The Wingham Advance, 1907-01-31, Page 6a.
was sent by the orphan asylnni to
I boy all the stock. The children did Rot
; orseect him, and lie helped himself to
everything, and drove away in a cart.
"Do y ou know the maxi 1"- inquired
"Who is he?"
"I she not tell you. Oh, M. Cas-
ahative. there aro troubles in thie world
(1) ef which ono utust never speak, upon
4) which no eye but that of God must ever
leek. Mille is such a one as that. You
eante in and found my house made deso-
late and nivetelf and children weeping in
"1. thank your eta:. "nip. lean a -eau. ot tete due'. glided with brilliant crovel ; the inidst cif our ruin. It m not the first
"There ta NA; ' `,11a disaster has visited me,
pea -sneak:me tee teatiov deseription, t tone that such
tett; ami, for my eetteinette, I. near ct enoisoregicat with gay emit welts cepaes- ;me it may net be the last; but if you
would t 111 us netties. Leant, Etteme etenseed had not (some in and discovered our
ro + `Via.
to provide ern ',net 0.4-v ,O,LL, .11[0.e, `elLOilan Lite eVent tti..."I"O tears eelarnit.e, you never should have known
Then, beating lits eadyeeip esiesi &swat- etas
elle retired '1,11EI .441i
la the outer lea. env
Vitaylaid by anor.aer roe, setaa, a 6..1 el.
Vincent's reepects
that she woula ,:aaer eels emit 1 emc lei -
meats' eOLIVefali AM a nee elneee.
Again, La•irti earnest es memo, Mesa- ele
"If the learenet e nonc tees: ins
paternal eutme •nja irittresame .t.e nee
interview we, 'es e j1.l•"•.-11. "
She AhOWIL ,Yr!..,! '1114 "•0.1.?:••.1“,1.•-..1. vet
ete libraryneed a- : 1.3• r•VekS4
literature, rmm. e. !I ',NV
ries of•ill, 4,RO:
one tall. Gerteie woefere
that diffesed
throughout the ve-te revar. e, -cm 'en
entigtie chats. beeide wr• tines ta ate. st
the centre of tee recta. sa
very ha.nilsooee mane 44,
five. Regular rued wt!'tenehrsened feenfone.
clierk grey eyes. heavy elirece eveeas.v.s.
a large. well-fermed dove arui ':.
handsome rneuth, were an framed ta
a luxuriant growth of she:sing bleek eair
end wheekers. eJi
On seeing Mies Eimer, he arma- nate
a etately curtsey, and placed a enaer for ve
her, caying. as he hand.ed her to aer
"I requeaten the favor of year nem-
pany here, einem Elmer, that I might eon- se
ealt with you upon the subject of year L
new pupils."
Laura bowed and waited his further
speech. "Hush' fen anerone :nal" eecee:
"You have, Presume, just left Lady en me.'
:mime lace :testes ae !tee net etease : ;to
itt.,..o..4 a LZ, 1 "Itut your business is for the present
Al. 4t.'W .14 ,t, kt MI i1tZteeettte;1.
u 'nee e lilt 'I .ent, ' eeelee Med NI, eel% ; notken up. What ean you do? And,
eave, can I help you?"
itti.. L.,i. 6. ° .Au.til pee eeeveset. mom:en
I, ,,,,,....„„•, tt„,..,., .,,so en te ale „nee • "I think you, Mr. Cassinove. But one
.„, g„ „gee um, eeeeoz 4;e. ,;,,i,'; $.1., ,c., I beg of you -to see the ag?,nt of
',eel ..„0„4 Leaeo. t `aateo yee eee my landlord and get a little time, said
:be wieow, gratefully. the Manchurian campaigns of the Japan-
e..te. I:, ta r! ''' ese-Russian struggle.
1c...,Atil. ., 't of.. Vela 1.c.'7.^1?. 111.iS 1 "And alio is he, Mrs. Russel?"
ue mare, soe ies Isteseeivtim. &see ntess ; "Mr. Neakes, the city agent of Sir During the whiter the recruits are
tee .
Vat Lester. who °was this block of drilled in highting, and their sight is
•11,, ‘,..,,,f14 v. I: 001,11, 4.7.1.,.!'....7q as tTas . ate:singe." trained by obliging them to distinguish
e ,o!o,..n..1 ',;,..TO.,1.•.:.•-•!. .:..."'-.7•Vki RM./. "Sir Vincent Lester! Oh, I shall be at average battle distances objects not
tett te est n ten eats =et. . end !eel l ee eine to maeage the affair easily!" ex- easily separable from the natural back -
„e ;lam, ;meets :a ease ane•aseneeeeteee netmen geg„i„„ee. Igsgetege„ing „p. feta ground. In the season of outdoor exer-
is • eises opportunities are taken to test the
era - 1 e irareeniately resolved to pledge li
shooting capabilities of the men under
. as 71.111er nnlin'1"'n!: V7 ''''''''Cr .•'-,:."71 selaey ami sarsiees in seeuring for the
something like conditions of actual war
1.7'• L1'1 '" -t''''74. *4- ''''''" '''''' '''""--S1 °I '-..; rent. "Se you may begin to •
and these performances are under the
le eeeted ...t.:.; 1. ee ' 7-41,-4, zzp as soom as you please, while I si„„ context ,
in meters.
te„..,:,.. ..4.5.t.z.g 15„..:, .;.'o U.T.'d seek an interview with Sir Yin- ; To complete the efficiency of the cav-
:',i W3.3 1 '.!,.: !......:': ,.-7, Vie7.7.;:, 7? est. -
„., ..„L ,„., ,, s.:.,,,...,„,„I emeee.,. sent Lesien." no cancluded, seizing hfe ' special supenesion of brigade and clivi -
i• 14\1, aZ14 berrying away to esimipe the ; „ary as an organization capable of con-
sfec...eSI 23•Z...!°1 !...:4 e7..e._.: ee..s.e. eleat e.
