HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1906-12-20, Page 6�..'^'., '- ^^'^•' Yed 1Ctn R Cat`bp h1 !1 a1M,. �� Ta '` '�Q �! nt � � �+r."�'�" �� atirat?trl � } CURIOUS 1?F IQl•IT or PI'J� � , a► , ,. u r�.a r A ►, � ► a,V*tT, Cllr Mother I 'Yl� a►1 I� � ��--�V� Q l a� 1 wt} troll; I l elf y.r r �p1a�ladam; yst Y�it a sin a t � is t English Village With gI Gixls aztd OWy 1 0 I �" 1 A 4�1► M.., ' "M �».•1r?" rpt i„ t l�twi alt tu;e to be the fairy -%ilio tvs11 1 b tri,*t+Jd to 7•atl au end, b �f,ira many days, F49 and Winter tveath+er, Thmy will t zz iipys in Its School. ! i 43,98. � Chew Instruments gra Imported A4wot !! of All agar truuli'es; said Laura, gently, catch tel+! Uoyou know about folie I Tho rural village of 'Tollpeafleld, in from .Germany for the 1.olidey trigs. we fed?r Witt iiia o4ghtest ViNneut tit jealousy Cure, the ulna Tonic, "4 North Essex, has beeenw prontineut on j gra anebl®d to otter them at 401: Inas what it done for so man ? It io said aceowlt of a rontarkablo phenomaua in l i than the retail 4egters. eittetod iota ,her l:exirt of the uticoi• y ,, , FOUR pl[FPtR'NT OUTPI'1"°.► 'OWUs mA&II 'u ho w1w aoou to tbWpiaoo to be the only reliable remedy for all the births recorded there. lar (rout ,her high rank. diseases of the air paMP11 in Childrea. During tile. last clecado the great pro. 140. 1 -Pur epsoial, rood taste, itis abaoltitel harmiostl and Iessaut to leraiu>o of Rett $lisped. tine finish ... ....3e98 I hale no tax;ab,ts, L.aidy I tlierid,;e; y P Pon. ;iris born in the pariah those -only h,tve troubles who havadloie t4�' itisttusrantecdtocureofgqurmoney over boys hug ':c•ca not!ewl, and ,it the, 1 ��*'"# No. 3s Our orchestra Violin, Is returned. 'Ilia ce, is 25c. bottle. higbly polished, very Rine Lona ...5.00 SILIBI 1proalpecta arwi dt'yire?, 1 '.nae. polis; I'" 1t� present nupnuttt 1 he s d'haJars attending and all dealers is medi�n,ail 314 the villa � � No. $ Grand artist's solo vlo- snpt9:iing but thu bittcrtesa of an aezid fie schaot caapi'}s ninety-three lin ebony trimmtnga ...... 6"00 heart. Do not ix'cnpy your amble sninki fin•]$ but nnly elevell boys. In consp• , CEYLON d RISC- i 'IEA It I uence c;f this the county education au- order _` No. 4• -Amateur's favorlte, only 2 98 ilii; illy l:cx>'r affairs, my ktdly, This, is � : q 1C�1n1���i3S �iBP��it1!Ib lastly 60 left ... ... ............... ► Has the same character as Japan, !alit is )gilt w;4diug day" I -have the honor to thority is contemplating the aub,"Utu-, , i c NOT1i ,--64 page golf-tonober with finger- I.aeh outfit Is sent complete with violin, AVWX .wu ruuoh joy, luadam!" •sail 1tOse, This remedy altcuhl be in every household tion of a ae1no01mistreas for ilio present board gbsrk seat FRIDIO with each order, box, bow, rosin, strings, *to., se Illustrated infinitely more delicious, with "a deep courtesy, as she turned; __.----- •-_. _. -,._._ __ _ . sch0oltnaster, Separate copies sent to any one for 50e. All goods sant charges prepaid, L lead ackets only. i0c, 5Q4 and t50c r tb. At alt racetr. kway"• - But anlong those belonging to the place write for our Xmas oatalosue cantata- �b8 �prQdtQ Musical Iv0Y01 , p g "Yes, ahe is au Etheridge --a true BtRI• No Fly Screens Ixz England. the present state of affairs has aroused -' Instruments, values in liwatches, etc alas; 9b Victoria St., Toront o _ _..1-___.___________._._____., eridge, al,thou -lI she knv%Ne it not as An Englishman w1lo visited the United considerable concern, and the question Is Yet. And I--wIho aiu I? This must be States during the last summer, when being asked where the farm laborers of _.e:_ - 1.�. ,�1���,�t�,/t��,q,� q,� ,, the ;'attire aro to colpo front if matters , __ . _.._.. V1�✓tirrVt✓W"drr�o v�lr�V�Q�li r - all a dre4m, or a d0iritlurt of some fierce ' asked what he liked most about the do not change. The medie'al officer for ODD CASE OFFCCOMBUSTION. ZSI�U� NO, J� a ��Qt?� lu>iiit icier! Oh, 9nevtvAti, that T could 6untr promptly replied: "Your fl the district leas been consulted, but lie wake!-tlixt I could burst ctdi-ow boutls Y, 1 1 Y P y, of seep or frenzy, and awake!" thought screens. I can ascribe no cause for the greater num, Rose Bushes Shipped in Wet Moss Al- . 0 IAtum, as Elie stood for n faw inonients I "I don't belicev I remember ever hav- bei of girls. LwidOn CltrortIcle. most Burned Up, FARMS FOR SALE. fi(ll� likra one in a trance. 