The Wingham Advance, 1907-01-24, Page 2; pardoned ohildre* Wept their eine (Heim
ad ay School. x. 17). Well might the prophet exclaim
in wonder, "Milos its & (104 like unto
Thee!(hficah vii. 18, IO.)
1. The rain ceased. "The raSil. from
INTERNA,TIONAL LESSON Ve.--Erre heaven wu reetreinetr (v. 2). After
3. 1907. the wter hsd prevaeled one hundred RupoRT
said fifty dame (Gen. vii. 24) when it i
Neek Sieved in the Aek.-Gen. viii. x -x5. would oot have been strangnd e if No bed
Conmeentary.--/. mon remembering begun to question Whether the flood
Noe& (rm. 1-0.) I. I1enaelubered-140411 would not be perpetuel, there came a
seemed to be forgottem in the ark; but change. God sent strong wind acroite
et length (led tenni-new in mere). to bee, the waters (v. I). 'The waulows of
P nd that expreseed by Ms remem. heaven, so loug open, were elosea (y. 2).
beriug him. "The strauge work of jurg. The waters returned frona of the earth
Mieut being over, the eaved family, and (v. 3(. And soon came the sweet pro -
all in assematiog with them, come into nhecy of the olive leg (v. 11). God
nOntenlbritnee."---1,", H. M. Tee tokens a bad been present, thongh invisible; hie
God' remembrance are new Menne liana upon the helm; Ms power beffling
e re employed to Ury the land, omd once deuteer; ha voice calling the purified
Wire prepare the weh ter the habitat. mirth into reeurreetiott. God realm-
tieei of 1710.71. Neteh-Neall Wee the son Tiered Norge"
of Leh in the tenth generation from 2. The ark reefed. (a) The time (v.
Adean, Ity the line of noile Ho was 4). In the ark resting on the etwenteenth
horn 600 yeers before the fated and lived of Alit) or Nisan, we /time a figure of
500 years after it. afade a winds -God Christ in resurrection. 'The seventh
lomat have :heed u ull tbe Trams in an month a the civil year la the aeme
inetant, but he chose to employ natural the flint month of the religious year.
causee. A wind es made to pees over So our Lord rose front the grave on the
the eerth, prebaLlv a hot wind by which eanivereary of the resting of the nrk,
rapid evaporetion would be produced. a. The ark contained life for the earth that
Fountains .... windows .... etopped- then was. The .Lora Josue brought life
The rain stopped, the clouds were dispell- and ineorruption for the earth that now
ed, and the waters were drained off into ie. (Is) The place (v. 4) -"Ararat is
ocean* anti seas front the higher grouna, probably the old reline for the region in
ae openings were made for them. When the southern part of Armenie. Here 4
Ged's purposee were accompllsbed it sort of new creation begins,. Chaos has
was' as easy far hira to retrain the ralutsueeeeded cosmos bemuse of sin; and
ite to cause it to rain; wind, fountains mem more out of the destruction of the
ef the deep ana windows of beeven are timid begins to appear a renoveted
aU at Me diapmeal. 3. Hundred, and fifty 'earth!'
days-Conmare chanter Ili. 24. 'There is II. Noales messenger's. 1, A raven (vs.
* difference of opintort as to whether 6, 7). The raven, an "emblem of Satan,"
they should be added., making a, total of is a type a (a) Lineleen birds. "An
190 dye. Oa this point authorithe are abomination raven" (Lev. xi. 13, 15).
quite evenly divided. Thie much evet The raven, as an unelean bird, would
know, however, that from the tune Noah stay away from the ark to feed on car
entered the ark until it rested on the waeses it slight find upon the waters.
mountains Of Ararat was five months, or (if) Rebellious natures. 'Natures thet
.130 demi. Compare chapters -via 11, and disdain all refuge iu God, and are per -
vile 4. "With regard to the forty days' pttually restlees like the birde which fly
in, It seems pretty certain that these about the Golden Hera, and known by
were not achlitioual to, but part of, the the people tea "loot souls." (o) The trou-
MO clays of the prevalence o fthe Bocci."
.bled spirits of evil "that find. no rest
even in the pleasures of sin, but are
. .
4. Mountaine of Ararat -A riegon Maven from excitement to • exeitement in
uearly in the middle of Annenia, even
mow eaLioj by tbe Armenians Ararat, on 2. ee dove (vs. 8, 10, 12.) Tbe dove is
eke mountains of witioh the ark of Noah "throeiold sendiag forth of the cloys typi-
•reateat sometimes aeed in a wider tease ar. "emblem of the Holy Spirit." The
aa the whole of Armenia iteeif.-Heim fies the dispensations of the Spirit, (A)
COM As the drying wuel most probably The Spirit's ceeasional corning to nee
eente from the east or north, it is likely ttnigg worm, and tiadirtz
no meting Mao.
that the 'ark was. arifted toward Asia "The.* rest Mw the. sole of
altdor, and eaugheedirinti. on some hill in her foot' found
(y. 0).
tbt, reglou of the EaPhrmtv$ ''The dove, a clean bird,
It ca'ziwt ratinot bear dirt. If it, soils. its feathere
be supposed that itrested. on either milt- a. little it flies to the fountain and
the peaks now called Ararat, as Art
dips itself in end gets itself in the sun
was a eountry, not a mountain, and them
and dresses its feathers till the oil which
peaks do not seem suitable for the pum.
kettpa them glossy is out upon them. tt
pese.-Murphy. 5, Decreased -The wat-
t]) ncl wed not stop for an,ything until it has slowly decreased or two inhon t s sa of
Ilene thm
is. le may be hungry, but its
thirteen days, at which time t e op
stepper must wait until it is clean." Let
the mountains were seen.
tie ireve the linctiou of the Holy One
IL The raven end the dove (vs. O-12).
