HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1906-12-27, Page 2U . . I ___ ­ -1 - .. 1?-� I W,r , # , 410T �. - . , I . I "", ­ . .� � T, ; � � 1. . I % � * . '. "T - �w - . ,; 7- " i I %*. . -11- - .Now" -N -NF* . i , ,,� i 4 U - � - - --- — - .— - - - _, I _— , . . . " - -, — '' '.. . , - _ � I I ., �� . 4- I- 11.1-, � I .. . . m , . - J '­ � ,: .. I.. I .., . � . - I ,�, . .. �, �- �� ­­_ I'M 1. m - , � ­ . I. . . . I . . - - _-�_, I I I I I I ­ I WZ 7-7 - j 2 - I �- F 0 � I- ,� ..... "'."'I'l.".1 .1 �. I .1 ­ I � I � .1 - : "__ , : V, �. . � ,,, .11 � I - la , WON 1 ! , it".1 with Qr(vpiug things. and 14 fowl r1r. The Wingham Mum * I OnORTS i -i hardwar" and groceries leave% little " Ts A i oroods bayo been Inoving well, owtv; to , M1 fly. Ix chaliter ii. Ill tbe fowl* axe 4.0� ` NT . "'Ater 4 (� flillfl,04 out 4L)f the #r4unil. .'% :, M 4% V4 isi:3day School* 0 b , "' 1h ltra" I's th"' "Onnocuon ;,14.90 ereatures W.'Xif firl't latro4kwM h%. � ,t-a8mal le weather, while the inoymilit � FLYING MACHIN i 't A -� � , . . ; I.,X1,6 WtY0, Titv,� were ercatillus, i I .f,oja for complaint. . F&I ! 1XClK%NA%t10NVb LVIS;01i N�). I evollitiom, ll'it t je. %1l1:&hI1lvnt :nulltl- RN49- IR � - ' no' Heal - ""' 'k . tr I . - I., i U lis. :I,- "O"M" il I JA . 41, 100T. . In nat toll ii conevived of ai gvio�-;�atio . I " u M fill Q" fft Creffttor-4.'en. 1, 1,-22. . ,.1,VbcQvn*s 0an. At the ehj-�Q of tliilt� I dl,vy (;od bh 6�40.i that whiell Ile has 111.1tL" vuvnw WrOAX %"=Z=- I A WHOM DEED, - UTUNG Cna'011410NO' —1— 11 I I 1.� ,. t Ciomuieutarv.--J. Tbe creation. (vo. 1, I r., il�;,!,\ tit I �. I � . t :' t. 14 (It V,'� (M I ', 1.1 I 1% i; I -� At the Wlnu$p4W 00104 PwXatt tQ-d*y the I , V ,,, , t j i I %i ,_, tollowtug were %be 010117% A . 2). tle, awl Crr.n,wj,Y . ftlag quotsttl*114; Paid, X,Yi1Zj,:NTBD WOMAN SLAY$ TWO . I ­ : * - i and beast-Ilere are iltree cI.,s-;es-. Vltt- 140, 94F 74%*, July 0 t' - , T""Hw 1. In the liclinning-The dNeoveries, I tie,, o'r­-'a'a`m'e'i�t,Ia anitnals, en-3por?i, (it- rLQUR rR1QZ8. I CHILDREN AND $BLIP. ' P"YOICIAN, $QIIICIZ�M (it g French Government Thinks it Will Soon be lteali­' ACCOUCHRUP. . "logy Prime tho glowN� ta 11,1ve VIC- I Insects. aild M)tiloaj beasts, Or will aul. rictur-,mawtictia, @fftsut, 43,75, tr".X To`ii I lifted at all ludidlilliely relnote perio4juril", , as 4114-loguisdir.cl frela dmrie%tip am. rontq; optar3o. so per cent, Patents, $3-73 Cut,% Their, Throats and Her Own in ''000ass—Upstairs In tbo X60400J44 , bl(I 'tor export; Milmitoba 1p4teat, ^?"W, ized and is Preparing for Coming Change. - before the creation of ti,.am� that is, loll- 1 mals. brands, s4m; striolig ti*eriel , 14. 1 $now Outside Her HQ=e--XPouu4 Block. before tile six d,...N,.s` work so d4lid'.471 (211r.9tiong.—Why h, the book Q! (1mr. * —_ -_ . I - ------- - ­-- - Vight 4W14 miswvred M aftso, - described. it lills been suppos,.4 by solliv f,i! BRUJAH 04TrIA XAXXMW� I Deadin the Snow, tjot q 1111110"tialitt Who io tare author (it % . . . � . that "in tile ItCghilling" NJ?aS tile C0111- thLi book? When 4141 t1m.ercation. tak.e ,X,Q4dd4.�CVAadIan cattle An tile BAUAll Sudbury despatch:A tragedy has been I ' K . Police Will Have to be Provided With flying P. .. U."40 meacculent of tile fir.it day, and of colim, "ce T What 1% to be und;wsiool ))� markets are ftuotiiid at 2W to U%o 9 It14'ellaeted at Wlfitefh;lx� a littlo railway .. 'KINNEDY, ILD only about 6,00o years ago. But lit) In �11;1 b�,,ii.,11111g,,? What Vall yo.,j q�,., retrigarator boot, k;%D to SUO PaT 1�b A" . ., phrase coul(I be raure ialol`initf� a-3 to o; 01.1 jf,;1,jQe:j_(1:jt oj Q,40'4�1',Ve ',tr,.i rj�V"ej-,j TQgQNW XXV8 STWK XARKJ�r- I village (tit tho Rile brattalt of tile C, 111. R. Machines in Qrd�r to Protect People, i 094mbor Zo the BrItimis X@,O�wA I . I - - , '. . � 1A whtlt e.'r-diti-M Nv."' V& eilytih Tile recoWto were large 494" 18 in!!(", Ivest of her(*. "ClAU04) ._11 V f, UPWAX44 tinio. It ufer?t4, "in fortir,ii thiraltiOn," " - — . day, T * An Englishwoman, whose busband is Paris, Dec. 24i --So confident is the 111:1,Aq, on -.1 France is taking ,tile preoauti,m , COLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINIL "of old." All that 1.4 s0iod, is that tilt, :,f*,t:r tilt- (,roxtI,,u? Wiren did (lo -A lw,­ 04 1Q0 Watio, counting NVO431" 0411 "ro i,at waj day, but via cannot five d"i"ils, ,lot bei in cing.11w,or with tile Copp act ,of fir;%tiun oc,,urr�d at a cortain .' rill the i�b� dai-s' ,%vorkl 11' A., 14 _vr Cliff I.Wit- L, . reach GoTert;r1lent; t1rat the day is only to um --1 it. In tho cusitolas service, pres- I Spocilfit 4t tj . a. . t". oil Rald to Dtatiffse" ot we" ? %blo to get our revert ft.,= ,the G- fr. Ing Company, ,Suddenly, became do. Cut methods Of AMW11111f U10 frontier w1dron. " one thing a= be truthfully soild 844 that 1.4 point of thae I pa,A etornity. It leavQ8 1 il; no till each (1,15 .1 tl% iuvn�ed. 'WhIle in this ondition dur. it short distance off when avtriallovomo- emax uovm an 0 n in, t4ero were all * 0 till undeflu,41 intorral betvvv�% the crea- , d IAVo b8011 too =&V Cat will be obsolote. At-rial PIRA(TIVATA APPLICATIOYS, This Caused tr#49 ang bst Thursday night, alto took liar Vatrols will IX1 more 1411fin were required. ,,loll will be practical that several cout- lievii.i"-Iry to prevent file sinugg"Ing L. -f I . tion. of matfor antl the Ax khtvii` werk-­ Tv GDa, the Q*ator, the fii�t v.- to be W. with WTICON =Uqh lower All two children. ugv4 3 and 8, respective- . ' Benjamin Field, ficid-­41'e IR -brew Nvord,, , ial,Moua are at work elaborathig plans contrallard acroFs -tile borJer. The pa- . tolze Bible hJ!1"r-N kt.. %lith Co4, tile Z� , IrQuAd- iy, fr,,m their bad, .and, carrying them DR. R08L C. REDMOND 13 R10111111, a phiral notill. ­rty .its usa E0orters-Tha.re were none, excepting 8, raw outbide tho houFe, laid them Ili the ,or mcpUn.g, lit the various branelies of Ifee of ttlt c4lvs will,bave to be provided here in the plural form I.,, obst.,urcily' it ,vitter, the lost vorso of th,o 2: I bujI4, which Aold at VA, to si per owt. witit flying Inaeldnes in arder to protect U, U. 0. M na,3114 tauglit that tIlGligh 01011 is one there is its. All b,,twe.