HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1906-12-27, Page 3,;1— ,n
11111N61".ft I . 11 � 1� 1-114moeaia,
=14 It 0M., ~"WW0""*""* I � —
Imishad by Wy. GrUfi* Is os ft 4044+1 t 1,04+4++++++++ AL'_1&J&.&.LA&.,ALALAL,, , 0
� . rllr�usptectiou iAl, the Surpau of Usau- I- -• , .- "�Xr ,111111 iiiiiiii I . I#* -,
11 I fitettr�ers).
SNOWS.* � 7he annual st-kraga ('04t of the alve. POULTRY DOUSES I `)--,t
AV � . ,
- . , " . trie lamps, fur llglitiug uud zmntenan:! , w+*+4-+++++*4++*+++++*+++,
. I- � is ft,71s, 'Ill anual cu�b of two -light . ♦I A, Baotou ,sokvolbm ww tA
I , . irwandewent gas lan.,11, for gAii, Uilltlng The POUltrY h(AIM I have "On On . I I
And mabitt,n4mo tunount* to 415. . The ninny of tit Urult in witario aroula*t1v wleolk 4411 "y.
Methods of Western R,oads to Keep I a issual ,cojit of the tine light ine-andwout of two kiIjdg-_t)W" that Rile smail, . .
! . I gas lamp is; *11.T1. '!'herefore, avolim- ,porly lighted and fieldom cleaned, And
- . log that labips are placed at fifty yards itho*6 that are well built, wgillighledand kb* Anus wares sqft *VA flaw.
I , Their Tracks Clear. I I I *,art and gas at 54 cent; per 1,000 table frequelitly kept moderately clean. The ,.
. * . # 9 A, houses -1 He didiet have it strong m. usdo in h,6
feet and electricity at 4L cents per unit Hast mentioned S are not nim l . . .
. rnbab)y,W ="t ftfWTesqiw phase - hour, as a aninlainai. Tito pontlorolls . I (which ars: the preamit prices), the cost Imam satisfactory than the, III -St.
wh(vl spin,* around at a . � � , I .
of American railroad operations in foutlw hWfar,lne,1 F� . per mile Works out as follows-. lafttric I The kst�eqlal pointe in a Poultry � entire hody.
speed fivul 150 to *.)w revajutious per i . -
. (Wrd . 4, I . ,.,;, lamps, $%827.43; two.)Igbt incandescent house tire light, dry as And good veriti-
60 the mArintr in. WbI01A tlee fit,041113, TOMIS ininute, aivoilling, to tb_,i Weight .�11 . v ,o U4 ne
I - !. ,4, *551-78; and ou,a light locandeaoeut lation. The bou,ses that have been built
� In -the welit boAtlm with the giant AmOW" chairocter of tho E'no,kir and ice ela-0,011`41- .. .. C�. MA . 94 S The phy4cian who W atten44 I
ft n - 06 " r1l') ps, $0%78- warm and ti,,;ht, with the Idea of keep,
I deRts of the rwiuntaln reglous. This tered. After a rotary h4s, made w,weraj %;, T, "i to 4 As to what Is conAdpred the beat !I- the water flow froeving have the .
t Ill *10""If in - , the fpjoi'— for thirty years presm-144 I
loot spec- trips ill) anj down -a w1hyw-henrinext Mgth- P 16 In 47,
Novel 04tivity is mom in its " or) " . 4 I luillinating lamp the light co,insmittee of 149jeC0011, that in MeArly All cancra thf,
I 1my, the "'enc,1'..eavoll of Enow totige� to � . escoly"r EMU4140n. ..
i tona%r form on the Uglier levels of We either' -side of the xittils by the witeohani- � I � the Liverpool cur some, years c Mings and walls coat with frost dar- .
" " -_ " _' _ _ . ago went, closely into this matter, I Am ing very cold weather. When the weath-
� Rocky Mountains, The largest rotary cal it,hov,4,r forms a -a initilmokmollt ,ou "" - , , , _ , Informed, And `63nio to the conclusion er inoderatQ* the frost melts and you
; anow-plovo in the World is in. oi�rvlce on either side of tlie traol, that in many centers in the grave of the famous scout that on ecanwmie grounis the ineandes. have a very damp 1104SP. 'rho house NOW -. .
I that anginoering marvel, the Moffat WittlEILTS towns .above tlw tole of the and marshal "Mug,gins" Taylor. This .
; raila-014 earrs, grave is in the centre of the ,cemetery, 00nt 9.18 lattip-i '00413,4 Q11 best USUlt suiells of elliekens, oi- in other words, is .
I Railroad, in Callformia,, and. the ii-liannar . surrounded by tile I-einihis of a. wooden and tl,e ty o of 1�nlp now In Uate wila as poorly ventilated and in many bmtanmi' , To feel that boy's am you .
' - - t a result aTopted and out of a tot4l of the, chickens are .unhealthy. Sonictinic .
. in v4i" It bores through the great, I fence, Taylor Was one of the celebrat-
1 445 nillos of streets in Liverpool 430 are they lay well during winter, but the eggs would think he was apprenticed to a
. white ba:nks that block the ste'al- ed characters on the frontier. lie was 11ght(,a hy tb�, type, � are very
I A CHURCH I � poor for hatching purposes. . .
tracked bighwuy has solved one of the c a scout and Indian fighter whose tour- I For a number of years Ave have been 1.