thatwill enable us to be in the world
S. Forty da.ys-Probably baf
y deys
"m b•at not of the world. "Lot us, as °la-
the tines the tops of the mountains were _e
' as of heaven, abide in Chritit, and while
seen. 7. Sent fortin-"Thoud a
gh GoIted
ngling With the world fled no rest
told Noah when the flood would come,
men to it day, yet He had net revealed
to him the time when the watem would
disappear; the knowledge of the emu= world. "The dove cama en...and loi in
was neeeseary, while a knowledge of the
ber mouth was an olive leaf" v. 11)„ 'The
latter would. serve only to gratify hie dove, a bird of love and sorrow (isa.
curiosity, and the concealing it front Mtn .x.xnviii. 14; lin. II; Meek. Mi. 18), fitting-
wcul& serve the purpoee of testing his ly characterizes the Spirit of Him whose
faith. and patienee." D.a.vea to encl. Mee made hira a man of sorrows in an
fro-"Goiug forth and retaruiug."-Maa- ellen world. (e) The Spirit corning nt
aim That is, going away from the ark Pentecost to dwell in believers (Acts. ii.
and returrtingto it, settling upon but 1, tin "lite dove....returned not aught"
not entering into it. The raven may into the ark (v. 12). .
have found abundant sustenenee Mom : ILL Noah released. (ye. 13-18). "Wrom
the floating eareasees, so that it needed the beginning of the rain until the dry -
net tot return to the ark for Med. This ing of the earth Was just a year. Note
black bird of death, finding a congenial the prominence of the number :seven in
home in, the watery sepulchre of the verses 10, 12; Gen. vii. 4; recogeition of
nette-diluvian world, is a symbol: of judge the division of the time into weeks ((len.
inent and wrath!'-Newh"all. ii. ie, 3). Even so the Ark or Christ shall
8. Sent forth a doe -Probably SaVO/1 one day land its living freight of re-
deye, after the raven had been sent forth, deemed souls on the hills of glory" (vs.
for verse 1.0 states that he waited yet 15-111).
"other" seven days. Ihe dove, unlike IV. Noah's altar (v. 20). "Noah built
Um rayon, atights only where it is clean 821 altar and offered Wean beasts and
and dry, and finding no dry place on cleazi fowls as a .saerifiee for sin. Thus
vehicle to aright and nothing fit for her early in figure and type did God set
food, she instinctively returned to the fertli the fundamental truth, brought
window from which she was sea forth. . rat more fully through the prophet
-Ibid. 10. Yet other seven days-"fiere Issiah when he wrote of Christ" (Ise.
andin verse 12 is it clear allusion to the Jill. 5, 5).
Itevenfold division of time, the week, V. Noah rewarded. As the smoke froln
it period which was adopted by all the toe altar of buntt incense ascon.ded, God
Shentitie rams, by the Egyptians, by Vie gt.ive the new promise of deliveranm
•Citineta and Hindue as far back as au- frent further. curse (r„ 21). nit wren-
thentie history extends. It is probaMe ant with Noah typifiea oelds' covenant
that Noah on the Sabbath sent forth cf grane. le origin of the covenant
the rayon and the dorm in earnest yeas the heart of God. It is because of
prayer seeking providential aid and Gods' goedness, not because of the ro-
of:dance," 11. .Au olive leee-The olive formation of the. world, that there win .
tree pars out Re leaves even if covered never be anotlaer flood. Noah needed
with water. When he saw the freshly a sacrifice (Lev. v. 15, 18). Our salvo- .
plueked leaf Noah knew that at least tion 'ia given to us, not enrned by us."
the tops of the olive trace were above Works nre an evidence of salvation, not
the meter. This olive leaf was an eno the origin of it. 'By grace," we are saved
Mom of the restoration of peace between(itple it 5, 8). "While the earth remain.
God and tim estdth. It eras the first WI, seed time and harvest...shall not
sign of tbe eemees, resurrection to life." emse" (v. 22). God's law- in all world)
wad probably front this circumstance. is, 'Seed after his kind" (Gen. xlvii, 9;
that the olive brstuch bra become the Ea. i- 14; r. sam. XV. e; 11. Salm mit 10,
symbol of peace among all eitelieed na- 121. Salvation is of grace. Life is
tions, and the dove the emblem of the la Christ. A. C. M.
tueuseteger of peace. 12. Returned net- . - : ems 4
'Noel sent forth the dere three tunes.
the vain, endless pursuit of peftee."
here, and return ever to our abidiag
piece in Him." (b) The Spirit ie. Jesus'
mirtistry, proelabning peace to a lost
; 'The 5a4 weether &Wenn:a for einall re-
m -tots ef grain. only
r4MO bue.heli;a of
PrC!4414ieY „mt :ecrimabe0tq:1i4ve41oaa6utiY'k4itEu
elas atedy. 33e1,012 at 5 : 2304
Th., atm new leid eggs at 85 to etle per
tleeeu. Poultry dull tine easier.
rear' in einited isueply, wide Wee of to
loads At ;13 to $14.00 a ton or tielothY, On'l
at te0 to eti. for mixed. Straw ie2,021200.11
At *13 a to.
Dreeseti dip are e2Sicr, with light quoted
at *3.00,and .licavy 48 9.
