HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-01-03, Page 2.... T IWO f.",-. •••• I, • Y. •••,111,..... "*....rtr"'"tr"'M'"*""1..;.•• .0,1411.1.0 ..4.1.; 01411 .
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tier relent* Had Her Arreeted 4lei A
Toonto, DeVagrant.
IIIHIAND re. al. -Mary Shaunont a
' A,irl of 14, wittiFie parents keep a store, at
eta Vietoritt etreet, wets arretted last
AL YEAR. night cm a tamp of stealing a chatelaine
• leg with $7 in it, belonging to Lillian
b a 'Wen- 1 • - SI
Loes of Time, see,Soo Daye-On Five
Occasions Ietervention by Labor '.
Department limier Concilio.tioe Act i
Was Invoiced.
Ottawa, Dee. 31, --The enamel report
of the Department a Labor states that
during the year ending June 801tiet there
were 130 trade dispute* in Canada, hp
volving upproximatelye 343,800 working
days. During the year there were report-
ed 1,071 fetal industrial aecifients, and
78 serious acidents whieh were not
fatal. Fair wages schedule% Were pra-
.pared by the department for insertion
in 147 separate contracts, Inadditionto
the preparation of then schedules, the
department was frequently consulted by
other departments of tbe Government In
connection with expenditures incurred
with regard to wages.
In the ease of less important work
where tenders were not called for, ac-
counts for eervices were referred be-
fore payment to the Department of La-
bor in ,order thOt the aepertenent
rniebt certify as to the charges for
tither in those accounts. The depart-
ment also eertified as to tho wages end
the hours of lebor specified in twi-
tters submitted by contreetom to the
Post -office Depertment for ten a:m-
imes for supplies.
No necessity arose during tbe you
for enforeement of the provisions of
the Railway Labor Disputes Act. of
1903. Only one request was received
for the application of this Act, width
was in the ease of a strike of rail-
way mathiniets at Stratford, Ont.
This npplication wee sebsequetitly
withdrawn. and a request instead
was made -under the. Coneiliation Act.
The intervention of the department
under the Conciliation Aet of 1900
was requested and :tempted on five
occasions, namely, in the eases 'of a
street railway emplovees strike at
Cornwall, a lockmit of coal minors at
Nanaimo, a strike of mitchiniets of
the Grand Trunk Railway Cement -iv
at •Stratiaed, end strikes in the. build•
her and lenthor trades at Calaary.
Tn four of these disputes le settlement
was effectea under tbe mediation of
the Department of Labor. With re-
gard to the fifth, affeeting maeldnists
at Stratford. a provisineal agreement
was effected. bet was eubsenuently
lanai:dee by the maehinistee union..
Since the passing of the Cemeilietene
A ot in 1900 to the elose of the leaf. fkeel
elear renuests for the friendly intervee-
Hon of the Depertmeet of Labor in • the
seitlernert of trade aisputes had been
made on 19 eceasions.
d was
a fatal
kin Lake
t of here, on
the Canadian
way, kittekenzie
as can be learned, a
Italiaus, Englishmen
ere velebrating Christmas
enee of a settler named Me.
were drinking whiekey.
be Miami 10041e impeper
young woman, withal sbe
a teamster, MeDodd. (Eng -
red on behalf of the girl and
y stabbed through the heart
an. Some Swedtes interposed,
'Italian and another used
m party and the result was
ond man. a relative Contrae-
is stabbed probably fatally
or two others less seriously
The Italians eecaped.
. N. W. press despatch says a
y of Italians, probably. under the
uenee of liquor, started from the
tmp and went to the farm house of
Mr, tfe0ormick. They started to kick
up a row there and attempted to assault
Mrs. McCormick,
InFtne. ke •
thet3the creation of Man 0 at
The soul Wits not evartitasit WAS created.
Alan is the son of 0.01"-Peloubet In
his material oreanizetion man was mule
out of the earth ; his sairitual nature
was imparted by. the Spirit of the At.
.ietity Liven. "Image" and "like
ese" represent tiersonality and chartte-
a Man Ity his personality is distiar
hed frein animals; in his charaete.
is 'hated with the Divine. As the ha-
ofdted he expreeeed the idea. of in.
Latin; as the likeness of God he
.teti the mcral qualities ,of his Crea
As Gad showed :Moses a model (,f
e tabernecle in the nsount and charger;
to follow the pattern in building thi.
uary, so the Son of God, -whose ire
etion was yet future, was the mode.
which man was created ill .epirit
and body. For man redeemed an
a in resurrection life, is conform
the same image (II. Car. EL 13.)-
bann "We finally come to tin
Mug act of -areation. Man witt
west int a being by the direct creative
poWer of Goa. Goti did not command
earth or weter to bring man forth, but
he -said, 'Lot us make man in our binge
after our likeneasa Certainly there is no
evolution here. Evolutitat teachte thtt.
man sprang from- an ape, and, that le
. the 'survival of the fittest' he has come
• to his present state of developmentle:e.
the 'Bible, in so realty evetereaee-aelarka
. that man was reeeteartbe linage anti
atiteness eateestatttaln hie image as r
- 'erirosereetiesug, and in his likeness as e
holy being. By transgression man lose
the likeness, and the great work of re
demption is to restore that godlikenetf.
to man as a moral being."-Edtvara
Hart. We are created in the image oi
God in respect to his intelligence and
reason, his moral nature, his dominion
and his inunorality. Have dominion °eel
--It seems to be taught elsewhere that
man lost part of his dominion by hit
transgression. All animals fear man, but
they are not all ready to -submit to him.
