HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1907-01-03, Page 1414
3411 TUR, NO, 1.9.
' teeerearm.
Candidate itOr Coundllor, 1907.
, To the etn f Winghain-
tempest/idly tisk for your vote
• an inlitienee, if fleeted, I will serve
e t town ith Councillor to the beet of
Candidate for Councillor, 1907.
To the Electors of Winghain-
Year vote and influence reapect-
fully solicited for toy election As
Councillor next Monday.
The annual meeting of the Liberal-
0onservatives of East Huron was held
n Brussels on Dec, 271,11.
Never, et any annual meeting, when
oroination of eanditletes wits not pert
he business, was there a larger or
enthesinetie and representative ,
naming of the Conservatives of East
'mon, Encouraged. by the success
Jae attended, their united efforts at
lie hist Dominion election, the Coo-
servatives. of the Riding are in good
• trim for the next conte
The officers elect are ; President -
Dudley Holmes; Vice-Presidents--jrio.
Wilford, John Scarlett, Robert -Mus-
grove ; Secretary -T. Hall ; Trepsurer
--.%V. M. Smith. •
The following Presidents and Vice -
Presidents were elected for munici-
palities, the first named in each case
being President : East WitWatiosh-P.
W. Scott, Jay Clegg ; Grey-Robett
Pearson, 3, Hunter; llowick-M.
Diane, W, J. Gregg; 'Myth -F. Met-
ealfe, J. Bartley ; Tnrubeery-Ae
Wheeler, W. Alines ; Morris -R. Proc-
tor, Neil Taylor ; Brussels -J. Gilpin,
A. Meeker ; Wroxetee-T,
T. Brown ; McKillop-(eo. McKee F.
AidQuaid Kellett -Wm Bacon), 'W.
Britton; Winghain-Thos. Bell, Dr.
A. J. Irwin. •
kits. Curtis of Blyth is the gueet, of
Mrs. S. Gratley.
Chas. jobb wee: home from 11:v4x
for New Year's.
Joseph Guest: Alt:heti -relatives in
Ripley this: week.
Miss Olive Manners tattooed to
London last week.
Frank Boylan of Walkerton spent
New Year's lit town,
Harry Benner was home from
Detroit foz New
Colin Cemtpbell of Toronto was in
town a few clays hist week.
MISS Pearl Lament of London visit-
ed friends in town this week.
R, 1.1. Saint and Master Joe spent
New Yetee'is in Wallecehurg.
Miss Itildred Beemer of Toronto
spent New Yeer's et her home.
Ike G. Ball of Toronto spent New
Year's with leis parents in town,
11. R. Mason of Toronto was a guest
M Rev. N. Burwash's last week.
Miss Maud Shex:le was home f
Detroit for the New Year holidays:, 1
Donald Waller of Kingston spent a
few days with hie aant, Mrs, j. Ward;
Alis Jennie Walker visited for .Neve
Year's with the Missea Brewer, Pai40
Fred. Ansley of Syracuse, N.
spent a few days at his home htsa
Afiss C. Farquharson spent New
Year's with her brother in Tees
De. Chisholm, the popeter nienther
for East Buten, eves reZeived with
A. large nuerber of interested rate-
payers assembled in the Council room
ort Montley evening, at the nominee
time The meeting was: collet, end the
Offleers Bi
. • •. The ennual *lee
;ogee on Thersdity
Y. B. Lodge, No. 1
follows : -W. Alas
• Rec.-Sege-Alex. 1
sun ; DepeM aster
speakere listened to attentively. It is -Joe. Guest ; Treat!,
pleasing to see an interest manifeeted 0.. - ooney
in the finances of one town. The fol. Abraham; 1. T.
lowing are the nominations Casemore. Vointrelleteke
For Mayor - Holmes (elected). gown, F. Guest, 4e, -01),1
more, .1. McGee.
For Reeve - lie, A. J. Irwin (elected).