Whet. white. I buolt. ..• 4-2 0 772 Doe spring, buele - 0 70
Poe roe, mem. „. 0 2
, De., vireo, bush. •.. ••• 0 t•A
('1122,„ „
., 0 40
Barley. buelt. ..... 0 Al
Duelovheat, bUsh. “. .. tr6
/lase timothy, ton ... 13 00
• Dee Mixed. ton ..".. 10 00
Straw, per ton, •••• ••• ••• 0.• 13 0)
, Scene -
Are, fancy, bugle 75
; 073
0 65
14 59
13 0)
I 7 00
1)::: lit; .2, tilt ...... ...... 2 V 6 24
5 85
I Red clover, eew .., 1.44 914 8 00 3 e5
i Timothy. hii.e.h. ... ... .4- 1 2e 1 80
' Dreesed lie '
ge . . ... ... ... 9 00 0 60
Eggs, new laitl,dozen ... ... 5 35 0 40
, Butter'dairy ... ... ... ... 0 21 0 28
D *
o., creamery . . -. ... ... 0 80 0 02
Oldeltene, dressed, lb, - .•• 0 10 0 12
Ducks, per lb. .„ .., , _ „• a et 0 lo,
Turkeys. per lb. ,.. ... ... .. 0 le 0 15
Jeoples, Ter bbi. .' . ... ..; 1 60 2 75
rotates% per busb.... 0 65 0 75
Cabbage, per Ooaen ..-.. 0 30 0 50
OniOn3. nor bee ... ... (t 75 0 80
lent hindquarters - ... 6 CO 7 60
Do., ferequarters ... ... 4 50 A 55
Do., eeoice, carcase .,. - 6 AO 7 00
Doe medium, eareaeo 5 e0 6 00
Mutten, me cwt. ... .., 8 00 9 OD
Veal. per ewe .., .., ... 9 00 10 00
Lamb. per ewt. ... ... 9 CO 10 00
Flour -Manitoba patent, $3.75, track, To-
ronto: Ontario, 90 per cent. patents. 22.62
hid for exeort; Manitoba patent. Spode3
brands, etco: strongs bakers', el.
Vannipeg-Futures closed yesterday: Jan.
72e bid, May 769ec, July 77%0.
Dendone-Liverpool and London cables are
legher at 10e9e to 12,10 per lb., dressed
weight; refrigerator beef is quoted at 9e to
9%e per lb.
Woodall & Co. cabled Oben James -Twenty-
, two thowand barrels ailing. Market show-
ing an improvemeut, except for Greening's and
kindred verieties. Greenings, 13 to 193; Bald-
finei 2 17to 20s; SPYs, 18 to 22s 68; Russets,
s o 85; Ben Davis, 17s to 13s; secondS,
48 to As les.s.
Boyd, Barrow & co., Glasgow, cabled:
Marlcot advancing, with prospects of still
higher prices; we advise consignments."
May, 'July.
New York • 82% 824
Detroit 80 784
Toledo .. ..• 79% 1851e,
St. Louis . , .. . 75%
MinueSPolis ... 78% 793
Duluth ... 73% 78%
London -The offerings at the wool atiotion
sales to -day amounted to 13,740 bales. 'leiere
was a good general deraand, and home buyers
enured the bulk of the offerings. Eine
grades were firm, and were eagerly competed
for when lettered. Lambs' wool improved,
Cape of Good Hope and Natel wool was in
good reque,st and egoured advanced 5
eat. Following are the sales in detail.
New South Wales. 5,000 bales; scoured, Is
28 to Zs: greasy, 724d to ls 3d. Queenelande
800 bales; scoured, Is leed to Is ettiel; greasy,
98 to ls ld, Victoria, 3,200 bales; scoured,
is 3d to 2s 3d; greasy, 88 to Is 69e8. West
Australia, 200 bales; greasy, 8148 to el.
South ,Australle, 100 bales; greasy, is 190,
Tasmania, 100 bales; greasiy, 91/4d. New Zee-
' land. 3.600 bales; scoured, Hied to Is fd;
greasy, 71/28 to Is 45e8.. Cape of Good Hope
and Natal, 600 bales; scoured, Is leed to lis
ISed; greasy, 636cl to lleed. River Platte,
200 bales: scoured. 88 to Is 40,
The bank clearings at different Canadian
cities during 180i2 show a decided !arouse
over those of nos, the increases ranging
teem 3 per cent. to over 48 per eat., aad
the aggregate Increase is 16.47 per cent,
The figures for Galgary and Edmonton are
only partial clearing houses, not being es-
tablished in those cities until the Summer
of 1906. The City of Vancouver shows tho
i largest eereentage increase, its clearings halt-
; The clearings of the varioue cities foi-
l. Imoew:Itereasere 48.23 per cent. over 1905.
Clearings. Clearings. In.
1905. 1900. p.c.
"Montreal .. ;1.636.103,343 $1,3274,303,606 13.83
reoronto ... nemegeose 1,047,430,701 14.11:
eleinapeg ., 500,565,192 369,868,179 26,12
et twee. .... 136,167,991 120,891,876 I0.6f
; Vanemtver 131.127,096 88,400,390 43,23
; Quebec .., 82,420,2e7 86,794,633 6.00
• Halifax .• 91,035,e27 89,201,662 1,96
68,385,601 12.32
62,836,333 11.60
60,422,511 22,38
86,890,454 13.11
e ••• •
Lainilton • • Th991,
St. John ... 59,772,456
London ... 57,517,585
Victoria 45,608,002
Calgary .. 36,864,261
'Edmonton 17,127,350 . .
The first time it Speedily returned; the• ,
second titne it returned bringing with it Slayer of Grace Brown Will Not Be,
an olive teaf, and the third time it went Electrocuted. ;
forth to return no more. The dove ie
an emblem of a soul, vrhieht finding no Vice, N. Y., Jan. 21.-C. IS. Thomas, for
relit or satisfaction in this sinful world, Ommter Gillette, now In the death row at
returns to Christ. as to Me erg. As Noah Auburn, mietiung electrocution for tbe mur-
put forth his hand and took the dove emem name
; der of ids sweetheart, Grate Brown, at Big
into the ark, so Chriet will mst July, this Morning filed
receive those iVho come to Ifiin for teat.
graciously with tee county derk of Herkimer County
1122100 of appeal.
