HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-02-07, Page 2teal things hut decided, wholly front n chlows., ey svaieted412. ite eot the* With the iftnnt the standpoint of worldly advantage. riche. of glace or of:pory0 the morikwe , have of thew the elloser II. ueltee UL 1NERNTIQjjAL LESSON V11.---FEO. r11114t; . X7r x207. 1 12. Pitelsrel-ireweasi fladom-Ile se. lI vaneed teavard It till he came near, EPO lett e. wernee.. by IilthrISII Cliernehte efeetleinise. i Ibi. Leaden.-Liverewel and 1,ondou rablee era our. tier" at Wie to 13Ke per lb, aroma1 wetgoti or : r ft Igerater beef la flume at lee per 113. 1 FI4Ortilt 'PRICES. , t 0- "°14-44411130ba Patent. ;175 track. To- 1 to L'fataioraaariuk.2° NI'. "at. iatente, ;2 43 to hrani* $4.fr;weerotPlaglaVras*,,l';1,e114" SPVi4 Lot?* Choice.-Geu, xiii. x -x3. was probably prerented from enterieg the welt known() Character of its inhe Commentars'.--1. Abram returns te tauteen•Leale. He who keq b4k Canaan (ea. 1-4). L7p out of F"veitee pan', tu41-1112:" in doubtful pleaeurce, allowa wrong and eelfieh nets to In the language a the Jew the direetion fluenee las life is pitching his tent to Jellitialiel.1 front every quarter etas ward Sodom. Tie Only etife way ie. leRatrasi beeidee, EgYet WU low•IYillg keep far away from sin and near country anti tee traveller would have God. We aro commanded not to k to aeeend on his way to the hilly -gotta- rolnpan,y with wicked people who diso tzy of Cenaan.-Leale. "Iegypt wa$ llot the word of God. $ee 1 Ver. v. 041 the place of God's preeence, Ite Met more Theiii. 0, 14, 15. "Evil emninuni tha.zi he gained by going thither." Abram tions corrupt goed maneers" E'er. ba1 no. altar in .telopt. The iiouth-Not 33). the mouth of Egypt, but the siouthern re- ; 13. Wiched and sinnere-The men Ilion of Palestine. A vertain part ef the Sedoin were sineera ef the first m country was called the southbefore the nitude.-Ifenry. The greatest deplete times of the .patriarehs, is often found Itutongt the liatabita 2, Very rich -Abram. ami Let hail of the meet fertile lands. Lot has .1' both bete greatly prospered e.nd were lea into the very vortex of viee • a very rich. The property of these times blespliemy,-Murphy. Lot chose the co did not consist in flocles only, hut also in )any of sinners. "One ie eafe with vi eilver and gold. "Abram wt a eery rich, ed mein so long as Ito is endeavoring and yet veryreligious,. As piety is a make them good, but is never safe wl friend to outward- prosperity (1 Titn. 4. he cheeses their pany." Lot was not 8), so outward prosperity, if well Mall- haPPY (a pete ii. ) he soon "became aged, re an ornament to piety, and optainted in his own elia.racter;" and portunity o doitig so nitwit the more lost everything, first by war and then geode' "The danger of richea appears the. flames. Immediately following Lo prominently here, in the very first ease choice the Lord made eeveral great p in which riches, as such, are mentioned. miens to Abram (vs. 1417). PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS, 3. On Ilia journeys -Literally, "jam. I .Abram called of God to leave his -Lange. ney" means to pull ap." "An exprescountry, kindred. and father's home and ekin peculiar to the nontadie life - a go into a land which he blew not (Oen, pulling up of tent -pine, breakime up of vii. 1). "He went out, not knowing wiii. vamp and anoving forward." -Terry. thee (HA, xi. 8). He listened to the Even to Beth -el -Abram returns to tee command and to tho promise and "Abra- place of his altar in Bethel. In Mee wan- barn believed GO, and it was counted ner Christian settlements cluster around. unto him for righteousness" (Itoin. iv. 3). their ehurehes.-Lange. Nothing can "He staggered not at the promien of Gail satisfy God, in reference to a wandever through unbelief; but was etrong in or a backslider, hut his being e ntirely faith,. giving glory to God" (Rom. iv, restored. -C. H. M. between Beth -el and 201. God commanded alio. Abram obeyed Il (Gen. xii, 4). Every net of obeilienee itigaStanley well deeerilies this pont as n ecmspieuous hill, its topmost summit brought a new revelatieu. As soon as he resting on the rocky slopes, uta had, passed the border land into Ccoman tingmshea by its are groves offerlw„'the Lord appeared unto him. o untural haee for the altar, and a fit. 1 1. Abram's position. "Abram went up ting shade for the tent of the patrout of Egypt, .,.. to Bethel....unto the ---Jacobue. 4. Called on..the Lord iare_h, place of the altar, whieh he had, made there at the first; and there Abram well - This implies more than an ordinary prey - eft on the name of the Lord" (vs, 1-4). or; he again established emblie worship at the old altar. He returned to a closer When Abram went down into Egypt, walk id ever a type of the world, away from Be- IIWth Go, - Strife among the herdsmen thel (Reuse of God) he found fear. sin, . (vs. daeger rebune but he er et a' 5-7), 5, With. Abram -It anis plain , e e altar offereithno' worship, enjoyed no that Lot was from the very beginnieg eneitetaalet. borue onward rather by Abram's influ- u t• \von. lostre . nne days away from hie erica and example than by his own faith "1.k. M..." . da3..8' god ,P11111 hiot Tay! eep bey ; 2 OA - 1 V. of ag. ity ets al- ra- eke to ant ho by t's ro- 1U1O 11101 in a 01G8ift God. -C. IL M. And yet Lot was a in Egypt. But God watched over him good titan for his righteous soul was vex- his wanderings. and. not only deliver ed at the uugodly deeds of his neighbors. Lim out of Eg,emt but brought him ba U. Not able to bear -Their Rocha and unto the plane of the alter -which he h herds 'were eie numerous that there was