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rowdor's Christmas Specials
In planning for Men's Gifts, shopp•
ers will make no mistake in coming to a Man's Store,
We have the advantage of bigger stocks and better service, with none of the annoyance inci-
dent to dry goods establishments, We surround this business with every courtesy, and insure
your comfort and satisfaction in midst of holiday rush. These values speak for themselves :—
Men's House Coats,
with welted seams, sluvwl collar,
and the usual gauntlet cuffs,
Materials consists of Oxford
(boys, with creat Black and
White, and Scarlet and Blue
plaids. Prices ranging frotn..,$0,5°
Men's Fancy Wash Vests.
In F)rncy White full Dress, also
white pique, evening wear and
new plaid effects, alt guaranteed
good fitters, sizes 3t to 40 chest,
Prices $1.25 to $2,'75
Men's Colored Shirts.
In all the newest Xmas designs,
soft and hard bosom, also plain
whites, separate or cuffs at-
tached, sizes 12.4 to IS; neck.
Prices 750 to $L50
Men's Collar Cases.
In the new Tan and Green Un-
dressed leather, silk lined, draw -
String fastener, Price $L50
Men's Cuff Links,
In all the new Xmas patterns,
society and plain effectsPrices
35e to $2,00
Men's Slippers.
In Fancy Leather, also Patent
Leather and velvet embroidered
fronts. Prices 05e to $2,25
Men's Suspenders.
In nice, neat patterns, heavy and
light webs, also embroidered ef-
fects on satin. Prices...25o to $1,25
Men's Lounging
In Black and White Ox-
ford Gray effects. Prices
`67.50 and $12,50
Men's Bath Robes
In Turkish effects, red &
white. From $9 75
Men's Patent Shoes,
'We've just received two
spring styles for Xmas.
trade, all ,sizes ..... ..$5.00
Men's l-ldkfs.
Linen, each 5c to 40e
Silk, each.. 25c to 75c
Silk initial, each 50c
Linen initial, each 35c
Excelda, each. , ..15c & 20e
Men's Fur Wrist
In Fowae's English make,
tan and dark colored kid
......,....$L25 and $2.00
Boys' and Men's.
Wool Gloves.
In black, gray and castor,
all sizes 40c, 50c, 75c
Men's Umbrellas and
Walking Sticks.
A useful. Xmas. present.
Prices $1.00 to $2.00
Men's Fancy Vests.
In all sizes and a wide range of
styles. Fancy clothe and wools,
light and dark patterns, ranging
upwards from $1.25 to $5,00
Men's. Mufflers,
In Black Silk, Fancy padded
linings, also English square Muf-
flers in the newest colorings,
Large range to choose from.
Prices 50e to $1.50
Men's Neckwear.
Neckwear in all the newest color-
ings, styles—Puff, String, Bow,
Ascot, Flowing -end, wide Four -
in -band, and the new Imperial.
Prices 25c to $L00
Men's Fancy Hose,
In..,Black, Green, Gray and Tan
shades of Cashmere, all silk em-
broidered. Prices 50e
Men's Gloves.
Fowne's English make in plain
kid, also silk lined, Mocha, tan -
color, wool lined $1,00 to $1.50
1•07 21•11•101•1111.101•1111111
Men's Suit Cases.
In tan and olive colors, single or
doable lock, with or without
straps, solid leather or imita-
tion. Prices $2.00 to $8.50
Men's Fur -lined Gloves.
In tan and gray Mocha, all sizes,
Fowne's make, each pair in a
separate box, also Kid, fur -lined.
Prices $2.00 arid $2.75
A Nice Furis an Acceptable and Useful Xmas. Gift.
Men's Fur Caps and Collars—Persian Lamb, Electric Seal, Western Beaver, &c. Prices. , ..$2.00 to $13.50
Men's Fur Gauntlets. Prices $1.25 to $13.50
Men's Fur Lined Coats at a Bargain during Christmas week, Prices $40.00 to $100.00
� The R. H. Crowder Co.
