HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1906-12-27, Page 8•
ress Goods,
Iv, Rich and Fashionable Furs, and all
Ladies' and Gentlemen's seasonable Un-
ar, come direct to D. M. Gordon's. No
no matter how much noise they make,
give better tt . value than you will find here,
every article new and up-to-date. The new-
t and best is none too good for our customers.
As usual, , alllines of
pure, fr
sh Groceries
are always in stock.
D. M. Gordon
(Too lute for lust issue.)
On Friday evening last Mrs. D. Clow
slipped on the ice just outside her
door and fell, breaking her leg a short
distance above the ankle.
Mr. H. McKay's little boy was taken
seriously. ill hist Friday -with some
trouble in his chest, bot we are pleased
to be able to state that he is improv-
ing nicely.
The 21st annual meeting of White-
church Cheese and Butter Co. was
held in the Foresters' Hall on Monday
last. At 2 o'clock Mr. F. Henry, the
President, called the meeting to order,
and on motion of H. D. Henderson,
J. T. Currie was unanimously elected'
to the chair. Mr. Simpson was then
called on to read the minutes of last
meeting, which were adopted. Dir. H.
1). Henderson then read the Auditors'
report, which showed a good year's
work, although, owing to the poor
pasture, there was. •14,000 lbs, of butter
less made* this year than last year.
When the report was read, it was
moved and seconded that it lie adopt-
ed, but this motion was never put to
the vote of the meeting, so we do not
know whether it was adopted or not,
but we presume that no one had. any
objections to make.. The next busi-
ness was the election of .a Board of Di-
rectors. Messrs. F. Henry, J. Gilles-
pie, Wm, Martin and Gavin Wilson
were unanimously elected. I.t was
then moved that Robt.. Purdon be the
other Director. Moved in amendment
that J. Leggatt be the other Director.
A vote was taken, resulting in the
election of Mr. Pardon by a majority
of one. But here again; the proceed-
ings were ,not properly conducted, as
the vote was taken by shote of hands,
and some who are not shareholders at
all may have voted, and those who
have two or more shares had only one
vote, whereas if we understand aright
each shtere means a vote. Wm. Mar-
tin, who has been a Director for a
number of years, said, among other
things, that he did not care a snap of
his Iger whether he was xe-elected
'Or not. It is our humble opinion that
the meeting made a great mistake to
elect es man who had no more interest
in the business than that. But we
hope Mr. lfartin did not mean just
what he said, and• that he will take
the same interest in the business in
the future as he has done in the past.
We would like to take this o ortu-.
nits to say a word) for the *Id Board
of Directors—Messrs. Henry. Gillespie.
Martin, Wilson and Pettypiece---who
have conducted the business for nearly
_ - , twenty years. We think they deserve
-''-, the sincerest thanks of the sharehold-
ers and patrons for the energetic way
in ,which they have carried on the
business,and for the strong position
l which the factory now occupies, being
one of the foremost in the Province.
Thanks are also due to Mr, ,Sperling,
i the butter maker, for the easeful and
r satisfactory manner in which he has
handled the cream, producing a first-
class article. There is one suggestion/
we' should Iike to make to the new
Beard, and that is, that before the
next annual meeting a number of
o itis
c of the Auditors' i rs report be print-
ed for distribution at the opening of
the meeting. We are sure this would
be- very satisfactory as no one can re-
member, for any length of time, the
array of figures which the Treasurer
gives when he reads the report.
,. . .4-
IL Brown, Ragand Metal Co., bayy-
ing all kinds of hides, wool and pielc-
ings, rubber, copper, and feathers of
all kinds. highest price in cash if
brought to bourse, five cents a hundred
extra: 50e a 100, cash, for old iron.
Norman Murch is spending the holy
ds,ys at his home in Stratford.
IAC. C. Wilford of Toronto medical
Cortege is home for the holidays,
Rest. .&. Badge of llanover preached
ha Prbyterian church on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bradwin and
Wally of Toronto are spending the
Ireallittises rrIth the lady's parents, Mr.
std Ira, John Emigh.