=*at pm7lexIng ptroblemaof operating a age was unquestioned. At the time pus- . � . I I I trying to find some way to overcoinel . blAckswith. .
vailroad 11,4000 feet above the leve4 at the SEXTON'S STORY ter made hit; ill-considered dash into the, difficulties. The beat means of 1 ! '
. Big Horn country 11.11ii,ina" Taylor WAS CIA WONAN'S ORDEAL these ALL DRUGOISM E$Qo. AND $1,00.
In tare "a. �r� ventilating A house, that I know of,! ( I .
earlyin the one of file scouts, At the last minuto Is by using cloth screens, and to keel)
. "eon -beyond, ,tile Misgesippi River the HOW BilM3 Restored Mat After lie went With Bono, After those terra- DREADS DOCTORS QUESTIONS a house perfeefly dry I have found noth-
. ble days of suspense lmd been ended by Ing better than a straw loft. i.e. The I - 000000000000040400"o 1
. familiar hand-sho,vel ,was the ininin do- Loog Suffering from Biliousness the diseovery that %11 of Custer' Thousands Writ* to Mrs, ,Pinkham, I,ynn, eel,, covered with straw, the s,traw, � I- I I , ,
pondenco for c1cairing the tracks, -i�ud a coln. Mass., 4n4 Receive Valuablo Advico Ab4ofu. � , , . I I
viand had been killed Taylor volunteer. tett' Confidential tirlo Pree. win placed all boards or rails which ageiwlea causing decay. Small tree*, witill wondered at when the price of hides sear
11 Headache and liver frouble. , 11911,
oftor emery fall of "the beautif�ll tan I JX
P,rnvy of men that included every avail- carryl news to the outside - I Are some 6 to 8 incites apart. The straw body infections will soon die, &a tflay upward, .
able employee of the aloud was diurtried Mr. Joltn J. Wilson, sexton of the world. Ther, can be no inore, terrible ordeal -1 sara me "Aa x matter
to a delivate, sensitive, refined 1yoman should be, About one foot or more in migsit As well ,be cut -, t the e time, of fact, only * portion of
Gliureli. of Mosalah, Toronto, and diving -breaking dloj�tb straw which Is loxposed to tho , Healthy young trees 'with only a few
to podrutis where blookades might be ex- He made P. record of
Tile sti the entire number of bliles taken fron
oil avenue, has ,recently through a country infested with boarldo thatl to be Obliged to answer cartair. ;, the pen. Will absorb the majority diseased fivig" might be treated bypriin- animals. Slaughtered in the Chicago 4)24
Locomotives, ill obling'a of two, at. 53 'Wicks tile que-4tionti in reiraril to her pl-lyllte J110 11,
told a press representative how Bileana Indians, all made bold by the victory f the innistilyo and keep tlje house fail-- Ing A foot or anore below the discolored other western packing houses Is tanned
I flutes or �, wem also hurhed Q!,ralins't even when th�se questions g1V askea . dry, fit least we have bad no difficul-'4rpa and covering the wouros with coal- at all. Probably 25 per cent, of the
Uie drifts in an effort to disiDdigre, thte cured hini of Obruuie 1�jkousnew, Diz- over Custer. After killing several horses -by her family physician, and many I whatever III keeping houses perfect- 'tar.
trouble,some masms of icy crystals' ziness and Liver troubles, Taylor arrived at Stillwater scarcely able I ty Care should' be taken not to make hides are held back in order to stiffen ills
1 I 11 I I!, 11 11 11, 11 !I 11
I As a stolartion for this last-inontioned Mr, AVilson ass "Practically from to-eA# in the saudle. Here lie Was dis, I �.. i 11 11 .;:: I; dry by rising straw lefts, Where new infections with the hands or priming market. To the packer they are vala-
. .
. .
. :.: �,�-;.i!�;i� J.i -, we have not used these lofts, iron implemeuts while t -he
' ;1I.;:11�:,
, make -shift normo gen,lus invented the bo�lhood I have suffered from Bilious- mayed to find the Government wire .Y; -I .::N! �1:i ,�- 11 ,- work is being (lone, able for making soap fat, and he has
�i;. ii..:� ;-;.j.,.r, , ...
I �0011,hsl,;�.
, - I ;10,i� ,
push -plough, a huge, wedge-shaped strue, nes,s and Liver and Stomach troubles, down. But Iloraeo Countryman volim- z:; i .: yl, I'll, .-All there was ample ventilation, there has I 'Fortunately, the, disease does not nothing to lose, while by keeping the
:b-t.::1..j . �i�ii �;!i -3,;
. tune on wheels, whilch. hqicq�ep tAto -arid only recently I ivaz, cured by Bit- teered to carry Taylor's message to Ile- .1�..i!:i4 , ��'1116!Tilt�!i� been, some little difficulty with frosted spread to other forest trees; nor ling it supply low he manipulates prices to his
dlifts, impelled by the farceof eaveral - cans, After food I Should thave acute }era, where he arrived (lusty, haggard .;; �:! . J�j�i .. ". I 1�1 walls and ceilings, I been found on any other species of own advantage.
