HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-01-31, Page 34 500 YEARS FROM NOW Scientists Say the World Will be Simply Marvelous. When, twenty yearn ago, Edward Ilei- Only a short time ago it was n• t.itiys a conulrinu•tt net of sabthzatx zvn a limy ivrote "Looking Backward," most ii nouneed that a had been determined extcnet, c�attvpolulded t'o stop lr.belluu„ • not all Itis ideay were regarded as the that building operations of the future vagaries of a dreamer's hind. would deal largely in glass and that a•cznov'e irtftemmation anal rel.eve the dis- 'J.'o-day much that 13e11amy predicted is glass houses would become common --- tended wine. no longer scouted as impossible. :lits that is, houses in which ghees in place of One of the meat powerful imivten�cce of theories of a wholly paternal ,govcrlt• clay brickis would be used.'1'his would its cu'mt4vo effect oat !rices, ares amt. Wine meat may never prevail, but the itumau mean light to every part of a big &true- from White beutb, 7tfaby Mee. Went. race is undoubtedly progressing rapidly tura, Virion. Crhe mere: "1 amt glad to re. coward what might be termed n social Electricity will become the good angel port that ui.trl3•uk it done arse a wort, fism --Int its broadest sense --of utilitar- of the household. dea'fw1 amount, of gond. T had Ivilets very #anism. It will light and heat the hoose, make e me had: ilia I could haaxlly walk. It has been a short step, eomparattvoly, leo for the refrigerator and do `much of No ariatter wthe 1 applied it d}d rJat from the tallow candle to the electric the Leavy work of the home. seem to do me any good, and I suffered light, from the stage coach to the swift But there are those who .believe that the most intense agony. Amon get other :me - sly speeding steam and electrio trains. the eletrical era -at )crit the era, of Wogs I tried an. ouitment male type - Within t few years the world has seen electricity that is •generated by steam Molly foe piles and w ikey mecommend�e„l, tato navigation of the air made nearly power -is also doomed to pace; that hitt it was no good. 1 mild not get practfcablo, Aust as boats have been tort- there are elements contained in the air trelicf, Then Zane -Bak was brought to atruated e, manoeuvre beneath the we breathe that has sufficient potency my aot,4ee, and I got a supply, it ecreth- wavea. Wireless telegraphy was a start to meet all the wants of man. ed the pan and gnats aenicet iamed:late ling forward leap o£ progress; Luther So, towering above every building of relief. It has now cured men, and since Burbank has leaap o the world with her the far -distant future .array be chimneys the cure I have Had. no eetnta-i of any that will suck down the air of heaven, teaoe of the tmoubie.” results of his studies of plant culture. extract all. its potential elements, cause Zara -Bilk as so useful for suet n saai- wouet What, sen, of have Tuture? If tu made within them to tern wheels, light, heat and eery of theme that n'o 'haste should be dventilate and through another set of evict oat it. It euros add atoms of inflaan- the memory of living men, what may chimneys puff out the exhaust. metion, suippwnation, faeteninvn, cite, Por coming generations expect? Tho enormously tall and large building nuts, burns, bsaikses, alsoessets, ulcers, heft is ll of suggested vlat elwous en 500 mtat years of the far future will probably bavo eireavorale'eczema, scalp asores, floe atria, wide passageways, exitending at right pimples, Mood poison, Meshes, *tetter, opment. Little physical exercise will be angles across its various floors, the Reply, barber's rash, it is abbtohtteiyy rwitee tculiaertaknn, es shocol Maon n will be pavements dreamers of science say. Mr. 13.,. living on out equal, Ae an embrocation it is eilteo ei airships, aovdgre pave ntl the ono hundred and fifteenth floor,ntay good, end rubbed well over tivo, .part ea. traversing arrive in his airship at that floor just meted relieves mlteumatttm , Baia :sea, nen- transport those who at rare intervals as he now draws up before his door in swam, etc, will have occasion to move about upon hie automobile, A11 drtrgigiste and stones sell 7rum,Bulc the surface. A Mummy around the Respite,' ambulance airships, the de- at 50e a box, oe' obtained poet