HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-01-10, Page 2-
i it, !the merolleare foe Ot 49041114, IS I.Suiletie.
'nada)? Now tile sigma Wats suistir
‘,00, LS [I). Hai teruipted the won= when eh
was lel*. the %ell,' fittdok pet
INTERNAVLONAL 30 m JAN. 077(1 4747{)
at tile weakest=trt.itlfe oomeeralita ta
a faseinating
Puanufaeturea are preparing for a big
ET 5eenaelliur: a 11 Tr4e11. is ItXtulierl avlialt the
eurroundiug eountry.
r- I (reiRP 0 Loaf wholeealera have good orders for
Ottawa --Trade la seasonably quiet.
pent. Ile does not wane la (lemma*
Aiwa mai and God,. r mix fornvivith eksven 'foist. Not by startling
s -Os events, slo% Staten overtheow us. Tho receipts of grain to -day wore fair
'heat is unchim ed with solos of 200
AS A, It Shupe:en euggeete, Satan% first bushel* or goose at 66 to 67tt. laerley SteadY1
14). The serpent --"That it wag a real
eerpent in evident from the plain and art- qualified "Yes," ft eamplete aseeat to eltangctl, 200 bushels selling at 30 to 40c,
spring on baud and prospeots are ter
ro Olt, . 'TORONTO loalta71448'
manifeatations bat la (amnion
CloiaMentary.-I. The temptation (vs. 2..A.Uar, "retie bath. (404.1. Sate (v. 1). rushels of Fall nit :i8 to 73e, and of lea
evora was an uribluehine lie ZOO bushels sell! t 53 t 0
a good trade. Collection* are general.
V good,
The Wingliam Adyn
Ma. Hall Proprietor.
She is a Sister of Harry K. Thaw and the Murder DR, AGNEW
Has Destrbyed tier Ha iness
, oat un- 14,18 o c. Un- PP.
Isms style a tile history, (ma from the everything, lie was about to queation oma
j at W 40
Many allusions made to it in the New dally. He took sides with Eve Ile pre- Per lb., and new laid cage Pt 43 to 500 nor
Testament. But the material serpent fers to fight front -our Ade of* the field.
Am, would eataer work from CI '" dralel` 111:Qftallitve Ysuapuplyi., and easier, with sales
was the instrument or tool of a higher 71
a .11vtan of VO loads at $14 to $15.1:0 a ton Mr timothY.
agent, Satan, to WhOlilthe saered writers pulpit .than whim pi, trona,
'the seiment,"the ela dragon.'
mune of • aressea ho.s aro firm with light quoted
tarawat SID to $12 for mixed. Ono load of
apply from this incident the repro:101W aaaeannaaa aaaa. 00tztrayics :Iola at 715 ton.
Though ;Moses makes no mention of the
eat his. Tromison an <elms end ilia at ete aud helty/ at 88. CA
the visible world, 'yet in the fuller dia. ; 4 "Yo elr311 not no., swim man. '4i3
Lae , (te 4). Natal), dared to WI Eve that Ise., goose, bush. 0 66
cox -cries of the gospel, it 1$ distinetly
intimatea that Satan was the author of she might diso'bey God's precept and not OMB. 0 33
the plot." See John viii. 44, It. Cor Faaaltaa, araaalaea life -„ (145535.
John iii. 8, L ia Reir. XX. 2. when Owl had foretold ,cleath. Yet eche Day. timothy, ton 14 00
hI die spiritney ot once, and /4rysit. • Do., mixerl, ton ... 10 00
More subtil-Serpente are proverbial for .,10:1
wisdom (Matt. x. 101. But "these rap. „,1 et• afterward. The devil promatel, "Ye
getipa.w. per toll • ta • • • • • 14 00.
4s --
tiles were at first, probably far superior • as gods; but omitted to add Alsike, fancy, bush. 0. 30
that to be. lord of her own life two:- Do., No, 1, bush. ... 0 00
in beauty as well as in sagacity, to what
Do.. No. 2, bush. „6 75
they are in their present state: He said ter of her lam weal Lo the greatest Ro_d clover, new 7 25
---There was in the bosoms of the first peseible curse. He maueetled the feet
pair no prineiple of evil to work upon, that with tho newly acquired knowiedum Timothy. bush. ... 1 20
Old," 6 50
and this solieitation to sin was an Pf "0;001 awl evil" eate veinal lose (*Wire Mused hogs „ 8 60
effort to induce them to do what at to tie good and port•er to resist evil. To- tiozen g 45
first migla appear to be loaitinlate; and know evil ley becoming evil le erer a Doe creagery -. E
ite the tentpter eoul.1 not assmw. the muse. "Wila oats" yield only sin owl geldeltene, :Mosso, o 10
Mallen ferm, there being only one Aaiun adeena. "Men have looked bite the era- -"ekE' dressed' •"' n
awl Eve in the world, the agency of an ter of U. 1'o:elm° and none nosso ox,
inferior creature heal to be employed. piere without efnillik.f:r back."
rnim the woweea-Though sinless and 4. A slenderer. "owl don know" (v.
hely, she WaS a free agent liable to be 5). Ile mansel Goa of faleehood end
temptea. Hath God said -"Is it true reproached His .power and gooaaress.
that he bath restrietea you M using the "God's law eannot be reartmelad tuVleRs
fruits. of this delightful place? This is it be fleet misrepresented." It is 'holy,
not like one so gooa. and kiwi. Surely ena just, and goer (Rom. vii, 12).
