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The Wingham Advance, 1907-01-17, Page 1
oCot 'Stern$ $1.01 PER YUJI IN ADY CK Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers, Pr. Irwin will attend the County Council next week, as representative of Wingharn, Mr, Brooker, representative of The Toronto Star is in town, in the in- terests is of thate n ws paper. a y or. p For all kinds of School supplies, go, to Miss Fisher's Book Store. F. W, Tebbutt was caned by tele- gram to Clinton on Saturday, owing to the sudden and serious illness of his sister, He returned on Monday, the crisis having passed, and his sister im- proving. Mr, James Ford of town is recover- ing from the effects of a severe fall that happened to hire two weeks ago ; the services of a physician were re- quired, but Mr. Ford is now able to walk down town. feed) boiler. 1Hardand softd rwyo for sale. -E. Dennis, Wingham. A special meeting of the Women's Auxiliary of the Wingham General Hospital, will be held in the Council Chamber next Monday afternoon, at 4.15, sharp, to complete arrangements for the opening of the Hospital. Mr, A, Fleming of town while tea - veiling near Thamesvilie, Kent coun- ty, on January 8th, saw two farmers plowing ; rather early, we should say. Spring work has not begun yet in this vicinity, although the weather has been remarkably mild. BronzeFon SALM-A. Turkeys,; also Bufr f O pingtof ns and Barred Rack Chickens. -Henry Deacon, lot 30, eon, 10, East Wawa - nosh, Belgrave P. 0. A new furnace has been installed in the basement of the Town HaII, with all the necessary heating pipes, re- gisters, etc. It is one of the largest sire made by the Western Foundry Co. The contract price was $217, and the work of installation was done by Young & McBurney, The International Grand • Concert Co. will give a Concert in aid of Wingharn Hospital, in the Opera House, Tuesday, Jan. 22. Plan of Hall at W. McKibben's Drug Store. Open to subscribers on Friday, Jan. 18th, at 8.30 a.m., to the"keneral pub- lic, from 19th to 22nd. For wedding presents, wedding cake boxes, embossed doilies, finest canis and stationery, go to Miss Fisher, who is making a specialty of these lines at the "Big Book" store, The Hockey team went to Kincar- dine on Monday to play a League game. The Electric Light plant was out of business for repairs, and the ice not ready. Our boys might have claimed a default, but the Kincardine boys paid expenses,- and the Cham- pions will return there later. The North Ad4ins, Mass. "Herald" says :-"The description of Mrs. Hub - bard's many adventures Y t)re s was listened to with marked attention. Most plea- sant in manner, she had something interesting to say front a wealth of experience, and said it directly, sim- ply, logically, so as to delight her many listeners." To Bolznnns,. .4 carload of fresh Durham Cement to hand ; also the best plastering hair always on hand (eleven pounds to the bushel) at the Wingharn Cement Factory. -Simon Mitehell, Manager. The regular meeting of St. Paul's branch of the Anglican Young Peo- ple's Association to be held next Mon- day evening, avid be of a social nature, and an invitation lute been extended to the members of Blyth branch of the A. Y. P. A. to spend the evening with their sister society in St. Paul's sc looiron! n , A good. 1' g.L n will be re ndere dand r. • refreshments served. Every young lady, who is desirous of fitting herself so that she may be - tone independent so far as gaining ra Iivelihood is concerned and is judi- 010218 enough to prepare against a pos- sible day of adversity, should. read the new advertisement of the Wingham Business College. The dainty, butter- spoolady, f d tt rough life must notbeing it. Write tis and we will telt you the secret of our success, which made the attendance of this year double that of lest. 34T11 YEAR, NO, 21, The gingham Advance Opening Of Wingharn Hospital. Wingham Hospital will he open- ed on Thursday, 24th inst. The building will be open for the in- spection of the people of Wingharn ▪ and vicinity, nn the afternoon and evening of that day. The Ladies' Auxiliary will take a collection at the door, and will also serve lunch