HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-01-17, Page 7D RO'N tD TRYING of the door and plaeed clothing at the 'Hiboy h e ail duffed rage in th e keyhole froin which the cap lute been reinoved. : batten to keep the gee from penetrati»g into Out TO Rtivoli His wilt, Wants CoGloBeRic:Atile, Y1:71: lifaCtertid Goods. Lighthouse Keeper Put to Sea in a Storm Beeaus::,, ' His Wife Was Alone, She Spent the Night Watching for Hirn and Keep- ing the Lights Burping. New Hawn, Come, Jam 14. ---"Never Weill I forget that awful aight of vigil when I was out here in the lighthouse welting with straining eyes for the cheery toll of my aueband, fearful that ee had been caught and droweed in that terrible gale. "With my face pressed against the window pane, for the wind WaS, howling so strong that I would have been ewept over the railing if I venturea outside, I looked for Ms little boat. Every few minutes a huge wave weuld strike the tower, aria seed its spray over the glass, blurring it. "Even if Sem had managed to row out itere, I could probably not, have helped him make the landing, but slimed heve tried, When Inorning came at lastafter long hours, broken catty by my visits to the machinery that runs the lant4rn, tend which must be kept eunning lest ships and stea,mers ouon.thi Somid rail Off their course, I looked all around for some sign or signal from shore from Stun. My heart fell within no when there svits none." Thus spoke Ales, Samuel .A. Armour, wife of the brave lighthouse tender in charge of the Sperry light off Wood- mont, .on Long Island Sound, who lose 1,111,e life in trying to reaeli Me light dun - ng the storm on Thursday. She little realized that in ber Way she was a heroine in keeping the light from going (.4 during the long home of Jest Thula:lay eight and, may have saved the lives of many persons Aboard yes- se:8 teat may have paesed the bemoan during that time. Mrs. Aril -tour added: "011 Friday afternoon, when Edward II. Bassett came ont from West Haven to see if team had got there all rigat, I knew by his anxiety that all was not well. BO tried to cheer me up, and told me Fain probably had been picked up by a vessel ma woulki be back in a slay or two. Mr. Bassett stayed here and ran the light Friday night, ea that ehould rest, But my thoughts were of Maim who put out to be with lee that terrible night and lost bis We. He tad game ashore for stores, for his helper was sick in Briageport hospital, The men of the government lighthouse ten- der, Gardenia, tried to encourage ine,. but they could not, • "Sam lost his life because he tried to do itia duty." Mrs. Armour is a slight woman, about 35 or 36 years .of age. She is trying hard to be brave under the barrowing experience through which she is forced to• pass. Captain Arrnour's boat was found last night in Scat& Cap, off East Haven,' several lam to the eastward. It was drifting meekly ilOW11, and the plug in the bottom of it was lost, the rudder was unehipped, and the octriocks were missing. . • RUSSIAN PROVISIONAL BUDGET; DEFICIT Of OVER $120,0001000. Debauching the People With Alcohol Instead of Developing the Country. St. Peteraburg, Jan. 14. -The proles- which $52,000,000 more than in 1906. is ional budget for 1907 showing that it svill eispe;r11501.10a0 coal:oast, tthisf sum with again be necessary to resort to credit stftntiOn f untiZsa.Plileadaecciatioonr the in. operations to balance the defieit of $120,- inge for the first Ulu° in a Russ'ian bud - 000,000 between estimated receipts) and get. The slight excess of the orslinary in expenditures, is attacked by the Russian press on all sides. Only the Novoe Vrean- ya, is silent. Radical papers devote their attention to the political features. The Bourse Gazette strongly criticizes the budget's figures, declaring that the deficit is almost Noopoopoo adding that reliance on the old system of "debauce- ing the people nvith alcohol instead of developing the economic resources of the country," is the ehief characteristic of the new budget, Continuing the new - paper points out that the only good showing made is in the increase of the revenue from the Vodka monopola, from come over the expendttures is unsatis- factory because of the always expect- able unforeseen expenses. "Provisions for the payment of the war expenses and famine relief," the newspaper adds, "cannot be avoided, but Parliament must use the pruning shears remorselessly and cut every possible eo- peck in order to reduce the loan. The deficit is almost exactly half that foreseen iu 1006, amounting to $240,500,- 000 for the construction ofethe first sec- tion of the Amer Railroad