there is some mistake. insimmted "Gooll," hence the permission "Of erne, -
doubt as to their sense of the divine will, •tree of the rides •theu n 1 a
and epee:teed as an angel of light' (II, eat" (it 10
evieke(1 spirit, giving only the history of ' 3 • " it I • .les _of "1110 17.0•,,,10;if. De., red, bush,
' 'et, whito. ush. ...$ 0 12
en. . ) ; foly, theme the pro -
Con NI 14), offering to had. her to the lillatien, "Of the tree of knee loan! f
. n „ee o
tin' interpretation." eceel and evil, thou shalt not eat 4:4
2. We nuty eat -"Eve resists the first (Gen, U. 17); einstee lime the ,peeialta
assault hy looking; at the largeness of aia that thou eateet there -
her privileges. God itais given ne the of thou shalt surely (Bea
fruit of the trees of the garden, and II. The sinner. "The woman sea -
there is a vat amount of pleasure for
forbiden thing, end not at the great
blessings they were enjoying."
3 The tree --"The tree of the knowl-
edge of ged ana evil' (Gen. ii. 17.) R
WM pieced, in the garden as a moral
test. The object was not to cause their
(harden., but to test their integrity.
Satan tempts; God tests. Tempting im-
plies a desire that the tempted shoal('
yield and sin; testing implies the desire
that the tested should stand the test.
Strength and courage are developed
through tests. Those who have no trials
and tests are weaklings. Shall not eat
-Eve shows that she is not in doubt re-
garding the restrictions placed upon
thew, or the penalty that would follow
if the connnand were disobeyed. Eve
nuide a mistake in parleying with the
tempter. The one who stops to talk
with Satan is on dangerous ground. The
only safe way is to "resist- the devil'
inetantly. 4. Shall not surely die -
Satan now COMOS out in his true charac-
ter is "the father of lies." In this he
tacitly appeals to the fact of her own
immortality, it fact nada she may well
be supposed to be aware of. But God re-
ferred to spiritual death, or separation
front himself -and the devil knew this,
hence the enormity of the Iie. A half
truth told adroitly is often the worst
kind of a lie. "Death as the wages of
sin (Rom. 23) includes net only tem-
poral death, or tae death of the body,
with all the ills attendant upon a state
of mea•tality, but also spiritual death,
or the alienation of the soul from God
who is the only source of spiritual life
(Epb. ii. 1); and, lastly, everlasting
death, or final exclusion from God and
holiness and blessedness (Matt. xxv.
5. God doth know -The tempter re-
flects apon God, as though he were un-
willing to permit-. them to enjoy the best
things. Opened -And so they were to
the fact that tbey dlost the purity
of their moral character. Instead of be-
ing open to new visions of happiness,
'wisdom, glary and knowledge, they were
open only to sin, misery and remorse.
See vs. 7, 11. Shall be as God (R. Va-
lle object of the tempter appears to
Imre limn to persuade our first parents
that they should, by eating of this frait,
become wise and powerful as God, and
be able to exist forever, independently
of 'lima -Clarke.
T. The fall (v. 0). 0-. Good for food -
The temptation was threefold corres-
ponding to 3. John ii. At first the
temptation was to eat because it was
pod for food, corresponding to "the lust
of the flesh." .A delight to the eyes (IL
V.) -An appeal to the higher sense of
beauty -"the lust of the eye." She was
at last completely overthrown, nsiw
confluence of all those streams made
such a current as swept the feeble will
completelsr away; and blinded, dazed,
deefened by the rush of the!stretun, Eve
W21,5 carried over the falls as a met
might be over Niagara." -Maclaren. Un-
to her husband -Adam sinned with his
eyes open. Paul says he was not de-
ceived (1 Tim. ii. 14.)
TIT. The voice of Ceod (vs. 7-13). Af-
ter their fall their eyes were opened and
they knew thet they were naked. They
were COM cloys of guilt and unworthiness
in each other's eyes and in the sight of
God. Instead of turning to God for for-
giveness they endeavored by their Oven
efforts to cover their sin and shame by
milking aprons. la„ Serpent beguiled
--Deceived me by flattering lies. This
Aln committed by Adam and Eve was.
'whams and aggravated. Tt was, not sim-
ply eating an apple, but a love of salt,
dishonot to God, ingretitude to a bene-
factor, disobedience to the best of Mas-
ters -a preference of the creature to.
the Creator.
re'. A great promise (vs. 14, 15). 14.
alion art mused -It is believed bymany
....tr ,gave" (v. 0), Eve listened
le fee devil's "Yea" instead of God's
saw a thing good, pleasant and
desirable, where Gott had said there was
aeatb; took of that which God had for-
bidden; maltiplied eVil by passing the
temptation on to others.
1. Eve listened. Her omitting, three
important words in her rendering of
God's commandment showed that she
!tad entertained the deviPs insinuation
In her heart. 2. Eve looked. She did
lot turn away her "eyes from beholding
vanity" (Psalm 119: 37). She "SOW that
the tree was good fur food." 3-. Eve
teak, Her sin is aptly defined by it
lino laborer of England. When asked
an infidel how God could be suppos-
ed to destroy Adam and his descendants
enly for eating an apple, be replied, "it
was not that our Bret parents had eat-
en of some kind of fruit it was :that
they had disobeyed God," 4. Eve gave.