to the visitors, The Ntu'ses will be present on the afternoons of Thurs- day, Friday and Saturday of this week, and each afternoon of next week, to receive any donations that the generous people of this vicinity may feel disposed to con- tribute, such as pillows, tray - cloths, napkins, apples, vegetables, butter, dishes, groceries, etc, All such contributions will be grate- fully received, Contributors will please enelose their card with their gifts, in order that acknowledg- ment may be made. The work of fitting -up of the building is nearly completed, and fifteen rooms are bout really. Aside from its value from a medical standpoint, Wing - lam Hospital will be a standing in- dication of a prosperous town, in- habited by a progressive and gen- erous people, COUNCIL MEETING. The First Session of Wingham Council, 1907, Opened With Prayer. The newly -elected membersTown n r Stahl Monday, i 14th inst., atet, as e 1 a. m the tnenbers present except, McDonald, The Councillors signed the tie Linn of office, apzl the Meyor the meeting to order fpr bi;sigess Ooeln, Gordon suggested that, members of the Council were p sadly Christine Moen, it week] be per to eorregce the year's hes wilt prayer for Divine guidance bossing, This rotasrotas agreed to b) t'oencil, and Co-.nKerr led in pr Clanton - Kerr --That the R 4Coun. Gregory and the mover eontntittee to strike the standing k .tolttees fat' the year, Bell -Nicholson -an etnendine That the Mayor, Reeve and C Gregory be the committee, The yeas and nays being taken, amendment was defeated, the Mi giving the casting vote. EVENING} SESSION, Council met at 8 p, m. ; alI the m hers present except Coun. McDon The Mayor called attention to rules of Council. coeret ueneaTro' 's. From the Sick Children's ldospi Toronto, •soliciting a grant • it. filed, on )notion of Omen. Nichol tend Reeve Irwin. From the Manager of the Caned Bank of Commerce, asking fora sh of the Town's business -referred Executive committee, on motion C gens. Gordon and Nicholson, From ena Teeswater' Council, asking the no -operation of Wfngham Council to secure if possible improved mail en- numodation along the 0, P, R. be- een ' I'eesw:)ter and Toronto. On motion of Couns. Irwin and Nicholson the Mayor and Clerk signed the en- closed petition. The Clerk read the report on the submission of the Dore 13y -law, show- ing -number on list entitled to vote - 4(i0; votes east -303; for the Bylaw - 30(l; against --57; necessary to catty -`276. Reeve Irwin presented the report of Striking cotntnittee, as follows: - Finance committee The Reeve Conns. Gordon and Kerr. Waterworks --The Mayor, Couns. Gregory and Nicholson. Roads and Sidewalks -Courts. Xi,'e11, Gregory, McDonald.f the te, an All Conn. clat'ta- caalled las the rofes- pro- iness and the aye?, eeve, be a corn- nt)-- oun. the tyor em- a ld. the ti}t, svgs son ion are to of `Tice Mayor declined to tact on the etv ' _The -s r 1 a l p it t o Werke, AAA report OW 3 t ry s t , i "i emended by making that committeeconsist of Latins, Nicholson, Bell and McDonald, The report was adopted as ietrrended, on motive of Gordon and (I 'ogory, ly-law 550, to grant aid by way of loan to the Wingharn Carriage Co„ was read the third time and finally passed. The Mayor named the Executive committee -The Mayor, the Reeve and Coun, Gregory, By-law 560, authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to bort•OW money for ems - rent expenses, passed its several stages, ',Sleeve Musgrove, of Turnlerr•y, ad- dressed the Council coneerning the taxes duo on the 1'.lectrie Light plent of the Town, expressing a desire for a definite settlement, On motion of Couns. Nicholson and Kerr, the mat- ter was refet'red to the Executive. On motion of the Reeve and Coun, Nicholson, A. R. Musgrove and R. Venstono were appointed Auditors at a salary of $30 each, and a By-ltew cotfiirnxing the appointment passed. Mr. A. T)ulmsge Was appointed 4s- scssor, 41 tate serve stilet• a es islet year, on motion of Couns. Bela and Item, Rev, T. S. Boyle was Appointed ember of the Poblio Library -Board it three years, on notion of Colons, r'err aed Gordon. On motion of Couns. Nicholson and the Ileeve, 