from Stre- Husk to Pokrovsk, which is consideree to be an immediate strategic neeessity in view of the situation in the far east. NEWS IN BRIEF CANADIAN, . It is •estimated that the timber cut of •Ontario during the preeent season will reac 1,070,000000 feet. Mr. W. K. McNeil& may move the address in reply to the speech from the throne at the opening of the Legisla- ture. One hundred mid sixty erstarmccr oi diers of the Manchester Regiment settee yesterday from Liverpool for Halifax to join the Royal Citeadian Regiment. The Urge department stores of. the Hudson Bay Company at Winnipeg were damaged by fire last night. The fire was confined to the basement, but the damage to stook from smoke and water will amount to eonsiderable. Fully cov- ered by insurance, Thieves are still at work in Brant County. On Friday night 25 sheep, val- ued at $250, were stolen from the Chiefs - wood farm of Jacob Toss, Onondaga township. It is said a good clue has been secured. Joseph Marti!), X. C., has sold his pa- per, The Guardian, of Vancoaver, B. O., and will stick to his profession of law. The paper has been going for only two 'weeke, liut has a fair following. Mr, Martin says) lie 's out of polities. BRITISH AND FOREIGN British naval and military experts are trying to create public opinion against at the channel tunnel scheme. Antonio Mentes, one of the foveutost matadors of Spain, iyesterday was fat- ally gored by ,a bull in a, fight at Mex- ico City. During a quarrel over a game of eards IsTorwiela 11. Y., on Saturday evening, Antonio Span° slashea his, brother-in- law, Carman Damara? in the neck with a jackknife. Ilis victint may die. Joseph joseps, Edward Wolfe, John Herman and. Peter Letivise, miners, were killed to -day in art explosion at Mine No. 7, Clinton, Ind. It is feared six or seven others will be fauna dead. Six injured have been brought °mt. "No Congress could pass a Japanese ex. elusion net and no President woula elms one, because it would be a hoodlum act," Bald David Starr Jordan, President of the Stanford University, last night, in addressing a meeting in San Francisco, 66.**L•6.16, It is net believed tbat the Clyde freight steamer Onondaga -which went ashore on Orleans Beach, Mass., yester- 'day, ertn be saved. The eresv remain aboard. At low thle it is poeeible to walk out to the veeel, Jas. Ingram Evenson. who was one of the leaders in the litigetton for the $30,- 006,000 in the Graham estate in England. died at Philadelphia yeeterdass. Ile was an invento ofinowieg hi/001m deviates one was. 66 pears old. The period of lying in state in over at Teheran, and preparations for the fluter- , al of the late Shah are proceeding. The serviees for the .dead which have been held. in the principal mosque since the decease of Alusaffer-Ed.Diu have now ceased. Ten persotis were injured, several ser- iously, when a Monon train collided in the fog with a sleeper on the rear end of aeWitbaeh train at Chicago at night last night. • A passenger train and an engine were in collision at Ellison Park, Pa., on the Pittsburg & Western Railway, tem miles north of here. One trainman was killed and several passengers were re- ported. injured. Freight trains, north and south bound, were wrecked on the 13uffalo, Rocherster & Pittsburg, near Warsaw, N. Y, this morning, in a head on collision. Conduc- tor John F. O'Brien, of Rochester, was killed. • It is eeportea at San leritneiseo ther, author a eigth last night between 331O111 - hers cif the Ping Kong Tong and the Hop Ring Tong, in Oakland, two Chinamen were killed_ and. five wounded. About fifty shots were excheuged. It is semeofficially stater that the die ferenees between France and Germany over .the Morocan question have been settled through the Assistane of Vienna, St. Petersburg. and Rome on the tetsis tbat any Franco -Spanish deutonstration Mr. 'William- E. Corey, President of the United' States Steel Corporation, authorizes the statement that, all re. ports to the eontrarn notwithstanding, he will not marry during Ms present Europeau trip. A Ia m At a eetihg of the conference of the p Foreign Mission Boards of the United o States and Canada held. in Philadelphia al s„on Saturday, it was unanimously agreed th to forward to President Roosevelt, the United States Senate and King eldwitiel an appeal on behalf of the stricken peo- ple ef the Congo State. A Budapest despetch says: Minister of Justice Polonyi has sent his seconds, e'ea. retary of State Bolger and Baron Kens. the author, to Herr Halmos, ex.burgo. master of Budapest, to demand ex..sealet. Hon of the Marge publicly made by Pal. Moe that Poleyi had abused his