-111. Notes.
27. Male and female -The story ot
woman's treation is given in chapter e
21-24. 1,Vonittn was created by taltim
• rib, or a part c:f the man's side, for
the original word may mean either, and
forming it into the woman.
28. God blessed them -He gave them
his favor, his :care for their posterity
and their good, so that it would. be e
blessing. a bappipess to live. And the
divine benediction is ttill essential te
the ideal life, nalicli is the only true lie
here below. 'Ile divine origin of mar
riage is seen in that God created man
male and female. The man is not la
complete man without the woman. Po1y.
gamy and divorce are gross monstroel•
ties according to, the Bible account ot
rean's creation." -Torrey. °the)
creature was so near to Adam as Eve.
She was part of himself. So the brid:
will hold the enarest place to Christ
Gloree-MeIntosh. Be fruitful - The
first family was founded with one bus
band and one wife. It was God's pure
pee- to fill the earth with happy be -
Inge, enjoying the good things he had
made. Children are a great blessing iv
the family. They tend to remove se!f-
ishness, to tlet-elop benevolence, patience
love, tope and self-government; it is al-
. eliiI
droll' Subdue it - Bring it under cul.
• e • le "The labor of subditina the
- • eart hue stimulated invention, and is
. •
the °legit, 'eed bona of dell society,"
. Have dominion -s- Man has been aptit-
. describea as the.Preattite who was to
be Gotre representative,. clothed with
authority, and who should rute is vial
We head of the word "This dominior
Goa has made te art from thnt mente'
. • supesiority which eo/ etitutee man's dis
tinetion and gime. ote. 1. The peeves
• ntan in his d. 2.. The benefit
and extent of rean'is dominion is made
to depend on the morel as well as the
intellectual nature with which be wets
originally ends/wed. 3. Our doniinien
(Wer the inferior animals oiveht to be
exercised with winione rectitude ant'
.20. Have given you -The world is 0
'ne gift to man, valuable end inerens
in value, expressing God's love, teeth.
isatruth. sustaining his life, minis-
' tering to every sense.-Hom. Com. Ev-
ery herb .. for nicat•-in this and the
following vers.e the death of any crene
tura does not appear in the original
design of God. Man was neither to eat
the rash of Mute animals, nor were
these to prey mien each other. It wee
only after the fall that such things were
at all provided for.
DI. Giod saw---Seemine to iseniie to in
Welt Idie work. Very .getree-eleperla-
tiverly gear. porfeet. Nothing eould be
lidded, or diminished; no change, altere-
item or modificatien eollall be made wiele
out mereing Goan; Isereliwork. Ties ema-
il:ion woes "good as showing God's love to
ereetnres,, anal good as the eepree-
sker of Hie nature -and eheraeter."
It The Sebbath (ve. 1-3). I
Time -The divielen of tire elopter ishontal
ls" sit verse 4. Were finielted--Ifie work
of ereittien ann4 completed. tt. Ileeted.-
N'ot become God wtte weeny, but because
the week planned was dote.
3. Messed sanctified--Goil ent
foulest one dray in sown. aa, a day to be
given th Mtn. It wee to lee devoted to
•attered nueposeis. "The law of tio Sets-
linehie (I) beneficial, fe) neiveyeri,
orpetwa." "Tide Setehlo pithit t,!)...c.t Irak? -
tlitnit MOM funelamental ithan
revelation ter Aalent etny of else pat-
teetreles, He hen put the -teed of a, (ley
rf rexat. OM toe.,NP11. 11V1/1 (cur %pry
mu -
1 and has intele all the Pert": to
eyanapitthiew ith thie tee. 4, ee
.ste of blue v..isetes
t I
ee a rie
t horee;"
te back tot
:mated man."
ring in ono o
xned by the se.
seme his turn- to' is
'els their weleoue
Tame( he malted, "Te stet
!as belonr" "'The yeeteete
ere," eaid. e -little girl. Ilolitiri
oin he asked, "To what '.ew.
