HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-01-03, Page 8i
, 1907
For Clothing,
Dress Goods,
New, Rich and Fashionable Furs, and all
lines. of Ladies' and Gentlemen's seasonable Un-
derwear, come direct to D. M. Gordon's, No
house, no matter how much noise they make,
can give better value than you will find here,
and every article new and up-to-date. The new-
est and best is none too good for our customers.
As usual, all lines of pure, fresh Groceries
are always in stock.
D. M. Gordon
Jas. Aitchison has the cream-cira.w-
ing for the season.
Robt. Musgrove is putting in the ice
at the butter factory.
The Sunday School entertainment
on Xmas. night was successful; pro-
ceeds, $23.28.
The following officers were Pleeted
for Bluevale L. 0. L. 760 for 1907
W. M., Thos. Stewart; D. M.. Henry
Mothers ; Chaplain, Rev. Geo. Baker ;
Ree. Sec„ Geo. Thornton ; Fin. Sec.,
Alex. Anderson ; Tress., Ed. Johns-
ton; D. of C., Wm, Breckenridge;
Lecturers—A. Thornton, A. Wheeler ;
Committee, J. Nethery, J. Curtis, G.
Peacock, W. Mines, Geo, Mothers.
Baker and daughter Pearl to Toronto
..Miss Bell of Morris at Mrs. Alex.
Maigeets.... Miss Thompson of Brussels
at 3. Pugh's .,.Miss and Mr. Galla-
gher of' Howick at Mr. McMaster's....
Miss Sanderson of Toronto with
friends here... .Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Stewart of Toronto have returned
hore....Mrs. McDonald of Guelph is
at her cousin's, Mrs. Aitchison's....
Miss Bickle of Hamilton has been at
R. N. Duff's—Miss . Miss Alice Duty of
Thorndale with her parents....Mr.
Shipley with his cousin, Oliver Mills
.. Mrs. Robt. Mason at her daugh-
ter's, Ars. Jas. Fyfe ....Will. Gardiner
of Goderich at the parental home... .
Chas. Osborne of Port Credit at Thos.
• Jewitt's....Mr. McHardy of Goderihh
attended the marriage of his neice,
Miss .Annie Aitchison to Mr. Copeland
of St. Catharines on Wednesday of
• this week....Mrs. Phillip Thomas of
Dunallen, Man., is visiting friends in
W hitechurch.
Mr. McIntosh, who has been i11 for
some time, went to Toronto to consult
a specialist ; we hope to hear of his
restoration Mr. A. Hamilton of
Michigan is renewing acquaintances
here ; many will remember Alex.
Hamilton of 20 years ago, born and
raised in this vicinity. The writer
remeinbers him as a jolly schoolmate
and good neighbor....The Misses Cuy-
ler are home for the holidays ... W.
G. Wellwood spent Xmas. in Caledor_
Mr. Williams of Caledon was a
visitor here on Sunday....Miss Minnie
Holmes of Clinton spent Xmas. with
Mrs. J. Holmes.. , .J, T. Holmes has
leased his farm to W. G. W ellwood
.Everybody should subscribe for
--the popular home paper, the Advance.
It gives the news.
Wishing all our readers a prosper-
ous 1907,
Dat Bloomin Correspondent.
West Wawanosh.
Wroxeter. East Wawanosh,
Miss Lawrie is visiting in Wiuglram. Root. McDowell and. family, Otis
Miss Nellie Black spent the holidays line, spout XIIIis In �(lotlericl►.
at her home here, Mr. J. II. Leishman of Pense, Sask,,.
Rev. Osterlaout was a Brussels nisi• is darting friends in this viciiaity.
tor on Friday last. Thoe. Noble, 5th flue, purchased a
heifer from A. McKellar of Westfield'
Miss (Iodholt of Exeter is visiting list I�'riday,
with relatives in town,
John and Alice Welker of Niagara Air, and Mrs. Wtn, Wighttnan,
Falls spent last week here, gravel road, wore' alt bolus to tt few of
' p their friends on Friday last.