position in order to obtain eavientages for a per- i sonal friend. SEPARATION OF MARIBOROUGHS King Edward Unable to Prevent a Berlin, Jan. 14,-- Colonial DietAtor Open Rapture. Dernberg explained the foundation of Emperor Willitiune sogalled Weltpiihe the convention 4 the German Cham - at Duke Will Still Maintain &Mid Castle. Rik (world policy) this evening legs of Commerce. After dwelling upon the colonial enterprise in Germany and the development of her -colonies, Herr Duchess and • children will 60 on Dernburg said that the German cokin- isi question was one of the future of national Leber, of the Mead of millions of industrial workers andof the em- ployment of German eupital in trade, production and eavigatiou. Herr Dern - berg ettid that, as compared with the middle of the eighteenth century when 9,000,000 persons spoke English and 20,- 000,000 German, Germany had lost a 'po- sition of relative importance in the world, as now 120,000,000 speak Eng- lish and only 70,000,000 German. He said this was because Genially ilea no colonies and was depeneent 'ors ether which he determined to do as a matter r Dm The Duke, after maintain Blenheim, o supplies, countries, for raw materials and food Germany, necessarily, is 'becoming an of mide in order to prove that the main - industrial State, awing to the leek of tenauce was not depentent on the leach - Agriculture' lands, Hence it is neces. ess' fortune, will have about $40,000 in. come left and he is now looking for a nary for her to export part of the goods not costly flat in Mayfair for manufactured. Colonies could supply good but cheap raw nutteriale and German work- it, 'town residence. ing people could thus be assured of be- King Edward, through the Marquis leg able to influence prices throughout of Liteseowne, when the Duchess visited the everld, as against foreign rnonopo. the Lansdowlies .et Bowood Castle, at 411. Chrietmas, .pressed the Duchess to avoid lies one bigh tariffs any open separation, but to follow the HAD MANIA FOR WIRING, example of the Duke and. Duchess of Sutherland and agree merely to live Apart ant divide the ehildren's time be- tween the parents. The Deice had at - rade agreed, and it was after the Duchess left Bowood that he and the Duchess met in Paris in the presence of her mother. The idea then Ulla that in o few days the children were to join the Ductless in Paris and go with her on a .cruise on her father's yacht, but the Duke informed her that Lord Ivor, their younger eon, was ill with measles and influenza at Blenheim, whereupon sbe returned immediately to London. Though she :lid Not go to Blenheim to see the child she receives constant in- formation of his condition. Suederland House, which she had dia. mantled before her departure, has now been reopened, and the ebildrert will join her for A trip abroad when the young er boy is convalescent. The Duchess bas been seen about since her return from Paris, it having been impreesecl upon her that she was damaging her position by. wihtdrawing well in tbe employ of the Canada from the public gaze. Her landol t is Foundry Company that he seat to' eg a,nd for the young woman to whom lie was attached, and who is now Mrs. Peer. He was remanded until the 18th for an examination into his mental eon- dition. Wise. Ill a Yacht. drunk and forted to bang the unfortea vete boy. A 10-yeAgold gill was ;lest is War- saw. Her slime wets Unit 44 belonged . 10 a gang of robbers, at vilsoca her father 1 • ' wag the leader. Father, daughter, atel, ' 1 .4t Iiieff a 15-yeer-old girl wee hang - seven othere were aliot by the is -olden. 11 ed. lier offences was that ber brother made bombe. In faet, all over the Empire sehool I cheerer .tre being shot and hanged. Ini POACHERS FINED. a 1ILLEGAL FISHING IN TUE NIAGARA RIVER. New' York, ian. I4, ---The World cones - pendent hears that under the separation agreement reached between the Marl - boroughs the Duke settled. on their cell- dren the $100,000 settled on hint by the Duchesie father, W. K. 