'Dien, rccovoring Ing seen a fly screen in England," he A peculiar case of spontaneous coin- ...., ,,,...,, �a. herself, Wie, told the gcrtd *,-!Obbor to continued, "that is, the wire screens that I HOW BY SPREADS bustion, or somebhing Lilco ix, is des C ]; nAP UNDER MOIlTGA(11G; ZARQ'A 0 T111\11AL FOR LIFE !l11�r11 say to Mrs. Elmer, }ellen slit &w-0ke, t11at are generally used here. There are a fety 4 The first package of Dr. I.tloriliardt's crllwd by a writer in t'aaaier'a 1�£tlgazinp, buildings; ]?o -the cutt�Vnttd oat rosily w�titi acovn Elie wauld1 soon centra; and, taking mosquito bars, mado of cotton stetting. Heni-Roil (the Infallible Pile cure) that I ort February 17, 1000, two large refri• or secured; Immediate poesesaion; talo per= 8 letbve, out.orcd t1n1 Cft rage and drove to I don't know why we -have not adopted . was put Ott went to a small town in gerator cars of young rosebushes were feet. Amply at once, London Loan & 8uv. Swinburne Castle, no long" her home. the wire screens, for we certainly suffer ' Arebraska, � received at Hannibal, Alp,, from it nurs. Inge Co., London, Ont. 0 9Sha was neet in klie, hall by Mrs. bla• great annoyanee from flies, gnats and I It pured a ease of Pile$ that wa.s con- 'cry in California, :They were shipped in MISCELLANEOUS. _ -� i►'�J�i©©�©©©©�®�rQ�i�i iii®�Q�iC©t) berly,lor woman, who was all in a flut• mosquitoes, In many Idtchens and meat sidered lnapoless, 11`0oden cases containing Humorous an. tsep0 �i'r1I rte �s/ 'ter of °anxiety. t t markets fly paper is used, but it is any- 1 The news spread, and the demand ter holes for ventilation and were care', I And so iu my thoughts I separate them - entered into itis Inheritance as Luara, "Alt, my lady: my lady, flow vary in thing but encouraging to the appetite. P'1'outpted Inn'• J. S, Leonhalxit, of Lincoln, ! :l l fo packed with wet sphagnum, or TARMER'S still, Well, lie went away again, and I Baroness Etheridge of Swinburnel" ex• discreet! Just like your kind heart, to One illfftculty, which, however, Isup- Neb., the discoverer, to prepare it for ,Ga ra swamp moss, to prevent chaf- stn out all night nursin a os cis itis and to su tort their vitalit !� raw him no store for two years, for the c,aimed the weird creature, her eyes Y b g whimsical pose could be overcome in the way of general oral use Now it is bring sent to all T Pl Y• next vacation he spent with some friends, gleaming ,"'lent triumph, as if again she old woman, instead of taking your rest • introducing wire screens, would be the parts of the world, I and o ice was put Ili the cooling tanks, THM FARMURS' MANUAL contains a ser. In the meantime my young sister grew felt the I•srttlent atiinulus of hatred, Hurl with such a day as this before you. And almost universal Liao of French IVindowta, i It will cure any ensu of Piles, ,a t covers of those, as wall as all Ice of special lessons in farm bookkeeping, clack, how worn your ladyship does look: These open outward and it might be ne- I . $1,00, with (absolute guarantee, All other opening alai the cars were closed with tori instructions, separate rultn¢s ;tad bloomed as beautiful a creature as ever tasted Lite poisoned sweetness of re.-. Will your ladyship ]ie down and sleep for eessary to phtd'e the screens on the in- , dealers, or the Wilson -F le imited as. tightly as possibe. The cars, were Printed headings for grain account, poultry small and graceful Aform,.del deliShe cate at d a ren yGodt my Godl 011, woman, Voln an hour, and then take a warm bath Ann side of the windows. Doors, o£ course, Niagara Falls, Ont. Y CO..' ' ten (lays in transit. The outside tamper- recount; cattle account; hog account, t, labor. A cu of coffiee before commencing our could be easily tit tl-..-,.,_- attire was 00 degrees ,Fahrenheit at the department for each kind of grain, cash urea, complexion of the purest Ivhito au! -for I t+aannot call you mother- P g Y Y P p' ' start and Lr dei received account and east% paid out account. and red glittering black hair, splendid " kinship's bridal toilet, There will be _ r gees at the end of t110 g g , p IrItat is this that you have danaY tent of time." -` _ � � � SHOWS VALUE OF HEREDITY. trip, The Manual also oontnins n complete luaoet ,i } (� 1�m ; department, a vetarinary handbook, a per. black eyes, and an ever -varying, most moaned the lady, dropping her hared plenty Motherly, no I thank you; I You Can't Cave a Merry Xma� Candidate for Parliament at Last De- eIe Po crev}ce elf tie minas issuing from feet system ost ds of used by according a to enchanting smile. 