HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-01-17, Page 50 0 O 0 a 0 0 O 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 O. 0 O 0 O O O 0 0 O 0 O 0. 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 O 0 O O O O O 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 Big Bargains --,TN- 1�.1'S F11.1 COUS at Crowder's. IE you are in want of a good FUR. COAT, now is your time to buy. We have about sixteen Coats left, 'which we intend to clear out regardless of cost before stock -taking. There are in the lot - MEN'S COON COATS MEN'S BLK. CALF COATS MEN'S FUR -LINED COATS MEN'S BLACK. DOG COATS Also Men's Fur Caps, Collars, Gauntlets, &c,, which must go also at Cut Prices. If you live twenty miles away,. it will pay you to com,e here to this Fur Coat Sale, Men's Overcoats at Bargain Prices Bargains in Boots and Shoes 0 O 0 Men's Underwear. 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 O O O O O 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 0 O O O O O O O O. 0 0 0 0 O 0 0. O. 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 O o 1 0 Trunks and Valises o° 0000000000000000000000 The R. It Crowder Co. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 et 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HOW TO FEED FOR EGGS. The rules given below were prepar- ed specially by one who hats been nearly fifty years in the poultry busi- ness, and if they are followed the re- sult will be eggs at the lowest cost and at all seasons, says E. Stearns. {, 1. Do not forget that each hen is an individual; that no two hens prefer the same food, nor eat the salve quan- tity; in fact,•a flock of hens will eat more sonic days than during others. There is no rule or fixed quantity for feeding, as the work must he learned by observation. 2. Keep the hens at work; this is absolutely essential to success. When the hens run after you for food at all hours of the day it denotes that they are fed too much and are too lazy to work at scratching. 3. Never feed three times a day. Feed morning and night, the morning meal to be rather too little than too much. At night give a full meal. 4. After the morning meal, and at noon, if preferred, give one gill of mil- Iet seed ; scattered far and wide or in litter to make them scratch and search for the small seeds, to which both fowls and chicks aro very .par- *. For 10 hens, in the morning give one pound of cut bone with no other, food, and a quantity of corn or wheat at night for the first day, say Monday. The next day give one pound of cut clover, scalded, in the morning, add- ing a gill of linseed meal and a gill of bran ; at night give a half a pound of cut lone and a pint of wheat or corn. Always scatter the grain. The third day give half a pound of cut bone and a pint of millet seed, seattet•ed, in the morning ; at night a mess of cat car- rots, turnips, or beets, half it peck, sprinkled with half a pint of bran. The fourth day return to Monday's ration, 0, The proportions given above may be varied to advantage sometimes. For instance, the bone inay be reduc- ed to one-half and cut clover or roots st .tint d t,.. Wheat may be allowed corn ons ht and c thee g o next, while to change to buckwheat, barley or oats in place of wheat or corn will always be desirable. 7. In summer, for hens on a range, half a pound of cut bone to sixteen hens at night is all the food they re- quire, as they usually coine up with full crops. 8. Large hens, like Brahmas, eat more than sinal) Leghoz'ns, but the main point is not to over -feed. 9. Weigh one or two selected hens every week. If they are increasing in weight reduce the grain. 10. When feeding cut bone use the lean meat adhering thereto, but re- move the fat whenever possible. 11. Cut clover and cut roots will al- ways be found excellent substitutes for grain ; and bones, clover, and roots are the cheapest and best foods that can be used. A Question Often Asked. Why so many people feel worse after taking pills than before ? Trou- ble is that drastic pills are used. No remedial action is obtained, the bowels are irritated and dreadful con- stipation follows. In using. Dr. Hamilton's Pills yon are scarcely con- scious of having taken medicine. Al- though very mild, Dr, Hamilton's Pills do regulate the bowels. stimulate normal action of the glands, and create neither nausea, griping or vio- lent action. Positively guaranteed for biliousness, indigestion, stomach, liver and kidney ills. For a safe fami- ly pill rely on Dr. Hamilton's, 25c per box at alt dealers. -The longest canal in the