HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-01-17, Page 8THE WINGI- AM ADVANCE
ANIMA1:W I7, 1907
Wroxeter. Morris. Bluevale, West Wawanosh,
Thomas iTempbill was a Wiagharn John Tittle is. going West; his sale We are sorry to state that Miss Ashfield Council of 1007 consists of
visitor do Saturday, takes place on the 32nd, Bertha Thorn is suffering from plea- Thos. Stothere, reeve
Van. Bunter,
deputyreeve, and Kie;kley, Shoenbals
M. Leckie spent, a few days this Misses Jean and Margaret 9heldoi noiia. an1SGiI aacoioct l t ,
veek visiting in the village. are spending rt few days with friendsMss OrmaGerry of Brusselsreturn-
Rev. W. G. Howson of S'Vinglsarn to and Around Belgrave. ed home last Monday, after spending Dungannon .sehool re -opened on
was a visitor here on Thursday lath, lV M Cornell havtn sold his a few days with bIis. Geo. Raney. . Thursday last after the Chi Mynas
g vacation, with H. R. Long its Kill.
The Oddfellows are arranging for an
"At House" in. their rooms next Mon -
clay Right.
Rev. James Hussar, M. A., 13. D., of
Fordwich, was a caller in our village
last Wednesday.
Word has been received here that
Mt•, Harris, father of Robert and John
Havels of our town, has passed away
in Ootrie.
Mrs. Cools and little daughter left
for their home in Hensall on Saturday
hast, after' a three weeks' visit with
her parents here.
Bev. J. H. Osterhont preached in
Goderich last Sunday, in Rev. Mr.
Graham's place, who was hero preach-
ing missionary sermons.
Mr. Hinds, the butcher, is now com-
fortably Installed in his new shop, the
old White grocery being fitted up in
fine condition for his meat shop.
Wart. Adair and wife left this week
for Wtngluaru, where they will reside
in the future. Mr. Adair will travel
for the Western Foundry Company of
farms, has announced his clearing stele Rev, Mr. Findlay of \Vhitechurch
for Wednesday, 23rd inst. preached missionary services on the
The manyfriends of Jai. Duncan Bluevale circuit last Sunday. Mr.
Baker filled his place at \Visite•
acre sorry to hear of his continued poor church.
health, but hope he will soon be Airs, Jas. Burgess of Listowel visit -
better, ed Mrs. John Burgess last week,
Mrs. Jas. Kerney, sr., 4th line, is in
Brussels at the present time, waiting Mr. and Mrs., 1.V, Stewart, Bowling
on her sister, Mrs. Jas. Stretton, who Green, returned home on Saturday
is quite i11, last, after spending about a month
with .Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stewart.
Mrs. McNeil, who receivers a sprain-
ed ankle in the runaway accident last Mrs, Gillmore and daughter of
week, is getting along nicely, we are lastaberweek.
visited Mrs. John Mundell
pleased to state.
On Monday evening Mr, Calan Rob- Turnberry Council met hero on the
inson received a Message with the sad 14th ; members all present; minutes
intelligence of his brother George's offorlmetngadopted,
death, at Edmonton, Alberta. By-law meeting
Gordon I:tnbury, of the 3rd line, ar- t the Canned, roadappointing
rived home last week from the West, alcEwe I : and Robt. Black, auditors,
where he has spent last summer and and By-law No. 3, appointing John
frill; the West evidently agrees with McTavish, assessor at a salary of $611
Gordon. and $5 postage, were passed. By-law
Mr. and Hiss Kelly of Paris, Mr. and No. 4, appointing Chris. Jobb member
Miss McNaught of Ethel, Miss Ruby of the Board of Health for three year„
Imrie of Montreal and bit-. Jack Isbis- Dr, Agnew M. H. O. for one year, ;and
ter of Toronto, returned to their W. F. Smith sanitary inspector., Was
homes on Thursday, after attending also passed.
the Isbister-Cadwell wedding. The Clerk was instructed
to have ve
100 copies of the Auditors' report
A very pretty wedding took place
•send wife of
Rev. Geo. Baker1
Blue -
vale were visitors in our town last
Friday. Mr. Baker gave a very inter-
esting Missionary address in the Me-
thodist Church Friday night.