.-1 e . - ' 'ec i ducting independent operations machine
_ eartmee, eat tete eximee .ieseei. teeee. .°"-e. S ferre'at gTatlth e•
d enevy etestereese. s.7,1; :-...i.-... -ori: .0..',1...s - 1 He lesificel a fly, and dreve immeeiately , guns of light build and extra horsed, so
ree. e.erteee7deei Ze :eel t -feet: V" terenverar eye' mare, where he asked to . as to be capable of rapid movement, are
r ead seee rennikme. eneent bs antaitted to Sir 'Vermont upon paetieu- 1 eta be attached to eaeh cavalry brigade.
•• • •
faee vane lees ton, eel las toriaster lee bus:lease..
Blew His Head Off.
ee '..eSS M....t:',Z.'"?.. '..':./7.. thee :?.? else e.eier ; Tee baranet saniled al/atm/ay when
an. Bee lexie eee.e.'es the Ge.11....t.e_ KM case...pert wed tie seeel7e. Rochester, Jan. 5.--dosepat Waddell,
raala S'alar'-a '7 '-'' 1 * l''- '''-`)Z-11 Irr name 'New, what eines a generous feed ro- ; eereetl 40, committed guickle this after -
me. anti team sen :lean iarearee .
This Ar mot the 00111411 Army Given
The boulevard is a hingdom-an
an Increased Efficiency. SPUCIALIST SAYS WOMEN' IN PAR. whim imperio-without any acknowl-
edged king, but with a large number of
With the opening of the new year of
military training a new manual of regu-
lations for rifle practice in the cavalry
arm went into effect in the (lemma
army. It is designed to improve greatly
the standard of warkmanship and to
render the cavalry independent of infan-
try support in making expeditions into
the enemy's eountry where it is separ-
ated from the main body of its own army
for daps at a time, and wherein rapidity
of movement ie as essential as ability
to mist attack.
In the Fraiwo-German war of 1870 the
Gernutn cavalry for the most part had
no firearm except the cavalry pistol,
which was no better than a popgun
against the French chassepot. The oper-
ations of the cavalry were greatly re-
stricted on this account.
Later the carbine was made the stand-
ard arm of the service, and the present
effort to develop its effeetiveness is a
result of the part that cavalry played in
Why Bileans Prove so Beneficial.
A medical specialist states that eight
out of ten cases of headache, dizi-
nese, sallow complexion and various ail-
ments peculiar to women for wine
is committal have their origiu in cousti-lumilevar(L
Wien. Although this ailment is very 1 The days of the dandies, of the titled
sew% wamee neveura led by Due de Grammit Ceder-
eonution amongst both I ousse, the Marquis of Hertford, Lord
appear to be the greater suffferers.
,"Arsouille," are over. Even the Manson
Bileaus cure constipation by stimulating
the liver and regulating the flaw of bile, I Doree, who narrow stairease the
which is the natural Purgative of the ;Duke of Hamilton, after a tiopioua
body. ntier, fell and broke his neck, has been
swept away. One must go to Mont -
Mrs. S. E. Baldwin, of 38 St. Paul
Mont -
street, Toronto, says: "I have taken Bil- 'lustre, to the Tavern du Tahadin (a far
eans for constipation and dizziness and , less aristocratic haunt, with none of the
found most satisfactory results. 'Weans culinary attractions -of the defunct Mai -
do not cause any griping, and not only fruit Doree) to find a similar staircatie
rove 1
pretenders te the throne. With the itee
of the republic iu France an aristocracy
of intellect has taken the place of the
old aristocracy of birth and actunlly gov-
erned the country iu its stead. A sim-
ilar change has been eifected on the
ieenta. yetaag rear, like yourself expert noon by blowing the tap of his head
"Is ler liatereere net enette.e''' te. Le this ease of the destreesed off evith shotemu.
,,yee eare eel iesere hem- wet negenneess Feet ese3atee ease to The act wee committed in the pre-
en ne gartrZi•
T. IL X. Z1E. Z.:4: a meet er.e.sel preler-leter. vene of Waddelas es.yegenog &mgt.
ester ree.stseet einertene.. mei re.fers FO -.2 to ter, in a Owe of woods near herr home,
'And eoor 11.. • . tne ye: tee e(te. ree-ate ree-er Fait -pert
maze le werteg 11.7s ezerneteerree shee ree =trey te
e,^.:.` Zi ?Jen
Dear Mother
Lester?" :-)W vette.. and tire'..e. zdes-74C-sir sme-
. ;; Ti- : grre reeere, tee.
"Yes, Sir Vincent." meae nee : .17 eraele„. he
trembling vexes.
"The delicate constitution, and tee
numerous soeial responsibilities eer
cure constipation, but also imp
general health."
Mr. A. Monaghan, of Berlin, recently
proved this vegetable remedy in a simi-
lar way. He says: "For many years I
suffered from both constipation and
piles. Nothing I have ever tried is to be
compared for beneficial result to Bileans.