'Vanderbilt, at the marriage. Vis will accumulate for the: during their minority, less the cost of their living and cdtteation, John Peer's Mental Condition to be Examined. Toronto Jan. 14. --john Peer was charged before Magistrate Deeison on Saturday -with threatening to kill his wife, but on hearing the evidence, the Court concluded that the charge should be insanity. It appeared that Peer bad a mania for long walks, in which be in- sisted on his wife accompanying him. On cea oceasion he compelled her to go as far as Hanailton, and several times he kept her walking till the was nearly dead, The mania used to seize him ot any hour of the day or night, and when Peer .gave the word, bis wife simply had to tram,p. On Friday eight he get violent and threatened to kill her and the people in the 'house at 375 Wilton avenue, where they lived. It is said that Peer was an inmate 1 e lunatic asylum in England for ten years. Recovering, he ca,me to this country and did so * I) es BISHOPS MEET. Archbishop and Primate to be Chosen Tais Week. Toronto, Jan. 14. -The House of Bishops of the Anglican Churl* in Can- ada meets at St. Alban's Cathedral, in this city, on Wedne.sclay, to elect the primate of all Canada, and also the me- tropolitan of the eastern ecclesiastical province of Canada, His Grace Arch- bishop Matheson of Rupert's Land will preside. It has uot been decided whether, at the election of primate all the bishops of Canada, must be present; but this matter will be arranged at the coming meatier,. In the meantime it is under- stood that the proxies of the bishops unable to be present will be Accepted when sent by registered mail. It has been announced that thcs following bish- ops will be present at the coming elec- tion: Archbishop Matheson of Rupert's Land; Bishop Sweatme,n, of Toronto; Biehop Hamilton of Ottawa, Bishop Donn, of Quebec, Bishop DuMoulin, oi Niagara'Bishap Thornloe of AlgOme, I3ishop Mills of Ontario, Bishop Wor- rell of Nova Scotia and Bishop Wil- liams of Huron. 4 • TWENTY-FOUR DROWNED. Bxitisk Ship Pengwerzt Foundered Off German Coast Cuxhaven, Germany, Jan. 13. -The British ship Pengwere, Captain Williams, from Talzai, Ohne, October 0, for Fal- mouth, with a cargo of saltpetre; •ground- eil off Seharhorn, about one hundred miles northwest of Cuxhaven, to.day. Ifer crew of 24 men was drowned and her cargo is e total loss. The tug Vulkan went, to the tesssist- ance of the straneed vessel, rind, passing elogely to her, the crew of the Pengwern threw a, live dog and a bundle of clothes aboard Lite tug, but disregarded the ap- peals to jump into the water, so that they might be reseued. The Vulkan made re- peated attempts to reach the Pengwern, but a heavy sea broke over her and she disappeared from view. TAX RACE MEETINGS, Dill Will Be introduced to That Effect at Legislature. Toronto, Jan. 14. --Mr. T. II. Lennox, L P. P., will probably introduce it bill t the coming session of the Legislature reposing the levy of a provincial tax f 10 per cent. on the gross receipts of I race meetings. It will be proposed at the proceeds be applieul to improve the breed of horses in Ontario. Aft Jos. Seagram, president of the Ontario jackey Club, approves 4 the idea, which has been adopted, in New York, He thinks the percentage suggested excessive, however. The Hamilton, Fort Erie, and Windsor associations would be rif- feeted by such a, measure as well an the Toronto otganization. .• .„4. RECOUNT AT cnr,unowev). 16.646a616,*1. The North German. insurance Company of Hamburg, which has becu ordered by it German Nowt to pay the elan% against it, had risks of e4,500,000 in the San Francisco fire of last April. The coin. pany denied all )lability on the ground of Alt earthquake elause in Re policy, and paid no claims. William T. stead, in his international Palle Propaganda, proposes an internee bond pilgrimage of pew, in which mita bilities front all over the world would take part, to start from the Vallee elates for The Hague by way of ton- 1.on, Paris and R01110 and to arrive at the Netherlands eapital at the time the' second Peace Conference assembles them tale Dews& a pupil at the Wien, epolis High Seitool ane etlitor of the High School leeho, publiehed by the du- thetts, Wan (mind (mad in his roont yea telaay late-ing been overeome by gas tbat Waif cps:aping front a pipe Opponents of Local Option Itynew Mint There Were Irregularities. Collingwooe, Jam 13. -The application for a regotint of the ballots emit in the local option vote la this town on Mon - lay 'has been granted by Judge .r- lsgh the rteemmt rola scrutiny will Ake place on Alt 26. Afidayibi were filed, alleging certein tiregnieritiest on the part of the deputy returning officers and poll elerka, :way meting stibilivieion in town being affect- ed. Ear! Grey's Big Taak, Lomas!), Jam le. --The Globe, refer- ring to the emning visit of Secretor Root to Earl Grey, sap that if Earl atey can -convince Mr. Root that the time Lae vome 'when the British Gov- ernment will utet bow graceful agent every Araericlut demand as a token of Imothrely love, Mime OW to get sett -h(1 with more regard for justice, and while being 11m:el:cod. tt) klOath• .11/4!I 00 frWer falsetto congratulations than be. ordinary Russian could be found to