The Fanners' Institute meetings
were held in the town hall here last
Saturday, They were largely attend-
ed, and were very successful in every
way. Much valuable information was
given by the speaker. Meetings were
held both afternoon and evening.
The annual meeting of the Presby-
terian Church was held last Monday,
when reports of the various societies
were heard and officers for the ensu-
ing year elected. All branches of the
Church are reported in a flourishing
condition. They are considering the
question of introducing individual
communion cups in the church.
Missionary anniversary services
were held in the Methodist Church
here last Sunday. Rev. W. H. Gra-
ham, B. A., of Goderich, was the prea-
cher, and he delighted the large con-
gregation with his strong clear dis-
course on the Missionary problem.
The collections and subscriptions for
the Missionary fund were very good.
Mr. Graham will be sure of a warns
welcome if he ever conies back to our
1: -
Jas. Owens is visiting friends
Orangeville this week.
Mrs. Pingle is indisposed ; we
she will
soon recover.
Mr. Jackson of Blyth called on Bel -
grave friends on Tuesday.
• Revival services are going on in the
Methodist church this week.
Mrs. N. Platt of Brussels visited at
Mr. and Mrs. Daley's this week.
Mrs. Sppinks of Grey Tp. is visiting
at John Coultes' East Wawanosh.
on Christmas evening at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Archie A. McDonald,
Walford, formerly of 1st line of Mor-
ris, when their daughter, Jessie, was
united in marriage to Mr. Jno. Brown
of Aberdeen, Scotland. The cere-
mony was performed by Rev. C. B.
Jeffery of Walford. The bride was
prettily attired and look charming in
a dress of cream cashmere serge, trim-
med with silk lace and applique, and
wore the customary bridal veil
and orange blossoms, and was assisted
by her cousin, Miss Annie Muir, while
the groom was supported by Mr.
Michael McDonald, brother of the
bride. After the friends and relatives
had heartily congratulated the hap-
py couple, all sat down to an inviting
and sumptuous wedding supper and
when all hacl done atnple justice in
this way, the remainder of the even-
ing was spent in humorous conversa-
tion, genies and merriment.
Burnside Farm, Morris, the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Isbister was the
scene of a very pretty event on Wed-
nesday, 9111 inst., when their fourth
daughter, Miss Nina Jeannette was
united in marriage to Mr. John W.
Cadwell of Saskatoon, Sask. At 11 a.
m., the bride and groom, unattended,
entered the drawing -roost, which was
beautifully decorated in green and nese at the Electric Light power
d grandparents, gravel road.
cipal and Miss Vora Roberts. ars as-
sistant, Miss Ruby Robinson takes
her position as teacher of S. S. No. 17,
\Vest Wawanosh, and Miss Durnin
still holds her position in S, 8, No. 8,
The Wawanosh District L, O. L.
held their annual meeting in the lodge
roads here on Tuesday, when the fol.
lowing officers were electees for the
year; henry Homey, tnatster; Jas.
Elliot, past master ; David Sproul,
deli, roaster; A, P. Sheppard, chap;
Alex, Derain, r•ec,-see.; S. Thonllsou,
fin. -sec, ; W. .1. Black, treas. ; Vrn,
Stuart, director of ceremonies; lVrn.
Micllwaaiu and G. W. Bradford, lec-
Mrs. McLean, who has been acting
postmistress at Dungannon for a
number of years, has retired from the
position, touch to the regret of the
people of Dungannon and vicinity,
whom she has served so well, Mrs.
McLean was most faithful and oblig-
ing in the discharge of her duties, and
will be greatly missed by the patrons
of the office. Her successor, Miss
Ryan, is a young woman of ability,
and the interests of the office will bo
well looked. after.
West Wawanosh lost one of the
The following accounts were passed early pioneers of the township in the
—Jno. Burgess, nominations, $6, reg- death of Airs. Mills. The sad event
istration of B. M. D., $13.40, and sta- took place on Tuesday, 1st inst., at
tionery, $1.25; The Municipal World, her late residence on the 2nd conces-
papers, $7,25; F. Gutteridge, cement sion, She and her late husband were
tile, $88.70; Dickinson & Gaarrow, legal among the early settlers and they en -
expenses, $16.04; W. F. Stnith, rent dared many of the trials and hard
of hall, $2. $5 was granted the Sick ships incident to the pioneer's- life.