free from world will be a mere matter of a days livery airships of grocery and dry goods Zein Bak poi•, Toronto, upon a oedipt of flight through the air, stores and other vehicles of the air might Vie, 6 boxes •for $2.m0. seedcase essat Persons in those days, it is thought, do likewise if such things shall exist. stamnsp, sample box will wear metal bands about their heads As food will probably be mostly in pill + �, 4 as a mechanical guard to the throbbing, form grocery wagons may not be known. ,k restless machinery of the brain. M any rate, a. system of pneumatic Emancipated from the thralldom of tubes will probably do all this work, as gluttony, the future man will not care well as collect and distribute mail and for elaborate banquets or spreads of e. pr o Maness who wishes to send a letter solid food. His nourishment will consist to China will probably atop outside his door and drop the missive in a slot, marked "China," with full knowledge that it will reach its destination on the other side of the world within a few minutes or an hour at most, But, of course, the man of that dist tent future will desire to be apprised of the news of the world as at present. There will be newspapers, naturally, but all other ills. not, say the scientists, the paper and The ar i of the distant future will ink newspapers of today. probably dress simply, Many forecasts duced to telegraphy will have been believe he will revert to somethinglike reduced to perfectly applicable science, the raiment of the ancient Greekand building the entire earth. Tho newspap00 Romans, building of ,2407 may be a tower of 100 But what as to man's habitation in or more storeys in height, topped by an elaborate arrangement for receiving news 2407? At the present rapid increase /of urban communities it seems probable F that a vast majority of the world's pop- ulation will be living in cities by that time. H. G. Wells, the English writer, who ormous forcing houses in which crops Itis indulged in not a little fantastic will be grown to a great height and mul- ; speculation as to the future, based upon tiplied fruitfulness. a careful study of existing and unfolding So the New Year's day of 2,407 may conditions, believes that as early as the witness a world throughout which mar - 7A �� (�� !! uu CURB �+ (�1 Ate has to .wnd beingsub.. N Via.. BU$! 1 URB Pitta? rotated as ae lacca! s THE ALEALf'$ MAN r1onned, shite lawn "' thing. exercise great care over A Northwest Woman's Interesting his estate Butt, for it mast last him three DEATH OF THE MAN WHO MADE Experiences, years, while itis unarm; suit is replaced "!more iw iso cil,�xraass kmiow7t tto aad}oafi every eight months. THE DESERT BLOOM'. 'The choir of this royal chapel ie one of pcicluca •wlttias}u calaseatt mare fpa'arty gives the histories} institutions of 1:agTand Under a 'Topeka data line masa the rise to mane ntiretelr(Inele, CM]. tnebs0 Fifa ennouucentent in i!a five -lilac eeapatoh of :til i#e salttirzn irtare altos+ly Clean• 41,.,",, and many of ata old time customs, in• � p}lca `itch iia 7t •teas tui r than eluding the dress of the boys, are retain- i that Tiart•teon Iackman, who that auimaYnt is to m(wply `1,oltt 13tH:, stdtdelt orae to this clay. It bas mm�berednlnnn;t {{ brought alfalfa from South America. and i ,b,1 !etc', singers Sir .Arthur Sull(van, Edward t nie.nted ;t. i,. ,t... Unite Stat.. :_ Lloyd, Fair John Goes, Dr. E. J, Hop., kins. the veteran organist of the 'Tem. tpie Church, and many other famous Bri- ish musicians, orae curions Cestoms, peculiar to St. Jamoa' choristers, may be mentioned. The most interesting of thele is the right of the head boy to demand one guinea a$ "spur money," from any offieer en- tering the chapel wearing enure. It is related that Schen Sir Arthur Sullivan was head boy the Duke of Wellington would always conte to the chapel in his spurs, in order to have the pleasure of paying the forfeit to his favorite choris- ter. of concentrated extracts of tato best foods, prepared under the illuminating light of advanced chemistry, and each ureal confined, no doubt, within the limit of a pill. Food elements to prepare him for cer- tain lines of work will be at his com- mand. A proper chemical combination of food elements will eliminate dyspepsia and through the