made at the first. not sufficient pe.turage or water. leen II. Abram's proposition. Both. Abra there were other tribes in the wire ter- ' and Lot were prospereus (vs. 2.54 "A ritory, and to add to the difficulty the ; -their eubstance was great, so th land had been impoverished by the re- ' they cetail not dwell togethee (v. 0 cent great famine. Substauce we's great la the strife between the herdsnten -As their families increased it was ue- their tattle (v. 7), Abram, the richer a cessary that their fleas should increase (deer made a proposition to his nephe also, as from those flocks hey erireit to settle the disagreement, In this prop their clothing, food and erink many sition the glory of Abram's Attract also were offered in menace to Goa,- elilnee forth. It was I. Peaceable. "L Clarke. Abram was new f4 Mal of there be no strife' (v. 8.) Better tha prince, or sheik; for we learehoinee not any carrying Out of our .plans, howev long after this he ht 312 ineemen, good they may be, is the sacrifice of se men of war (Gem 14, 14), wet& hipline and its interests for the sake of pea at. least 1,000 or 1,500 perms in lus 11'1,1 love. Abram saw an occasion fo eahmment. Each time he eneamped, strife and alienation. By mere force h W1NNIPRO WilEAT UAIIKEtr. Whsuipeg--Futures cloeed te-day:- Feb, 74.lic May 77%e, July 78e. TORONTO FAILURES' hIARERT, The street market vcas dull to -day, the unfavorable weather preventing farmro Cain. in in. • Wheat Is unchanged. f.00 Incsnelit of eelling at la to 74o. Barley firm, 200 bushels belling at Oile. Oats unehanged, 200 bushels soling at 41 to 42. One load ef buckwheat sold at 000 per bushel, Pairy reduce shows little change, Butter sold at 73 to 2.90 per lb., and ncy leici cap at 80 to 3.5c. poultry (ital. Nay in lirillted- suPplY, with no change- In Prices; 2.1 loads Feld at ;13 to 0440 a ton total estimated enpenditure was $1,700, - ter timetey, and at 410 Lo el2 or mixed, 000 -and the receipts ele,400,000e ' ',Mere Straw A nominal at ;11. to ;12 a ton. Dresso hogs 4re .auelutued, wtt4 itot were numerous accidents but only oge Wheat, weite, Niels ,.. -4 0 73 $ 0 7i had a fatal result, quoted at 49.26, an heavy at ;6.75 to 40. MONEY IN BULL ill HT The Sgsailit Expert* 12145red 44.00109 Last Year, New '1`ark, tilew. !pendent at Aledlid bas sant the follow. Jiltr ra o eepatcht 'When reeently the Lunette Npanisli matailer, 3140101(1)34o, married a wealthy English girl it Was calculated by a Madrid paper that Machaquito lied earned an average of 07,500 per year. Statietiee for 1900 show that the ancient national sport /Le jn. it very flourieleng condition. During the year there were held in Spain 5tin bull fight% an homage cif t ate compared with 1005, These involved the killing of 2,870 bull, valtted at $103,700-. The value eef the hortem killed lit three encounters amounted to $177,- 000. Other expeasee amounted to over filen,000, In the eorridas thirty-three eepades took part, one of whom waii a woman, alto 849 other toreadore, whose eateries amounted to a total of $000,000, The 1115 ft ft 1M., Spring, blob", .... • 070 0 00 _Do., noise, bush, 0 67 0 00 Oats, bush. . 0 41 0 42 Barley. bUtili: • .. Q 54 0 55 Peas, bush. .., 0 78 '0 00 Dar, timothr.' ton ... ... 13 00 14 50 1/4., nexed, to .„. 10 00 re 00 etrew, ;per tell 71 00 12 00 Beadle - Aiello. fancy, buob. „, 6 76 7 00 Pe., No. 3„ bush. ... .,. 6 00 6.25 Do., No. 2, bush. ... 5 7.7 85 fled Clover, new ... $ 00 ia 23 Do., cad • 2 ..• 7 00 750 Timothy'. •.. ... 1 re 1 SO Dressed hogs S 75 9 25 Rgles, new laid,' dozen 0 110 0 35 Butter, dairy e 25 0 28 Do., creatuere . . . 0 30 0 32 Chickens. drassod:.1b.* ,•• 0 10 Ducks, per lb. ..•o it Turkeys, per lb- .. 0 14 APPles, Pr bbi. .-• .• rie Cabbage per dozen ... 0 35 0 50 Onions, per hag -. 1 00 0 00 Deaf, bludquarters 50 8 ea Do., forquarters 4 50 5 ZO Do., choice, carcaso 6 75 7 00 Elodium, carcase 500 6 00 hfutton. per cwt. 9 03 10 00 Veal, per ewt. Lamb, per cwt. 190 00Q0 111! t150°' TUE WEEN IN TRADE!. Dun's Review; Although Um average of Ole sixty most active railway securitiee fell this week, to the lowest point singe 1904, there was no coresponding reaction com- mercial activity, which continued beyoud pro- cedept. Relents from /ending manufacturing centres Indicate that ecarcele itlie nut - clattery cau be found, preparations for future trade evidencing a eonfictenee in well-mina- tainea consumption, norward mismone Is mort extensive in the iron awl steel me - in /prominent producers have lib° AI contra° ed ea hand aIso, and tho mercantile outlook 1, is bright -Wholesale booms receive large ee tot:tracts for spring delivery, especially ad dry goods lines, and the settled winter weath- er has produced a wholesome reduction la retail stocics of heavy weight wearing ap- parel and other eeasenable raerchanclise tut Rates for money became easier, bet, instead at of the customary Sanitary rise in tho etook .1 • market, prices fell to an average of more than $15 per share below the high record, "t extablished Jaunt/WY, 1305, altheugh tid way earnlsgs thus ar reported foe hut w month were 11,2 per cent. larger then a year 0. previous, er LEADING WHEAT MARKETS. et / May. July. • Now York .:. ..... sein sere er Detroit ... ..• ... 81% SOYA.. R.IedLoo ••• 76% CO blinneail;lis '411,4.480 • •• • - I • • . • • • • Duluth ... Sees tiele 0 12 0 13 0 10 2 75 W aeture and the cotton Indust/9: but °tit lode a town of black thute quietly nem. could have settled the question and si --ineoubet. 7. A strife --The ()melee eneed Lot and his angry servants, bix of their quarrel was their riches.