When we sin, we drag those that are
aearest down with us. Sin is horribly
eontagious; terribly defiling, sadly pro-
III. The shame. "They knew that
they were naked" (v. 7). The first ea
.feet of sin is shame. They rnade them-
selves aprons. Symbol of the miserable
'excuses of the vile, the selfaighteous-
ness of the moral, the "filthy raga" of
every sinner.
IV. The search. "Where art thou"
(v. 9). The change was not in him, but
in them. He came "walking" deliberate.
• as one slow in anger; came "in the
cool of the day," not at midnight, when
fear is doubly fearful. "'The Lord God
called unto Adam." The Savior sought
•the sinner. -
Is. The sentence. 1. upon the ser-
pent (e. 14). Sin curses everything
league with it. Ever to be an object.les-
son of the awfulness of sin and the cer-
thinty of retribution.. 2. Upon the wo-
man. "Sorrow. ...subject" (v. 10, mar-
gin). A mother's pangs; weakness and
anguish in the perpetuation of the race.
A wife's subjection; her will yielded to
thnt of her husband. 3. Upen the mai
ha. 17-19). He should eat with sorrow,
toil, fatigue and distress until disease,
clecay and death should bring him to
his grave. 4. Upon the earth. "Thorns
....thistles"' (v. 18). Man partook of
earth's forbidden fruit, and haa forever
in its euree- of thorns 'end thistles a per-
petual reminder of his fatal transgres-
sion. A. a M.
White Star Co. Changes Port of Call for
Its Vessels,
Lendoia Jan. 5. -The Mite Star
Steamship -Company late ,alllocated the
Adriatic, Oee.anite Majeatie and Ten.
tenle to Southampton instead. of Lir-
eimool aa a port. The :reason given is
that the tompany wishes to meet the
glenvinee demand. of travellers for facia
ai:s to embark and disembark at
emtinental or Southern Britielt port,
thus at -Wiling, eroseiner the Chenael.
lace route MY. now be from Sedth-
mpton by Way of Cherbourg and
Que.mstown. On their return from New
Yerk the steamere will call at Plyinouth
awl. Cheraoitrg, and then proceed to
Lo..11,11, 'Sfruiltwoitern Railway
has to bliild a (leek t ameta-
ameton 113 ones ie. extent, It evial be
400 feet wide and have, it eleath oe
,,ace, of water et any state Of the tiae.
There wili be five quays, two of theta
.1.0Z0 feet long. naves will be re-
Tectively 010, 515, and 405 feet long.
Ilmy wit' be cepabie of berthing! tit on(fale
y o the mammoth Canon' line
tint before the the Eorpont went eteentere, Meta:title Lusitania, now
upright, and had an entirely different 'building,
form from wbet be now has; others
think that his form was the same, but UNITED STATES IMMIGRATION'.
that niter the fail "his attitude became
a badge of shame and reaulsiveness.". ., a il ion Aliens Entered in Last
Fiscal Year.
Irem being a model a grace era ele-
gance. it has become the type of all that
relione, diegnetitg and low. 15. En-
mity -This entrft stilI odds; mankind
loathes and detests everything of the
reipent kind. Thy seed -Evil spirits and
wieked met. Her sed -An annsion to
Christ and his churell. Bruiee thy head
-"The serpent's poison at lodged in its
head, and a bruise On that part is fa-
tal. Thus fatal shall be the stroke Whielt
Felton shall reteive from Christ; though
it is probable, he dM not at first tinder-
etend the nature and extent of hie
doom," Bruise his beel-The serpent
ue mole theheel erlishos AM
so Satan would be permitted to tiffliet
the humanity of Christ, and bring suf.
fering and persecution on his people.
".te the iterpent was but the instrument
of the devil. so the mirse pronounced
Us a &oiler applieation to t-htten and
hie seed. The basentes, the crawling, the
dust -eating, and the heei-biting of ser-
pents eymboline the habits of the old
80'14%10. the 'Head' and 'heel' trey
de tote the strong contrnet between the
methods of contest of these tufo eternal
1. Tale solvent, t'Irlie
al'ashington, Jan. C. -The fiscal year
ended june 30, 190d, produced it record
rding to the annual report of Frank
• l.targent, the United States .Cointais.
eloner-General ef Immigration. //Meg
, mind, tee report says, the popeda-
tion the tailtea States was inereneed
ny lite of 1,100,735 anntigrant
eaves, whilst 05,618 non-immigrant al-
iene entered ts ports, making the total
edmiesione 1,100,353. The increase aver
!net year's mum'', of 1,059,75,1 (1,020,490
alb-ne plus 33,250 transits), was 100,-
• • - •
Young Hainilton Township Oirl'e Burn*
Prove Fatal.
. Cobeurg. Jan. 0. ---The death omitted
LL Nieholl's Hospital, Peterboro% of An.
ale Little, eldest daughter of 'Mr. film
Little, of Hamilton. About, month ego
while lighting n fire the little girl, who
woe nine years old, was severely burned
by her clothing eatching on fire, 8he was
retool:ea to the Ito:spit:11 and at first ep-
metrea to be getting along well, but her
fia.e Txml nod had made" (v. The einistitution WWI not strong, sind death
ts sifter, a teat person, an apsessabs arse. resulted from her injuries),
t ys, per b. ... ... 0 11
Apples. per bbi. 1 50 2 70
Potatoes, ner htis4. D 70 035
Cabbage, per dozen ... 0 30 . 0 .50
Onions, pe.r bag .., ... 0 75 080
Doef. hintioParters ...... 7 00 7 21
Do., forequarters ..........4 75 6 50
Do choice, carcase ... 7 00 7 25
Do.. medititn, carcase ......5 50 6 00
Mutton, per cwt. ... 8 00 9 00
Veal, per cwt. ,.. 9 00 10 00
Iamb, nor cwt. 0 00 10 OD
London-canadian cattle in tho Eritish
markets are quoted at Llo to 141,0 per lb ;
refrigerator beef, Oc to Mc ner
101:10v.erpool-John Rogers & Co., report Can-
adian steers at wale; Canadian ranch:zi.