ongt" "To the mineral kiag
he cliti•Ac erePon.s.e. "To w)aii
so .e,beieng-, thenl" asked tits
-isild bine:fuse ..• Mee di.I notjt
"I'lle animal dumb -see" lestl,
leiter might be. off:es:lel .-7,,,
grayed into lusent'ed. the the
eade man in hie one image,'
air up brightly else amel, "To
Vas, sire." The king Wee de
el. A tear stool In Ms e'ees
eenet upon tha. eliildea head he
-trent that I may be /wenn
if that kingdom." Have nati
daillind with the psabrasteeta
19 09
osed of
on does. e e s
Yingdom, 1.111ITISII CA.TTLD
1P a gold Lo.nd
It01,1,1 wbaes- iruggeet:sallta.0-Cirm atqncucaordt,leat1811:naerp1tOeitVal,
inat,. The • FLO:UR PRIC
. 'in, ssy Flour -Manitoba patent„
eir roy"al ^onto: Ontarjo, 00 per cent. pa
inal for export: Manitoba patent, spc,
llit.,• ,t,Ghtotitri brands. S140: strove Ulcers', 24;
'Y'l look'. evettnieete-seeturee ciesea yeaterday: Dan. •
Damage More or Less Severe Done to
Other Towns in Neighborhood -Dis-
trict Severely Shelton at Time of
et,Valpare.iso Disaster in August.
Santiago; Chile, Dec. 31. -Half of the
oiva of Arlea, in the lee:niece of Tacna,
uts lseest destroyed. by an earthquake
.so -el. Other tomes in .iiltat neighberhood
Lave .s-esl'ereal more Or less Severely.
The seaport of Iquique, 120 miles south
of ...trice, was net damaged. With tee
restaleetion ef. the An-geset dieaster fnse
in their minds, the people in. the c:aarth-
enssilee zene are geeetly alarmed.
Tuella is in the nurthernmoet province
of Chile and leorders on Peru. It hie
en area of 8,000 squiere Is
neeirs.ly a yainlees desert eroseed try
eusesity and intermittent serearms. Eartli-
quakee are frequent. ..teries. le 'on the
sea twee .11 was formerly a much mere
inepertant. elece titan now. The pepula-
tion, tame .eetimated at 30,000, is to-
day about 3,000.
Jit Augupt of this year, when a dis-
astrous earthquake visited aantiago and
Vaepareit.o severe and numerous shooks
were a:epee:direct in Tacna provinee.
Zits, MAY Wile. alnde 77910
"Goa rr,,, Yuri:. *. • nat. • " VS:
Worthy • Dames;
a we- „ •. 72y1, 70.as 751:s
in ohs itt
ilia his ah tie e 850i 43
for e ete reee„....seeees ere enlasr- Duluth
eine reeelienes-weel noticed how he de-' "6
forniation of Use human body - The Provincial Treaaurer has received from
'Maley the metaphor of a piece of rick
euriOnS eruhroitlery? (Poulin cxxxiX. the Temishaming & Northern °Mario Raul-
e:ey Commission a certed eheck for S1.68, -
son. whiah represents part of the net earn -
man is the ifk000sa of nod. 11,1(,igloljutsItteeGioovernment railway line for the
make man..after our likeness" (v. 26). Whca Um December re -
kith= T. Pierson says, `...rhe liken:x-1e trcln turns arc received it is expected that _the
included knowledge, righteousness and 'oe'3.000 and net. earning n ghb h
a"Ir esilhlavt Olforriale:otal
heliness-the benediction Christ gives a 1 0
to those restored from sin unto 'Cod -
(Eph. iv. 24; Col. iii. 10). The know- Costrol of the MeIninley Darragh Savage
:edge of Adam consisted in r:ght ale-
:Tel:elisions. He understood duty; he
perceived the meaning and relevaney of
,tod's commands; he saw hie relatiouship
to all other creatures; he had mental
powers eapable of appreciating what was
nroper, beautifill and. virtuous. 'What he
knew was ranch, what he could know
was much more. The rightemteness of
Aaiun consisted in right, editions.. He
had entire rectitude of will; his pur-
nose in each instance fell into exect bar-
e/tiny. He was a free agent. The le:line:a
If Adam consieted in right affeetions.
Ile had no object of adoration and pre-
airence beyoral. his Maker, with whom
he held constant, „familiar eemineinion.
What Adam lost. Christ came to rretisre.
We ean have it back again. We eamsot
mimes a ocaseit has passed into the hands
of New York capitaliats at a consideration
al 13,N0,000.
Lioatreal-Trade in almost all lines is sea:-
sou:ably quiet at tto present moment. The
Clirlattem trade in over and both the whole -
:ash -Li and retailers express great satisfac-
tion with the volume of business done. Dry-
:a:sails travellers are in and they the Dreyer -
leg fer the spring sbipments. The apriag
maintain hatt beeu partieularly good so (Sr.
