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Will Go to the Electric Chair During the Week
Beginning January 28, 1907.
JP -Gillette Telegraphs His Mother That He is In-
nocent and Made No Confession.
His Mother Arrives at Herkimer -Crowd Will
Wait His Arrival at Auburn.
Herkimer, N. Y., Dec. 10. ---Gillette Was
sentenced to die during the week begin-
e 'm-ning January 28th, 1907.
The youth, who was convicted of the
murder on July 11th last, at Big Moore
Lake, of his sweetheart, "Billy" Brown,
gave no sign of emotion when Justice
Devendorf pronounced sentence. Itis face
was pale, but his step was steady and
his voice was not sliaken,
"I am innocent of the crime charged in
the indictment, and therefore it should
not be passed," he said, firmly, when
asked the formal question as to whether
he had anything to say before sentence
was pronounced. "Anything more?" in-
quired Justice Devendorf.
"No, I think not," he answered.
Sentence was then pronounced, Gil
lette is 23 years old,
Gillette still bears up well in prison
and is looking forward somewhat anxi-
ously to his trap to Auburn. He has ex-
pressed a desire to satisfy his curiosity
regarding the death chamber tui is
ready for his stay there, which he
claims, will be very short. „ . Gillette's
parents are expected to arrive in lIatki-
mer some time to -morrow. '
Gillette's Mother.
elerace, Dec. 10.-A despatch from Herki-
mer states that Mrs. Louis M. Gillette,
mother of Chester E. Gillette, convicted
of the murder of Grace Brown, arrived
in that village at 10 o'clock last night.
Mrs. Gillette was seen by a reporter
and said she was the mother of Chester
E. Gillette. She• registered at a 1. cal
]hotel as Mrs. L. M. Gillette and NV IA
escorted to the hotel by Attorney Mem-
ice likes, who is associated with
Charles D. Thomas, one of Gillette's
The authorities were skeptical regard-
ing the identity of'the woman at first,
but after investigation satisfied• them-
selves that she was Mrs. Gillette.
Under Sheriff Klock told the prisoner
that his mother had arrived and asked
if lie desired to see her. He replied that
t would, but u when the under sheriff
reached the hotel he found that Dire,
Gillette had retired.
Denies Confession,
New York, Dee. 10.-A special from
Herkimer says
Chester E. Gillette, convicted of the
murder of Grace Brown ,was amazed,
yesterday by the receipt of a telegram
from his mother, telling him to repent
before God, Isis mother, who had previ-
ously expressed confidence in his inno-
cence, said in explaining her message
that she had received word that. he had
confessed,. Gillette immediately wired
his mother this reply
• "I have written no confession. I ex-
pect a new trial. I am innocent. Be-
lieve no reports you read in the news-
papers about me."
Auburn, Dec. 8. -When the train that
bears Chester Gillette from the Herki-
mer county jail to Auburn reaches the
city, either on Monday or Tuesday,
there will be a multitude at the.station
tocatch a glimpse of him, if the in-
numerable inquiries nt the prison and
the newspaper offices are any criterion.
The majority of the incpviries came from
women. One of the prison officers said:
%That is the matter with the wo-
men of the city anyway? They have gone
crazy over Gillette, I guess. Why, they
stop me on the street time and again
to ask when be will arrive. What do
they want to do? Present to him flow-
ers and perfume and candy?"
If Gillette's appeal does not prevail
and be goes to the electric chair, he
will be the 30th man to atop into it
and never leave it alive. The first man
that paid the penalty for murder by
death in the °hair was William Kemm-
ler, who was electrocuted in Auburn in
August, 1890, and the 20th and last man
to be put into it for the death -dealing
current was Henry M. Wnnzer„ the Os-
wego county murderer, who killed lit-
tle Cora Sweet and was electrocuted on
September 12th, 1905.
/(Admirers of Girl Engage in Hostilities, Killing
Two Uninterested Onlookers.
Washington, Mo., Dec. 10. -Rivalry
which stops at nothing for the hand
of Miss Ida Stetz, a pretty nineteen -
year old girl of this town, has caused
the deaths of two men, neither of whom
was directly connected in the love affair.
The tragedy took place at 12.30 this
morning at the hone of the young
woman's sister, Mrs. Louise Doriot, and
the men who are dead were friends of
the Washington sweetheart of Miss Stetz,
who were attempting to -take weapons
away from Miss Stetz's St. Louis admirer
and a companion.
The dead men are Walter E. Robert-
son and Otto Henry Buddemeyer.
Emil Glaser, 18 years old, of this
town, and Charles Simeon, of St. Louis,
were the rivals for Miss Stetz's hand.
