HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1906-12-13, Page 8For Clothing, Dress Goods, New, Rich and Fashionable Furs, and all lines of Ladies' and Gentlemen's seasonable Un- derwear, come direct to D. M. Gordon's. No house, no matter how much noise they make, can give better value than you will find here, and every article new and up-to-date. The new- est and best is none too good for our customers. As usual, all lines of pure, fresh. Groceries are always in stock. D. M. Gordon 1 1 1 1 1 1 Christmas Things For Men. Ladies will find more com- fort and satisfactionin coming to a Man's Store for Men's Gifts, The Christmas stocks are conveniently displayed at front of store with ample room and prompt service. None of the confusion here that you run across elsewhere. See our show windows for gift hints, and plan to do your shopping as early as possible before the Xmas. rush. Store open every evening. till ten Wroxeter. Robert Farrel is very sick at the home of his parents. W. J. Powell .and wife of Belmore were callers here on Sunday. Rev. Osterhout will take as his sub- ject next Sunday night, "Wanted, a man." The Presbyterian Sunday School has given up the idea of a Xmas. en- tertainuient. R. J. Rann, our genial shoemaker, is on the sick list this week ; we hope for a speedy recovery. Miss Mann left for her home in Tees - water on Friday night last, after speeding a month here. B. F. Carr has an apprentice learn- ing the harness -making. He also has a collar -maker employed. Mrs, Leckie, Sr., arrived home this week after a couple of months' visit with relatives in London. o'clock' John Young underwent an opera- tion on Friday iast for an abscess on the lung ; he is improving nicely. R. R. Crowder Co. t Lucknow. Mrs. (Rev.) R. W. Millyard, who was severely injured a few weeks ago is, we are pleased to learn, improv- ing. Messrs. R. Moody and R. Finnigan had delivered to them, on Tuesday and Wednesday, over 3000 head of fowl. Lneknow Methodist Church anni- versary was a great success. Rev. Mr. Joliffe of Clinton was the preach- er for the day, $1200 was the amount contributed. Mr. John Joynt has moved his of- fice to the new Beaver block. Mr. R. Johnston is in charge and is having the new office conveniently arranged for attending to this department of their increasing business. It is our sad duty to report the death of Mr. Merle Davison, on Tues- day evening, 4th inst., at the age of 23 years. The deceased young man has been ill for over a year, and hie death will be regretted by many friends in Lueknow and vicinity. At the last meeting of the council, Mr. Button, of the firm of Button & Trevett, presented a request for a loan day evening and listened to a rousing of $4,000 for 10 years without interest, speech on Canada by the critic of the the purpose being to erect a new brick club, Rev. Osterhout. An open dis- Inachine shop. It is possible the coup- mission on the subject of Canada took cit. will look favorably on the proposal, and subunit a by-law for the approval of property holders at an early date. THE WINCFIANL ADVANCE » THURSDAY, DICUMBmR I3, 1906 Morris. Mies N. Getltles is learuTug the drew making In Winghaan. Mrs. T.. l3rj'dges, who has been ill for some time, is iutproving nicely. Pr. M. b'indlater has left for Port- land, where she has taken up a prac- tice. Rev. Fitch and N. L. Brandon of Wingham spent Friday evening at "Maple dill." 1r. R. Stonehouse is spending a few weeks with his daughter, Mrs, H. Hopper, 3rd line. Misses Cora and .hazel Brandon at. tended the Methodist cherish at Blyth on Sunday evening. Miss M. J. Brandon has returned to her home, after spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Proctor. Geo, Daley, who for some years bite been a resident of Wawanosh, has. moved to his house in Belgrave, Rebt. McMurray 'has leased lot 12, con. 4, Morris, owned by Win. Little. The latter intends going West with his son John. They have bought a half seetion near Carlisle, It is reported that Ex -reeve Isbister• inay be in the field for Reeve. Tho Councillors are likely also to have op- position, as there seems to be a cur- rent of dissatisfaction, Nomination day promises to be lively. There appeals to be some trouble over the drain on cons, 1 and 2, run- ning through S. Caldbick's farm. It is said that some farmers refuse to pay their drainage assessment, on the ground that there is no by-law authorizing the tax. If this is the ease, the Council has a job on its hands. A very snceessfnl entertainment was held in the township hall, Morris, on Dec. Std, by the