Children's hospital and $5 to the Mos- There home was- always a welcome
koka Free hospital. place for travellers, and no neighbor
Council adjourned to meet Feb, 11th needing a helping hand hut found the
in the Clerk's office, at 10 a. m. worthy couple ready and willing to
John Burgess, Clerk. give it. Mr. Mills died four years ago
last October and two of their children
some years previously. Seven sur-
East -Wawanosh.
John McDowell, Westfield, who was
ill, is recovering.
bliss Annie Nixon of Donnybrook Annual meeting of Brussels Cream -
spent Sunday with Calvin friends. ery will he held on Tuesday, 22nd
Mrs. Robert Shiell, who has been ill fust., at 2.30 o'clock.
for a few days, is able to be up again. Miss McKee, of Barrie, Provincial
Miss Mary Corley spent a couple of President of the W. C. T. U., is ex -
days in Wingham during the past pected to pay a• visit to Brussels to -
week. ward the close of this month and will
deliver an address in the Town•Hall.
The Misses Martin of Seaforth are The fire alarm about 6 a.m. routed a
the guests of Alex. Scott, Oth line, at good many Brusselsites out of bed at
present, an earlier hour than usual Thursday
Master James Wightman and sister of last week. In some way fire had
Maggie spent last week with their of started in the roof of the boiler
white, and took their places under a .
large wedding bell. Little Misses Miss Ada Campbell of West Wawa- house and had probably been snsould-
Helen and Margaret Garniss, neices nosh spent last week with her cousin, eriug for some tine before discovery,
of the bride, daintily gowned in white Miss Nethery, gravel road. It was put out without the use of the
silk, acted as flower girls, carrying fire engine.
baskets of white and pink carnations. Albert McKellar of Westfield left on On Tuesday afternoon of last week
The wedding march was played in Friday for Michigan, where he intends the District Orange Lodge was held in
duet by Miss Edna Isbister, sister of spending some weeks with friends. Brussels. Officers were elected as fol.
the bride, and Miss Imrie of West- , Mr. Albert Stein intends going lows :_gaster, D. Johnston ; 1). M.,
mont, Quebec. The bride was gown- West early in February , and will Win. Smith ; Sec.. M. H. Moore, V.S. ;
ed in cream silk eolienne over cream have his clearing auction sale, on (slap„ B. Gerry ; Dir. of Cer.. H.
taffeta with tulle veil caught with lily- - Thursday, Jan. 24111. Hamilton ; Lee.. \Vm. Smith and M.
of -the -valley and carried cream roses. Miss M. Mason, who came home H. Moore. A letter of sympathy, ac -
Rev. D. Perrie of St. Andrew's Pres- from the West a short time ago, nn- companied with a purse of money,
edt the Church, in the presence perform- dement an operation for tubercolosis; was sent to Bro. Chas. Case in his ill -
the of a P ness and the hope expressed that he
number of friends and relatives. Con- she is doing as well as can be expected. would soon be convalescent.
Abe. Brydges bad his foot badly cut
last week, by being tramped on by a
Thos. Owens left on Tuesday to visit
friends down east'on his way to Win-
Duncan Allison has returned from
Winnipeg to spend a couple of months
with his mother.
Mrs. J. A. Brandon and Mrs. Daley
attended the funeral of a friend in
London last week.
Mr. Pingle has the contract for
building a barn for J. T. Brydges ;
they are using an old barn, purchased
from Wm. Isbister, in its construc-
Albert L. Cole of Newark, New Jer-
sey (formerly of 6th line, Morris) who
studied for over a year for a Mechani-
cal Draughtsman, and took a position
in Newark before trying his exam.,
has, we are pleased to state, passed
his exam. and received his diploma
from the Scranton, Penn., School,
where he took his course. Congratu-
lations, Bert.