It: inittanees and colleetions have been- coin-
isn forward wen. The grocery trade is quiet-
er. but Will unueually heavy for this season
of the ytar. Sugars have declined ten emus
par hundred lbs., but almost all other Hues
are very Dimly held. The supply of canned
vegetables looloi to be *hurt already. The
hardware trade has been exceedingly heavy
Ms a lung tirae, hut thing's: are now a little
quieter and Jobbers are looking forward to
getting an opportunity ti talus stoek. Values
hold iirra. Country retail trade still holds
in thIS dispensation make the sword ; brisk and coll:ctions are fair to good.
sara.veless Or the air dirge/en or the Ina 1 •eorunto-es is usual at this week a the
can. • Year there is little actual trade moving. in
.n ; the 01)
man heart SC)rrotvle.si. But we
through penitence for sin awl waith i ; trio), tihnoteni:,ealtt wohi,orile,,staleistrce sepseanseoyorsatehetyeisbhma:
or atonemeut, put off the oil ''` I
.vith his deeds, and put on the new '
.s ee am 1 (nee experienced. In ilk neckwear, it may
bo mentioned, the new tariff will have the
1 dam, Who is the Lord from hearers 41„, ; effect of lowering the quality ef goods sold
aetorer of all things." ) ".e. to the retailers at standard prices. The de -
The first worellip. "and ble.essed the 1 antuul for general lines of hardware and for
eeventh (lay and sanctified it." metals; has kept up surprisingly well. Values
tool. i titfo firm. The movement in groceries has
ii. 3). The Sabbath wat, nitele" at the I srilemillne27g.soiclislccdonftlittifiutos saellatticemaZ glues
oreation, if we read aright (Ex. xiti, te in fruits the season has been one of tir.
11). a IT. AL says, "The first day is not
the Sabbath •ehanged. but a WAN' day. If
1 celebrate the seventh day, it merits
beat in years. Hogs are steady and Ann.
Hides are lower and rather more active. Eggs
hold very lirm at 21c to 2aSe for storage, with
steaks liyht. Wool is quiet and steady.
.ne as an earthle' man. as 111 clay 1,, winninii--There has been a good retail
and whol;sale movement of general lines
!*learly the rest of cattle creetien
, during the paet week, although things have
itt if I am taught ty the Word ant: now taken on a quieter tone The Christmas
epint of Goa to unclerstead the ors,thilg traae was very heavy- both 'hero and the
ef the first day of the week, shall 0C• eouetry and general wauted linea continue
prebend it% connection with that new to move well. There bas been a..good demand
' Leary drygoods. The hardware trade is
ind heavenly. order of thiese of whieli realer quieter although it is etin heavy
for this time of the year but •the outlook
for spring is bright. A.11 kinds of canned
gooda are becoming saarea here. Until this
laza been overcome collections will continue
a little slow.
Vancouverand Victoria -Ali lines of husi-
nsss continuo very active. Tint movement
in holiday lines has been the heaviest known.
Ceneral trade too, shows a good aLady tone.
Prices for country produce ttnel provisions
have an easiar tone Mit other lines of gooda
lima firm. Another advance in price is pro-
fit:tea for lumber owing to increasing cost
of nraduction and the heavy demand.
Quebusa-itetall trade has been a.ctivc dur-
ing the past wc-ek And the movement of holi-
day goods Las bun heavy and good results
tre expee.ted. .Amongst the wholesaiers trade
Is Quiet. The outlook is favorablo and a aeoa
awing business la expected.
Ilainilion-Busincss holds a good ateady
tone. The holiday movement has been con-
siderably heavier than was expected. 'Country
trade. is showing a gaud tone and collections
wee generally fair to good.
London -Trade fa ateady. Loeal industrioa
are actively engaged and rooney is plentiful,
as a remit the holiday trade has been of
gond volttrae. Wholesale trade is seasonably
Oftanat--Trada has quietened down tome -
what after a very big season herb and in the
surounding country. Payments are generally
Traffie .earssinge from Dee. 151 It to
11100 -4370,08:1
fie rent(' . .$127,359
lived:Arc:Vs-It 'will be with a good deal
I' tie:Inure that buainesa men outnide of Hie
arevinco will learn that the (lushce provinee
eciuntercial tat:veil:era' tax will be repealed
at the neat seas:ion of the Legislature. Of
course there will be tliff•rent opiniona 00
:hit; mattnr in different parts; of the country,
test tha.:<; dirierent n74100114 will in Ham
arrive at one ferment:5n. If the manutaa-
sf tatio: prosinao raise tax barriere
saiattt thine otlur sails of the Dominion
there ia Lanni to be retaliation. In this
matter so tart ef tie sonotry can gain a
seemanent adventatte wer smother. nna VIA
trey este neinea wilt ba• the entis.innent of
the provitfniti treasury at the ottoman of tine
niasi who say the comnicteisti traveller:1' Inc.