111. Noah leaving' the ark (m. 13-16). A eeme et the notice was elect served on
Nesh waited another month after the
dove the district attornee, mad this ection carries
woe gent out the last Gine before
removing the covering of the ark, and it um ease directly to the Court of Appeals,
Ma nearly two months longer before the esteem
end aces 33a stay until the appeal hes been
meth wsa fully- dry. 15, On God spake.. ined. When the tmecai win ba ae-
00 forth -Noah did not leave the ark -end ee
eind is not knowe. It will be many months,
mall the direct commancl came from ssibly a year, and Meanwhile Gillette
God..dithough he could probably see no win reinain be Auburn. Iiis exceution was
reason for delay still be patiently wait- ect tor tee iveelc begineing januery 28th.
ed for Jehovah who shut the deor to i - 4 4 444
lead hint forth. From verse 16 we tee,
. t
thet lioSham
eh and his three sons, - i
. Cempisell McCutcheon roma Dead Near
Mon and Papheth, together with their
*dreg, eight ut all, ooraprived the coot -I Swift Curtail:. s
Opetty hi the ark. The following elrrotio!o- i :It itt Curreet. ean, 20. -Word has just been
ral etatenient is given by DP. Newhall: rcemved froM evaynen Ranch, forty Miles 1
riood commie:sou on the 1751) day of exte of Swift Current, that Campbell Me -
2nd month (chap. 'Mi. 11); the Ark flea*. (emeeen, la rotes man, shot hifettelf on. 11
2711) day, Zed mouth vii. 17); ark testis, Tuesday Mee Mr. Weyte left the ranch
17th day, 7th month (till. 4); mountain mrly irt tee reorring to visit a, eeiglibeling ;I
tors seen, let clam 10th month NHL 5); rime!). and ramming at might, found Mc-
Niff. 6); dove trent out and retuirm, 18th
rhey, Iltb metal+ NHL fl); dove sent out) ieteeent (-Atm to Cor.ade Lett year front t
„ ent and a dieehnrged ohotgun bottle him. sf
ena return* with leaf, nth day, Ilth lereme. Entema He Led two brothers!, Peth f
menth (eiii. 10); dove sent out and itome Iciteltla.tZtVgitirg:''il.14117 Set'gatfli"g4reittc."."'
riot return, 2nd day, Ifith month (rill. 1
Aggregate *4,000,787,077 8341,602,230 16.47
The Department orfrade and Commerce has
reeeived the return on shipments of what
from the Canadian West during the lake SO3-
2•Ion navigittion, lasting from April 17 to
Dee. 12. By Canadian vessels there were
carried. 31,978,334 bushels. The different ports,
raid quantities carried ;thereto, are az fol-
Owen Sound 1,817,682
Midland ... ... 3,627,303
Depot Harbor ... ... 6,246,218
Collingwook • • • • • ' • ' ' • ' • eg:? g
Point Edward' 2,6 ;
meaford ..• ••. 1,468,03i
Godefieh 1,431,823
Thorold 4.. 730,678
Port Stanley .. 125,260
Prescott, Kingeten and 10,221,235
Port Huron ... ... • .• 1,086,590
Buffalo ..• ... 2,720,202
Erie - ..• • . 739,101
By United ,States vessels -12,308,003 bushels
of Canadian wheat was carried to the fol-
lowing ports:
Port Huron ....... 886,513
Buffalo 10,806,582
Olt;.•• • .4 *OM, 11•• •60 ••• ••4 •••
go - - . . 71,507
By CasiadlUn esseIs 5,741,616 'bushels of
oats were carried, about half going to Gwen
Sound attd the haTanee to Montreal. Of bar-
ley the total carried in Canadian vessels
wee 083,759 bushels, principally to Owen
Sound and Montreal. The total quantity of
flax carried was 284,923 bushels, half of which
went by Pettit Edward, The receipts of wheat
at Port Arthur and Fort. during De-
cember totalled 7,725,671 bushels for Deece.u-
bFr Inat year 808 811)11131,:ts b!'416120'85'
eemear w 8,515,677for.
There is now inetore 2,04e,710, againet
3.181.779 bushels for Deeember the year pre-
Bradstreet's Trade Review.
Montreal --The movement of whole-
ettle geode hem eontinues quiet. although
t is well up to the average for Ohs eem
on of the year. Spring shipments are
going forward. well. Sorting traan in
vinter drygoods is beginning to open
U; although thia trade ist yet quiet. 'Mai-
m generally hold firm. Stocks of eot-
one are still light and Canadian mills
re working hard to entell lip with a-
erie The' Deeember buttinem in dry
geiods watt the best in yeare and, to jut.*
rom present appearenees, the spring
vide is going to be equally es leetis-
eatery. There IA no charge in the hard-
ware eitnetion. Retail limes art moviiet
veil and the marlett for tnetale is fair -
raven sent out, Ilth dew', Ilth month mememe hug neer, hie brafees Mown
121; tam of gtound dry, 1st day. 1st
nienth of new yeer (vie!. 131; gromel WENT THROlIGH /CE.
._ - I
le-ift. 4ov Vona Mame. erk eOteele, end
P.Te. end Mrs. Bone Narrowly gegape I)
ow nth (iii. 4.16.) The Jewieh linter yoz.
emelt:fed of 354 demi and if Gres is in- Drewnina Near Kingston. s
tended Noah rem/tined in the ark juat, ci Kineeten, Jan. let - Li mos ame from t
feeler Year -304 dale 'Ile lirld thing i"„itigsten to Wolfe Islasid yesterciaV kr- P
Xreit did after his woaderfill Preeerre* tr re e n a fernier nature] /ewes' and his $
Hem erest to build an elter te Cind. Iv. if . tad a narrow me ape front drown-
PRAOTWAL APIar ite leflONS. item Their Iimei,, ani cutter broke t
t. Rein remembered, firmed remembered ilmatgli the km and itli 'went lido the P
Noeh....end ell.. with him in the Ark" eerier. Eavee and hie Niter' were seemel a-
ft. 1), ne Lora *16 shut Naafi in die he tempi? team witnemied the Accident al
not thrget Hike God never forget, the f202') tht. Firte,itiiii filiOrlt itnil ruelted ottt 4
lame Of Hie ehildrerm He is never un- ia time to gitt them on to the he*. The P
mi Whit of the eireenteteneett tbev are Lem . WWI drew ilea. a
its en4 the trial* they peas threegh ,,,,-----dlee* n
(154. iv. 15). The hairs of our lima tire we 1 )2( 1) efey1 /h.!: 1at.4 01(9-Mer2 1,
*N nutnixtvi (matt, x. 110). (104 rottom, 1t.2 Y ft't 1. tr. Id 0 (M)1nai leeture bureau, h
here eVerything *boat Hie bleml-Witebed. atel v*il! make a tour of the eoitntry, p
y Active and firm. Greeeriee are quiet
Mb tea* firrn mul the naerket almeet
tire of raisins and currants. Sugar is
teady at the recent decline. The retail
rade of the eity and surrounding coun-
ty has showit more tletivity during the
ast eveek and eolleetimie ere generally
Torontom-Tbere het been little chertge
o the trade eituation here during tile
net week. Wholeeide trade is Atilt quiet.
