The Wingham Advance, 1907-01-31, Page 8r
Belgrave. they.
Mr. Naylor hire been eugege(l to Mr, :and Mrs. liarkness have return-
r ecs, and
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tlincei she pc>,ss:4ge of the school Art teach the school zzl Belgrave. (.(1 fl r t 1
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.lir and MEL of lamb r;+:srtiE,n, Piero has beet( cyanid- iy,
b1 d 1 t' friends in and around Auburn this
' dissatisfaction in sura sections
Alex, "'eerie, who is well known as
rc�gaidirtg the niinimnin salary clause, week. a kis-cas stockman, soler '3 steers
The legiiilation foreshadowed by Pre.
niter Whitney for this session, will re-
move all cause of complaint, by ins
E•reaLsing the grants to pub ' u
The last grant to public schools made
by the Ross Government was $118,000;
the grant last year by the present
Government was $1713,000 ; this year
the grant will be increased to
Premier Whitney's statement was
ire effect as follows :-T-
"(1) We have found that there is not
a sufficientlumber of properly -quali-
fied teachers to meet the $etnand
under the present law, and that this
condition of affairs is likely to con-
tinue, to a greater or less extent, until
the new normal schools are establish -
e(1 and begin their work.
The sleighing is splendid, for so lit- three years old that brought down the
tie snow ; wood and logs are moving
rapidly. settles :at over 0,000 pounds.
Mr. Cleve G
oodfE to
brakeman, of
Mrs, Charles Vannorman and her Kenora, spent a few (lays visiting at
father spent a day at S. Vt4unorman's the hone of Mr. Edward Bryans. Fre
this week. has been promoted to conductor, and
Mr. Sproat of Manitoba, and Mrs. will, next fall, take Ids new work.
Sproat of Seaforth are visiting at D. The many friends of Me. Jared King
i rhtl
ris 1
learn 1thatY
LSE' 14 it %
S ro at s, Btl;,z, are leased to
Mr.and Mrs Duncan Robertson of improving front a paralytic stroke,
Kenton, Manitoba, are visiting at M. which he bad two weeks ago, Dir.
Halliday's, Belgrave. King is a wonderfully smart Paan for
"(2) It has become evident that con-
siderable difficulty will arise in work-
ing out the provisions of the law as to
increased salaries dependent upon the
assessments, which vary very much.
"For these reasons we think it best
to make certain changes in the law as
"(a) The minimum grant of $300 per
annum by the township to each school
section for salary will be retained.
"(b) An unconditional grant of $15
per annum will be made to each sec-
"(c) A grant will be made for the
purposes of equipment and accom-
modation, and
"(d) A grant of 40 per cent. will be
made on the excess of all salaries
above $300 and up to $600.
"This will work out as follows :—
Appropriation for equipment and ac-
commodation, $60,000 ; appropriation
of $15 to each section, $80,000; appro-
priation of 40 per cent. on salaries
over $300, $240,000 ; a total of $380,-
Mrs. 0, W, Proctor is at present 'esent his age,
quite ill ; we trust she will soon re- Rev, Armstrong has continence(' a
cover her usual health, series of sermons on the Lord's Prayer,
He chose as his test last Sunday "Our
Jas. Owens has returned from a two Father which art in heaven," He
weeks' trip among friends. at Grand spoke very plainly on the relation be -
Valley and Orangeville. tween God and The Father.
Revival services in the iMIethodist On Monday of last week Alex. Per -
church, Belgrave, have been Friston` rte, who lives west of Cranbrook, fell
tinued for the time being. in the barn and broke one of his legs
Master Wilson Geddes has all barn at the hip. It was an unfortunate ac -
doges removed from his legt and is cident and will lay hint up for some
able to be about the house again. time. We hope he will make a good
Wm, Little, 4th line, Morris, and recovery.
his two grand -daughters, intend mov- Smallpox is now in the vicinity.
ing to Belgrave in the near future. Mr. S. Holmes of Trowbridge came
The remains of Gear a Robertson of home from Manitoba not feeling very
g well,
and on consulting the doctor it
Edmonton, arrived after being over tr was found that he hadthe smallpox ;
week on the way ; they were interred lie was at once quarantined, and every
in the Brandon cemetery on Thurs• precaution is being taken to prevent
day, 17th. its spreading.