The B h Leagne society elected
'ttlee ins* ol'licets for the year
:-- On. President, Rer. Mr. An-
ent, Mine Addle Taman;
.,Mie A. Carr: 2nd Vice,
Mureh : 3rd Viee, Mian
: 4th Vice, Mies Bielby ;
Mr. It, J3ender; Treantirer.
nest, :Wien 1'exr1
(T-gtn!et, Miss Moser.
•rs verse sleeted
on Ronda
Waldo Miller is home for the'holi-
. Effie Carr left on Monday for To-
Several from here took in the Xmas
tree at Salem Xmas evening.
Mr. Carr of Toronto visited over
Sunday with his son, ye editor.
Mrs. Koine of Gorrie visited her
daughter, Mrs. Johnson, last week.
Mrs. Cook, with little daughter, of
Hens:Ill in visiting at the home of her
B. Simmons and wife of London.
are spending the holidays With rela-
tives here.
All library books are to be handed
in on Dec. 28, so that the Library can
be inspected.
.The services in all the churches last
Sunday were saturated with the Xmas
spirit, andspecial p , p tial Xmas music was
given by the choirs.
N. J. Robinson and wife were in
town last week, packing up their
household goods. They left for their
new home in Port Hope on Saturday
afternoon last.
The managers and a few of the con-
gregation of the Presbyterian church
asseznbled at the home of R. Black
last Friday evening, and presented
Mr. and Mrs. N; J. Robinson with a •
chair and ramie cabinet.
At the home of Arehia McMichael,
on Wednesday evening, Dec. IOth, in
the presence of a number of relatives,
Rev. lir. Osterhout baptised the little
daughter of Mr, and Mrs, McMichael,
The name, she was given is Mary
A complimentary supper was ten-
dered Mr. N. J. Robinson last Thurs-
day night by the Oddfellows and
Masons, when a very suitable address
was given him, and he was presented
on behalf of the lodges, 'with a beauti-
ful ring bearing the emblems of the
Ocldfellows and Masons. The ring
was suitably engraved. Mr, Robin-
son, though taken by surprise, thank-
ed the Brothers of the two lodges in
suitable terms.
At the meeting of the 'young ,Men's
Club last week, a very interested de-
bate was held on the subject of "An-
nexation to the United States." Win.
Perrin and Thos. Bennett championed
the affirmative, while Rev. Perrin
and W. P. Dobson upheld the nega-
tive. The debate was of a high order,
and the meeting of the cab was an
enthusiastic one. The decision was
given, that "Annexation would not
be beneficial to Canada."
-. ,*
We care not' how you suffered, nor
what failed to cure you, Hollister's
Rocky Mountain Tea makes the puni-
est, weakest specimen of man or
womanhood strong and healthy. 35
cents. Ask your druggist.
St. Augustine.
Miss Martha. Wallace, who has been
confined to her bed through sickness,
we are glad to say is getting better,
Christmas rCsent4
seem to be the
order of the clay, and Mrs. Jos. Flynn
on Friday presented her husband with
a very precious gift. It is a little
daughter, Joseph wears a very happy
.Miss Seel, who has taught in S. S.
No. 7, W. Waseanosh, for four years,
has resigned and accepted a position
in the school near Brick ('intrch, Avast
Wawanosh. At a concert held in her
school on Wednesday afternoon, she
was agreeably surprised by her pupils
presenting her with a beautiful pres-
ent pas a small token of esteem. We
shall certainly miss her genial face in
the section.
A very sncceesfnl public examina-
tion was held at S. S. No. 3, W. Wa-
wanosh, on Friday afternoon. The
excellent manner itt which the pupils
acquitted themselves, loth hi the
classes and program, is a credit to the
training given by the teacher, Mr. Mc-
Gregor. The presence, of a large num-
ber of parents and ratepayers of the
section was an encouragement to both
teacher and pupils. At the close tench
was served by the laches.
On Friday, the 210, a very snecesee
full Christmas tree entertainment was
held in the church at donnybrook,
under the nuspiio s of the Sabbath
School and Epworth Lea
church wets flllewi. e
in the els
Mr. 1D. Sproat was at
Friday last on business.