-i .1% a li�Actev of (M'Vp Butchors--Tratle In routobers' catt19 WAS detq) Snow, and cut tbeir threats -with- Llic public service, the solation of nny tile people from the now oppiortunitleii of U (aR5 ' , rim I. - r , slow, as best .P1*44 lots selling at -11 * ,,, , A,,*,,,r fitly realizing the ell- aow problenii, rold?h the revolution, Xill crime %phielf, aerial I000m4)tjoVJl AVIA 'F11103 a plurality of lierF ja the Uodheal " ulings, with mail lia Iiii V to, , I ,j, � pliysiciati and surpc)a; tons , i ) to $J.26, with a few odd cattle at 44-49 "' k"', c for ell .. I1k�(I0e.,.1,.% "In tile Ui-Alalll,z,%, %io., of*-:- 14 50 but the "tile bringing the latter p,rkCft I tile, she then used the .ut.til, Capt. ji\,,-Oaer, 0 the French ,truly, Ili the polver of criminals. It would seem who were engaged in the creative work. ' 1� llail� . I attxl" (Y. 1). 'I'Mi Y�ze dt'ielarei t1w it W� a' C,00d leads sold at - un)),4 tat. Own tIlroat., (0fitoo WItb W. chlohob* % Mighty f4mes. I I!, rhbor. ' who Is devoting all lils time, to florost-At- that flying ofachines ,would cuable anar- - d1uni, $3.OQ to $3-65; . tit. following morning . a Tit(, Dible duea not ucfdertak4.� to Provo al; ate of , ��!',,"�; as, litut. who cowlacted the negrotiations chifit.3 to achieve. any end by threats I 1. �. 1.501 .i.,ju of t,lit? hcav�..,� , .1. N 4n - � .j.j ti, o.75 to st - r awt.; 44 t I to existence of God, but at the very oulmon, V.26 to $3.40; COWS, $2-50 to 0*24; were, shecked -to find the Zhrao bodle ' J. IR L olliset his 0% i qiboq it., I I , C , istence is assun, RL" ird . L U 'L liannors, at 41 to $LIS War cWt. .1 as al f,,C�t, earth. The w o A Y,ar,w- 01;,:�x s fit belfialf of In.3 Joriernnient with the . just nelt only rulem but whole cities, - . li';antit previ!)rs t..k ,,dl, -r�ee4ws4Lud-Stoo�kor4--L,'ow,offertat and not fly, lit Lite snoir, 'rile mother and %1.1-1�;,I�t Bros, ag,rees with Santos Du" " *.tit tho pol4vo Ealling about in the 8THUR � c"nalt't)n of tho Ivil . - Crrated-Tho primary sense of tile word I commeneeineaL of tilie Ad,un;a'e*%,,.t1I:ni. ,antoo. Quo load of VQd abort-keava, 6e yciange-st child were dead, -but 11 I - , W, at of the divine act tit absolute crea � , * , I .Ito tat flying inactinea in it -few years : ail. it ivill be no more difficull; to frus- A V -0.8-1140A Is th, at ;4.2sper owt.; loading here was still life in the older child. tion out of notlling�--MAIJ. 1,43ea Rom. IV. " J.��'Iweeli thEso, tll,l 1% a 4,1111SM Ill tl.t 11 owt.; stockors ranged %villt be ar, common as autonicibilt's to- I'trate their plots than it is niow. on solid narrative, clearly pevie..ptiblo In the Ile , with one lot at $3-10 1 0 01 -tor of Dent%l Surgery of th Em ' - 10erL Doctors wero 811111molled, but.this child 1, Ili the next war lie is convinced I ground. Ili war tile inte-Iligmee servic D 17, Heb. .\I. 3. The heaven and thil - Wiiili the .1 , 417, - . .* ea, 'I'Verse. "Thiz firs'v, , brow, of unnumbered age;�, -Iso died within three hours after be. there %vill be battlea� lt.�twocff flotillas ; will be entirely confined. P� th0 4cro. neYlvallia Oollep and fitcantlaW 9f do fa� - L , rtli-Tlio. entire un, Juction to tile i third va-s-3 omnmencz.s the 141sti -V of tin, ir -at a little easier Ing found. In addition to the fearful '0111lis "Human Mastery Of tile ; stat;c divisions and arjued airships will Dental Surgery of Ontario. L Yvrse is a general intect 111- I f-- , x days' creation. - . lil. -0. e.m. luotations. IPTIC04 ranged from $35 'AD P6 'Vilab its limbs were badly Jrozeuj, the ,If ail a - -,- -.i, "IS 'vcftLRos Of aj�jljics"J, ' I _' spir,-d volume,' dcx-,, The 13! flul, � ' tir, " s. -id lie to the Ai3ioclateil Pre) guard tile 'I" .jrjlja� tile great an�l I .a .h�a wtN ' I 'it -Ing been desperately cold, the . aftee orer Poo, 0M"_W,1KQ1AX -�Il 'od. God's woril and (,*.Od,� VQ�j CAlVcs_Va,aI calves sold at about i igi Ila% virtuall-, achieved. .None of the, Start- l Qbpt. Farber believes the solution of Important truth that t1d,gs had a I wor'l 'Jf G z at $3.60 to 0-60 tilernionicter re-listerhur 15 below zero. .in.!,, a,.111pya , .ni begrianing,; that nothing throug,11cut thu: w.r,,'r- are one. "By the word of the Loril the samo prices, ranslu , 'cats .of the past, neither the probletti. of aerial iffavigation lies lit � I I I - Vt. Dr. StrotbPrY., coro�cr and Police . I iv,n-e the Iteavens -mad�-, alf:1. all the boSt. Per "I ature eidsted front oter- Sheep and Larabs--fteep sold at about 44�ni, c!eetricity not- the telephone can 1 tbe question of equilibrium, as the Prin- . witle �Zut of n lfagii;trate - BiQie, of gudbury, were ) I , 14)f t1wnn by the breath of Ilia itiollth" steady prices, but lambs vere easier. sellinic r, I � nity, originated Ity chatic-e, or from thal *it. a). If science s,'-<mS io c�)ll, it about $5.00 to $5.80 Val? CWL Zxport stitw iminedhiiely informed of the tragedy, coinpare with what the f4ture hblds in i cl&- of fliglit, that la, area of aet ii-vA."'ONE ..-. -itore for us. Not only will the life of . surface and speed. He couteride that ERARRISTER AND 8QLICrrQR - skil] of ail inferior agrent-, but that tit,, ' Wsm� X %.a "ro quoted at 0.76 par owt. .,.till ail inquest was opened. UP hus- . i R whole ullivie,rse, was produeeil by the crea-, tradict. the Dib.le we have or.!y LO "If -t HQF,*-ReceiPta %veto light, with priags , and Lf Maividuals be revoluMonized, bab Gov- I the domination of tile air us at present 37 I , . the woman stated that ]lie ' I . . Money To loan at lowestratm live power of God (At-ts xvil'. 24, p,om, I God Ile true, but every man a 11a.r. An- unchanged, at $646 for aillects and $5,00 for . �dfe's mother, who still resides in the '21nanents -will be couipalled, to devise, in �, fr, cnyoycid by birds waa only ,oift �: . 