HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-01-03, Page 61
1 Or04$0014VOMM*00000441
the trUblt Of a Whet tree to tint ter A
while, wheu she heard a familiar foot-
steo already anti looking up, the eaW
FREE TO rAmits.
Albert iststings standing bafore her.
She started ty with the intention of ON
hustenies away, when be eauglit Iter COMMISS/OliER, OTTAWA.
!teed and replaced her on he and 'seat, %hie te a valuable report of 96 pages,
containing interesting eemling for fa-
1 una amiling smith
eweat, xoy gwegg Roe! you kola! mere. 'Pie report contains A emotattry of
your appolutuleat with Me last evenyinogu, etolLbiutevitilieoeue, thty•azi:kratin, tie iree,,,,j,iuriitaittiooltiatlotet
arta slow, on seeing me Approach
try to tan away. How is that, ieweet artoliceorAdassoocilatlieogniettehteedniebtoitt,up tohfil k;eleapaiiiel
pterdey ose?"
"When I made that appointment yea. and atidreasee of seea growers who are
ptodueere of registered eced, and instruc-
mornine, I that I was
"A. discovery. What diecovery can to to you willt such a migerty, -unquote:la inekiag It with ma ownthought batrothed Myer, eelecting Rea grebe ana other eeede ef
AO important as to valise the postpon'• elite Mirth for your preeeuce and your IN Love], Ann not tvala the affian- various Mae.
raent or unnulinea of your ectrothal„ love; mid bare
whea I heard all the pee. auebend of Lady lithartago, Mr. Part 111. of the report contains pa -
even at the last momenti Lady Ether- ; ple praise the goodness, anti wisdom, staid ,Deetinge," related Rorie, with more sev-
young brow than Rua" Iona;
pers and addresses by the following per-
idge ea your oldest friend and your Otte ; bounty of IAttly Etheridgm I have said to .erity upon her
tants ars to the methods of rowin and.
guardian, I should have Wee the first to 1 myself: That is my daughter., leo one lvonld heve supped her ere le. .oi
be infernma of Ilia liffieuity," said Col. haughty, cold -Weeded eta selfish Ether- ,elaaving.
Hastings, in an exeees o fagitettou, that idge ever was good, er bountiful. It I, "Mr. Hastiugel Lady Etheridge. What
ecercely seemed justified, even by the ; ie bemuse she ia my tlitaghter!' alai when 13 1te you mean, Rose? Seine ono bat
. beenslandering me to you,"
grove importance of a broken meadows. 1 I have seen you passieg through the ea
Dr. James W. Robertson, Manager,
afecaoneld Agricultural College, tete.
Anue de Bellevuen•Queo Rom Sydney
A. Fisher, Minister of Agriculture, Ot-
tawa; Hon. W, R. Motherwell, ;Minister
"I deemed, any affianced husband to be lege m state and grandeur, and joy, 1 1"No, Mr. 'fasting& Thank Heaven Mit of Agriculture, Regime, "Wheat Grow
the proper person to be first advised of a have dared to linger and, gaze upon yoer aio one on earth knows our acquaintanee ing in the Canadian West;" Prof. 11,
and eaten , except your worthy friend and, valet, le- Harcourt, O. ,A, C., Guelph, "The Ile'
that so deeply affected my eir- form, leat 1 should, rush out
cumstapees and hie interests," , you to 111y b0g0M. DO not be cold to inc iyere, 'meek Heaven that none else in latione between Soil Conditions and. Crop
ein ueayeres name, Lady Etheridge,now; indeed, it would break my heart, ,this world knows the extent of your Improvemett;" Da Charles 0, Saunders,
irea Coloael alietings, mOving bout to l
aive00 not s
. hrink from Incnew"Roseah in
, , aHeaven's name, is the in WIleat;" Profla . aa Shutt, Chemist,
what is the nature of thie diecovery 1" ha told cut short eveu the few hours 1 have i faleehood. mid my folly!" Experimental Farm, Ottawa, "Quality
restlessly, and scarcely able to restrain my only child!" pleaded the woman, in. meaning of this. It seems to me that to- Experimental Farm, (1) "Soft Wheat
his agitation. a voice of such deep sorroav that I•ady glay 1 have fallen into a. train of stone Problems," (2) "The Action of Certain
"It is simply tha I, called Laura Eth. Etheridge bent down and tenaerly loss- • adventures." Smut Preventives, on tea Vitality of
eridge, am not the heir of Swnileurne! " ed ter,. sayings 1 "Not so strange either, as those. you Wheat; Mr. John Buchanan, 0. A, C.,
The effect this announcement nail up- 'I do not, mother. I latve come to dna marked out for yourself when you Guelpli; !tamale Effects in Varieties of
on Colaral Hastings could scarcely be stay with you tall the lita lpurposed in the eame day to marry 0 CerealCrape Arising fawn Different
explained as astouishment, doubt or di- 1 "Oh, thank you, Laura!" cried the i geores and elan h peasant. Oh, against Conditions of Growth;" W. T. Macoun,
appointment. It seemed rather the con- wretched woman, pressing her eand with I which o f the two didyou meditate the a E. Fe Experimental Farm, Ottawa,
sternation, terror and dismay of detect- :Team:elle haste. "And you forgive me, blackest treachery. .Againet the •unloved
"The Improvement of the Potato;" Mr.