1 was twenty-five, and upon her classed 1lated besides the farmers' legal department, 400 „ could not sleep, I will go to my dross- ; I Y Upon remounh a d by Prof. O. cc Gleason. to my sister eighteen, when the yattnb I have consummated any revenge inn -room, and evellange this habit for If you suffer from Rheumatism ( glares His Religious Belief, the tank covers it rushed out in lar �e squire came to the castle to pay us a Lady Etheridge shuddered and shrank o o p I volume. `The doors were o endd enc] ice • pages, P departing Y 10.11 wrapper; and you may bring me a Here s Our E�oWay Offer 1 A P:trliaanentaa ennudadato Was being .was put iu t'!ne tanks; the free circuli-, last visit previous to de artin for lis &-way from her. „ yy The J. L. NICIIOLS CO„ Limited, "I ,have filled m life with remorse cup u of tea, hackled. One of the questions had Teter- tion of cold air soon cooled the contents i Publishers. , tour on the Continent. I had never seen ' y Yes m lad Will your lad shI At this season of the year Ivo .are once to the rtligrous deltomirsdtien to (Mention this paper.) Toronto, Canada. flim so handsome and fascinating As ho loot: into the dining -room na your Lady offering a $1.00 bottle of our valuable which lie belonged, of the ears. Agents wanted, was then. Still I never thought of hint Lady Etheridge again shuddered. except as the young master; and never "And I have last my imnnntrtal csoul! ship goes by ? Alounseer, the trench Remedy, • "Well," he said, "you asked me an hon• some onloadithe ug it lwtiae discovered that , associated him with the memory of my Ialttra, no loliger BaTG1108S Eth& idgel has lad the eook that lbreakfastonel t mostngs rma nif}cent i I sirs eet question and Ott shrill tlnave a badly damaged by heat, whicg Of hnaturallxes y,1 ways' beelnuaga 'sforSoothing ochl dren�teetbing. M. Ri iL'l1i� $1i� oe evnawer. Af +Tamdmto- Y'soothea the child, soothes the gums, curse love; but during the few weeks of his Laurn, my daughter, speak to me, I ani „ g ' t y f, was most intense near the to of the wend colic and Is the best remedy for Mar - stay he came frequently to. our Iodise, dying I" my lady, said the maid, throwing open Cher was a Sootvzlt woman -e rigid Yres I T p y and always seemed affectionate to me �• " ! 1 t a pair of folding doors on her right, and for 50c. Avail yourself now .of this by.tea-ian." gi eters, 1\o signs of actual combustion were rhoea, Y Oh, mother mother mother mo#h- revealing a fine dinin -hall with a Ion a ecial offer Obv' found, but this would probably have 1 I used to do all the shopping and mar, er." exclaimed she who .was no longer b g ' g If Y to dtsoppointment Ivas shown 1n curred }n a short time had not the ears I d' :'� QR, L�iROY'S � 4 ketin for our little household And oft• table and sideboards covered with snow Rhetunatiefoo is ilio oil medicine that the faces of lite tuudiente; so the caxndi- been quickly cooled. , , "(I en asap returning from tilees errands Lady Etheridge, as she dropped ulwn white damask, and sparkling, glowing, is purely anti simply A Rheumatism Cure. date pr0ceecl-0d: ; I,•O, -FA� ,� �t�,�,�' in the village I found bit• Etheridge in Iter kneos by the bedside, and buried her and blazing ith gold plate and crystal It cures Rheumatism by cleansing the "lily grandfather 'was Emmlish and The temperature -must have been near- A safe, sure aiu renave monthly roguie. face in the coverlet. o ly up tote burning point, as many of tor, Tbaso Pats have been used in Arance company With my fair young sister. Up- ,glass, Laura, speak to me! comfort ed the a}r•eleiedltoof, pillars daall tthhe support Rheumatism.ose impurities that cause Englafnde� a member of the Uhurch of the green stems of these plants were -•�forover u� ees°t yanci enned. and oxo ger black and brittle. teed by the make,•°. Enclose stamp for on these occasions he would always spring ane! I ani dying! Laura, Laura, you portraits that graced the wails, were Write to. us also for particulars of our Still no entthusiasnn but rather the ao• pro ms°071ed etmnnaL Prle/1 u.W pofu x or forward and greet me most affect}.nate- at least have no reason to eom,pinin; you festooned with wreaths of flowers, acGuaranteed Cure:' venae, ' Wet sawdust in large quatities fre- aey mall, securely sealed, o,vecotpi, or phi ly, saying: p ` j „ quently becomes very waren in the inter. LIZ ROY PILL, Co,. • "I have been waiting for you, Alaggy." have not suffered by the eschangel You It is very well, said Laura, languid ND CUBE IOIO 1'AY i MY `father, on the other hand, was.° ior, in fact the lower the temperature BOX 42, Hamilton, Oaasuya or words to that effect. Have received the education of a gen_ ly, as she passed on her way up the good Baptist", went on this, desperate of the atmosphere the hotter usually the tlew•oman; you should not blame me," stairs. •1 If you are not cured it will cost you candidate, Ivdao Ives still unrewga'dled by sawdust. 11 "Heaven knows that I never lead n "\f1other, mother, I do not presume She entered liar dressing room, when nothing. We take all, the risk because applause, He grew anxious, so ,hurriedly Irving and the Lawyer, doubt a his honor, or a fear h y cis- to do so; but oh do not defend your a beautiful vision met her view. Upon we are so confident of the value of our added.