For Couucillors-Geo. Idelrenzie, W. Literary Evenitts•-
II. Green, W. Nicholson, R. Me- The Literary corn
Donald, T. Gregory, U, J. Graham, worm; League is endeatr
Dr. Arew, Greer. H. Crow- their next Literati/ even ge
dei, M. Gordon, 'W. Melribbon, oue of the beet. tee Lauri
Geo. iittlallat Buchtutan, Jiro. Kerr,
CI. O. Manners, D. Bell, Wiu. Bone, O.
G. Venstone.
AleSers. Green arid Bone roanouneed
themselves as not, in the flehl. •
For School Trustees -Ward I-II. E.
leard ; Ward 2--G. C. Manners, B.
elocutionist, of to:detach, ivho h.
lighted eediences in various sec
of Canada, him been seemed for le
evening. This, :twisted by local ta.
ent, will creme a very pleasant even-
ing. Come and enjoy an evening with
the Epworth League In the Methodist
church; no collection or admission
Jenkins ; Ward $-A., E. Lloyd Weed fee.
4 -Theo., Hall; Mr. Manners decided
to stand for the Council, leaving the en, a '
others elected. by acchonation. Tire e'uweelkeu erPrriment.
other Trusteee, who tioldSoftice another To discover whether or not tele-
eee-emele ewes, De love graph wires could be utilized fr tele-.
therefore, form the School Board fot. tided' tests bets ecu North Bay ep,
t oore, C. N. Griffin. These eight, shoning pw'PoseR, the 0: P. ••• eon -
the year 1007. Montreal, a distaueo of COO:, milt
The experiment proved- succeptif
Winn the hour had expired, Mr- A• and it may. be that the C. P. IL
13. Mangrove was chosen Chairman. employ their wires for a pulite).
The retiring Council and those of the phone euetheeke The company
aspirants, 'who desired, addressed the telephoning at various points in
elegtors. • ' • tamo and the West at the pre
The' following filed their qualifica- tinter teal ninny local railroad uffic
Hens and are therefore before the ate confident Duet the new isle
electors. , for choice. or rejection on be put into extensive. IISO. /1:Fael
MOtlila.5i next i.e.-
Geo. McKenzie ' J. WeAteltibbon Mr- Geo- Roe Deceased!
Wire, Nicholson Geo, a Hanna Ou Sunday. morning, at an mot
D McDonald John Kele hour. Mt. Geo.. B. Roe, roprietor os
A. Pi
d ,t
eer. dl
'rhos. Gregory , Geo. 0, AI:inners' the tieen'e hotel, paesetr away often:
Mt aaSk Anderson of Teltomee 0.- Graham , • • au illness of two menthe. About the
Dakota, is , visiting relatives in- this . n • letter part of .0etobere Mr. Roe fund
. vicinity: • .„ -* his health avid after consult -
TuaNtorreave •
• • Miss M, A. Robertson 'o Reeve-Jphn Musgeove, • by aide- ing local physicians, had. recourse to
was. the guest, of Miss B. Reynolds for unation. • specialists:. A severe form of liver
affection however lute, gained hold
New Yeae's.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McCracken of
London visited relatives in town over
New Yes. '
'Mr. E: Baer spent New Year's Day,
Councillors -D. H. Moffatt, S. Ruth-
eeford, Kelly, IteMcMichitel, all.hy
' Monars. •
with his daughter, Airs. J. L. Trouse, For Re -.-V. Ibister, George
Mises Mite Dairiasen Wroxetee ' For dono Snore -Arthur Shaw, Chas
Woodstock, rralrior.
cheers, and gave a brief address, ee- was the vest of ',Miss Mulvey as few
feeling to the expenditure the deals,
days this week. •
the Laurier tower, ete. 14, shored It' The •Misses White of Arnanda, aro
sample of the stuff used as lilting, -cml" the guests of, their uncle, R. F. White,
sisting of leelies, sand, etc., and dwelt for a. few days. ,• '
upon the extravagance* of ' the. • ad- __ li_ _ . _ .,...... . oe.
istration. Re also referred to'the M. and -Mrs. IL zeeler ot Mitch 11
Oold Storage reforms,: which he had spent New Year's with Mr. and
Advocated in the House,-- and for the Keeler of town. .
preliminaries of which $100,000 , had Mrs. A. IL Ilardwin and children of 1:. For Reeve -4. T. Carrie, Wm. Bee -
been placed in the estimates. . Toronto spent a, few' days • with Mr. seat. • ,
'DrChisholm was followed by ME Bradwites parents-John Gillespie, T
is James{ 13owinan, and the Secretary of Mr. Thos. Walters of East Towas, R. Taylor, P. •W. Scott, H. Deacon,.