. u
ed guilt He dropped into a chez, wiped Lauras lady whom you were about to lead to the em o el son, anines, Oiit,
the cold drops of perspiration from his "Poor mother! Forgiveness is a Pro- altar, or the ilaloved eotta,ger, atm "Some Results in Horticulture from the
blanched face, made several ineffeetual lane word to pass from child to pareirc," lyou were alluring to destruction Good Selection of Seeds;" Mr. L. S. Klinek,
attempts to speak, atid then gasped
"For Heaven's sake tell mei ,How (14the existence of thie other heir, come to
your knowledge ?"
"I3y the confession of the nurse, to
whom was confided the care of the in-
fant heiress of Swinburne, and, who,
alas! was tempted to betray her trust,
and palm off upon the wifeless baron
her own child as las daughter"
"What!" exclaimed Colonel Hastings,
in perplexity, but losing a portion of
the abject terror that had. lately and
unaccountably shaken him.
"It is a sad story for me to tell: lt
compels my tongue to the unkind task
of disinheriting myself, and to the hard.
er and more cruel on ef erinainating iny
Lady Etheridge commenced and nar-
rated the whole story as she had re-
ceived. it ire= the nurse.
Colonel Hastings, as he listened, grew
graver and graver, and when she had
concluded, he paused a long time in deep
thought, And then said:
"Lady Etheridge, I know you well en-
ough to be sure that if once you 'up -
pose the claims of another to be just,
however oppose' to your own interests
those claims ybe, oyu veilldwdw hiu
those claims may be, you will at once ad-
mit them. I must see this woman, and,
as a magistrate, I must take her state-
ment, officially, upon oath; and, as you
say --awkward as it may be -your mar-
riage with my son must be postponed."
"Our engagesment, Colonel Hastibgs,
must be annulled," said Lady Etheridge,
with gentle dignity.
"Well, well. We will talk of that at
some future time. Meanwhile, we will
direct good Mrs Montgomery to ea
:plain to our friends, that, from miter&
"Yet I cannot rest without it, Inure."
'Fleaven, what. blackness of wickeaness; 'Macdonald Agricultural College, Ste.
"Then take it, with all my neart. :If ,Stand out of my way, sir, and. let me Anne de Bellevue, Que.; "Methods of
you think that you have injured me, gess, Your presence darkens the very • Storing Seed Corn." Mr, W. L. Smith,
take my forgiveness, as freely and t15,' sunshine to me!" exclaimed the maiden, Toronto' "How Beet to Encourage the
perfectly as 1 hope for that of Heaveni iwith a horror so real that it could not Dissemination of Higliclass Seeds."
And. now, poor mother, a trial awaits have been concealed. The Seed. Control .Act, 1905, contain -
you, which I would willingly spare you, 1 "Rose! I have twice asked you wing a. reprint of the act, with generalhat explanations and inetructions.
if I could do so with justice to anon-1is the meaning of this attack. I have a
mCircular on Seed Testing, giving an
e But be strong And patient; it Khali right to an answer."
be but short ,and tehen it is over 1 will i "You shall have it, Mr. Hastings. But
0 • f rat, peahens you w 1 exp a n o me
.bow it is, thht on this, your weeldi g
try to perform toward you all the du- n
ties of a daughtre." day and bour, you are here question -
'Give me the love of one, my child. I Am, me, instead of being at.the church
need it greatly. And now what is it
you would have me to do, Laura?" iwah Lady Etheridge.'"
"The statement that you made to me t He saw by her manner and her expres-
last night, to be of any avail to
true heiress of Swinburne, must be put
.sion that she knew too much for hm to
'attempt to carry on the decepton. lie
,felt no other course was possible far
into writing, sworn to, signed, and duly
ilain but to tell the truth and defend bis
witnessed. In the presence of a mama. !
conduct as best be might. He mid:
trate. Also, it is needful that you sub- i
ev I "Rose, it is true that many months be -
mit to an examinaion by
sieian, who will duly testify 1„,eese my
a Pat" fore I knew you and love, partly to
father who desired the mar -
that yeti are of isound mind when :IP"'
triage, and partly to please the lady who
you execute the document."
"I will do all that you wish me, Laura.iconferred upon me the honor of her 're-
ference, I contracted myself to Laura
Let the proper person be brought hither.' 'without particlef 1
ove 00.
n' Aide entering into the [dada After -
Laura beckoned Colonel Hastings, who 1 n3- '
outline of the objects of testing seeds
for purity and vitality and sorne general
remain with you as lone as you lam ond 1 t
Teo sooner the better." 1 e 2
•to the farther end af the rward 1 saw you, Rose of the world, and
room, out of hearing of this converse. ;loved you, the first and only woman I
tion. i ever did love, the last and only woman
When he came to the bedside, the pre- i f ever shall Iota I could not forgo the
sented him to the dying woman, saying: pleasure of seekng your dear presence,
"Here, mother, is my late guardian, ,and heseechng your love. If I approach -
Colonel Hastings, who wishes •to take ea you under an assumed name it Walla
,lover's strategem and as such, you will
your deposition."
