against the help that is given di-
rectly and indirectly to the United
States fauuer•. With the situa-
tion in Chicago as it is, and the
fact established that there is a
danger to the public health in the
canned meat that is imported, it is
t'easonable that there should be a
demand for the better protection
of our own industry. Dr. Chis-
holm has tendered a public service
in drawing the attention of parlia-
ment to the opportunity and the
necessity on behalf of the produ-
cers and the consumers. A million
and a quarter dollars worth of
canned meats are brought into
this country from the United
States to compete with our own
products. There are in Canada
exactly the same classes of pro-
ducts, and against this million and
a quarter which the United States
send here, they take only some
fifty thousand dollars worth from
us. This general indication of the
situation proves that something
might be done with advantage to
our farmer, and with credit to our
own patriotism,
-The Weekly Sun says : A very
large number of petitions have been
presented to Parliament since the ses-
sion was resumed, on the Oth inst.,
protesting against a continuance of
iron and steel bounties. An indica-
tion of the force of public opinion rep-
resented in these petitions is furnished
in the case of Oro, where over four
hundred names were signed in one
township. The petitions do not, how-
ever, begin to represent the intensity
of the feeling throughout Ontario in
regard to this matter. If tune had
allowed, thousands of signatures
would have been obtained where
dreds have been secured. Notwith-
standing the protests entered, the
Liberal members at Ottawa have de-
termined, so a Globe despatch says, to
carry through the new scale of boun-
ties proposed. If the Government
does finally decide to add fifteen to :I
twenty-five millions to the gifts al-
ready made to the iron and steel
barons, it will go directly contrary to
the wishes of at least nine -tenths of
the rural voters of Ontario. The Sun
urges every man who is opposed to
this gigantic steal -to write at once to
his member at Ottawa.
• ,<
--Last week, The Advance referred
`♦ VV.i. to the change in the School Law. The
Government acted wisely in making
the proposed amendments. By the
We carry a full stock Of course they now propose to take, the
Lumber (dressed er nndreae object in view may be Attained, and
sed), Shingles, Lath, Cedar without friction. Instead of saying
Posts, Dwells, eke. to rural echoole "You shall pay not
_ less than a stated salary to your teach-
fist Pitt Paid Egli >kll urs," it will endeavor to attain the
b same end by an offer to pay from the
Wadi of Legs, Provincial treasury 40 per cent. of the
The Canned Meat Question.
An important Matter Before the House
of Commons.
J. A. ioLEMI
1 salaries in excess of 7300 and up to
$000 allowed rural school teachers.
Here is an example of how it will
work. A school not far from. Wing -
ham pays $500 Wart.Tl4Te Govern -
meet gives as otteoadttioael great of
(The Mail -Empire.)
Dr. Chisholm, the able represen-
tative of East Huron, is to the fore
with a proposition that the Fed-
eral Government should, in view
of the Chicago meat revelations,
take action in defence of the in-
terests of `Canada. The doctor
mentions that Parliament might
prohibit the importation of canned
meats and meat extracts from the
United States, thus protecting the
public health and giving aid to our
own industries. There can be no
doubt that in recent years the im-
portation of the Chicago rnaterial
has largely grown. In 1905 there
was $1,245,000 worth of the United
States meats in various forms
brought in to compete against our
own products. We have for sale
precisely the same classes of pro-
ducts as the United States send to
us, and while we buy $1,245,000
worth from our neighbors, they
purchase on an average $50,000
worth. from Canada. The ques-
tion of the relative values of the
purchases of each country from
the other is, of course, not up.