They have made we a different. man ad
if any sufferer would like to ask me any
question on their operation and their
value I will be glad to give all tbe in-
formation I can."
Such ie the result of exhaustive tests
of Bileans. This great, vegetable remedy
is invaluable also for sallow complexions
(due to bile in the blood), pimples,
greasy, sallow skin, and blood impurities
generally. Bileans also cure indigestion,
debility, rheumatism. anaemia, female
ailments and irregularities, "runelown
feelings," liver and itictney complaint,
headache, sleeplessness, wind spasms,
palpitation, etc. All druggists and stores
from the Bileo.n Co., Toronto, upon re-
sell at 60e. a box, or obtainable post free
upon receipt of price. 6 boxes sold for
Vacs Lehi cam are a astant care in
ea.; nen earea iserenes etea
The young neer- 4 L.SLW..i eemy ease nee -
Fill gad Whem• weather. The taill
uI mean -Mee -oe.o.: .5. few neee &
ladysh±p. preve.nt her from giving t at .m.-Eteriragnste czee
The Sunday Little Boys.
On Sabbath morning there are rowa
All up and down the street
Of people in their Sunday clothes,-
All orderly- raid neat.
The world is very sweet and rein.
And no ono makea a noise,
For Sam and Joe, and Tom and Will,
Are Sundae little boys.
Their hair is parted very straight,
Their faces teeny clean!.
They have a very steady gait -
A very sober mien.
CerZS CCU. you know about sKaelte They hold their chins up stern and stiff,
d tbink about their looks:
no a: -Pi ° - nes sad I tatind ze. teas- Ceeserepnca Cue. the Lung T aic. and - The Sunday boys all seem as if
Rttentiern to her children that she wome
The baronet paused. . He s-eemed ar.x-
teue to defend his wife's indifferente t
her ceil ?rem vet :mat e to ea 5,..)
1,44',-.11 a has demi fa so rawly? It es said They lived in :tory oo
_Ike words •vieleeameee. Anti ^sse
arse s. etemee tor Ile Widereee to be nee cesly reneabIe remedy for all
A etrenteg. „ere = ..etett urea Their hats are even on the head,
erned end retie ee
cf the air pasesee” in children.
Their bands are by the side;
a. he :Oa:. earee X.! •a aenei.71rin 1/1.E. 7;"•11q.1
;.7.‘ tea yeneet 31 elerelenge L.61=1=3 end Plensauf to Their pockets spare and thin, instead
et' /teteM
S. hnener.
etureei 11•.'110 . .7' t.:: - :..."-'''' -171 i..• '''''' '' . '''' .: . -.:''' .1.11 ' ... ' hit.. harearar.-.....-ed. to ca. -e or your money Of bulging full and wide.
upper. La ma. Fe nee -17...7?°L. 7>i -)rtL, _,,..:,:. '. -• ' - ' 1,, ''''.1`4 '''"e' ... iire.--=‘,..d. The mnie is elic- per bottle, Thore ba.s been given every one
Pius ertded tae..i.o.14. L.:1(:. ...Le, a.L.'
Grcsve.71. '.......-',.? 1 .1.."7"•.'•.,,L ."..•-.! 1,..,..1,...:. L : :. ?.71SSed. it tinte-Z- i is. .:a.q., .1.4. They do not. whistle, do not play.
They do not sing or shout,
eineet 1....itia./.
truth. A: '..e.egte iie sale, e
"You have seen your future Tapia'," t
"I hive "peen theme'
'I l. ee taro. ea-tee:Intending. thar P
very riegeened eneditien. roe fin.i there
not ureir.eminent teabeects.;'
danne ia meneeme A hanky square and white.
ease ef .1.? its eati To wtpu his Sunday face upon
Fer.linand. Casete, e. es.
S IT Tr*
When Sunday ekies are bright.
•.latemiene, rest. They seem to me :•••,
meestmey giftee. timege semewlett
undisteeeirtee," seid Laura, with a eine '
adding: eliewever.1ahoild have jai %T!!:,
ed yee. sir. Itoit I have had little expea-
er.oe chile:en. never fined ale
situation ef geteernees before."
The tratarnt leeked up in surprie8.
them draeine teward him an open 'at -
ter :La: .ey ...on the tale. and rein-
.r.g te lie sain:
eAh. ere, Dr_ Seymour has written
'that ein •ieeeer, rtverses have placed
Miss Elmer under the teressity of seek-
ing a. ee eitien in for which ehe was
not breeaet up. yet for winch her moral
and int-e-cteel -;:ineticatione eminenta
fit her. I must oondole with your nes-
fortunee. et the same tine I cen- • • fie that he
4.2.1LE..11aBut manfully UpLat their way
Tele remedy :heck! be les ever/ household.