"Yes; certainly. I will be very thank- !forgive me. If I sought to make you
ful tomine upon unequal terms it was a lov-
you, sir, if you will send for a i
physician and a lawyer, and any one else er's extravagance, and, as such, you may
you may think proper to surrunon for pardon it. I love you Rose, with a whole
the purpose of confirming and inswing !undivided heart. In faoof of which, I have
the validity of the statement that I wish this day done what I should have done
to make," said Mrs, Elmer. !months ago. I have broken with Lady
seen eacumetances, the marriage is ne- on1 ' Hastings gr u• 'Etheridge and I have come hither to
cessarily put off, and we will go toeete. reply, for he was very much perplexed .throw myself upon your mercy, to beg
er to Mrs. Elmer's cottage, where fwill and dissatisfied; and went out, entered pardon for all the wrong done or med-
cross-examine her," said the colonel ris. the carriage and drove off to bring the tated aganet you, to lay my heart, hand
and feetune at your beloved feet, and to
Mg and touching the bell. proper parties.
A footman answered the summons. In half an hour be returned with them. beg you to be my wife. Rose; I am art
"Desire Mrs. Montgomery to come I will not weary my readers with the your feet. Will you forgive me? Will you
hither, and then order the horses to be details of the formal proceedings that aceePt me hand, and be my beloved
supsinking upon ono
put to the close carriage and brought occupied the next two or three hours,. wife?"
he plieate
round immediately," said'Colonel Host- 'and that coneirmed the validity of the iknee and taking her
Ings. dying woman's statement. The whole 1 She snatched it from him and shrunk
The man bowe eland retired ;and iu a business was conducted in a manner at ;away, exclaiming:
few moments the door opened and a tall , once legal and. confidential. No form was 1 "You have broken. math Lady •Ether -
dignified, elderly lady, attired. in a black omitted that could go to confirm the eva U
'P! Double traitor! False to mei
satin dress and. white lace turban, enter- dence; yet, each member of the party .False to hail Who shall trust youl"
ed the room. stood strictly pledged to the others to 1 "Rose! Rose! 1 do not merit these
"Good -morning, Mrs. Montgomery. We keep the secret until proper proceedings 'bitter eeproo.oltes from you -not from
have ventured to request your presence could be taken upon it. Immediately af- 1 you! To you, at lame, I have been
here upon rather a sorrowful 0000.31011. ter the signing and witnessing of the' true!" .
We have just received intelligence that document, all left the cottage, with, the 1 "But false to her! False to that noble
an old and 'intimate friend of our fain- excepion of Colonel Hastings and Laura, lady who gave you all tslie possessed,
ily is lying at the point of deoth. This who remained by the beside of the pat- and, above all, her whole heart's rich
necessitates a. temporary postponement ient, who had sunk into a sleep of utter •loven Ah, do you think, sir, tauut I std-
of1 the marriage, as Lady Etheridge and exhaustion. mire treachery ang more, bemuse ian-
myself must immediately repair to the "Well, Lady Etheridge. Howevr this other is to sufaer by it rather than my -
deathbed of our friend. You will, there- maY eventually result, whoever my be self? 'aball I thank you, booause you
fore, Mrs. Montgomery, be so good as to declared. the true heiress, of this you have turned traitor to Letly Ethertidge,
talce upon yourself the task of explaining may rest assured that, 'possession be.- nether than to me? No! ato! no! no! a
aen. those friends who intend to honor our ing nine points of the law,' it must in thousand times no! I spurn the faith-
bielticfast the sad reason why our fes- any case, be months, if not years, before less heart! Go! leave me Mae 'Lest-
tivity is deferred,' Colonel Hest- you can. be compelled to lay down your Inge! Your presence infeCts the very
Inge. title, or give up your estate, or leave air I breathe!"
To say that Mrs. Montgomery was Your home at the costle." "Rose! Rose! Why this fierce indim
thunderstruck at this announcement "Colonel Hastings, I do not believe that matiaa against one who adores you?
would give the reader but it faint idea there is one candid person in the world Wthy do au (mutilate to strike one who
of its effect upon her. She was strick. who could witness Nv hat we have wit- loves you too tenderly to totort? If for
en dumb for at least two minutes; but nessed to -day and nat feel convincedof it time I vidillated between the lady
on recovering her speech, she set her the truth of my mother's statement, and who bad m promise and the maiden who
tongue at work, "to make fast atone- the rights of Rose to the title and es- possessed any ac•art; if, final, I broke
scent fax its first delay. Colonel Hast- tales of Etheridge of Swinburne. I shall with the lady and decided, for the mei-
ings, however, at once cut lier short by not wait to be just for the tardy per- dere was teat so great a crime? 11 so,
observing that Lady Etheridge had rot mission of the law. I here and now you, at least, Rose, who profit by it,
a moment to spare, as death was no re- solemnly resign in favor of the new should not reread' me wieh et," Said
specter of persons, and would. not wait claimant all right and title that I ma
Y Albert Hastings, bitterly. .
an the mightiest on earth. And then, be supposed to have to the barony and "I prolfit by your treathery! I pdek
with the stately courtesy of the olden • estates of Swinburne. This is my final up your broken faith and wear it as a
time, he conducted his ward to the doorlo
resolve. Call me, therefore no longer 0.P Never! Know rite better, Mr.
of her dressing -room. Lady Etheridge, but, if you are kind, mataigt a,
And in half an hour afterwards Colonel call me, its you did in my happy child- eRose, you are very cruel."