' 1oe Cotincillor. .
s. • V
the A.ssociation, in brief, ' pointed, aa- . Mich., visited his sister, Mrs. 'John Re eCtinuningsr8er W. Campbell; W. J.
It: Yuill, W. MeCnt-
eheon, Nell TliFlor.
fi WEs'r
Reeve --W. Tillie (by acclamation).
upon his system, and it was soon seen
that medical skill wotild be of no
avail. • The evening preceding liis
death, he was quite bright, but rose
during the night and sat III chair to
rest himself, and. a short time before
daylight passed emietly away. De-
ceased was born m Woodbridge, but
came to 'Winghatu with his parents
11. 23 years ago. His mother died six
years ago, and his father a year ago,
Dee. 1st, last. Seven years ago, he
took over the Queen's hotel, and
raider his menagemente it became a
favorite stopping place with calmer -
dal nien.• Ile leaves a sorrowing
widow, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Jae. Duffield of town, one sister, Mese
Geo. Dnffield, and one brother, Alfred
of San Feareesco. The funeral took
place on Nev Year's (ley ; service was
conducted in St. PAW'S Chnteh, Rev.
T. S. Boyle officiating.
Councillor's -A. 13. Marray; Samuel
Thompson, Steleheu Medd, Arch. An-
derson (all by acclamation). •
dresses, which were well received.,
The coinmittee on resolutions, con-
sisting of the President; Geo. Spotton
and. Jay Clegg, presented the ftilloW-
ing resolutions, which Were adopted:-
"Moved by debege W raker, sehonded
• Edward Bryans, that this meeting
whales to express its unbounded confi-
, dence in the opposition party of dee
Commons, led by our honored leader,
Mt. R. L. Borden. We view with
item that it.. fair Dominion is being
Ansley, last week.
A. McCracken end sister Clare o
Listowel, were -.Vests of Miss Essie
•Posliff on Sunday.
Mrs. (Rev.) barivash and Sheen...E.
laud .spent the Xew • Year holidays
with INtisley relatives.
Ed. Bradwin of Cobalt and Petty E.
Bradwin of London visited their par -
cots duriteg the Iteelfclays. '
Alis`s Seett of Mt. Forest is
bled evhite by the reckless expeeda ' visiting her eottein, Gertrude White,
tures of piddle mottles. '
"We note with pleasine the valliant
fight of one leader and his colleagues
against the Laurier reign of ,corettp
during the -New Year holulayarl
Win. Hittson of Chicago, and sister,
'Ars. Eli Wattsof •Galt, are visiting
their uncle, lir, 3. 3. ICerr ofjEatt
tion and graft, . Water:nosh. •
MiSses Mabel Brown and Margaret
Brook, and Mr. II. B. Stone, .all of
Coven Sound, were New Year! visitors
of cold storage and his bueiness-like Miss Martha, Lelpee of Hullett and
Mrss Merlon Mutter of Port ..lope,
Miele, visited their aunt, Mese .13.
Holmee of Tarr:berry last week.
• "We further desire to express our
confidence in our esteemed member,
De Chisholm,M. P., and do, hereby
congratulate him on the serviee he has at Mr. Jno. Armour
rendered this country. hhis advocacy
d' cession of rations questions.
' Moved by Geo. Spotter', seconded
.y Anson Mintage, that the Liberal.'
'Conservative Association of East Ilte •
ton,- assembled In animal convention,
desires to place on mooed its sincerest
admiration of and unabated confidence
in the Government of the Hon. J. Pe
Whitney. Although only in power
Miss 'Magie Iiiscox of Toronto,' who
has been visiting relatives- in *rees-
water, spent a few days in. town as
the gime of Miss Pearl Davidson.'
Atie and Mrs. -Jhn Doribleday of
Cheeley were visitors with Me. D's
for two years, many proposed refor ins .rent. Maple stret, last week.
on Saturday.
Mrs. je re TroCise, .Miss Gertrude
Baer, Mie Cory Baer and Miss Mate
aret Thole son, of Woodstock, spent
have been, 'carried out, the umbered hey left for their lionie iti iiseha,
ballot is no mote, the lice') law is
honestly administered, graft s at an
nd, the public domain is conserved
for the people and not, iven to politi
u:Ics, Gavin ilson.