.brary, and was imarestiiateey eaccea en. tee .ee.e.oe And no one makes a noise,
'I ",A.O. aZt.t. •
Oh! All the world is still and sweet,
%ad, he esas Mtn te.i wine 11 - .1 T.7 "••••""*"---"--- Go treading strong and stout.
the preserea enneent Le.ater. " In Too Much of a Hurry. When all the boys upon the street
:ng a chair fer his vor. 'ae ficzey of speed rather than prayer. Ile Are Sunday little boys.
arose eourtentsly t. 3 r v il‘".1:4 An Illinois parson believes in the ef- -.Delineator.
ef answered • . 'A14
yeer advertiser:neat ie ...:1..", 1 f ''''' ....:7:-. :"..• -4. -":"• -• -•
Times, Mr. Cassineve. inviting yee -.., le • e -.1•-lne ineeee• enett "neeet gtILtu'-'''-`;
call upon me here. bemuse I juaae -as-. ' 2'.."1.;''''':''''' ,.'.:::::1:: 5::'' c.'
a quicker and more satisfaetery Irina:re- ":•.-- :• - ' ;neeee eat -e -e -ti en 4 tti,..-'11
ment might be concluded in a pers. in. .1'n. 'le a '-'1:---
respondence." la» same afterrnan Mrs. Russel foarel
Ferdinand bowed in assent, and tock er..:ther little Leinee in. aa obsieure part
terview than through an epistolare atr-
the offered seat. ,.,, nte net-. te WitL:S.C., ,...11.:r. the next dey,
S-1 removed.
"Should we COMP to terms. Mr. Caeein- (latesinove, wee heel remained helping
ove, your principal charge will be the her to the. leo:. fee. :y bade her adieu, as
li, I- r nei ho• tree tee eee ttat aes to
education of my son, Percy, a youth of
some twelve veare el ago.You Will also convey her ami e r eiteenee. te them new reatlessness, that jA very ui3eettinee, to
be required ee give leesons in Greek, ani home. 11.- n i.e ,O.'".. -1,,d 7.1.P. , unfortunatee who ;mi n. etiek to their
Latin to my two younger daughters. lint key. :a e e.e.e.e eeed V.Aa dilVell to bet and thereby neenniplieli a certain
Can you undertake so rtmeh?" inquired (''"1-1'1" Set '''. t',.' Vicsnl'.'llee his l''''w amount of labor in order to live at all
varee-C as a private Later. -Bolton Herald.
advocates the matinees of it and says
the werld doesn't go half fast enough for
him and that teo many preachers think
they re still in the middle ages, while
tee fact is Providence has sent the
means of doing more in one year than
our grandfathers could accomplish in
ten All of which may be quite true. Yet
grandfather was a much happier man
and more agreeable to his fellow crea-
tures for not beine in such a hurry.
With rapid living comes discontent,
gratulate trys.-if end try ceildren. elise
1,a.ura. bowed and remained silent. the baronet.
. • nt over the int
of studies that be wished his children to
pursue. ari I cenceision, said:
"I hope you will allow rne to
look into your schooaroom, some-
times, Mies Elmer, to aid you by
such mfuesen RA my somewhat
longer end more int inutte acquaunt-
ance with your pupils might suggest,"
'aid the baronet, sniffing.
"My inexperience will thank you, sir."
And seeing that the interview was
closed, she was about to rise, when the
Makes purr, ba. iea
c()110 E:y1r) andy.eajcv b Proved
use. Aseis succentei
for it_ your druggist
-and all stomach
Sand bowel disorders.
Nurses end tthathers Treasure
-25e--6 bottles $1.25.
Katk...1 Druz & Comic...el Co., Leultad
,ittea:ntr .al
- • -
ISSUE NO, 5, 1007
biro. Motown Soothing Sfeee
way* bo mad tor children teething. It
BOOtbee the ebild, Beetbee the gums, cures
wind cella and is tho best remedy for Mar-
which can claim to have recently caused
under like eiroumstainces--though in
what, company -the death of an English
Han a century ago the title of "king
of the boulevard" would have been given
to some great courtier and wealthy no-
bleman, a Monly or a Dernidoff, whose
equipage and outriders would ihave add-
ed a bummer radiance to the Avenue de
l'Imrporatrice (now the Avenue du Bola
de Boulogne), who would have been a
habitue of the "grand sixteen," that
famous dining room at the Cafe Anglitis
where on on occasion Cora Pearl, the
most extravagant demimondaine of her
day, was served up in the costume of
Eve on a silver platter.
The automobile, with its waterproofs
and goggles, has supplanted the brilliant
equipages a la Daumont and the sump-
tuous liveries of the imperial epoch.
Seekers after more sensual pleasure anti
riotous dissipation no longer have their
needs supplied by the -boulevard.; they
must go farther afield --to Maxim's, the
Rat Mort, the Nouvelle Athenes, to the
Tabarin, where the je•unesse doree of the
present generation repeat at less ex-
pense of either taste or money the wild
junketings el their fathers and grand-
fathers.-Harper's Weekly.
$1,000 PILE CURE
A Thousand Dollar Guarantee goes with ev-
ery bottle of Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Rold.
George Cook, St. Thomaa, Ont., writes: -
"Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Roid cured me of
a very bad case of Piles of over ton years'
standing. I had tried everything, but got no
Permanent cure till I need Hem-Roid. I had parition, under the belief that there must be
thing. Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Rold cured me five miles diMance has the appease nee of
DR. 1..EiROY's
A wee, (4-110 811 ronaulo monthly rogue.
tor nese Pilis bees bean wed Merano
tor over Mr/ years• raid found !eyehole*
forma purpose de:signed• and ere paten.
tted by the nakiool. Enclose stamp ter
8801,04 cw•ular. Pilo 5100 pm box at
retiree, 111 y men, seente uebOLII, rocolpt Qr PLO
L12 ROY PILL 00.,
Box 40, Haraiitea, Caned*.
Lake Fleet in Harbor.