The Trustees of Belgrave school sec- Thursday of last week, Thos. Lott,
tion No. 17, will open school shortly who lives east of Brussels, on the 9th
in a house they have secured until con„ had occasion to go to Wingham.
they have, a proper school house erect- In attempting to get on the afternoon
ed, which will be some time next fall. train to come home he slipped and fell
The site for the school house will pro- and had a very close call from being
hably be on the gravel road, abort pulled under the wheels. Mr. Lott's
sixty rods north of the postofiice. nose was hurt•, a rib or two damaged
Wm. Scott of East Wawanosh bad and a small bone broken in his left
his house burnt to the ground on Mon- hand. Although Mr. Lott is 74 years
day, about midnight, together with of age he is remarkably smart.
all furuishings and wearing apparel. A quiet but pretty wedding took
Mr. and Mrs. Scott had to hastily place at Maple Lawn, Ethel, at high
leave the house in their night clothes oon on Wednesday of last week,
they had not even boots on. The when Rev. E. F. Armstrong, B.D.,
dwelling is situated opposite Thomas tied the matrimonial bow between
Black's, and was a large, brick veneer- Oscar Sparrow, a well known young
ed house, which will be a heavy loss
gentleman, and Miss Lillian R., eldest
to Mr. Scott. Up to time of writing'
daughter of the late Thos. Simpson.
we have not learned what insurance, Only the immediate friends of the
if any. contracting parties were present.
;j; The bride was unattended, entered the
drawing -room on the arm of her cou-
Pity The Busy office Man. sin, Mr. Thos. Watt,. while Lohen-
He feels half dead, a sense of nam- grin's bridal chorus was being played
sea, headche and nerve strain. He is by Miss Nettie Simpson, sisters of the
on the verge of breakdown through bride. Among many useful, valuable
overwork and lack of exercise. These and well selected tokens to the bride
difficulties are best overcome by Dr. was a beautiful locket and chain with
Hamilton's Pills, which make the diamonds and emeralds from the
bowels active, stimulate the kidneys groom. Mr. and Mrs. Sparrow left on
and liver and thereby free the system the afternoon train for a wedding trip
of impurities. To revitalize and stim- with relatives and friends at Paisley,
elate your whole being, to shake out Chesley and other points north. Oa
lethargy and tiredness, nothing cora- their return they will take up their
pares with Dr. Hamilton's Pills which residence at Maple Lawn. Many
do make good looks, good spirits, good wishes accompany the young
good health. Sold everywhere in 25e couple
as sea.they sail out on the matri-
. :I:-: t
Morris. Howick.
John Little held a successful auction All the township councillors of
sale on Tuesday of this week. Howick are to the south of the town-
ship, with the exception of Mr. Under-
BoILN.—Inc Morris, on Jan. 20th, to
wood, who lives near Lakelet.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Shedden, a daughter. Mr. Wm. J. Clegg, of the 16th con.
Andrew Miller, of the fifth line, left of Howick, moved last week to the
on Tuesday for London, where he has Bennett farm, out in Minto, which he
taken a position. has rented for a term of years.
The high wind of last week did con- The two by-laws in Howick, one to
siderable damage to windmills and extend terms of councillors and reeves
barns in this vicinity. to two years, •the other to borrow
Mrs. Frank Kerney has arrived $30,000, in five instalments, each to
home from St. Marys, accompanied ran 20 years, to build bridges and
by her sister, Mrs. D. Dickson. cement culverts, were snowed under,
Alex. McNeil was elected Trustee four to one.
Mr. M. L Horonth of Wingilam was
in town on Friday.
[r. Shortt ofgingston will preach
it tr-
in the I zcsbyterhan
Mis. W.V. J. Haines of Wingham
visited Mends in town during the
Next Sabbath
tal services will be held in the Metho-
dist Church,
On Tuesday, (mite a number from
here attended the Christian Endeavor
Convention et Auhtu•n.
IIartne •
Mrs. Noble Lovett, of y ,
Man., was a visitor at the 'Wine of W.
H. McElroy this week.
Lottie Bently, who has
friends in Oalifornia for
months, returned home on
A company of clever artists under
the direction of Mr, newels Firth will
give an entertainment lucre on the 7th
of Feb„ under I, 0, 0. F. auspices.
On Thursday last, Mrs, Alex, Leckie
received the sad intelligeuce of the
death of her youngest son, Alex., at
Port Arthur. The body arrived here
on Tuesday ; the funeral will be Puller
the direction of the C. 0. F. ; deceased.
was a member of Blyth Lodge.
Mr. Irwin is on the sick list.