Vlour-Manitoba patent, $3.73, track, To-
ronto; Ontario, 90 per cent. patents, 82.62
bid for export; Manitoba patent, special
broads, st.so: strong bakers', Si.
WInalpea-Futures closed yesterday: Jan.
72c bid, May 74740, July 7510.
Dun's Review; -The new year opens briy,ht
with promise in business circles, no execs -
sive Stocks being carried over, and results
of inventories fully equal sanguine maid,
nations. At many points the holiday inter-
ruption restricted operations, but these de-
lays are now over and the only retarding In-
fluences are the scarcity or labor and traf-
fie. blockades. Money markets are still firm
yet there is little complaint regarding the
promptness of mercantile collections. It is
nottheable in dispatches from the
West that there was less than the customary
lull in business during the holiday season,
while bargain solos aro rapidly disposiug
of the moderate supplies remaining on hand.
In the leading industries contracts on the
books are very large and plants operate full
time, except where materials and fuel cannot
be secured or finished produets cannot be for-
warded to consumers. There is muck com-
plaint from northwestern flour mills on this
Point. and export trade is also restricted
because grain and other merchandise fail
to reach the seaboard promptly. To this
delay may be atributed part of -the decrease
of 11,740,665 in exports from this porth for
the last week, as compared with the move-
ment a year ago, while imports exceeded the
very' heavy total for the previous year by
laity. July.
New York ... .t. 81% 8134
Detroit :.. 89 771/2
Toledo 781/2 77%
St. Louis ... 74%, 73%
Minneapolis 75% 77%
Duluth . .... 77% 78%
8 0 73
0 '13
0 00
0 67
0 40
0 51
16 70
11 60
16 00
6 05
6 85
7 75
6 00
1 SO
0 00
0 32
0 16
Kingstom-The figures. have been prepared
for tho past season of the Prontenac Cheese
Board, and it is said that some 4650,000 was
returned to the ./ariners all the result of the
cheese industry of 1006..
1 Bradstreet's Trade Laview,
Montreal -The general trade move-
ment continuos a little on the quiet
eide, but it is merely a temporary re-
spite, as, • from all appearances the trade
ot the coming spring and summer is go-
ing to be one of the biggest ot. rood,
The retail trade is showing its confi-
dence in the general prosperity by plac-
iug huge. orders for spring lines. Mann-
lac:timers! in certain lines, particularly
in drygoods, ,have taken all the orders
they will be able to fill this season and
there is little chauce for relief from the
high prices which have been ruling for
; these commodities. For the most part
the weather was held very well and a
f good sortiner, trade is expected to open
out for winter lines shortly. Collec-
tions are generally good. There is a
big business being :done in hardware and
metals!. The market for steel .and iron
holds firm. with brisk demand.
, Toronto -There is still soniewhat of
an after holiday tone to wholesale and
and "retail trade berm Added to the
quietness usual to this time of the year
fjome effect is felt from the unseason-
eble weather prevailing. The retail
trade in winter lines is generally slow
• ena the wholesalers fincl the sorting
tilde rather less active. In other parts
of the country there is, however, excel-
lent, sleighing and this greatly helps the
retail movement in all lines. It was
these fine weather conditions that made
December's trade the Ingest ou record.
'I here is reel activity hoe in the way
of preparetion foe spring business and
emearal metaitions whelesalers
to Lope that business will this year be
even 'heavier than that of twelve months
aea. In all lines of drygoods orders al-
. reatly pletea have been exceedingly
heavy. Silks are unusually active and
hold very firm. Cottons and linens also
hold up well. Deliveries of the hitter
are still inelined to be slow. Hardware
moves well and groceries are about
eteady. leae are advancing. Values of
cenntry products hold steady to firin.
Winnipeg -In the absenee of trade
ectivity wholesalers are busty stook tak-
ing end it is generally reported they
sie nmeh pleased at the result of the
year's business as shown forth in the
annual inventory. Trade has a quiet
tme end it will continue ao for tWo or
three weeks but the outlook tor the
seneon is exceedingly favorable.
Spring oeders are large and deliveries
will continue shortly. Collections are
fsir to good.
Isaneativer and Victorie-Blisiness con -
Unties agave all along the Oast. The
Juniber business is keeping brisk. .Good
melees for next spritg ere corning In
eltheugit thie season's orders nth not yet
filled. There is a greet demand for
heavy railrmal timber e mid lumber
prieee generally are :expected to go high.
or. Generel wheilesitle trade is mov-
ing well, Values. in all lines aro well
innintained. Collections are good.
(Sliebee-Now that the holiday trade
ie over tietive preparatione aro uncler
wty amongst sthe retailers for atock-
taking. The year, as a rule, hem beet
entiotrietory And favorable results are
expeeted. Travellers have again start-
ed. on their various routes and whole-
nalere look forward to ,orders coming
in. No immediate improvement is
noticed in tounify colleetions. Local
inditetriee are fairly -well employed.