world is in China. Its course may to traced for a distance of one thousand utiles, The longest wall is also there, extend- ing twelve hundred and fifty miles. The longest stone bridge is likewise situated in the Celestial Kingdom. This bridge is known as the Lion Bridge. It continues for five miles over an area of the Yellow Sea, and is supported by three hundred huge stone arches. The roadway is seven- ty feet above the water, and is inclos- ed in an iron network. A marble lion ten feet high and twenty feet Ion rests each g on a cateran of the bridge. THEW *41 HAM ADVANCE .. "THURSDAY, JANUARY 171 'Hews Items saasessoosos ---Twenty-seven thousand ,girls are employed in bar -roma In the United Kingdom, at least 7,500 in London alone, Most of these are under' 25 years of age, and above 10. Salaries vary from $1.2.1 to $3,50 a week, --In connection with the recent municipal elections in Ontario, by-laws were submitted to the electors of sev- eral towns and Jetties for the purpose of authorizing the local Councils to enter into agr'cereut with the Ontario Government Power Commission for the purpose of obtaining electrical energy from Niagara at rates under public control, -mere snow is said to have fallen in the woods of the Canadian North- west this winter than in the recollec- tion of men who have spent 50 years in the country. In places it is nine or ten feet on the level. It is feared that it will interfere seriously with lumber industry of a vast section, These can- not be cut close to the ground with- out great labor, and when Iogs fall in- to the deep snow they cannot be moved, - A WISE HORSE, THIS. Max, a horse of 10 summers, and the property of E. A, Mounteer, of Chat- ham, is worldly wise and intelligent far above his kind. On Saturday last the City pavements were covered with ice and very slippery. Max had a miserable tune of it, for his shoes were worn out encl.'s() could obtain nothing approaching a secure foothold on the ice. On Monday the pavements were as slippery as they had been on Satur- day much to the chagrin and discom- fiture of Max. The horse knew he re- quired new shoes, while his busy own- er could i11 spare hien for the time it would require for shodding. Bet Max would not be balked. While his driv- er was in the store at headquarters, and Max was for a few moments standing alone on the market, he made the move for the necessary shoes, Accordingly, when the driver Later wished to load the wagon, it was nowhere in sight. A quick search found Max standing in the doorway of the nearest blacksmith shop with an admiring throng around him. 't WONDERS OF THE BODY. The skin contains more than 2,000,- 000 openings, which are the outlets of an equal number of sweat glands. human skeleton consists of more than 200 • distinct bones. An amount of blood equal to the whole quantity in the body passes throngh the heart once every minute. The full capacity of the htngs is about 320 cubic inches. About two-thirds of a pint of air are inhaled and exhaled at each breath in ordinary respiration. There are said to be more than 500 separate muscles in the body, with an equal number of nerves and blood vessels. The weight of the heart is from eight to twelve ounces. It beats 100,000 titres in 24 hotn•s. Each pet•spiratory duct is one-fourth of an inch in length, the aggregate of the whole being thus about nine miles. The average man takes five and a half pounds of food and drink each day,. which amounts to one tori of solid and liquid nourish- ment annually. A man breathes 18 times in a minute, or from 350 to 400 cubic feet of air every day of his exist- ence. 1_ THE THOUGHTLESS TONGUE. The gossip is one of the most con- temptible people in the world. Everybody knows it and nobody wants the appellation. But develop- ing into a gossip is a wonderfully easy mattes and one of the short cats to the condition is to look for flaws in every- thing and everybody. You will never find anyone who is perfect on this frail earth, but you will find hosts who have much good in there and oc- casionally you find some sweet wo- man who snakes much of the good points of people and passes lightly over their failings. :Self-control is an admirable quality. Even though you know that your neighbor's husband drinks, you won't help matters any by retailing n the fact i g to another neighbor in the third house from you Even . though the woman across the street WH + A� 3 T I E A T has odd taste dress, you add no- (��%+' thing to the fund of good feeling on your street if you make her shortcoin- L 1 K E OTHER