air. As early as 2,000 another scientist con- tends, agricultural enterprises, es*p'ect- ally market gardening, will be conducted largely under glass. There will be en - THEY LIVED STILTED LIVES. Residents in Turpentine Districts of France Have Peculiar Existence. People live on sixteen -foot state in the remarkable turpentine -growing country of France. They don these stilts attar breakfast and do not remove them again until it is time for bed. There are two reasons for the weaning of stilts in the turpentine country. One is the turpentine gathering. The other is the herding of the great flock*. The turpentine comes from the mari- time pine. This tree is tapped, a shingle in insext•ed and from the shingle is hung a tiny buelvet, into which the turpen- tine drips. The tapping process is like that used on the American sugar maple, Young pine trees are tapped low, but with each year's passage the incision is anode higher, so that it is not long be. fore angst of the trees are tapped toren- ty or thirty feet from the ground. Hence flue huge stilts of the workmen. On these stilts tlliey traverse the flat country, covering five or six yards with each stride, and quickly and easily they cdilect the turpentine that overflows the little bucloets hanging diigsh up in the trees. It is for herding naso that the stilts year 2000 New York, Philadelphia and velous intelligences equally distributed; are useful. The country is very flat and IChicago in the New World will have 40,- lands which no railroad trains cross, the headsman unless he continually 1 000,000 inhabitants each, while London, where no factory chimneys, mar; seal :limbed a tree would be tearable to keep 1 Berlin and St. Petersburg will go well from which all shipping has long eine ' over 20,000,000. Four hundred years disappeared. j Toter, of course, the population of these (There will be no more of commerce, cities will be vastly increased even over the wise forecasters say, because the daffy those figures. + of individual fortune making and labor How will all these people be housed? , for individual gain will have passed. Of course the cities will spread extensive- ( Of course, there will be no wars; not plate. When it is lunch time or when ly in area, but it is safe to assume that only would war be too deadly because they are tired. they plant upright under all the members of his huge flock in sight. But, striding about on his stilts, he commands a vide prospect Re is allways, as it were, upon a hill. The stilt wearers eerily a fifteen -foot staff with a round, flet top like a dinner of the wonderful a encies within man's buildings will grow much taller. In fact IX c a building of from 125 to 150 storeys r grasp but the intelligence of iihe era will high will, it is believed by those who nob :brook settlement of controversies by "contemplate the future, be common in brute force. those wonderful times. +' a'' In fact, nearly as many people as now CHILDHOOD AUDITS. I make up the population of Toledo, 0., As a remedy for all the ills of s or Denver, CoI., may inhabit one of the cbikdhood ' arising from derangements enormous city buildings of that day. of the stomach or' bowels Baby's Own Naturally one supposes that the pres. Tablets have no equal. You do nothave ent-day system of elevators for tall office to coax or threaten your little ones to ' buildings will fall far short of meeting take them. The ease with which they the requirements for a building of 121 or eon be given as compared with liquid 150 storeys. Quite true. But how about a vastly improved system of pneumatic tubes and practicable flying machines? Professor Bell, inventor of the tele- phone, is now working upon a plan to control and move airships by means of dleotrio energy sent upward from the earth just as messages are despatched from one wireless citation to another. Net only is it easy to suppose that access to the loftier floors of the sky- scrapers of the future -a slcyeeraper in fact as well as in name -will be by nav- igable airships, but the travel between various elevated communities will be by the same method. thecal the staff and sit on its round, flat zThen in comfort, seated so diz- zilp high, they eat and rest and chat- ter --a strange sight to behold. Moat Expensively y Clad