DInn AT EDMONTON.—A message
was received on Monday telling of the
death of George Robertson of Edmon-
ton, Alberta. Mr, Robertson was 29
years old, and the second son of Mr.
and Mrs. Duncan Robertson of East
Wawanosh, near Belgrave. The de-
ceased learnt the blacksmith trade in
Wingham and afterwards worked in
Belgrave for a time, before he left for
the west about nine years ago. •Mr.
Robertson has wired for the remains
to be sent home. No particulars of
his death at the time of writing. Mr.
and Mrs. Robertson and family have
the sympathy of their many friends.
$540.00 Per Year
o f r e f of Bluovale: Is
Miss otos
MK ,f
{ month fromthe Cal-
gary ab per ur n h h 4a
gary Mtiliitg Co. Calgary. This es-
timable young lady bad only a QOM -
111 gohool education, and in a few
months with us _�ppreppared for the.
above situation, With a few years'
experience Miss Snell will receive at
least ;75.00 per month.
Stenography is Better than
School Teaching.
What we have done for others we
can do for you. Enter any time. In.
dlvidual. instruction.
Write for catalogue.
Wingham Business College
(Affiliated with Clinton
Business. College)
GEO, SPtTTON Principal
Farm For Sale.
The undersigned offers for sale his
farm of 100 acres, situated 2 miles east
of Belgrave, being Si of lot 9, con. 4,
Morris. There is on it a large frame
house, good bank barn, one acre orch-
ard, seven acres' of bush, 30 acres
plowed ready for crop ; the balance is
in grass. The Maitland river crosses
one corner of farm. Tho farm also
includes Bodmin ]'lime Works. Rea-
sonable terms to suit purchaser. Ap-
t to
AP -
gratulations being over, all repaired Air, Robt. Scott, sen., who has been
to the dining -room where a sump- ailing for some time; underwent an
tuous dinner was served, after which - operation for appendicitis on Friday,
Mr. and Mrs, Cadwell left for Toronto, and at hast repdrts is doing as well as
Niagara and Chicago prior to their de- can be expected. His three brothers
pasture for Saskatoon, where they arrived on Friday and will remain
will reside. The bride was the re- with him for a few days.
cipient of many handsome presents, -
among which was one presented by - 1
the pupils of Department III, Stayner,
where she had taught during the past • Bel more.
four months. - Miss Florence Bremner has returned
,F - to resume her duties in her school
near North Bay.
Builds up
waste tissue,
promotes a
following aro the members of
Huron County Council of 1007, under
the new act regulating such bodies :—
Ashfield Thos. Stothers, Reeve
Wm. Hunter, Deputy
Dr Woods
John Leckie
Dr. Milne
D. Cantelon
James Taylor
A. Q. Dobler
John Middleton
Goderich Tp
Goderich Town R. McLean, Reeve
Robert Elliott, Deputy
Wm. Fraser, Reeve
John Grant, Deputy
P, Lamont
Thomas McMillan
Owen Geiger
1lowick T G. Shearer, Reeve
Joseph Hainstock, Deputy
Morris. " - George Taylor
McKillop.............J. W. Govinlock
Seaforth M. Y. McLean
Stephen........ ,Henry Wlllert, Reeve
Jacob Kellerman, Deputy
Tuckeramlth Robert McKay
'"Turnberry John Musgrove
Went Wawanosh... , ...... , . W. Bailie
Kant Wawanosh J T. Currie
Dr. Irwin
Frank improves digestion, induces re. and Willie Abram, and Miss
freshing sleep, gives renewed strength
and health. That's what Hollister's
Rocky Mountain Tea does. 35 cents,
Tea or Tablets. Ask your druggist.
Mr. Jno. McAllister is expected to
take the service in the hall next Sab-
bath evening.
Ed. Bryans and sister, Miss Maude,
of near Brnssels, spent Sunday at
Alex. Bryans'.
It. B. Harris
James McDermott
Joseph Hawkins
Miss Jean Habkirk of Brussels was
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Mc-
Donald last week, number turned out to listen to a very
Ward Caldbick and 'nephew, Alpine interesting discussion on the different
Taylor, have returned to Boissevain, methods of tilling the soil.