Me. Richard Leishman,
troch, is not improving tN`'
growing M+;P•,ire... '
�rs.�, stroll
Hughes of Edo
berta, is visiting friends i
and vicinity this week. ,
Mrs. Parent and little daug,zter of
lladaxe, Mieh., are guests at Win.
Wray's and Cleo. Daley's,
Mr. Peter Budge of this village is
spending a, month with his son, Rev.
Austin Budge of Hanover.
DIr, Ed. Vinston and wife of Tilson-
bnrg are spending their holidays with
Mrs. V's father,. John McCallum.
Rev, and Mrs. Rivers will spend
their Christmas and New Year's with
their parents and relatives at Dresden,
Petrolea and Wyoming.
Geo. Ciaultes• suddenly disappeared
and at time of writing his where-
abouts are not known; it is to be
hoped that no foul play has overtaken
Master Wilson Geddes, a bright lit-
tle son of John L. Geddes, on Wednes-
day of last week unfortunately bad
his leg broken above the knee, while
sleighriding down the hill with a lot
of other boys. It appears there were
a number of sleighs and they ran into
each other, causing the accident. No
doubt the little fellow will be laid up
for a month at the least,
The Christmas tree and concert giv-
en by the Sunday school scholars of
the Belgrave Presbyterian Church
was largely attended by the members
and others. .A. fine program was ren-
dered by the scholars, assisted by Mr.
Murch of Blyth, after which the dis-
tribution of presents from the Christ-
mas tree was tirade. The hall was
filled to the doors, and the finances
t o a little nice stun
G 1 e
The arbitration for the formation of
a union school at Belgrave took place
on Thursday, 20th inst. Judge Bolt
of Goderich, Walter Wilson of Luck -
now and Morgan Dalton of Ashfield
were the arbitrators. There being
five school sections in the scheme, the
attendance of the farmers was very
large. They were all opposed to any
interference with their respective sec-
tions. The petitioners being ;about
one half of the citizens of Belgrave,
and the other half opposed, unade it a
difficult task for the arbitrators, in
the face of such
strong opposition.
The farmer as a rule and the retired
citizens of the village looked at the
scheme from a financial standpoint ;
having gone to the expense of baild-
ing their own school houses, they
strongly objected to the building of
another in Belgrave, especially when
considering Belgrave is only the same
distance from a school as any other
outlying corner of the respective sec-
tions which are asked to contribute,
This is the fourth time Belgravehas
rnade application for it school in the
last twenty years. The number of
school children is less now than at
other times, and seeing they are op-
posed so bitterly by the surrounding
country by which the village derives
its support, it would have been well
to have abandoned the idea of a school
until the village itself has grown con-
siderably larger. The arbitrators ap-
pear to have made up their minds to
grant a school to the petitioners in
Belgrave in the face of all opposition,
though the award is not yet made
John Purvis has been getting in
steam pipes.
Mrs. McMullen has gone to Tees -
water to visit her daughter.
Santa Claus arrived Xmas eve with
his reindeers and children's toys.
The school children are enjoying
their vacation in their usual style.
Jas. Kenny has taken the job of
teaming maple for John McDonald.
Miss Kate Martin of Ripley has
been engaged as teacher for the en-
suing year.
Mr. Sarni. Colwell of Westford con-
ducted the service in the Methodist
church last Sunday night.
We are sorry to hear of Mrs. Robt.
Hamilton's severe'illness but hope to
hear of her speedy recovery.
Miss Millie Hamilton, who has been
in Manitoba for some time, bas re-
turned home on account of the illness
of her motlrtr.
We are sorry to lose our successful
school teacher, who has taught for
the past year. The scholars thought
it. was their duty to show their esteem
for their teacher by presenting him
with i lovelychain c . r i stud locket on the
last day of school.
Township nominations will be held
int Gorrie on Monday, Dec. 31, 1000,
Mr. E. Pritchard, genor .l merchant
at Newbridge, has recently disposed
of his business to Mr. Bowes, of the
14tlr eon. of Howiek.