Boys. As a rule boys are not disposed to be overproud of their clothes, but a lad whose Sunday suit costs some $200 and is of so striking a character that it is considered unsafe for hien to walk abroad in it alone might be excused for beim a trifle "stuck up" In this con - medicines will appeal to every mother. nection. None is spilled or wasted -you know Yet in London every Sunday there are just how big a dose has reached the lit- ten boys who are thus expensively and tie stomach. And above alt mothers have brilliantly habited. They are the ten an absolute guarantee that the Tablets ehorists belonging to His Majesty's contain no opiate or poisonous soothing chapel in St. James' Palace, and truly stuff. They always do good, they can- gorgeous are they when arrayed in their not possibly do harm. Mrs. Edward Don- "State suits. ovan, St. Agatha, Que., says: "I am de- Scarlet cloth is the foundation of the lighted with Baby's Own Tablets,. I costume and bands of royal purple be - know of no medicine that can equal tween rows of heavy old lace are the them in curing the ills of young ail- adorning of it. Grandest of all, old dren." You can get the Tablet* from any lace ruffles are worn at the neck and druggist, or by mail at 25 cants a box wrists, but these are so valuable and by writing Tne Dr. Williams' Medicine difficult to replace that it must be a Co., Brockville, Ont. special occasion to warrant their being „ Sa1Vanlized STEEL GLEE AT $4.50 a square (10 ft. by 10 ft.), warranted) with heavy galvanizing. and with a guarantee of twenty- Anybody who can drive nails straight can five years service back of the roof any building with Oshawa Steel sale, "Oshawa" Galvanized Shingles,—a hammer and a pair of tin- Steel Shingles make the cheapest good ner's snips are tools a -plenty. roof for any permanent building on Tell us the surface measure of any your farm. They last a hundred years. roof: and we will tell you exactly what Even cedar or cypress shingles will it will cost to cover it with the cheapest cost you as much, and be rotted to dust roof you can really afford to use. Send long before a n for a FREE copy of " Oshawa " c Shingle our booklet, "Roofing shows a sign of wear. Right," and read of Slate will cost you the profitable, common- far more to buy and sense way toroof any twice as much to building on any farm. put on --- an d it The booklet is worth r, s, , . won tlasbabitlonger. reading. It tells why an "Oshawa " Steel Shingles !rake build- ' ` Oshawa "-shingled roof is cheapest for ings lightning -proof, and are guaranteed you. Wells, too, why "Oshawa, "-shin- water-proof, w i n d M gled roof is safe proof, fire -proof, an "Oshawa"Galvanized Steel Shingles from lightning, and weather-proof or a are GUARS"EED in every, way for, Ives some aurpris- quarter - century.,... 25 Years; Ought to Last a Century seg f acus about h Without painting, ....� „...,T 4 Made of semi -hard. `' ' Caused in Canada the tined -heavy sheet steel (28- Year. Better read the gunge '-` book ,where shell [we send your copy? The Pedlar People Of Oshawa MtirtiltEAL !ilia CrIlg 6R. toaottrO a'll"tAWA t oleos wireorro useottVER i1 Coliente Ili. Vs Susie# S ea Dundas St. 'i's l sombeird alar. ane Poadet St. 103 4 •♦ Birds the Friends of Farmers. Inteneat in the protection of bird life beta spread ra.pidst in the United Sbates, .Anuuh r of States have seaoteti kiays making et unlawful to trine loads wftth birds or wings. The wanto killiTg bee V,*ached a pent where American birds were actually in dang'sr of Mterrnnnaa- tion. The great majority of women whose love of display 'hod fed• them to purchase bled••fninorsed hats have joined 1n• the movement when the wholesale saaughter hos been h ott,ltt to their ct>t tendon. Not alone on aeathe*ie grounds sshoad the birds be protected. There shhouid the births be protected. They ante with few ,exceptions useful edemas of .the fa.rmenv. A rieul•tnriste, toss prone to note the -gram stolen and the fruit peeked by little trills, giro no credit for the myrands of insect pests. destroyed Ley the feathered ntalaauslers, Tlleey sea the alnadl damage but overlook the grease good done by the birds•. -Cleveland Plain Dealer. Lydia R. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is a positive cure for all those painful aliments of women. It will entirely euro the worst forms of Female Com. plaints, Inflammation and Ulceration, Falling and Displacements and con sequent Spinal Weakness and is peens liarly adapted to the Change of Ljfe. It will surely cure Backache. It has eured more cases of Female Weakness than any other remedy the world has ever knoven, It is almost infallible in such cases. It dissolves and expels Tumors in an early stage of deve- lopment. That. Bcaringsdown Feeling, causing' pain, weight and headache, is instep .,y relieved and permanently cured by its use. Under all circumstances it acts in harmony with the female system. It corrects. Irregularity, Suppressed or Painful Periods, Weakness of the Stomach, Indigestion, Bloating Nervous Prostration, Ileadache, General Debility. Also Dizziness, Faintness, Extreme Lassitude, " don't -care " and " want -to -be -left -alone " feeling, excite: ability, irritability, nervousness, sleep- lessness, flatulency, melancholy or the "blues," and backache. These are su indications of Female Weakness, son. ' derangement of the organs. For Kidney Complaints and Backache of either sex the Vegetable Compound is unequalled. You can write Mrs. Pinkham about yourself in strictest confidence. LYDIA E. !COMM VIED. CO.. Lyne. Kass. When Pa Comes home at Night. I wish my Pa was nice and good, Like Willie Williams' Pa; And would not carry on so high An' talk so rough to ma. For she just does the best she can To make our home seen bright, An' always meets him at the gate When he comes home at night. She bends above the kitchen stove An' cooks hie evening meal, And lights the lamp when shadows round Our home begin to steal. She smooths her hair, en' then puts on An' apron clean an' white; An 'on her face there is a smile Mee Pa comes home at night. But when he comes, it Aeons as though The light turns into gloom; lie starts to growling just as soon As he gets in the room. An' if I do the leastest thing, Or try to make things right, 1 always get a liekin', sure, When Pa collies home at night. Sometimes he cones home staggering, His face all puffed an' red; The smell of whiskey in his breath, No hat upon his head. "Get out o' my wayt" he ca113 to me, An' I just shake with fright; I know my hours of play are lona When Pa comes home at night, An' oftentimes he strikes poor mal, A cruel, wicked blow; 'An cams her until out in The cold olio has to go, An' yet, with all she's good to hitt, An' ahvays bums a light To guide him up the winding petit When he comes Monte at night. T guess sense clay I'll be a man An' have a wifelike 1'a. 1 only hope she'll be as good 1 An' faithful as poor ma. 'Yale bet yoitr lire, I'll not be bad 1. An' want to drink an' fight; always have a kiss for her, When 1 come tomo at night. . ,,('haties A, .Ponds. .Source of pttdles;a Expense. "How about these ctukest" inquired Mr. Struekile, "Are they putty expert. sive fir "You bet they are," answered; Mr. Nnrlteh, Who had bought one. " Andyon want to remember thin:, lliratn. The first eost is the smallest item; t 'W's ii- ittgtsn Herald. aged 7$ years. With this simple state- ment is distniased the life of it Men who was truly a public beenfaetor. The old saying is true 'that 'he who makes two blades of grass to grow where only one grew beton is a public benefactor." Wdtat could be a proper measure of the benefaction oouferred by a man who made the Western desert, once s4 bare es a man's band, bloom with verdure? Alfalfa has proved to be the salve ti;tn in a material way of the farmers of Western Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado New Mexico and Arizona -•--in brief, of all that vast section of country which was formerly described in the geographies as the "(Treat American desert."' It is the one sure crop that saves the iarmera in that region from ruin. The brave and liardy spirits who first essayed the task of converting their bare and arid soil to man's uses encountered hardships that tried men's souls to the utmost, and these pioneers suffered privations be- side, which those of the Argonauts and the Arctic explorers seem almost like petty trials. But gradually they over- came obstacles that seemed insurmount- able, and to -day all that ouee arid mum try blossoms like the rose with rieh