0, S. Reeding was appoit;t- ee nit the llonecl of Health, nod I)r. J, Xl, Merdotntict Medical }lenntth Officer, 1)r. Kennedy's term as High School Trusted having expired, he was reap• pointed for three years, on motion of Nichol:ron and the Rem!, Thutcb 'News The Westminster Attila of St, An- drewv's Ohnrell on Monday evening voted $100 to the Endowment Fund of Queen's University, Kingston. Mr. Geo. Mason conducted the ser- vices at Jatrtestown ,oil Sunday even- ing last, There was a good attend- ance, and all joined lietrtiiy in the service of sacred song. Rev. Powell lI of Brussels e t b, t is will preach in 'aVinghani Methodist e*itnrch next Sunday, morning and evening. Mr. Howson will preach missionary sermons in Brussels, Missionary Livings. Lest year, Wingham Methodist Church surpassed all other Churches on this, oe adjoining districts, in Mis- sionary contributions, Tho amount raised for missionary purposes was $716.50; and it is hoped that this year the givings will at least equal, if not exceed, those of last year. Kincar- dine's figures last year were $190,03 ; Lueknorv, $230.25; Goderich (both Churches) $009.75. Wingharn fffetho- dist Church could of itself support a missionary in the foreign field, if the effort was made, Annual Meetings; U - On the afternoon of Wednesday, the Oth inst., the annual meetings of the W. F. M. and Ladies'Aid Societies were held in the lecture room of St. Andrew's church, After very en- couraging reports of the work of the past year had been read, the following officers were elected: Woman's :For- eign Missionary Auxiliary -President, Mrs. D. Ferric ; 1st Vice, Mrs. John Porter; 2nd Vice, Mrs. John Carnp- bell; Secretary, Miss M. J. Macdonald;. Treasurer, Mrs. P. S. Linklater, The Ladies' Aid Society --President, Mrs, Alex, Ilnss ; Vigo -Pres„ Mrs, D, Per- ; Secretary, Miss G, Lockhart r Treeser•er, =Hiss J, Waddell, Salvation Army Work, Here ere a Mw figures to show one year's work of the Salvation Army among the different prisons in Cana- da; Interviews with prisoners, 119,081; prisoners prayed with, 4,320 ; employ- ment found for prisoners, 6255 ; prison- ers helped with food, clothing, lodg- ing, etc., $855; meetings held in pri- sons, 370; professed conversion, 705 ; religious publications given to prison- ers, 5,880 ; hours spent in prison work, 4,500. The prisoner's in Huron county jail at Goderich are not forgotten. The S. A. officers visit the jail weekly and try to cheer the hearts of those who are shut out front a place of wor- ship, by their songs and testimonies, The Wax' Cry is elect presented to each pz•isener weekly. WEST HURON TEACHERS' SALARIES. How the Minimum Salary. Provision Affects This Inspectorate, therehere Inspectorate lapub1 c school Huron tions. There are 10 assistant teachers employed in these schools, tnatking 106 teaaehees in the rural schools of this inspectorate for 1907. Under the "minimum salary" scheme, 27 sections must pay the pa•incipal $500; 38 sec- tions must pay $•150; 27 sections must pay $:100, and 4 sections must pay $350 each. The assistants must receive at least $300 each. Four principals and three assistants receive more titan the minimum sal- ary. In Osborne township all the teachers receive $500 and in East Wa- rvanoeh not one receives $500, There are nine teachers in each of these rmtttfeipalitks. The total atuotutt of the sepries of the 100 rueel politic salon teecl;ers in West Huron, for 1907 will Ile $14,024, wpm!)is $22a more: teen the soul of the rninigrilrzt s;daariesc In 1000 the surd Paid the 100 level teachers was $38,1140, and in 1003 it was 87,750. The ;general laza township ash• b rt t 1p )rof) levied section 11 (2) and(1906a these 100 teachers amount to $30,800. The further stint of $15,225 for teach- ers' salaries )mast be levied by special rates on the different school seet.ioans. The sura of the Minimum salaries is $45,800, being $7,440 more than the salaries paid in 1.006. There are sixty schools or &patt- ments of the 1.06 list whieh have alnd tenihave chanrs ged twice since 1000, ditto, THE INTERNATIONAL, BRAND. This Concept Co. is without doubt the choicest of the course, and should be one of the finest companies that has visited Wingham in Many years. In aid of Wingltant Hospital, Tuertlay, Jan. 22nd. Curtain raised at 8.20. E Surgeon, wilM. l .b e r til McK Eye be n's drag store the first Tuesday y in each month ; hours, 2 to'0 p , tn. C,z.tarect, srltlint, failitl gg eyesight, moll catarrh, deafness, freed noises treated ngd gltn- iey,erft visit ioaTsb;*1hreay i lsitit'its. bard -To Wingharn, on Zan. lith, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Istir& a son. Swanson. --To Winghatr►, ,Tan. 11th, to Mr. and Mrs, Chas, Islwanson, n eon. Mete/tn.