- "But y dear old another• loin Let's heart. I had known the young crime! Repent of it! repent of itl pray A center table, covered with a white vel- medicine. sins dead Was a Methodist.', � 8 S Sir Henry Irving was at one time a squire from his boyhood, andthoughwe God for forgiveness!" sobbed Laura, tet embroidered cloth, were displayed -• . ... . Instantly all facets were radiant ao' witness in a case of street ratsbery, He had once been sincere lovers, he bad nev- „ 1 er done, or said, a single thing to wound g Repent? I undo sty doings, I can 'the magnifieeut bridal presents offered SPECIAL CHRISTMAS . 1 he conclsuled: . y had seen a sneak thief make off with go no further, replied the woman, ; by the friends of Lady Etheridge. COUPON. "Anal gentlemen I fol 'law the etas � '0 ^ 't r.st':•�;:¢ I Gl. NJ.. n a girl',° pocketbook and he consented to my delicacy; therefore, how could I sus- loom;] "]]. but see 71] lady, f 1 ' r' ' 1� P TRADE MARK REGIA rERED. pact that his visits boded evil to my g "omi yin mother, to undo what +0u I 'ship is equal ,to it wliitt splendid rIa of- Hope Hopkins, I , of my dear old mother, ol'm a 'Methoddsrt appear as a� witness for the girl. May? Alas! I did not know how muco Y ' y q77% Yonge St,, and I don't cane nvho 1.^nolvs it!'=Lon. remedies cure all skin The thiefa lawyer was of the type besides classics and mathematics be bad L%ve done -to right this wrong -will be ferinos. All these came last night, or this I Toronto. tion Mail. Salt Rheum, Sorer, Piles, Conslipatioa, Indigestion that roars and rants at witness and at, at Oxford; no, nor now the more difficult than you think; for morning. i hope they are arranged to Dear Sirs, -Please send me one _ ytld other results of impure blood. They correct tempts to bleak them down. He tried world had changed hila! I was blind, though. I shall Immediately yield up my l your ldyship's satisfaction. This really x61.00 bottle of Rheumaticfoe, for : _ this method on the distinguished actor. possession of the castle and estates that royal set of diamonds m lad came Tobacco Test for Novels, &: cause and destroy the evil cwtdition. „ deaf, senseless to all misgivings. At P Y � Y Y, whsch I enclose 60c (toe extra on I And at what hoar, sir, did this hap - I dlave so long consider.d my own, yet, , last night, with lir. Hastings' compli- all mail orders). (Cleveland Leader.) flliraOintment soothes and heals all diseased s,tin. pen?" asked the lawyer. ` length the last day of his visit came. The believe mise, it will be difficult to coniine menta. This other set of oriental pearls,sfiraBlood Tonic and .Ylfra?abzetscicaxsemeblood i "I think—" began Sir Henr when • neat morning he Ives to start upon his m Also particulars of your Guar- The other day to a public Itbraray in Lon- g Y, travels. That night my sister clung to the House of Peers, before whom this Y lady, were left with Colonel Hast- anteed Cure. don an attendant noticed m young girl anif- a,ldinvigorate sloa,ack, ltver,kidn�sarulbowrlr, the layover interrupted with: me and wept all night. I could not cam- matter must come that the nameless ings respects. This dressing case of eb- fins suspiciously at the books. when he Ointment and Tablets, each 50c. Blood , "It isn't what you think, air; it's what tort her. She had been hysterical for girl whom you deprived of the title has onYp with all its appointments of solid Name ..... ......... .... asked the reason of her strange conduct she Y „ g I told him frankly . "I sniff at .a book," she Tonics, S1. At d stores - or from The you know that we want!" several days, and I sat it all town to any Tight thereunto. bold, was an offering from Lady Dorn. Address. .•:................ .I said, "to see if it smeiis of tobacco. It it Chemieti Co, of Canada, Limited, I-lamilton- "Don't you want to know what I nervousness, never for an instant con- "Will it? The proof does not rdst i ton. This uperbl4ittbelo I see' all these Dept. H. • does then I know it's a book•a man has been Toronto: th ink?" mildly asked the actor. pectin her naiad with -the tthou ht of sa.el upon m Word or dying oath. Let ' !reading and %kat it's a good one," This is I do not, the lawyer snapped out. the young squire's departure. The next . anyone P lead Rosamond b Etheridge things. I Admire them, and I aG]cnow- respects ovel literary Horse test, senseuttiesbehind tit some and - -- . _ "Well, then," said Sir Henry, "I might ]edge the kindness of m friends; but I feminine intuition. New British Cruiser Named Shannon, as well leave the witness box. I can't morning he took leave of us, and Ivellt through a gallery of the portraits of g Y Past Work on Banana Boats. Y, b o , pa am very tired; help me to undress." I The cargoes of banana steamers are The Hely British cruiser Shannon, talk without thinking. I'm not a lawyer." awn alone as we thought, That night her ancestors And cam re her face with • „ -from the Caledonian. �(rt my May was missing. Ahl I cannot rn- theirs, and it will then be seen that t Yes, my lady; but just lift up your discharged