Wan. McLaughlin, who lives 30 miles
north of Neepatva, Mau., an old resi-
dent of the lid line of Ilowick, visited
friends in Fordwich and vicinity for
the past week. It is twenty-eight
years since Mr. lrlcLaughlin emigrated
to the Canadian 'West.
'Wm. Wilson, son of John L. Wilson
of the Oth con., is on a visit to his
parents. It will be remembered that
he was prostrated by a severe attack
of typhoid fever, and we are glad to
know that he has so far recovered that
he is able to undertake such n, long
We are called upon this week to re-
cord the death of another of liowiek's
much re'ispect,sl citizens in the person
of Charles Finless", which took place
on TGentlay, 18th inst., in the 00th(
year of his age. ,( i)eei'ased had been in
poor health fc(r a longtime. The
funeral took el 'ce nn Tursday from
the far «, ..._-, on the 14th( con..
27, 1906
anti :Mfrs. John Little are enjoy.
holiday visit with friends itt and
incl Arthnz',
A load of the llowick young people
spent a pleasant evening at the home
of Elijah .Higgins,
Lyon Findlator of Hanley, Sask.,
arrived home on Monday to spend. the
winter in Ontario.
John b'., son of Wm. McCracken,- is
home from Toronto, where he is at-
tending college, for his Christmas
Miss Nina J. Isbister of Stayner and
1Ir. jock Isbister of School of l.'racti-
eitl Science, Toronto, aro spending the
vacation at their hone.
Misses Lotti Mabel,. Bertha, and
M. and Fred. Creighton, of Schoenberg,
are spending Christmas holidays with
Brock and Hazel Brandon,
The Trustees of school section No, 3,
Morris, have re-engaged Miss Minnie
L. Ker as teacher, at the minimum
salary, $450. She is a good teacher,
J. B. and Mrs. Kearney entertained
a few friends itt dinner on Thursday,
the occasion being the birthday of
their little daughter, Florence 31. ; a
very enjoyable time was spent.
Rumor has it that Co, Councillor
Isbister may enter the arena, for the
Reeveship of Morris for the coming
yeiu•, looking toward the Co. Council
and the Warden's chair. Reeve Tay-
lor is in the field also.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Edwards and little
sou, of Goderich, ;use visiting the fami-
lies of S. Stewart and James Shedden,
4th line. lir, Edwards had the this.
fortune to lose three of his fingers by
getting thein caught in the saw in the
Buchanan factory, Goderich, where
he is employed.
Last Saturday as James Nichol, 6th
line, was loading a 22 -calibre rifle in
the house it discharged prematurely,
and the bullet, after glazing the sight
elbow of Florence, his five year old
daughter, penetrated' her side and
ea►ne out at the back, the missile
striking Mrs. Nichol's shoe. A doctor
was sent for post haste and dfesscd
the wound. We aro pleased to hear
that the little girl is making favorable
progress and will soon be all right, we
trust.. It was a close call, '
Tho annual Christmas entertain -
went of the Sunshine Methodist Sab-
bath School was held onTttesday even-
ing and was a very pleasant affair.
Rev. 0, W. Rivers made a first-class
chairman, interjecting many hints,
witticisms and good advice. Program
was presented in good form and had
variety enough to sustain the interest
Of all present. Santa Claus was there
and gladdened the hearts of the youth.
by the many presents from the tree.
The pastor and his good lady were not
overlooked, as a bouncing turkey,
neatly decorated, was handed over to
them. Before closing a Choice and
abundant lnnch was - dispensed.- The
financial proceeds were $25.80. Those
who took part in the program were
thanked, but possibly none deserved
it more than Harry Ainlay, the hard
working Superintendent, and the
choir of which he is leader did splen-
didly. Miss Grashy presided at the
Poisoned ley Razor.
Don't trim your corns with a razor,
use a purely vegetable remedy like
Putnam's Corn Extractor. No pain,
certain cure, and all for a quarter.
Every dealer sells "Putnam's."
East Wawanosh.
Me. Fairservice of Hullett 9undayed
at Jas. Nethery's, gravel road.
Thos. Cook of Westfield has been
engaged with Robt. McDowell, (ith
line, for the past few weeks.