-In Wingharn, nit gnndhLy-. Jan, lath, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos J. Motettart, n dfughtsr. WING -RAM, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1907. The Local Markets. Wheat, 08e to 70e; oats, ale to $e; dour, $2 to $2,60; bay, $10; corn, $1 a hundred weight ; butter, 220 ;. eggs, 22e; fowl, Mono offering ,• live hogs, $0,25; wood, $2,50; coal, $7.20. Hockey Games. Two Hockey sones will be played here next week in the chainpionship series. The first will be played on Monday evening, 21st, inst., between Wingharn and Morriston ; the second on Friday i laY evening,t n g,Jan. 25th, t between Wingharn and Mt, Forest. The boys will he pleased to have a full atter'. dance, and expect to hold on fast to the Championship. The County Council. The County. Connell will meet in Goderich on the 22nd inst, The chief interest centres at present in the selection of a Warden. The arrange- tnent in the past has been to elect a Conservative one year, and a Liberal the next, If this arrangement is con- tinued, the choice would fall on a Lib- eral. In any case, the Liberals have a large majority of the thirty-one mem- bers, nearly two to one, if we are cor- rectly informed.. Interested in Winghaut The Advance is in receipt of a letter from Rev. C. C. Koine of Courtright, formerly pastor of Whitechurch cuit, renewing his subscription. He enjoys residence in Lambton county. He says -"The river here is vety pretty, and in the summer, boats are continually passing, There is a great deal of transhipping done here, and the dock is lively. We have had no snow yet, and everything is mud, mud, mud. I am pleased to note the progress of Wingham, as to the High School and Hospital." D, M, Gordon's January Sale of all lines of Fors at oast, Is on now ; also Ladies' and Misses' Coats, Youths', Boys' and Men's Clothing and alt win- ter goods will go at cost or under. Come to this great sale. Oyster Supper. Binevale L. O. L., No. 766, will hold an Oyster Supper and entertainment on .Friday evening, Jan. 25th. Sup- per will be served from.0 to 8 o'clock in the basement of Btitevale Metho- dist church. Then an interesting pro- gram will be rendered in the Fores- ters' Hall. W. J. Greer, P. C. Mas- ter, will preside. Among the speak- ers' expected are --A, 1I, Musgrove, Rev's Boyle, West and Baker. In- strumental and vocal musk will be rendered by Miss Chisholm, Miss Baker, Mrs. Johnston, Mr. Stewart, Mr, Bowman and daughter. Recita- tions will be given by Miss Polly Duff incl Miss May Peacock, A very plea- sant evening may be spent with No. 700; the members will he pleased to weloome friends from a distance. Ad- mission to supper and entertainment, 25 cents, Agricultural Society. The annual meeting of the North- western. Fair was held in Wingham on Wednesday of last week. The finances were found to be in good shape. The receipts for the year were shown to he $1,242.19, and the expen- diture $1,102.69. The amount paid for prizes in 1006 was $508.30, as compared with $442.25 the previous year. The following officers were elected :--Hon.- Pres.--Jno, Elston; Pres. --1V. J. Hen- derson; 1st Vice -W. J. Currie; 2nd Vice -D, B. Anderson; Dit'eetors-Jas. Henderson, L. H. Bosnian, Wm. Max- well, W. S. Linklater, J. A. Morton, John J. Moffatt, Geo. Cruickshank, John A, Currie, T. M. Henderson ; 4; hors -John 4, McLean and Robt: Ottrrie, join. The new regnlations re- giarding Societies were complied with, and the name by Well the Fair has been known will be continued. The Directors hope for another successful t and , will oil 1 the • ri.