re - tunas for man's labor. In achieving this wonderful triumph over nature, alfalfa was tate most eonspieuous factor, with its heavy crops repeated twice and three times in a year, The num who brought this priceless boon to aid the pioneers In the west 'tray not have thought he was doing anything relnarkab}e or worthy of fame, but judged in the light of the goad. he did, ho deserves a monument to his memory far more titan the world's her- oes who are known by the thousands they slew or led to slaughter to gratify 'the caprice or grudge of kings. --Kansas City Journal. _ TWEN' -FWE YEAp' SUCCESSPUL RECORD MONEY cin buy advertising space, but it can't buy a quarter century a successful record of wonderful and most miraculous cures of the most difficult and intricate cases of throat, lung and stomach troubles. Stroh is Psychine's record. Thousands of caller given up by leading doctors as hopeless and incurable have been quickly and per- manently cured by Psychine. It is on infallible remedy for coughs, colds, bronchitic, pneumonia, consuaapti,,.n, fudigestiou, loos of appetite and all wasting diseases. "My son hada terrible sough sad seam worth liHng "->Ds7 L Moir. was waited to a shadow. Doctors arda, Marrlotts Cove, N.B. said he could not live. He used i'sy. "sty lunge are now sound as Abell chine, i toured tial." -Mrs, J, !tang- after using l'sychiae,"--1f. gobe"}aa, er, Brockville. Bridgeburg, Ont `After taking $5.0e worth of Psy- Psychinesaved my7life,"-..4.Wµ- chino my lungd are well and life is den, 7 Cornwall At., Toronto. Pssyohine Never Fails Psychino has no Substitute AT ALL DZADHRS, Sec and $1.00 A 60T114 DR. T.A. SLOCUM, Limited, 179 King St. W., Toronto SAFETY FROM THE EVIL. EYE. Charms Worn by Italians in Order to ease germs. That snot is deposited in hu - oral ways, one of which is the sculling out of the euulight that destroys dim Imeaunfty. ratan lunge is a Fact well known to sur- Tt is usually when American women geons. SYSTEM NEEDS MQC1I REST, farcy traveling au Italy that theyfirst be- These figures were laid before aemoke — conic interested in evil a evchrms, In abatement league meeting in Cincinnati Sas Weeks in Bed is Good Advice in Italy flee aristocracy still retests itself a few clays ago and it was resolved to Man Cases for Patients, P ask the next legislature for more string- y from elle evil eye, and the multitude is eat anti -smoke laws. Tho preeent meth - It has long -been common to ,prescribe still devoted to the little evil eye charms ods of amolce abatement are visibly un- "six weeks alt bed" far acute rheuma- to secure immunity from disaster. tism, Iritis and many other "infections."',.•The true evil eye charm of the Ital- held tliatrtelief must cameithroughsomand the oinon is widele s leads to the inquiry wibetlser the lens is in the shape el a tiny hand{ thea means not yet attained. -Pittsburg Dis- 'leicuetom doe not supply the basis for a index and the little finger -being pointed generalization whether six weeks ie loot and the third asd fourth fingers be - not about the length of time the organ- be- i held down by the thumb. The charm, ism requires to gather its forces and however, is merely a representation of manufacture its supplies to defeat an the way the Italian holds his hand, army of invading parasites and repair, pointed outward he wishes to east the damage they inflict, It is worth the evil eye on an enemy, or when turn- bhought, ed lawns himself he thinks to protect Even if no such general law oar he himself from its malicious spell - formulated, atill it is a good rule to im- i This little charm can be bottgat in press on patients -even in trivia,! con- Italy , of various materials, coral, tor - plaints -that they must give the body Mise shall, siker and gold being the about this muck time to recover from a cies in highest favor. The coral chain.: "cold;" influenza or a depression brought are those worn by the poorer classes, since of a ch on by overwork. "Be careful for six eap _grade of the material they can Nat - weeks" is a ;,rood parting blessing from be liongirt for a. few sous, Nat - ed patient. iit'ally the aristocracy prefer the mof the physician to his dischar Certain diseases -tuberculosis, for exam- gold. In Italian money these tiny things ple-often