S. Hubbard Will Lecture.
Leortitlits Hubbard, the in-
tOal)id explore)! of Labrador, will lee-
tire111 Winghain on Jan. 17th, under
t p -auspices of the Epworth League.
IC scenes, photographed. by Mts.
ibbard, will be shown on the canvas
Rev. T. S. Boyle, with the aid of
electric lantern ; watch for future
cal paraits, as shown iy one Chist-. ,
Inas gift of $1,08,000. In feet, we ednes at ,the former s parents. i.
have an honest, fearless Government' an Mrs, dward. Baer.
that legislates for the masses and not Miss Baer left on Moticlek for Stmt.
' for personal eggreralizeinent and rue- ford, to attend the wedding. of , her
impoits as instanced by the electrie tensile Me. Baer of Buffalo, to Mies
• 111 In short We now have a L. Cortke, daurter of Meyer Cooke,
%Wait stock before teturning home to
Government of the people, by the pea
pie, and for the people.
e Convention then closed with
ationel Anthem, throe cheers for
)hisholni and the President...
Cburcb laews
Afie Lockhait, of Saskatchewan, s
of Mr, and Mrs. Robb, Loelth
town, occupied the pulpit of
ham Preebyterien chneeh en
morraing •• e . le the eveni
IJbO...• i„•, So -f . . Coll
ei•._, e . 0'
,4p, ^ v
. of • ,, , e , , ,•• .: , ., It • et , /.
Ge ,,r. • 103 i ,(1:4? of teteellet chettt he , , .., MI",
Stratiortl Baer i7tsit
)10 • • r• •
•••:401V* 4'1' ••'.1
0 •
4S.11t. ,1 0 11
1,)) ••
t‘', Fn 1
Out:tries Mineral osources.
Reoentle, the Ontario Governitent
disposed of to''miningAtlas in,,the
Oobaltdisheint Otte of them was the
right to extr;et the mineral- under
fourteen miles of the floe of 'the
Teititerieiett railwn.v. Thbi, wall sold
for a bowel, of, ttraty,
b. 0:mttraral that
en the info* Thu
h intritoa telea5,
halt 'b., Pot
ill • dollars. aid.
Fakker Tobin's Lecture.
ev. Father Tobin of London cleliv-
er)d a, lecture in the Town Hall en
T euesday evening, on "Church Condi-
tic be ill Prance." Mayer Bell ocenpied
ark chair. There was a fair audience
prsent, and the eening's programme
WItr enlivened by vocal selections from
e W. Alba Chisholm and Miss
Hoinuth, which wete pleasingly
liteh a a I te tee
one Would n ten t ,,I11 fot
ton years' - * ate °II, Igo
tying fro %see , ti_ ', r
obtrebos suatatesst in I.f, tat:‘,
Cratbrio. + , ,. . *4- ' i
Board was the reeignatio
Iv dad ,
. 1
•blo f0 1
•• 0, -""
JO: ,t•
ered. • The preceedsv tow:reds
fatnishieg of it ward in Wirighain
pital. a
Weide Wedding.
On New Year's day, 31 r. Bradshaw
Kate of town, attended the inerriage
of leis son Chas. S., of New York city.
The., nmeriage took place in the Met-
ropolitan church, Toronto. The lady
choeen by our former young towns -
mete was Miss Emily Florence,
ditnediter of Mrs. Catharine Mackie, of
Toronto. After the ceremony, it to-
eehtion was held at 406 Church stret.
Fin -Vier particulars are not avail -
. i
L sr. -A. ring with three keys: on,
Pin .r please.leave at Advance office.
i •
Passed Successfully.
Alt candidates at. Clieton Model
Sell I pimsed their examinittions,
W.ANTZD.-'- Will pay the highest
kice for chickens and bens, to be de-
livered any day extept Saturday. -W.
Armour & Son.
Letter From Californa. '
The Advance has received an inter-
esting letter from Miss R. L. Lloyd,
:reds $100 menennent
fea dadeased. breither,
s excellent Sick benefits.
amp is in a flourithin
Mr. Copeland, the organ •
tt preeent, and will gladly
Asti Presentation.