Man., after spending a few .weeks The missionary meetings hold in the
with relatives here. Methodist church on Wednesday
Gordon McDonald of St. Helens, evening and Sunday morning were a
who has been clerking in the store decided success, both in the number
here, left last week to take a course at present and in the contributions to -
Owen Sound Business College. We wards the mission fund of the church.
wish him every success. Rev. Hussar was the speaker on Wed -
We understand that Wm. IioIt of nesday evening, While Rev. Graham
this place has rented his farm and of Goderich preached on Sunday
purposes having an auction sale of morning.
farm stock and implements in a couple • 1'
of weeks. More particulars later. Salem.
The Literary Society have decided A number from here attended the
to postpone
held ee theiron Thursddebate, which was sale of stock in Wroxeter on Monday
to have been held
inst., until Thursday evening, 24th last.
inst. As was reported last week the We are pleased to learn that Mrs.
subject will be "Resolved that the Coleson, who has been seriously i11, is
miser is a greater menace to society now on the mend.
than the spendthrift." The debaters Miss Lizzie Bryans of Grey is at pre -
be Messrs. Fred. Bryans and Johny
Pearson against Fraser McDonald and sent visiting the home of her grand-
Jno. Strachan. A good program is mother, Mrs, J. Gallaher.
also in preparation and an interesting Rev. Mr. Graham of Goderich gave
time is expected. a very impressive missionary sermon
s en Sunday last to a well -fillets
That's the house the Doctor built,
Maggie Law are attending Business
College this winter.
Skating has again cotnmenced in
our village and some of the young
people are working overtime.
Miss Mabel McKee left on the 8th
inst. for Toronto, where she will take
a ten weeks' course at the Conserva-
tory of Music.
David Terriff is teaching near
Hamilton this year, and Miss Annie
Law has secured a school about five
miles east of Belmore.
The meeting of the Farmers' Insti-
tute was held in the Foresters' Bali on
Saturday evening. Quite a large
Belgrave P. O.
Farm For Sale.
Being the south half of Lot 13, Con-
cession 3, Morris, one hundred acres ;
good well, a never -failing spring rnn-
ning across the farm, two orchards,
frame house, and good bank barn 40
x 72. This farm is well situated, seven
miles from Wingham and 44 from
Belgrave. Further particulars on ap-
plication, on the premises.
Belgrave P. O.
Municipal Notes.—Trustee Skene
has been a member of the School
Board for 10 years and has only miss-
ed one rneeting of the Board. He
does not say much from the housetop
but he's a worker just the siune—
Councillor Graham has already put in
7 or 8 years at the Council Board in 3
of which he has sat in the Reeve's
chair, His experience should be of
service to him in 1007,—S. T. Plum
headed the poll and Monday evening
wore the smile that won't come off—
J. Ballantyne's supporters in'6$rook,
lyn" division n
elected and donated 10 plurnpers for
his special benefit, --If M. H. Moore
don't attend strictly to business at the
School Board after his "famous vic-
iatory" on Monday he should be well
The biggest house you see;
Thank goodness he don't get our
For we take Hollister's Rocky Moun-
tain Tea. Ask your druggist.
Mr. and Mrs. McIntosh of Manitoba
are visiting with their cousin, Mr. J.
The people of this community were
quite surprised, when it was learned
that Roy McDonald, formerly of this
vicinity, had the small -pox in Chat.
The many; friends of Mr. McIntosh
of Molesworth. were sorry to hear of
his illness; last week he was smitten
with a paralytic stoke; this is the
second stroke he has had, He is Mrs.
John McEwan's father.
removes all hard, soft or calloused
lumps and blemishes from horses,
H. Brown, Reg and Metal Co., buy- blood apatvin1 curbs, splints, ringbone.
Ing ell kinds of hides, wool and pick- sweeney, stifles, spprains, sore and
inv., rerbbe' off, and feathers of swollen throat, cmrghs, etc. Save $&)
al kkids. Highest prime in a h 1 if by tnse of otte bottle. Warranted the
lernaught to home& eve crests & buundrod Most wonderful Btmmish Core ewer
(fit rlittb a 100, took for old iron. known, Sold by A. 1:a. Haniiliton.