001M ' I (111om. I'.!. 4). We kii-ow thqt tjg-�t� lights and fats. Ni. 36). After this preftwe the narrativi. j wal't k oit every department, new anothods 'ais a rci-,tilt of a slow,process-of evoiti-tion BRAVEn ar,00K, � �ald countrv. had been in the habit of ' "" 4 confined to tile earth!' -T., F. & i 1 iveze sb: literal days, because Cod referti TOWN1110 FAYMER& U&RKM. 1 e. I frequently' i,ecoming temporarily in, to meet the changed ,conditions, This ca:rp%rable Ili (t, way to tile, slow perfec. � tit theat as sueb In bite foarth command. neceipts of grain to -day were moderat _ 7.96, WING11". 2. The earthwas waste and void (R. V.) wheat to unchanged, With sales of SOD bush- s,tne. This leads to the conclusion that change will come, with amazing sudden- . tion of the lfresent means of flight. -There was confusion and disorder. "The ! a or t (Exud. xx. 8-1 1). The order -of ere. - 5L-. of fall at il. to 730, and of 100 bushels of the ingaility of liar daughter was hered- . I . ' . I . . - ". history of creation is confined. simply to I :,.� "I"ll, was as follows; firm, goo bushels tiall- !:or. ? goose at trio. Barlay ' Ing at 6t to G5c. da s are unchanged, With I Tito apparent con toy, I. -M. "Gcd said. Let there 1- V - ihe first two verses. 4 First d t I fliet of this chapter with goologv It'.113 bo lkrhV0 (�,5. -31 Z�:,-Ilk is cs;zlentlill to sales of 600 bUshols at SS to 40q. . to, k arisen from the niistak( � July In liberal supply, with orices isteady' w:fD �1' N 71. Itom " � � f of suppoji'llf, it .tit vegetable and animal life, Th f- ' TV, I N KS" M U R% D" F PA WAS COMMIT11 D 4A Burtstus, BORG - g ea 10 ,,ads ,Old at $14 to �16 A. ton for timothy, D FNK 5 0" BRYCF.. to be a narrative of crention. when all -nra tile fin:t reeorded waide of (,..,,.,,[, slid At $11 to $12 for =IX01. . wjj�,,,y orc� Sa.l)lllll,- and j,r,)jyIjetje. TI)aj Straw steady, sU load3 selling at $15-5D �-' but the fiv3t two verses is an account of �' I& ton for bundbod. Ana at mso to *9 for Ideas. " Office -. Mayor Black Winghant. the adt.ptation of thet created material '- IW- of creacii.li set forth all that Uoil . Dressed hogs are Uuch=904� light quoted Z,jAy BE AMBASSADOR TO WASH- E. 1. Dickinson ballor EWMae - Gf the earth as an abode for man,)$-,' %'torwards revealed. 11hr-Aed to b�, Rita - at 1, and heavy at �& to �8-25. 1073 T.rjo of M.vsterlous Polsonina's Arouse Relauive"5' 17jeld. 51cived--God proceeJeJ to bring - a!) thto. Ile did for Ilia rLwplo Ili de!iv- wlt"O, litte, bush, ... ..$ 072 INGTON IF HE WISHES. ", t- vrhig thein from t.h.e,p;wz,,r tit dar1;,1,.i:;_. Do., Spriur. bush . ... ... 070 000 . . Suspicions—Wants Investigation. J. A. MORTON vrder out of the iriatter that was exis Do.. rewd, bush . ... ... :.. 072 0 12 — It j� Ing In a �ellaotie State. I , now Nytill I�Ut)"Vn flL I . ilat light can ADX- DO."Rooze,bilab . ... ... ... 067 063 Sail to be Closing Up Affairs of Irish . . U. ThesLxda,yWwor1c (vs. 3. 25).Firsll i i -t without the sun, till Ice -nee Me Inugh Oats, bush . ... ... ... ... ... 088 00 4' Office-Foreigu Secretary Does Not Detroit, Dec. 24� The mysterious gi-eatly depressed over Ilia failure ill BARRISTER AND SOUC4TOR. ; (..f il.fidi.�ifty - , jfl.�,,t of l.ight lip.1n.. day - I at tljL � 0 Blarler. bush. ... ... ... - 0 54 55 . -nde and life and felt keenly the plight of his S. God siid-God willed, deer"J. Let" the Pun has turne4 an�q..nst its.,!f " ,j-.,_:, Buckwheat, bush. ,... .., - 0 65 000 Know What Will Be Done. cleAth by poisoning of Carl Ale MONEY, To Loma. . ..1.. Feas bush. . � . ... ... ... 080 000 I fan�ily which he could f oresee whon his .. - - -'. ' fol -e t!.'a t:1;131 Her.. -he serious illness ' there be light -A very dignified expres- , nas 11, diff.1,*cIn Of li!,VA.t b2 . timothy, ton ... .. .... 13 cc ' 16 '00 � London, Dec. 2C-Altbough it is stat, his wife and t of savings were exliausted, - Oil Monday tion showing God's authority and power.' was "tra-de" on tle Ijurtli day. Wo are , Do., inixed, ton ... ....-... U 00 . 12 OD their son, aged 12, at Saginaw, Mi Offlea:-Uorton Block, Wbigbam NVe are here confronted i1th the old: U1111 tInt "God is lielit" bufpia it IS z.A.I straw. per ton ... ... ... ... U 00 16 OD cd iu'tlie highest official qd&rters that 1 Ch., when Mande and Ilia wife died it was . L':t,t "Mid lit" kive" n Seede- . are now belielved to have been the re- -supposed that .their death was the w- . . . questions, Why this production of light 0- J-01111 I- 1�1- JOZ'1� Alsike, fancy. bust. ... ... 050 ,S75 Lite helection L,f an Ambassador to Wash sult of a. suicide and murder plot on sult of ptomalito poisoning, but 11red- � fl 2`11 .--- on the first day', and how was it dc�,'ne, i a the "Liglit of the world." Th.e word Do., No. L bush . ... ..... 600 6 25 lurdiju hai not yet been quite settled, . . sday, -when hia brothor-in-law Otto WELLINVI I ON IKUTUAI Y,hen the luminaries did not appear un- 1 '. ­ -_�- - . Aleiide�� either du lie ) � .� � I".1 -t Do., No. 2, bush. - .. - 575 595 the part of I " Q . 'I - Red clo,vear, fancy, bush. ... 776 goo UW,� doubt remains that James. Bryac. 0 to Ecker, of Chicago, arrived in Saginaw, I ­- if i � y Vile firmame-.11, or atmf)s- Do., No. I ... ... ... ... 7 00 725 will be ii,,mcd for tile post unless lie tit the fourth day? It should be borre - , " ` t hereditary insanity or despair over his lie declared that he - believed that FIRE US. CO. in mind that the sim, moon and �,,tam� " I ,..ses and valtora and Do,, No. 2 ... ... ... ... 6 36 6 50 failure to carve out a filledessful as- ATende poisoned his wife and son and Notablished IS$% . I i -.;.7,��, '. i� .s - were in adstence before this time. but tj . .x�.,'.rIci!y. `GoJ said, Let thew Le ,,In Timothy. bush, ... I... ... 125 1,80 positively vetoes .1118 appollitinolit'. Ocif For yea , been a then took a dosA of tile same poison - Road 09tce GUXLPH, ONT. . . tic state (v. 2)J ._,...,._,.'.-j �j,z. (,.3, j!l.a1.!Z.) -,,Ve arc, Dressed hogs ... ... ....... .. 