M... Ie
" Ray ' Maple Leaf
rtubbers and keep your
feet dry and warm."--
Wireless from the old
woman who lived in
a shoe."
Made of the best
Para gum, cut to fit
snugly and accurately,
" Maple Leaf Rubbers"
present a thoroughly
waterproof surface.
Keep your feet dry and
warm in the wettest kind
of weather.
Rubber boot illustrated
is thoroughly waterproof
and doubly strengthened
at points where wear is
46 a
For sale by G. B. GREEN, WING -HAM.
must of necessity be lasting 10
order to successfully weather -
the storms of business life.
The FOREST Curr BuslN*sa
& SinOR7rnANn COLLEGE train*
young men and young women
to take minor positions which
eventually lead to position*
of responsibility and trust. The
foundation is secure. Out
students go up, net down. We
are unable to supply the demand
for our students. Why? Be.
cause business Yuen recognize
the superior training they
Writs for oar bushiest and
shorthand booklet r It's tela,
School term t• September till
Jane, inclusive.
Forest City
Business College
1, W. WlIifVtl.f Y.M.O N. ttWylw
t'rbrolprtl. LOOS%
//fit 1' f
t,, Ila�Ib
. J
'YPEORir/NO 1/
Or -
—The decree of divorce between
church and state which has been pro-
nounced by the French Government
is being resisted by the church
authorities, and the secretary of the
Papal Nunciature has been arrested
and his expulsion ordered. His Holi-
ness the Pope demands the. repeal of
the Law of Assoeiations, and Pre-
mier Cletnenceau declares that con-
ciliatory measures have been exhaust-
ed and that the law will bo rigorously
enforced. It looks from this distance
as if there rnigltt be troublous times in
store for France.
Of course you pay your money,
But you get your moneys worth,
For whit sloes money mean to you
When Rocky Mountain Tea's on
earth? Ask your druggist.
Detroit, Mich., Dec. 12.---.1ny Fit-
zell, 10 years of age, whose home is
near Kincardine, Ont., is dying at St.
Mary's Ilospital, after a quarrel with
her lover, during which it is alleged
that he struck ht's. She took a dose
of corrosive sublimate, She was ter-
ribly burned about the month and
throat and stomach, Lest night it
was found necessary to remove iter
from the house where she wan ctn-
ployed to the hospital, Her recovery
s not looked for.,47, Woof
The hist tweeting of the Countyy.
Council in its preeent forth ware held
last week.
Commitments. of several children to
the care of the Children's Aid Society,
Wile reported, and an allowance of
$L23 per week trade for tuaintenanoe.
Mr, 8. Hays; County Solicitor gave
his opinion re traction engines being
driven over highways, as follows :-.-1t
is not lawful for any person to run an
engine of over 8 tone weight over any
highway, before strengthening at his
own expense all bridges and culverts
to be crossed by saki engine. If the
engines are of less than 8 tons weight
it shall be the duty of persons propos-
ing to run any engine or machinery,
to lay down on the bridges and cul.
vests to be crossed, planks euflicient
to fully protect the flooring or sur-
face of the bridges, and in default the
person charged shalt be liable to the
mnnieipality for all damagee resulting
to the flooring or surface of bridgee.
A petition of Manchester rate -pay -
ere, was read, asking for increase in
urea of police village, which was
A petition from Dungannon asking
to be trade into a pollee village was
left over for future consideration.
Messrs. Cameron, of Brussels, and
Hartley, of Blyth, addressed the
Council in reference to grants to con-
tinuation classes in Public Schools.
The Executive Com. recommended
that all schools doing this work get
additional grants to make it equal to
the amount received in 1005, the extra
grant givenby government only
going for equipment.
A deputation from Wingharn, asked
for a grant to assist in building and
equipping a hospital. The Executive
Committee recommended a grant of
$1000, but this was afterwards amend-
ed to $500 and passed by Council.
The Connell holding deed for lot No.
18, Hallett, it was decided, on motion
of Mr. Ferris, to offer the sante for
sale by auction, in Clinton, at a date
to be fixed.