Trnmilton--Tlus gonerat n v t ef
trate is quiet. The weather is unfav- A
(nettle for spring btisinese; all Mies of
•••••,41* -1.1,11,5
New York, Jan, .cable despate
ONTARIO BA NX MONEY BEING to the World from London says Lad
ACCOUN_TED FOR, rarmolltli• who Wag, Alice Cornelia, That',
it sister of Harry la. Thaw, bus confine
T ki is Their Cue Front the Advice of bIll
4 nherself in almost min-likeeseclusion
Counsel of Marshall, Spader Sci 1,1ter brother killea Stanford White,
Haltering her anguish alone, euttbie
Other Brokers Desire Their Dealiags bereelf off from the society of la
With Mr lac= to be /Copt fill. friends: anti the brilliant life to wide
vate. her position es it peeress entitles her, 81
hoe grown thin and lost the piquane
of expression that her friends rememb
in bee. Since the tragedy of last Jul
she has not been seeu in Londom an
while at first she politely avoided frien
now she has shut herself up in the Ya
mouth county estate at Park Hall, Se
ford Priory, with no pretense of meetin
them. Queen Alexandra heicelf was s
touched by the evident auguish of 41
peeress that she-eent it personal messag
of sympathy to her, through Lady Ile
ford, mother of the Earl of Yarmout
It is remarked that she bite not bee
eeen. outside of the gates of the Prior
since the news of the murder was eca
veyed to her, with tbe single osceptio
of her trip to lIarrop,ate, where she wei
in the early fall for her health.
Whatever may be the result of ti
trial of her brother, it is Lady Ye
mouth's attention to bring her moth
here and to take her to Italy for thre
inonths quiet, away front the news
the world.
It ituAvos THIAL, Office :-Upstaire In the Niecdoste.14$
Five Witnessee Will Teatify for the
:e New York Jan. 7,--Aceortliog to en
f ancement ye.tid...iy it is psis.
titsalSy settled in the 13411d Attorney
It Mice just what would. be done by the
1•8 rusetittion resenting its. ease against
t'Ae".11i w for the intlivier of Stan -
From the prosecution's standpoint, the
trial trill be a short one. Aliont five
d3 witheesee ae examine', ill preeenting
the direct ease, These witnesses will
,tell of the shooting and the events Hist
isappenect on the. Madiaon Square root
10 gassiee, It should. not take more than a
iew hours, it is said, for the prosecu-
tion to put its entire, dircet case., It
ib will be simple story of the killing,
ria -awing that Waite wee ellot :at a table
y wit ile watehing the porfOrillaneo wititout
nEy cleave of defendieg
have the defeuee exit PllI1 the kitIing,
Tailless there is a change in the preeent
10 plans the crucial part of the trial will
r- COMO in the rebuttal. For that prepare-
er Hens ;have been made by the Dietriet
O Attorney's office. Di5triet Attornev
of Jerome will have .charge of the ti.lal,
assi,sted by Mr. Garvan.
New York, Jan. 7. -Proof that On.
tario Bailie money was paid out to the
: accounts of New York brokers at the
request of Mr. Charles McGill, is found
in the .statements of the stock market
dea/inge here, new placed in the bands
ef the Toronto commission for use in
the Canadiancourts. The dealings of
four firms alum Messrs. Ladeuburg,
'Mimi= & Conisiany, Marshall, Slimier
IS;, Company, Cuyier, alorgat 03 Company,
and Ches. Heed & Compauy, ran up over
it million dollars, and these are not
The specific amounts are: Ladenbarg„
Tealinan & -company, $483,500; Mar-
shall, Spader & Campany„ $3;35,000e
Charlee Head & Company, $232,000, and
Cuyier, Morgan &7 Company,. :$229,000, the
total being 81,281,500. The Canadian
leaukere' Association say that -the total
is $1,614,800, and are suing Mr. McGill
for that. amount,
Sight drafts dotting the account here
and there tell the story of moneys paid
out to the former manager of the woeelc7
cal bank. lactegnizing the urgent ne-
cessity of finding out just exactly what
e-teh item 111041W, Corley went over
the voluminous brokers' statements. In-
staucee when heavs losses were incurred
and some where the dealings netted a
profit were reviewed, the investigeeion
lasting nearly the whole of 'he doe-.
Takata the cue from the advice' .of the
coesel -tor Marshall, Spinier & com-
pany, who declined to make their l•rsi eb
Sf the inquiry publie et Wednesday, the
broaers petitioned the commiseion to
make thew investigation equally private,
mid representatives of the press were
not allowed to be Decant.
Tareeds of the stories related behind
the closed doors of the apartments en
Wall street, however, were pied
end it is admitted that a clear account
what transpired Is had. Thp ac-
count of Mr, McCall with Cueler, Mer.
"an & Company interested the commie -
sten, who . questioned Mr. A. 0.