- inetend he breaks down oppesition b Henry. "Prosperity is often it. severer hiecinees and gives the first choice of la .it of falth and charentse than is ad- home to his weaker relative, Li th versity. It is a steady, pervasive in- biegnaphy of St. Francis de Sales it i fluenee rather than a sudden attack recorded that a nun excused herself 5 'which can be avoided. It led in this. case hen fur having spoken hastily to som to danger of family quarrel. Abram's gee on the ground that it was in th faith triumphed, but Lot yielded to its canse of justice. The saint replied power, and by it was broug,ht 'Limier far "You have. been more just than right more dangerous influenees.' The lailirr eallS, but- we should be more righteou rel originated in their enemata- for' -t -h -c; ti'an just." Ara:dame Guyon says, "Sine possession of pesturage and fer the wells God has given me grace to regard every or fountains of water, which in that thing and, love everything in its relatio rocky, arid region have a value 'unknown to himself, I find great facility in bear to the inhabitants of a country like ours.. tact the defects and fatil.ts of my neigh Dwelled then in the land -The Perizzitee li.le. I have a readiness to please an are not mentioned in the table of eta. ebine everybody." 2. Unselfish c thins (chap. 10). Their origin is obscure. "Abram said .... Is not the whole Ian th Canaanites were the original e aeon e.fore thee? .... le thou wilt take th pants of the soil. -Hone Corn. These left hand, then I go to the right" (vs. 8 powerfal tribes are mentioned, "1. To 9.) By right the choice of position for how why Abram and Lot had let t tee heme lay with Abrem, but by the high tie pasturage. 2. To signalize tlie 1;1; er taW of hive ne everved it. He recog- propriety and danger of their quarrel- nivel. the claims of brotherly kindness. III Lot's penalty (vs. 12, 13.) •Docbt- ling among themselves 3 To show leen at first Let meant to dwell at a safe that Abram felt that the eyes. of these dietanee from Sodom, but gradually was idolaters were on him, and that any inipelled by hiS spirit of self-seeking mintep on his part, as the representa- prudeuce to draw nearer and nearer, un- tive of Jehovah, would, be an occasion af til from having pitched his tent toward sturablieg to them."-Gosenan. Scdorn, we finally' discover him within nr Ab ' g nerous offer (es. 8, en the walls; and his unhappiness was but 8. Abram said -Abram speaks first, His the working out of that taw which offer is wise and generous. "He first let brings, as surely as the- effect follows the Lot take his choice. and then left God came, the penalty as a consequence of to eltoose for biro. This was heavenly wrong -doing. wisdom. This ie what faith ever does; it allows God to fix its inheritance, and is' alwaya satisfied 'with the porton which God gives," -C. H. M. No strife ---"There DUTCH- AFFAIRS. it a special danger of quarrels in the _____ • familY aild among kindred, where nem ELIGIBIL/TY FOR TH.RONE-WOMEN il active work, because there are se AS MEMBERS OP PARLIAMENT. .rnany conflicting interests among them." 'no Hague, Feb. '4. -The State emu- late. we are brethren (R. V.1 -We are a na.„ic„ app,inted to revise the .constita- the same family, worship the Mine Ced in the same way, have the same prom. flea ;,...f Holland in its report just iesued, lees, and look for the same eni. Nleby r. c :numerate the exclueion of children to then should tbere he strifee-flarke. If t Le throne after the abdication of the brethren. 9. The whole land -The hweven- we are brethren let. us act and iirCr like ;onto,: Genera' (parliament) .to provide ....wereign and authorization for the ty principle 41 forbeararee evidentke fer the etteeeseiott or alter it in elee of holds the supremacy in Abram' t breast. Ile waIks in the moral atmosphere of the Sermon on the Mount. -Murphy. 8:Tar- e-ten -from me -Hie proposal to separ. ate arises from las love a.pedee, net from any selfish regard to ine own in. terests.-Lange. IV. Lot's unwise choke, fwe 1013). Ph Lifted up Itis eyes -There ie A meek in every man's history at which it will as- ter/telly be mule manifeet an what ground he is resting, by what Moneta he is actuated. and by what objeets he in animated; thus it was with 'Lot - C. IL M. Plain of Jordan -Let ehese tin Jorda,t valley north of the Dead Son neer theeity of Sodom. "Let seems te heree had nothing in view hut hie temper- a! einivenienee rt red ode -amine I .1.• • i , net impiire info the Ozaracter of the in. „. nuot.,,,a nem, a Nage from 'Lord habitant*, nor does. be appear in expreea ,` ", ' any reluetance in leaving Aileen." - ni tette cma a eking for Wee) men for M.111°14 1V61. wat"'°•-.171Z5'; t' -'''r1 11`fg'Y zee Central Unenip'eyed Committ - i it 1,,ilway e meanie:ion. Al a meeting of important in Battens er• it i .. h. . .. destroyed -After thene eitio were ilee c''' dfnlie'74 llitit 1neo With' la r ge fanii"" tvoyed ne face ,,41 t:.;.e tt„rtrt t, e: nen preanene, wee g41.11 to men with ., . .ae .... t,„red. onntan af at gned, ......41,0 iu”n. S i2:;); I fali'iriii,S, live hundred stria ten e 1 jon of the garde, of ve Lord ' sbou,,,,t tionlicatiene have Leen teeeive,1 for mute hew the tre•litiona cif Eden <Pi linetertel r4"45on to ('411It'll. . /a the thanette ef wee - A et , rower 'It ti,e, e -Moe ,ef ;foe: eller enniel tuAltOn.n. WITH FOBGERY, ... nriturally prompt flat conematieen ef C 0 ,•,,....•• evellowatered Jordan 14111!034 t4.; C'C laiel of Se. Cetherines Mein Arrested -Signature i'!$. -Terry. Zoar..--it:114?r Zen Net On Note Repuditted. ite Zoete near the Dead Sea. to v*E.