Thos. Appleby and wife spent XMas. Miss Annie Wiglrtnran of 'Westfieldrs
with their sun in G,lenallerr, is spendinga week with Iitr uncle,
J W. Sanderson of Toronto spent Jackson Wighturan of Gatlericb,
last week visiting relatives here, Daviel Ferguson of Ilarlock stent
John and Mrs, Hartley of Blyth Xnnis with his daughter. Mrs, N, F.
called on friends here last week. Noble, 5th line, Mrs. Noble atccom-
S eeial New Year sermons were pallied him home and will spend the
preached in the churches last Sunday, laoliclays with friends there,
Alex. Smith, jr., has retunedfrom 1
the West, and will spend the winter invaluable For Nursing Mothers.
here. 'With nursing comes an unceasing
1►Mr', and Aim. Crosby Lackie of strain on the another's vitality, The
Wingham spent Xmas. with relatives blood is weakened, Nerves are !mit-
here, able through loss of sleep, Anxiety
Chester Smith of Colpoys Bay spent and care break down even the strong-
est, Experience teaches that nothing
is more helpful than Ferrozone.
What an appetite it brings 1 No blood -
former or nerve tonic more potent, no
medicine known that so steadily
brings back the health, vier and
spirit that mothers require, It's be-
cause Fcrrozono nourishes, because it
supplies the materials for rebuilding
that it does such permanent good, 50c
per box at all dealers.
a few days this week with his patents
Alvin Hemphill of Toronto visited
at his home here over the New Year
'W. H. Reid wears a broad smile
these days ; a new boy has conte to
live with him,
Mrs. T. 0. Hemphill was in Exeter
last week attending the wedding of
Miss Oodbolt.
ful horse of Mr. Edwin Jarvis was tilt:
scene of a very pretty wedding, being
the marriage of his second daughter,
Eliza A., to Mr. Wm. R. Farrier, a
prosperous young fanner of the llth
con. Promptly at four o'clock, to the
strains of Mendelssohn's wedding
march, beautifully rendered by Mrs.
(Rev.) Findlay, the bridal party took
their plaees beneath a beautiful arch
draped with curtains, trimmed with.
holly and wedding bell, with back-
ground of evergreens. The bride en-
tered the parlor leaning on the arm of
her father, and looked charming in a
dress of cream silk eolienne, trimmed
with chiffon and ruching, and wearing
a wreath of orange blossoms. Miss
Tillie Jarvis, sister of the bride, acted
as bridesmaid, and wore a beautiful
dress of crepe-de-chene trimmed with
chiffon and Irish lace. The groom
was ably assisted by Mr. John Sherritf
of Wingham. Little Susie Sherriff,
niece of the groom, acted as flower
girl, and looked cute in a dress of blue
silk and carried a basket of bridal
a'oses and maidenhair fern, Master
Wesley Tiffin, cousin of the bride, was
ring -bearer, and at the proper moment
handed to the groom that token of
love and fidelity, wl o placed it on the
hand of the bride. The solemn cere-
mony waserforrned by Rev. W. A.
Findlay of Whitechurch. While con-
gratulations were being given, Mrs.
Findlay again favored the guests with
a selection on the piano, after which
the bridal party and guests repaired
to the dining -room, where a most
sumptuous wedding dinner awaited
them. After the dinner, of which
nearly one hundred partook, the even-
ing was spent in music, singing and
recitations. Mr. John Joynt of Luck -
now ably filled the chair. Mr. and
Mrs. Farrier have lived practically all
their lives in our midst, and Mrs. Ear -
ries has for a number of years been
organist in Bethel Methodist Church,
and both are highly esteemed. The
presents were numerous and costly ;
among them was noticed a handsome
upright piano from the bride's father.
The groom's present to the bride was
'r handsome Morris chair, and to the
bridesmaid a beautiful gold brooch, to
the groomsman a gold stick -pin, to
the. Rower girl a gold king with rubies
and pearl settings, to the ring -bearer
a silk handkerchief. Among those
from a distance were Mrs. Mr. Thomp-
son of Erin, and Mr. and Mrs. Beattie
of Pine River. The happy couple left
on the afternoon train Wednesday, to
spend their honeymoon with friends
in Guelph, Milton, Acton and other
places. The bride's going away attire
was a suit of Navy broadcloth with
fawn coat and hat en suite. On their
return they will take up housekeeping
on the 12th con. as Mr. Farrier has
purchased the beautiful hotne belong -
mg to Mr. Jarvis. Our sincere wishes
for their future happiness are coupled
with the hope that they may long re-
NOTE.—The Editor has been obliged ,Hain in our midst.
to condense correspondence this week
on account of holiday.