MEN DO? Ings the topic of your veranda chat. 1AlHY'T-li3ECMis'E YCU'HE A SLAVE TO DYSPEPSIA -- INDIGESTION -Off OTHER STOMACH DERANGEMENTS THAT ONLY CAN DE REACNED AND CWIED BY SUCHi A TRIED AND TRUE 1EntEDY AS Dr.lionStatesPinensappleTablets RELIEF' IN ONE DAY Ask half the men or women who pure fruit pepsin that is pleasant to have stonlseh troubles, why it is so take, ---powerful i11 the work it does, and they will tell you that they have -but as harmless as rnilk,•helps all to live In such a constant hurry that the stomach distresses immediately they have no time to keep ivr tl, vlf and will give good relief to the most the great army of stomach troubled people would take lir, van Stan's acute cases in one day. ---You go about I'#ne•appie Tablets as a traveling coin., your business, --cat hearty meals,- ;Won, from health stand point, life take all the pleasures as they conte, vouidheall sunshine,•'-tlieyareaveri- and ae you do so the Doctor plays his table vest pocket doetor,.--they art part and works permanent cures. directly on the digestive organa, -a 35 cents a box nt all Druggists anis Medicine dealers, DR. AGNEW'S HEART LURE GIVES RELIEF. IN 00 MINUTES GR. AGNEW'S CATARRHAL PoWDEt'2 Oro* relief in to minutes For Salo ]3y A. L. Thottraor. Perhaps there is bardly a ,more gen• eras favorite In the line of dairy prod. ucts than cottage eheese, and that tits favor has a NOW basis appears from, the tofowlug conclusions of the Mlu• nesote experiment atatfon: Pound for pound, cottage cheek* pre, pared with cream compares favorably in composition and digestibility with beef tied atter meats, One hundred pounds of skim milk and four pounds of create, containing 20 per cent fat, will make from ' fifteen to sixteen pounds or more of moist cottage cheese.. At 2 cents per quart for skim milk and 35 cents per quart for cream, cottage cheese eremite cost about 11 emits per pound and Compares very favorably in nutritive value with meats at the same price per pound. Where skint milk can be procured at a low cost, cottage cheese Is one of the most economical foods that can be used. The addition of cream to cot- tage cheese favorably influences both its nutritive value and Its palatability without increasing the cost above that of average meats. Upon tate farm where milk is pro- duced cottage cheese is one of the cheapest footle that can he used. Un- der such a condition it is more econom- teal to use cottage cheese made with Cream than It is to make the cream into butter and purchase meat. Cot- tage cheese supplies a large amount of protein and fat In a very digestible and palatable form. A. Varna Cheese Room. The accompanying illustrations show a homemade curing room. A ven- tilator should be arranged at the top to allow waren air to pass out. A good EXTERIOR OF CHEESE CAVE. curing room can be made by simply digging a cave In a clay bank where the soil Is stiff enough to prevent cav- ing In. The famous Roquefort cheese INTERIOR OF CHEESE CAVE. of Prance is cured in natural deep .caves where the temperature and mois- ture are nearly always the same. - American A.gricultasist. Dried sleet Pulp. Dried beet pulp is comparatively a new article on the market and is the dried residue in beet sugar manufac- ture. It comes from the sugar factory through an operation'briefly as follows: The beets are washed, then shredded into small, round strips and placed In lar, a upright cylinders, through whish hot water is forced, dissolving out the Sugar. This liquor is drawn off, and the pulp, containing about 92 per cent of moisture and 1 per cent of sugar, is conveyed to large presses, which re- duce the moisture to 82 per ceut. It is then put into large kilns and thorough- ly dried by direct heat. The drying process lasts about thirty-five minutes, and the resulting product Is sacked and ready for shipment. After extracting the sugar from the liquor which has been drawn off there is a residuum molasses, containing about 50 per cent of sugar, and a certain amount of this product Is mixed with the fresh pulp, then dried and sold under the nazne of "dried molasses beet pulp." Working the Hatter. For working the butter some form of table worker is best to use, The but- ter bowl and paddle never give as good results, because the butter will almost invariably be 'greasy owing to the sliding motion of the paddle over the butter, says a dairy authority. The table workers commonly used are of two kinds -one having a stationary bed and a roller, either corrugated or smooth, arranged so that It can be Passed back and forth over the sur- face of the butter; the other having a movable bed, revolving on a center, usually under two corrugated rollers. Both of these forms will do good work if the operator understands their use. Why Net Use Printer's Ink? ' 11 one stakes such butter as he positively knows is good -he must Sot merely think it Is good because it Is bis, but know it is good and why it is 0 od, and be able to make It fust that ay fifty-two times or oftener a year- nd wants more customers who are willing to pay a little more for quality, little money judiciously spent in ad- ertising is generally a profitable in- estment.