Mrs. Win. Robinson was on the sick
list last week.
Reeve Harris was indisposed for a
few days this week.
Miss Louise Higgins of Belgrave is
visiting relatives in town.
Misses Gertie and Millie Harris visit-
ed in Brussels last week.
Miss Charlotte McMichael visited in
Belgrave for a few days last week.
Mr. Edwards of Fordwich visited his
son, 0. F. Edwards, here last week.
Geo. -Westlake of Salem is learning
blacksmithing with Mr. Neil White.
Mr. B. F. Carr preached at Victoria
Hall, Jamestown, last Sunday even-
Herman Morrison left for Mount
Forest after a short visit with his
parents here.
Mr. Campbell of London spent a few
days last week with his brother-in-
law, Win. Leckie.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Gibson enter-
tained a few of their friends Tuesday
evening of last week.
The Wroxeter Young Men's Club
will meet next Tuesday evening, Feb.
5th. Let all the members be present
and help the club along.
Thompson Bros. of Teeswater have
started the saw -mill here again, and
with the return of sleighing, logs are
being rushed into the mull.
x$540.00 Per Year
East Wawanosh.
Mr. Leishman, 9th line, is slightly
better this week.
Jas. Noble and fancily Sundayed
with Belgrave friends.
Miss Eva Nethery, who has been
visiting friends on the gravel road, re-
turned to Bluevale last week.
The Oyster supper held at B. H.
Taylor's, 0th line, on Friday night, by
the Donnybrook Foresters, was large-
ly attended.
ZVill., son of Mr. John Norman,
who was ill in Iowa, with typhoid, is
home, He has recovered, but is still
thin. • The bracing atmosphere of
Huron county should soon work a
That's the house the Doctor built,
The biggest house you see ;
Thank goodness he don't get
For we take Hollister's Rocky Moun-
tain Tea. Ask your druggist.
The inspector of electric lights was
in town one day last week. He found
everything in good working order in
connection with our light plant.
Rev. J. H. Osterhout, B. A., B. D.,
preached an interesting and instruc-
tive sermon on "True Greatness" in
the Methodist Church last Sunday
Hugh McLeod has gone to Wing -
ham, where he will assist Mr. Crosbie
Lackie in the bakery business for a
couple of months prior to his leaving
for the West in the Spring.
A Service of Song will be held in the
Methodist Church next Sunday even-
ing. Several selections will be given
by the choir, and an interesting musi-
cal service is expected. All are invited
to attend.
An interesting meeting of the
Young People's Society of the Presby-
terian Church took place last Friday
night, when a social and literary
meeting was held. Refreshments were
served, and the Young People's Socie-
ty of Jamestown were the guests of
the Wroxeter society. All spent a
pleasant evening.
Clark, whose term had expired. as successor to Nomas Hu on M. Hyslop,rchie P all cof alled Brussr East
Mr. Joseph Hanna of Neepawa, friends here on Friday.Me. Hyslop
Man., was a visitor at Jno. Watson's is alreadycanvassingfor the Do -
on Wednesdayand Thursday of last minion election. He will have to
work hard to oust the present popular
week. member, Dr. Chisholin. When the
New blackboards have been placed tine comes, Howick will be heard
in Section No. 3 school, which adds from on the right side with increased
greatly to the appearance of the majority for Dr. Chisholm.
Mr. John Watson, the old veteran Howick Council will meet in future
assessor, has again been appointed to on the 3rd Wednesday of the month,
that office: Mr. Watson has assessed instead of on Saturday.
the township for thirty years and few Not much new business was trans -
townships are so fortunate as to acted at the last Council meeting, ex -
secure the services of so efficient a cept appointing officers, which result -
man. ed as follows :—J. H. Rogers, Trea-
t > surer; Isaac Wade, Assessor; L.
Builds upwaste tissue, promotes ap- Walker•, Clerk ; Adam A. Graham and
John Hammond, Auditors ; David
petite, improves digestion, induces re- Cathers, Caretaker of Tp. Hall ; Dr.
freshing sleep, gives renewed strength I. N. Whitley, M. H. O.
and health. That's what Hollister's It was decided that the treasurer's
Rocky Mountain Tea does. 35 cents, salary be $05 and $5 additional for fin -
Tea or Tablets. Ask your druggist. uncial statement ; the assessors' salary
1 be $120 ; the collector for the west
division salary $60 ; the collector .for
Belmore. • the east division salary $50 ; caretaker
Merchant Powell was a Wingham of Tp. Ball salary $30 and $5 for tak-
visitor last Tuesday. ing care of the lookup; auditors $11
each and no extras ; clerk's salary
Mrs. Wm. Lowry is visiting some of $240 and $30 for postage and sta-
her friends in Thorndale. tionery.