A petition, "signed by 7 rate -payers
in Morris and 0 in East Wawanosh,
asked for the appointment of arbitra-
tors to establish a school in Belgrave.
The petition was granted, and Messrs.
Judge Holt, Walter Wilson, Luck -
now, and Morgan Dalton, Ashfield,
appointed arbitrators.
A grant of $25 was made to the
Huron Poultry and Pet Stock As-
sociation, towards the expense of its
show in Seaforth, on Jan. I4, 15, 10,
17, 1007.
D. Patterson, Co. Engineer, was
granted $50 for extra expense this
On motion of Mr. Cantelon, Rev.
W. Wade was granted the sum of $50
for attending to the burial of mem-
bers of the House of Refuge and con-
ducting religious services therein,
duties to continence at once.
It was moved by Mr. Ferris, and
seconded by Mr: McQuillan, and car-
ried that in view of the fact that War-
den Spackman had been the main
mover in securing to the county some
$3,600 for the maintenance of the
House of Refuge, his services be re-
cognized by a grant of $50.
It was decided to build Port Albert
bridge as soon as the Connell of Ash-
field comply with the motionassed
at the meeting of the County Council
in December 1905.
Mr. Earngey, the field secretary, for
Muskoka Hospital, addressed the
Council in reference to the work of
the Hospital, and asked for some as-
sistance. The Council did not see its
way clear to recommend a grant but
strongly urged the incoming council
to give the matter earnest considera-
W. McCreath, caretaker of the
Court House, was granted an increase
of $75 in salary, duties to include care
of Registry Office, making his salary
The members of the Council were
entertained at a complimentary sup-
per on Thursday night, and also on
Friday night, and in a very plea-
sant and orderly manner wound up
the existence.of the County Council in
its present forth.
Why Duro. Your Toes
Stop using Acid torn Salves, use
l'utnant's 1'aiitless Extrados t it casts
a little more, but it's far the best,
Use only "Putttanr's" •— 26c ttt ail
Greatest Female Strengthener On Earth.
Thousands of women are wan, pal-
Iid, rundown and dispirited. What
they need is that nourishing tonic
Ferrozone. Soon they regain those
laughing eyes, bright spirits and rosy
cheeks. Ferrozone does this and
more as Mrs. L. F. Adrianson of
Whitney Pier, B. C., testifies. "My
daughter was very mach run down
and had considerable troubles at
times. Often 1 was at a loss to know
what to do. I was advised to give her
Ferrozone and I did so. Ferrozone
cleared up all the trouble, made my
daughter healthy and well. Ferro -
zone gives good appetite, regulates,
strengthens. I consider it a medi-
cine every woman should nse regu-
larly if she wants to feel her best."
Rebuild with Ferrozone, it is the King
of all cures. Price 50c per box at all
Fon SALE.—Lot 18, con. 7, Turn -
berry, one hundred acres, nearly all
cleared ; in grass ninny years ; good
soil and well watered. Terms to suit
purchaser.—H. Davis, Wingham,
But the Great Consumptive Preven.
tative brought stealth and Rappi'
ness to his dome
"Our doctor saidthere was no cure for
My wife as both her lungs were aiTectt:d;
says Mr. L H. Walter, of Pearl Street,
Brockville, Ont, "It Was a Sad disap-
pointment to us both, just starting out to
life, only married a short time. But before
She had finished the first bottle of I'sychine
the pain In her lungs quickly went away,
and after taking six bottles Mrs. Walter
was it new creature and perfectly well
That is just one of the many taeniid
into which Psyrhiee has brought hope,
health and happiness, It Is a living picot
that Psychine cures Consumption. But
don't wait. for Consumption. Cure your.
LaGrippe, your Cough, your Bronchitis,
your Catarrh, or your Pneumonia with the
remedy that never fails----
()Pronounced Si -keel)
60a Per Bottle
target St St ** It and I12—xt't dentinal
t l KOOK QM* Toth
We're often asked by farmers, wbioh
is better, to get wheat gristed or bay
dour? °silting is the cheapest; you
save from 25o to 85c on each bag of
Sour, and then you will get .our flour,
which is the beat.