fore, undertake the task, a coirvict was spade now seen in Bond street everyday, .5- RAISED FROM DEAD • REMARKABLE CASE OF CHILD IN LONDON HOSPITAL. Ceased to Breathe. When Given Chloro- form for an Operation, and Restored . After Twenty Minutes by Artificial . Respit•ation. Nese York, Jan, 13. -The following cable despetelt has been sent The Her- ald from London: • ele remarkable case of a child, Ruth Geoffrey., who was virtually raised from the dead. at. the Farnham. Isolation.alos- plate hies aroused intenee interest. The chile, who is eight years old, was taken by her mother to the hospital in an apparently dying .condition, ,She ceased to breathe while preparations for an operation was beiug made but artificial respiration. being enployed, she began to breathe again twen•ty min- utes later. "It is eeeteinly relbavkable ease," said one of the hospital doctors. - The child, who has .twice had pneu- monk, was brought in what Weed eke a hopeless condition, suffering- from diptheria. She was really .trt her last gasp. She was removed to? the hp - ting room, where two doctors and three newses were in attendance, • No sooner had the chloroform been given than the child's breathing emus'. Her heart certainly did not beat. The cluiess color Wag waxen. One of the nurses, 141 the mill, Pay- ino„ "It is all over." But the doctors daermined. to proceed with the • opera- tion. Tracheotomy was performed for the first time in this hospital, anti-to:tine treatment being employed in the earl- ier stages of diphtheria. The c.1 ild was apparently dead. The oils •ation took exactly twenty minutes, tfts,n, as a last hope, artificial respiration„ re:ea by strychnine, brandy and hot bottles was) employee. To -everyone's amazement the clad began to breathe again. The staff ells delighted es well as Astonished. How long the ehild ceased to breethe it is, of eours_e, difficult to tell. 1.'::- les her heart beemues affected the is an excellent cliance of het- complete recovety, The tube has been 'removed from her throat and. she eau spate :pate elear4 now, ROPE AND BULLET. SCHOOL GIRLS AND BOYS EXECUTED IN RUSSIA. Vietims of Court -Martial -Fifteen -Year - Old Girl Sent to the Scaffold B-- cause Her Brother Made Bombe. St. Peterebarg, etur. 13.-Itussiam ettlete opinion has become so dulled by. repeatee horrors that even the whole- sale execution of child. "revolutionaries" excites no attention. During. the past three months over 150 minors, boys ilea girls, have been exemited by the field courtonavtials institutee by M. Stolypie. The major- ity..of thee° were over 18- years of ago, but over a store of boys and girls of 17 and severel of 10 and years of age have been sent to the scaffold. The vast majority of these children were guilty of no more serious offence then orslinary robbery. 'The Stolypie Ministry has pereist- ently acted sm the theory that the way to xestore pease to Russia is to execiute a -certain proportioa ;of Wit, WItiDel atki eleldren. Whether they are guilty or itatocent is immaterial; indeed, in. meant people are being hatiged. every clay in order to keep up the avetage. Ten pertains were hanged in Itiga. All but two were minora. . Among them was a 111-eettr-olii schoolboy, Rtt. elipt Remit. • lluntanes .offenee was that Le stole $500 from a Vaniilar: ami that he looluel en while revolutiontets burned the ceetle of Baron lefedem. He woe se little emiseiotte el ids situation ilia longhea when iviestions. ilrew eontie sketches =tree Men Prom the Hutted States Lose Their Boat and Taekle and Pay Twenty-five Denim Each- Ducit- shooting Ootfit Also Confiscated. Niagara Falls,Ont., Jan. 13. -Three men from the American side-Liger, Seat and Sieek-were Amami last even - Mg. by Ontario officer Oliver Taylor anl (lief 4 Pollee le Reid, of Niagaraeon- the-lake, for illegal fishing in Niagara River, a little below Queenston. They were promptly brought before Police Magistrate Cruikeliauls and fined, $25 each ana $8 costs. Their boats and tackle were coufiseated. .Deputy Game Warden Shelley ties Mbriung caught Norman Elliott at Clep- pewit with gun and clecoy dueks in hie boat. The officer confiscated the proper. ty, and Elliott promised to appear be- fore AlaaistrAte Cruickshank in the morning. There has been a great slaugh- ter of wild ducks along the river siece the season closed, also Of rabbits ta this dietrict. A mita from the other side is said to iutve shot nine pheasants, on which there is a close season till 1910, ALFONSO'S ADVISERS. THEY CANNOT AGREE ON LAW OF ASSOCIATIONS. *1••••••*•1 Thought Ministry Will Not Be Able to Last Out the Week -Split in the Liberal Ranks- Anti -Clerical De- monstrations, 'Madrid, Jan. 13.