The Brethren are holding meetings
in the Hall on the 2nd ; many dele-
gates are present. Miss Bell Farnham of Chicago is Showers, I3. Ruth, R. McKague.
The school examination in No. 4 visiting her aunt, Mrs. Robt. War- A. A. Lamonby, teacher.
was a great success in every respect wick,
and creditable to teacher and pupils. Miss Ethel McCallum, Roland, Man., Report for December examinations
The evening entertainment svgs also
who has been visiting her friends ink in U. S. S. No. 13, Howick and Turn -
excellent. Old Santa Claus was there Durham. berry :—lllaximtrm 700, pass standing
and delighted all. It was a red letter 350. Highest standing, J. Donbledee
day' for No. 4 l'n every respect. Mr. Jas. McCracken of Goderich is 526, Sr. 4th—A. Harris 440, J. Weir
visiting his brothers, W. and F. of the 428. S. 3rd—J. Donbledee 526 (hon.
Among the New Year visitors were 4th line, ors, T. Abraham 450, R. Gowdy 407,
--Misses Annie and Maggie McAllis- 0.Willits 404, N. Gowdy 370, A. Hal-
ter, Mrs. D. Eckrnier of Clinton, Mrs. lir. Robt. Cole returned from the liay 322, R. Hayes 261. Jr. 3rd—T.
T. Edgar of Edmonton, And. hlcLen- West on Saturday to spend the win- Galbraith' 423, W. Westlake 107, F.
pan of St. Thomas, Robt. Eaket of ter at his home here. Galbraith 389. Promotions—Jr. 2nd
"Winnipeg, Stella eicQuareie of Gode- Miss Annie Bradshaw and her two to Se. 2nd• --.A, Mitchell, H. Westlake,
rich, Emylene McQuarrie of Detroit, little nieces, Aggie and Barbara, spent M. Donbledee, R. Abram, J. Fitch.
Pearson Sr.Rev. 1t. of Victoria College, the holidays in Clinton. SPt. 2nd to Jr, 2nd—M. Mitchell,
Miss Ethel Musgrove of Wingham, M. Abram, B. Gowdy, H. Abeam.
and Robt. Weir of Marmora. Mr. Robt. Johnston of Saskatche- Jr. Pt. 2nd to Sr. Pt. •'End—P. Harris,
Ivan, is home on at visit to his mother E. 3lcCreery. Sr. Pt. 1st to Jr. Pt.
:l• and friends in Morris township. ,
Znd—R. ltlex•kley, F. Westlake, M. Mc -
The household. goods of N. J, Robin-
son were shipped. last Saturday morn-
ing to Port Hope,
MARRIED.—In Wroxeter, on Dec.
20th, by Rev. L. Perrin, T. W. Mc-
Cartney to Miss M. A. Miller.
On Wednesday, Dee, 20th, Air. Ed-
wet•d Barnard of our town was mar-
ried to Miss Mulligan of Jamestown,
Rev. L. Perrin officiating.
Our postoffice did a rushing business
during the holiday season, and the
staff deserve credit for the way in
which they handled the extra amount
of mail.
Mr. Hinds, our botcher, is moving
his meat shop to the building known
formerly as the "White Grocery." Ile
will have more room and a better
stand in his new quarters.
The elections take place next Mon-
day and the interest has been intense
here regarding the Reeveship, but the
general opinion seems to be that Thos.
Hemphill will be the Reeve.
On Xmas. night, a number of rela-
tives and friends were entertained at
the home of Win. Lackie. Just be-
fore supper an interestin • ceremony
was performed when Rev. 3.H. Oster-
hoot baptized the two little girls of
Mr. and Mrs. Leckie. The eldest little
girl's name is Charlotte Irene, and the
other's is Willa Aileen,
On Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 20th,
an interesting event took place at the
Methodist parsonage, when Geo. John-
son of Belrnore was united in marriage
to Miss M. L. Webber of near Lake -
let. The young couple are two of
Howick's hest known and popular
persons, and the Advance wishes
them a "bon voyage" on the matri-
monial sea. Rev. J. H. Osterhout, B.
A., B. D., performed the ceremony.