Three weeks ago at the entreaty of
Simeon, Miss Stetz went to St. Louie
to visit friends not far from where
Simeon lives. He pressed his suit to
advantage until one day the girl's mar-
ried sister h.ppeared on the scene, and
persuaded her to return to Washington.
IldThen Glaser's star was in the ascendant,
and Simeon in St. Louis heard of it, and
it nettled him.
Last night at a dance in the town
hall hone it was whispered around that
Simeon was in Washington. Julius
Meyer, of St. Louis, who formerly lived
here, sent his younger brother and
Otto Buddemeyer to tell Glaser of the
presence of his rival. The two boys
went to the Doriot home, where Glaser
was spending the evening with his
sweetheart, and told of the rumor that
l3imeon was in town. They also told of
seeing' -two figures in the darkness just
outside the house. Doriot went after
the town marshal, and Julius Meyer,
not hearing from his brother; became
anxious and fano down to the Doriot
home. With him came Walter Robert,
son, of St. Louis, who was up here on
a hunting trip. As the two men appear-
ed near the house they were halted by
two men who stopped out of the dark-
ness. They commanded Meyer to knoek
on the door and Meyer did so, as his
assailants showed they were armed.
When Meyer spoke his brother on
the, inside opened the door. The two
strange men burst into the hall. Mrs.
Doriot identified ane of thein as
Sinii on. The other was a stranger
to all present. In the room were Miss
Amanita Gail, Mrs. Doriot, Oscar Meyer,
Buddemeyer, Miss Stetz, and Glaser. The
older Meyer and Robertson followed the
men out of the darkness into the room.
Julius Meyer then engaged the man
whom Mrs. Doriot identified as Simeon
in it struggle for the revolver which he
held in his hand. Glaser and Miss-Stetz
ran from the room, fled up the stairs
and hid on the porch. There they re-
mained until the trouble was over.
The two men fought desperately for
the revolver. Simeon at last seeing
that he was being worsted, called to
his companion to shoot, and aim true.
A shot rang out, and Robertson, who
bad taken little part in the fight, fell
to the floor, mortally wounded.
The mean then turned his revolver
toward Meyer-, who lifted Simeon bodily
into the air, and, using his body as a
shield, retreated to the door, then drop-
ped his guard and escaped. Simeon and
his companion then fled, the latter send--.
ing a parting shot into the room. This
last bullet struck young Buddemeyer in
the .stack, and he died in a few hours of
his wound. The two neon who ran from
the house are said to have boarded a
swiftly proving freight train, and no
trace of them has been found. The police
of St. Louis have been requested to keep
watch for theta, and this town is in a
fever of excitement over the shooting._
The coroner's jury to -night names the
man who fired the fatal shots as Charley
Warren, and names Simeon as an neces-'
. Spring and Autumn Assizes, 1907 --
The Sitting lodges.
BO`p'D, C.
Toronto,. (Non -Jury)', second week,.
Monday, Jan, 14th.
Brampton (Jury and Non -Jury), Tues-
day, Mardi 19th,
Toronto (Non -Jury), 14th week, Mon-
day, April 8th,
Berlin (Non -Jury), Tuesday, April
Chatham (Non -Jury), Tuesday, April
Hamilton (Non -Jury), Monday, Maty
Teterboro' (Non -Jury), Wednesday,
May 29th,
Brockville (Non -Jury), Tuesday, June
London Winter A*41100s, Monday, Jan.
Toronto Winter Assize*, 3rd week,
IVIendmy, Jen.2lst.
Toronto (Non -Jury), 4th week, Mon-
day, Jan. it8th.
Owen Sortnd (jury), Tuesday, Feb.
Toronto (Civil, Jury), ist vreek, Mon-
day, March 4th.
genie nie (,Torry), Mendsy, M'areh 2(ith.
Toronto (Niru-.Tnry),130 week, Tw**-
day, April 2nd.
Sandwich (Non -Jury), Monday, April
Goderich (Non -Jury), Tuesday, May
.St. Catharines (Non -Jury, Monday,
June 17.
Cornwall Winter Assizes, Monday, Jan.
Termite (Non -Jury), 5th week, Mon-
day, Feb. 4th.
Walkerton (Jury), Monday, March
Simcoe (Jury), Tuesday, April 2nd,
Toronto (Civil, Jury), 6th week, Mon-
day, April 80.
Toronto (Non -Jury), 16th week, Mon-
day, April 22nd,
Orangeville -Miry and Non -Jury),
llfnnclay, May 13th,
Pembroke (Jury and Non -Jury),
Tuesday. May 21st.