Hastings and Lady Etheridge were rola hood, Laura, for that name is mine yet." "Listen to Inc enoe more, And for the
ing along M the close carriage on their "But my dear Laura, this is Multi- , last time, and you will understand why
dem, sheer fanaticism. You are now
way to the house of the laundress. '1',1 ; V011 and I mud speak no more on earth.
The tick woman lay where Lady lEth- a condition to judge what you shel •
t Yesterday afternoon you :met me,
eridge had left her some hours before. do. You are unnerved by this . sudden . breathing vows of sineere, undivided, un -
She was attended by Rose and a neigh. shock. You Mate spent the night in 1 dying iovei„
bor, wbo watched with her. watching. You need repose. Let me en- 1 "Whith were true, Rose; as true as
' The eyes of the visitors turned. fast treat you to return horfne retire t:eee.;•eoeunr :Ileaveni„
upon Rose a glance of inquiry to see eattmbeirll ittehd take
"alley were? Well, 90 1 behoved them
whether as yet she knew or suspected You ta e b 'na ebwettermicrosnaitioli 1
to„thiok a_ nantooacit."a Ito be, And so I, hoping in it More ptera-
the possible great fortune in acme for
ter. t thank you, Colonel Hastings; but : diem left you. \Vela when, 1 reathed
But no; that drooping form, pale tace, rny mind is dear enough and strong en- ilanne, ma mother, very unexpectedly on
and those tearful eyes gpoke of anything oug , even now, n
hto k Oar right from ;me, part, despatched me to the castle to
'lamest Lady Etheridge to come to see
rather than of pleasure and unexpected wrong."_"Well, I ' 't •
, Leura, perceive 1 Is useless her. On reaching the eaetle I was shown
ornbat our resolution at present, to the library, where I found the- lady
titodiegh I deem7't t i " tdnious one.' eittin,g with documents before her, and
Laura then advfanced to greet the
maiden, who was about to respectfully I cci,tornos nnit.iii 3 rose
with her noble face beaming with happe-
eourtesy to the baroness who inimedi- An so totying, 1 nel ash g
nese and benedictions, as though she
bid her good-bye.
stele* preeented ber to Colcatel Hastings.
.Aree. it must be admitted that the cute
fling old courtier bowed to the possible
future Lady Etheridge, of Swinburne.
The neighbor arose, made her deem.
once, and gave way to the distinguished
A6 Laura teok the plate by the head
CHAPTER VII. wore anticipating the arrival of some -
A one upon whom she was aboat to be -
When Rose Elmer left her needier' etow 000.10 new token of her love -smite
he -
cottage, it must be remembered that unexearipled good, In a word, ale. Hasa
she had no knowledge or suspicion of ings, thirs noble and generous lady wets
Hast -
the exalted fortunes in prospect for her. expecting her betrothed huelmna, upon
Ilea heart was filled. with grief and dos-
pair --grief for her eupposal mother's whore she ante about to bestow in ad -
of the bed, the sleeping woman awoke, failing mvoice her whole vast landed eetate. Iind arid body, and despair at the
of had starcely time to deliver my ineseage
and, sseeing her, add: discovered. intimate -cid and treachery etnd to gain her toteent to 0=0 to my
"Alt, you have returned, as you pro- her lover. Fier hirn whom she bad known mother', +Siren your name 'wee announe-
raised! I knew you would. Laurat only as William Lovel, her pure affee. ed. The deer Isidy, who had nothing to
Laural take my hand, my child. For- tion holier and trust Iota antountea to
notes applicable to the condition of the
trade In agricultural eeeas. Geo. H.
Clark, Seed. Commissioner.
Thousands of people know that the or-
dinary remedies for piles -ointments,
suppositories and appliances -will not
The best of them only bring passing
Leonhardt's Hem -Reid is a tab -
et taken internally that removes the
ause of Piles, hence the cure is perman.
sin Every package sold carries a guar-
t'with it.
It is perfectly harmless, $1. All deal-
ers, or The Wilson-Fyle Co., Limited, Ni-
agara Falls, Ont.
- •
tyni'wniinaspe;me miss;
Little maid pf joy and bliss;
Little fragrant leafy bowers,
Liko a fairy small,
There I see thee with thy flowers, :
Queen among them all.
Brow to match the Illy fair,
Eyes of violet blue;
Lips .exceeding, I declare,
Roses' crimson hue;
Tresses o'er they waxon brow,
Like a film of gold;
Fairer than the flowerets, thou.
Fairer, manifold.
Fairer than the fairy crew,
Or its queen, who sups
portions of the _morning dew
From her golden cups.
Clearer than the eryrstal rill '
Is thy voice benign,
Purer than its waxers still,
Ev'ry thought of thine.
Brighter than the flowerets, far,
Is thy glowing face;
Lighter than the zephyrs are
Is thy form of grace;
Sweeter than the tinkling rill
Is thy magic voice,
Bidding, with its treble trill, •
Ev'ry heart rejoice.