-7i Irs't fled After the cleetruetien et hin, --t. 4 elt:tezines. Ont.. FA 3. -Min. gem, but or, the bettitr 511,0 t4 it...2,v•14 wig W. crap, pm:00er of a picture tr ward the, neu5t.. rear au Great won l. i'siitee Le limn, here, wag arrested t. Melt once stretelud aincee frier tlee '' ' ' l't1 ''' 1•!' • 111115..g'ia v''ith ff"I'°'“V' 4111 - lthnliterraneen to the Gulf of hewn Year ie.% rine Ifio,, he peeeented at the toted ; r 14 the garden land of Enent. tint,u0 "1 Ow 11/14•1 of ,Thrento, 5, note • n'iith Lot and Abram innst letely haen , „ , ;elven, et six nenithe tor COO, Opted peefied. which feet make, •the refereme '12'. '"‘''" Jr`)BeT:1.1APE/ sI 'Tf'ttlan' rotrtrx1.---Peloubet. Th, Imo e...ae di,eounted, but on being .11, tot abauneeena Anna. ,nua ,r,ifi,1,. P'olified. Mr. lionsherger denied all p.,,,teng 6,f ;trendily tannin, tt, 4,..en a f. Ili', . ntif ;len fir it. fuel 44. W. Mir:tette, treitld h*ve. r eels reenerone lower.] his Ili 'lli-e•.' /or tb•• lenik• bbl infermatioll il.,06 who he4 done SW much e.,.. him, agtitiq Citiji. Ile will appear for trial rhea, too, Let bed no reglued ior epirl. t04norrm mornitir, 1- DRADSTREET'S TRADII REVIEW. t Montreal -There is a good steady tone to y' all lines of trade here. 'Spring enicaesate a iinee are moving well and there is every o evidence that busin_ess will be as neavy as ims bean predicted, continued seasonable s weenier ho all parts of tee ccilintrY has given o a good tone to the sorting trade in winter O Mies. Drygoods are active. The recent ad- vance on grey goods and cottons resulted e incisor, from the difficulty in keeping Ike stocks owing te the heavy demand and the - shortage of labor. Shortinga have also gone s taP and there is talk of a further advance itt thie line. Ribbons are very Don and ex - e eeeted to advance, Plaids and checks are - very Imitator. Canadian/ knitting mills are o reported to tie very busy and to have Is.rgo orders on hand. Wool /prices aro limn. pan - ado will have about a million pouedit toes. port from the 1906 clip. Prates are so high O that this cannot profitably be used here and . m.arket is being sought in Zealand. Groc- ▪ eries are eagle active. Currants aro firm 't with stocks light. Canned goods have agate o advauced an round. The hardware trade , is 'active in branches and prices gerterally hold firm for both heavy and shelf gods. ' The easier Ione which was in some quarters an emergeney. • Tee comeniseion else proposes to make approvai of the States. -General E'S•r for the conclusion of treatiee, re. i-lemeedir the proportional represeuta. tin end digibility of women for .clee. tien to the ntates (leveret, that the qual. 41 eenailetee 14 the same in the ease of loth .ellembera and that, the fro elienther be granted the right to emeiei PS V.T11 aS approve Or reject bilis, . en•pi, iu the ease c,f the budget. - apes e for iron awl steels is not y -et 10 sight aud values are firm, both for immediate and forward delivery. Production of pig Iran has Cr but with a very heavy a eencuaration turnaees are not accumulatIndg s much stock. Copper riveta and burs have a - (.4 vanced two and half per rent. Retail trade " here and in the country Se generaly good owtag to the foot Piot roads are in a good () condition for sleighing. Little Complaint is being heard in the matter of collections. Toronto. -General trade conditions continue to move satisfactorily here. Drygaade trim - e on the road report conditions exeellent. The earthae trade is quite heavy as was natural after the big trade of the holiday- iseason. There has been quite a big business doing here recently for NVectern aceount. Moteriale for men's clothing are having an etormous sale and prices are firm, Tite out look favors a big oPrIng trade. Triniminga have advaimod since met r sear.arl a matter of 10 to 25 per cent. Alb - bons are also higher/. Prints aro corning for- ward rathor more freely, but /they hold firm. W The feature of the grocery trade is the sharp advance which has been ste,axliii, gOleg on 14 la all lines of canned goods. Stocks are light 8 and 10 10 reported that la some linos of yoga- rt tables they are cleared out. Rrults, too, are very firm. Teas hold steady to ftrni -with O. good demand for the better grades. There la in a good retail trade reported throughout ; the !province and collectiont are generally good. Large orders are being placed for spring and summer goods, ;Shipments are pi going forward wen. oeuveties of count* pt produce here continue on the light side and er cell are generany firm. Winnieeg-Deepito contradictions there is no doubt the snow blockades in most parts of the. Westera cottary have greatly interfor- cd with &ado. Deliveries of all lines ere lir slow aed uneertain, country retan trade fip hes also been affected. Neherever possible 1//,, thcre is a good demand for geode and it • may bo supposed that what the reeds aro in once Again dear business will he all tho in r more briek on account of the temperarY she- penelee. It le very evident, however, that spring trade is going to be Om hearieet oil Orders or goods are and, liesOlte a.dverso conditi ,Vcry large' ) front most parts are fair t er4lectl°113 Vancouver and netoria-Cot keeps t relive in all linos. Wholesalers who have „ , been stock -taking recently say all agree In 04% exvresaing satisfaction with the business of the enat year. 