.40.40 of the school term in
ee'rthatirtehe pupils presented
hve •.Yleis llisS Fisher, with tyro
volume:a of Tenn
tried by
dress e
Deer tceatc
come that au
:tnT teacher must ceae, A
we cannot, let you leave us, wx
expressing to yon in some way our
gratitude for all the kindness you
have shown us. We therefore re-
quest you to accept this little token of
remembrance, and we ask you to
think of no kindly. We trust that
our Heavenly Father may grant -ye*
many happy years to come..-Tbat
you may have all prospertty and
happiness is the sineere wish of your
pupils in S. S. No. 11, Turnberry.
Signed on behalf of the school,
Laura, Calhoun, Mary Currie.
.g of the ;re -
the Wine.
ill be held,ceS
Ivatiou • •
to the c - •wn for
dhl utrIbuted
funds,, " Christmas
in.olutted to
*as consummated
Ve ie bride's parents,
2th, when Nliss
e became the bride
Doubleday, formerly
Leern to laugh. A good laagh is
better than medicine. Learn how to
tell & story. A. well told story is as
vvelcoure as a sunbeam in a sick room.
Learn to keep your trouble to yotn•-
self. This world is too busy to: care
for your ills and sorrows. Learn to
stop croaking. If you cannot see any
good in tbe world, keep the bad to
yoqrself. Learn to hide your pains
and aches madee pleasant smiles. No
one cares to heroi whether you have
the earaehe, headache or rheumatism.
Don't cry. Tears do well enough in
novl, but are out of piece in real life.
Learn to meet your friends with a
.A. good humored men or wo
man is atwaye wlcome, but the
dvspeptic is not waited anywhere,
who is now visiting in bolsone " end is a nuisance as well. Above all,
fmnir" 8h° enciesr(l tt cUPPing from give pleasure. Lose no ehance of giv-
yeare of the forty-five taking
s. Among them were the fol-
' front Winghatn, Public School :
Ansley, Vete Burns, Ethel. Da -
vi 1, Minute Stewert, Cheeks An -
end J. AlcOrestie. Cora Sheriff
and John Hutton passed, but have to
ernmelete their non-professional, In
Joly ilxt, when thry will he entitled
lo t Se Laura Ansley will teach for
tOfft iri Lower Wingham; Etta Burns,
0 tick ; Ethel Dievideon, near Col-
'od Minnie Stewart, at Port
. Annie Law and Mande Troy
at Goderich Model School.
Sacramehto paper, with patties
showing the dredging for gold. in Fol -
tis Mort writes :-This is the
mg plasure, yon wiLl pass throngh
this world lett once. Any good thing,
therefore,' that you OM (10, Or any
first I ever heated that dredges were kp:lila:is that yu. eau show to any
end for getting the gold out a the human hong, you had better do it
ground. The one in the picture I now ; do not defer or neglect it, for
have seen frequently, as it Is only ft you will not paee this way again.
sheets walk from the parsonage, also
some of the others. There are five in -NoricE.-,-All necounts dee ,AI. S. le
this vicinity, and I aux told they make lionuith must be aid by January
0111111 average from $3,000 to $1 ,
week, according to the place in which
they are working. ;Just lately they
ptirchiesed the Natoli -me vineyard and
winery for $600,000, so there must be
• YOOd deal 111 it. They rim contiuti-
10th, at room back d Dr. Irwin s oflice
in Macdonald. Woke if not, cost of
collection will be added. • • •
A Cheerful Response.
It is interestin to note the cheer-
lly, night and day, shutting down fulness and guQuiwi1I with which so
only on the fourth of July- and Christ- many wholesale firms have respondeil
mas dey. It takes three inen awl an to the invitation to contribute towards
overseer to rim a dredge. The shifts 030 We ingliam Hopital. A number of
work eight hours, one shift from, 7 a.
be of .
to of the twenty miss o pet
eft Canada, Nov. 27, for C
Among them we notice the familiar
pee of Miss Caroline, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Wellwoocl, of Wingham.
Arch. Trew, of Warmley, as .,
renewing his subscription to the Ad-
vance, says that the crops were good
in that locality; wheat. $8 to 40
bushels to the acre, oats. 80 bushels to
the acre. At the time of wrieing
(Dec. 14) they had three feet of snow
on the level, anal it was stall snow-
Fon Sate.--0ne cow (dry) and a
feed bolter. Hard and soft wood also
for sale. -E. Dennis, Winghain.