-Indieations are that the Ministry will not last out the week, as the efforta for conciliation by the moderate and advanced sections of the Liberals have been unsucessful. The prinipal point at ism is the proposed anteelerical associations lew. Doubt is expressed as to whether the Liberate, although they have a strong majority in the chamber, will be able to forin a new Cabinet. There was • a gigantic anti -clerical deg monetration itt Bilbao to -day, which was attended by some rioting. The Gov- ernment's energetic precaution in hold- ing the garrison in readiness prevented serious disturbances. There was a airliner manifestation at San Sebastian, where 30,000 persons par- aded about the town.' The demonstra- tion, however, passed off peaceably. . • -le SLAVERY RAMPANT. Turkey's Trade With Tripoli Confined to Young .Girls and Boys, • Constantinople, Jan. 13. -Advices from Tripoli depict the horrors of the stave trade between Turkey and Tripoli in the darkest colors. It is openly asserted that it is ex- clusively as a source of supply that the Porte cares to maintain the connection between Tripoli and the hinterland at all. In the regions of Nadal, Gaghirmi, Oehera and the adjacent eountries, slave raiding is marked with all the hideous butcheries with which Europe was /mils iarized twenty years ago, and as openly carried. Oil by Arabs and Turks solely for the supply of the Turkish market. In these raids the adult population is mercilessly butchered, both men and women. "Girls is particular, and, also boys are alone wanted. The . miseries they endure in the longe march to the Tripolitan coast are said to be inde- scribable. Turkish ships make monthly trips and always sail by night with their human cargo. The price of a girl between 8 and 20 years is from $20 upward. DOWN AN EMBANKMENT. . Passenger, Brakeman Wad Tramp Receive Injuries in Alberta. Macleod, Alta., nem 13.-A passen- ger train from Calgary, duo here at 11 teelock, was derailed while climb- ing the grade north of the C. & E. junc- tion at full speed. Three coaches were throwu down the twelve -foot em- bankment, and a 'brakeman and two others were injured. Two ladies and the conductor, who were in the first- class coach, escaped. The Waged are Oscar leanderton, both legs badly Inuised; T. MeLean, Wakeman, scalp wouude, not serious; T. Seigle, bum- per passenger, thigh fractured and. right hand. smashed. • • •e• BODY ON RAILROAD TRACKS. John McLean Killed Near Eastern Ave. nue, Toronto, Toronto, Jan. 14.-T1:e body of John Metean, about 30 years of age, was found about 2.30 yesterday Morning ty- ing on the G. T. R. tracks about 75 feet east4 the Eastern avenue Don bridge, death having been due to frightful in- k:Hee received by being ru never by a train some time during Saturday night. The mann open.face, engine -turned we tell stop.ped at five minutes to twelve, which probably fixes the time theman was struck and killed by the train. • - • 4•41i. - aminAN RACE IN INFANCY. Sir Oliver Lodge Says It is just Begin- ning to Realize Power. London, Jam 13, -Sir Oliver Lodge, speaking at Coventry on the subject 1 of the ascent of man, contended that the human race was only just oeseito ning to realize its power, and that, in- stead of being svora out and effete, it was really in its infancy. The 'nod promising sign of the times Wli the interest taken in the solution of pro- blems for the improvement of the istee -mentally, morally and physically. . • *0 , A COMMA DID IT ALL. -.- Forced Inaurance Company to Shoulder Lose a $4,5oop00. fetu Eraneiseo, Jan. 14. -The NOrth 'German Insurance Company of Ham- burg, which has been ordered by a. Ger- man court to pay the claims against it. Ilea rinks -of $4,500,000 in the big fire of lest April. The company denied all liability on the ground of an enttligunke elause iii its policies and paid no elaims. The anit in the German court- was to test the validity of thin elause. It is wider/deed that the deeleiou hinged upon the position of a tomtit 05 aemt-colon, TRAIN Feels the Steubenville, action of Engineee Charke IFTOCabe, (ri luta the Wahaelt Railroad, saved much property and Inieunt lifts lest on the West Virginia eide of the Mingo ,inectien bridge. With it full bead of stole. on, ana while the earth was Blipping under ita engine wheels, be rushed Itia train swiftly overt big slip of earth. MI but the caboose and six cars got over the slip, and ran out on to the bridge. The six ears ana cabownt ose eover the hill and one brakeman, who wee IMPS YAWNING CHASM; ENGINEER "LEAPS Int GAP." Earth Slipping from Under Him and