in less time than those of oth- i namesake of the ship that won the fam- F� eyes and look upon that Indian shawl. ( P few days of agonizing soath fruitless Ethelmioge.'tOraif morece and ear re ist nes a eded, If that splendid shawl is not enough to er sea -going vessels coming into the New Mnnaad's Liniment Co,, Lint}oat ons duel with the Chesapeake off Boston Y d' P ' restore strength to the fainting, I am no York port. hot only is time money in Gentlemen, -.1 am.ye used &MxTARij'b harbor in 1813, was launched the other _ s6DAC,®�pTA L.a' ' and then we ascertained that she was the let anyone strip up her sleeve, and look udge of ladies nor shawls. Tient comes the banana trade, as in every other, but LINIMENT from tune to bine foT the day Remnants of the -beaten ship still t for companion er at a neighboring where and waited ttthe r Aght arm will see the family mark, the tithe from your ladyship's cousin, Lord Sea- the freight these vessels bring is perish- (past twenty years, It was recommended exist today. After the fight the Cllesa- ry Retones and builds up the according to their previos arrangement, fiery cross with which, while in Scotand, forth, who brought it from Constant;- tibiae steamers tip According the-banana, tradesize and carryto ine by a prominent .physician• of Mum% lhenewas ahe and the Spann ht by a admiralty, nervous system, gives nat. ahs had joined him. My father was an some ancient Baroness of Etheridge was ina"It,isiverelrichoA do rare. There r �Y sit; ° to khe "greAt Nava by side in the hled�vay. Aftereaix years cures const; tiotlaid side vkiclu u fioubtesload, Y ,Mab• from 1u,000 to 30,000 bunches in a cargo. " t dues rho doctox'a P 3 e , sore old man, in feeble health; he never re- so frightened as •not •only 'to leave its erly, give me illy dressing gown." The biggest of these boats have four Ivorld; it .ls partiata!arly good sn castes S of idleness the admiralty apparently backs and neuralgia, Sold only by mai}. covered the shock. The baron was in ra image on leer imm�lediate child, but tot "Yes, my lady; and while you are rest- hatchways and besides four side ports on Rhethmabism and Spma7 weeded nut of the navy the ships Send postal note or coin, Price 50c. and terrible rage and swore that he would sand it down to all h•er desoendantis, ing and drinking your tea, just feast each side through which cargo can he Yours kyr thought to be out of date, and the Ches• one 2 -cent Stam The Morrison 5 e- never forgive or speak to his nephew have you, Laura, any such mark, or your ladyship's eyes upon that bride discharged. At some stages of the work apeake was sold ns old timber fora p' Sp e. He did all n. entad for my fatly anysuchresemblance?" dress and veil; and see this wreath or discharging g banana steamer . G. DUNSTAN, paltry £600. Iter manager broke her cialty Co., Box. 224, Windsor, Out, -er,w es, nd him in his service at full ;,o, no; and I remember that the there remay be' a b} Chartered Accountant, n wages, and hired a young man, .Jahn absence of the Etheridge mark, and of orange blossoms, with the reel perfume there may ire employed about her from Halifax, N. S., Sept. 21, 1006. _ P, but her timbers were used to build in theist such as the French only can 300 to 500 men. The bananas are not a corn mill, which still stands in a peace- Past Public Sanitarium. Elmer, to do his duty in the Chase. I all likeness to the Etheridge family, used make." hoisted out but each bunch is hander! fol little village )n Hampshire. And in must hurry over this part of my story. to be eammented upon by the servants "Yes, the timbers of the mill can still be seen In the thormal "wonderland" of North Within twelve months after the flight in my presence." , yes, 14iaberly, it is all very out separately, passed from man to man the marks of the shot from the Shannon. Island, New Zealand Avast region has of May father died. I married John Ll- „ t beautiful no doubt; but I have now along a line. , Alinor Is that all. There are other other things to occupy my , thoughts" • � a - I. _ The Worlds Volcanic Belts. I = 0 been set apart by the government for mer, and he succeeded to the situation proofs. The links in the chain of evi- I "Other things, m lad (Leslie's Weekly.) Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria, all time as a sanitarium for iavalide. cu y the lodge, er ,and we continued ec oc i g ' y y SOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW, y _ - t This region abounds in volcanoes, many P demes is Ail be fatmd complete:' "Yes, yes; I d momentarily expect- There are two great belts on the earth in Excitement in Topeka, of then•% over 0;000 feet higli, whose ye the r It was in the second "It is bother that it is so; euree a Ing Colonel and Mr. Hastin s When ----- which either volcanoes are active or mqun• critter lips emit steam vapors and Rol - of May. He had deserted her, broken bite tion �s to the true inheritrix must they arrive, show Colonel Hasttings into tarns are growing or in whtell the two pita- SIC gases. In one of the mountains be raised. I am Ind that the answer is the drawing room and Mr. Hastings in- Plan of the Pacific Coast Securities nomena are associated. These two belts fol- There is great excitement over the report a hot steaming lake lies the file bottom her heart ,and she was dead -dead, And g g ' g that a bride who will come to Topeka soon , b' in a foreign grave! It was then that stusee•ptible of proof which will place the to the library, and come and lot me Company Absolutely Safe ! low .great circles. one of these passeae lies a maid. This will raise the limit and of a funnel -shaped; crater whose petpen I registered an oath in heaven to avenge matter at rest forever. And now, my know. rAnd, now leave me. I wish to be • through the west Indies, the Mediterranean establish a now record in Topeka, Occasion- dioular sides are mantled with snow and upon -the head of her destroyer the rum mother, e th rasa our fetiaasdw uld su est You n near AIi"Yes my lady," said rho wondering I euahets leo p etety put tIdea of onight b� therPace Sea, Lilo Caucasus and •the Himalaya moue- or ynur Topako woman ges theireals the and aprons ice. The land seethes with hot springs, and death of my only sister, And to y bb ' g ns, and is called by De 1Vlontessus the for the lady's maid kind and takes her out geysers, "porridge pots," mud holes that must mit me to retain to the castle ab'gail, as she left the room. tilt Coast securities Company, of Portland, do this more effectually, I resolved to + , Orogen, la handling the stock of the Sea "Mediterranean" or "Alpino-Caucasus-Him- of town with bar in order to make a noise forever boll and exploding pool. conceal the fiery hatred that consumed and make certain arramogealtents that trangel oh, most strange, but yes- Island Copper Company. This company, e•hose alayan" belt. In this belt 63 per cont. of like an aristocrat, but 1t is believed the new y - _ m heart. must not be delayed. I will return to terday Lady Etheridge of Swinburne, officers aro business men of many years' ex- all recorded earthquakes havo occurred. The bride will be truly lady's maid all her own Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc. `Another year passed. The old baron you immediately afterward," said Laura, the mistress of all this vast estate, the parlance, have perfected a plan whereby the second belt nearly encircles the Pacltic, fol- died, ol- who never bels out in the kitchen, nursery Y P betrotLed o£ Albert Hastin s and to- investor's money is under his own control lowing the Andes, the mouatalns of western or laundry, - et Viand the young one reigned in his rtsimg' and arranging her disordered g , and he does not take the stock until eaning North America, the Aleutian tslafld, Japan t t The Mystery of Longet'ity. dres3. day -to -day -only Laura Elmer, the and accrued dividends are satisfactory.A and the I'h111ppines. This De Montessns cal.° Minard s Liniment Cures Gorget in Cows. "I would fain have persuaded m bits- In their long nntertriew, the night un- daughter of the village laundress. Yet new booklet, "Something to Set You Think. the circum�UaClflc" or "Andes -Japanese- a - (New York World,) 'i !` P Y still the betrothed of Albert Hastings. Ing, has lust boen issued for free dlstribu. Malayan" belt. In this belt have ocrurred Bulgaria has 3,500 contonarians, about one band to throw u his situation rather headed had, pas ed away, and bsaught 41 per cent. of all recorded earthquakes, in P ' the morning That was the dearest title I ever had. plating investment l inblcorpo corporate rpriees. Money IIned its English Elections to every LOW inhabitants. Itumania batt 1,081 than serve a master who had wrought its I have that still. Oh all the real of the world the recorded earth- The use of uieucy !n Sugllsh .parliamentary sad Servla 673. btudcuts of longevity re- sneh bitter wrong. But John Elmer was When Laura opened the door, the first , thanks be to Haut- L - I- quakes equal only a Iper, cent. of the total elections ie sul,,oscd to be reduced to a cords er Luropo are asking why Lipo goun- obstinate, We remained, and I buried - m of the ries von A number, Yin ng sun till wird into the , nt}d all the wreck enc ruin of my minimum of docency and civic virtue. we tries least advanced in hygienic standards the bitter hatred in my breast -And s'60n° The carriage still waited before fortune, I have that precio title still. Message Likely to Last Well. , = r are apt to heR.r considorable. about nu.glish lead thus in the tables of centenarians. The bided my time, the door, and the coachman! was asleep y' ` (Terre Haute Haute Star.) Minard