But it arises incidentally, and it is
important to note that, while we
buy so freely from the Chicago
packers, the mercantile interests
of the United States buy nothing
from us. With the situation
among the foreign packers so bacl,
and so dangerous to health, it is
quite reasonable that the facts in
relation to trade should strengthen
the demand for the better protec-
tion of our own people. Two re-
sults can be achieved by the one
movement against the United
States product. One is the defence -
of the public health, and the other
is the promotion of the industry
of our own farmers. Dr. Chisholm
does well to draw the attention of
Parliament to this important sub-
ject, and it can only be hoped that
his efforts in behalf of the pro-
ducers and of the consumers will
bear fruit.
rS ong Heads and Skilled Hands
to the front. Attend the famous
And be properly prepared for business
positions. We deal only in High Grade
Business Education -the kind every young
man and woman should have. Our school
has now the largest attendance in its his-
tory. Commence now. Prepare well and
success is certain. No trouble for our
graduates to get positions. Catalog free.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal
(Cor. Yonge and .Alexander Ste.)
Reference to this question at the
present time may be considered quite
relevant, inasmuch as the Hon. Syd-
ney Fisher, Minister of Agriculture,
has now before the House a measure
providing for the inspection of Canned
It will be remembered that, about a
year ago, there was great excitement
on account of the exposure of the aw-
ful methods that obtained in Chicago
packing houses, and indeed much un-
easiness was felt in Canada also, on
account of the large quantities of
American goods that find their way to
Canadian consumers. Little or noth-
ing, however, was done at the time,
except that Dr. Chisholm, the member
for East Huron, called the attention
of the Government to the hatter by
1-Particularls as to the importations
for three years of meats and fluid
beef from the tutted States and
the rates of duty.
2 -If in view of the statements made
respecting the unsanitary condi,
tions prevailing in the meat peck -
Ing houses in Chicago it is the in-
tention of the Government to raise
the duty or prohibit the imports•
Non of tanned meats and meat ex-
tracts from the United States as a
precaution to the health of oar cid-
tens, wad et the saute titins to bene-
fit the Oanadi to farmer, stock
ratterand meat packer.
By beringiug the matter before the
Hones. the member for 'Beast Iiuross
thawed that he WAS on ties alert la
I„tl II I I 111111111111 Mama
The "Big Store,,, Wingham, Ont
John Kerr
Big Mid -Winter Sale of
Seasonable Goods.
A Discount of 25 per cent. off all Minter
Goods mentioned in this advt.
$10 Worth of Seasonable Goods for $7.50.
'fullytrtths' and. guaranteed, Clea ringlrSala Overcoats.
Prices. $101iCoattfor•
Men's Wool -lined Mitts and Gloves, lined Kid Gloves, lined
Mocha Gloves, Waterproof Mitts and Gloves, Calf, Hog and
Moleskin illitts. Cut Prices.
$6.00 Cash or Trade will buy $8.00 worth of Goods
FURS. ---Ladies' Fur Coats, Jackets, Capes, Stoles, Scarfs,
Ruffs, Muffs, etc, $10 Stoles and Scarfs for $7,50 during our
February Sale.
MEN'S AND BOYS' CAPS. --Wool Tweed Caps, new shapes,
all sizes, any Cap in the store you may have at Clearing Sale
Overshoes, Heavy Rubbers and Sox, Leggings, Felt Shoes,
Felt Slippers, Wool -lined Shoes, etc. All these goods must go.
$5 Worth of any of the above lines for $3.75.
Important Grocery Department News.
MAPLE SYRUP. -Good Maple Syrup. Try it. Pint and
quart glass jars.
DATES. -Another shipment of New Dates just arrived and
we're still selling them at 5c a lb.
PIE PEACHES. -In 3 -ib. tins, only 15c s tin..New Sgoods.
a Navels, sweet, juicy ,
35c a dozen.
LEMONS. -New fruit, 20e to 25c a dozen. The best fruit
that grows.
COD FISH. -Acadia Boneless Cod Fish. Something much
better than ordinary Boneless Codfish. 2 lbs. in box, 25c.
Tillson's Pan -dried Rolled. Oats are the hest. We sell no
other. Tillson's Standard Oatmeal. Tillson's Gold Dust Corn
Meal. Tillson's Molina Rolled Wheat has no equal. We're doing a big trade in these goods. Buy the best, cleanest, purest
food. It does'nt cast any more than the poor stuff.
Self -rising Buckwheat Flour, ready for use at five minutes'
notice, only 15e a package.
PANCAKES and MAPLE SYRUP. We can supply you.