---Exchange. tv a 11 yon knots something unpleasant about someone, try keeping it to your- a self. You'll feel better and cleaner v for doing it, Don't let yourself slip into the gos- sip's habit. If the gossip pours tales into your ears you know hcnv to v politely and quietly step Iter. And T after you have done it once site won't feel attracted to you, especially the la next time she feels like tearing people n' to pieees figuratively. Don't drift in- a to the terrible way of itnputing bad ti motives to people. Give thein the benefit of the doubt. Nine times out of ten they deserve it. Look for the good. You will find it. Don't feel that it is necessary for you to chatter is all the tithe. Keep eahti. Fill up n, your milia with beauty. Let the gm- ee Sips clack along their crooked, hideous 'iv way, but keep your soot as far above the slime as you possibly can. And then 1 Hier A e a practical side. Spend- ing p p ing time itlindfng other people's af• 11t fake leaves you Test time for tnanag- by ing your own successfully. by Cleaning 11111E 'Vessels. For scrubbing the surfaees of milk MOW a good brush should be used. here is nothing more objectionable for this purpose than a cloth, particu- riy the eloth that has been used for athiug the dinner dishes or the pots lid puns. .4. good hand brush can be urchased for a tete cents. Patel Blood Poisoning Frequently follows the use of cheap rn salves and phtstera, Tho safest the best and that's Putn,un's, Melt has a record of fifty years sue. ss. Refuse substitutes for Putnam's hick cost Mc In every drug store. I'1<GII Mange Prairie i Scratrlies g still ery form of eontagione Itch on tnlah or animals cured its 30 minutes Wolford'$ sanitary Lotion. Sold A. L. Hamilton. 1907 Minister Speaks to Mothers xellli inti WH.'s lixperlence tor tiro Sago of Other Sufferers. The following' letter has been sent to Dr, T. A. Slotun, Ltd., for pub- lication. the last two yeeaars :ayli if ((wile hi oft a delicate co,utituttott) has had two severe attacks of la grippe. bath of lath have been speedily a corrected etllicieneyvi your reineddiesltlatr88'8 family we use no other, For toning ups debilitated system, however run down, restoring to healthy action the heart and lungs, and as a speeiiic for all wast- ing diseasesyour i'sychine and Uxoraulsion are simply peericte. lours sincerely, Rev. 1.J. RICO, 01 Welker Avenue, Toronto. PSYCH INE, Pronounced Si•keen, is a scientific preparation, having wonderful tonic properties acting directly upon the Stomach, Blood and weak organs of the body, quickly restoring them to strong and healthy action. It is especially adapted for people who are run down from any cause, especially Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, LaGrippe, Pneumonia, Consumption and all stomach or organic troubles, It has no substitute. (PRONOUNCED' St-iccFN) is for sale at all dealers, at 50c and $1.00 per bottle, or write direct to Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, 179 King St. W., Toronto. There is no other remedy f c Just as Good "' as PSYCH1NE. Dr. Root's Kidney Pills are a sure and permanent cure for Rheumatism, Bright's Disease, Pain in the Back and all forma of Kidney Trouble, 25c per box, at ail dealers. Property Owners Will find it distinctly to their advant- age to make me their Agent, based on quick returns and satisfactory dealing. The following are a few of the many properties for sale: -- $.1050 11 story house, 8 rooms. good repair, rents for $90 per year, John St. $1100 and sofftfwa e , house, cellar, rooms, tent repair, Frances St. $1200 11 story now solid brlok house, eight rooms, comfortable home, Chas, St, $1250 soft story house, good location, rents and $102 per year, Victoria St. $1300 2 story frame house, splendid cellar, stable worth $300, fruit trees, rents for $102 per year, Leopold St. $1300 New Brick Cottage, 7 rooms, hard and soft water, Josephine St. $1 2 story houso, 9 