..:�', I �NTE,111i��'! The use of the curtain front is com- 'chestnut, either in this country or in "Several Japanese some time ago pur-
� �
powerful loeomoldves behind it, And it pain Until I vomited, Ifewdaelie troubled and "all in." From Helena, the news was �Iii% -
tbo snow barriers be not.Aow4wapW,*q�u.,,JU and the country :��!��!.!
.A6,X"-1UUCh, sometimes 90 had bbat flashed over the wires, UL I . lil;l�!I��V- Ing morn into favor. ITnder ordinary ell-- Eur,ope.11 chased nearly ,510 000,000 worth of bides
,;�!il!! �!:�ij��j! ;!11i�1!1ij11!ii:i
.!V 1 1 ;y i �.
. force A lALktlbwn,y through the mains, I could hardly see. At other times there was d of the fact that the gat- 11::ii�,2 i:i i:i:, V (.%i!!�!., . ellmstancea A house needs to be 1.3 of, This disease has Affected manyof the .Mii;!.z:;�q:�!�:,�:�;.j�:.; , .i and placed them in storage in southern
�iiiji��j�';;�!,., . It!.,
Howerver, the fact that eyeirp the heavi- I ivbuld seem to be a rush of something to lant = and his men were no more. Vi: 1;�-?,;�:;t!.j,�jh: WIFA4 iil.. ,'..; �: I
P.:�;:* -N-, �:� W .0 J.T!Ylllsl�:,141111 ;,��t. the front of glass in order to have the chestnut trees in thus neighborhood. The Indiana, where they Are now. Since the
;:;ii::j::��.!!;:Iiji�j!� q. . j:�-n ., ;. 1:.. pen well lighted. There should be about .
, 1Z. 1.1$.!mo'jil 111'11;j,lfij� Japs bought the market price has risen
est, O%Ay-plouglls Were oft4iliieii baffled head. I should burn dizzy and I Through the ride of Taylor and Country- 11 . .;Z.� leaves have withered ea.rly. In mine in.
i,:6.u---k� I . .. ;!;��� 4� .....;;,T:
in "
; , ;.1V its much mare of the front of -
1,o even fallen dotwn in the street. The inan the news of the Ouster battle %Yes :-: � _� , cotton. stances one or two branches have fresh, steadily, and were they to sell to -day,
by, the drifts in the moun,te,ins andleabad ,�kl'_.�
-as go, bad that for lorig sent out a whole day in advance a ,.,, . . .t� . it!,.; - .. The cotton may be put on frames -whieli -een leaves, while the rest of the tree is the almond -eyed financiers would not
biliousness m f the . . U gi
thle, necessity for it -yet more poirerlul periods, at a time I have been unalbl,q to reports filed by the ,government scouts . I . . 4. M I - . :; can be closed or opened according to apparently dead,
t3npe;o,f snow -fighter, and t-hua in time , 11 , # *.11 . $1 �. fully 40 per cent. profit. The country's
there was evolved the suo,w-plough take food. BlleanB Were recommended at Bismarck on July 5. , . ,weather conditions. Oil nice bright days . � consumption of shoes is greater than
known as the rotu,ry, Which has Tevoia- to me, and I gave them a fair trlml..To About this time the town was in need the cotton is either rolled up, or if the - - over before, and the development of now
, 18110W, my delight they were equal to my caaa, of a marshal wha.could bring order out - Irl. M01711-ftli/ curtain is put on franies, it can be hung
tdonized the methods of fighting . tip. This makes the pen very nice, ,, parts of the United States has kept the
N and �9 represented in the calling stock Lind after a short eutirea they cured me of the frontier chaos. Shooting scrapes bright and Air)% On nearly all days the ri or Strains harness market strong, go that the
of every railroad opt to -feel the grip,od 000pletely. I nuir enjoy t1le best of were so numerous that the most good- continue to suffer rather than to submit cotton screens ,should be opened for a , , -of Back --of Shoulder causes for the high price of leather goods
i the western blizzard, health, and am fTeo entirely fro -m tote 4atnred Montanans began to object. So I to examinations which co wau, P11YRi. short time. Oq days which are very I -sof Stifle -of Hough are really normal,"-TVilwaukee Sentinel,
, .
i In the principle of its,opern,tion the ailiments which caused me sue b acute v41- '%Ruggins'l Taylor was chosen town mar- i: - 1'
I clang propose in order to ante ligently windy ap'4 dull, it is advisable to only, -of Whirlebone -of-ICuee
i, rotary is, radically different from. all foring. for so long. Bileana are worth shall and things began to take on a dif- treat the disease; arid this is the reasqp open qpq 4cropil. If mar(' than one Is -of Fetlock -01 Coffin joint THE MODERN DOCTOR.