Pretty, pretty, elfin dear; .
- Little queen of flowers,
Reign without a thought of fear,
In thy sylvan bowers.
Grow in beauty ev'ry day,
In thy fairy dell,
Where the sunbeams dance and play.
And the flowerets dwell.
-Frank Leon Booby.
get your past grandeur ,or regard it
only as a brilliant dream, an Make niy
hand, my child. 1 will not ask it king.
Are vre.alonei"
"No, mother; Reser is here, and eta
cif your neighbors.'
'Send them away."
This short enlIVerSittiOn wit* carried
en in st very low visite unheard by any
one Mee in the re0m.
Laura arose and emoke to Rote and
40 the neighbor ,both of whom immeda
ately left the house. akin she return -
red to the bedside of the Oink wonted,
who *gain eagerly claspea And, held her
herad, saying:
Learat Lewitt do net feel eokt-
jr I0241,, L4 use hays theo'nns-
fort a nsy ehila's affection in the lett
ftw avers of my life• Oh Lar* Lateral
rya 'with rash a taitlety, itair104t4-
real faith and worship. With the heath-
°nig' idolatry of a young warm heart,
the had adored him as it god. And now
to find this idol of her adoration it trai-
tor of the deepest dye, who eould new
woo her under team pretense* and it-
iMmed llarnits and who, even on his eve
Of Marriage with Lady Rtheridge, eoula
coolly plot bee awn ruin, en wrung lier
heart with anguish and Mistreated her
brain With wonder that her Whole ma -
tare banned beaten oboist between mad -
head atta death, a* a storm tossed ship
beinereeti What and Wave.
Xi thla mood of mind she left the ea -
toga and after petting with her neigh-
bor at the deer of the letter, 6he Walk-
esi listanaly clown the narrow street,
intending to eteek the hills. She had nem
eeedeed bin littIe *rity
IsMie 01 tan Want, Med
conceal, did, net. send me from the room,
but bade me retire to the bay -window
eseet, and amuse myself with some printte
trate glee shottla be at liberty to go with
ma 1 obeyed her, and in another um-
ment your name, your true name, anti
not the false one by which I had known
yeti, Was ennounceil, arid you entered
the room. I hated your voice, and, re-
cognizing it, started and turned around
to /testae inegolf that my eate had not
asteivecl trie. No, there you Mood,
breathing th her the same vows of sin -
ere, Undying love, that you had aid
alive hours before breathed to met And
there elle eteod, noble litdyt with all her
loyal eoni beaming front her fine is.cie,
believtme Torre worsts that fell from yourr
false Woe, jusit es !believed you *tea
the out. hours Wares.
wst dorti oa (To lot opu‘tisreed.)
Teething Babies
are saved suffering -and mothers
given rest -when one uses
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Quickly relieves -regulates the
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Used 50 years. Absolutely safe.
At drug -stores, eic. 6 bottles, U.29.
Natioual Drug & Chemical Co., Limited,
Sole Proprietors, Montreal. 41
Yen XliSt Agren in This:-
That headache does net nereseartly mean
there ie anything wrong with mix bead!
Thist being so, yOu must look to eeree other
organ for the trenble, Is the ache in the
forehead, and does it mace it you eves* it?
That Is. neuralgic beadathe. It is on ono
side °title head oily? That is what the doc-
tors call "megrim," noth Mese forms arise
from 'lack of tone in the system hi your
headitelno general and accorananied hY Men"
Mira Or foul breen, or eenstiPation? That
kind ef headaehe le dee to liver and stomach
Moonier. Nine beadacbes in ton arise from
Mese (causes. There are' two methds oof
treatment. One Is to' take headache powders.
It is like trying to mane pain by taking
chit:reform. Tim ether is to correct tbe or -
Rens which by tbeir deranslement are eaus-
Iniglealihns° eturoroublheea.
ate istiltelienirli°1nnefWicEllYall
eiscration on the digestive 'system, the liver
and the Mood.
Mr, CI, R. Black, of 35 =ovine Place, To-
ronto, says: "f velfered acutely from bead -
1 40110. The attacks were snozt violent and
made site so I could barmy do anything.
The beadaclio was accompzinied by digestive
trouble heartburn • nd tonsti ation and it
seemed as if I were going from bad to worse -
anything which give me relief. paeans,
however, acted illto magle• They not only
cured the headache, but also relieved mo
01 1tidIgst1on, hoarthurn nd consttp0tlon.
No family should be without a SO:t otBileaua
on the shelf."
Bileans aro a cure for all digestive and
liver disorders, constipation, piles, debility,
anemia( blood impurities, colds and chins,
rheumatism, 'wind spasms, female ailments
and irregularities, sallow complexiens (due
to bile in the blood), dizziness, etc. All
druggiots and stores sell at 00o a box, or
free from the Bilean Co„ Toronto, for price,
0 boxes for $3.60.
Tedious Funeral Sermons.
How long thould it funeral sermon be?