start during the "period of then cost the equivalent of about $8. make p lowered resistance" after apparently trio- Sometimes. they are seen exqutaitfvely tai complaints. For a child the six modeled, .he fingers and nails being as p , •diem from pain. The pain is banished to weeks following measles and whooping carefully r.tiseled as marble tatues. stn Cure is complete. cough are generally considered critical. l Another small hand that the Italian c'has. B. banished-thean P te. Mr. In a general way the six weeks' vasa- wears as a charm is known as the Manus , a prosperous farmer Panther a facsimile of which is to be near Brockville Ont., has been cured of tion is argued, 1 rnme. Man's natural place, to severe ease o{ sciatica and wishes other it is is on tete soil as a herdsman found in the museum of Rome, It is re - or a farmer, who has mare than six ferred to in various Egyptian papyri, uaycbenefit hearby his experience.his cure r$e eahp weeks' zest forced capon flim -every win• and, Indeed, was worn by the anciests ..I, or upwards of five Y ter, Even the savage hunter labors only to prevent disease and witchcraft and P years I was a per- intermitten�t}y. Modern city dwellers the evil eye front taking hold of them teflon! sufferer from sciatica. In the and to induce lova and amiability.lassoing while getting up I would be are the only ones who have the delusion seized with a onizin painy p that they can drive the human machine ;and !tear! has the thumb, the index g g in m hips. and the middle fingers bald out in a Sometimes these pains extended down without intermissions. the daily and line,while the other two are one leg, sometimes down the other; often uninterrupted "grind"is against nature straightdown both. Tha pain Int- end nature -resents the violation of her turned under toward tate palm of the agars the agonya sed byraabred hot hand. Instead of being smooth on its spike lave. outer surface, as is the evil eye Shand, p Laing driven through the flesh, a► 1 it is covered with many mystical men - doctor's seas just my feeling when the Marrying Months, {bels -a tooth, a serpent, and so on. sciatica was at its worst. Often while re - (Buffalo Enquirer,) . Each of these little signs has Ms pecu- carrying ee Lyme so acuteater r I lead too the o dropthe rses the pain Rel "Marry Rhea the years is new; ! liar charm and is well understood and b the middle of the yard, followed Always r. Even treatment,slight birds do mate, merly among old Egyptian magicians. lief. I then tried heumatictplasters and You may wed, nor dread your fate, The third small hand which the Ital- loy o ndto rrawnbothryou'll know, inns wear for their supposed good is the liniments, but these did not help rete at Many In April when you can, so-called Manus Pontifieus, or the hand all. Then I decided to give Dr. Williams' Joy for welder and for man, of the Holy Father. It shows the four Pinl; Ise atrial.YoAt first they al3d root Marry al stbeur y rue at May, fingers held out closely together, and Atte seem to help me, but as they had been Marry will and et rue bto . thumb alone is cursed under the palm so highly ttrecoma recommended persisted in the Over land ace you'll go, of the hand. As the Manus Panthea, it scan a in anyc g y noticed • !Those who in July do wed, is covered on the outside with mystical g ondition. The pain be- hiust labor always for their broad Baine lees severe; I felt stronger and ra Whoever wed in August be, signs.-•Clevehtsd Plain Dealer. appetite improved. I think gI used the Many changes are euro to see. a' b !alias about four or five months before 1 Marry In September's shine, PALL OF SOOT IN BIG CITIES. was completely Your living will be rich and fins p y cured, but though that If in October you do marry, was two years ago I have not since had Love will conic, but rectos tarry. When Deoember's snows fall fast, Soft Coal Smoke Sends Down Eighteen the slightest return of soiatica. I think If you rttYncomolr remember.November. Tons Daily in Cincinnati. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a. marvellous Marry, and true love win last.' A scientific investigator in Cineinna- medicine, and so does my wife, who used — ti has been -trying to arrive at a defin- them as a blood builder. She soya they its den of the amount of soot deposted have no equal, and never wearies of in the city in the course of a year. One , praising them to her friends." of his tests was to place buckets, three- Good blood is the secret of health -Dr. fourths filled with water on eleven roofs Williams' Pink Pills the secret of good itt different parts of the city. At the ; blood. That is why they cure sciatica, end of three months a eareful analysis ; rheumatism, St. Vitus' dance, heart pal. was made of the contents of the buck- mention, indigestion and the ailments els to ascertain the amount of carbon- i common to women and growing girls. acenus matter. I Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at The final computation is that in the 30 cents a box or six boxes for $2.60 from, downtown area the falling soot amounts the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brook. to 541 tons a month, or eighteen tons rills, Ont. daily. On a "square mile of the city the• - ► soot deposit is 171 tons a month, or The Glad Season., i ?�' 843,728 pounds, an average of several The Janitor is courteous now; pounds to each inhabitant. In one of the The bellboy, too, suburbs the scot in the, bucket was 484 Obsequious is the barber's hoer to the square foot foraperiod. when he gets through gramsq His fussing o'er your raven hair. of thirty days. For the same time the On every side deposit at a central point in the city You meet with trues 2o'rin< oatre was 22,550 grains, to the square foot. At Christmastide. Other cities that burn soft coal need the bootblack paha a busy whisk not flatter themselves that they fare lett unseen dirt much better. A glance out at the window And every ere v prompt and bs't*, tells the story. In man arts of a sooty And Haver curt. Interestin figures on the relative y P Politeness in wait alt the rules a city the trees and flowers are coated icor they, ahem, agility of hares and rabbits are given with grime and often refuse to grow. Devoutly hope and trust that yule in a recent volume by J. G. Millais. ' The smoke cloud Injures health in rev- Remember them my - "When running at ease," he says, "the • ` Lautsaltis a ottr3er-?oarnal.M pateh. TORTURING SCIATICA. A Severe Case Cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pitts. Fierce darting pains -pains like red hot needles being driven through the flesh -in the thigh; perhaps down the legs to the ankles -that's sciatica. None but the victim can realize the torture. But the sufferer need not grow discour- aged for there is a cure -a aura cure in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These ills ua ke new blood,this new blood feeds and strengthens the nerves and frees How hares and Rabbits Run. length of the hares' stride is about four 90 9 004"0"044)0444)104.044.0 0 • iP '1144)044) 0 .0 feet, but under conddittions of fear its �� leaps extend to ten and twelve feet, while some authors claim that it can jump fen ditches twenty to twenty-five feet in width. Perpendicularly, a hare can jump on to a five-foot wall, but scents to be nonplussed by ono of about sit feet. The stride of the rabbit is about two feet; when necessary it can make leaps of :Six or seven feethorizon- telly. About three feet is the highest that a rabbit eau attain to even when helped by the asperities of a stone wall." Mr. Millais tells how rabbits SWIM -when compelled to: "They swim with the head held as high as possible, while the hocks of the hind legs appear above the element et each stroke. The shoulders and front part of the body are buried beneath the water, while the rump and tall are high and dry." -New York Tribune. 44* • Beyond human Endurance, "My husband is a brute," said the ex citable woman. "!lave you been scolding panel" "Of oottrso 1 have," 'Aha I suppose he talked bite* Bred used harsh language," "Worse than ihati lie y'aawnedt"- W'ttahington Star. IOD 0 • 601 4 Nursing baby? It's a heavy strain on mother,. Her system is called upon to supply nourishment for two. Some form of nourishllnent that will be easily taken up by mother's system is needed. Scott's Emulsion contains the greatest possible amount of nourish. anent itt easily digested form. Mother and baby are wonderfully helped by its use. JAL DaUb),Itisrss lees. AND $1.00 • 444001610•00.41144410404.04•41604440