;1 otneeiglig, of snaw-ploughs,, for in• their ireight in gold." forent aspect. As soon ,,is a bully be- ' a many phy.91dans fail to eu .1.1 by to many
I "' b rQ ipporiod thore, is apt to
i stead of bein amy,tbing an the nature I Bileans are Altogether didlerent 0 K411 to fortify himself with red liquor- female di.1:121aw. I a .lights tbrolighout the pen, As fiki, as -of Pastern I went to a modern ,doctor to learn what it
I . . . .y% , I." - was wrong,
I , - A %,NN 111V I'd lately been off my fodder, and Jift was
of a woop or lovel, ch rking ordinary medicine. They axe aoMpQ4nd;- the preliminary of a quarrel-I'Mugglils1i This is also the reason why thousanap w'? pan tell cotton {'VIII k"li out al- SweDing . � no more a song. ,
. I
imochantlem. consists of a, morustor m4keel ed from vegetable essences and Are free OaMped oil his trail. and took his wpa,pt thousands of women are eopf-p h cold as lud 111, . He felt of my pulse. as they all do; he gazed
. upon 7 MQ$t ap invo ordinary glass
I wNch burrows thi-ough the snow, to.". from alcohol, bismuch, mercury, or any PUS away, Sometimes the scout was shat P ng with 'Mrs. 11inkham, dgugeT- fraine or sash, At lcagt, in the houses and all at my outstretched tongue;
- of the harmful mineral ingredients at, but lie generally replica so quickly R'.01naldi of Lydia E. Lame. . -_ 1.1"
: ing the fleecy material In, every direr- I ylln, where we bave cotton fronto, we got % . 11, took off my coat and weskit and harked
tion. Tifits Wheel, or Totoa7 screw, at the and poison& found in, so many diver that the gun mail bit the dust, for tifo �fass . To her they can gpiffid(i fffvY slightly higher minimum temperature ness in 11 at each whezing lung.
1 forward end of A rotary rwambles the and stomach remedies, They have the old, Indian lighter was lightning With a detail of t1lelp illness, .411(l frQ111 tier than where We have a similar house Horses I He fed me a small glass peatitalk With flS.
I eminent scientists find Colt. P great Imawledge, obtained use I ures upon the side,
1 propolltir *1 a tateanishipor a giant etec- support ,of anally em . . from years of ivitli: all 'glass front and no cotton. It and this w a his final verdict when all 4?1
prescribed as a oure far - -eating f(male illp I "I
trite tan., although it has mapy anare are freqeuntly pi After a few weeks of office balding experience in t) ., Al
must be borne in mind, however, that in my marks he'd spied:
I )YW" then either of these. constipation, piles, and stomadh, Liver "Aluggins" entirely clianged the aspect Pinkligin e4rj Advipe vick wome ' Fellows' 11
6 � .1 U mar' those houses of ours where the tests are
The wheel of the average rotalry snow- of Coulson. The processions to "Boot , -siclan, I "Do you eat friend eggs? Then Quit It
and. intestinal diseases generally, Tbey visely than the loval pM made, the windows are not fitted ex- You don't? Then hurry and eat !eizi.
. 11jileter is from 8 to 12 feet In diameter also cure female ailments and irregu- hill" became few And far between. But Head how Mrs, l"inkham helped treme tight. Leeming's Along with some bay that was out In May-
itiid cons4ts of a series of hollow crone- ' larities, h6ada,vlie, debility, dizzy sPel-13, "Muggins"? career was brought to Delle, Eniorentlenne Montreuil, of r14 I Wbere floors are made of cement, i . V There are no other foods to beat Isin,
heartburn, palpitation, heat flushes, etc. sudden ' a Latourelle St., Quebec, Que. Essence I
,shaped steel scoops, each equipped with idden terminatidn, A beardless yonth, ;boards, or ground; at least four to six . Do you Wwlk? Then stop instanter,
. Dear Mrs. 11inkliarn -.- I . teaspoon-
. nelies of fresh earth should be put on Two or three teaspoon For exercise will not do
& ImMe-like, piece of metal, Ate the As a genertul tonic thoy are umqualled who thought it would bring him much �'l sufllw,e(l fur eight months with what the I )For People with whom It doesn't agree-
� each year. Care should be taken to keep fuls in a little Pum or Brandy, I And this is the rule for you;
: rovolves At high speed bla,des strike and as a, family :remedy. All druggists glory if he cauld kill Taylor, filled up doctors called prohmmza, which caused great &
I tha Snow umd. ice, loosening it and throw- sell bitem, at 50 eenti it box, ur post free with Whiskey and began to "shoot up weakness all over 'my System, With faint the floors well cleaned, otherwise the cures Sprains, Bruises and I J Jt quit what ever you do do
Aad begin whatever you ,don't.
! ing 4t into the g000pe. Tho Wheel J)"o from the Bilean Co., Turonta, upon re. the town.", The marshall aproached to dizzY spells. I karst growing weaker and ground becomes tainted and the common Lameness in 24 hours -takes For what you don't may agree with you
per J* irielosed in a meta hood at the eellit of piice, 6 boxes far $2.50. take the boy's weapons and the youth weaker. I tried several Inedicilleii Which epidemic among fowls, more prevalent. 1 out all the soreness -and puts I As whatever you do do don't,"
i top t4 --orhtirl Is a sq•uare opening, or .. 4 I shot the old scout through the heart. they claimed would care my troublo, but The ground moult ides the house should be : f (
. horses "on their feet agAiij. P I
k notliiii--)�,�tsoft)ielt,astbapelituittilltrie(I - twice 9, year. . Yea, th a saith the modern doctor. Trap
' ound . ,
Juilinel. By the revolution of the 'Alhee GUN FIGHT Lydia R Pinkliam's YegetableCom Soc. a bottle. If your drug. dition be double durlied!