•. unitedly Matte dIY will t th t a . e) din view. Kaiser, the jeweler, has a number of good second -hated watches, all in good order, which he will sell regardless of their value; also has two good 0 ft. silver show cases for sae. Call and see them. 1AersonaI8 j A. E. Bradwi(n of Toronto was in town on Friday. Mrs. Sparrow of Willisctoft is visit- ing her dattghter, ,Mrs, Jas. Isard, R. 3. Bark of Toronto was the guest of Mr. Geo, Mason for a few days this week. eheRaines t wekwitLcknad Donganno friends, Mr, Oscar Sparrow pf Ethel spent', few days last wea=k with his slst4r, { hers. 345,' Isetcl, toint. Treacy of Min Creek, AXanir b t, is visiting his mother, Mrs, 1,, reite' of town, Miss 4, Carrick went to Toronto last %yeek to regain until the spring millinery openings, ltti, end Mrs, Cleo, Ross of Ailbet•t Pli;ins, Manitoba, were visiting! at Mr, 11, fliunllton s this weep, The editor of the Advance spent a few days in Arran township, last week, visiting his mother, ?tl:r. olid Mrs. Jno. Bell of Brandon, t anent tak ed that I am gelling below prices ; no trouble to shote This Thursday Evening. This evening Airs. Leonidas Hub- bard gives her lectuz n "A Woman's Way Through Unkn ,vn Labrador,,, in Wiaglzatu Methodist Church, under the auspices of the Epworth League, The lecture will be illustrated by views from photos taken by Mrs. Hubbard during her perilous journey. These views will he thrown on canvas by lantern slides. Miss W, Alba Chis- holm, Miss Horautlr and Mr. F, Hill have kindly consented tel render solos, and a peasant evenings entertain- ment is .anticipated. Admission, 25e. Lecture commences at eight o'clock. Scarlet Chapter. L. O. L. Scarlet Chapter met in the Orange Hall on Monday evening and elected the following officers. After the business had been concluded, the Sir Knights r•ephired to Moore's res- taurant, where they enjoyed the oys- ters and social conversation r-- %V.'C.---John Davidson. E. W. 0,-Wtn. Guest. Chaplain --John Qlenn. Scribe -•3, McNevin. Treasurer -F. H. Rodents. ls, S. N, IC. A. -Allen Fralick, I. H, --R, Rankin. O. II. --John T. Latnonby, Eadies' Congregation. The annual report of Eadies' Presby- terian Church, Turnberry, has been issued. It shows general receipts of 1602,08; contributions to Schemes of the Church, $140.66; other receipts, $40.60. The Sabbath School is presid- ed over by 111r. 3. Hutton and its re- ceipts were $33,48 ; the W. F. M. S. raised $47.32. The Session report shows the membership at the com- mencement of the year to have been 98; removed by certificate, 0; died, 1; removed beyond bounds, 4; added, 17; present membership, 101. The pastor is Rev, W. J. West, 11f.A.; the Elders -Francis Lewis, Thos. Aitken, John Hutton, H. Pearen ; Managing com- mittee -J. Stnith, G. Fortune, C. Mit- chell ; Treasurer--Fz:ank Lewis. Death Of Mr, McGuire. Mr. Jaynes McGuire, for many years a prominent figure in our town, passed away early on Wednesday morning. For some time past he had been con- fined to his home by bronchial trouble that affected iris heart. He was one of the early settlers of this vicinity, having been a resident for nearly forty years. He was identified with the Liberal patty in polities, and in religious matters adhered to the Ro- man Catholic faith. For many years he was Clerk of the Division Court. He was a,kind neighbor, and possessed many excellent traits of eliameter. He leaves a widow and two sons : Prank, in the Nest, and Edgar, Teller in the. Bank of Haanilton, Winghatn, all highly respected, The fnnerttl %vitt take place on Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Possesses wonderful medicinal pow- er over the human body, removing all disorders from your system, is what Hollistei•'s Rocky Mountain Tea will do. Makes you well, keeps you well, Il5ntsTea co or Tablets. Ask your druggist. Declines To Consider. Rev. W. G. Hooson is in receipt of a Ietter from the Recording ,Steward of an important Church •in Toronto, asking if he would take into favorable consideration, an invitation to become pastor of that Church. Mr. Howson's officials and also his entire congrega- tion will be pleased to know that he promptly replied and r'efusecl to con- sider