'The drygoods Am/ gremr:,. trades have been particularly good. The j spring trade Is getting on tvell and it 1 prottateas to be exceedingly heavy. All pro- an %facial Industrieo are very busy and the .1 • go ate,' s etill a big factor. Tho slopping Ueda/ at Vancouver is good for this a un BEf KEEPERS WET. INTERESTING. PAPERS READ AT THE BRANTFORD CONVENTION. The bee -keepers of Brant aivi adjoin- ing coulltieS met ill 'convention, at Brant. ford, jam 29511, to 31st, l'itere, was a large atteudance. The eorivention open- ed Olt Tuesday evening by it diseuerion on "Hints for present 1160 in wintering re- positories. and bees iviutering on summer &bends." Mr. Hershisher, of Buffalo, oc- mupied the chain Dyseutry, one of the fatal scourges of the winter, was attri- buted to inferior stores and particular. ly to the presence of honey -dew, this disease was said to lie remedied by feed- ing pure granulated sugar syrup, two parts .sugar to one part water. In out- side wintering it was advised that while no damage would accrue; from the hives eMg covered with snow, the entra»ee.s should be kept open, the dead bees and snow that might clog the openings should be carefully removed. ' Wednesday morning session was pre- sided over by Mr. B. H. Smith, St. Tho - 11100, the 'took was "Labor saving devices and applicumee," and an excellent, paper on the subject was read. by Mr, F. J. Mit- er, of London. Mr. Miller has in the neighborhood of 300 colonies of been in three apiaries, ranging from four to sev- en miles apart, and is famous for his "short cuts" and labor saving inven- tions, among -them a smelt derrick for lifting aucl sue -pending supers in hive ex- aminatitms, a small gasoline engine fo driving his extrator for extracting th honey from the comb, etc, The paper era, medical the discussions hearty. Mr S, , • nits th Leading _speaker on Wednesday afternoon end gave a splendid addreen Oh build ing up the colonies for the honey flows The Wednesday evening session wa occupied by 14 demonstration apd classi fication of hoeet, by Mr. Smith, Mr Rershisher and Mr. Chrysler. Samples a honey for this purpost were provided by delegates and others, and an invita tion was issued to the eity grocers and dealers to be present. The grading of th honey was very interesting mid th committee conveyed some very valuab information regarding the care neede in liquifying the granulated honey; gran -citation or candying is; generally a saf proof of the purity of the article, an when liquifying or restoring the gram laVed hews to its original liquid con dition is being done, tare should he tal en to do it slowly And by piecing; th yessel containing the honey hot wate rather than applying direct dry lien Samples of honey 16 years old. and ove were shown ,th be in perfect eonditio through careful keeping in a dry wax atmosphere. Keeping honey in cellars o refrigerators WM ;strongly ;condemned Mr. R. Tr. Hodgetts, of the, Departmen of Agriculture, and Secretary of the Ag ricultural Association. also recently up pointed Secretary of the 0. B. K. A. wet present on Thursday moaning, and ad sdoreetesaidontshaeacnonva:nsitsir aonnd hfoinwl;l:cal vo tais io bee -keeping industry, He suggested ap. iry meetines for local eocieties, where uch gatherrngs eould be held and prac. cal work illustrated. The convention closed at noon on Fri - ay, Jan. 21st, • NEWS IN BRIEF temp is eauslog hard timee tit.* niklat of proepority, and people genet -11y are mining to wonder what is to be done to relieve the wituittion. The Willow Duneh anti Wood Motu:. tain mails arrived yesterday tor the first time this mouth. The.mail start- ed with homes, but WWI abalidelled, tile mail carrier leaving the sleigh on the CANADIAN' prairie and riding bade home on horse - 311% Gerurd Barton organist of St. teillie dogs, made bgAcklui* half-breed named McGillis took four a toboggan, and start- Piatd'a 4.0turele Toront'o. died suddenly. ed for Moosejaw,, mat a,blindareli Mock. 11 yeAstegrdiZin bWroceasrearlivectr. 8KulailQuoleltgite. thlienwoillyyleatildolill;pitoouurtfoeiciet nolgelpit. 011 low of one of the students, Tilr. D. Alex. laud. Ranchers out, there report no AfaeKay, 11, A., of Thamesforil. John, Flynn, 48. yeare old, a publishers,' silsotQlcs eYaelt1 beheYldand,uott114181 lila: he liTuildledIelioYel liTz 0,90erlioni tit 0,1;undobensdn .,;1,ictilttstst i in, fi, , oilii2laihstalt1 jrnitili.itanyv,siiitellel it:, 1s:0:a:twill blevIrf' Fits:n:013 tooli/f a' In! I, ,see01;1e0ribree:t11;‘_' 0 I:11 c laIi. timeos known Aretie navigator, is :load ar (gt: R041 was received yesterday end appal'. tioned ottt in email lots, but did not go razor, coal Arthur Jackman, Mend of the slap which carried Ccien over ltalf of the people that are in bad rju°alitzlill'se'r Nat.° '41)e"r ta44:1, 15114e1:rynet ol"Ogreinen. et ::: fllikell:10.:114 '181 it 117: !ell' inra;Y:::0b14' f. 82t0.131e_III:41:::11tAnINit'ahiyi get.;i le ,41$11V !et: lib]. in the latter's first, expedition in 1880, said the diem° has existed uususpeeted Vice.President of the C. P. 11,:, le prepar- Sarawiell West Township is threaten- casee are reported. Mg plans, the °hied, of which will be to ad with an epidemic of smallpox. It is reduce, if possible, blockages in winter C. Herbert Walker, fortimAy :insider at t3itit°11111elea.1 e:ellIgi tjtililoni:t it. ant OfillIfelsilitlINIeile:t r3ellsoaTiit'ene:setItell:•1Pel:IlerIllt°71U11:4;15°7°111: in the township for a month. Several tau 0. T. lt, freight sheds, Guelph, wee ou Saturday senteneed, tor appropriating err le C.ouipitny for January amounted to Count Boni Wants Audience With Iris "SEE IdE OR I'LL END LIFE." Divorced Wile. quite a sum of the empanels money, to eke months in jail. .., The earnings of the Toronto Hallway Paris, Feb. 3.