Farm For Sale.
The North Half of Lot 10, on Con.
2, in the township of Morris, consist-
ing of 100 acres, is offered for sale.
For further particulars apply to
Blnevale P. O.
Miss Murch of Stratford has been
engaged to teach in No. 7 school, in
Mr. Wilson of the Wilson Pyle Co.,
Niagara Falls, was in town for rt, few
days last week.
Reeve Milne will go to Goderich this
week to attend the meeting of the
County Council.
Mrs. Joseph Stothers has been visit-
ing friends in Michigan for the past
month, and arrived home. on Wednes-
day last.
The Reeve and Councillors for 1907
met in Industry Hall, Monday noon.
and took the necessary declarations of
office. What we may expect of the
. new Council is more public utilities,
AfaltiLl> D,—In Blyth, Jan. 7th, by
Rev. Mr. Hartley, Elizabeth, eldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jabez
Walker, to Mr: John Bell, harness -
Air. Jas. Maur, who has been visit-
ing in this part, returned with his son
to their home in the West, on Satur-
day last.
Mrs. Fred. IZitchen intends leaving
on Friday next for her home in Essex.
On her return trip, she will visit the
home of her cousin, Jas. Musgrove in
Owing to the inclemency of the
weather on Thursday last, the attends
ince at Salem church was small, but
notwithstanding the storm, Rev. Mr.
Howson of Wingham ventured otit
and gave a very fine address.
Ever Have Cramps ?
Kind of fierce to be tied up in a knot
at midnight with erarnpa. Keep Ner-
viline handy. Ten drops quiets
cramps instantly. 'Used nccesionally
Nerviline prevents this trouble entire-
ly.From _Stratford, Ont., Wm. Dee
writes :—"Nothing I know of will give
such quick relief to cramps, colic or
pain in the stomaeh as Nerviline. If
you feel squeamish or sick, Pat ten}
drops of Nerviline in water and you're
well next minute'." Think of the pro-
tection and comfort contained in ,h 25e
bottle of Nerviline, and get it to-
That fine thoroughbred Hereford
Bull, "Lord Huron," 1 year old. Tbis
is a good individual, of gilt edge breed-
ing, being grandson of Majestic (imp.)
who captured the Gold Medal at the
World's Fair, St. Louis. Stockmen
should see this animal.
East Wawanosh
Lot 39, Con. 11
Wood For Sale.
The undersigned is prepared to sup-
ply a limited number of customers
with their next stunner's wood, cut
any length to suit them, .at prices
which cannot be beat in Wingham, if
orders are left during the next four
weeks. 1 foot long, 871 cts.; 20 inch,
$1.50; 30 inch, $2.00; 36 inch, $2.50.
Hard and soft wood mixed, small tim-
ber. Enquire at the Advance office or
Prominent Manufacturer Speaks.
In Vanleck Hill, Ont., no one is bet-
ter known than Geo. Watson. When
he says "Catarrhozonc is a real cure,"
depend on 11 being so. "My wife" he
writes "was subject to bad attacks of
throat irritation and bronchitis.
Many remedies were tried but few
proved at all useful. Catarrhozone
was different. It seemed to get right
at the sore spots and brought relief
quickly. We have found Catarrho-
zone an absolute cure for bronchitis
and catarrh." Nothing cures more
quickly so get it to -day, two sizes, 25c
and $1.00 at all dealers,
Do You Wish To Visit
Are yen anxious to escape the cold
weather and snow and spend the
winter in the "LAND OF FRUIT
_ AND FLOWERS?" Winter tourist
tickets are on sale daily, and if you
are contemplating a trip see that
your tieketa are routed over the
Grand Trunk.
- rot tickets and fall lnformatlon. call on
h. HAROLD, Town Agent.
J. D. rileiDONAI.D
District Prrsserager Agent, Toronto.
Huron County Council Meeting.
ofCo ofr
Councilthep s
Thetl Y
will meet In the council chamber in
the Town of Goderich on Tuesday,
the 22nd. day of this month, at 3
o'clock in the afternoon.