(Newmarket Evening Wieconstan
More Lima $8,000,000 worth of property is
lying in the waters a Milwaukee harbor
at the present time. Thiees the value placed
on the winter fleet of boate here. Never
before have so many and so large freightera
laid up in leis met tor tho void reason.
Tho total capacity of the grain and ore
boats te placed at 01.0.0e0 grcres ems of ore.
or 1300,000 bushels of wheat.. Three of a
biggest leciebters, the Eneling, Shaugh y
an4 Oliver, ere ineludeti tho winter fleet.
Alt three aro 10,1.100 ten bowts, mei wore
constructed at an 051 08(115110 al eee0,000 each.
No other harbor on the Great Lakes can
boast et such a mighty winter mooring Re
is tied up in Milwaukee
-Eczema, Eruptions, Pimples -ere surely cured
-the omit intense suffering at once relined -by •
dsarsteriX=Wrat o
rtieta eerie REGISTERED.
Ointment --the safe and speedy remedy.
"1 was troubled with Itching Pile.‘,' writes one
man whose address we will furni$14 on 'equal,
"I used all the salves and rerneffies I e, re heard qf.
Than 1 soot Mira Ointment -and eslained more
relief rum it than all the others. 1 recommend it la '
all ieted with Mu complaint."
50c. each box -6 for $2.50. Used with Mire .
Blood Tonic and 'Tablets means s quicker cure.
At drug-aores-or from Tee Cecelia** Co. *1
Canada, Limited, Hamilton-Toe:ago.
Materializing the ',lying Datch
(Westminster Gazette.)
A strange Gee. phalltele, which very prob-
ably has helped to ereate the legend of tbe
Plying Dutchman, is stated to have been
run to earth by the argeutine Government.
Many vessels have repoeted after rounding the
Horn that they have sighted what seemed
assistance. sailing in through the straits
to be a derelict vessel, or one in need et
aithhais vane yratuenriaogursouttn9O.
with deoks awteseeet Vuesseaj,
Blind and Bleeding Piles, and suffered every- :misigVg:birlii'grtl Iggt3%?octiLvXL% It
a bark running under short sails. Probably
the white eails of the visionary vessel are
d removea the cause of Piles. ;Loc. produced by the sea bird whitened uer
All dealers, or The Wilson -Pyle Co., Limited, parts of the crag: the same eatiree has often
led the lonely islet of Rockall, whIsh lies
Niagara Palls, Ont. out in the Atlantic to tha west et the Heb-
ei, -40- rides and was the grave of a Norwegian
PROFIT IN YUKON FARMING. magenta ship a year or two ago, to be taken
for a vessel under full sail.
Ready Market Found for All That Can -
Save Your Earnings
Be Produced.
W. M. Swinehart has compiled for
publication the results of his expern
enee in farming at Fort Selkirk, tole
these show that, taking one eenson with The diffieulty often experienced of
another, the crops raitied and the prices sufely investing small sums, can be ob-
. received for the produce. are sufficieet vented by securing some shares in a first
to cause the average fanner in the
class Loan Company, paying down prem -
States to look to the north with envy.
1 yields
cthoinefs to
erotphe pareordeu ei:;t11,1,
sells readily in the spring at from al00 payments.
Write for particulars to John Wright,
Broker, London, Ont.
References, Merchants Bank of Cana.
Ito $125 it ton. Demand has never been
lacking for all the bay the farm pro-
duces einem the Dawson -White Tforso
stage line on which from 250 to 400
horses are used every winter for see-
' eral months, passes within a few nines
of the farm. Potatoes yield frnm three
to five tons to the acre and bring as
Imuch as 25 cents a pound.
Rutabagas yield six tons to the acre
el ti called awlewaranese is begin- and sell for 6 cents a pound, or $720 RH
• ia s
'Certainly, ell. Vincent. " ' He was received by the baxonet, aho a..... -
Ferdinand. $1 Bottle Free
task is by no means a heavy one," said courteously installed Lim im a spacione e._
Cassinove bowed. - 1 Ile was informed that he should. dine 1
closet adjoining the library. that hoe
been fitted up as a Stuly for himself and
Dr. 11. flack's Rheumatism
,I trust you will find it as light as you
anticipate," answered the baronet, with his PuP1-1.
a smile.
1 num. I bope it meets your views." at two o'clock a itil Master Percy, the
i num. I hope it mete your views." ' little ladies and their governess, and that :
"Abundantly, Sir Vincent," replied Fer- the party were expected always to take 1 COlinnild
dinand, to whom the eater offered seem -
their meals together in the sitaingmooru . E
; ed to be a very liberal one. j Ola joy! he aould then be sure of
adjoining the little ladies' schoolrootn. Is a wonderful cure. I want you to try
it. --and will send you a full size $1 bot-
; ,
e meeting Laura Elmer at least three
to intro- . ld le tle free. It will cost you only the ex-
; I have now, therefore, onlydoor swung slowly open. and a figurethnes a day. How much toil aou
, kind enough to accompany me to the not be willing to undergo for (be deligl
duce you to your pupils, if you will be
glided in that immediately arrested her i
nounce us,' said the baronet, rising, ant cf seeing Laura thrice a day!