I . PR&, Rg;3,T THERE. � Owing to the youth of the. slayer he es- ploughed or spaded once or
, the snow MUght up by the scoope i4 i .. caped without the customniy frontier and U114 helped me no rapidly that P could The land too needs cropping and where . What the oldsters knew, was nothing com.
� thrown through this ,opetning with great "I hardly Inhere rav good fortune. I woulit this is impossible the next best thin" gist dates not Uavt it, scild, to
_ Western Frontlet - Muggins" was buried in state ol - � , A wed to the things we've learned.
. � . r Townp - - � - 11 Gladly have paid W25,00 for that first bottle i.,3 to a.pplv lime and work the same inio I There's nothing in this or that thing thaVs
force ". the funnel is so shaped that . All Have The�r jUstieP . ftl#�A DZ44 8A QeWlc*l Co. 411, certain In every came
,,Dgot Hill" Near A on "Boot hill' .
Y. for it started me on the road to health, anti the soil. ' Aaw more than a single bonnet's becoming
the snow is hurled in an oblipe diree- , * To -day "Boot hill" is in neglect. Most five bottles cared me. I am nioatgrateful I All poultry houses should be white- thililtd, Xolktre� 17 to every face
tion and -mused to fall at a distance of Every one of the little frontier towns of the cedar slabs Used to '
from . lio to IGO feet from e0ho side of of twenty years ago 11.44 its "Boot lllil� " graves have rotted. mark the for ray splendid, robust health, and shall wasbed and disinfected at l9ast once a I .. .. �� .. . It's all in the diagnosis that tells us the
One. or two remain, certainly -recommend the Vegetable Com- mtlenva fix -
r j the ,track, according to thio speed at Where those who lived by the gull 40 but the painted inscriptions .have been Pound 211 FIONVIng t0l'UIS to all 111� ftiends year. The present time Is Undesirable for --.:--_-_ -1 The modern who knows his business it up
Core. died by the gun were laid away With. .a worn by Wind , WllitlVftshing� 118 it it; apt to leave the to a host of tricks.
; "ah the wheel is being ,operaited-, X and rain that they are And acquaintances, for it is desery ng of all POSTAL CARDS OF LEATHER,
the pralie I (-an gwe it."
burial pl4ces -1i ountains of proof establish the fact - Do you eat roast pork? Then stop tL
. ! over, the hood is incliner] inviard so that their boots on, but it is hard to fil.44 KardIV le�ible. At cite :end of the ( bouse entirely too damp for the coming
-Upon these unique and romantic around is'a rock on which someone season, it w6ld be better done in tho .
I the falling snow does not descend � ne 114-5 that no nietlicino in the World equals spring Demand for These Souvenirs Has a De- You don't? Then get after It quickly,
ing or summer. For the long -earned ass gives the Isugk to
i the top of the rotary and bury the ma- ' to day. The glit, fighters' cel"Otcyy at carved, "In 'Memory of the Dead," -T-110 Lyd,q E. Pinkhamys Veetable earn- . _. I . - - �i. __ -
i cmire, in a drift of its own making. Dodge city, liar., is now the site of a Butte 'Alincr, cided Effect Upon the Market. grass
. ; pounki for restarixig, women s health. "' And delights In the weed that's prickly.
; CHESTNUT TREES DYINO. "Leather postal cards are a constantly Do you Bleep with the windows open?
: The 'robaxy plaugh.,like the old -frill- Bag schoolhouse and school children romp _.� _*� -_ .1 11 . .
I �11._ I - - . . - -
ie, is propelled Uy a couplD ,of. over the ground where many a cowboy CIT I LIGIM OF LIVERP. 001�, .. 7 increasing fad ,and the demand for then' Then batten them good and tight,
was buried at the time when the little SAVED BY HIS GLASS EYE. o And swallow the same old fetid air
po,wwfiflocom,,titives, but the p*Wer for - �j. Experts Have Little Hope of Saving I
. has produced an appreciable effect oil Through all of the anoozesome nicht
I pperaklng thi greait propaUST is eon- town at the end of the cattle trails sel- Consular Report Gives Facts of Interest 7� Them Prom FUUgUS. the leather market " said Frank AN". Lord Just qult whatever you do do,
iiijued w1tMn the plough itself. This is dow Saw a day pass Without He murder. Man From Ffaber�e'. Escapes Robbery in And do whatever you ,non t;
. Concerning British Port. S's Irl", For what you don't do may agree with you.
; xuppl,ledby 4u e4ne somewhat �reactm- But at Billings, Mont., if one cares to Water Front Saloon. ' The, disease of the chestnut trees in representing a, ,Massachusetts shoe fi
1. blirig a marlive engine, bat, capalble of take a walk of two or three miles to A Consul John L. Griffiths, responding the -Vc%v York Botanical Garden -which itt the Plankington. "Everywhere I go Aa whatever you do do don't,
I deivelopimg obrost ats, much power As a ,hill overlooking the flats of the Yellow- to an American letter requesting him to (San l7mlicisto Call.) first noted in June, has developed I notice that the,,41calerB are 1%7!ug in (Judge.)