any such invitation, stating that he was perfectly satisfied with Itis present church relationships, Since coming to Wingltant, Mr, Howson has endeared himeelf to his congregation, by his able and deeply spiritual expo- sitions of the Word, as well as by his faithful pastoral work, and friendly intercourse co Ctrs e ry ttiz his people. We feel sure that we voice the sentiments of the entire congregation, when we say that we hope to see Mr, Howson te- main in Wingharn for the full pas- toral term of the Church. Business Changes Hands. A business change is on the tapir this week, the R. ,1:I. Crowder Co. hav- ing disposed of its successful clothing and gents' furnishing business to R- S. McGee and W. A. Campbell, both for- inet'ly of Wingharn. These business- like young merchants have hosts of friends in Wingltam and vicinity; they are respected and enjoy the eon - Hence of the community, hence they commence business under favorable auspices. Mr, Crowder has built alp a successful trade by extensive and jn clicious a(Tve•tising, backed up by a good clean stock, and close attention to business, Stock is naw being taken and ars soon as that is completed the business passes to the purchasers, The Advance wishes Messrs, McGee and Campbell sueeess, Mr. Crowder has to take a trip to England, on ac- count of the death of hts father, awl is not yet decided as to iris future. Ite is all energetic citizen. Remember Tiaieer, the jeweler, is selling watches, cloeks, jewelery, sil- verware, ere,,, regardless of peiees. All gtx)tle rnn't be sold as 1 ant going out of Jeruelety business entirely and e goon, with tate. ('all and Men„ atdct Dr. and Mrs, Agnew, and ( be eonvine Min Chitlley of (Tinton, were guests ( wholesale at'Mr, John Agnew's last weak, 1 gotals, Additional Hospital Donations. From wholesale business houses :•-.- R. S. Williams &Sons Co,, $100; Ellis Furniture Co,, $5.00; Imperial Rattan C`o., chair, $5,00, From Wingharn Old Roy$ :-Crowell Willson, $15.00; 3, 0, Dallas, $5.00; Wm. Colley, $5,00. From residents of town r ---David Bell, $25.00; J. A.. Taylor, B. A„ $25,00; Geo, Carr, $10.00; Wm, Bone, $5,00; Elmer Moore, $5.00, Since the above was in type, two other subscriptions have beer; received -Rev, Jas, Kenne- dy, London, $15.00, and Mrs, Ken- nedy. $10.09, Another Pioneer. Mrs, Thos. Wallace of West Wa- wanosh, one of the earliest pioneers of the township, passed to her reward on Saturday last, after an illness of seta era months. Deceased cane to the township many years ago, and assist- ed in clearing np the farm on which she died, Her first husband was Thos. Crane, who unfortunately was killed in Godet'ich, by a load of grain falling over on hint. Her second hus- band was Thos. Wallace, who prede- ceased her by some years. Deceased was highly esteemed, and having been one of the earliest settlers, was known far and near. She was identified with the Presbyterian Church. The fun- eral took place on Tuesday to Wing - ham cemetery. She leaves no family, and was 73 years of age. A Saskatchewan Event. One of the most pleasant events of the season took place at the Metho- dist parsonage, Alameda, Sask., on Jan. 2, when the Rev. 0, H. Cross united in the holy bonds of matri- atony, Miss M. Caroline Brandon and Mr, Simon Forsyth, both of Frobisher. The bride was becomingly attired in a costume of pearl grey silk eolienne, with trimmings of chiffon and appli- que. After the ceremony the happy couple drove to the home of the bride's brother, Mr. W. L. Brandon, where Mrs. Brandon served a most bountiful repast to the immediate re- Iatives of the bride and groom. Among the presents, which were use- ful and costly, was a handsome gold watch and chain the gift of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. Forsyth have taken up their residence on Mr. For- syth's farm near Frobisher. The best wishes of the community follow them to their new home, SALM-Csh slaughter sa enof Dress tGoods, Purl, etc. -G. E. King, From Los Angeles. The Advance has to interesting let- ter of friendship front Dr. W. B. Tow- ler, who with Mrs. Towler is winter- ing in Los Angeles, California, The doctor says he is enjoying the