Accordingly, at two o'clock they in
It was that of a young woman of , schoolroom,. James, go before and an -
bout twent • VearA of 'tee who would at dinner. It was but st little party
it press charges, about 25c. Write for it, to-
day. Dr. II. II. Mack, 60 Yong° street,
et, Toronto.
acre. Carrots yield three tons to the
ning to ride is due often to appiehen-
acre and sell for 15 cents a pound. a
return of $900 to the acre. Cabbages
skin; every muaele stiftens itss agamet
some result which is, feare,I from the vary in production according to season,
ranging from three to eight tons to
new unlertakiug. This will disappear
j the acre, and the price ranges from 15
when the ba.iance is acquired. If one
Pram- to 20 cents a pound. It is an exception -
can arrange to do a few moments'
tice at the "setting up" drill of the al ' season when the Swinehart farm
I does not net its owners an income of
army and navy, it wit'. Woe ni up the
$10,000, -Seattle Pos t-Intelligencer.
Another Railroad Outrage.
(A.rapalme, Ok., Bee.)
Eaten Shirley. who drives the dray, cen-
t d d be would move a box car at the depot
A last Wednesday and put the ear as a trail
thing, and, properly untie otood,
we wagon to his lour-bOrse outfit After much
should see many imoreongeotaidlaridicatreeatnIninotti • hard pulling everything started to roll. Than
it he hollered "Whoa!" Fererything whoaed but
members and supple the movie&
easy! Be easy! Do not try too hard!"
should be printed in huge letters upon
the walls of every riding school. and the
pupil should never forget the advice, and
what it meens. Flexibility is every -
1 ro cony nee dlike just ran over
Ice Cream- Soda for Convicts.
"Soda water, 5 cents:" These words,
spoken in a whisper, may be heard in
tee of the penitentiary in the even-
ing nowadaya. Warden Gould lias given
permission to sell Buda water behind the
walls to the convicts, who eagerly look
forward to the evening, when during hall
permit they are able to get this delici-
ous refreshment. Old prisoners who fiery -
ed behind the walls for many years and
know what it is to be held so strictly
to rules that they almost forgot how
to talk look with wonder on the develop-
ment of the elements of humanity. The
soda, however, is "the goods" with the
convicts and many a man who laughed
at the person who drank soda on the out-
side likes his little ice cream now as well
ae he liked his little whiskey before. -
Columbus, 0., Dispn.teh.
"Oh, yea," replied Miss Peppery, "but
I don't think any one will notice it." -
WO ling the way.
found nir five. Laura the little girls, Cassumrae
and Percy. 'No young gentleman first Assassination Never a Success. readily fall, it is beat to go through a 11ne ea •
tne termer vehicie and enmeshed up hie waglin Philade p a Press.
Macre is your governess, my dears?"
its only occupants. ordained aud anxious for the credit of Assassination never yet won a victory for few exercises of the arms, legs, wrists
his cloth could have been more eircum-
. never wilt. The murder of Lieutenant Gen -
an individual. a party or a cause -and it and body, and even advanced pupils will
uired their father. spect in manner, looks and conversation oral Pavioff adds another to a shamefully find them advantageous if they pram
one," replied Miss 'Lestergand t
time a sweet voice was hoard re-
' a a face appeared to her to be strangely in- friends. A nem of people. whether under a
I And, as Laura Elmer observed him, his eininehRoaeinothr iiitsavetogom,beafssore lints and
whItill e When seated. the head should be roll-
tice them at all paces.
d about on the shouldtiare. tiferwhart,
; than Ferdinand Cassinove. long list of similar crimos in Russia, but like
'In the music-roem giving Lucy ler
• ' timate. She wondered where and under eerie a president, who roma to the torah brielewend, and sideways; le ou
rid t e bomb are not entitled to liberty. ders should be moved up. de sn, fore and
have been beautiful but for the deathly I lee.
pallor of her thin face. that looked still I 1
more ghastly white in contrast with l Le9t
eye- • be
the raven blackness of her hair,
brows and large wild eyes and her dress '
, inq
of deep mourning.
The baronet started, changed counten- I '
once, and arose in haste and agitation„ less
I sa
and advanced to meet her.
But she glided toward him, extending 1 E.:lasing some simple m4• ody.
her thin, white arms, clasping her trans- 1 The baroness presented their tutor to • what circutnatances of extreme lame
parent hands, and fixing her wild, black ' the young people. they could have been, that she had se
his face. pilo when, raising his eyes, he stood face perfectly of having seen him at Se
that noble face before. She recollect
eyes in an agony of supplication upon i Caasinove had searcely greeted his pu-
"Helen, why are you here. What is to face with the goddess of his worship leilotHiransetCinagsst;le, in attendance upon Col
this?" he inquired in a deep and moth- 1 -Laura Elmer. but that was not the se
strong frame trembled; he bowed low, I
-8 1 sistently, haunting her imagination 1
i that continued so vaguely, yet so p
ered voice ae he took her hand, and led The blool rushed to his •brow, his
Feeling it to be impossible to follow to conceal the agitation he could rid. , siyomtehehaelruernmsetlannbeeersedshderewamas, inSusedad
ker, unresisting from the room.
for a few moments at the end of whihc 1 "Miss Ebner, Mr. Cassinove, my son's 1 of flashed upon her mind. It was
therm, Daura Elmer retained her seat • control.