s Liniment Cures Distemper. Guilty, Sipco lust wiutdpr'e elections, how- United States, with n populat(ou of more than Will he be faithful in m fallen for- I on tills box. tmie. Yes, yes, Oh, traitress that I should The message which Lieutenant Peary left � : = ever, ,tbore have been trials ,for corrupt prat- 16,000,000, bad by the census of lnoo more I pass an to other days, when the new " �ifiisrnn„ sand ilio lad "I ant trenll near the pole is very interesting reading, tics. whlclt revealed the purchnse of votes than 3,600 centenarians, making shout ono• baron mooed and won a young and beau- , y, Y be to doubt him for o moment. Yes, lie but it Is in no Immediate danger of bocam- OUTSHONE, BUT GAME, and other shocking things which in this - twentieth of the ratio shown in nulgaria, tiful bride. She was a delicate crea- sorry to have kept you sitting here all will be faithful. He never loud me for Ing thumb -marked And dog-eared by In- country, are associated with Delaware and No answer has ever been given in the ^ase ture, fair -skinned, blue-eyed, golden -hair- - night, while I watched by a sick bed. my rank or fortune. He loves me for qulsitive travelers, _ Mr. Halfstick Waifs Friends sad Rel Rhode island, and now the official returns of an individual contentarlan which would ed -too fragile for the cares of this °u shall go to s cep when you bet back �avgeT • Upon the rock of my Lusband's I - / a' Indf ate tlegitimatelyt ng istduoiing icandidates ctd oral d one tpersonf will lsny nbsti iencoclass Ill kept world, where, indeed ,she did not tarry ma re Campaign n Ca tines to $now It, , the oastbx but nolo drive Tound to Y po..e, for I know be will P ,g Capacity. >;ngland at erection time. It cost the p.o him strong, nnothar that oderate drink - the residence of Colonel and Mr. Bast• never change with changed fortune. He ! (Washington Post.) Are You the editor that takes in no• sworrnestatements, of $6,934,200 to ;got elected, ,tuned on this banTobacco t,© pipwit 1 ave been a cm- long. It was some fifteen months af- ;tines and re will throw his strop ' „ , clot n ter her marriage that she died, o , quest them to come to me at g arm around me "There Is enough gas in a man, says a Y ews?" inquired caller, an under. That was an average of neary $9,000 a mail, Porter on that. Sometimes to a life of hard leaving behind An infant laughter the castle upon important businew Ghat Against the world. Ilad this calamity fill- bromtnent chemist, "to fui A gamometer of sized man. with a tired and timid !tots d m d,of this sum was Illegally used, -re or again to preservative days of let. Will not admit of del Then return len upon him, and stripped him of rank 8,040 feet," Needless to say, this conclusion the credit be of Only a few days old. Her early death aY• Inas arrived at during some heated iltl 1 ^'ilial I IC ' given. was a righteous judgment on him, the Jabber to take we home.), and wealth, and name and fame, I should campaign. po ca p -f` g .ort an his face, 'traitor!" T1ne weary coachman obeyed, and, ga- )lave loved him even more deeply for _. , I Yes, air, said the young man at the W +� t1rering tt his rains The lad desk. "I can take an kind of news. 9 1Ly mother, my sweet young mother, . o P ,drove nf(, Y his misfortunes. I should havo been the y returned to the house, and sat down be- liapptness of my life to make him for What have you?" I who perished in ,her early youthl Uh, : get Y ? 1Ea Am- nuurse, how can you say such things of side the bed of the now sleeping woman, them• I judge his noble heart by mines "WJY, it's this away,' 'said Lite calker, to wait until the carriage came back. He will be faithful! Do your worst, %fate, lowering his void, Illy wife gave it v6piray s Syrup Strip me of m rank and wealth small party Stunned .b the shuck of her sudden "p Y ,and P ty last n) ht and I am W1,1. "Pence, Lady Etheridge, until you fall, distressed by doubts of -the reality name And fame, and friends, and all DIAMONDS@* ing to. pay to have this report of the of �lkear the rest- st •i3 not much. The new- of external goods, You cannot touch my fair put in the paper.' jinn babe was likely to perish for the of herown onvu reeason loin tedl kis tMlIeve heart. Where, safe as a jewel in its cas- We don't charge anything for pub- lent of a aural + mother, I was then klbe events Of the nig 1 ket, lies the treasure Of ra life, the liahing society news;' Observed the M- Aursing my own. child, which was but ,Itt only the phase- love of Albert Ifastin st" used Laura You» man at til desk, taking the three weeks old. 31 huabaaid Was down tasmagaria of a fewnfeli dream, and feel- g , g Slpruce Gu My Ili", tlirou h ail this chaos of thglight, of,her dressingroohirei transitory splendor av0rfarod manuscript and ltmkin it Red with Mlle mortal illness that finally ter- {' immirsent