mild and salubrious climate, but is some- times lonely. Ile would like some morning to drop in on old friends in Wingbant for a few words of business or friendship. He is pleased to hear through the Advance of the welfare of Wingham, and the Church, with which he was so long identified. Flowers rs • are blooming out -doors, and there is neither ice to chop, snow to shovel, nor cellar furnace to care for. Recently fires have been necessary on account of a few days' damp weather. Rains have fallen plentifully, but these rains mean wealth -storing up prosperity for the country, piling up snow on tite high mountains, for sum- mer rivulets. Fuel is at a premium ; coal (when it can be had) $16 to $20 a ton ; gurn wood, ten inches long, $19 a cord, Los Angeles has grown so rapidly that the gas supply is inade- (muate, ,and as the citizens use gas to cook with and to heat their residences, inconvenience follows when the "gas is off." In such times cold meals are the result, yard many go to bed to keep warm. Dr, and Mrs. Towler re- side in the Routh -west residential part of ti te,' eat near L Y. the Southern ei' h n Cali- fornian University, and attend the University AI, E. Church, where Rev. Dr. Healy (a Canadian) is pastor. Los Angeles is growing very rapidly and has made wonderful advances during the past two years, As in alt large cites, visitors find themselves 'some- what isolated, so it is in Los Angeles, and Dr. and Mrs. Towler, while en- joying the Californian weather, with its roses, oranges, etc„ etc., look back with pleasure to the associations they enjoyed for so nsatty years hi Wing - ham. Weerret,.-•-• Will pay the highest price for chickens and hens, to be de- livered any day except Saturday,. --.W, At•rnoue & Son, CLEARING AUCTION SALES. On lot 12, eon. 4, Morris, on Tues- day, Jan. 22nd, a quantity of fait» stock. There will be no reserve, as the proprietnt' Is going west ; ten months' et'etlit, Jno. Little", proprie- tor ; R. II, (larniss, auctioneer, Extorts! ye sale of stock and impde- nlettts on lot 11, lst. line of 51or'ri8, on '1%'eduesdey, Jan, 23z•d; twelve months' credit. The implements are all nearly »ew ; no reserve, :Ly peo- t t,t actor has sulci his ftirtus. W. M. Cornell, proprietor; It. 11, Gerttiss, auctioneer. On Thursday, January 211li, a clear- ing :orale of stork anti implements, i o lot 28, eon. 8, East Wawanosh ; terins, nine tii%t zthPIpiieor SgongVesIrn ary. Albert Stem, prolirietoe; John Purvis, auctioneer, Walton lMcKibbon (The Druggist) t'ar The Leading Shoe Store ani The kind of Shoes yon read about. That's our kind. You never read about poor Shoes, do you ? Hardly 1 After all, it's the Shoe that furnishes the proof of what's . I said. We could write pages of 1 things about our Shoes and stick to the truth, and still some peo- ple would doubt it. Come, see our Shoes -Men's, Women's or Children's, and let them speak for themselves. They're here to prove] what we say. No going back on this "prima facie" evidence. SER US FOR TRUNKS AND VALISES. W. J. GREER Ikur isommuse maw 4110311•01111110 J p?33a,aa aa3,3:A3 3aa.,?..aaat33?i333 r M m * New . ata 9t Aja lk 0) O lar Goods nal r,Ra oar !ft LN rat Makrearnignennagaigelar ib m Call and see our cont.COtnti plete line of Colored Slippers for Women. We have them in tai m blue, gray, pink, navy, ;w green, and white. an et m !te oar da 1.11 is RI is n; Also Pelt Shoes and u Slippers of all kinds Xi i0/ In In for young and old. ea !Fi 4r G _ iii 41 ...._._ _..- :... lit 93, !hti iio JohnstonV a fit 114 gl :k 4s Macdonald Block ooi f Bare r<,ciEs01E140*Eieest;tsiicrrEe 11, The International °rand Concert Co. Ts thoroughly representative of its title, with an international personnel inducting the f;ttnous Lyceum stars, GEO. CRAMPTON The thrash Basso Canteaute RLISBNA PALLAVTCINT The Distinguished Italian Violinist MATY PEYTON The Scotch Southern Soprano JOI It S. NEAPN The Ateerieen Pianist Opera House, Winghatft Tuesday, Jan'y. 4444.*•tit••• Ix flaw Are Your Eyes TI your Eyes trouble you in any way it will pay ;felt to 8C(I us regarding them. We Test Eyes Free and gtrtr<r;ant:e© all our wotk, No guess work with us. Wallep's Drag Ston