We asked this question of half a dozen
different people this week because of a
conversatio» we overheard in the post -
office in refcrenee to the outrageous
length of a Bannon preached at a recent
funeral. The general opinion seemed to
be that few funeral sermons ought to
be over fifteen minutes in length, At
a time of that kind the less said the
better. Few are coacerned, other than
tbe immediate family and they are hav-
ing trouble epough without being Qom.
pellad to sit and listen to any lengthy
service no matter how interesting it
may be to the rest of the audience.
Fifteen minutes is as lona' as any man
ought to preach and his voice should
never get above a smooth convensetion.
al tone. -Washington Register.
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Sirs, -I have used your MINARD'S
LINIMENT for the past 25 years and
whilst I have occasionally used other
liniments, I can safely thy that 1 hava,
• never used any equal to yours:
If rubbed between the hands and in-
haled frequently it Will never fail to cure
cold in the head in twenty-four hours.
It is also the best for bruises, sprains,
etc. Yours truly,
Dartmouth. J. G. LESLIE.
Boni Scouted at Home. .
(Pittsburg Despatch.)
When count Boni De Castellano ascended
the spettker'a tribune in the chamber of
dernities half the members abruptly loft the
Place. The Incident is illuminative. It re-
minds the world that behind t110 gayety and
glitter of Paris there is a, sober, moral and
industrious bulk of the nation as sensitive
upon honer and decency as any other. It
also shows that European heiress hunters
are considered in much the same light at
hotho as they are in this oountry and that
Imbue opinion abroad views the aboreinable
conduct of °listener's. 'with as great abhor-
rence aO Wo do.
Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc.
Plan of the Pacific Coast Securities
Company Absolutely Safe
The old tdoa of "nothing new under the
sun" is completely put to flight by the Pac-
ific Coast Securities Company, of Portland,
Oregon, In handling the stock of the Sea
Island Copper COmpany. This company, whose
officeta are business mon of Many years ex-
perience, have perfected a plan whereby the
investor's money is under his own control
and he does not tato the stook tintit earning
"Ilt tilt %vide& aro
"Priffol'eutg 5.
no o ' ome ng Sc .n
ing," hes Just been issued for free distribu-
tion, and It 10 valuable .10 anyone eontem-
Meting Investment T. Trporate enterprises,
On the Bargain Counter.
She married for money,
'Twee not very Mee,
But hoer coeld she help it,
Considering the price1
F01 he was a Widower
(Surely 'Twas Otto)
Of eixty, Marked down
,Abetlt fort -eight
manse weak blood, gerieral debility, impeired
diataion. No one need have those -to long sa
such an excellent blood atcl nerve remedy as
THAOt Marti( ttesisreaeth
Tablets trate b. had. They supply the bioeci
the 'oils- Oat whale sy4em,
with red abigxlit ma Irritate haoitli, clotritie
nay d up rein sad mottle, ana meta lite
well weals Nom 50e, a -box -4$ Ira" $2.50.
Mr* Pita 2100ft ana Itt,fre, Oitthotere Anal*
eift' Ova old „thin 7,RY
ihrm Vit Clortioleto. 4/Cosidlit
New Military Step for Japan.
. (Japan Gazette.)
Tbe Japanese army has decided to discon-
tinue the German system in the march stop
and adopt a new system in conneetion with
revisloa of the infantry drill book. Ac-
cording to the oldsystem, infantry on tho
march ought to raise the feet high and step
heavily swaying the hands fore and aft.
The stop under the new system is very light
and the march maye be •pormanently contin-
ued, as the feet are not required to be raised
so high and the bands are to be freely ex-
ercised. Each infantry regiment is to send
it representative to the Military Model Col-
lege to study the new step system.
Minima's Liniment Cures Garget in Caws.
Ball Player's Finish.
The ending of a ball player's career
has in it much the same tragedy that
accompanies the loss of voice by tho
singer. At one fell swoop the player and
his family drop from comparative lux-
ury, ease and ability to have all the
ordinary pleasures of life and fall to
something like actual poverty. Often-
times poverty is encountered before the
and of the struggle is reached. The still
young couple, after several years of
good living, travelling, seeing the world,
enjoying all the fun M sight, suddenly
come evith a splash to the icy water of
poor living, poor clothes, inability to pay
for theatre tickets and trips about, and
inability perhaps to much more than
pay the rent of a small flat -for the
ball player 'who has never done anything
but play ball and who has not saved
his money is against a liard. proposition
before he can learn a trade or find
something to carry him safely along.
4 • I
Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
aitd Ending Of A Plittation
Os Train.
"/ never was much given to flirtation,"
seal the tateelling mart, "but I tail a
renew eereape Met sat:name from. ittillas
front melee.
"1 was riding from Ilaiwribal, Mo„to.
apaluefield, 111., en a aValetsit Mist.
sat next to tlie winslew on the right etas
of the car, no 0110 raining ley Kat,
.tereee the aiele front IDS Mt IMO NVOSTOD#
The one next to the wintlow was a good
looking, pereon, With a, WU) elik cpwn
atet a pleat -ant fiteita expressionn. ()awl
as else looked at me I deteetes •
tinetly frierelly ttsiukio 1.0. bee eyes.