PA -CE W-451
A Llei;.,i:a rand I7ortified Near Town
Walla iak.
ti aileu. 'ease, 81. ---It Item re-
ettlay flea. leely of negreessimaI
1' 140 1thenstehe two Mika frem
.44 :tins • sit nee tits will ittlet
v!';; et, 1,; 4:!•01,;j:::(.! 11V111. •'they
"Lteiti-st httrii towa, teal
ea,: i• tept, ete tdaretal The
: ru111111y 11;1ve
wet ono pas.ly of filly
• 114- ett hew theee frees
',•1:-,:.' ..• re m
4.1 • s ase littkirol to have
:•:” 1 ly en fee 'n!! , ta y,..terrlety el' ter-
tht, artivel of live troop.
the death and reeurrectIon of Christ
form the everlasting foul:dation."
Man's hallowed. reit. "God blessed the
ieventh day and sanctified it" (v. 3).
seventh day is distinguisbed from
the others in that it is itself the sal: -
tett of the narrative. (led was ecettpial
eith the day. Ire, 1. Reeted. Not freui
'ear:Mose but Leenuse all was eompleie.
"leal7e refreshment le sailer:eel:in in at
Finished work (Ex, xexi. 17). 2. Illeeted
it. Deilieated it to a sacred use. 3. Tata
towed it. Set it apart to a hole rest. IL,
who keepe-the Lord's day, imitaiteS nod.
Va sbould keep our first day the 11111111 -
trial of Christ's resurreetion. more
redly than the Jew kept his seventh tiny.
nie memorial of Coda: ereation.
7dontreal Man lieid Susp:cien 01 Wife
l‘tontrtal despateh :lake Pechenik,
fee worker, is under arreS't, 011 ettspieien
sf Laving entail the dettth of hie wife
all, wheel lie iiettriel oaly a year ego.
They lival in 11.401 at 6.30 t, De-
as:inhere street, stml during their short
inareies1 W.,. Lave itall istmerwas (plat-
rels,• e -ben Pet:am-ilk left air
vends. Le Ltheufild OA big wife.,
was in a fit and be had put her to bell.
1.•tter the dssr vete f "teed open aed the
woMaA Was fasuad dead.
'thee had been en srreline yesterday
Ina is lolieved that the 'trouble was
r. 'I1nt'al1.,;reiy tent:tee with Eitel 11-
eilts. The. neensed is Itela at puliee
Innal.platter-i pending' i10 intseatiga lion,
Restrictive Pollee Regulations to be
NV:robin:Atm, Ike. 31.e-8*nd-official ad -
views to the Deparieeint of State convey
Cite ittforreedieet Gest the queetion af
pen/lice-lest fax .Lee.-; to avimire Iand in
• peiee t.1 10.1114-4Lt U11.4 il':UoV:1/ of the
liesie: Jewiels eet 1 lens: at rill bar eat
Ip ti' Dania, Int teat tee a:Dewitt:2
1!,i-;1 ,,Ir0.1 'it:Pi 1,1, 1:!iiiie,f1 ;44, tb
temitendue Ile, Deese The re.atantal of
1.1,14a, 17san ssn tee 0.
floit;:•11110i. rap
pot:!, Tot .01110Y Pr •
7. I( Ties •,
t. itse nen ne,A. re-/:.liatisil
t.,11:•••• 11.41`.. •
e itara/srl. the liritiels Am -
:toe est. ,1 •ireley see -leder.
i411 Tee. eat tali; theet f.se•-
etelea velth f
Les Animas. Cole Dee. 27. --After sev-
eral hours of diligent effort at :storming
the enmity jail, a mob, width. walleyed
after dark last night to avenge the death
of Tfenry Tetvenmeyey, a fernier, who
was murdered in a most brutal way by
a tramp, dispersed, and it is thought that
na further ettempto wal be made to
carry out the plan ef tengeance. The
mob worked its • way into. the jail as
far as the steel doors by breaking down
weoden doors, but were met with a stern
refusal by the jail keepers to turn over
the misoner, and filially' gave up. When
apprehended the murderer gave his name
at Lawrence Leberg, and numy believe
him to be insane.
Captain Kingsmill Writes .It is Exten-
sive, but /Tot Serious.
Tuella°, Dee. 3L --A letter received
from Captain Kingsmill, commander of
11. M. S. Dominion, now in drydnek at
Permit:1a repairing, by Mr. John Gault,
ef NMI? York, a brother-in-law, states
that the damage to the Dominion, while
somewhat extensive, is not of a serious
cheracten Tawas stated from another
source that the Donsinion is at present
being sheathed with teak, preparatory
to her voyage to the Chatham dock to
be given permanent repairs. She will
probably sail from Bermuda about Jan-
uary 25th.
49 o •
insuadmer, OFFICERS.
Burnham and Eldridge Re-elected Heads
of Mutual Reserve.
New 'York Deo. el.- After a session
lastieg two flours the directors of the
Mutual Reserve Life Insurance Company
to -day re-elected Frederick A. Burn-
ham President and George D, Eldridge
Vice -President of the company. Nine of
the twelve directors were present,and.
the vote on the election of Burnham
and Eldridge is said to have been close.