Mantel) there bee been a rather better
eminent to erten lines. Sewing geode
re Tieing Pent Out and dry goods orders
pining forwent Are for lay and well
eterted lines, In other clep4trtenente of
lodes:de fin& the Movement is good
ir the: time of the yeer. Conned Petite or
are advaneed and higher prime ate
Pete4 for estrined vegetehlee. The in- ra
huntlredpouude to the prim of sugars'.
cream° in freight rates has added am per
Until nter goods, but tiicre hail been '
an improvement during Gm pest few
days. There is a good spring butsiness 123AT BUFFALO.
this, respect that isminting from the
'earth and the West. Country tratiet Cell-
tinues a little quiet.
Winnipeg -Not only hen business been DAMAGE DONE TO EXTENT OF
effected by the usual afterholiday dull- MILLION AND' A IIALF,
ness, but snow blockedee throughout the
country have held up retail trade in all
direeticam. The snow was welcome, heir- TWO Lives Lost -Five Large Lake
ever, as when the roads are oneo open Steamers Torn Prom Moorings -
trade will be ellquiethetbrisker. e houses' are The whole- Much Damage to Power Companies'
sale business Is , hut th
busy with spring lines. 'The resultsof Plants t Niagara -Docks and Build-
stoek-taking show that trade, during Ingo of the Maid of the Mist Swept
the past year, has been exceediugly
heavy, much beyond expectations. Away.
ealltiantlileloeisirearetainved V1 tilertotritiais: Otientreraoltradeftle
blew 90 miles an hour at thnes has
year. The eyholesale
but retail stoeks are mgoivnegmeonrt aill kiinhds tee se this elty f elglittel hours, nd
of country produce are high and ellow- nu40110 $1,500,000 damage to Wimple,.
ing an advancing tendency. Hogs are )five large lake linens, wintered just
insole the breekwater, were torn loose
front their moorings and driven aground.
The gale still rages, ItIld 325 mut be
Mem to the endangered vessels, They
are believed to be Testing on soft bot-
tom, and, unless the gale becomes worse,
will probable' not suffer more domage.
The vessels aground are the Ifuriburt
W. Smith, Wu;. Nottingham, at Q. Riddle,
Munroe C. leanith and A. G, Brower, Most
of them are owned in Cleveland. They
Buffalo, Jan. 20.-A terrific gale, whielt
scarce and firm. The laele of labor eon-
tinuee to affect provincial industries,
Quebee--Wholeeale trade, as a rule, is
quiet. Collections in mine quartere are
reported a little ensier, Travellers re-
port country roads in a heavy condition
which makes movements slow.
Hamiltoo-The trarle movement con-
tinues quiet but big preparations are go-
ing thrward for the spring business,
Calder weetber has increased the vol-
ume of sorting ordem somewhat.Ool-
J32180eergoes. Caretakers were aboard,
Mations are fair to good.
London-Trado reports say trade has but are believed. to be *ale.
had a somewhat brighter tone during •
the past week, it is still, however, sea-
sonably quiet. Country retail Uncle ie
moving a little more briskly. Collections
Fe' /tours tbe gale swept the water-
front with unabated fury, tearing every-
thing that stood in its path. Dodo and
wharves were wrecked end malted away,
are crenerallv safiefactory. Craft. broken from their moorings.
emashed against the bridges, doing eer-
Ottawa-Trayellers on the road report
toun Mintage. Smekestaks and buildings
they are doing an excellent business on
of lighter construction were blown dowu
like paper boxes, but so far no casual-
ties have been discovered.
The weer in Lake.Erie rose three feet
in as mapy hours. Tee inner break -walls
have been pounded untel portions of them
have been torn away. Railroads having
ti -ache along the water fronts are holding
them down with strings of freight ears.
account of spring. Local trade is about
normal and there is but little complaint
to be made regarding collections, The
retail demand is fairly active throughout
the surrounding country,
Dun's Review: -Trade in winter fabriee
improved as the weather beemste more sea -
*enable, but reports for the week aro attest
irregular on account of varying temperature. The fleet that Ives anchored at the
imereverneat in the teaffic eituation was
chocked by snow blockade, end the best break -wall consists of about eighteen
railway authorities state that expanding large lake liners. When they started
needs of the nation can only be met by 8 comg, inashore in the height of the storm
much greater expenditure for now tracts anti
rolling stack than has yet been coutemplateee., _,0
t:me, noon to -day, vesselnien were pre-
although prisms of sleeks have declined 'paree to eee the Ritmo: fleet beached, hut
sbarply since the announcement of proposed thirteen of them rode out the gale. Old
new imuee a securities, for these purposee. leke Men say this- is the severest °ott-
oman...nee sake have nutee good progress,
and new business for spring delivery Is earn-
ing to jobbers and wholesale houses in large
volume, although 85111 slow in many lines.
Manufacturing returns could not well be
more favorable, contracts in many easee
covering deliveries into 1908, while at some
for 'shipment during the first bait of 1907.
steel and ;cotton mills orders are not accepted
A. few labor disputes ere, 112 progress, bet
most wage earners are fully employed, awl
several liberal advences in pay were an-
dnioisutnrei4esd during the week in prominent le -
Fehr or Five Badly Hurt -Clerk cf Man-
itoba Legislature; Mrs, Blew, el Foil
Frances, Ont., and E. H. Levels; of
Chicago, Injured.