Vangluan, the representative, cloaely in
regard to special eatries. of sight drafts
for $0,000, ranging in sums from a25 to
82,500, eald to have been personal pny-
ments to the former bank manager. Mr„
George P. Mellick, named tn, the com-
mission as the represettatiact of Laaan-
burg, Thaiman & Company, isan Florida,
and the examination of the accounts of
the company could not •on on it his ab.
sence. Mr. McGill La% no deilimee
with the company in the last, three
Marshall, -Spader & Company mune
forward with their wain account with
Me McGill. It was in 1904 ana Meted
about a year, being dosed eat; ay
carrying the 'balance over to tie gen-
eral accoant. The transactions &ming
the year totaAlea $30,000, and there, WaS
a special transfer to the accoant of tains of the human beings and atmos
V. C. McGill of $15.000. The work of pheric suerciundings that we were con
the commission will be eondecled 4""). :fronted with when we met. the Doak°
merrove morning With the receipt of a bor Josue, accompanied by some of hi
statement of 'Charles Head & Comp my. disciples, and Moses, the wonderfu
The commission leaves for Torontio to- leader of the Exodus from bondage an
morrow. slavery into the promised land, flowiu
• • C. wi 4h milk and honey, now in compan
-with Adam. •
"Of comae, we all know that no mai
since' His Ascension has seen the jesu
of our Bible lore, so that the. picture
awl paintings, some of which are con
sidercd among the most eemarkable et
forts of artists' work since the begin
Moses and A.dam There, Also -"Russian
Quakers" All Men of Peace and Gen-
tleness, Except "Adam," Who Seems
Full of the Spirit of the Otialial.
Pottsville, Pas --"Me Jesus; Inc no
hate; me love; me, me, goou, good!"
Yes, we saw Jesus and that was weat
he said, is the story a party of rate -
villa residents tells of a visit ot
tion to the, Doukhobors or Itueelan
Quakers of Manitoba, Canadt.
alesides 'Jesus", they saw "John the
Bnptist," "Peter," "Moses" and "Ada,"
and $0 surprised, were they by the 're-
appearance of the men Who el 1,2uttl to
respect those seared personages that
they could not bring theinsehe e to the
point of saymg. 'It' is not so."
Neturally„ theee deel tradoue mtty
cause heughter, but 0110 of the party
sa'yasi't first go -off it may seen a good
topic to -amuse you. We originally
thought so, but before we. were thrmigh
with the Doukhobor?, we were filled
with awe and solemnity, To this min-
ute. eometimos we think it all a dream.
We cannot begin to describe what We
81171', tor can we fully repeat, to yoil
what we heard, nor is it at all possible
for us to imitate the quality and infec-
tions of the'
voice •the expression of the
countenance, and the apparent, 'unusual,
maybe, holy-, possible stterilegiens or hy-
pocritical aspect, .or 'the ethereal super-
natural, demoniacal or imbecile condi-
15 expected nod has been prayed for all
these. centuries.
' "Yes, Jesus, John the Baptist, Peter,
Mosee and Adam were all there in the
jail in the Royal Canadian Mouuted Po-
llee Fort, at Regina.
"Tito man wile called himeelf Jesus
stout with heavenly-- a countenance
es any Christ -like depiction we have:ever
seen or read of, his hair hanging down
111,1 haek; his clothing was a long coat, or
duster, covering a shirt and pantaloons
cd some 0110111) denim or crash Material,
and sandals on his feet; beautiful, clear,
milky -white teeth, regularly and evenly
eet in gums of strictly healthy appear-
ance, with lips as soft and effeminate
as those of the daintiest beauty, and.
with nostrils thin and nose partially :n0-
(111441110, .beneath eyes that were a hazel
brown, and through which the light
of the life back of them shown with a
calmness, serenity, love and all-pervad-
Mg gamines that neither, man nor wo-
man can seldom, if ever, imitate or equal.
The brow showed breeding and brain
culture 2-bitthegreatest literary can-
e:vier could well envy, and with the Lee°
partially surrounded and eat off by a
hirsute growth that hail never felt scis-
sor; or razor ana whieh appeared flaxen
and silky. The fingers -were long and ef-
feminate, the nails were long and et-
as if it manicurist had jast finished his
periodical labors.
"His voice was sweet and entranc-
ing, and bow we did wish that we might
be favored with ae. intelligible converse
with him, but there was no regular
interpreters about, end our interview
was restaieted to an almoet incomphe-
hensible amount of shoulder shrugging„
gestieulating with the hands, bowing of
the head, and an effort to communicate
by a jargon of broken English.
"The cell had no furniture other than
_ a, wooden shelf about 15 inches from
the -cement floor, and on this wooden
s shelf was a block of wood for a pillow;
there was no -covering; there was no
,, stool; there was nothing there to occupy
: the attention of the inmate, who, when
6 the door was closed, was in at solitude
Y ' akin to that of the grave, and with no
opportunity of passing Ins time other
1 than what would have been at his COM-
: nfgutl. had he been oue in his cot-
• "And yet the Doukhobor Jesus had
- not one word of complaint to make to
• any one. His constant reiteration was
"Me love, me good, me no hate." How
- be did try to explain things to us, and
how almost to the bursting lie fieented
to endeavor to get out the words that
he wanted to speak to us in order to
have us understand who and what he
was. He could undostand some of the
English questions 'WO pUt to him, and
when we asked what he lived on, he
•eaehed down underneath this leaf or
shelf and pulled out a little rush plat-
ter »n which there were some raisins
and some almonds. We smiled at this,
and he smiled, too; and took up one
of the raisins and ate it and we did the
am; and how pleased he was, aim
vith what a commanding superior, pa-
riarcbal loving air did he shake our
lands to let us know Mit there wee a
ond of friendship between us.
"The commander of the post saia of
-1341.heeny. are rounded up periolically
nd sent to the different posts ill oder
o keep down the influence that they
vould have upon the ecneral run of
Doukhobors, who implicitly believe in
hem, and who would follow them to
lie ends of the earth without any
hough of the moment or the morrow.