- W -is larger stocks of Mrds than ever. The - - -
bocomotiva. The roravy, must' witdistmind stone, there is A frontier gravdyardju-it furnish information on the street "g'th- Alex. Jolirtion fiaA just returned fronn .throughout the sunimer, Than
because Lower Grade of Affection.
i the force of pushimg =gines. be,Wn:i as as it Was left Years ago- Ing of Liverpool, writes aa follows- the Alaska 5--heriest. •,arid his potketos of the excessive moisture, end now, ac- i fact that the womcn are now making
. .
I well ae counteract Wo wide motion of the "Boot hill, is a survival .of the old 1, Electric strect, ,lignting in Liverpool is 'pilloNy . coverings out of the cards Is (Philadelphia L*dsor.)
I shed represented by 188 11 electric ,arp, lamps of were heavy with ciaxii-ings of the trip. cording to the Journal of the Garden, let demand 110h," sobbed the you wife. "George
at whirring wheel, and oomseque"UT town of Coulson, which ,%vats cstAbM hardly a tree in that .part of the city has mainly responsible for the gr( doesn't love men as he alld..,
. about six miles above the Johnson S. Philips ten ampere dou- It wac, not stvxn,:V, th-rcofore, to the So- I for the leather oblongs
! the roof -and, sides, as well as ilio frame, o"'! . seen ed infection' end none is Immune. "Nonsense." replied her mother. "Only
I work, are of metal-, and- the ma"hinery the Site of Billings long befoTe the hurt- ble car -bon type, .running four in series, phistivated mind that -he inst e, and even Hundreds of thousands of square feet this morning I heard him dall yot% 'the
: . Spraying has been ineflectiv of leather is utilized In the production of dearest girl In the woli,141.' 11
ling little center of the -wool tiado 1va.j Each are burna Until ])Tldlligllt, When it ' ' ' * .been "Yes but he used to call me 'the dearest
! is set as rear the ground as ptotstsible in .. . . . three bo,ioni frimidt; wito,w de,rot-lon to oung trees in the nursery have.be I "
; older to help "steady" this thought of. Coulson Was one of is extin�uisbcd and two sixt"n-candii the postal cards, and when one considers
onfrget I ..., . hini. was Pa great that they Would not rellZIlred fungus . The that ;�ar lived."
a those wonderful mushroom towns of the po)i,er incaude�ce,A ofectric lamps ligli�- leave
I,,,n far a Incinen What a imiltiplibity of 118as leather has 1 - I
meehamiml -toiler. The weight of the .. t. so'nic scrious conditions are Teported
Average TOtWy, oomplete With tender for frontier. Steamboat traffic on the Yel- ed in lieu, wblo'L burn until daybreak, I- And the many articles w1hieb are in%iiii- Even the knights had their day-
. At lowstone eftddd. there, I was here Gen- However, during the inonths of Novem- But Xex. was not ROPhisticatvil And from Forest Park And Prospect Par,, faetured from it there Is little to be dreams.
Eitel acid water, is over 100 toins. 4 lit o-.i',,y thoaght, as -many of hls� ilk have Brooklyn.
i ,bhg forward. part of the plough is thin cral Terry's boats wore bound at the ber to February Inclusive the are lawn .s thoc,ight before hini, what a good old in his summing up of the ,situation .. - I �
, ,
pilot house, wheTein is stationed the time of the Custer massacre and a &t Coq'l- are re -lighted at 5 cacti morning an:d Nvorld this is and w -lint A lot of warm- William A. 14uriffl, of of
New YoTk
jilot, who diriects the operation of the son centered the picturesque life of burn until daybreak (Sundays arid
� .1 a h1aartul people. Ile Belt touched -when Botanical Garden, says. R hi.a. .U." mat ism
A rotary and communicates the inieeeis,sary southeastern Montana -trappers, buf- Christmas day exelitd,e ). Apart from
I his new friends, invited him into a Falcon The natural reault must be the death
z falo hunters, scouts, soldiers, friendly, ii
.I- the foregoing th,c Liverpool streets are
, Instructiom to the engineem of the l000- . . and treated Lim, to 0,11 the liquor lie of practically all the chestnut trees in
k;,siotivet in, the rear. dians, halfbreeds, gamblers and the riff- almost exclusively liglited by the "13,1-. 'wanted. , I Iley kept on urging him to the infected area, unless some excec,4-
, a of inoandeacent gas lamp (a
A giant rotary raff that always managed to find its lamy" typ,t , -lill -xtdfly appears,
. can -form its way Nvay to the outposts of civilization. description of which, togetlic47 With other drink, ii e they wtarre telling thini, how ingly Active enemy sl A Promirient Business Man Stultes
6hrough, ahnoi,t any snow barxiew ata unlikely. condi- of fmn four to six mil,et-� pC-7 's cemetery infornlretioll on Ft-rect liziltin- in Liver- I much they thought of -him, They dM lvblr.'h is, extremely
Chief interest in Coulson I not find it neceseary to glve'lilm what mere and otherwise unfavorable condi- His Reputation on the Merits of
V . .. " _�._. __ - - - - . . -�-_- /.- -! is t",linicaV,y known as knock -out. drops tions may delay the progress of tAhe dis- this New Remedr for the
_19aL .
because lie was already knocked out ease a few years, but not very long, Af- Dread Disease.