Our chopper is running again, and
can. chop from 4000 to 0000 lbs. an
hour, so there will be no waiting to
get your chop done.
Five Lilies Flour, bbl...$2.10 to $2.80
Prairie Rose Flour, bbl.. 2.00 to 2,20
Star Flour, per ' bbl.... 2.00 to 2.15
Cream Pastry Flour 1.80 to 2.05
Low Grade Flour, ton26.00 to 27.00
Bran, per ton 17.00 to 18.00
Shorts, per ton 18.00 to 20.00
Screenings, per ton 18.00 to 20.00
Chop, per ton 20.00 to 25.00
Winter Wheat, per bush.... 68e to 70e
Goose Wheat, per bush Goo to 62e
Manitoba Wheat, per bush750 to 85e
Goods delivered promptly to any
part of the town,
We are sole agents for
the celebrated Scranton Coal,
which bas no equal,
Also the best grades of
Smithing, Cannel and Do-
mestic Coal and Wood of
all kinds, always on band.
Wei carry a full stock of
Lumber (dressed or undres-
sed), Shingles, Lath, Cedar
Posts, Barrels, ete.
Highest Price Paid for all
kinds of Logs.
Residence Phone, No. 55
Office " No. 04
Mill " No. 44
J: Al McLean
Wingham MOM
Christmas Presents
We have imported a large stock of useful
Christmas Presents, You are sure to get the right
goods here at right prices.
We're showing a very large
range of Silk, Lawn and
Linen Handkerchiefs. Prices range thus --5c, 10;
15c, 20c, 25c, 35c, 50e, 75e and. $1.00.
Silk Waists What more useful for a Xmas,
Present than a nice Silk Waist.
We have a large variety of the latest and best
makes for Xmas. trade, See our Special, $3.00.
Kid Gloves We carry Only the best makers'
Gloves -- every pair guaranteed.
A pair of our best Gloves at $1..25 makes a very
nice present.
Silk Collars We have just received a large
shipment of Ladies' Silk Collars
'made specially for our Xmas. trade; Come in and
see out' large assortment; we're sure to suit you in
variety and price. Prices -20c, 25c, 35e, 50c, 75c,
$1.00 and $1.25. See our leader at 50c.
Silks A large stock of Silks to choose from.
Special values at 50e, 75c and $1.00,
A nice range of Ladies' and
Gents' Umbrellas. Pretty handles
and good coverings. All prices.
Groceries just opened. up New Raisins, Cur-
rants, Figs,Dates, Citron, Orange
and Lemon Peels, Confectionery, &c. The best
Cheese always in stock. Buy your Christmas
Groceries here and save money.
Xmas. Is Coming.
What will I get my friend for Christmas ? You do not need to
worry over this perplexing question, for W. G. PATTERSON has
something to suit everybody. Never before has there been in Wing -
ham, or in any town of its size, such a large stock of the latest and
best Jewelry and Christmas Goods of all kinds ; we want the people
of Wingham and surrounding country to call and be convinced of
this fact. There'll be no need to send to the city for goods after
seeing our stock ; we will sell our high-class goods for less money
than you can buy them in the city.
Ladies' and Gents' Gold and Silver Watches of all the best makes
and newest designs. The largest stock north of Toronto to choose
from. Rings, all prices, in all designs ; nothing makes a better gift.
Diamond Rings 'from •10.00 to $250.00
Solid Gold Neck Chains from $5.00 to $50.00
Our line of Gold-filled Neck Chains run from 51.25 to $12.00
Solid Gold Brooches run from. $3.00 to $50.00
A large line of Gold-filled Brooches from 50c to 210.00
Solid Gold Cuff Buttons from $3.00 to $6.00
Solid Gold Gents' Tie Pins from $2.00 to $15.00
A splendid line of Silverware, and also Novelties
of all kinds. We have a line of fine Leather Goods
which will make handsome Christmas Gifts. In short,
we have everything that you could wish for to make
accgptable gifts. Come early and make your choice,
for our goods are selling.
W. G. Patterson
The Great Watch Doctor