These men have done nothing wrong
ther than that they claim atdare look
d upon as the leaders of the Douleho-
or religious fanaticism, and we must
imply incarcerate them from time to
bre in order to stop the marches and
tinting for the Holy Land or the
Teaaen, or the new coming of Tesns
ri et.
of the Doukbobors. are ready
o -accept this MR that ealls himself
estts, and as flu as we can see he lives
s hear to the clarracter hq claims to
epresent as anybody tan.
"Over on the other side, the man that
ktims to be Adam has the old adam
ning of the world, which present wha
Envoy With Message of Hope to Mos -
are ternaal. representations 'and like
lems Arrives at Alexandria -Sen- ,aro
of how Jesus, the Christ, an
ouly Son of God, looked when He was
on this earth are ideal as no Man lives
who could form any true conception o
how the Savior looked; yet it has al-
ways been the wonder of the world that
the originators of the Christ pictures,
without and preconceived united effort,
collaboration or *consultation, have
without the knowledge of each other
originated a style of counteance, man-
ner of personal appearance, aud sig;
nificance of 'leodily adornment, !which col-
lectively depict the Saviour Man as He
ie supposed to have looked.
"These same noble, loving kteatures
seemed to be represented in. the count°.
nantie of the one who said to us up in
Cada that Ile was Jesus and we teak]
hardly get ourselves to the vonditiou
of spying emphaticatly "it is not so,"
"Well, it Waa in a, jail that we MN
JOSUS in Canada, and of all that we
liecuel then and sinee about him we know
nothing to critical° ban for except tbe
eta fact that he says that he is Jesus.
come to the eerth again.
"In a conornon call he stood, but no
shackles on him, and when the door wits
flun gopeu for its by the keeper, who
mnrelied on to the adjoinine apartments
end paid no epparent heee evaatever to
the fact that as' he weut along the line
and opened door after :Thor he made it
noseible for the initiates to make break
for freedom, commit asault on the vis-
itors ox• do something that might be
regretted for time.
"As soon as this thought 'Amick us
we spoke to the coinmandant of the fort,
who was escorting us through the vari.
one building's, and bis firm answer was,
'Have no thought of these people delve
anything wrong.'
"Think of that, eominglom the hea;'
jailer, who in this inetitnee was one of
the brightest officials connectea with the
military arn: of the Canadian Govern -
jail, 0. -Through trent, who fully recognized that he had
IluritliungkIn°oIlWn cause, but probably by hie own reputation to maintain and his
tittles to perform, and yet ite comae-
gt18 ve0raloI. Y11 '101 0( el: ytf 1111 eSirel Winoski, some time last 570 ttlibee trnvin(Lci:itosrnatItioinional,ii..0:11,(ttieentowaiiaeaidripo;
Poifl'etiejlehirgineinIlLtilTegsme111; nalteefi the opening of the prison doors
uiglt th
itseifdx apeolitIlloyfil,ateetamstilsiteineantiroef
,tliey e10418:(011 berm.' Yet here were
Devmn&s brother men who it MIS coesidered necessary to
broke into the house toeley, but it 18 ti;leue,anrctoirtealtne
theeght that Devine was 1.0118ea by the
UdIder guard, 11132 yet, wh�m
.1111aterinr1.,jailers said, 'They will do 'no
escapitg gas and was attempting to es-
hIVIty ie We (lone is the best of our
cape when he was overcome. His body
wits found on the floor beside the bed,
.tsry about tbe Dotikhobors of Canada,
with the mouth stuffed with mitten bat -
otherwise known ne the Paimalan Qua,k-
in War, nor violeriee, nor the use
lea, who lead ae pure Ile is ioss•
Me for man to live, who do not believe
France in Exchange Gets Territorial of pirate, nor medicine and wl
Concessions in Durniah,
ocussi Confident That Large Army
Will Soon Reconquet Egypt, Tunis
and Algeria.
Neev York, Jan. 7: -The Herald has re-
ceived the following cable despatch from
its eorrespontlent at AleSandritt:
SaIch el Khalida, President •Ited
gate of the .Central Committee of the
[Auntie Union, who was reeettly expell-
ed from Tangier and Timis by the Freneh
ilovernmett, arrived here • from Ben-
ghazi to -tiny, having travelled two
months and a half overland by way of
I have just interviewed Sakti. ne de -
0111108 to divulge the object of his visit,
eta, helas credentials et the head oi the
seuomesi sect, ithich enabled Iiim to
travel through, Tripoli with the greatest
Cat ity. •
He reports that great' exciteinent pre-
vails - throughout Cyrenaica owing to
• eews. from the Meld', who was believed
to have died four years ago, is still alive.
'rleelitiwed me a copy of a letter .address-
ed all SOTIOUSSI monasteries, relating
that the head of the sect bed: been seen
reccutly in the guise of a dervish in the
neighborhood of Abeam capital of
This letter sends a message of hope
to the Senoussi, adding: "The time is
Immo:telling when Moslems will be rid of
Members of the seat are firmly con-
vinced that theiv chief is still alive„ and
will soon leave Rolm at the head of a
large army to cower Algeria, Tunis
aud Egypt,
Father, Mother and Four Children Dead,
From Gas Poisoning.
Melbourne, Jan, 6. -The Aet, on the
outilority of missionaries, steal thet
Franco has ceded Tithiti to Great Bri-
tair in consideration of terrtaielet r on emu(' of them really. are or imagine
esections Burmah. Mr. Doak:a, Prime themselves to be, inspired 'of the Holy
linieter uf the Commoa 7 alter t,f (hest end feel impelled to *salute eller-
osier:Jim has, he toys, no inf rniatrori actere told of in the Bible, and whose
on the subject, again, at least by certain setts,
eo Closely foRnwing mit the Biblical in-
Ancetien, 'Love your neighbor es your.