Puts on Full illead of Steam. ft, Jan. 14. -The nervy in the cabooee wait injured b jumps 11 'When his engine, going west, mak the pit alien+ the slip was staatirig, AheekbP felt the earth give, and know- ing something Wan wrong, be opened; the throttle, gave the danger iiignal • whistle -and a race to cross the spaee was on. The kelp is 700 feet long and 50 feet high. The groune was it MI on quick- sand formation. so nmeb earth bad fallen that it bad filled up West Creek and forced the mime of the stream out into a cornfield. Four days will be re. (mired to repair the slip. SUnCATED WITH GAS FROM STO-Vi. Father, Mother and Son Dead and Daughter Seriously 111 in Hospital, New York, Jan, gas, which escaped. .dining the night from a. mall stove used for heating, caused the deaths of Meyer Rubin, aged 50 years, hie wife Rosa, 58, and their on, Philip, 17, in a Brooklyn tenement today. Their 15year-old daughter, Rosa, who was also in the bowie at the time, is now at a hospital, unconselops, and in a critical condition. It is feared that she may not recover. The plight of the Rubins family was 0114111011.01114•N.M1111111.0•••• discovered early to -day by neighbors, who burst ia the doors. All four persons were iu bed it: the gee filled rooms, but it was believed that they merely had been overcome by the fumes, and that they coul(1 be resueeitated. An ambu- lance surgeon who hail been hurriedly sometime found, however, that Rubin, hie wife and the boy hail been dead for some time. A feeble spark of life re - ;valued in the girl's body, and every ef- fort was exerted to sage her. Rose, the daughter, died at the hos- pital before noon. LABOR'S VOICE RAISED AOMNST WAR. Logansport, Ind,, Jan. 14.-A move for a general arbitration treaty, it peri- odic world eesembly, impartial investiga- tion of all difficulties before hostilities ere engaged in, and the immunity 4 pri- vate property at sea in time of war, was initiated by Samuel ()tempers, President of the Aanerieau Federation of Labor, yesterday, Following a resolution adopt- ed, by the Federation recently, he sub- mitted to all branehes of the organize. - s Hon an urgent request to seeure from the local Coegressmen immediate expres- sion as to their sympathy with this movement. "The trade =ion movement from its laception, declared President Gompers, "has been opposed to war, its brunt fall- ing upon the working people. 'While it may not be practical to ask immediate disarmament of all countries, the time demands that the extraordinary increase in armed aucl naval forces be restricted." 'FRISCO SHAKEN. ALARMING TREMORS FEL r, BUT • NO DAMAGE DONE. It Will Take Ten Years to Reenda City -Majority of New Structuies Ave Frame, But Some Are Brick ant: Steel. Sae Francieco, Jan, 13. -San Fran- cisco is rebuilding fast, but while teere are it few steel structures going up, the majority of the new buildings are frame structures, With a small percent- age of brick buildings, of two and three storeys. Earthquakes nappen along every lit- tle while, but* the fact is assiduously suppressed by the newspapers for fear that it evill give the final stroke in keeping away capital and immigration. A severe stroke was bit here three weeks ago Friday, 4 twenty minutes after three o'clock in the morning? The quake -was preceded by a noise like an explosion. No buildings were damaged, mid no one hurt, but beds were jostled its.ound and there were avalanches of falling clicetee :led bric-a-brac. It is said that the majority of wo- of the city sleep at night with garments at hand to put on burriolly in ease of quakes, In the streets ruins are everywhere to be seen. Prices axe monumental for some things, suet as rentals, wages 01 medicine% and laborers, but, articles in the stores are as eheap as, or cheaper than before the fire. It is doubtful if the city will be eompletely rebuilt within ten years. MILKMAN DOOMED. JAPANESE SCIENTIST HAS DIS- COVERED -VEGETABLE COW. Can Make Rich, Y-ell-ose Milk From Ex- tract From Soy Bean -Pleasant to the Taste and Cheaper Than the Ordinary Liquid. New York, Jam 13. -The Sun has re- eeived the following cable despatch from London: The Japanese newspapers give particulars of the invention by Dr. Kalayama of a method for preparing' condensed, vegetable milk from soy beans. The beans are boiled and. then pressed. The liquid extracted resernblea cow's iinseilkabiiroal3p,aitpedifeienrceent,but the composition The beau juice consists of 92.5 per cent. water, 3.02 protein, 2.10 fat, 0.03 fibre, 1.88 other noneetrogenoua sub- stances and. 0.41 ash. To the juice the inventor sides it little etigav and potas- sium