"Woodstock (Jury), Monday, June 246,
Toronto (Non -Jury), Pat week, Mon-
dry, Jan. 7t1',
Berlin (fury), Tuesday, March 12th,
Toroniao (Civil, jury), 3rd week, Mon-
day, Marcih 18th.
London (,Tory), Tuesday, April 2nd.
Toronto (Non -Jury), 15th week, Mon-
dry, April 15th.
?' ria (Jury
andNon-jury), Monthly,
April 20th.
L orignel (.tory and Non -Jury), Mon-
day, May (Ith.
Pattie tn Tnry), Monthly,
June 3rd.
Napanee (Non.Tory), Monday,
17th. -
(`.nrnwall. (Non -jury), Monday, ,Pune
rate M &HON,
O'ttaws, Winter Assizes, Monday, Jae
• Toronto (Non -Jury), Srdt week, Mon-
day, Jau. f1T.
13rllerille (Jury), Tue wbuy, March 19.
Barrie (Jury), f'uteelny, April 2.
Termite (Neu -Jury), 17th week, Mon-
day, April 29.
Torroeto (Cadminal), 2nd week, meet.
day, May 13.
Sau,'Jt (rte. Marie (Jury and Nam -Jury),
uest]ay, clay 21.
North Bay (Non -Jury), Monday, May
Toronto (Non -Jury), 22nd week, •Zfon-
dav, June 3,
1 rantdurd (NonmJniry), Afomiety, June
Toronto (Winter Assize's), let week,,
Monday, Jan. 7.
St. Qathna•ines (Jury), Monday, March
Brantford (Jury), Monkey, March 11.
• Toronto (Non -Jury), 12th week, .Men -
d:ty, . '1 la 25.
Toronto (Civil, Jury), 5th week, Tues-
day, April 2.
Woadetoek (Jury)., Tuesday, April 9.
Co'bourg (Jury), Monday, April 22.
Toronto (Non -Jury), 19th week, Mon-
day, May 13,
London (Non -Jury), Monday, 11Iay 20.
Sarnia (Non -Jury), Monday, June 3.
Toronto (Non -Jury), 23rd week, Mon-
day, June 10,
Welland (Jury), Monday, Feb. 25.
Toronto (Non -Jury), llth week, Mon-
day, :lurch 18.
Belleville (Jury), Tuesday, April 16.
Milton (Jury and Non -Jury), Tues-
day, April 23.
Braeebrid a (Jury and Nonenury),
Tuesdny, April 30.
Toronto (Non -Jury), 20th week, Mon-
day, May 20.
Parry Sound (Jury and Non -Jury),
Monday, May 27.
Gore Bay (Jury and Nen-Jurey), Tuse.
day, Jiu a 11.
Sdmcoe (Non -Jury), Mondo.y, Jump 17,
Toronto. (Non -Jury), 10th week, Mon-
day, March 11.
Whitby (Jury), Tuesday, March 18.
Napanee (Jury), Tuesday, April 22.
' North Bay (Jury), Tuesday, A,pd l 9.
Pieton (Jury and Non -Jury), Monday,
April 15. •
Toronto (Non -Jury), 18th week, Mon-
day, May 6,
Port Arthur (Jury and Non -Jury),
Monday, June- 17.
Kenoia (Jury -and Non -Jury), Mon-
day, June 24.
Toronto (Winter Assizes), 2nd week,
Monday, Jan 14.
Toronto (Civil, Jury), 2nd week, Mon-
day, March 11.
Goderich (Jury), Tuesday, March 10.
Lindsay (Jury), Tuesday, March 26,
Cornwall (Jury), Tuesday, April 9,
• Toronto (Criminal), let week, Mon-
day, Iltay 6.
Monday, May
,Cobourg (Non -Jury), Monday, June 3.
Owen Sound (Non -Jury), • Monday,
June 17.
Hamilton (Winter Assizes), Monday,
Jan. 7.
Toronto (Winter Assize), 4th week,
Monday, Jan. 28.
•Toronto (Non -Jury), 8th week, Mon-
day, Feb. 25.
Toronto ,(Non -Jury), 9th week, Mon-
day, March 4th.
Sandwich (Jury), Monday, March 11.
Ottawa (Jury), Tuesday, April 2 .
'Stratford (Non -Jury), Monday, May
Whitby (Non -Jury), Monday, May
Belleville (Non -Jury); Monday, May.
St. Thomas (Non -Jury), Monday,
June 3. •
Toronto, (Non -Jury), 24th week, Mon-
day, June 17. '
Toronto, (Winter Assizes), 5th week;
Monday, Feb, 4.
Toronto (Non -Jury), 7th week, Mon-
day, Feb. 18.
Kingston (Jury), Monday, March 18.
.Toronto, (Civil Jury), 4th week, Mon -
clay, March 25.