The New Year has begun. Of worse
yOIL have your handle of "good resolu-
tions" bung up where yon con see
them. If at the end or 1907 you can-
not distinctly remember the one yon
have broken, just ask the other fellow,
who hasn't had time to keep his OWS,
he has been so busy keeping tab on
in. to 3 p.m., the next, from 3 to 11 p.
me and the other from 11 to 7. One
shift works, say, front 7 to 3 for two
weeks, then they work from 3 to 11
for two weeks, then from 11 to 1 for
two weeks. This last they call the
raveyare shift, and none of them like
the firms have gwen more than they
were asked for. In addition to the
rash contributed, a number of the
firms have offered to donate furniture,
drug, rubber goods and other Petioles
moiled to eqnip the building. The
beautiful spirit in whieh the money
has been given is very encouraging,
it when the time tomes to work on and extracts from a few of the letters
that, one. It is wonderful to eee the mita be , interesting to the public gen-
large cobble stone being brought out erally. The Montreal Carriage Leath:
of the ground in luickets weighing er Cie states: "We ate glad to hells
about a ton and a half. and there ere, even in a S1114.11 way, no we think the
I think, one hundred in each dredge, object is a most deserving one."
Folsom is. one of the oldest Ametican St:maims' Ltd., Toronto, ;date : "We
settled places in ealifornia, and in. the are pleased to assist you in this wor-
first rush for gold in 1810 a, great thy work and hope you will be sue -
many came here, and have been min- ecesful in obtaining the amonnt re
ing around here ever since, but judg- quired." The Dominion Vinegar
ing from this town I should think this works cu., umniiten, „vs ; ewe
continual senrch for gold has been a take much pleasene in complying ivith
cnese tether than a blesserg.n tl
-- leI the request to contribute towards
aro twelve saloons ana four groceries vour hospital equipment." Line. Mc -
where liquor is sold ; no sidewalks, no 'herald & Co., London, enclose $5, and
street lights, no public building, and 'wry "We tenet that you may be able
only one Protestant climate with ten to equip the Hospital in keephig with
members : this iu a place of 600 in- the dignity of youv very promising
habitants. Do you think you would W..
WII, and that it /nay be the means of
like to live hare I' The climate is 'very aasisting eome disteosee people bi the
good, but all through the Sacramento time of need is our eineeve Wish."
valley it is more or less malatious. Chandler. Ingeltal le Bell, Toronto, in
The fruit is fine here, the oranges look enclosing $10, state: "WO assure you
vety tempting, hat are rather soar yet. that you have our very beet wishes
Wishing you all a very happy ,1,1stew for success in your emir." Christie,
Year, and trusting this may be (11 Brown & Co, Tot onto, :stae: t"We
After considerable litigation, :t
als, etc., etc., the Local Option by-
aw of Owen Sound, stends and 10-
mains In force, the appeal having been
dismissed on Friday last, with costs.
Owen Soiled must remain "dry" or re-
sort to the liver, or the bay. litre
often wondered why such a gang
melted on the railiege of the swing
>ridge. We see mow ; they welt
thirsty ducks, and the town being dry
and no "pie" being near, they made ;t
bee line for the river.
1 L'f
J'41,+ •,A,.,
. .
IWe have everything tal
-.. . .. ‘
:4 •
I is to be had in the line, 0,“
• good School Shoes.
• Bring the Boys and
bere—we're sure to fit
—sure to give them
comfort, and lasting se
I—sure to save the pool;
book. Our $1.00, $1.20
81.50 School Shoes ,eanrk
be beat.
N...teeisfainmesentalst assamessair
* *
4k 11.11.1111101101110111121101.5
iar. Nelson Tait- of 498 Spadina Ave., Ill
Toronto, will be the Queen's Hotel,
%Ingham, on Friday, Jan. Ilth, from ;
8,30 a.m. till 3 pan., for eonsultation
in diseases of E ------, N ose d
Throat.. Glasses itted.
tome interest to you, .1 am, eincerelyhave very geed reaittire in enclosing
lion And Election, , yours. --E. re Lunn.