.� I well in the natural couroe of m- ter the disease has run its course, and . In these days, wizen every preparation is carefully analysed iiiad
I . . IL11,11111y water front whiskey. the dead trees have been elea,red way, I
il , from . ;X. � At Itiet lie ivOrexi. to the back roe. -.2 young, healthy trees, grown oyn the tested, only those of genuine merit can come unscathed through the or.
.. 41 1 ai the saloon to eleap off the offeatn and seed, may be-splanted with some chance they have every cause to deserve the tonfidenceof thepub4c.
I , Toolls 11 46 Eric
bid,ed their Unie, of ,success, especially if carefully oulti- deal—and
Tfies4s . I t
. I And it is only such preparations that the far-seeing businm run
, '
. 11MI, Ir.1 ._, ,ill-- Are � I I r� Ptretty soon. one of bhom'went In to rated And guarded Against attacks 1hy
, I : peconnoltev ;4ut came back, saying that aphis and wounda of every description, supports.
- Plenty I 11 I N .. Ales, was, �till Ivide, awake. This, sur- In nearly all the new infections ex- , Banks and business houses all over Canada are familiar with t6
11 � -11, . .
� � i them, for they had given• him amilned,' I have noticed a dead twig, Or integrity and business acutnen of C. W. Mack -the well-known Rubber
- , ,
,4 4 . I I to put three anen to sleep. They dead area of some kind on the bark, ap-
- I "It"V'l,
fill i ft .. , I � }united until, they thought he must sure- patently not killed by the fungus, from Stamp Manufacturer of Toronto. The fact that he is substantiaUy
1; -, Roofing, 's Is Eas ff. which interested in the Rheumatism Compound of 6s cousin, Dr. H. H. '
, .., - I ly he in the land ,of :end. ch the infection appeared to spread.
4rZ:_C:v_$. -Kir . . Again one of them pretended to have The end* of the branch being killed, dead Mack, speaks volumes for the value of this remedy.
"m i - . . spots are sure to appear lower down, I
a& ht , Work pi errand in the other room, glanced far- Mr. Mack became interested some time ago in this Compouncl
.& tively at Alex, And %vas niet by Ns Wide- from lack of food, and the spores washed and he was so thoroughly convinced by the astonishibi; results actont.
, , t � IF ppen eye. The intended victim -was I * down in the rain find easy entrance, plished by it, that he joined Dr. Mack in marketing the compound,
96 hkq- with Mil face half buried• in the psi- Thus It frequently happens that a small This is what Mr. C. W. Mack says:
' so fliat only one eye was visible, infected branch -will lead to 'A serions
I 11 Galvaniized thta o,rie, rewiiained open every time infection of the main stem even before 11I back the following by my buslaoss reputations.
le. IMM- hi&fricods came to see how he was get� the s alas had time to grow down +•I state, from positive proof -by personal obsery
� H ou I EFEL N I N Gam L ma" rs "U" =
ting along, They did not speak to him the length of the branch,
I "M fox fear of crousing him in ow -,a he should In the case of large branches, the vatl6iii of many cafes --that Dr. Mack's Ahoumattsnj .
Put them on with no tools but a painted. Guaranteed in every Way MR be t on the point of dropping off, ends of which are killed, one aide of the Compound Is an absolutely jar* and &.afe cure.
hammer and tinner's sheam-can't until 1932. Ought to last a eenturY. . litst Ri*x. -had A glass eye, and it is branch may entirely die, thug affording "I h -doe intorvietbod many of the doctoet pav
. the nature of glas* eyes to remain open an w-sy and speedy entrance of the , !lents-and have yet to.rind one falluro.
go wrong. They lock on all four Cheap as wood shingles in first I . wbF.o th.q.owmer sleeps. It Is doUbtful it fungus directly into the trunk. It is "Strong facts -but they are facts.
sides, are self -draining and Water- I Bost; far Cheaper in the long run. . this phase of their usefulness Ms tron on this ,gocount that pruning large in-
n- "Every drop of b tood is reachad anti puriftsid-
001 shedding On any roof V�ith three or "Oshawa" Galvanized Steel Shin- boon exploit,od�, but if any,&f the venders feeW li'tdriollea often fail% of success. I
. . snore inches pitch to the foot. Make glen cost only $4.50 a square, . of gla,ss ey-ets. want to incol-poirate It in "In this connection It may be interest- . the whole system freed from JZhoumatic Poisons."
fire-proof, ,,Veatherproof 10 & x 10 ft. Tell us the their ad;crtikb3g they miry have for Ing to give a brief outline of the results It is just this sort of backing that gives peopleconfidente. FOCA6
. nothing this story of how Altex't. itxti, of the Infection experiments with young
and proof agaimt lightning. Cost a r e a of any roof and hear our ficial eye, saved him from being robbed. tr".% In the propagating houses men- business man of to -day does not invest his money in a mediocre article.