-Connt Boni do Castel, s;v2,15catizi8ej:ii/nillosn'elr'rylecallsniee8:11.31enern/ralleiagnenillytrnolonofe:toilifS:ta,1810%3 I ne, former husband of Madame Anna LL. 1‘11.B. .4, James ere siCdleeni4t n of f 1 ITtlenrioi :t°o11' ill'. tAl i'el t(fite(el)sturli:lki:Tilliiin8elell,hileilleHeefilhilkeiltiellregtrje.iuistefi eetaisiPieFrnielitriele:eldli e'ittl'illletterePfoisr past fifty years, passed away Re his "I filial) commit Rosedale, yesterday, in his seventy-first The count stilt believes that if Idle° c°aniti residence, "Glen Lodge," 80 Glen road, consent to see me." ,youngest daughter of Mrs. S. Paris, NE:ma° Yercali.l'e marriage .01 miss minnie pati3, el:It': an audiencie with theitwo7ae " Montreal, and Mr, A. G. W. Langtry, hinl• millions he has wasted be can Toronto,' took place very quietly a,t let, her to se tle an mum y upon Craig officiatnig. • Neverthe ess, a a u 1 111 d 1 e (Muhl shows no John Liveronie and his wife, Afathalle, signs. of relenting, maintains a rigid Martline Church, Montreal, the Rev. W. of (100. gime 18th street, Toronto, were ignores all the pleas of the Castellanes to Weave regarding Boni's letters and found asphyxiated yeeterday. /De po- her money. give the spendthrift eciunt some more of his wife went to sleep. that her plan ie to ignore the coont's &- Madame Gould's close friends believe Ike believe the couple agreed on saki*, or that Liveroni turned on the gas after Ten dollars end costs was the warn- give up all his legal claims affecting her ‘enuinde for alimony until he consents to hitdren. He still tuts the right to see ing a.dministered to one of the meat them at internist and to superintend prominent physicians in Barrie last week their instruction. as the result of a proaecution by the . Peoviecial Board of Health, of what is de:wilted by the Board as "a flagrant DEATH REMOVES juDp. • , The Wingham Advance mit Um Hall - Propriebr, gionwommommmeeememeamEem DR. AGNEW PHYSICIAN, SIMEON ACCOUCHEUN. MSc+, • T7 in thi• itneamal4 mei" of neglect to rep.ort promptly a ✓ Henry Rushlow, of Ogdensburg, ag , Senior justice of Essex County Expires • mum of smallpox. e 35? died yeseerday ntorning at the A Suddenly. s lington Hotel, Ottawa, and it is said th • hie death was Oecasioned by driuki e wood Alcohol. He was a trainer ; (Amigo of leyank Roberts' string of - horses. • The e services at the inagnifi; • cent new Jewish synagogue on Univer- sity avenue near Queen street,. Toronto, • ' were held with becoming impressiveness f yesterday afternoou, lasting from 2 o'clock to 0.30. The audience completely ' filled the building, the men downstairs e , and the women upstairs. o bust night burglars broke into Bur - le . sel's gents' furnishing etore Welland O and stole about $100 worth of goods, in- . eluding an overcaat, jewelry, ties, etc. e They also broke into Alle natural gas d office and secured a small amount of 0- goods, " 1 The Ottawa Painters' Union is seek- ; beg to know the names of the telephone 0 1 girls who left Ottawa, as strike breakers tr". 1 at Toronto. They wish to see if the I fathers or brothers of the girls are mem- )) ben of any union. Through these they . woura attack the girls in some way aa ✓ pauishment. , Dr. J. A. Savignao, who was found t guilty of having attempted to murder • his wife and mother•indaw Oetober - last, was sentenced by. Justice Machine s Ion on Saturday to seven years in the' • 'penitentiary. His Lordship said that • 'et the end of two, years if Samignaers behaviour was good he would recommend that he be peruutted out on parole. '21ii•s. Isabelle AnderiiMp, widow of the' late Joseph Anderson, and sister of Hon. Geo. W. goes, died on Saturday at her late residence, Elmwood avenue, London, in her 83rd year. Deceased was born in Rossshire, Scotland, and was the eld- est daughter of the late James Ross, with whom She came to this country and settled in East Williams in 1833. In 1841, she married john Anderson, Rod together they cleared the farm in East Williems on which they lived until 1893 when they moved to Loudon. Mr. Ander- son died fem. years ago. Mrs. Anderson Ieaves four children. IMOT1SH AND !AMMON. The•Spanish Socialists have decided to -.loin the Republicans in the coming elect- tdlieird ILlieSeli has stated that it is Germany's intention to fight Britain .In fihe years or less. Prose Dimitri lvanoviteh niendelef, knowit as one of 'the world's greatest eherniets, did 85. Petersburg to -day. The liew Chinese Ambassador to Ber- lin. Yangtehen, has recommended that the Chinese Governmeut send a. large manlier of offie,ers to Germany to etady the German arsenal service. On returning' yesteday from a trip of investigation at Mexican ports end along the border between the United States and Mextco, Mareue Braun said that•he had found extensive ovganized eelientes for smuggling Chinese into tho United States. ed Windsor, Ont., Feb. 3.-1his city was r- greatly ehoeked . last night by tite me nouucenteut of the Midden death of ug Senior Judge te. R. Horne, of the Es- sex Counq Court, which occurred a few vainutes•eftee o'elork at his yeeidetice, on Bruce aveuue. judge Horne wee apparently in his usual health no to 41.41. BE TOLERANT. UST. RESPECT OTHERS IF YOIT WISH TO BE RESPECTED. P , . .-The Republican press eproaches the militant Catholics with xiabiting a spirit of intolerance to- ards Archbishop Vilatte yesterday, oil 10 oceasion ef the inauguration of the ervices hi the, new French apostolic atholic Church, with the church of the ely Apostle, considering it, to be bad olicy, and adding; Now, when a state religion no longer vists in France, it is advisable that all intent people respect the opiniona of hers. if they expeet their own to be re- lected. Briand's Circular, Dome, Pei). 4. --The Vatican authorities e understood to eonsider the eircular tit by M. Briand, French Minister of million, to prefects throughout Prance etructiog them that contracts for leas- t; of elturebee offered by the parish wets are acceptable with modifications, 40. TO SEE PRESIDENT. AN IMMIGRANT ARMY, Ti Thousand Men 13eing Recruited for Railway Coristruction. 