Minneapolis, Jan.. 20. -The Winnipeg
flyer, or Great Northern Express, was
wrecked half a mile east of Osslo at 9
a.m. yesterday owing to the spreading of
the rails. Three passengers were injured,
and the list of injured will not exceed
probably four or five, None were killed,
tooted storm that has swept the lower
lakes in the last twenty years.
Pearl Shear, seven years old, was
drowned while some rescuers were taking
her family to safety from their home;
-which was fast beeomiuo flooded. Ilen-
nettle Soldwick, 46 years of age, was
crushed in the collapse of an ice house,
itaid several other persons were injured,
and some of -them severely.
The Shear house was surrounded by
water and in danger of being washed
away. Two men went in a boat te take
the family front the perilous position,
Windt; end waves overturned the boat
and the party were thrown into the we -
ter. All but the.girl were saved by fish -
omen in a heroic battle with the waves.
The level of Lake Erie is the highest
ever known here.
Large Sectionoafshteild'OueGtoTge Railway
Niagara Falls, Jan, 20. -7- Niagara
River broke all records for high .water
to -day, and the damage from the flood
is very great, The Gorge railway 14
the heaviest sufferer. Early this at-
tentoon the river began to -undermine
the necks near tins city, mend. eam
stopped. running. By 5 o'clock a long
The known injured are, :Mrs. A. E. stretch of roadbed and both traeks had
Blow, Fort Frances, Ont.; E. If. Lewis, gone into the river, and more of it was
Chicago, and A. H. Corelli, Clerk of the vim; every minute. At other points
Manitoba Legislature, Winnipeg. Mrs. the water is undermining the roadbed
Blow es in a dangerous condition in the and a lot more of it will be gone be -
hospital here suffering from severe body 1 fore morning. It will take a large
bruises. Mr. Lewis has a deep cut outhe anumet 'of money to rebuild the road,
head, but will recover. Corelli has a bad and oll traffic will have to be handled
scalpwound, two ribs broken and other via Niagara Falls Park & River Rail -
injuries, but his recovery is anticipated. .way for months. At the works a the
An employee of the railroatl, M. Niagara Falls Hydraulic Power & Man-
Sehnider, found every bolt hi the fish ufacturing Company there is heavy loss.
plates of the rails for a quarter of a The stables, storehouses and other
mile east of Robbinsciale cut and rentov- buildings are afloat, and some have
ed, and many of the spikes. partially been washed away. Several horses
withdrawn. The train was due in a few were drowned. The discharge portals
moments when he Made the discervery. of this company's power house of the
He was able to communicate with sec- Ontaria Power Company's power house,
tionmen who flagged the train within a and the -Lamb of the Niagara Falls
few rods of the damaged tracks, Rail- Power Company and Canadian Niagara
road officials say this may- have been Power Company are all under water.
done by a damaged wheel on' another The abutments and shoes -of the upper
train, but will institute a most Tigid in- steel arch bridge tire submerged. This.
quiry, never happened before. Docks and
buildings of the Maid of the Mist
Stealnimat COmptuty, on both sides of
the river, have been swept. away. -The
protecting racks of the Internatonal
Railway power house intake eve sub-
merged,' as are also those of the Can-
adian Niagara Power Company. The
lower seetimi of the railway pdwer
house is flooded and the plant shut
down, There is some trouble at other
power houses and. the Works of all the
power eompanies are being eeverely
toted. At Chippewa boathouses and
Wit:Mee have suffered. In this city win-
doiew have be -en blown in by the gale,
and sign beads and telegraph lines
tiameged. The water began to rise in
the river early this mottling, as -a re -
stilt of the gale on Lake Erie: and
reached: its highest plot at 4 o'clock
this 0-term:in. The previous record for
high water was that of January 10th,
1890, when the ,upper suspension bridge
was blown 'Iowa).
Damage in Brantford,
Brantford, Jan. 20. -Brantford early
this morning eyes visited by a very sev-
ere windstorm, which did a great deal
of damage throughout the city, includ-
ing the breaking df several large plate
glom windows in stores and demolish-
ing the gable of Darling Street School,
which is being rebuilt.
Kingston Breakwater Damaged:
Kingston, Jan, 20. --So tirece was
the 'windstorm which prevailea Mime
Saturday. morning that last night it
eent the me With muchforce against the
the King tared breakWater, and for a
quarter of a mile the big timber ' arid
retaking were Iifteawleer and turned up-
side down. Tho loss to the city will be
several thousatta dollars.
At London,
London, Jan. 20. -The wind stone
whielt was eentered in the city last
night and to -day did considerable dam-
age about the city. Chimney% and bill-
boards and tree were blown down, A
large eleetrie sign MI tbe top of e, build-
ing at Dundee and Richmond street:twee
partly &mollified. The thermometer took
e sudden drop from. 47 OM to 12 above
meth to the disminfort of the citizens
who had besinese oat of doors.
'Live 'WITCO /Wolin at the Eithibitien
J. Number of Last Year's Boatd Have
Been Reappointe.l.
The Gazette publishes the list of
Boardof License Commissioners for the
present year. In nearly every case they
are reappointments of lase year's boards.
The following are a few -of them:
Dundas -Chas, Patton, Mahlon Ridley
and Thomas Colquhoun,
Heidintazel-Themas Ihttleard, David
Lyons, jun., and David M. Allan,
East Simeoe-Charles 11 Wright, Dig-
by Horrell and James Kean.
Brantford -Percy Egerton Verity,
Jolm Alexander Coulter Jesee Ash,
Smith Brant -Paul leuffman, Horatio
Wright, Franeis Smith,
Centre elray-llugh Mercer, Joseph
Fergeson, Felix Smelser.
West .Middlesex -John Smith, W. M.
Baker, Edwin Trott.
efonek-Jarnes Ricker, Thomas Gal-
braith, James- W. Lee.
North Norfolk --James Peachy, Td -
win 'Morgan, Osear Cunningham.
North Oxford -Thomas Athos'Freder-
ick Henry Down, John afeClornb.