H. )3town, Rag andelletol buy.
Ing an kinds of hides, wool end pick -
in rubber eopper, and frathere of
iecial meeting of the Public
Boatel was held on Friday
e The ptinelpel inulnems be-
n of
As Dr. Irwtn was -appointed
Public Scheel Boerd to that of
h &host it bessure necessary
int his eateeempr, MA Dr. Red -
.as chafen ittanintously. Dr.
an dove faithful service to the
boo!, and we nntlerstand that
red 1St meterethat he migh,'
0 the wish 01many, of
tem Rod rie rrotift
Of Relt,yd• of
serve the itti
hool tri t
hoe herrn
twin Dem tee H,ge el kinds. Highest price in rub ; if
extra; enc a 100, cash, foe old ion,
hara pionship
bronght to Inmee, Ave ceints hunred
• 1. -IL; 744-
OM' fOr I." The Steele -Briggs
Seed Co., Thronto, enclosing If.41, stets:
"We wish you every success in your
laudable work, and tegret that urgent
claims and rails upon us front tile nu-
merous philanthropic. and charitable
organizations this eity prevent us
frm osendiug a more substantial sub-
scription." W. It. Johnston & Co.,
Toronto, Pay "We havt: plereeire in
sending you efieque for $10 itt aid. of
the good work in, whielt you ars en-
geged." Belekenden. Mcerlintlion
nese*, to 4411, stige; "E 1 rm
nil Se ;lee 11/4141 4hat
it VIM !mkt owl, tt wt
tiid th# hr -)fa er grioa ft Wig
tts, Mitt&
141r, Solar of Toronto is at the home
of his parents, on his vacation.
Mrs. Gregg attended the funerel
of her sister last week, down east.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Wray spent New
Year's iu London among relatives.
Thomas trownridge a Brampton is55
Call and see our cornplete line of Colo
ifg Slippers for Women.
,111 We have!' them in It
blue, gray, pink, navy, ac,
green, and white. • *
Also Felt Shoes and
Slippers of all kinds It
for young and old.
vietting Ins sister, Mrs. A. 1 retor,
Thos. Owens of Winnipeg ie epene-
ing his holidays with Lis father, Jetties
Chiistmas and New Year's. passed
off quietly. Many visited friends and
relatives in the country.
Adam Halliday of 'Virden, Alexi., is
at the- home of his parents, Mr. and
Mts. 'Halliday of Belgtave.
Alie Wm. Watson has • purchased
some thuber near Belgrave, and has a
gang of men getting out loge.
Albert Nichom
lson. of Palmerston 1-.
sending his holidaye with his father
and brothers at the lime kiln ; he is •in
Lite employ of the G.'.1'. R.
James Knox of Mooseaw, Sask., is
epending his holidays at his fathers.
ard line, Morris, and visiting among
his old nequaintances. Mr. Knox re-
ports gond. crops labt wanner. and is
well pleased with the eonntry. al-
though there were two and a half feet
of snow at Moosejaw when he left
last week.
The in of L. O. re 402 luSil
their annual eleetion of officete on
Thursday evening, De. Nth, vhe
following are the oftteets for the
year :--1,17 Mee-Alx. Leishinan ; I).
inve z Chap. -Ride Irwin
'Rec.-See.-- Ilea 'Watson FineSee.--•
tt. AleCrea: Treats.-- WM. thyme);
of C. -Joe, Ruddy 14.14. -Itobt.
Wren Committee ,-Wm. Johnston.
Sohn Watsors, Itobt. McMurray, Thos.
William, Win. McMurray. a -
TIO Areelstelist Anixlay Se X n
tree Alt* itvcgrateLpiolit.ss:
1 tirs. tnevegetetteni et
pet:oboe were va .:004ot.
olaReirreele seal Re
el$re Ather weir
slyoteprecl tir the .reellietree,
the rn, no ,
Vern f
itty Mho 4,
a m
R bingo
Macdonald II/o4„..••
tets41.4itcsizttt ****44.teet,
Now the holiday season is
over 3 ou will have more time
for reading and of (-nrse yon
will want good 8irditeillik
And fit eaeltil "14' eti
peeper glass, .1,7. yearr
trouble yen, yeateshonlir
itele at one. ter
6,14191611 -our*
Our piffoos arb yr"