The directors refused to re-elect Geo.
W. Harper,. son of a former Presideme
of tbe company, to the treasurehip.
Taronto, Ont., Dec. 31.-(Speeial.)-•
lateen Title:ley, of Ileanitton, Game
ttetraen, has been given 0 terrietnets
present of $3e0 by the One:trio Gwent -
malt. ranee lett July Tine:ley has pree-
Bally fined the Whit! of the Depaty
Coirodeeoitia Pi•ill!?Jr:reS. an arffiee
eated efr. Basted°. Fur bee ettrvices
the Covarnment eas voted the (thief
Game Wardell $300.
A Toronto despatch says: n was
atlinitely announcel this morning that
1 he commiesien appointed to investigate
everatione of -Chas. Afettill ea manager of
the Ontario 'Bank, in New York, will
leave next Sunday, and open its hearings
oft Monday.
Hurgariaris Din:201110 NationaIi3ed After
the First 'Generation,
Tosolon, Doe. 31, :Mgr. Count Peter.
N ay, 1 1.4.11 Llh 41'11 tint ,..Yilian prehtte.
ell:tee-Lae: the limelseriess Geograplaiell
-1, elely 4•11 the ilusitcntian reetlema sae
ist tee* i '7 •Vie am iillitillill 144 i t h.tri
et -i %:-.tritit ellaraeter in the
lett„their elailibeas rtiv
lielt, than Ilimeariall,
Comilla/1 eitiseue.
. alter, f, It A.1 own age.
Acting -Detective tinthat that she watt
110 aetresa, and that slie had • played
with a compeer width presented a
play called "Loet Margaret" in Toronto
aunetion and other suburban pittees.
When she won quettiened further, she
tohl him also that :ate Lad been one -of
the met of the William Irving Drametic
Compasty, the propretors of width,
Willlatu C. Campbell, of Hogg's Hollow,
end John H. ilayburn, of New York,
were arrested last week on a chargu. of
fraud; Site %lid elm had paid •$5 to pill
the couirany and be tratiaels.
'tt, •
New Yeti:, Dee. 311eee's cable despatch
from Berlin to the 1.17fiiisriean says: It is
reported that the Kaiser's fourth son,
Prince Augustus Wilhelm, whose engage-
ment to Princess Alexandria Schlestvtg-
11.01stein was announced yesterday, will
vieir the United States after his honey-
moon next year. and that the Kaiser has
already- planned an itineracy for him.
The Kaisers deeire is to thavb the
prinee 11101:0 a systematic tour for the
purposeof studying American commer-
eial ellaindustrial methods, The prince
is to travel incognito, accepting no offi-
einl hetpitalities or entertammetts.
• Prince ie Sickly.
New York, Dee e --The Prince isin
delicate health and unable to occupy in
the future any important naval or mil-
itary position. Ile pleaded with the Kai-
• ser to permit hart to devote Itis life to
affairs en. d the Kaiser is said to
have acceded, therefore Augustus will
be the first •Prussian prince to reinain
a civilian. The Prince's military career
will terminate after another six mentla
service in the Guards.,
•••• •
Tangier, Dec. 31. --It is pprsistently re-
ported here that it letter front the Sul-
tan dismissing Railsuli num the govern-
orship of the city, will be read in the
Mosque to41#,
Troops under the Merman Minister of
War yesterday marched to the residence
il Railsulia representative here and took
;leer poolftene hitherto held by Rail-
ielia partisans, who departed without
preteet. The European residents are
la:Tanning more .eonfident regarding the
- 4*.
A Northwood, Ont., despatch: The body
of Frea McMaster, 18 years of age, who
litel been missing for some days, was
found in the Ouse River a fete yards
from his father's house yesterde, after-
noon. Arc:Master was last seen on Christmns evening. There are strong puspi-
eious of fotil play, as the body wtte in
only about six incises of water anti within
a few feet of the shore. There is a big
bruise across the forehetrd. A coroner's
inquest will be opened this afternoon. '
• 4* • •
Rome, Dee. 31. --An official note is-
sued by the Vatican to -day says:
"The comparison between the Prussian
eulturta law of 1875 and that of the
Clonenceau Cabinet as made in the
French Senate was entirely wrong. The
Prussian law, although liard"rand un-
just towards the church, explicitly re-
cognizes the catholic hierarehy as the
foundation of the church, while the fun-
damental principle of the auroh and the
state separation law and of M. Mends'
bill is to ip,nore the hierarchy and to im-
pede in an unjustified manner the ordin-
ary practice of religion."
Port Hope Police Get Two Men Wanted
on liold-up Charge.