North Wentworth -D, A. MeClerinhan,
Jehn Sham, Dennis Dwyer.
' 4 3 4?-
John Ityneer it Still Hale, Hearty and
A Belleville deep/delis Prince Edward
county, lust arose the Bay od Quinto
from this tam has a reeident who has
attainea a remake:We age. His tuinie
is' John Pymer, awl he mune out from
England in 1835 with his wife and three
rbildren. Ire fought in the brittle of the
Windmill at Prescott, ana is still hearty.
lie nth thread a neeale end do sewing
without Mums..
If ho levee to eelebrete bis next birth-
day, the leth of April, he will be 108
event oal. Ire was a, resident of Hillier
tor ithinit forty rust end ettnM the
death of hie wife, about Seventeen rare.
nem he Tem made his home With his
(laughter, Mrs. L. G. Lovett, Bloomfield,
el:diatom. Coinilo was murdered with a
buteber's rammer in Ettet 10411 *tweet,
NMI* leork, nit ftettlielftes 1158 head was
eplit open and there also- were :several
wounde nn hie body.
Termite, jan. 2I. --A good dent of
I bernae Haney end wife. an egml damage was done in this city by the
meiple. mot lifiehael Ronan, who bearded windstorm. A heavy downpour at rain
oil!' floe)), wpm found Arad front gm( early yeaterday morning was folloWt(-1
tv,pliy,tiatinn lit the Itsoneo home in by vivid flasher' of lightning, A few of
YtulT01,4, V. Y.. 19.04 night. The kitehen I the policemen had some narrow molt e
it ffil ftlifwiling reoin weve filled with i(ram being injured by felling glue, sloe
iii. whielt wse pouring from en opengne or brkke. The emokeeteek at the Clea-
rly jet. lay, Winter & retaining planer flattery,
nor Ring and Dorset street and the tem-
porary guard. about Um 11017 Farmers'
Rank building at Adelaide and Day
streets were blown flown. Messrs. Attains*
Oros.' big sign at Xing and Francis i
Streets and another at the premises of i
Cohen Bros., Adelaide street west, crash-
ed* down on Os sidewalk. A plate glass
window at the latter place was also
broken. A long Avail which projects- above
the roof of the building at 09 Queen
street east uqui demolished and a win-
dow was blown in at the hoine of Pollee
man Steinman on Augusta avenue.
The most serious damage done to
housesin muse of erection so far as
lineWil wag on- Bathurst street, east
sitle, near Barton 'menu*, 'Pim north
wall of a group of homes WM blelVil
down, two thirds of the wall crashing
Mtn the house and tbe wall to the
south. The damage will amount to
several hundred dollars..
4 *
Many Burned to Death When Wreckage,
Caught Vire-Twenty-two Beeies
edFrom tbe Ruins -Thirty-five
Terre Ifaute, Ind., Jan. 20.--Twenty-
5270 charred and mutilated bodies were
taken from the smouldering ruins of the
accommodation passenger train on the ,
elleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. I
Louis (Big Four) Railroad, following its i
.lestruetion last night by the explosion
of a carload of powder as it passed a
freight train at Sandford, Ind,, five miles
west of Terre Haute. Tbe number 01'
injured. will total at least thirty-five.
The cause of the disaeter has Dot been
fully explained. The result was terrible.
The shock was thlt for thirty miles,
many believing Mom earthquake.
The entire train, including the lommo-
tive, was blown from the track, the
e*aches were demolished, the engine was
Mirka fifty feet, and the passengers
were either blown to pieces, eoneumed I
by fire or rescued in an injured condi-
tion. Some of the injured will die.
According to trainmen of the freight
train the explosion of the powder was
caused by the 'boncussion of the pas -
imager train which wits slowing Move
for Sandford. Another theory is that
gas escaping from an oil pipe line en-
tered the powder car standing by tho
pipe, and that a spark from a passen-
ger locomotive ignited the gas, Yet an-
other is that the disaster was due to the
act of a tramp or an intoxicated man
who nuty have fired a shot into the ear.
The freight train drew in on a side
track to let the passenger train go by.
Shortly. afterward the passenger train
approached the station, setting brakes
tu it passed the freight train, As .the
passenger train was just abreast of the
pploond.dzi.. car the conteats of this ex-
By the, light of the burning coaches
the people of Sandlord aid their best for
the wounded. The residents of the vil-
lage threw open their Mimes to the
injured and worked heroically all night.
Cries of the injured and the crackling
of the flames .sperred the metiers to
frantic work, but they were soon forced
back by the terrible heat, and they be-
held many persona roasting alive.
Twenty-seven Perished,
Tema Haute Ind., Jan. 2L -In, a re-
Yised list of dead, completed at a late
lic,ur last night, it was shown that 27
persons lost their lives, and about 35'
otherwere injured in the ealastrophe
that befell a Big Four passenger train
when a ear of powder blew up at Sand. -
ford, Dui., on Saturday night.
Four bodies, badly mutilated, were
load in the woods last night, some dis-
tance from the ti -ask,
A searching party late yesterday af-
teroon found the body of a lad named
Kiever, of Paris, Ill., hanging in a tree
several hundred feet from the scene of
the explosion.
The Dominion Bacteriologist Makes a
Great Discovery. .
Lethbridge, Alta., Jan. 20.-A dis-
covery of great importance has been
made by Dr. A. Watson, Dominion
bacteriologist, at the quarantine station
here, no less than the isolation of the
germ known as the trypensesamen which
causes "sleeping eickliess," one of the
images of Africa. Dr. Watson was in
town yestenitty, and imparted to some
of his friends the interesting information.
The dread germ was obtained from
the blood of it cotton tail rabbit, which
the scientist capturea for purposes of
e71)eriment:1MM, and which hn.d the dis-
ease of whieh the rabbits have been dying
hingreat numbers throughout the Country
this winter.
Every seventh year a seourge sweeps
the rabbits almost out of existence.
During the sueceeding seven yeas the
virus 7.adnally _........._accumulate_s in the rab-
bits, till enrither scourge again deeimittes
them. This happened this year.