Was alitenielted. But not fatally, A
man's .egotilan will never let lam feel
Mealy surprised waren a woman allows* •
algae of being pleased with
"I thought at livist I have Maned stonee.
one who ,aeteets n gO0a thing at first
»•itliout the necessity of any of the-
prelisuineey Magee of aeguaintance. Tao
neat time I looked her waye-whicti •
wasn't leng-there was. SS Maria
tisinale in any own ey-e0, iu response to •
it suggestion of a emits visited the
coraers 01 Use woman's well -shaped
"I sat up, fixca my coat cellar so it eet
just right, adjuelea by four -in -band and
tried to look uneoaceread. Within five
ninutee that strange peneon and 1 ware
aniliug at alai otter like ola acquanite:
°Abont this thee it tall, lanky person
wielkea into the ear, epoke it worcl to the
women accompanying the one of the
fcriCm.ty prOaliyitlea Rid Wen e0.t (11W21
beside one We drifted into converse,
tiara with tit freemasonry of davoluit-
tery eenentees.
"Soon he said: Tut the Sheriff of
this county. I've got a coaple o' erazy
women, takin"em to the aalesm, Yen
wouldn't ever know they was crazy,
neither. That .wom,ea over there with
the blue #1reSS is oree of 'erne
"Well, I have known seam keen hu-
miliations in. my life, but dint was a
Mine the keeneet."-Clacago News.
Hero Who Won It Found Dying Before
It is Sold.
After a brief spell of fame it seems to
be the predestinedfate of the Victoria
cross hero to sink into e position so re-
duced that it is impossible -to find his
' Many are the romanees, which fate has
woven around men who, after a daring
feat of arms, have ben rewarded by a
grateful sovereign- with the proudest
don of a seldi.
er But none it
(a 1):1c.res'sm6is more patheticthan that of
distinguished officer whose Victoria cross
• was to have been sold next week in it
„Londou auction room.
, Fifty years ago he performed such
feats of heroism in the Criniertn that he
received a nation's praise and a grateful
queen pinned. on his breast the breeze
cross that is worth BO little and yet is
worth so meth,
Afterward Ise rose to high rank in the
Army ana retired. Tea years ago sins-
forturie overtook him, and as a lost re.
source he raised a feiv pounds by leaving
his beloved, eross in a pawn broker's
drawer. Then he departed rata nothing
more WAS heard of him.
A Victoria emus is never sold until at -
ter the (Math of the man to whom it has
been awarded.
'Xhe auctioneers searched the Somer-
set house registers for days, but the gat-
Istut officer's name was not to be found.
At last, three days ego,;his death wee
jammed and the (Toss wee advertised
for sale. it We to hove been sold next
week, but yeeterdity stfterneori, quite by I
accident, the auctiriecere herd that the
loyffiiier was still alive, although serious -
And so the cross will not be sold, Des-
aibly it friend will recompense the pawn-
broker to the extent ef its valne and
rend it along to the officer in errata that
he my eta it again 1. flre disc -Lou.
don :Mirror.
Dear Mother
Your little Ones ofet a constant care in
Fall and Winter weather. They will
catch cold. Do you knowalleout Shiloh'.
Consumption Cure, the Lung Tonic, and
what it has done for so many? It is said
to be the only reliable remedy for all
diseases of the air passages in children.
It is absolutely harmless and pleasant to
take. It is guaranteed to cure or your money
is returned. The price is 25c, per bottle,
and all dealers in medicine sell 34
This remedy shouid he in every household.
What Socialism Fails to See.
(Chicago Chronicle)
11 tbe rigat of 'private property in the
means by whish the multitude ef useful
and convenient things were produced
were taken away the motive to maintain
their excellence and to •produce them at
thie least eost.would disappear.
Deterioration and. privation and high
cost would take blie place of excellence
and abundance arul cheapness, to th.e
vast houry of the masses of the people
whom the socialistic areamere promisee
to Privatebenefi t .p roai
seers, must sell oat 0. nar-
row maegin and economize on cost of
production in order to Ming their pro-
ducts within the reach of the greatest
possible number. No such force would
be in operation to secure the most abun-
dant •supply to the greatest number un-
der public ownership of the means of
There would, therefore, be less sup-
ply, inferior quality, higher ,prices, no
effort to meet new events and ,general
economic retrogression in place of the
Utopia promise,a by the socialistic vis-
• • a
Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
"No, sir," remarked the weary way-
farer, "I was not always as you see me
now. I was once cheated out of a for-
tune." "How was that?" asked the
sympathetic listener. "The man who
had it refused to allow me to marry his
daughter," replied the weary wayfarer.
ISSUE N 0. 1, n07.
PaRale roR SALZ.
see, e ".."(1",••••0, -
n Wean LiNtinit 1.10Fernik41a LanOla
al tram in tee Colette of Bros.:, :with geed
buil:lin1x:3; 120 stores cun..sated,
or secured; iteevidiate poioanion; title pare
feet. Ainde et men, London Lean 0Say-
lupe Co., London, tint.