asecessity of in'.nriate ac- ! .,,$ As minated Ilia life. The housekeeper at tion Laura waiters until, almost at tyle My lady. Mr, Hastings waits Your Why' pay for the „ "That's all right," Was the reply, the castle recommended that the child ' to ladyships pleasure in the library," said "You don t understand. I wrote this up s applied same door, Ro the earn a drge , P heavy operatltig," p � `�'1� �13 a� Colds. should be placed in my charge. I was a footman v eningg the door. "You , and I tit Sita line or two that ppl' to, and I agreed to nurse the in- the door Rose' with the neighbor at i "Very well, Wiiliaras, precede and an- saYS, Mr. Halfstick assisted his distin• i Whose- house alio had spent ,tile night, nounce mr," sand his mistress rising and p guished wife in reeeivi the , sant, but only on condition+ 'am it came in. , expenses Of the niq guests. — elwukl tna sent to my etttte;(c ;eirut left Making +a• sign to them first tier I leaving the dressing room, bI shops? That's the wayy I want it t0 go in, inti T "'" - - tVill ht be faithful; she mused a p dont Bare if it coots a dollar a ward, I ,• ._ _- ` I ;� in my sole care. To this Lis Lordship tient seas, "Itep, Laura b liner arena tv a tarts.' _1-,_.���. consented, she passed %along the halls comrnunicat want m friends to know, b leave tine how; but first she turned to inq with the library. "Will he be faith- yy q George, .. "ile went away. And then t 3a}d Lite lie oWi une(ms+eious, though have 15 per cent. that I artill belong to the family." g full I shall know nawl -- ! _TT. babes side by side in the,solitude of my tpigY6 O P-015elet I2Qierid Mince ti,f nay, da rutwf roost, end• looked at tbft. YOunv,( in- prtteed4ng night, a fearful olwtzW had be 1}fth- myrsoul on his fidelity. Iia will b buying at the i - -•, tants as the wref the were much be faifl►full jf y $" ! IMtoki Rsltntiea, 7 y ped ovice the frtre of the Wf dtathm. her i And with fhis 4napiring ward u her E The average Moki woman is, perhaps alike, My, oath child and my mstster's eheleka yr Ore flit p sli d hoc of dtabli, her AlOwing lips, find ,with this th"ght invariably, not large or obese. short in - n°eTa Xxrth of flee same age and sex, and eyta were dim ant sunken, tier lige biut lighting up her el tl face she en - both little, round,faced, tlakL•bea(od, sJI- and tremu:roue; her voice, in dd}nfi feted the ] ' Jewelry �`d `�al stature, plump and round of form, of - mond-eyed betbie.5, with no more individ- gvod.morni is tv Lad 3,ther fl,rarry�' and stood in the pre- Inleasing countenance, with beautiful 'et F y sig(, was seWlras of him aha held lscr luta in his -- TI& hair banged at the a es, when ci'ad 1, nality to disrtinngg�u!!isia one from the r,ther ,so Ivry and faltering as try Its almost selndut- Albert Ifasti yy tlxamt wraaten dolls of the slant patter14 ieirnidiblf, in lcstefnl anti colored blanketry she `'11srs, lit fire aolittrdlt of my cotta/, "3lowr tills citi!d lovMs tier nen CTIAI''�f� Writs tcrtl` ftoo>Ccfel: l,rertente a picture fair itsderd to see. .- I,Tmauf il[r. Ha+kiiigs aria flea fldtvW, L'he manlier M reciting the hair distin-Af.t�oAiliMil' 1 ..: Y �tlsa etFathiisg of t}wtse aAsik}ren, ttyot/yex'," esus th,` 61y+yts;sist of I.attra, as alai tartred to esti hart ' Ated t Wteamtha aftt!rward, whet•% ?iia she kindly °fid- "Ino not ,bf v*ftsr, y � ' f Iqulshes the marrled woman from the eirisdosrnett a Lord ,who cants WIst is not In imilir�diata dlrasger." se. h >rto i e r L+rattx•••-.t, w ,[ �j j� ( ; virgin. The )atter wears leer black = l aetyrta h4rnir it was dao h• our pert JAS., Ila BAILEY 1 � large M Al Ha: - tet W1101A a I}oarrird •fop to 4110 castle to nut T4sttnk„y<,u, I know that rbr to int, girernlr�+I, aria tXpros tresses gracefully (' )lie in a, Ia _ dower ken' lila rid t wa 'stn'' lady,” fvp}isd Stgscr, is a t+sarf+tt i �rw s errs, xt� him, l ur *% iWly I rnnnd Dail several inehrf in diameter W *9k4 pu Gala's, r Writ' to)or ifs her facMt. a mid- 78 Ynlal' Kluft 11 t cilli dksto �halt.nd ptoThe,'felgfoct is Acle,. - !`AIft104* o �itrJll�..Mr+►�M�.i►1� WlJ�1►,i� its, who 3rad iraWraats, said tnErOrx, "TSneta, what etinrr iil� sale ss larau;{ �h� � �" l Th f• 4" I.,: to tlittalsid lore , a►! - AN, sktafptstorr Rkis .frrrajk it 3 �laarel" ;misfit rla4ttt. Part a(ybamsii l est �"�YIIIi� lri'i`"+ 1r I+ s t ;hist Adf for i —1,0 �`,'- r^ta f girls ;flaks �Ifnl anrararrs of t r W" whir J h* 3'E twist isla »rw I.4td kk is" bitter. )wrf at ��a� ate' ' ^tee art ' � 7 re., oarsf �atuw off. speak, x'a'tt vt ort Theyr meed'to � taribj `•sir3or• fusel• ll id�'�1" r KLTC 11POR lto'Tel u, tOt'A��lip s • r r g* --m• bitt4lt•1w M ?filth aloe; any, W* wra warns ; tYavw at &64 Of tks isam, wylA* tries ear faun"" VA," � bo i�rsty 1prlyd.) OW r•�lai T� irtt>rlr t � - A� X% i tiI • ..-r:kOdu . .-,,. . • s 3 ;tArr