8 OD 950 4 the Iiish leaders in Parliament with reer, rs Afende has tli the intention of committing Bill - the earth was in a chao ,� _V.- , U Eggs, dozen ... ... ... ..... 030 040 I aillel't" Butter, dairy - ... ... ... 0 25 0 -1 -�,ui ,Air. Bryce was intimately fl..so, Lutheran minister Ili the Central Itirka taken art all tolaseen of instrable Wo and these luminaries ware entirely bid- I t. -M fl -at the Lil.17.0 term' ,*ill -In 28 v -,a West, W . aide. He told the officials that if the ' ' Do., creardery ... ... ... .. 0 30 0.32 �Aatcd while drilfting the new Irish bill, holding pastbrates' In Kansas, Missouri party or, tho flamb or pronalum note sy-atens. ther the i. - 'i%it .ill nitf-h-lit blun,'­.- er ' ystallimil, city did not want to assume the ey- . L -t$ tI. . .are, is ft Chickens, dressed, lb. ... ... 009 0 11 u;altl to -iii it that the chances were a and Illinois, an a San was created at the sam� time of -*,-i-;:,,,- .,,ara Life Bible asooi I e -. Ducks, dressed, lb. ... ... ... 010 012 t" gi , d two -months ago It ponse of a chemical analysis of the lAwns GoLilitit, OK". Divamon. . the creation of the earth or long before! ,,:.';,I sr'llit-a al�ovc 11.4 wiliell i,:vilv Turkeys, Per Ili . ... ... ... 014 016 housRad to (,tie ha would be appointed. resigned his pastorate in Lockport, N. stomach of his sister and liar husband, prouldouls. 2001106"T. that time, a deinse 0,00timillMictil of f(k4A -.,:�I. -,'..% Ffaiv-. hinTA' Wt ilhat Is ain v1d Avvies, per -bbL ... ... ... ... 150 250 "A"a Arould be �ovry to lose 1im," )(, aNter making a failure there and lie himself would pay for it. It was fill. I' .0"N RITCHIC, and vapors had covered the globe with irt'�m Gf ' . . gir,r.,,nee. f.,ir fh�wv I,; n-1 M rotatow, iper bush, ... ..... 070 8 75 .;!jj,l iltv ,,ceuticinan, "as lie haq been a, came to Saginaw, where lie became ally arruged that the city would- pay .t,Rp - U�A .'Z 'be ... Iii. - .. 030 050 livilne rtil,-,r P11 Ilia life, and as the pres- editor of a German paper. � His work for the chemical analysis. Afende liffs ,t,7. a settJod and impenetrable "Icem." 1-nt vaiu spacL� filled with etber abciv� Cab 9*- Pe' '102c" WTXQKAX ONT onions, per bag ... ... ..... 076 100 J., F. & B. Now when God"undertook t: -. tald ­ars are :nuns varviliff by indef I- Beef, hindquarters ... ... ... 700 0oo ejjl, ( lillef -14.,cretary for Ireland, ims; did not suit the management of the Pa- many relatives- in Chicago ,and owns '------- � . ', to bring order out of confusion His fir -A rl:e dik-tauf?es. But looking Do., forectuarters, ... ... ... 4 IS 60 1�ceia di -Voting all his talents to finalag per and his contract was canceled two consid.-rable property there. That there .4 50 YEARS' , ' r, not was to call for ligU, But boxv Nvas the ivoid "firinanwif,V, Ave find that the Do.. choice, carcatiot ... ... 700 725 -i s -)f Is Insanity in his family is shown by . ­ . ' I 6 oo - hition for the Irish filipstion accept- Weeks ago. I I , EXPERIENCE - - 00 ib'f, to Uith lialand and EngIvnicl." the fact that his eldest son is couRned � "I .1 ,w an nM- c .0-1-iMil Hebrew tntin. ii vakiya, that wut�;l, per , . Of arlstocratic parentage in G01 -2111111y, light proctuoed. Perhaps as tie I Do medium. evireaso ..... 550 a ' ,vlt . ... ... ... ... 8 00 . I I .. "it'i 'Alfre '-' 11-c A. . ... ... ... 9 00 10 00 'Mr. Bryce spends much of his titneat high spirited and densitive, be was hi. a private insane asylam in Wisconsin, &,"i , war as can be found I-, given * NNIle- -"- I I" - ail C'Ut. - .1 CXP, .,3 - I bQt- Veal, per owt. .. . I . � . � �., don's Commentary: "%ffe may 'indeed. .�r ivord cuall.l na! have Itcen. cho-iplj to IA=b, per owt. - ... ... 906 10 W tho 1righ'office, where it ia stated he is I . I . IV suppose that the light produced by thI% :.,%-Iress tile allpf-arali'm. .and vet n,com- I Bradstreet's Trade Review. ,+:�.miag up n1fairs prior to tile. Christ- ---- -.----- - ­_­ __ --- A ,%vrd of God was the light of the sun -..v)�IaLe the r��,,Ifty, It. aellu�I'Y 'utici-I Mcf,�t ... I-1he puejai 'volume of alas recess of Parliament. Uc is keep. ,% /0.� E I I-, . I 11 �� . 01 : wholesale trade here 0, iL 't - � ' 117idiq day, UP sea, the dry land. "03d r, NEW T el K, ICE I RUM'. forced through the intervening cloud � -.i-'.0 so:ence. . 0 is continwrig its lfg, IA4 oNvn counsel, and even Sit, Vd. and Vaist -without dispelling them foT tLetivity ulm&ually lot in the year. Cc AFTER THr 61 .., - I . I 11 M ,-,, i,' 1. L(!t .... illto dry Inlid -ppear .... , I . Destans three days. The sun ,%vould. in sue' a ild wnrd Grey, the Foreighi Secretary, was TRADE MARKra ease ha.;e been invisible. But as " . , wh rly, and with good ot awar; to -night what the, Irish See- . I IV COPYRIMM &C. he I ez tile earth brirg fa�rth greall g-rass . . slaighing the retail trade throughout the ,etary intended to do. . I . I I . earth continued its axial revolution. da.�� jjt,rj�, .... fruit treei� (y.�. t,,.13.) VVI at a - . - ' Anyone sond(ng a sketch and descriRtliva way were altarilately prod-ared. ...,,pn,; Aq tountry became quite active. Sorting - - �, ifilickir ascertain our oldulon free %v 0A � � or an and night � . . Controlled Ice Companies And Ice -Field—.Ran the Aivonilon is pi-obably. pyL Covirhunica. t,Lrr'.';:e eran-1,-ur! Fr""' '�%'e lines are moving exceedingly -well and . . lions strictly vonadontial. U00111ACKOU patentis ard thus God divided between the, ligilt -,-.�Ft sho'e.,eps oc,�an, in -111 ine"allt of . set%& free. Oldest agency for itecuriagaviteran. :huo, contineut-i r,ero uohcare,l, alul -Lit- man � 0 ratente tairon t rough Altinit & . receive and the darkness. Nothing hinders our , zurrent orders are surprisingly large. WAX111 FIOJI 9". I M Price Up, to .41111 a Ton. . supposing such a mode of producing tile �­,_ I - if- - i%h --I to Ilia do d for tweed sultil3jis and over- I special notice, without charait, In the .."liet. p--)r11IcP,..i of ea dcpre�sv . light, and dividing the light from the If,L-v the Iralluiv depUls. Then ijiov! toatings is very heavy and V's in most uy, . N. Y., Dec. 24.