The young couple will take up their
abode at Belrnore.
You May be Sick To -night.
Without a moments warning pain
springs upon us. At the outset it is
instantly killed by Nerviline. Sur-
prising what fifteen drops of this mar-
velous medicine 'v i11 do. It's external
action is no less certain than it's won-
derful effect when taken internally.
Of course Nerviline is powerful or it
couldn't be so penetrating. But not
irritating or caustic. There are other
pain remedies, but when you use Ner-
viline you see the difference. That
difference is this,—others relieve, but
Nerviline does cure sprains, strains,
swellings, earache, toothache, neural-
gia, lumbago, in fact all muscular
pains. Large bottles 25e at all
Report of S. S. No. 6. Names in
order of merit:—Sr. 4th—G. McCor-
mick, V. Chandler, S. King, S. Goy,
H. Mitchell. Jr. 4th—.R. Porter, S.
Dickson, V. Showers. Sr. 3rd—N.
DicKagne. M. Chandler, •1l. MclCague,
W. Janes, B. Little, F. Folton. Jr. 3rd
—(a) A. McKinnon, V. King, J. Snell,
L. Snell, W. McKague, J. McKinnon,
R. Fallis, (b) B. Holmes; A. Folton, E.
Millis, P. Fallis, Sr. 2hd--B. Chand-
ler, J. Holmes, L. Snell, M. Goy, 3.
Me Kague. Jr. 2nd—L. Dolgleisch, M.
Porter. Sr. 1st.—E. Chandler, L. Fal -
The annual meeting of the Turn -
berry Agricultural Society will be
held in the Council Chamber, Wing -
ham, on Wednesday, January Oth,
1907, at 1 o'clock p. m. All members
are requested to attend.
President. Secretary.
Wood For Sale.
The undersigned is prepared to sup-
ply a limited number of customers
With their next summer's wood, cut
any length to suit them, at prices
which cannot be beat in Wingham, if
orders are left during the next four
weeks. 1 foot long, 871 cts.; 20 inch,
$1.50; 30 inch, $2.00; 36 inch, $2.50.
Hind and soft wood mixed, small tiro-
her. Enquire at the Advance office or
Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. 'Watt Sharp of Gode-
rich spent the Christmas holidays
Nominations for Reeve, Councillors with Mrs. Sharp's mother, Mrs, Shur-,
and School Trustees were held here rie, 4th line.
on Monday. The following were
nominated :For Reeve—Dr. Milne and A very successful auction Bale wag
John Potter' for Councillors—Wm. held on the fawn of Thos. Miller, nth
Johnston, R.'McComrnins, Wm, Jacek- line, on the 27th inst. ; the day was
son, N. 13. Gerry, S. H. Chellow, John fine, and a large crowd present, and
Ileffron, Luxton Hill; for School Trus- good prices were realized.
tees-- Dr, Long, Dr. Charlesworth, Miss Frank McCracken, the popular
David Cowan, A. Wettlatteer. music teacher, leaves for London on
t.. Wednesday of this week, to resume
her studies in the Conservatory of
Jamestown. music; we wish her srtecess.
Air. and Mre. Ide of Toronto are Miss Clatra and Reit. 1lionney, of
guests of Mr's, Miller. Weyburn, N. W. T. are here on a
Mr. McKay of Ilruseele tools the tsar- holiday visit with relatives and forin-
i1fvices here on Sunday evening. cr eriends. They were children of Ex-
Reeve Mooney, a well known resident
Miss Ellen Mulligan and Mr. E. Bar- of the 5th line for many years, who
acrd of Wroxeter were united in mar- went Nest several years ago.
riapro by Rev. L. Perrin on Weclires- The annual school meeting wars held
lay of Iart week. They will reside in at the se oat section No. 3, Morris.