time the baronet re-entered the library new tutor, said the baronet,
In a state of agitation almost frightful j 'I have met Mr. Caseinove before," re -
to behold. The veins of bis forehead were plied Laura, with a smile, as she offered
swollen out like blue cords, his nostrils her hand,
were dile.ted and quivering, his lips I Ferdinand barely touched that white
grimly clenched, his cheeks highly flush- , hand, bowed lowly over it as though it
ed, his dark oyes contracted and glit- ' had been the hand of a queen. To him,
tering, his large frame shaking. He ' indeed, she was ever a queen. To him,
evidently strurgF.led to suppress the ex- 6 all her worldly glory, she had lost r.o
hibition of his emotions as he rammed single ray of that halo with which her
hie Gent, and trembling, dropped his face noble womanhood was surrounded. 'nue
upon his hands. . he bowed lowly over her hand as though
Laura Elmer felt painfully the awk- it bad been the hand of a queen.
wardness of her position. It was im- : "Ab, you have met beforel" observed
possible to spea.k to him, and nearly the baronet, glancing from the smiling
equally impossible to withdraw ynthout face of Laura to the agitated counten--
doing go, while it seemed indelicate to anee of Caesinove, in a tone and with
remain and wit -nes e the strong emotions a look of slight vexation as strange as
that he eo evidentl3r tried to conceal.
At length, seeing him deeply absorbed it was certain.
. Then, recovering his usual air of calm
with the intention of gliding from the . "But we will not further trespass upon mergave the signal for rising from
In lets own fee ngs, 0 , . y ' and stately courtesy, he said:
room, when the baronet, somehow per -
alias Elmer." and bowing, led the way
ea ving p p . , abruptlyeta ted
from the schoolroom back to the library. Caen:Love and his pupil retired
forward, saying, "I beg your pardon,
It was arranged the new tutor should
Mies Elmer." opened the door, and rour-
mute the next day and enter upon hie
teausly hold it open until she passed
duties, and Ferdinand Cassinove re-
cta. turned to hie humble lodgings to prepare
Laura Elmer retraced her steps to the
. for bis change of residence.
As Ghe entered she was warmly greet. ; As he entered the small shop. he fonnd
M by tho smiles of her young charges+, . Mrs. Ruesel wringing her hands in die-
erttO assured her that they had conscien- tress, and the two little children crying
tiously occupied the time of her abeence around her. The shelves were disman-
In devotien to their studies'. 1 tied and the drawers open and rifled.
"Not disinterested attention, l' assure , "Why, what is the matter?" hastily
you, Miss Elmer, fis we remember the inquired Otietilleve, in surprise,
old condition of no lemons in the school- 1 "Oh, Mr. rassinove! Oli, girl" waa all
TOM, no drive out in the park," said 1 that the Gobbing woman could reply.
Miss Lester. I "What has matured?" again inquired
Laura lookely up inquiringly and the young man.
/earned from the explanation that en- 1 "Oh, Mr. Cassinove! Oh, girl and the
seed that the governess was always ex- rent due io-dav!" cried the widow
peeled to take hor pupils for a daily af- 1 --,-, - to-dayt" •
Oh, it's an executionl" said the young
terrtoon drive in the park and that they
were now rinito May to recite their )111",
"An exeeution? Lord, no, indeed, sir;
In a tone of eompassion.
twins and prepare for theirairing.
Tahiti, Elytm. km he god of objedien , if ib Were only that 1 might have met
to thiS artalagoilient, and as Soon there- i the eet4tel"
fore, as the leatiOne were faithfully des- ' "Then you have been robbed!" ex.
patched, the young lease earridges tved elltinaed Cagaitieve, ia diatilaY,
ordereg, rod tbey drove out. "Yes, sir. While I WAN out, ,and t116 "Yea, sir, 1 observed hot.
'114 riik was, te tidal tit WO hour ohildrati left Moue, * Mari roams and Odd (To be continued.)
back,at flint together, then separately
(five or six revolutions of these exer-
cise are enough); then the arms, first
hanging quite loose with the hands and
wriste limp, ehould be swung forward,
backward, and rotated on the shoulder
)oints; next (the teacher keeping the lege
in position), the pupil should lie back
on his horse with arms folded; then
the legs, one at a time are removed
from contact with the saddle and return-
ed; then the lower legs are swung up
and down, the thighs remaining close to
the saddle; then the ankles are flexed
up, down and sideways. .All motion's
should be main! slowly and carefully,
and should be repeated daily for some
time, and always in relation to any mem-
ber about which the teacher may notice
any or want of pliancy. This
will be espial:illy notieed in tlie arms
and backs of men, and in the arms and
right sides of women ciders. All exercisee
of the body awl the legs should be done
finally at the canter and the trot and
without stirnme. Minim all, should the
head and neele he free from :stiffness: for
want of pliancy there is emmunicated to
the whole brelyeelr. M. Ware, in "Learn-
ing to Ride," in The Outing Magazine, for
The man who slays la the dark or who
en shoots down in cold blood and the party which
ed supports such a man are unfit. for self -goy -
()inn: erament.
caret be broken by murdering individuals.