- Attorney- cf the usual harvest qronx a million darkness." � other finas prices here are, tending up- SAID HE H -AW TWO SCOTCH GIR Scientific JON 01"'I'licall, 1­a1,.!(,-1IuF, talia valleys nild prairins were LS itkil", . S. Called file light Day -By whatever 0,ftl�cd with .-!,I tIle bealltv of trces, FOR -SERVICE. . General Mayor in the name of the People and a,balf tons to one third of that A handsomely illustrated weeitly. T,nrg - words, It is expected tailors will not . ,f cir I amount. The other sources of supply cuiation of any8clenting journal. 111.9rm ZAU. a . means God made the I�Fjlt'to %ppet"r, : P rlll:�;, gTat--il, florvv-rs aud Milt In ray be able tf) get repeat orders at present Uoutreal, One., Dec. 24. of Now York to -day began iti-t fiction l * Pro alleged to be similarly control Year- fourniouthaj$1. Boldbyallpowsd )&& He called the light Day. Nvhotb�r the 1:vine Lungs a, painting of ' 6"tut-ful figures. There is a slightly less active - Another � led. fAUNN & CC 3618roadway,fl - � I . I atefthist the American Ice Company in The key 'to the ice. situation in New � eW jork I . . I tone to generml Hues of hardware here illvk;ed liet I y swindling operation � 11 Urcoatili Office. &S F st� washiligio". . U. day at this time vras the exact leng-th it,ses. I n - ver lovilt at it but I tl-],k tile Suprome Court of New, Ydrk Coun- York city is pointed out as lying in the _. . - _. _­. - - of our pres-ent day- is immaterial, � it vf Lie dea although the general trade is still inueb �l.e, r gli-I who painted it, It is a . been exporu�d in this city* ty, fo'r the dissolution of the so-called company's control of the "Ice bridges." - I — ____ ,- -was the light part as opposed to the �.:­,-tailt runihiler .,;f her lowit, th.--ingh heavier than usual at this time of the �Ilts tinle the allege -.1, swin,rAler .,Ice �� Z., p=­.��=-;q 1: . Trust." . . . or landing depots, by -which means, It � � - - a . : a man passing under the The complainant alleges as n principle 1 is %Ileged, are controlled by the cola- 5 ., 1, .1 I - niglit and emild not Possibly mean "a wo have not inet fir veam. T�t IqHzin- YO 3: Vollowing new tariff regulations ' "I ' . - boiler Plate has advanced fifteen cents. I ',, not made � . . - , I; , - I vast easiam"onle period or a;e," aci - ,ciril- 'at unz-ai tile gran!l �-.`nl IlziniaArill i�, J1,1019of Rov, Robert Karr. Karr adver-, feature of . the "scheme and arrange- I paily and who supply the retail trade . I � . ' its anced ta, tl�,%Icv. ftod .-.va. I !:ko to t'n-fiz, "Mv In nient" by which the company secured it and the puz5h cart dealers through 'whom Sl f , to the ��_ lative theor ' adv other lines of trade the revision has izied lit the Toronto pupeTs lhat he h,ad .� Ing . by -,*m-a weitem. The evening aill thl, f 1,,',I�r jnjj,jf� I-. and i " J-111)11110(1 i,., ,_,,,jI. any actual advances as yet, ,we '.:a-Ach girls to -place kii. pos-itiolla, pr�eti�hl monopoly of the natural and the pool- Ili the congested districts re-� , �� ­ I'— t. . . 1. . . - " lj,!r1-,- ,�:-ar t".. 1.1fluite nd reccived many enquirles an, vnitting, I miwlnrg­j�T�em wa% evenire anfl More I,, tlravvs ,.­. t- . T, There is much complaint about the ad- " , , , . . _ - Ing. one dA_3-.:1-1L V. Th� fir�t I, j,.Iri, I.,v.rz_'jv nyt'l- af, it..", - Ir ' .irtIficla, �ao out ,it and distribution as- i evivo ice. ' Tvas MO.n, e. . I .., , - .:4 ,x,jp, vonce in the duty on *watch and clock �o .01 of w1holl, he a,yrced to send bhe . P i IPPR03NAU'-TLY S11MURE0 y it raN,01ttion of mov -lits and higher as in pecially Ili Greater New York, and the I It is-Faid that by., tile time tho ice - day had an eve'aing anil n, l"Orning. .,.fil n.tterr.. i-.7iiiz; ttui Me a,y 'be ex, fit,. .tll thLtt was 0 a.- ra-rou7i t =erc tir.9 books I I Invent- . _ pria , ircoes3ary was to 'Write if&ses mentll,;rs erenim, tefnr�� inorring (i;..Al t.) ns g,. -j h.ja frjtj�in t yL Hues If drygoods. A. '�,,j' , communities in that vicinity, that it se- i reaches tlie poor customers of -these push I or's Halo " awl I I How ye. i r Indic ,11 .. I lwaaucjR thev reckoned I from. sunsef '%V -1. 3. pected for some grocer. itit-way fare. This -was done by cured control of the Maine ice field, ' 0,%,-t dealers it coati tl�em rt the rate aguil Ili a rougis sketch or tI of Yo T - tc. " AV'ourth day. ";_!��d saiti, Leb thel.k. l,e good holiday trade is moving in , Uu:v lyzaple. Exposure was brought and caused a reduction there last year of f rom. $10 to $14 a ton. venzion ortinprovel'.'ent a we illtel .� . ' . surset, accoidlag to Oriental erstom. _.��!.14" (v,.-- k -,%l Gol. illf!.1t. ;! �'.- bout by somoono ill) Nvest asking a loal I - our opiu lost a 9 to witet i r it is ro � . . (11.t cr ise although higher prices for dried " � . fret. c� frill rl;�Jfd'to eea tile Iflan, which was -done. . -- \ . . . . I � I . I Second Day: 0. Firmamentr.,qx1n, ; 4. I I two .".1 -cat lignts, tile sun t its have had some effect in retarding . . . , o rule. the patentable. Rejected applications have often y gemething L -eaten out.-Ilon;. .-'.,v anil'tue meqn to rule ordering. Sugar prices are advancing 'I;o mail - �� beezi successfully prosecuted by us, Wa . ,. agrecil properl the mir".A. �, , to produce the jfrlm oil PERJURY AND ARSON. road lit psyment of tile elaim, and do- ,at '� is following the higher duty on rows. . � . ud do conduct fully equip . cn-t.ain (Iny, but by tb,,-.t time, had I ited offices in Wontr, Cord. The space above the earth; sf-p­ "Ife made the slars also." Niipole� i manded cash. Rua wasklingpXon; h squaliheatustoprolulpt- arating- regions, from the seas VAlkli -f,-Mit to have re,k)lied to some skeptical Toronto - All lines of trade report ,��Lt,l;peil. It N bolivvk ho took lit be- � f__1he race . ived thirty � $100 and six $500 ty dispatch Nvor% niad quicki stcure Vatents I I . 