phosphate, the latter to collet:er- ect the formation of albumen. Then ha condenses the mixture. The milk thus prepared is of a yellow - ib color, and is pleasant to the palate, tasting somewhat like cow's milk with it slight flavor of soy beaus. Ie can be produced at far less cost than condensed eow's milk, - • ** WHO WAS MAD? HUSDAND AND WIPE EACH SUS. PECTED SANITY OF OMR. Each Employed Expert to Have Other Examined, and Had Certificates Made Out for Committal to Insane Asylum, Xew York, Jan. 13. -The Sun has re. eeived the following Cable despatelt from London: A correspondent says a Frenchman living in Paris had noticed for tome time that his wife showed signs of insanity. He evatelted her anxi- ously and. peescatly ealled n doctor. After VATIO118, consultatione, the Aim of 1046 was utterly ignored by the pa- tient, a certificate of madness was duly signed. apelicatiehi was then made for her Achniesion into the lunatic asy- lum a the distriet. While all title was going on the wo- man became fully eoevineed that het huseetud was out of his head, alte, too, with infinite precaution took advice of it medical specialist, and entirely unsus. peeted by her husband obtained a cer- tificate declaring that his brain was af- fected, and in her turn made application for his admission to the asylum. The twss applications were 7ztade and. the two certificates handed to the auth- orities at almost the same moment. 4.4 FORTUNE AWAITS MECFIANIC. i - 1 ! A Woodstock McanStat.rts for Paris to lairaI i I Woodstock, Ont, Jan. I3. -Ernest Slos- son, it young German, who landed in , Woodstock two years ago in it penniless , condition, and. was given lodgings 4 the , police station, left the city to -night in I response to a telegram telling him to go , to Paris, France, to claim a, large for- tune that ha e been left him. i Stosson, over two years ago, escaped ' from the conscript officers of the Ger- I emu army, and was shot in the leg I while fleeing froni the country. He I eame to Canada and beat his way to , Woodstock on a freight ear. He did not i understand a word of English. The au- thorities took him in hand and sent him ' to the hospital, where the bullet was t extracted. , I Work was found for him later. He m developed into a first class echanic, mastered the English language, and left i 1Voodstock to -night after a big send-off by his many friends here. 130Y SHOT HIMSELF. - Thirteen-Year-OId North Hastings Lad Found Dead in the House. Belleville, Jan. 19. -News has just reached thea city of sad affair which, occurred in North Hastings on Sunday morning. Claude Godfrey, aged thir- teen years, son of Marshall Godfrey, near Bancroft, shot himself dead with it 22 -calibre lifle. How the accident matured will probably never be known, as the boy was alma: in the house at the time, his mother being absent at a neighbor's, and an older brother at the Attlee. The latter heard the report of the rifle and ran to the house, only to find his brother dead on the floor. The ball struck him in the corner of the left eye, and lodged in. the brain. Death must have been instantaneous. • see EIOVINUO'S SENTENCE COMMUTED. _ An Italian Murderer Goes to Prison for Life. Toronto, Jen. 14.-Radeliffe, the lienginan, started for Port .Arthur on Friday night to hang 'Melted Eft:wino, Aged 28, an Italian, convicted of murder, who was to have been executed on Fri- day next. Oa Saturday morning it mes- sage was reeeived at the Provineial Sec- retary's Department from the Riteriff at Port, Arthur, saying he had been in- etructed from Ottawa that Eiovino sew. tenee lute been commuted to imprison- ment for life. DEAD 'WITH GAS TURNED ON. Friendless Englishman Conitaitted cide in Toronto Boarding Iliune. Toronto, Jan, 14. -Walter Young, an Englishman, who lived at 139 John street, was found deed le les heti on Sate Insley with the gas turned. on. Young was about 35 years of age. He went to the John street house as a boareer dur- ing the month ef Mallet last, anti hail been there ever slime. Little is known about him. Among the dead mitres peesessions were a number of prize book, which Ito Lae WtOlt for general proficiency at St. rave's t4chool„ Mile End Road, Lon. don, England. 'They bear the date 1888. BURGLARS SENTtilen. -- iltilssn and Catiton GiVt21 Long Terms irs the Penitentiary. AVinuipc:r, Jan. 13. -Magistrate Daly impoged II,. ivy SolliAllet'S 011 AlnatidOr ilNan tine Juline 'Carson, who were ronvieted on Setindsty en ffairfeell lif burglary, the former being senteneed to the pe»iteatiary fov eight years :ma the latter for fise retie. DIV '.1,t.ar was 1111111I to Neil:ones senterree, for perjury.