1. 11 elaa UNI 1fIt MORTGACW, ONLY 1300
down or eeeured; 00 sere fartn, In the
Township (7.1 171,0.7., County el Middlesex; geed
trame buildings; immediate possession; Mks
perfect, Apply Lendon Loan Company, ran-
dom Ont,
leantnonsmarina, contain.; a aer-
ies of special leeeone in farm bookkeeping,
with full iontructions, separate rulings and
printed headings for grate account, poultry
account, cattle acectust, hog ned0111, labor
sceount, dairy :mem:t, expellee ceount;
depart:3mM ler tenth 1:11,:1 (7. 11,1!, cash
received acrennt cud 7.11 14.14 out v.',0Sflt,
alio manual also cOntaltw 0. orapir,o !risen
department, a votolluary handbook. e per-
fect system cf herse•iraluing according to
the methods eeed by Pref. 0, W. at ason,
besides tle: farmero' legal departmeet. 400
The J. L. NICHOLS CO., Limited,
(11(ention this paper.) Toronto, Canada.
Agents wanted.
Mrs. Winslow'e Soothine Syrup should al -
vans be uced Mr children t‘ething. It
soothes the eluld, seothes the ghats, cures
wind colie and is the belt remedy for diar-
EXt LEp:ov-to
At,., euro ahu roliaolo toodd'Ily mauls.
tor. Moo ises ham been toot la I mare
ffo0r' tlive'rpuilirtgloaeY'adre's'Ignuuodd, felre."3",
teed by tho makers. Sncloso t for
scaled ch Wen Prig° 817.7. Lox of
Vraggalter er y mutt, seem ely sealed, on Ica:,
1.10 ROY PILL 00..
Boa 44, Hamilton,
; A PEACE TO tairiela.
Many Who Hate Deted'aes nee ienorant
of Their 'One.
The French people, in naming the
wife's private sitting room her "bou-
doir" practically recognized bar need for
being alone. A place in which to sulk
was provided for her, and there are
times in which even the best tempered;
of men and women feel that their moodl
is unfit for social intercourse.
To recognize this is one of the first
duties of the newly -married partner.
The dark mood will pass, and all the
sooner, if the sufferer is lett unques-
tioned. Queries are quite useless. To
be asked what is the matter. only as-
sists in the curdling process already be-
gun. These are times when he soitit
dwells apart in isolation. To disturb
its eolitude is to call down on one's de-
voted heed the wrath . of the honsehold
Many married lives are wrecked from
this inability to understood moods. A
husband offers sympathy, a young wife
feels convinced her duty is to win her
loved. one from Illa attittale of mien-
eholy. All either of them requires is ;
tittle Ulna Moue.
Retones and builds up the
nervous system, gives nat-
ural vigorepurifiesthe blood,
cures constipation, kidney troubles, sore
backs and neuralgia, Sold only by mail.
Send postal note or coin. Price 50c. and
one 2 -cent stamp. The Morrison Slice
cialty Co., Box 224, Windsor, Ont.
The Drunkard's Contribution.
(Country Life In America.)
The eighteenth century in England was
notoriously an age of ale drinkers and wins
bibbers and your English squires were topers
all. Hence a large proportion of the English
glassware of the eighteenth senturY woe in
the form of drinking glasses, mugs and
decanters. Frown as we may upon the pic-
tures of midnight wassail and boisterous
conviviality, with brave toasts and frothing
bumpers, making the Christmas holidays
one grand sweet ."booze," we can not
deny that we owe these merry roisterers
much for the tall ale gle.sses, the graceful
decanters and the elender wine glasses which
they have bequeathed to us..
y • N
3,0 Syr
For Coughs and Colds.
Blue Fox Ruff
Think of 11, a brautied Del of eleo PDX, no snosS
fashionable fur wens, .glycn isbaolately free, Such an
offer wag never mule before. Otlir (7.0110/1 we can
afford to do IUI that wo arranged for these handsome
Fun; during (Ito dull 0035100 in 1110 summer ond got them
nearly ot chst. 7108 huff le 41 lecLes long neatly
4 Inches wldo, made 01 (1,0 band omcst Blue Fox Far.
very rich, aoftand may. 01 1, wsonly padded, lined 'with
the sante ehtdoof Enna aid ernamtuted sv,th four long
tensor Blue Vex also. Sacha llat.dcome P018 no,
beforo bmen given away. 017,1200.1.9 gct It an easy. Jon
sonduayour name and addreal, Vl1Lfl10.aii4 ‘on roan
10 boxes of our rename Vegetable Now Mai nt n
boX. A grand reined, end estre for cll Impure mei Weak
Condition* 07. 1105 Moo‘9, Thdtgretlna Str,innea 'trouble,
Voasupation,Iverakaost, gervoaa 1Therdet#, ithenreetlaln
and Female Trina4##, Aerate! Tonto end Life Builder.
Theso are our regular YOe, 420: they eaey tO sit I se each
cuitoraer Who by, n bov 87. 0111, tram son recelves
prize ticket 1476 tOtItI 1 dna place et 800,1.
ware. Don't nibs the chalice of sour 8.553 7.83'0.1'
Order and we 20111115411105.60180414 Prise Tickets by
non bestnald. Virhen 111,1 007. send as the tn000PI$2.10i
and we will gond yon thls handsome Slue FOX*Dut al
ehargee paid. Write today. Addreas 140 New Mlle
irtewodv 4fl. Dont It 'Jrerento. f`Meds.
SUMS itArtit MA.
111U 11.11,6114 ILO Pik WAX
Ask ht
POP HOTELS, vroutstousta,NOIMTAte,