1. asbro-!dnifthbinvention. Urg.liestreferences mitent T�ff; the past Arrest of Two Feversham �Yreu on Seri- I jiotv�, -which sho sawed in a secret Poe- furni.;hed. � are below thom. S. Called the firm, ­"rs, w'ho bail bf-en airing their nthe- that the -weather of few week* ANI(Til ,0,1'.0 and P�,'500. .. g D " .1- i"111, bY POMUng to the moon and StAT14, pretty well throughout Calfacill. has To. I -1. ous Charges, 11 Rea.ven-The expanse 'was called heave, I ket in ail underskirt. While shopping gatentf. procured through Uarloft & Ito - h. I . .; . Third Day. 9, Waters .... be gat ­*!-­-Allenifin, what yo.l. say souljoil well, suited In a, good movement of wholesit.le ­ ­ , ­1�_ . oft receivo special notic* withoat cherp ill , New prices are an- I Flesherton despatch say#- At the con- I with a friend she discovered that the over foot ul-wspapera distributed throughout erccl-110 waters, livere made to flow Off but, who inade these tUU93 Y' Randolph find retail stocks. . : -et lit -nd lie F) ini'll together forming oceans and seal�. I0. of Roanoke put. the sanic tholigglit some-' nounced by the Dominion Textile Com. VIV A N T S CONFESS[ONS I-lu'lon of the Fevar.Rham fire Inquest poel, ad been out from liar skirt P, t, sn-clas 1011, rate -t busluen, vt Manufac-1 Earth .... seas -By this Rep..ration Ii-atil rl.,,-;t more blulft',,Y, tit(, 111olleT taken. * . Y, - el.s. � ji eld Itere 3-coterillay by Provincial Do- 1 4. 6 ­ tureor's aw 4r.salle, .1 . .03 -le If,! ';Irai 1-ok-'-Pany In which white cottons show wn 4 t 's ENIF MI I I I MARION & MAllION v,ero rende"A xwief-al. The eal-th w.lLs i, -,;r at DIV .4�nn*.­18e f ram a. mountain * advance of two a -Ad a half to five Pat EVAINIG LI T D I D AD SkON .(.eLivo Ro­�,rs two waxranta were - - . � . lirppared for the linbitation of nian find It, ,I' --,l J - "Thr.re, lohn," lie exciainfel, 'cent The hardware trade is heavywith . � '" peife-I, rxpclrt,� and ss-lialtors I - ,t .1 -e ,u%m hi� . A. T.. Hutelrinsop, g�ilf,,�ral STEW -, I S. ( N -w Y,oft Lite 8 F. nont,#21� animals, and tile eeaq for numerous fly .! 1: .,,. - � IZI1. servant, 'Ill' you prices firm. Metals are particularly so, TO GlUETTVDIS CELL, ww,li out. *0 I IYS —'A t GIRB or-scibit.. �11.5 Ing creaturei. It require;i this great (­,;,.� hr-awr any rmfi say there Lin% ii,fThe trade In groceries has been very rhiladelphia, Dec. 21 --By the arrest kt-echant. of revensilla-fil, and, rival tit L _A Alia_uc 81jg.%%'sfih !!o!.r!D.W - . . - - -­­­.,­ --- . Plilfaec of water "to -vield. ,4 sufflaien." Ott:'. attvr .,jI vvo've ,,:f,pn this niorning T'good, orders having been heavy from all nd J.ifl..-.,.,1j11c-r Haze? visited (Allette In . le-itiumn, who Nvis burned ,out, was ar- trE CH po � . y — " L1,11! ,rive you leave to knock him down." A -parts of the country. e retail )loll. - . � of vapori for the purpo­,p of cooling Th `,` AR R 14ISSING PROPERTY ------7- -­­-­--­- ----- . . . . , M1 . '. ro.-ii ibi�; morlibig, tile lntc�.view � ,,e��,Lcd oil 4 obarge of ,perjury. LUT SMALL Fay�.TUEB. rtninspli .d vratering the earth.' (1 -1 -IN' woll"all SAd out- nlidri .. trp all j4ft, h2r daytrzae still promiges to be the heavi. BROUGliT IT TO LtGIIT. Cod saw that it was i" , I & ng ail Lour und a half. . It t Du Ilia exquilitatiou in the after- __ ,ow-fril, was ,�,; e fy(T rnMan't with the eastasy of per- ext on record. Money Is fairly free, nd �r 0: ook .9 .1 loon"11101aswore he hail made no attenint � Pittsburg, Dec. 2,1.�-Vollowing reports ,Search of Guelph House Where ?Xau W0.9 jrclr,ment which God pronouneed upwa fv(. , " Ungt. "lie made thi sUrs also." collections are good in almost all partt li�c-' in L'10 P;iuc1P-?V1 keeillot's office. It 1 f iitttticrotis thefts if) a dormitory of 17 ound Dead. ;: o I -.zroase -his own linsuraliec. ;jNjlQ a 114 own AVO;Kq. -TIjig clai.,-,ci is Gft-n Tl'.'r f;bo f,11 as]eep in Jesus. of the country. 'rs. (,'M.ettte left town at noon to .mu-il. ' - - at Washirigton. . fae,led tj s,how that all the dlrorder3 ,--al Fifth dxr- "Utid t..aid, Let Hip vaters London - The warmer weather of thl vi%ttor Mills for conzilltation, 31, a 'rown proilue,5 -in aipplication for more ,��asli,nggtoii scivinar� , ' 'it- -it., dw-patth: T - alith I orl- , ustarday announceL vvil and hurtful qviJities tli;t are no%r !:'-I---;-.' ford, abundantly the moving crea- latter part of this -week 'has had some -p-,,ti to A'ijj,l Lim. 6ther all I-lorkinier :iviarance lx�aring Jibs signature, and li. a" j I principal y. I C ,!pit, 0, he Pi. creation, ,ire uf,.t to lie charged to tilie (vs. wo-ep.) acd created whaie, quieting effect upon the retail demand e UL"I'a PULP. Ali evangelist fr6m 0, insllr�oveo ageut h that the young woman Ili that sacti,jil ti -.-a to -day mallo tl"Q.,,.ro-q��,h saarelt of I 1. �pr I'll ere. ide,liti- "I W contents of tho holt:o ocallplal hy 0 ,11. Lut to mn�,'a i,;- ,k,d 13 41141 irwets; i'll living for heavy lines. The holiday trade It !-Vt PhOil ii,� tile 1��.411131tar of tile building would not be permitted tlja� late U.Porge Holwy, w,hct was found . if N. afell Int"th (")Y. and fi.1110,9, b"i has nPrived oil. the Scene, e all 11litcLins-ort's. " rrr.ted their nature and pf.-rvf,rt-(l Vvir I'd-,:,, that inbabit the water or fly in opening out well and promises to be a . I-' %v:'-' 1nl­,�J an Interview with Gil- ItutvIdnoon ig out oil $2.000 ball. to leave for tile Christnirs vacation U11 - tit they and. their rooms had been care. dead ,lit ilied. Xcig,hbo�rs axy lip. made 1% lv�kll 11. God said. let thA enit!"­�!", Ole air. record. Collections are fair. at I c i.-Ild. a. if"tter willob lie gmlvo to tile , JoUn, Seinplk%., the at%," driver, ivli-o as diam ,arol, Witat '!,']' it '. I _ * ,rW ad the teach- ,,,,*III, -!in, 11 so it 1. , ,,I,, S; .1, .