young pee_ple and children of S. S. No. 3. Air. Black, a former teacher, occupied the chair. The program consisted of dialogues, drills, recitations, instrumental and vocal music, and platform dancing. The Brussels quartette rendered some very fine selections. The parasol drill was an unparalleled event, being un- der the leadership of bliss Ker, who is an expert at getting op such functions, as well as teaching school. Few sec- tions are so fortunate as to get such an efficient teacher as Miss Ker has proved herself to be, Miss Frank Mc- Cracken, the popular music teacher, was the accompanist for the various selections rendered. Little Miss Flor- ence Kearney and Master Wilmer Kearney did exceedingly well in ren- dering their recitations. The proceeds amounted to $23.50, besides 80 free tickets being issued. The entertain- ment in all proved to be a great suc- cess. -„ J. S. McTavish and wife have moved to town and now occupy the house that they lately had renovated and repaired. Wm. Sanderson held a successful sale at the Lofton House on Monday last, Mr. Scott of Brussels was the auctioneer. The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist Church was held last Friday after- noon at the parsonage. The regular monthly meeting of the W. F. M. Society of the Presbyterian Church was held last Thursday after- noon at the home of R. Black. Last week, A. H. Rao paid out about $2000 for fowl. Tuesday and Wednes- day were busy days in town as these were the days on which the fowl were delivered. The choir of the Methodist Church is making preparations for a concert some time between Xmas. and New Year's. Look out for date and par- ticulars later. Mann & Ewing of Teeswater moved the balance of the N. J. Robinson stock, purchased by thein, to Tees - water on Friday hast. They sold the biggest part of the stock while here. A meeting of the Liberals was held in J. Douglass' store last Friday night to.appoint delegates to the nominat- ing convention. Messrs. Brethaeur, Robinson, Gibson and Douglass were appointed. The Young Men's Club met on Tues - Several of the merchants in town have had installed in their stores, the new Pitman system of gasoline light- ing. W. J. Earls has placed one of these lights above the entrance of his store which gives the windows and street an attractive appearance. It is expected that many of the business places will be lit by the improved sy- stem. Teeswater. A dozen or more of the street elec- tric lamps have been broken in the past few weeks by boys throwing stones or shooting at them with their air rifles. There Was an addition of sixty-seven made to the membership roll of Knox Church last Sunday at the observance of the Lord's Supper. Sixty of these celebrated the communion for the first time and seven united by certificate. Mr. John Joynt, Lucknow, was in town the other day looking over the Thacker Building with a view of buy- ing it. The figure asked for this pro- perty is $1,200. His object is to Start an evaporator or a emitting factory. In connection with this he has made two propositions to the town. First: He pi Bioses to buy and utilize the property for an evaporating plant on condition that the town will con- tribute $400 towards the purchase pries, he paying te00, 'Second : He will establish a canning factoryin- vesting about $10,000 if the town gives him a straight cash bonus of $:3,0(10 and exemption from taxes except the eehoot tax. The canning factory would employ between 1l6 and 40 hands. maw. Bird—In Wingham, on Dec. 8th, to Mr. and Mrs, Atex. Bird, a daugh- ter. DL&T*t1. Be ts In Burris, an» DeeDee11tH, Ancberson—In Fist Wawanoeh, Dee. lith, Euphemise relict of the late Jamas Anderson, aged 67. Lever—.fit Ms home in Waneha+rgo, en . Iota. Lever, Ibrneer of *ea U roam siix place after the address. . H. Brown, Rag and Metal Co., buy- ing all kinds of hides, wool and pick- ings, rubber, copper, and feathers of all kinds. Highest price in cash ; if brought to house, five cents a hnndred extra; 50e a 100, cash, for old iron. East Wawanosh. Mrs. Jas. Scott, dth line, who has been i11, is better. Mrs. D. Ramsey of Westfield, who has been ailing for the past summer with heart trouble, is still very low• ,` we are sorry to hear. Marvin McDowell, Oth line, left for Goderich last week where he has se- cured a good position as book-keeper in one of the factories there. Jas. Armour, 5th line, moved his family and household effects into Wingham last week. Mr. Armour will assist his brother William in the egg and butter business there. --;-=4s--.