We are sorry to hear of the low
condition of health of Mr. R. Leish-
man of Marnoch. At time of writing,
he is very low, and no hopes are held
out for his recovery.
C. Johnston, gravel road, had a
bee hauling sugar beets to town one
day Iast week. In the evening, the
young folks of the neighborhood en-
joyed themselves thoroughly in danc-
ing and other amusements until the
early dawn. Chris. is a jolly host.
The pupils of S. S. No. 13, showed
respect for their teacher, Mr. Naylor,
by presenting him with a well-filled
purse, last Friday afternoon. Mr.
Naylor has been their teacher for the
past two years, and it 18 with Much
regret that the people of this section
part with flim.
Mr. N. Robertson,cot s •
t lit treasurer,
:announces the completion and pub-
lication'of his History of Bruce Co.
11r. Harvey Anderson, wino has
spent the past five years in Content,
Alta., arrivedhome to visit friends
for a few months. He reports condi-
tions very favorable for mixed farm-
ing and that ranchers are fewer now
owing to the rapid settlement,
We have to congratulate our towns-'
man, Mr. P. A. llalconison, on his ap-
pointment to the honorable position
of Deprtty Judge for this county:
The appointment was made necessary
owing to Judge Klein being granted
leave of absence, and some one having
to perforin his duties during the time
he is away. Mr. Maleolmson will
have to attend bo all matters which
would ordinarily be attended to by
Judge Klein, including the holding of
all Division Coutts nn the County,
Mr. ltalcomson has long been known
here as a capable, well posted end
'careful lawyer, and the fact of his be-
ingsingled out of all the members, of
the profession in the County for this
position, shows his reputation for
legal ability is not local only.
St. Helens.
The new oMeers and executive of
the Bible class, elected for the comer g
year, are :—President, Rev. 11. W,
('raw; V'iee.•I'res., Wm. Rutherfor;t;
Recording -sec., Miss Margaret Ruth-
erford ; 'Teas., W. 1. Miller; Exe -n
tire -Committee, Mary Murray, Mary
'von. Mary A. Woods, I.liralir•tlr
an ('lark, ofin McGuire.
e s ', john (.amtn-
For t111 „ t111(0,sot October, 5 cows
yielded rrr .t1v1 1. --04,9Q from Moles-
worth el' 7 ,,u
is ment
for the
`e Livingstone
cable candidate
ext year,
Ex -Reeve Turnbull had a close call.
at his 'windmill on Wednesday. A
breakage falling 20 feet cut the front
of his hat and grazed his head.
The trustees of 8, A, No. 0, known
as Duke's sichool, have engaged the
services of Malcolm Fraser as teacher
for 1907 at a salary of $450, There
wet* 123 applicants.
Mt -s. Geo. Werner and children, of
Saskatoon, arrived last week, on a
visit to her father, Thos. Strachan.
lffss Bessie Dioses has returned from
Kincardine, where she attended Model
School during the term just closed.
Miss Bessie Moses entertained a few
young pimple on Monday evening in
honor of her friend, Miss Watson, of
Kincardine, who is at present visiting
The misty friends of Robt. Simpson
will beleased to know that ]re wasable to i ,turn home from Toronto Or-
thopoed • Hospital last week, after a
stay of .)nany months duration. We
welcome him hack. and sincerely hope
rho cuic..inay be a permanent one.
The annual Meeting of the T
berry :Agricultural Society wirn-
held in the Council Chamber, S.'ing-
haut, ran Wednesday, January Oth,
1907, a 1 o'clock p. m. All members
are requested to attend.
J. J..3 oFRATT, H. B, ILLflOTT
President. Secretary.
-Wood For Sale.
ThOupdersigned is prepared. to sup..
ply alirnited ntunber• of customers,
with, heir next summer's wood, cut
any 'iength to suit them, at prices
which, caunot,be beat in Wingham, if
suslert'are. left during the next four
week . 1 foot long, 84 cts.; 20 inch,
$1.50;, 30 inch, $2.00 ; 30 inch, $2.50,
Hard and soft wood mixed, small tirn-
bet'. Inquire at the Advance office or
ThatIna"- thoroughbred Hereford
Bull,;'^Lord Huron," 1 year old. This
is a good individual, of gilt edge breed-
ing,ung grandson of Majestic (imp.)
who 1aptnred the Gold Medal at the
Worfd's Fair, St. Loris. Stockmen
should see this animal.