-A tjv� eitrf!i br!og, fnitli Ile .. , I - in Fevia haut alut who ,,"F, sjaj� hilly searched, Scarcely Ii. have no g.)od reasoil to evni-t in thl... Ottawa,- Trade has been brisk *it I 'Al WJS ft:t�a ilenic-I delivery. The vch -ever, was securities for I . I I del UVP M-01 (4ill(IttO to Mptllkt, (101110,14S- eit,!rday, will W brought in, to -day oat setipture an an,3wer to tho'niavv nlyz- , (1-tItn're" Me- I, 24-31.) the cold veatber lastea, but the mil ) ' -y when tile N -inents of over ,six thous.-viul dot. flee lh`u-, . �. ers begun this unpleasant dut vas found, hwi I I . stolen monq aild articies ivere surrep. invest V., -.* -, .,, �ir ,ii -1 a , � vv�, ri%int obaranity him 'witIll setting firo, , " ferious qvipntions of Inol!iay. 74v, I -t -s .'c N% ni-ilfli-it. �ii�tle, 0:V do, turn has had some little effect in Magi _.3 Yavl: M-3 roul. I " Jai% inaddilliou to ecima real estate. As 11 -- i - to ITAtilimi's Qt re -eturnecl to thelli owners find havo Y-veal(.4 bi ii-� tb�- Afinf:A1Jv. i)- -, - 0,�- I.B! I . 0 oil tho laorninq (If t1tiollsly I . - . .,i . m';� - arA v"Atilos IN-'. 24, 2.5.) lines throughout the surrounding Poun. 0 0 io . 0 the esarch was discontinued. The stu- far as known, he ha.d no,relatives tit this , s -mal God, inflaitp in abiliti- afri�,l iri.q. Ye.f. i--.e1.4!c.1 th. ]-n evented, the last try. City retail trade is now nioder- TVArISFUTOS AT MAIL B04TS, the l3th of Ootober ]a s t, � c(ralltry, though tile documents Ilk',"Ifiv- * . .. -,it of GrAl's creatures.. -A, ately aetive. Collections aro generally — � 7 t, delltq Of 'the sehool lvft4ast �igllt to,- I o a ftll 0 "frs-. LIA L61V I:v ..0 gre"A'. . � . -- their homep; niarly being solnewhat. hys- ored 'poilit to the existence of a suit brought int -.1 1,611a the Urit'll"Primi (1-im.., Ir Al. , I- I fait. ktel!, HIS MPIXOPY 0ONE'. bmicial Over 0-eir experleim,. soluaV�Ijjefe. .DeWaSol hAd lived Racing fOr wlikra now turmt tho. nbs-m-tion or .- I t- I � Vancouver &nd Vittoria - There b v d . Siftaiell's Sttijlts in Italy May , . - , 6 4. - 30 years. friet Vie inouiry of mm). wo d!) ar�t - little abange to the trado conditions ifecesitate Their Use, rite Past His Become a Blank to Joseph �% - . A J'Aiieve .It I 4 the rill-lins'a of tlfm.'� 8 -toe.!#- fy� " r U I I f )!,;J' PA I 3 , mitywh6ve along the Vac'f10 Coast- 0011' 1'041(k, Po---. !U.---`rIxe general strike of . Chamberlain. r% 0� I V I IRTY. - I - OVARDS QUARRU LLED. urp to iexplahi.--Terrv. Vr:-..v farth tinned activity lit all lines of Indus f 0 M -:I ii V.111-41ig comMaeralile auxlety, London, Dee. U, --The long rot4re- - I ­ I ____ � it I POPE DISPLEASED. . gri%85, C.V-.--IA thrne "oner-al ex�ros.A' ! ." r. Anil Scarcity of Ii.lor was resulting to , , , Witness Said Otangotnion Did Not Like � . We glik, to ululerat,trd that all ldnlc: ni 8WXCT C07,11PAINY i7l'TI-MV11v DBATH bigh wages and, at a result, whol,asit �t Ve-loa `C;-X� emigrainta Are pre, lifent of Jomph L"hamberlatin, owing gAlra THAT rfEW FRB-TIC11 BILL Is CAth01it4 vcge-table ywoduetion,4 art- iribidwy. Or, l3'_­RLV3 .'111rA*!t-2-'RER. and retail goods ware moving well. The .* - z-i:t­l froji I 1--v, iw), for their deithm. to goat and other allmebts has 19 to AS BAD AS TUrb OT119R. I Irtbor problem In the lumber mills, 6to, ..., llrwm hnfo'ro rgsd U'ranpil any livin", -.-- ,,,.-'-4 11 -oal'�xk of like strike. The In. ,,onstittit assertions arict contrifidictiong; I Toronto, Dec. IV -Theatiniony relating eroatnre to of-icip imon the earth, 1tv , iq ciult� noute and the mill owners fid e5j!Ai:1l.,:,.l I'afteratioll of Worker's on - Rome, Doe. 94.-A setiii-cifficial note to disputes and quarrels amongst fit- v6viely provid(A itil, , Its F."14-11rim-:1 Several Guegt�� I,: Lvcn_�,.gr r,scr_.-,q, TY);r.r. : it neeamsitty to employ Chinese, Japan. n. concerning, the gravity of Ill', oandi* issued by tile Vatican to -day lays that teen guards of the Toronto jail wat Wflo;p 14red i4 Ill 1t,4vIf­F*if1l0r ".1 IV!ft Ircndw-lan Woro Vair ,L,f WIjjt0 4,_qe. and tindu workmen. V%p6rtdVj 84,a ,mol L,ni,l Trall%liortation at 11,ai tion. tlie text of the new Preneli Qovcrunient's , # btitrd train wittiess after witness at vo- "or byanelt. or b- -.-%j.,!- Oljvcr--:� i;Ailn Dice t"*71=10#1"�j en...835 r,f Pritish,royorabla fruit b%ve been vetj "".., 1;.t-; I 1.0julf-wil to eullijolt tile Tha Chrouiele states thaL he greatly T�.ilj - , of , .1 in nkor fruit; A . .elldillg tl� ot. - - ,,a. MuOh deligtea wit'll the reeeptloyl. so. .a el.0 ell .,tu st-"O 9"I" Governor Vart Zint before Commissioner ' tlihe, T it, the investigation into the eonducL 54 ,,,.iffleiplit N ftwlf for Vie jsnniji.w. at Dystzujoka. 'j;E<, s.,)vevws;i-nt Jjn4 or(ler(41 lval,-111,-il; overt*xa& bit strength lit tile c4lebrit.- isration' bill of 100.1, Is st? bad ,,is. tilt Judd in the court Hou" yesterdny. Wit- f1w, tit Rig kind,11cumnit. Tile w�,A 14 -. - cordea reeent shipments sent to Eng, I -rpt Ill %,f,.4A:w.jW% Pir the iv)."EA r';:.". tiona in honor of him seventieth birth- ,cr rogulaticas, ,1-holiw it if PIS.!t il 00. iniraeve, of mirav!vs. A jl'),�,.�,l I I:Lrllll, D.T. ,�I. -i'mirulf jh-),.:.:", t1,j;. land A"(1 spotfitifil. ' ,at 11irmingliam, �vith the, rosult. forl' . -i MN'llallat lifiln 1W.Clat0sh, & Young f4cot4ohlnlan With wrifed 01140 dif F�-rf��,A K)T-, I %;�,I.,fg l!.M41h: ..'j. vii:o ;...I,le -, - �-.1`4-i"..'. - 0110bect - Good roadpi havo Ilnp"41f6d - j*jf:(� j)C't',',';*(!Jl MI. pf-11111follet, 41111 the � 114 a latatinuat appear. a ready i b -A %-..i,t c, . . tlztt Ito lost his iniomory coinpletely., Of 01TIVNI011 U-Itil I.ongue, irho apparently is ne- "11 f-stinfitc-1 fliat V.Pri, 21"'Plit Ile jj)f% 4A §',�".­tcl hv..'a V!e el., te'.f.j IJ V... I limIn"s eon4ldenibI6 during the Vx4o'4114; in page the strike item-o4tates .him and ant-oll and aglyravatcPl the position of the guainbcd. ositily well with conditiong fm, ,nvi nt?t 4r,np of tlleeo ewr failed ,t,;; ..,.-, t; - r I , ; j,t14.-�.._-)-'1tli �­!�; Loci A,". 