"Why, then, are they put in prison.?
;simply beeaume in their religious. fervor '
in liOn, and we most watch him very
elosely. john the Baptist in 1110 newt
cell wants to sing and peeneli the whole
time. Ire is a both talker."
Bangkok, Siam, jan. 7. -The Chinese
trading quarters :of Bangkok have been
clevasted by fire. It is estimated that
the loss will amount 'to about $3,000,000.
Bangkok, tho capital of Siam, Is sit-
uated. 20 miles from the mouth of the
Menani Itiver. Many of the houses are
htlilt upon rafts, a single raft frequent-
ly supporting eignt •or ten homes. Part
of the city, however is of modern eons
struction, having ieleetrinilluminnt
luta electrie tare while lines of etectnt
railway run in various direetions. Tho
business of Betiekok 48 largely in the
bands of the Chinese, who are about as
numerous tee the native Siamese. The 44. I
timates of the population vary between
250,000 and 000,000.
Night cells anewZreel M, .Is,
P. KENNEDY, mow 4440.o.o,
Romper or tn. nratith As4c41,,,,
Special attention gate to Diseases of Imago'
Ond children.
Orirras 1104341:-1 Co ; 7t,,.
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Physician and Surgeott4
gm, with Dr. ebishobst
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nsylvania College and .fIcentlato of
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afoney to loan at loweetrates. °Moe
7-95. WINGBA.3f.
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Barristers, Solicitors, etc.
Office: Meyer Blec
Datil y Ifol es
Office :-Morton Block, Winghaves
Head onies Gura..Pg, Dim
muss taken on all classes of insurable pre
Porty on the cash or promhosa note system.
1.,lare3( Gomm, CHAR. Davroso7r..
Prosideoi., &me:Lary%
J01.4141 RITCHIE,
A.(47,NT. 01.71
t•1 ' TRADE itilaRa6
pauvieeilciltyloasn ei:rptraohbiaobiliyr
AnYonesending ca sketch and doseriptton may'
tIons 1E11 eV y confidential. HANOBOOK on Patents
sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents.
Pntonts taken through Munn Sc Co. receive
spccial notice, Without champ, ia the
Cienlif it Jimericatio
A handsomely illustrated weekly. I.argest cir-
tulattbn of any scientific journal. D'erniS. 23 a
year; four months, $1. Bold byterrierisdemers..
MUNN & Co 361 Broadway, Now York
uranch Office. 425 13' EL Washington. D. 0.
„....r.,.t.s ..., ...,,, _...
PREPOPIlv Se'lliiRE.:El
'Write far our interesting hocks "Iny,ent.
a ; • b,,,.., d ___ ., -
or's Help" an 1 "low you aro swindled:7
Seud us a rough sktteh or model of your in-
vention or improvement and we will tell you
free our opinirm as to whether it is netball&
patentable. Rejected applications have often
, bees successfully prosecuted by us. UM
/conduct fully equipped offices in Montreal
and Washington; this qualifies us. to Iprompt-
ly dispatch work and quickly secure Patents
as bro I cl as the invention. Highest references
Patent.. procured through Marion & Ma-
rion receive special notice without charge iu
over leo newspapers distributed throughout
the D ntinion.
t sess uf Manatee-
tUrors and Engineers.
Patent Experts: and Solicitors.
Elificest f New York Life fl'id'g, rientrcal
i Atlantic Blog.Washineton D.C.
France Has Order -ed Four of New and •
Superior Type.
Pella, Jan. 7. --The Admiralty has or-
dered the construction of four eithmatine
cruisers,which are to be saperior to
any ex:teeing type of similar veseels.
They are to be of 800 tons, to have -a
speed of fifteen knots on the eurfaee and
ten knots belotv the ,suirface, and are to
have a radius of action of 2,500 miles.
. es
Would Fight the Turk,.
Sofia, Jan. 0.-1)ulgarat is secretly
prepeving for the mebiliattian of her /4
arinea chiefly with the objett of fore-
stallieg Tuelmy should the :Stilt= con-
sider Bulgaria's inientien to proclaim
1101-014 an itilependent kingdom a11.
Toronto, Ont., iait. 7. -- (Special)
. -
The .deetit occurred about mi.:Might of
Rev. Win. afacWilliam, who haa been
librarian at Knox College for many
years, he was in hie 70th year.
Toronto, ;rata 7.---(Saecia1aegn0 Al'
len Line of Royel Medi Stonniships is
made defendants damage suit en-
tered today by Albert Walton, Toren.
to, on behalf of himself and 'George Witt -
ton. en infant, The plaintiff alleges neg-
ligence on behalf of the defendants.
The. Department of Lands. Forests and
Mines -has railed for tenders for the
right to eut the pulpwood on au area
COMprising about 900 aquere miles in
the dietnet of Nipiesing, north of the
townships of Holmes, Burt, ete., and ina
meaiately west of the interprovincial
I.ord Stratheona arrived in Monteral
8.11nislay ceseirieg by Special train
fissu St. John. In en inteeview stet.
-1 that /private linotoeee vall:el him
to (Simla, and that there WAS nothing
it the etory of bis intended resignation.
Slrace f'Svineron rani Ruth Wilson were 4
?emended et Toronto on five charges ot