Lot F.39, ;Con. 11 East Wawanosh
"Church Conditions
in France.'
Rev. Father Tobin
• of London
Thursday, Dec. 27th.
Proceeds to equip a Ward in
Wingham's New Hospital.
Lecture at 8 p. m. Wiugham's best
musical talent will assist.
Winter Term
—OF THE---
Wingham g am .Business College
(Affiliated tonBsisColeee
This is the most modern, thorough
and successful
institution of its kind
in Ontario. Excellent ,staff of teach-
ers; unexcelled equipment; large at,
tondance; actual business school.
During Nov'r; we had 20 TUNES
as many calls from leading concerns
had graduates to send.
Enter any time.
Individual instruction.
Our handsome XMAS, CATALOG
cont free on application.
GEO. SPOTTON Principal
Creetin as
To 4110
11�e wish
Akagm and
?TOS\VCO)S 1907.
• 0
TWO STORES f Next to Filmer Moore's,
t and in the Carey stand
`the Bee 71-C;we e
4a'11 i iii'V mmarit viaimialv""iot
M v � 'h
M Fllrllitllro
Qne of the finest displays of / -Rocking Chairs
(Oak and Rattan), Couches, Easy Chairs, Par'li5r
Pieces and other goods, ever shown in Wingham;
at S. GRACEY'S Furniture Store. '±
If you are wanting to get something useful,
new and up-to-date, for a Xmas. or New Year
Gift, go to S. GRACEY'S.• , a-
Pictures, Tables, Jard inier Stands, Wall Pock.
ets, or anything in the Furniture line are things
worth giving as presents.
We're sorry our show windows are so badly frosted
over, but come in and see what we have. We pride
ourselves on keeping the best assortment in Wingham. .
Special discounts on all purchases for cash. Everybody'
welcome to come in and see our stook.
As in the past, we giro
our prompt and personal ate
tention whenever our sew.
vices are required, at any
hour, night or day.
W. J. PRICE, L.D.S., D.D.S.
(Successor to Dr. Holloway)
Will continue the practice in the office
lately occupied by Dr. Holloway, in
the Beaver Block, Wingham.
New , Year
TEItRIT0R r:-netwoen all stations in
Canada; also to Detroit and Port Huron,
Mich., Buffett', Bleck hock, Niagara Fails
and Suspension Bridge, N. S.
AT SINGLE FARE: --Good :;}iiing I)ec.
31st and January 1st, returning until
January 2nd, 1007,
going December
lst, rcturni
1i-Tlillt17 :-ODed
29, 30, 31st and Jan.
until Jan, 3rd, 1007,
Farb To Rent.
Lot 20, con. 1, Kinloss, estiteining
ab'.int 150 acres, 115 acres oleit(d, bal-
ance bush and .ion rh,,pastta.e,'ic ell
fenced, large bank burn anU,'brick i
house, power windmill on barn and l'
4 Si ..-.
complete waterworks in stti,le. Jit
main road between '4Vinglntt►n mal ,
Lueknow, It utiles from Whiecburrh.
is the first ste » towards pOettionit payini•
from '
$,000 to.,it per annum s rue.•
way service. Mt eau 'bepoint •t welt
operatqr in 6 ntonther if on at in Till
Central Telegraphay' Set, el,1 rd Sf.
W. II, SHAW_ '. J jf{N8TON
Pres. stet.
or tickets and fall information, ca11 on
14, IiAItOLD, Town Agent.
District Passenger Agent,'1'oronto,
PACs Pi c
and NEW
Every Day t►
"Big Doak"
We hare s large mar
China and Betio ware.
and B1.gna. Articles
oription suitable for
Toilet Sots f* Ladies
great: variety;
Sets, Ink Ste
Xenia, Station
new atyless o
Tom, Ten Cera!
Books, B