4%je 001* "lip u..,U of thri,4 vllsvl The pRat becanie a blank to , , , _ _. _ , ft fin, �,%Iryifg.'X lie f!ould not remeluber what hjtd �'rtken eltur0i in (Wirythbig withoul; this be. clt tl�e Jail, expressed the I*li*bf that the, - ' , .j " , 'ok ilva whelesalern report ordmis -3 "Illil.q. I guctrilof who were Orangemen did liot do- t , '! ". �...j . ,I ftel ,;�(, ;it' t! - Ing to hanfl, mors Imly tb" tot plu# e4rell a few boulis before and &I. Ing flplytrmaL,to the general pubilic. prei eez, ifi4 own Unil. & .l L' 11 j4t.i.&A I,,',', , 0#0- Of . . V'..urlth Day- 14. 1ights in the firtil. -ittli" C; �A.tt*... U.", L'I'�1J.-Af-i; .", trill we'eut V" - ­ _-411,40, �_ .--- though his other fmitleb were and . .6 � I I %ire Guard Connolly among thoir nuni- , . . . Pill- id -Alto ;Alll, 1110mi r-nd starp now f,L)r J,.-:11 . , - dals *.;:. � ! 1- A , .", t AV I", I 0,J I J.) 1,11,%f; , MATIN AND L%FT TO DIE, are linlInpliftefl, his riamory is gollo, ber Imeause the litter was a Romant � , - a f.., . - Of"11 t�i, 1.1 t'.0 v� , . 4 STAMP DIST919UTING CENTRUS. 0., f1rat time spilear. Do far itignit, ott- ',M,i:�-'� if 12.,, ci-ir.-in. I fs(! C.!�(..�(.fl '... ,1".Z,( L'.. , ti , iyl 1p,�Vt�rkd %1,,.";It! �!!Iiy 11111 ti, - ______-*1*-V_� 40tttholit'. , L .. � * ",.I . ) - . --Yihp h(bots-enly bodirs regulato the ir. : c -I. -I.- J."' -w- i I. A'W' ',,I(; 6,�-� (of �1, �,. 4-r.. ,I' 1. . It. :;, - 1"),f t!,,�,%Vn a gewi t(,I," A-11 Iftaila P146d Up Ott the Railway sit XO,rAtTX IN BASIS. gave Bun Ustallylighta at Winnipeg, cal. ' - " ' . 'Y 94 tl�ivitv.l gar.A.;, �.."Ji.f" of -1. A * . - -OGOtAND. rurilpir %*ittorm Ifl, G64 made two, N'I.01. CA14ADA 8AUt AS T - �1 f %," jAft 'WCO., 31-03 N146,11f)," Uffid, gstry and Vantotiver. 11 -_ itre.4 lights --The Ynoon i,4 referred to na WhJ-11'. %,�#A,� (:,4 ill 1 -w-1413", dlf M4, lj'hey'p f f S,!s, j , ',�., ;4:, �.r. I Lit, i_#,V41..A1T0, *j 1,tv'r no, nut 114b 1 a 1 -i -rat lit � - lal,tt i:;4!v:1wj tlm 'P�;.i-;.1141afl, 11frr !Z.,Y f-1 -,i -.,2S ill ,11rf-:t,tY Io 14, lij!Pimi.4 il-It"VIt: T-A.we Montfair, WOMAA TfUlt0d P09ket A10 t 0 A, Propositbit. Whioa Pall will alrette ,;lit b:vi.xu.4P. It Pppeam proat - - Ivy, ("'141.0115hi. ttawg, Dec, 24,--A ndvr' doparLure to thtm* �n the ezirth. 'T,4h tile � 14 1. V,-, ja(_i,43, ,,:.11,,t 't, $0,00 VAX191ML has I . .Ill..I. .. - Al�', i'l � ;..# uli,lc I i �1,o�­ , �, , 1. lLe, -m-Afy tr*44 1, Ors Irflift", tivilts jit'll"J lyltig Rlnn�mif!-! Me, b"n, made by tob(-, Post 04we i),�. Pronanucet, PreposteToul � ,f%;V,�S. vity hitt A r " -Vto. milk tria-V If,- said to I)(.. "Innil .1 WM0 I'll ill ,V.!- 401.11�, 'Volloith rX& -ks 0 1%frid y . - loll 11,violphl , A., T) , . 94.-. MztmA*nt W1110h will W witleolned. Ify -114(irling I ant, lite, mon" I.' .IJ4 ,:I f'r th- Atropt re , 4Nt Lentlon, D, -e. 94, lo wire. ' rill t!..!i f;lurth da� mr-t eii�.ltwt Itfilo."I : " !s,), . .1. , . '' .t,lair i.i,4'1,-(lf,J '. - ,V. F., , , . tho nlar� .., .. *t.& ft,tt Iii,fis M fll,fqt f."(01O."I" fit' L P14"i)( *jf^rjj(0,jj, *jib Ill,# e,$,l(hjjlg illrt , pill, M44te n h lteret,ofo4 , leas tolt'grapI.Y ani thl appointment Of ' - I .r %,:jpq 1,sibbed of #I,W try R pott rs I t a wLsit., , I "tmaster* vVere enillpolleil to , - ftir�nt ,mird th.,it*ix hnfir, t . , ,:. IVY tit hi � , ;e i I th,� Impro,�f-mi-tA 04 rotsill ton. P4 *"J,r,jt4 watinds f,X Ilig hf,MA v 11,micet 1.1 P. 11AIII111 tton'd in t11(' �11004 ;n sclect mllln,tteo, tit'! Vall 'Mall Ott - for it tit a 41f f,k-;,l, %,, .A .hr,mn �,; fti w,. � , -Tr� If- Wait f oi�ofi to Ulprorle whitrr ol o,i,ping diAttlet here to-d'LY- xetto sayet thil, ii!raft t -f it oehmin for iiwol. but romi,tibitel, ammintod fi, tl,,. 1:11,.�­[ I -y th'. t-v,.,lth1r;f 05 0.1i r. llkll.:-,,-. A. , 4111 ,,If 'Aw to Ottawa w-b6n 4cy &-*fr*j to ro. I , * .1 fmli­ tint *114 n,,e,­*,1vV Office (if Fterv- --I, v­­t:alfA. N014i Owrfl b'.V; he'd � v,j1­;I1­, 'I'A­'P hilri'lili'stiq 1_0,rol O!"im 1!#4,' A-Iftf,19 JPA14 00 1111iltleft wpro% ji,,j # it- T.Witity was palvl MrR. Xabor by pien4ok *Pedr Aockm ol ittanliM, Irit <m. ' coln-iial rrpr.!.1f,,fA11ttio3 At the Mnfer- I -J.;,", fil t". I -PH rtXrnvvth In this d"PaIvI Ence 14 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I ftw ,4t 111miftar.'ril to fb� worlil. iiwl re, ' '.. - ..j - �;(, f,f the bl"11, if?-��",s.q 7- 4,iminAtpd 'by jhif� of1-jw#tmw,_ Ailao0l Ity s itAn hltt�;�Jx Mm, Nit Irm1c. I., llitin nit) Iv4i plot RMIM&A In A-PLOPITIPM � I , . I,y na mrAnn fiattAtaotory. A . ';. ,-�.ijv, I tho 0o.i0i v.-asrant h-ir- , f ,! !i it 1wairlt jjn,j ,r if rlitIm an th(, domth tit kar humblf,11W ilntftn" Itca b"ll 40­1e,l�tlo e�ktab- melt ine. w��iilt plym Otwiili% find Aus. mst-Ciw hy ti -Ar rnil,m-t ord fhoir Its ,i I %is' i 4 mitntiffirtivrorg on4 tho 4 lather im if hill wo h" UA tralist rn pruiter I volev Iluin fl�ei lmmu- irls, Oto rrr)#Tf-q-q nnA AirInInnit o" 11 F-!4:-j*,1 !0W.of fill' i't Ili% A'al- (".1"Y in -�ttirrlrg t1to Frioln, "* Xpli- -'oft to 44. Vi- rlitly Milipt-4 tw. %.J") WaR MUM in tk(I V*mt 01,Wt;;; dlittrflit,fiting cosill.res In tthe wtm-,. #. I!, , lip .,.. r. k TI. 1',t. file- rvft ,lioner ct%vriv hk pfft-f-11- (.tAl Tvt-.:1 ?"firpllmlift enlitirm." hftvy. 'f,I'0tmr4-0t#, PTO h PaTiff. ftf�d ItItM Ihn r.i;1r"40 *Tsvit n,mr Atl%%fttv (U7. Urm, 711rife will b�, at W)RIOjAw. oft4wy JuM ,Tit, y I - c,f Teg"l,trO or Kirrelmu wou)4 . . lip ,% - Kobor IwW Ito Wilt in Iha^lm, 0 bkd V uv'e- ns MW Vwbm 10%1 V tnt-) I,& quitis im pr"terovis for tm,r *a. " . I . I Tlittv! 2023� Lot tl,n *%terol I ill fl'^ and 111�11114es'llftf)(1 v elP. 'ft- 11"00my p"Jiv nr,- otlr#Adr vwiving wid wpm from tko OmPA Rivar ropmeilon, ,?A ro rpm . AwA 'vtft,mbwL1.?_fAq twp weph ly ffievrred wlht & *ell-AlmOd Wow. and the oiltlook Nvurs s, vary hefgvy 11% mothorr nv" At TthV6rxv1,N*, fava to flw4pt a ah"k frum thl Z a at the 14W YW. ceptsmee. i . I � , I I.. , ... . I I lh�hl._ , I - I . ,Q � -11 � Id" - 11" eA .,,-, . I,, ,_ 1� . . . - I-, "I � ... , �, �� I I C � , . R I I C "I I -1 I.. ­...&" �'A" —1 Am , .. ".11 , '' LA'A'..,ii. — � .� , ql,�� . � - � _ ' , I , � I I "�L.!J�" ,' '" L r' ', ", -._�14-" �'a i . 4��4-%&, 0 '. _� _Pb,.A._"�.s .2­L1.1;..!1M �11111�t�.A;., - � I ,- '1.1.,,��"