• Dn. Ovum, M. D., London, Eye and Ear Surgeon, will be at McKibbon's drug store the first Tuesday in each month ; hours, 2 to 9 p, m. Cataract, squint, failing eyesight, nasal catarrh, deafness, head noiees treated and glas- ses properly fitted. Pay More And Piet The Best. A cheap flesh burning corn remedy is never satisfactory. The best is Put- narn's Painless Corn Extractor, costs but a quarter, and is guaranteed to curenam's. thoroughly. Use only Put - Turnberry. !l'ke following is the report of School No, 9, Turtiberl'y, for November, NacUs aIxanae i der. of merit :- 5th class—Katie McBurney. 4th class ClaraL McKersie, Mettle Breeu. 3rd ensu--Aleatha Snaith,. Lizzie Breen, George Benedict. 2nd class, Se.—Joy Wray, Willie Bolt, Pearl Merkley, dean Rose, Cecil Fuller, Lottie Me, Burney, Percy Merkley, Nellie Breen, Mary McBurney, Murray Roes. 2nd chase, Jr.-- Howard Wylie, Robbie Powell, Part 2nd—Leslie Bolt, Stella Fyfe. Part let—Sanderson Breen, yrtleFyfe, Greer Wylie, Dorothy MPTavish.--I., II. Vanetone, teacher, Report of 5. S. No. 0, Turnberry. Names in order of merit; Asterisk after names of those perfect for the month : Sr. IVs -S. King, G, McCor- mick, V, Chandler, ii, Mitchell, S. Goy. Jr. IV—V, Showers, 5. Dick- son, R. Porter, Sr. III --R. MoKague*, N, 1t18Kague*, W. James, B. Little, M. Chandler. Jr. III ---V. King, A. McKinnon, W. 11IcKa ne, G. Snell, 3. Snell, R. Fallis, Sr. II -.-E. Fallis", B. Hoboes", P. Fallis, A. Foxton, E. Dickson; Jr. 11-13, Chandler", J. Holmes, J. McKague, L. Snell, M. Goy. (13)—M. Porter, G. Dalgleisch. Pt. II -11. Foxton, P. King,E. Link - later, C. Showers. Sr, I.—E. Chandler*, G. Fallis, L. Janes. jr. I—R. Mc- Kague, H. Hglmes, H. Showers, D. Roth.—A. A. Ltunonby, Teacher, Report for November of S. S, No. 11, Turnberry. Names in order of merit:. Jr. IV, --•-.Laura Calhoun, Mary Currie, Ethel Ransom, Rov Netterfield. Sr. III,—Maggie Reid, Eva Links:iter, Ed- na Finlaty, Eddie Lockridge. Jr. III. —Willie Styles, Ruby Forsyth, Grace Sherriff, Aggie Finnen, Cashnrn Aus- tin, Se.dL—EViitte Srigley, Wilbert Mowbray, Alfred Lockridge, Frank Lockridge, Dan Mowbray. Jr. II,— Alvin (droves, Susan Welsh, Minnie Saunders, Beatrice Johnston, Susan Shervi1 , Vernon Alleuby. Sr. Pt. II. —Jessie Currie, Sammy Styles, Ross Forsyth, Gordon Ranson. Jr. Pt. II. —Myrtle Lockridge, Alvin Reid. Sr. Pt. L—Milton Groves, A gie Geay, Francais Lockridge, Stanley Baker, Leonard Adams, Willie Austin. Lanza Calhoun obtained highest standing for the month,—M. D, Fisher, Teacher. We care not how you suffered, nor what failed to cure you, Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea makes the puni- est, weakest specimen of man or womanhood strong and healthy. 35 cents. Ask your druggist. • r . ui a Grey. Chicken -pox has its innings now in this vicinity. Mr. Edward Bryans was in Goderich last week attending Co. Connell. Mrs. Owen Smith of Guelph is visit- ing her daughter, Mrs. Robt. Lowe. The total amount of taxes to he col- Iected in Grey township for 1000 is $24,408.18. Local Option is the topic of the day in this locality. Meetings of great in- terest are being held. All the mernbers of the township Council will likely be candidates again. It is said Councillor Grant will aspire to the Deputy Reevesbip. Teacher F. T. Bryans and pupils of S. S. No, 4 are leaving nothing undone towards making their entertainment a grand success,—if weather be favora- ble. Come and enjoy yourself. Great preparations are being made for the entertainment ta be held in S. S. No. 4. The teacher, F. T. Bry- aus, and pupils are leaving nothing undone. Coyne and enjoy a good time. Roe's League service was withdrawn this week, owing to Ethel Leaguers entertaining them. A good program was given Moog with the topic, and all were unanimous that the evening was well spent. The first locomotive in connection with the construction train on the G. & G. railway, made its appearance at Walton on Wednesday on last week. It may be some weeks before trains will be running regularly. Will. McAllister of Cockburn Island paid his friends of this locality a fly- ing visit last week. Owing to the boats making their last trip, Will. was obliged to hurry. His many old friends greeted him with a warm shake -hands, it being two years since he left. 4 Bei more. Mr. W. Bremner returned last from Manitoba. Floods the body with warm, glow- ing vitality, makes the nerves strong, quickens circulations, restores natural vigor, makes you feel like one born again. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea, 35 cents. Ask your druggist. No l,inksent Cite Coro Ik. That pain between the eyes is not neuralgia, Many think so, but it is catarrh, plain ordinary catarrh that needs attention tight now. Your pro- Der lead is to use "Oatarrhozone." octors recognize it as a cure that surpasses tail others, Sure, because it does teach the trouble; safe, because no drugs to take, you breathe its heal- ing vapor direct to the course of the trouble, and cure is guaranteed. Two sizes, 25c and $1. Sold everywhere. St. Augustine. Mr. Jas. Craig has returned from the West looking hale and hearty. The Donnybrook Sabbath School and Epworth League purpose holding a Christmas tree entertainment on Friday, Dee. 21st. The committee is sparing no pains to make it one of the best ever held at Donnybrook. A Cantata will be one of the features of the evening's entertainment. Corse along and spend a social evening. Santa Claus will be there. On Saturday, what night have been a serious accident was narrowly avert- ed. Robt. Chamney's team by some means got away from him, and wont down the road at a rapid rate, They were over -taking Mr. A. Naylor, who had with him his sister and Miss Snell in a cutter. They turned quickly into the shed at Donnybrook, and the team turned in also.. Bat just as the team caste up to the cutter, the sleigh caught on the door post and stopped them. As it was, Miss Naylor was struck on the side of the head by the sleigh tongue. Blyth. Mr. John Barr took one of his ani- mals to the Guelph Fat Stock Show on Monday. Dir. Leatherdale of Brussels deliver- ed, on Monday, a new .iieintzman piano to Dir. James Catt. John Emigh has disposed of his Coinmerciai hotel to John McCaughey of Clinton ; consideration, $1,200. A. K. I3radwin of Toronto spent a few days in town last week, and at- tended the final meeting of the Coun- cil for 1900. It is rumored we are to have a con- test for the Reeveship this year. week Nominations for Reeve, Councillors and School Trustees will be held in Industry Hall,, 138c. 31st, at the hour of 12 o'clock. The public school trus- tees who retire et the end of the year by expiring of terns are A, Wettlauf- ter and David Cowan. Mr. Plummer having removed to the West, someone wilt have to be elected in his place ; all the others should ha re-elected. It. J. Radford preached an excellent sermon on Sunday from the snbjeet, "Cain and AbeL" School Report for last week --5th clave, Geography—W. Arman; 76, M. Edwards 4th class, Geography— C. Weiler 137, II. Johann 50. The concert given by the Erhart family in the Methodist Church on Friday evening, wad a deckled suc- cess. The church was well filled and the "hest yet" seems to be the words used by every one when deoeribing the program. 14,""4.. Of eomrse you pay your honey, Wingham being his eon. Mr. Edward Bat you get your money's worth, Dinsley' was a reekient of Blyth in its For wi at does money mean to you earliest days. The street to our rait- W ee Bok Mountain Testa airs way a t wag named Dinwleyr street Brea t y.'or th'nggfwb► attar h rn. Bluevale. Mr. Clancey is back again as station agent here. Martin Masters of Calgary returned home last Friday. Mrs. James Clark of Sunshine is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Thos, Stewart. Miss Eintna Souche of Wingham visited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Jewett, last Sunday, The farmers around here shipped about $2,300 worth of fowl from Blue - vale station Iast Wednesday. On Friday,Nov. 23a d, Mr, Edward Dinsley of inton celebrated his Olst birthday. Ile is the oldest pe'rd0n in that vicinity. fie has the use of all his fatuities and gives promise of pass - log many mere birthdays. He has a large e family ; his daughter, who faith- fttily looks after him, is the only one residing here, the late John Dineley of When Your Back Hurts. Of course it's hard to work. Stoop- ing over hurts, lifting is tedious, and you wonder what to do. Ever try Nerviline? Nothing like it for weak or lame brick. It penetrates to the core of the pain, eases from the first application, brings cure that defies a relapse. No liniment is so clean, so soothing, so certain to kill muscular, rheumatic or sciatic pains. Your dealer sells Poison's Nerviline in large 25c bottles. Why not try it ? TELEGRAPHY is the first step towards positions paying front $5000 to $50,000 por annum in rail- way service. You can become a good operator in 6 months if you study in The Central Telegraphy School, 3 Gerrard St. E.. Toronto. The finest school in Canada. Write for particulars. PV, IT. sRAW T. S. 10HNSTON Pres. Prin. NOTICE. In Groceri