Ctilia, Mut. 21.-Eliza1,et1e the year -
mid -a -Miff old daughter of Me ansi
Moe T.eott Germane living at German-
town,' five miles from Cuba, died limb
night as it result of eating a quantity of
pills which had been prescribed for the
father. It appears that a table in one I
of the living rooms did not set evenly
on the floor, and the pill box was plaeed
under one of the legs to make it steady.
The child was attracted by the bright
colored box. awl proceeded to investigate.
When thecontents, bright red piths, voire
exposed to view the little one proceedel
to at and had disposed of several be-
fore the parents were itecominted with
the situation. Dn W. 0. Congdon, of
Cuba, was summoned, but the child was
dead when he arrived. The pills were
eaten about 5 o'clock in the after:loom
and death emoted about two hours later.
A e.ertifieate in emeoractnee with the facts
'was finned,
SUICIDE OE A tee .eeMeelit.
Van Smith POMO Deed ca n Tenni°
Staten Cell.
Toronto, Jan. 21. -Prank Smith, 45
years old, a Plasterer's laboret of 8 Re-
gent street, :Wangled himself 011 Satur-
da7 aftetnoon at the Wilton Avenue Po-
lice Station, where he was a wiener
n a elmtge of assaulting his wife Nellie.
Smith was placed in the eell at 420 1.
aaa nine minutes triter he Wee found
deed, he having tied his neck scarf about
the iron bara on the eell door. Two po-
i omen Ana Dr. Ilergrime, who lives ad-
joining tilts pollee station, worked with
tho man for over au hour, but they eould
not resuseitat , hi was left A
repel/ some sik months Ago by it Me-
t re and shire that time had been &M-
in * good deal.
The Wingliam Advailc€
Theo. Hall Proprietor.
OffIce:--1.7petaire In the Plieceleakehl
/Veit cane answered ataffiea.
pilLexgber of the Walsh XedSesi
Speolal &Oration paid to Dliniainta o; wow*
and ehildren,
Onrunt Rovail--/ to Pan, to* ma.
),T. R. 0.1000
L. It, 0. P. (bond.)
Physician and Surgeon.
Mace witb Dr. Ohisb,ohni
Doctor of Dental Surgery of th• row
iasylvania, College and f.Acentiste of
Dental Surgery of Ontario.
Ogles over Post Ofilee-WINCOLAX
BARRISTF.R AND sclucrroot
Money to lona at lowest rates. °face
Barristen, go/teflon, tte.
offieo2 Meyer Mock Wingharo,
E. L. Dicidereo Pealee Helmer
SARRISTER_ AND sour:molt.
Mow cv To Loi,
Office 2 -M01 -ton Block. %Ingham.
Weed omme tene,PE. ONT.
Risk. 88 ,t co ell eAerme-i. of tosnrable prup
po'rty 113 the cuAri or Il7te311712 ate 51140311,.
Nee re 43ozjua, ClgAS. nxvuotsrot.
emendeet. • So:vet:au-I ,
:00,2e) 5rrc4-1(E.
s'ein'T V:rgiaka.h11. Oltri
sent free. °iciest neency for et:curing patents.
Anyone sending a sketeh nud descrIntr 1n87
tit fled:
invention is probably pateniebie Communien.
Patents men through Mune te CQ. receive
speck:14mM°, without charge, in the,
Scitriofic Jitneron.
A handsomely illustrated weekly, Largest eir-
enlation of any scientific Journal. l'Oflis;_n a
car; foer,eno.otbs, eL Sold by ailpowitoreele
MUNN & 3610roadwaY, New Yea
Branch mos, Ste Wastangton, 23.0.
Write for our interesting books "Invent"
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Solidus a rough sketch or model of yOutin.
vention 085roprove utent anti we will tell you
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been successfullyprosecuted by as. We
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ly dispatch work -and quickly secure Patents
Patents procured through Marion & Ma-
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over aoo newspapers distributed througbout
the l)
Specialty :-Patent Intsiness et Manufac-
turers and Engineers.
Patent Expert -2 And Solicitors,
onice„ !.i.tIvrivtioi
Napanee Chinaman Lost Wife and Money
Day Ile Married Her.
Ilothester, .N. Y., jam 20.- -The police
received a telegram last night from
Chiegfoo, a Chinaman living at Napanee,
Ont., who wanted them to arrest his
wife, an Antedean 'woman, whont he mar -
mint yesterday. He said the woman
; came from Rochester, and after the mar-
; nage took $200. belonging to him and
1 mune, back to this city.
Physical Culture Magazine Again Barred
From Canadian Mails.
! Ottawa, Jan. 20. ---For i be emend time
the well-known meg:mine, Physical Cul-
ture, bas been placed on the tabooed
list by the Cuetonis Department, tert the
grountl that it it 720 inleeent public -
tie, The objeetion taken by the depart-
- erM refere principally to certain of the
advertisements. An entbargo was plated
ou the magazine a year or two ago by
: the Custome ani Postoffiee Departments,
leit ma the proprietore promieing 10 eut
out the objetrtionable fenturee the emit-
ing privilmme Were metered.
atrehon Arrested for Forgery.
Brantford, Jam 21.-1.11vire Gottschalk
of Seafortio bee been arresterl as en am
eompliee of Fred. Babeoek, Atm in the
toile for pitioing 21 forged cheque .for
it200 on the Imperial Bents here. Sim
Mel 13abork (doped to tuffelo. After
getting the mesh ort the cheque, \Melt alio
drew on a fiettforth retired fanner, RA -
NA ,pronosea to marry her, hut later
declined. She Achille the eletrge. 1,a
judgment has been given yet.
tie le
One trod:mum Wait killed and a rano
bet' of pansengete \Vert injured ain't) an
multbnund Lake Shure ttaiiroed pessentr-
er ran into ith open switeh late Iriet idea
et Inge. Miele, and collided uith a
freight train, derailieg arid overturning
all the -coaches.