Mr. David Weir of Winnipeg is A number of accounts passed, and
visiting some of his friends here. Council adjourned to meet again on
the third Wednesday in February in
Ontario Liquor License Act.
atiss 9,
en, fo moi
Bluerale. c.
receiving 516 per
month from the (til-
gary Milling Co.. Calgary. This es.
tlutable young lady had only a com-
mon school education, and in a few
mouths with us prepared for the
above situation. With a few years'
experience Mils Snell will receive at
least $75,011 per month,
Stenography is Better than
School Teaching.
What we have done for others we
can do for you. Enter any time. Tu.
idnal instruction,
Write for catalogue.
Wingham Business College
(Affiliated with Clinton
Business College)
GEO. SPOTTON - Principal S
Possesses wonderful medicinal pow-
er over the litnnan body, removing all
disorders froiu your system, � is what
Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will
do. Makes you well, keeps you well,
35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Ask your
License District of West Huron
Property Owners
Will find it distinctly to their advant-
age to make me their Agent, based on
quick returns and satisfactory dealing,
The following are a few of the many
properties for sale:—
$1050 1{ story house, 8 rooms (rood repair,
rants for $96 per year, ohn St.
$1100 13. story frame hnuse, 8 rooms, hard
and soft water, fine collar, excellent
repair, Frances St.
$1200 13 story now solid brick house, eight
•P rooms, comfortable hone, Chas. St.
$1250 1; story house, 8 rooms, hard and
soft water, good location, rents for
$102 per year, Victoria St.
$1300 2 story frame horse, splendid cellar,
stable worth $300, fruit trees, rents
for $102 per year, Leopold St.
$1300 New Brick Cottage, 7. rooms, hard
and soft water, Josephine St.
$1500 2 story beano, 0 rooms, good repair,
a beautiful home, Scott Si.
$1950 2 story Brick Cottage. 7 rooms, elec-
tric lights, good stable, John St.
$200013 story double frame house, ton
rooms, all conveniences, Frances St.
NOTICE is hereby given that John
W. Orr of Wingbam has made appli-
cation for permission to transfer his
Tavern License for the premises in the
Town of Wingham, known as the
King Edward Hotel, to Mathew W.
Algie of London, and that said appli-
cation will be considered at the meet-
ing of the Board of License Commis-
sioners on Friday, February 15th, at 1
o'clock, at Auburn. All persons will
govern themselves accordingly.
License Inspector.
Wingham, Jan. 29th, 1907.
The regular quarterly Communion
service of the Wroxeter circuit will be
held next Sunday morning in Belmore
Church. Members from each of the
three appointments are expected to
attend the service. The quarterly
official Board will meet in the Salem
Church next Monday afternoon at 2.30
for the transacting of business.
The Literary Society held its annual
meeting last Monday night, Rev. J.
H. Osterhout, President, in the chair.
The reports showed that the library
had had a good year. The following
officers were elected for the ensuing
year : President—W. P. Dobson ; Sec.-
Treas.—A. Munro. The Board is plan-
ning for a lecture under its auspices in
the near future.
$2500 2 story house, bath electric lights, 2
loll worth $1000, stable worth $500,
Minnniee Street.
$2700 2 story solid brick house, bath, fur-
nace, could not bo built now for
$1000, Maple Street.
It you want anything at any time in
Real Estate, come direct to headquarters.
Money to loan on faun security.
Farm For Sale.
The undersigned offers for sale his
farm of 100 acres, situated 2 miles east
of Belgrave, being S4 of lot 9, con. 4,
Morris. There is on it a large frame
house, good bank barn, one acre orch-
ard, seven acres of bush, 30 acres
plowed ready for crop ; the balance is
in grass. The Maitland river crosses
one corner of farm. The farm also
includes Bodmin Lime Works. Rea-
sonable terns to suit purchaser. Ap-
ply to
Miss Bertha Haney is visiting
friends in Brussels this week.
Miss Maty Cadwalder of Wingham
visited friends here last Monday.
Master Paul Pugh returned home
last Monday after visiting with Mrs.