NS roxeter; congratulations. The Kelly Bros. will put in B cords of
,-osasseetee***-04e4 wood at $1.05, the cedar contract be-
ing awarded Tos. Yuill at $1.80 per
Builds up waste tissue, promotes an-.eord. Mr. A. Connors was Inst in as
petite, improves digestion, induces re- caretaker for the ensuing year, at the
illng l sleep,
' give erenewed strength
gram, of $28.
andRooky IiiGrrintein TPA does. 115 rents, "lir ednesdayw evening of last week
TWA asr Tarte. Ask your druggist, the services of Rev. M. Anderson, of
Blyth, were called into requisition at
Poet SAtse.--Lash 18. con. 7, Turn- the home of the bride's parents, Bah
berry, otte hundred eaerers, nearly all ling', when John Mellr oy and Miss
:rot s is WWI many . good 'With Willis were made husband and
Werl presents
jl, ,i J.
to salt Wiffo. Tile lint ierliate relatives anti
Michael. Jr. Pt. Ist to Sr. Pt. 1st --
R. Westlake, E. Mc(:reer'y, M, Fitch,
S. Halliday, J. Hayes, H. Gowdy.
W. J. Perrin, teacher.
Report for December of S, S. No, 11,
Turnberry : Jr. 4th --Laura Calhoun,
Ethel Ranson, Mary Currie, Roy Net-
terfield, Lizzie Lockridge. Sr. 3rd--•
Maggie Ileid, Eva Linklater, Eddie
Lockridge, Edna Findlay, Willie Sty-
les, Ruby Forsyth, Grace Shet•rlfi', Ag-
gie Pinuen, Jr. 3rd---Casburn Austin,
Alfred Lockridge, Frank Lockridge,
Willie Srigley, Wilbert nl.owbray.
Sr. 2nd ---Dan Mowbray, Susan Welsh,
Alvin Groves, Minnie Saunders, Bea-
trice Johnston. jr. 2nd --Vernon AI-
lenby. Susie Sheriff, Jessie Currie, Gor-
don Ranson, Sam. Styles, Sr. Pt. 2nd
-Myrtle Lockridge, Alvin Reld. Jr.
Pt. 2nd- •Milton Groves, A gie Gray,
I�"ranc'is Lockridge. Leonard Adams.
Sr. Pt, 1st—Stanley Baker, Daisy
Ashby, 'Willie Austin, Maty Austin.
Jr. Pt. 1st --Percy Nettet'field, Frank
King, Edwin Finley, Howard Finlet',
Willie Finley, Tom. Cruikshank, Roy
Finley, Iloy Forsyth, Maggie Adams,
Earl hart. Jennie Sell!, Fiddle Srigley,
Isabella Austin, Winnie Ranson. 31.
I). Fisher, teacher.
That fine thoroughbred Hereford
Bull, "Lord Huron," 1 year old. This
is a good individual, of gilt edge breed-
ing, being grandson of Majestic (himp.)
who captured the Gold Medal at the
World's Fair,. St. Louis. Stockmen
should see this animal.
Lot 39, Con. 11 East Wawanosh
That's the house the Doctor built,
The biggest house you see;
Thank goodness he don't get our
Pam we take Hollister's Rock Moun-
tain Tot. Ark your drag Rocky
Winter Term
Wingham Business College
This is the most modern. thorough
and successful institution of its kind
in Ontario. Excellent staff of teach-
ers; unexcelled equtpnaent; large at-
tendance; actual business school.
During Nov'r. we had 20 TIMES
as many calls from leading concerns
had graduates to Send.
Enter any time.
Individual instruction.
Our handsome XMAS. CATALOG
sent free on application.
O1s0. SPOTTON - Principal j
Do You Wish To Visit
Aro you anxious to escape the cold
weather and snow and spend the
winter in the "LAND OF FRUIT
AND FLOWERS?" Winter tourist
tickets aro on sale daily, and if you
are contemplating a trip see that
your tickets are routed over the
• Grand Trunk. ,
For tickets and full information, call on
L. HAROLD, Town Agent,
District Passenger Agent, Toronto.
has all those fine combinations
which go to make a good Cup,
_It has that
Delicate Flavor
wanted so much by those who
like the best. It is
Rich in Color
• Another quality so hard to
obtain by the Coffee drinkers.
.Above all, it is
Absolutely Pure
There is nothing but the best
Coffee bean used in its blendipg
and the tltiality is guaranteed,
Prices -25o and 40e per lb.
as Henry Christie
lii34,16 iiauiII:d4iiiyr111.19
15 Days of
Unparalleled Bargains
Dry Goods, Clothing, Men's Furnishings, Groceries,
The Bee Hive Co.'s Two Stocks of over $z5,000,00 to be reduced $6,000.00
in Fifteen Days. We have so arranged prices that this Sale will totally eclipse
all former efforts and quickly reduce; our stocks..