least in the long. rui). Made of 28- tempting offer for covering it JUg friends wish they lilted known. iloned In my former Article. In one set it has to be something that proves its worth to the public --that wiR do
I 4 - I of ,6xp6Timents .the fungus, tAken from What it is intended to do -and do it in the 6st wiiiii known to sciev,6.-
gauge totiffhaned sheet steel-on]Y with the cheapest roof yoti 64fttl
011e quality used and that the best- Can .really afford to buy. Let . Christmas Shopipingo pure cultures, wias introdittea through
, Dolc,t to shopwng yet Awhile, I wounds Into the living tissues of the
Dent cold and double-gahlanized. us send you FREE booklet Wait a bit, J 11 branch. The bratichea thus affect6d thave Dr. H. H. macles
. Last longer with no painting' t1lan V, about this roofhig question -tells TI'mo On% IIL,I,e yet, by a mllo; ! , till died. An attempt was mile, In an -
any other metal shirr les he-,Mly- some things you may not know. Wait a bit. : other get of experiment ta, Infect young
� Wait and go another day; I Rheumatism Compound *
Chrl�,tmaii is yet weeks awaY ' 3 twigs awl unfolding buds Without T,e-
" 4...(,. 1 1, . ;4" I � :1. � �. -10.4,'. .o.��),I.. i I ..j., i :. A N,.L I 6 .1 'S, wait, and join the troaxled UYI . moving, the cortex. No Infections of this cutes the worst fortis of Ptheumat�m-pronlpdy and P&MMIently.
. � . . 6w.k.kwaNwome - � . Wait a bit. I . kind were euceesgful, Other infections .
' 4 I It removes the ctuse of the dilttata-ancl tonts up the wholt Wy
� Wait till all the *torts tire Jammod- Were trade upon the Litt ends of branches ' 0 n h a Av a Galvanized Steel ,Vvalt a bit, lid, the -progress of the disease down, the It Jiswlvcs, aiA taries out Of khe vstew, the deposits of Url�
i - wait illi 4121m Are stacked and rammed; and
toward the, briink observed. A I . .
. . I- I Shingles eare GUARANTEED in I I . livalt a bit. b Atid. which crust: the extruclaqng, twinges, by grating against dw
.. 101, -1 __ wait till astleamen are bait dead, - wimber of cheek treca were kept in each tissues of the joint$ and muscles. This We A61 was originally kh in
I . - every way for Twenty -Five Years , It Aot . ,lilred ,of limb and daft of bead, . CIAO and they have ,all Teninined. per- the blood by the kidoeys While to do, their work of filtering dii '
. Till the *bCrVt11-K time Is tpod- : fectly sound. poom,
. . . Ought t6 Last . a Century - Wait a bit. I v'I �ave no treittmetit to Aliggest fur- taut of the body. Dr. Matk*% Compoizil carefully 1,61111131" dw
Z sebe"" .. . . I I thch than ,016 ,I)VOI-tntiva Tiloagurm &I- "eyii, laud puts all the 4A.6t 6rgAW in good workkig otckr.
, 00111101:1111" '414,1. I., I 1. .1 11 " . bit of "Itute- I ,
. bene 0MID10Y 1%
. . P Wtdt 0, bit, St far Dr. WeVs booklet, on khtunA"-k wM bo **t
Strid for MUM Hnok-"90OMg 91ght' Wait till *Ytry onVil luts-s" ! I
Get 04T Offor Wort Vou goof a Thing M - ML0111a, 0 1 extent
66 avid POAPAW.
'16 ""' "
18011 ea"
tft wait it bit.
� lemal . . fir"
mm 410W Wfilt till You can bei"r get 2.-Ity- C�et yolrA keei froin the'eciftittgat arny you tire nftr4
"r �'
read, """""O��', 'Ir
Of t It
other 19t4t,44 10i,61`1
I I What 0 occur, if it 'it
1A111A v�ir`l`, 0�ttl it
I L I the lletin�,Ftiy�xotlwlialn.-" ;
. , f I I ell *1 �A tv WIK-
, % i.'t% * lit a Wit. IL
# , 00 - I Llko & virulent as It is 'with ug. Owners of `There no netil io tullu-yoileva no tight 1* u4er. AAdow t
., V .
, , I 4
, � , . Cdanada Dr. ff. it. NA4011t,
FPO U lj
I I Plubb-11 �Vbnn she rejoeteJ me, I stud, "" all lArAt 1044ted 'treed ftt,oflct..
I P. - AI.. V.. - I I wo6a, nag In thett Stilted Should cut
I threatened to do something d6spitratil," WA06 the fungUs 0fticts the, bArk only,,i (146ft 016s, W vatsia, NA.) 160 V24
00 St., ,T6"1r%A***
Addren our movat" , , TWXTO 40MV06 W=69 WMIM * VANCOUM bubb--Mliat uts itill plubb_-,,t to)A tlI,a word Is pt,rfettly sauna unrest Al-
Noa` oxt Wafthmst IM-$ emit st6 W. 11 C61.,.*f% . Me4.23A,ll" tk 00 DundvA. ft I" LOWbttd ft 818 gender St. , Ur rd 114vot propose to her npw-e lowed to st4A
ild UA b4 *01"w " to O
-. .1
. I �
I , .
I\ . 0