9.',)! len, Feb. 3.- Ste:newel! & Co., - I.• mirin, have commemeil recruitine in IT FRANCISCANS PROTEST AGAINST YIELDING TO JAPAN. qan leraneiseo, Feb. 4. ----The Japanese 01 Karen Exclusion League yesterday epted resolutions demanding that the titres of the ye,ar. conectiono are good. i Quebec...Trude as a, rule 13 routed eulet.,1 tura. -Collections are only fair. Shoo factor- tit at the motneut 14 more of a set -ung -up na- les aro busy and the price of leather is tin - attributed to /heavy ' roads and tls.e demand I fro elianged• There has both no failures! in the ./t district te greet Of. Acti*ItY Is not10e:1, I Inn In the lumber camps and the distriand from Hi) atm oaci for Canadian 'Weed the ctrnang Vaasa • coimou ht likely to be large Itamilton-Tho' trade conditions thcref ore 'Led letates and the State of Chlifornia !titian the, right to exetude Japanese echoole used by white children. The resolutiorte, whieli declared that c yielding of the United States to Jap• on the ;wheel question was tante- tint to taking vassalage, was dwelt' on by sever If h j r • an Vranciscen Feb. 3. -Mayo:Emmet:: dem 116am-en Watl severely criticized. l'o See the President. V"1'5 satisfactory., Spring shipments are go• reil:It and the ineinbere of the Board -Wit forward and orders Compare very taro- loth tholes of last year. Metall trecle ' is fair to good. innate elle/emirs are eeed „ vine th ' a little slew. London.-Wfieleeeteser eta Meetly tatty vel terulinK out spring goods. The &ropes treat* WO. Is heavy while other linri Of inumiese erd li ; devaele AO. Local Industries tro canted. Collecnone bre genera/HY *OIL otiliwa.-0eareeit trade twilit/nit here ere tfirly good. Retail trade is on the trifet *hie bui the outlrit for rionne eontinue, iiii ere eavereere. 06 tato !e diree flat Guelph, (hit., Feb. 4. ---On Naturally of teeming, When coming out of the City atm Irit11, Captain Clark felt and broke hi; up t 'iv.. Ile wive tdken th Rt. Joisephei /roe- ores Muir, and is doing as well al tem be exbo - petted, 1A0d tO be log l" in regerit to the, segreitatiOn at lap. Eiluention left vesterdav for Whelp ton In confer with Preeident Rowse. pupilm 511 pilleol4ie.sehoole. 010 NOT KNOW. Amato, Ont,, Feb. 4.---{Speein.1).- 6 morningtho Iron. Mr, Harcourt, it tor of the wrecked. Ontario Bank, ly denied that the directors knew he apeoulatiang. Ire said he was not re of what wee being dont, aml flint et within a vary short time before- tile h roma the direetore had reason t=f cimtirely opttm1f1e regarding the af. tidier of t e titatien. TERRIBLE WINTER. 'ii -Wo DEGREES BLOW znR IN TEE WEST. Forty-two Below at Winnipeg -Rail- ways Taking Advantage of the blear Weether to Clear the Lines -Snow Four Feet Deep. Winnipeg, Feb. 3. ---Following the greet storm of Thursday and Friday the most severe cold of the whiter luts set- tled over the entire west. Fiftv-wto below man Iwo registered at teveral peiete, and in Winnipeg it was 42 at 0 n. nt. Railways are in very bad shape, bat will make desperate efforts to titer Ile, lime; 411 onecenow that the 'weather lies settled. film condition of Um Tall - reads is well indicated irjr the fat that following the etorm of Week Ago nine engines ana enowplough were et/Idled ..11 0111',PiPtt af read, between Thorn'. hill rind Winkler, Man. ,n, diatance of levt reitis 50 and 75 miles. , lrooeejaw, Feb. 3.- The eft -import - nut transportation question is being dia. cueeed by the Board of Tilde, T. f failure of the rellreade to move the t IPlight (OA answered sat tam P, KENNEDY, NM., 1 i A OltelebeV Of the Aritleb. )414,104% I AwitiolatiOri) i GOLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE, Simla attaisideMegaroDp.leePlee et woo,* Damn Dovnat-1. to I p.za,; y tot posi, DR. ROBT. C, REDMOND M. 15, O. Et Arum) Y., D. O. B. tiond.4 Physician 4n4:1 Surgeon, pine, van Dr. Ohell'oline •••••••,•••.,••,•••••••••••••••••••••••••,•*•••••1••••••,••*••••,,,we ARTITUR J. TRWENT. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Zen, neylvania College and Licentiotde Dental Surgery of Ontario, Ofnee ever Pod Onlee-WINGRA.14 VANSTONE 4' BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowestratee, Office BEAVER BLOCK, 7-95, WINGRAM., • DICKINSON 110LMES Barristers, solicitors, etc, Office: Meyer Block Wingbarri. Z. L. Dickinson Dattle7 Helmet 3. A.. MORTON BARRISTER AND •SOUCITOM, MONEY . TO LOAN. Orileei-Morton Block, liVingbause WELLINGTON, MUTUAL• FIRE DIS, CO. Ernsblished18,40. fiend Moe GUELPR, ONT. Rieke Utilati on all °lemma of /mumble pa* oorty on the cash or urtmeltint nate oysters. f suns GettnX, Crt.ta. Darnmserr, reel:tett 400robtrr. within a day or two. As late as Fri- day he attended the funeral of an old JOHN RITCHIE, friend. &NEWT, WINIRRAM 0101t Just after the tea hour last night lie complained of a sharp pain in the region of his heart, and allnost immediatelffell back uneonstious. Medioal assistance wits summoned at once, but before it ar- rived he had palmed quietly away. Judge Horne was it native of fit. Vincent, \Vest Indies; hating. been born there 70 years ago. He came to Canada in 1855. • PROMINENT BROKER'S SUICIDE. 