ITuron, Miele, Dee. al.' -William
'41111,111, :Weil 2:1, 16 /antler Anti 1)evi.1
AS I:elite/in nged 4, of Cenatla, were ex-
leett.:1 Lief of Pollee ;tines, of
Pert Huron. at Alvineten, te, on ot
biading UI ona rot iinet Peter
af fide Pity. Oft Both men
11 tNc been bound °ter to t Circuit
;The Wingliem Nano
Roo. Rafl - ?ropiest,
.Dit' AW
PBYSICIAN, suncrao
LOW* s-trpoteirs lu the hrsiedosaedd
loc .
Istitht tam answered. et otnee.
Was Clubbed Irttorubmissron by a Con-
stable -Two Other Italians Were
cdin jail at Parry Sound. Yea-
iParry Sound despatch: Last night an
Italian,'Amy llort, who \Yorke for C.
A. Phillips & Co., on the Canadian Pa-
iefic dieedway eunstraistion in Foley
township, about nine miles south of itere,
walked inbo. the Ito nem of a set -tier with
it knife 10 this hand sed owe:aorta. to
stab him on sight. Mr. J. et Itaystead,
the settler, VW area near the lealien
shack, had complained .of th:eir taking eitt
wood, and notified ish•eni not to do so
Bert walked into the houso in Ht -
toad's abesenee and on his entering it
dog epeang at him, and the Italian
stabbed itaettying tlrat Ise would stab
la:lest:vett the Bret time he eaw him. O.
P. IL °mutable Cordweie was. :sen1 to-
day to areest Bert and had a lively
time. 'Mien 13ear1 saw the constable be
ran off, aml us Cardwell sterted alter
dise another Maine, Della leiva,galoseme,
is/loped the constable erred tried to delay
Cterdevell fired five shots with Itis re-
voiVer over Bert'shood., ea:easing him to
but when the censtalyle areaehed
him he showed fight and heel to be re
deceit to submission by the rase of the
..srdwell caught both Itit'llans Bert
end Ilivagtrieeppe, and landed them in
jail here this snit/a:noon.
• • -a-
P. KENNEDY, m.o, ot.o.p.o.o
Wernher or the MOM Wawa
SPOOtal ate:Potion peal to Mesas of wiefees
and children
Omen flotocs;,-1 . tot p.m, 4•Sn,sa.4„,.. ;
M.. :R.8:PMC
• Physician and Surgeon,
(Wee eritb, flr Oldaholxok
Doctor of 0lSur:ery of the r en-
neylvauie Oolleoe and Licentiato of
Dental Stwrgery of Ontario. °
Office over Poet Offlee-WENO114S1
Monoy no loan at lowestr400. 0
741,5. WINOTIA-71
Was Lord -Lieutenant of Ireland Under
Unionist Goverinnent - Rumored
That Lord Craven Has Severed Hint -
self From Conservative Associates,
New York, Dee. 3E -The Herald has
the following cable despatch from Lon-
don: It has been formally announced
that Lord Dudley, Lord -Lieutenant of
-Ireland under the Unioeist Government,
had gone over to the Liberals. It is
now rumored that lie will be given Cabi-
net rank.
Lord Dudley, vale has made a wonder-
fill recovery from a recent operetion,
will leave England with Lady Dudley for
the West Indies sit the end of this
It is also otated that another convert
to Liberalism is Lord Craven. This
comas as a great surprise, considering
the number of Conservative relations ha
ems, among others Lord Cadogan,
Coventry stud Mr, Erie Bareingeon. '
Vrt,at Canada Will be in 'Fifty Years,
According to.' Moore.
London, Dee. 31. -Milner Moore, writ-
ing in the Standard, suggeats that tLe
Imperial Government invest the next
year's surplus in Canadian industries,.
the Canadian Government to appoint it
committee and enutrantee thet the
money will not bo rembly invested. Mr.1
Moore encloses extracts front a letter
received from a Canadian friend, who;
says: "Americans are outnumbering Can -
adieus fit the far west two to one. And
as for the thousands of scrubs, Dagos,
Gelid:me, Doukholxirs and Rustaanea
thay are countless. The American no-
tion is a inopgrel one, and, by' Jove, Hi
the Canadiane are not the same in fifty!
years it would not be the Government's t
heat. And when a man seeks to
civilize this pudding at nations and!
tries to put loyalty to the British flagl
into ilie- children, tie the teeent school •
flee -lime idea. did, the papers get up
Barristers Solicitors, its.
Oaten : Meyer Block Winghans.
Dickinson Bader Hawes
ODace:-Morton Block, Whoghaaa
Reed Onino GUELPH, ONT.
Rieke -taken on a claws of ineurabls
serty qn the oast or premium note system.
far.tas Gomm. cous. Dammam
Prost:loot. •
quickly ascertato our opinion froeirnevier an
at tovnieistreino. tol syl Lorsiotbnaanabeelnynt
Anyono sendlng a niseteh anadbitte.eacrcollifontuttrdca:
P onto Okell t,Etrough 11111:116°,:i(cPit„
citotific linitrican,
spec atnotice, wItliatIt charge, in the
.• .