Paul in Brussels,
The Epworth League of the Metho-
dist church held their anniversary last
Monday evening, in the baserrrent of
the church. After a first-class pro-
lunch was served and all reort-
ed having a real good time.
The Oyster Supper held under the
auspices of the L. 0, L., No. 700, last
Friday evening, was a decided suc-
cess. Tea was served front 6 to 8
o'clock in the basement of the Metho-
dist Church, after which all repaired
to the Foresters' Hall where a real
Mr. Egerton, the new caretaker of the Foresters' Ha11, Fordwich, when
the public school, is giving good sans- tenders will be received for the tp.
faction. printing and advertising.
Mrs. Powell has been visiting - - .t
friends in Toronto during the past Salem.
two weeks,
Some of our villagers are wondering Mrs. Fred. Kitchen left for
Belgrave P. 0.
Farm For Sale.
J. H. Chisholm
11 11 n; SII 1 1 116.1 ,1
Everybody Should Mali
Themselvos of This
The monster Stock-Redt:ction Sale at "The
_ : Bee Hive" Two Stores goes merrily on, and a
smile and a bargain greet you on every hand.
Vanstone Block — Wingham
The North Half of Lot 10, on Con.
2, in the township, of Morris, consist-
ing of 100 acres, is offered for sale.
For further particulars apply to
Bluevale P. 0.
$1.50; 30 inch, $2.00 ; 30 inch, $2.50.
Hard and soft wood mixed, sine"' tim-
ber. Enquire at the Advance office or
Wood For Sale.
Flour Mills.
undersigned is prepared to sup -
limited number of customers
their next summer's wood, cut
length to suit them, at prices
cannot be beat in Wingham, if
are left during the next four
1 foot long, 871 cts.; 20 inch,
We're often asked by farmers, which
is better, to• get wheat gristed or buy
flour? Gristing is the cheapest; you
save from 25c to 35o on each bag of
flour, and then you will get our flour,
which is the best.
Our chopper is running again, and
can chop from 4000 to 6000 lbs. an
hour, so there will be no waiting to
get your chop done.
what the people of Wingham will home in Essex on Friday last,
undertake now since their postoffice is Mr. John Ferguson sold his farm at _ f % V r j 11 I1
completed. Wroxeter to D1r. Wray of that ,
La grippe has made its appearance place.•
Five Lilies Flour, ; bbl...$2.10 to $2.30
Prairie Rose Flour, 1 bbl.. 2.00 to 2,20
Star Flour, per Si bbl..... 2.00 to 2-15
Cream Pastry Flour 1.80 to 2,05
Low Grade Flour, ton20.00 to 27.00
17.00 to 18 00
18.00 to 20.00
18.00 to 20.00
20.00 to 25.00
Bran, per ton
Shorts, per ton
Screenings, per ton
Chop, per ton
Winter Wheat, per bush.... 686 to 700
Goose Wheat, per bush G0o to 62o
Manitoba Wheat, per bush75o to 85c
Goods delivered promptly to any
part of the town.
again, and in consequence, the attend- Miss Lizzie Bryans of Grey has been .
ante at school has fallen about ten be- visiting friends in Salem, Corrie and .
low the average. other places.
The Quarterly Service of the Metho-
Mr. Wno. Gallaher of Fordwich has
dist churches of the Wroxeter circuit sold his farm to Mr. Samuel Johnston
will be held in the Methodist church of that plate. on Sunday morning, Feb. 3.
Mr. Cleo, Edwards has sold. his shop J. C. Goodfellow of Kenora is at
in Teeswater Geand bon present visiting the home of his . -
Blit a farm near grandmother, Mrs. J. Gallaher. '
here. We welcome him back to Bel -
more and hope that he may meet with Mr. and Mrs. Runstedler of Wing- :
success in his new occupation. Magi spentcSunday
und aylast
seat the ionie of
11. Brown, Rag and Metal Co., buy- We are pleased to learn that Mr, ,
ing all kinds of hides, wool and plc - Thomas Bolt, who has been sick for i
ings,.rubber, copper, and feather's of the past two weeks, is at present on
in cash; r
ice ,
st rblend.
all kinds. Iliglre pthe
brought to house, five cents a hundred
extra; 50c a 100, cash, for old iron.
, ,. + service in Salem Church in the after- j
St. Helens. noon, 2011i.