0. P. Frothingham Leaped From Window While Delirions, New York, Feb. 3. -Howard P. Froth- ingham, who white delirious from nervous breakdown, jumped from the second storey of his home, 20 ittest 77th street, yesterday, died juse before last midnight. The etriiin due to recent re - wines in Wall etreet is believed to lutve caused the despondency which restated in suicide. He was one of the best- known men in the financiail district, He bed passed hie forty-fifth biethday, and wns entire of New York City. He was probably the best-known loan broker in the eountry, for he lent more "call money" Annually than any other man or firm. He bandied money for nearly all the }armlet financial Mstitu- tions, and his acquaintance in that line of buisinesi was very wide. 4.0 • PATHETIC DEATH. Swede, Killed in Queer Way, Leaves Wife and New Born Babe. Kenora, Feb. 3. -P. Hansom 30 years of age, was killed near Ineolf en a rather strange manner. A loge picee • of rock, too heavy to handle, wan being ildrilled, in order to divide it. When the 'drill got stuck and could not ba loam]. ed, the men pliteed powder beside it and gave the flatlet warning. Hanson woe about 100 yards distant, blIt WAS struck on the head by a piece of drill from the expliesion. He was only a ;short time out 'from Sweden. Mrs. Hanson had only joined Iter husband at the camp a temple of weeks ago, having hem' in the hospi- tel Item when her haby west horn. ENGLAND'S EXCLUSION ACT, 7— , Keeps Very Few Miens Out and Costs a Big Lot of Money. Loudon, Feb. 3. --Official figures have been issued which show that tile work. ing of the Alien Act passed by the late Government, but rendered tiuga.- tory by the present one, is ineffective and extrevagant. Ont of 403,500 arrivals there nave been may 489 exclitsione, -cost of working the Mt is $120,00() ayear, mkt% the expense of excluding an undesirable alien about $200. FROZEN TO DEATH. Winnan and Two Children 'Found in Grand Rapids Tenement, Grand Repel.% Mich., Fels le- Miss F,nitne, K. Livingston and two children, her eepliews, Were found. to.day frozen, but alive. The dead thildren 'were Al- fred Livingston, aged. seven, and Lincoln II, Livingetore egad three. The name of the tittle girl id Helen, /ler ago is tem None of the family lind been Seen PlItirsdity, WWII two of the eitil.! dren attended schol, It ie suppesed • that after the femily retired Thursday night they became partially anphyxiated by eoal gam, anti the fire died out, and they were frozen to death. FATAL ACCIDENT AT MONTREAL. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENC5 TRADEDzs tilt INA siR COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch mid deecaption nine gulckly ;ascertain our opinion free weether au Invention is probanlypatentalep. Com:flunk:a- tionOOtrionpcOntideetial. HANInitiOlt on.Patetits sent free, oldest agency for Becuringeatents. Patents taken through Mutsu & co. rebetve spettattottra, with:int charge, lathe atittifiC Jimericalt. A. handsomety tlinetrated weettly. Largest oh - =lotion of any Amami° journal. Terra, $3 a year: four month*, $L 8011 by Ail nowt/dealer& Smola Oahe. 425 F St.. Weshiugton, c. UNN & Co 361BMadwaY. New York PROMPTLY SECURED NVrite for our interesting books .• invent,. or's Help" an i " flow you are Swindled." Send us a rough sketch or model of yottr fn. vetation or improvement aud wewill tell yOu free our opinion las to whether it is probably pateutable. Rejected applications -have often been successfully prosecuted by us, 'We conduct fully equipped offices in bfontreal and Washington ; this qualifies us to prompt- ly dispatch work and quickly secure Pateefs as broad as the invention. Highest references furnished. Patents promixed through Marlon & Ma- rlon receive epeeist !settee without charge in over too newspapers distributed tbrougbout the la minion, Specialty t -Patent business of Manufac- turers auct Erigiueers. MARION & MARION Patent Experts end Solicitors. 1 office., f New York Life ll'id'g, l'Inntrcal t Atlantic Bidg.Washingted D.C. :-......-",-,...--,...........,,......:...............-............-.... WINDSOR LAUNDRY SEIZED. -.- Attached Under a Chattel Mortgage - Proprietor Missing. Windsor, Ont., Fele 3. -The Home Laundry here was taken posseseion 01 yesterday by Bailiff St. Louie, acting for Mrs. E. D. Lawrenee, of Detroit, touter a 'chattel mortgage for $100, given by the proprietor, noun- .How - ant, when he pureluteed the businese two years ago. Howard has been missing for two daye, and hie where- abouts are unknown. DIED OF 'WORRY. Uncle of Murdered Woman and Chief i Witness at the Trial. 1 'New Ireland, N. 15., Feb. 3. -Iter. iFather AleAuley, Wiese niece was murdered hero a few months ago, and who him beem chief witness during the 1 past couple of weeks at the trial of Thomme Collins, itow convicted of the crime, died very enddenly to -day of heart disease, brought on, it is suppos- ctill,delizolletl.te stritin surd worry he had SUrC/DE IN ICY WATERS. Michael Waren, Aged Eight-nfne, Knock- ed Down by Milk Wagon, Montretti, Feb. 3,-Miceel 3refireil, in old men of 80 yeers, died In the restern Respite! today as the result of lin eeeldent this morning. Ire Wee ereeehig the atroet, when he WM knock- ed down by a milkman'e sleigh and died rom the ehock shortly alter tieing elm to the hoepltal. ••••••••.1.•i• Promineht Young Man of St. John Swine Till Be Sank, .41, ibIlill, N. P., Feb. 3.-- (ieorge. 111.01. 11)i'1', aged 21, it 30111145 1111015 of protein. mit family here, eliminated suicide tide morning. Ile went, te the smatchore, waded into the icy weevil, und swam mit till he ettlik, lie had been Mini; ineitt•tlly for lionii• thee. Brantford, Feb, 3. - The Meal -option by-law, whieh was earried in Onmidagil townehip by five voice) over the twos• eery inejority, wile recently eontested on the ground that thi . lists were im- proper. and that 90M0 lel lint t on n ted should have liten rejedeil, dude., Hardy heard the (lee aml to-inernite will give hie. decision, eustaining the . -