A- handsomely illiistrated weekly. Larraist'cir-
onlation of any edentate Journal. nnagias, Sa a
year; four months, sh Boni by dli nowsclealsoi.
MUNI( & Co
Tirane 011ice.125r $t.. Washington. ri. o.
381Broadway, New York
W rite for cur iuteresting hocks " invent.
or's 'Help" an i " How you are swindled."
Send we. rough sketch or model of your tn.
vention or imptovement and we will tell yeu
live our opinion as to 'whether it is mare*
'patentable. Rejected applicatIntiS have often
been successfully. prosecuted by Wt. VT
condt.ct fully equipped offices in hlOntr,
and Washington ,• this qualifies us to PridraV-
ly dispatch work and quickly sceure PajentS
as broad as the invention. Mistiest references
Patent. procured through Marion & 'Ma-
rion receive special notice without charge in
over too newspapers distributed throughout
the minion.
Specialty t -Patent business uf Mattufac-
turers ausi Engineers.
Patent Expert -land Senators 1
once,: f New York LifeWieng, ricintrefq
Atianol- est- wart Ington D
anif howrand Taut:that eliey should _
do thee just becauee the Amerettns do;
it. But there the Americans have DIG PANTHER 'SHOT.
shown their some."
----- .
.........-.0........--. ' il Christmas Visitor to VictOrias 13ritish
texica, Caili, Destroyed; Other Places panther was 'shot on the .grounds et
Damaged, •
- Columbia. .
SantittgO) • ediator - Macdonald on Christmas morn-
. : a
townabf Arica, in the Preview of,.Tite. tin' to ar,
C-1111°' D'tee 31.---TT-ttlf of the fat, measured Silt: feet six inches front
. mg. The :animal which was sleek and
na., hoe been destroyed by an earth. i
other totvos in that neigh- • Several residents of the outskirts its
quake, and
severely. The seaport of Iquique, 120 port disturbances in their chielten yet ,
ml)°irlehawAsolli:vt:i s•Ouffte:dica: inw; notordaleisns- on Christmae eve, and in one ease 0
aged. panther was seon. to jump a fence a
1 ith the recoiled:ton of the August metre off, but no de redations of ti
disaster fresh in their Militia, the pee-
apitterlat.lta earthquake zone are greatly
Tacna is In the northernmost pro-
vince of Chile, and borders on Peru.
It has an area of 8 000 equare milee.
It is mainly a rainlese desert, erosted
by tennty and intermittent stream.
Earthquakes ere frequent, Arica, is
on the tsecicoast. It was formerly a
ranch more important place than tow.
The population, once eetimated at 80,-
000, is toelay about 3,000.
In August of this . year( when a .dia-
oestrous earthquake. visited Santiago
and Vaiparalso, severe and numerous
shooks Were experienced in Tuna
. . I Victoria, D. C., Dee. 31.-A larga
•••••••dif •
Frank Siples, of Ingersoll, teephystiated
In a Hotel.
en Ingersoll deepn.teli; Gets width es•
capel from n jet which was pertly
turned on onnseil the death of Prima
siples, laborer, between fiftyand sixty
years of age, at the Kirwan 'tease last
eiglit. A strong odor ef ges in the
hotel tills Morning led to sat investiga-
tion, owl Siples was found lying en his
1 aek ltt bed. with Isle lambs clasped on
sit Itit brettet. He had been dead for SUMO
tilll' IlIs denth is thonght to Itave beon
eteidental, as he Watt familiar with the
sits. having ocenpird the same waren
for same firer. Neltttlires in Brentforel
and Newark, Ont., were notified of his
'strange visitor have Len reportea.
Suggestion That He Sfieceed 13ryce rav-
el/a in Very High Quarters.
London, Dec. 31.--T1ae Mahone. Weekly says
the atiggeetiOS has ,been made and favored
in "very high tniarters" that J'ohn Redmond,
leader of tile Irish party in the Iloulte Of Cont -
100118, etteceed es Chid Secretary for Ira.
land Mr, James Bryce, who has been an"
;Minted British AmbasSettlor to the UM
The Liberal papers rause to take the state-
ment seriously. They point out that avers,
member of the high party is pledgee not to
:tempt taloa fool any Nnlisit Government,
Comtnnitder Spain's Report on Resolute
froronto despatch: Tho repori7rit) e
(ficial inveetieetion lidd by Command-
er Spain, Deminion atrreck Conimiesion.
or, assieted by Captaisse Thomas Don.
nefly and John Trowell, on the' founders
Itoormtlut: busteuio
1t'( *ttiti 01.tt1111t(1 to T
la a aid, was let:mica out yeeterday5
t kcoonncortnitretatt4thivotstiefrrioatn.
vigstfon of the vessel, declares that thei
Ref:ratite Watt in a soma and aettworth7
condition lied holsis the ownera tendon-,
sees only for the feet that First lUto
alley did not hold the esettemetsty li-
fleatiatis required ley the depectimentbAl