The ser,
morning in Delmore Methodist ehutch, '
Owing to the inclemency of the
weather on Sunday last there was no I
Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
Mr. John Rehd of Lueknow is visit- Will he administered next Sunday •
ing at Mr. Rubinson Woods'.
gond program was given, Proceeds Mumps and la grippe are the fashion at 10,45 a.m. The service at Salem in
amounted to about $38. around St. Helens at present. the afternoon will be withdrawn,
Mrs M Buchanan is visiting her r r
It's EXCELLENCE that tells
in the long run, QUALITY is al-
ways my first consideration. For
that DELICATE Aromatic flavor
Is Far Ahead
- of most blends. It costs you no
more than is often asked for in•
ferior k n s.
Best Quality, per ib. 40c
Try Christie's Pare " Cream
of Tartar Baking Powder.
Phone Your Order.
Every attention given to Phone
orders. Goods sent out just as if
you were here.
ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT daughter, Mrs. Jas. Baker at Wing -
Proved After Fifty 'Years.
d f 11 ed ham.
removes all hard,
or ea oua a The test of time has proved that
lumps and blemishes from horses, Mr. Chas. Tags of Belgrave visited putnam's Corn Extractor cures quick -
his spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, his cousin, Mr. Thomas Ings last er, with less discomfort and more .,
sweeney, stifles, slrraintr, sore anted seek. thoroughly than any thing else. Con -
Blemish G
by a en throat, c e t vn
try use of one bottle. 't'�arrnnted the lair. Cr W. Scott of near Bel- latus no acids, is purely vegetable and
ve called err Lou Wet4k11erhead Past ahaolutel guaranteed Insist on
out sec.
Pett- .
most: v. Bold b aro ever names on y -it's the best,
known. bold by A. %, I•Tatrslltorl, unduly,
Henry Christie
• You Make
A Mistake
If yon buy a Piano with-
out seeing our stook, comparing
prices and taking into account
the quality of the instrument.
All the best makes always n
O stock — Heintzman, Newcombe,
I Dominion, and others.
Also Organs, and the very
best Sewing Machines.
David Bell
Stand—Opp. Skating Rink
m4� 11�� "
Do You Wish To Visit
_ Are yon anxious to escape the cold
weather and snow and spend the
winter in the "LAND OF FRUIT
AND FLOWERS?" Winter tourist
tickets are on sale daily, and if you
are contemplating a trip see that
yeti, ticketnd s aro routed over the
leer t)CL. IIAItOLiy, T wnuAAgentcall on
WI T'GHAt District Passenger Agent, Toronto.
Our Pr®position.
' i
Just think of the proposition we place before you.
The only question is — Can - you, dare you, in justice to
yourself, overlook a chance like TIIESE STORES offer to
save at least one-third, and in some cases even one-half
the Price you would be obliged to pay regularly for
your Winter Merchandise.
Some of the argain Lines.
Dress Goods, Silks, Linens, Shirtings, Cottons, Men's
and Boys' Clothing, Furs, Carpets. Curtains, Linoleum,
Floor Oilcloth, Hosiery, Gloves, Underwear, Men's and
Boys' Furnishings, Ladies' and Misses' Jackets, &e.
We Could Write Columns.
We could write column after column of price quota-
tions but space in this valuable paper costs money, and
our tremendous Low Prices won't allow of our telling
you in print of the hundreds of good things we have
waiting for you. Enough said. We'll look for you in.
Bring along your Farm Produce and
secure highest prices in exchange for
any of the splendid Bargains offered.
Next to E. Moore's and in Carey Stand
For Clothing,
New, Rich and Fashionable Furs, and all
lines of Ladies' and Gentlemen's seasonable Un-
derwear, come direct to D. M. Gordon's. No
house, no matter how much noise they make,
can give better value than you will find here,
and every article new and up-to-date. The new-
est and best is none too good for our customers.
As usual, all lines of pure, fresh Groceries
are always in stock.
0. M. Gor
4.n.l! ,, .Bib V al.5 11.ti:.4ini:.1 wtbp a,3.,BIl,lI5 I,dt.l 11:1 11.o1 J1 I, LiIm11,b L. IBu111.f nn,nhi.di6
MONEY can buy advertising space, but it can't buy a
quarter century's successful record of wonderful and
almost miraculous cures of the mot difficult and
intricate cases of throat, lung and stomach troubles. Such is
Peychine's record. Thousands of cases given Up by leading
doctors as hopeless and incurable have been quickly and per-
manently cured by Pe chine. It ie an infallible remedy for
coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, consumption, indigestion,
loss of appetite and all wasting diseases.
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