roams, good re 1 `5� repair, a beautiful home, Scott St. $1950 2 story -Brick Cottage, 7 rooms, oleo- • trio lights, good stable, John St. $2000 1} story double frame house, ton ' rooms, all conveniences, Frances St. $2300 2 story house, bath electric lights, 2 . Minato St lotsreet.worth $1000, stable worth $500, $2700 2 story solid brick house, bath, fur- nacecould not he built now for $1000, Maple Street. If you want anything at any time in Real Estate, come'direct to headquarters. Money to loan on farm security, onlooma hallo The Leading Store We'll Begin the New Year With A 3ig Cut ?rice Su IN Ladies' Jackets, Fur Coats, Fur -lined Capes, Ruffs, Caperines, Muffs, Caps, Gauntlets, &cr, &c. Ladies' Cloth Ladies' Cloth Ladies' Cloth Ladies' Cloth Ladies' Cloth Ladies' Coats r Coats, regular value $7.00, for $ 5.00 Coats, regular value $8.00, for.....,6.00 Coats, regular value $10.00, for 8.00 Coats, regular value $12.00, for 10.00 Coats, regular value $15.00, for, 12.00 These Are Bargain Days In Furs. This is a grand chance to buy a nice Fur Coat at a great saving, See our iarge stock on the second floor. Prices range from $20.00 to $05,00. Men's Fur Coats Our Special Coon Coat, worth $55.00, for .,.,$45.00 A very good Coon Coat, worth $50.00, for .,,, 42.00 Bishop Coatis, very strong, from $15.00 to 20.00 Dyed Wombat (black) $30.00 for 22.50 Black Galloway Coats from $25.00 to 80.00 Wallaby Coat, worth $25.00, for ... 20.00 Clothing Department. --Big Reductions, on all Men's and Boys' Reefers, Overcoats, .Heavy Jackets, Suits, Pants, &o. H. E. ISARD CO. J. H. Chisholm REAL ESTATE INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT Vanstone Block - Wingham WINGHAM Flour Mills. We're often asked by farmers, which is better, to get wheat gristed or buy flour? Gristing is the cheapest; you cavo from 250 to 35o on each bag of flour, and then you will get our flour, which is the best. Our chopper is running again, and can chop from 4000 to 0000 lbs. an hour, so there will be no waiting to get your chop done. PRICE LIST : Five Lilies Flour, ?, bbl,.. $2,10 to $2.30 Prairie Rose Flour, , bbl.. 2.00 to 2.20 Star Flour, per i2 bbl. , .. 2.00 to 2.15 Cream Pastry Flour 1.80 to 2.05 Low Grade Flonr, ton20.00 to 27.00 17 00 to 18 00 Bran, per ton Shorts, per ton 18.00 to 20.00 Screenings, per ton 1S 00 to 20.00 Chop, per ton 20.00 to 25.00 Winter Wheat, per bush..., 080 to 70e Goose Wheat, per bush EOc to 62e Manitoba Wheat, per bush15o to 85c Goods delivered promptly to any part of the town. HOWSON, HARVEY & BROCKLEBANK. You Make A Mistake If you buy a Piano with- ont seeing onr stock, comparing ces au prim ticking into account the quality of the instrument. Alt the best makes always in stock -.- Ileintzman, Newcombe, Dominion, and others, Also Organs, and the very best Sewing Machines. 11 Greer Shorthand Toucii Twritig are two systems which you cannot afford to omit from your business education. In these days, when everything must be done accurately and rapidly, the system used must be the best and quickest. Gregg Shorthand is easy to learn, easy to write, and easy to read after it Is written. Our catalogue will tell you all about the system, and Is free for the asking. School term,: September till June, inclusive. Forest City Business College h R. GREGG, Y. M. C. A. Building, Founder Gregg System. LONDON., • h W. J PRICELDS., . DD.S. I DENTIST (Successor to Dr. Irolioway) Will continue the practice in the office lately occupied by Dr. Iiolloway, in the Beaver Block, Wingham, , .. 4 -11111111111+ -1 -i -l'!$'1.1.4-1. Cto I We are sole agents for sa Anyone desiring a ., the celebrated Scranton Coal, particularly desirable five -" which has no equal. per ceitt. investment, j - Also the best grades of • kindly call on smithing Cannel and Ito- • y nl.estic Cott and Wood of `€' ABNER COSENS all kinds, always on hand. 4 ► .4 .44,1***sssea+a*s. Agt. Loafs & Insurance I wiNaHAM We carry a full stock of Lumber (dressed or tindres- sed) Shin 1 .. , • b es, Lath, Cedar .t - • Posts, Barrels, etc. Machine fighest Price Maid for all Having a first class ntachinisr I ant i kinds of Logs. prepared to do all kinds of repairing on the shortest notice ; also castings ; Shade to order, 1 stn building ft few PORTABLE' SAWING MACHINES -they're some- thing new. Call and inspect before placing your order elsewhere. - David s' gall Solicit .'" hu. Atte l h C) �a'Vltl Bell d Stand ort •Victoria St. Steed -Opp, Skating Intik ♦144 W. G. PATON. ON Residence Phone, No, 53 Office ce ,i No. 61 MiNo. 41 J. A. MoLean r..