Our eonrses are thorough and practical
while the teaching is done by able in-
structors. The ambitious young :nen
and women who desire to get the best
possible commercial training patronize
this school. while Business men are in
search of our gradaates to fill respons-
ible positions. The best time to enter
our classes is NOW.
Beautiful catalogue free,
ELL/OTT et MCL.VCCBL►N, Principals
.�N�N�N�N�N�••�••�•.�..�N�.•�•.�•.�.•�N�..�• �• �•.�••�• �..�.•�N�N�••�N�••�••�•,�•.�N�••�••�••�H�••�H�•.�..�.•�N�.,�•
Lehigh Valley Coai _:
Come with the crowd and leave
your order for Lehigh Valley Coal,
that is free from dirt and clinkers.
•• It has no
•_• equal.
.�.•�1.�..�N� •�••�N� 0�..�.1�N�N�•.�..�••�.•�N�.•�N�••�N� .�N� •�.•�N�•�..�•.�••�.•�••�..�.1a..�N�•.�•.�N� .�N�•.�1,�1
000 00000000000000000000000 0O0O00000
Capital(paid up) - $3,000,000
Reserve fa a pro4v1 i. - $3,920,000
Total Assets, over $42,000,000
Farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts sold en all points in Can-
ada, the United States and Europe,
Interest ailtl•tved eta deposits of 1.00 ,Ind
as wards,
Deesembet h 1ryia�oipal 36th June
D. T. HEPBURN, Mager
1 it. e, Ltioldoltor
Fall and. Winter
DRESS GOODS. -I have determined to clear out my Dress Goods
stock at greatly reduced prices this fall, As the season goes on, many
lines are going at less than 75e on the dollar. Black Dress Goods a
PRINTS. -Fall and Dark Winter Prints at cost.
FLANNELETTES. -I purchased very largely by the case in all
kinds from be per yard up. Can give you heavy 36 inches wide, all color-
ings, at 10c a yard.
SHIRoTINGS.-Grey Flannels and Flannel Shirtings, and a nice
variety of Shirts made to order.
HOME-MADE BLANKETS. -From the Wroxeter, Teeswater and
Kingsmill factories. Pure stock, well cleansed, and very cheap, at the
price wool has been this summer. Call nod see them if in need of a
pair. Sheeting in white and grey, 36 and 72 inches wide. -
UNDERWEAR. --I keep the celebrated Stanfield Shirts and Drawers,
Made from Nova Scotia wools, soft and flexible, and Guaranteed not
shrink, in sizes from 86 to 46. Ladies' Wear in the Puritan make. The
best brands in Canada. Also Misses' and Children's in all sizes, from
150 each up to the finest.
HOSIERY. -From the Wellsley Knitting Mills direct. The best
wearing goods in Canada, made from pure Northwest wools, and at
prices that cannot bo equalled, quality considered.
READY-MADE CLOTHING. -1 have decided to elear out my large
stock of Clothing this fall and winter, and can give you great bargains in
this line. A nice Overcoat for $4.00, usual price $9.00. A good service-
able Suit for $4.00, and a largo stock to select from. Boys' School Suits,
a splendid variety. A good work Pant for $1.00, worth $1.40.
CARPETS. --A large ember of ends in All -wool, Union, Tapestry
and Brussels, at about half price. Call end see them and get prices.
Some cheap hemp Carpets and Mats to offer. Linoleum in 1, 2 and 4
yards wide, Oilcloth rn 1 aud'l yards wide,
FUR GOODS. --A lot of Coon, `CVotnbat, Russian Calf, Dog and
Bishop Coats for men, For ladies, Astrachan Coats that cannot be beaten
for values and quality. Workmanship guaranteed. Call and see them.
Hats, Caps, Gloves, new styles, and large 'variety to select from.
Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, a full line on hand and of best quality.
Groceries, always a complete stock on hand, fresh and cheap.
T. A. Mills
M M M. Y.** M M Y M** M* n M M* M* M*** 5
* • * * * * * * * * * * * * * • * b •'•
* *