Unequalled Clothing
Bargains. Curtains,
Carpets, Rugs and
Having made a heavy purchase of
Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats at
a big reduction on regular prices, we put
the whole lot into this Sale. These goods
are perfectly tailored and made up with
best linings and are equal in fit and finish
to ordered, made -to -measure clothing. This
is an exceptional money -saving chance to
procure high-class Suits and Overcoats at
less than cost of manufacture. There's
only one way to determine our splendid
offer—visit the stores, see the goods and
learn the prices. 25 per cent. and more
are the reductions you ,get in this de-
1f there is a need at all in the home t
f or New Carpets, Rugs or Curtains, this
Great . Stock Reduction Sale is for you.
We are making a clean sweep of every-
thing in this department and Sensational
Prices • will be in evidence on every style
and quality of Carpets, Rugs and Cur-&;
tains. We also have five beautiful Floor
Squares which will be sold at less than
wholesale prices. Come in and look through
the stock, you will find both the goods
and prices very interesting.
Wonderful Dress Goods Offering.
Into this Sale goes all our
Venetians, Homespuns, Tweeds,
plain and fancies in white and
Dress fabrics. There'll be
Little Prices.
new and up-to-date Dress Goods, Broadcloths,
Satin Cloths, Cashmeres, Lustres, Serges, &c.,
cream, and a full range of all the best in black
rush for those high-class Dress Goods at our
Ladies' and Children'sc Cotton Bargains.
A. clean sweep must be made of all
Jackets, and the prices we ask should
clear them out at a quick pace. All last
year's Jackets worth $8, $10, $12 and $15,
your choice each at $4. All this year's
Jackets at a reduction of Twenty-five
Cents off every. dollar.
It will pay you to buy Cottons for
Spring at our Sale Prices. Come in and
see what we're doing in this department.
We commence them -°---One thousand yards
regular 7c Grey Cotton at per yard 5c,
and give you equally good bargains all
.through the different lines, grey or white.
Meds Furnishings,
Everything in our Men's Furnishings is included in this Great Stock Re-
duction Sale—Fiats and Caps, Silk Neckwear, Suspenders, Hosiery, Shirts, Col-
lars, Gloves, Umbrellas, Handkerchiefs, &c. There is big saving for you if
you buy now.
Ladies' Wear. Bargains In Furs.
Bargains in every line of Ladies'
Wear—Overskirts, Underskirts, Silk, Pop-
lin and Sateen Shirtwaists, Underwear,
Gloves, Corsets, Hosiery, Belts and Fancy
Collars, Ribbons, Laces and Embroideries.
We haven't room to enumerate prices but
the prices are so easy they'll help you
to buy.
1 only, Lady's Black Astrachan Jacket,
regular price $35—Sale Price $22.00
1 only, Special Black Astrachan Jacket,
extra nice curl, regular $50 for $32.00
Regular $10 Fur Ruffs, Sale Price7.00
Regular $8' Caperines, Sale Price 5.00
$3 Fur Caps, Sale Price 2.00
, There'll Be Nothing Reserved.
Flannels, Flannellettes, Wrapperettes, Prints, Denims, Table Linens, Tick-
ings, Towellings, Cottonades, Shirtings, Blankets, White Quilts, Fancy Table
Covers, in fact everything in the Two Stores' Stocks will be included in this
Gi"eat Stock Reduction Sale. This is the greatest money -saving opportunity
for the people in the history of the county.
Just a. hint of Grocery Prices—
Redpath's Granulated Sugar 21 lbs, for 61.00
or per 100 lbs ,.$4.65
All 40c Teas, Sale Price per lb... 30c
Taken As Cash.
We will take Butter, Eggs, Poultry,
Potatoes and Dried Apples same as Cash
during this Great Stock Reduction Sale.
Note the Date of ' Sale.
This Greatest Stock Reduction Sale commences on
Saturday morning, January 5th, 1907, and continues for
Fifteen Days. Keep the date fixed in your mind.
Come on the first day and every day you can. You'll
see something new to interest you every time you
come. Rooms to Rent
=�e See ==ire Co's two Stores
(Next to Eimer Moo 's and in Carey Stand)
- , moNerr wdr
. .8