The yoke of national impression
dream she bad had the first night she
had slept in Lester House -the dream To the Woods -Norris Advertising
in which a man, bearing Ca.ssinove's form I Agency, Toronto, the Globe recently
through scenes of tranecendent beauty,
and features, bad been ever at her side, 1
made this complimentary reference:
briohtness and joy, and whose hand hid The business, which was established
at last repSwinburne. Laura Elmer, as laced upon her brow the lost several years ago by Mr. J. II. Woods,
coronet of
she recollected this fantastic dream, %mil -
had mixed up the personality I
r one of the most experienced newspaper
ed at the vagaries of imagiruition that men of the Dominion, has grown so
guardian's amanuensis with the Novitld iii,;,91.. rapidly that it was necessary to add to
ion of a restless night, and she drew no f the firm, and Mr. Charles C. Norris, who
auguries from it. She looked up again I was one of the best known and moot
popular advertising agents in Canada,
at the face and read there what it was I joined the fhmi, as announced, some
that bad caused it re to haunt her linnntha ago' W"da-N°rris' Limited,
dreams; and, as she raised her eyes, Baal Mail building, Bay street, Toronto, is
chanced to meet those of Cassinove ftzed • now one of the bestestablished firms of
full upon her face. Both dropped their advertisers, and can arrange business for
ceoynesse,iboulugsnlanangs, andsoondeeplyaftri u
s awietlNsasisruldein. all desirous of advertising in any paper,
magazine or other publication, not only
d but in an part of the world.
The well-trained and experienced staff
geg of the firm is prepared to write out all
classes of advertising matter, arrange
for such illustrations a9 may be desir-
ed and to deal with every detail neces-
sary to make an advertisement the stm-
Celia it invariably es when placed by a
capable and experienced firm. A member
of the staff will call on any firm desir-
e:1M of talking over mivertiaing business,
and whether the advertiser desires to use
space in one or in is thousand publica-
tions, the exact cost can always be as-
certained before tendering on the bud -
The Toronto Star Bind:
The principals of the firm are 3. IL
Woods, who for a number of years
hat+ been head of the 3. H. Woo& Ad-
vertising Agency, and Mr. C. C. Nor-
ris, who was for eighteen years con-
nected with the Mail, of which he
has been advertising manager for the
hot eight years. The 'union. of these
two mon, both well and widely known
irk advertising circles, opened the Way
for it large expansion of business. The
flrni courinea itself ltogether to ad.
vettising of the hotter sort, for cow.
Mereltil, finateial, and edneatiOnal ift-
then the young ladies posed into the
adjoining schoolroom.
Laura had eeareely seated herself rtm-
ong her pupils before a servant appear-
ed with a request from St. Vincent that
Miss Eltner would pont him a few min-
utes' conversation in the drawing -room.
Laura immediately arose and went, thi-
ther. She found St. Vincent pacing up
and down the floor, with signs of serious
disturbance upon his face and. manlier.
He came immediately to meet her, ant
took her hand, and led her to a their,
and, seating himself near her, said, with.
inuch embarrassment:
"My dear leliste Elmer,1 bloc taken the
liberty of remiesting your ptesence here
to -day, for the purpose, with your kind
permission, ef making you a eonfidantra,
and. asking you a favor."
'Aura bowed and awaited his further
"In your first interview with me, in
this room, you must have observed a
young lady of singular appearance who
came bi for it moment and whom I met
sad loa out again."
Story Tellers in Demand.
iNerw York Press.)
In New York there is 11 banquet every
night at which men mike epeeehes and sad
and dismal and gloomy are moat of them.
Commiteeee 01 arranoarnemts aro always
working overtime to fine good takers. They
search the country over for speakers vibe
can telt anecdotes, arAn yarns, manufaCture
epigrams, make 'tin welein ring of weed0M,
wit and allegory, ael the digestion while
relaxing the mind, tee. Aloe! Too many
banquete have become more megaphones for
political bluff and bluster, speakirt; truin-
g:eta Of coleran statesmen unable to obtain
a hearing elsewhere. Let us get back to the
cheerful feeet of reason and now of soul
and leave :tenons problems to the heave
es0 .6
it little eidash-tbat'o au -
When you lot a pebble fall
In the lake. The watere elate
An' in dignified remise
Picture back the lane stre sun
Jen' na they hams always done.
'everything neeele as before;
See' a eatoolt; an' bathing inera
Mighty men rav MUM Ontle, toe
On hirer, by fete, We view,
Sheiows 410 forgetfuleeen
A trial will convince every hounwife in Canada that "Reliance Batting Poweler7
is f tarried:Vitt:I etten4oeiabeei tab? 11 vette udsied.t,itis f an propat ed.tfrnrenrn ye Ifuretanedhpolrri‘,,
therefore we OA o Rble tosell konnn :Cast Cluergarmanuotoo :nu' tini?ottion. Ign order '
introduce "Ronne:co Raking. Noe:tier. eve are making wonderfully attracti a
prernium offers to Views and Civics. If intereated drop us e. postal.
To any user of belting powder we will gladly eend, abenhatoty froo, postriSM
prepaid' a set of four of our latest, edition of picture post cerds, nehegraphed in
brilliant comas. Simply write us, answering the following ginstions :
ist. Hama your Grocer. end. ioarao tkea Prereer.
International Food Company, TOF0i2t09 Canada.
eines for the Purple Package." 2
Soavill,%11,41.4s4t4).",;,..3b/A eVbql,!?1,4-72."•ClfiVVZ-0W-4/Q./1.:.A.vcrilet"11
Mon aUrround them mere Or lose.
Lille the dlibtnning ertivae they fete
Thane alight Holm teat they made. ,
(Recollection kin retell
etee' 81 Solliebeetliet'a all.
o.Vakitibtsteti Star,
Ft L. C11 PR 11%U LI8II%Jfl vv.Avx
Ask hi 1 *
UM% tinTleMO4TC1IFflt nom% wmunt011113,14MTA11,