Accounts to be • dealt with by the
council must be placed with the Clerk
before the above date.
W. LANE, Clerk.
Dated January 7th, 1007.
The Annual Meeting of the West
Wawanosh Mutual Fire Insurance
Company will be held in the Agricul-
tural Hall, Dungannon, Wednesday,
the 23rd day of January, 1907, at one
o'clock p. tn. sharp.
Business of the meeting to receive
the annual statements, directors and
auditors' reports, the electing of three
directors and any other business for
the good and welfare of the company.
The three retiring directors are Ale.
Jno. Ballantyne of Kincardine, Mr.
Edward Achison of Goderich town-
- ship, and Me. Alex. Stuart of the
township of West Wawanosh, all of
whom tu•e eligible for re-election,
Jno. Ballantyne, J. M, Roberts,
President. Secretary.
Dungannon, Dec. 31, 1006.
Rival Herb Tablets
for Stomach, Liver, Kidneys,
and for cleansing the Blood—
there is nothing better.
200 Days' Treatment $L00
Trial Package -80 Days'
Treatment -25o.
At all Druggists, and W. McKibben,
Wingham. Wholesale from The Rival
Herb Agency, Kincardine, Ont.
Fancy Goods, Watches,
Clocks and Jewelry,
during the next 30 days,
Jewelry Store Wingham
Rush of
There's a rush of Specials for the People this
week at the Monster Stock Reduction Sale
now going on at " THE BEE HIVE" Two Stores
in Wingham.
Convincing Evidence is in getting acquainted
with the facts. A visit to the Stores will give
you these.
We put on Special Sale for
this week, all our new and
1 handsome
\Vrapperettes, worth regular
10e and 121.c per yard, all on
Special Stock Reduction Sale at
per yard, 8c.
Ladies' and Misses' Cashmere
and Wool Hosiery worth per
pair 25c—Special Sale Price, 190.
The 35e, quality ,now per pair,
29c. 40c lines now 82c, and our
high grade 50c values now going
at per pair, 39e.
Ii.ere's an every -day need bar-
gain which will be snapped up
quick. All our fast -colored,
checked and fancy Apronrou andd
Dress Ginghanls, worth from
121c to 15c per yard, all on Spe-
cial Sale at per yard, 10e.
There's wonderful selling of
all lines in our Men's Furnishing
department. Special.$1.00 value
white Dress Shirts now each
60c. $1.00 Underwear now 78e.
75c 'Underwear, Sale Price 58c.
50c Underwear now each 39e.
25c Hosiery, Sale Price 190.
An abundance of weaves and colorings to choose from at
the greatest Money -Saving Prices you could possibly wish for
—$1.00 qualities for 79e per yard ; $1.25 Dress Goods for 98c
per yard; $1.50 values, clearing price $1.18 per yard ; 85c fancy
and plain Dress Goods at 6Sc por yard ; 75c lines at 5Sc ; 60c
qualities for 48c ; regular 50c goods for 39c ; 35c lines for 280 ;
25c values now 19c. These are only a few of our prices.
Two Grocery Departments Full of Bargains.
Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples and Potatoes wanted
and taken same as cash.
`the Btz .kC'ae eo.
Next to E. Moore's and in Carey Stand
...............N.••••••• .........4$............... l
For Clothing,
Dress foods;
New, Rich and Fashionable Furs, and 'all
lines of Ladies' and Gentlemen's seasonable Un-
derwear, come direct to D. M. Gordon's. No
house, no matter how much noise they make,
can give better , value than you will find here,
and every article new and up-tW-date. The new-
est and best is none too good for our customers.
As usual, all lines of pure, fresh Groceries
are always in stock.
D. M. Gordon
C roceries
Teas 8 Coffees
Jr Henry Christie
Sohool Days
are now on, and The " BIGI
BOOP`" Store is ready with
a full line of School Supplies
and Books of all kinds, of the
very best quality, at the lowest
Three Scribblers for 5c.
Three Good Lead Pencils,
with Rubber, for Sc.
trey the little we judge the
much." Give us a call.
Thanking you for your
generous patronage during
the holidays.
K. M. Fisher