Cayuga, (Jury And Non -Jury), Tues-
day, April. 10.
Walkerton (Non -Jury), Monday, May
Toronto (Non -Jury), 21st week, Mon-
day, May 27:
Chatham (Non -Jury), Monday, June
Guelph (Non -Jury), Monday, June 17.
Toronto (Non -Jury), Oth weelc, Mon-
day, Feb. 11.
Stratford, • (Jury), Monday, Feb. 25.
Hamilton (Jury), Monday, March 4.
Peterborough (Jury), Monday, April
Guelph (Jury), Monday, April 22.
Lindsay (Non -Jury), Monday, May 6.
Kingston (Non -Jury), Monday, May
Toronto • (Criminal), 3rd week, Mon-
day, -May 20.'
Ottawa (Non -Jury), Monday, June 3.
Trouble Commenced Fourteen Weeks Ago
and Open Shop Will Still Be Main-
tained -Some Will Not Be Able to
Secure" Work,
Toronto, Dec. 10. -The strike of the
piano workers is ended. This morning
as many men is could procure positions
went back to work. So far as could be
'learned no conditions are attached to the
new torn affairs have taken. The rela-
tionship between employers and union
will be practically the same as before the
trouble commenced. The manufacturers
will continue to operate open shops, but
will not discriminate against union Wren.
The strike has lasted some fotn'teen
weeks and during that time about $75,-
000 has gone out in strike pay, the Wren
receiving from $5 to $7 It week each. It
•ens stated on Saturday that seven hurt -
tired men left work when the trouble
first commenced, but many of these have
left the city, leaving 312 an the pay roll
at the last.
Slightly Better, Though Still Very
Teheran, Persia, Dee. 8, 0.40 p.
The health of the Shah ads a further to-dav shows
that he has made rther all ht ire -
movement, compared With his condi-
tion at noon yesterday, but he is still
very weak. At 4 o'clock this after-
noon hisma st was ;seeping. A
fc ;sleeping.
special meeting of the Cabinet was held
yesterday, with the object of reviewing
the general situation in Persia. The
troops are being paid their arrears.
Srat'en Law Goes into Effec
Was nay, that ti party o f rots tlim
and wow, iriadaadi i a, wait frees
• the eity amd were blemad for it, but
while resiting far the 'bus to return they
were invited to the basement, °baarite%
there accused Eimaith of causing the modse
turd streak him a, bltow in the face.
The defense elaiaaed the 14t. Thornies-
t rtes were disorderly all evening.
Mr. Charlton on the stand admitted
hitting Smith and putting him out of the
Olinda, but said Smith refused to keep.
.quiet, and sneered at bin,
Magistrate Hunt strongly criticized the
action of the defendant in hitting Smith
in church, and fined hien $10 and eoats,
with the option of going to jail for 30
Blows were struck by other parties the
same evening and more cases may be
y*A l
The Pope forbids the Priests to
Obey it.
Preparations for Enforcement Made
by Governrrnt,
New York, Dee. 10, ---Death from ber
Church and State aeperation law goes
into effect in Paris, Arid on December
12 and, 13 it will be enforced in the
various departments, according to the
.time wheus copies of the official jour-
nal containing the notice of the pro-
mulgation of the law of 1005 reaches
them, The Government is facing the
situation with firmness and calm-
ness, but the prospect of an acute re-
ligious crisis has peen suddenly increas-
ed by rue official confirmation of vii
anuoulcement made by the Croix,
the clerical aegan,•_pthat word had
just arrived from ltoiue that the Pope
absolutely forbids (*Welles, lsishupe,
cures er ptirisalonera, to make applica-
tions to hold reugious services under
31Ue public meeting law of lb81, as pro -
sed by the Governnmerit.
The deadlock is now apparently com-
plete. Cardinal Lecot, atrchbisltup of
oordeaux; Archbishop, Geumnanu, and
others who had advised compliance with
the law, have hastily instructed the par-
ish priests in their dtaceses that their
former advice is Mull and void. To -day
in all the churches of Paris Bishops and
priests after mass read the letter from
Cardinal Richard, Archbishop of • Paris,
Communicating the direction of the Holy
See, to the French clergy to "continue
services in the churches, but to abstain
from any declaration," and Cardinal
Richard's own instructions in view of
the order issued by the Prefect of the
•Seine yesterday forbidding for the pre-
sent the employment.of ceremonial drap-
eries at marriages or funerals. The
churchwardens, whose legal existence will
expire next Tuesday, were thanked to-
day from the pulpits of the various
churches, Prayers also were offered for
the protection of God during the"com-
ing period of persecution.
- The Government regards the action of
the Pontiff as little less than a smnnions
of the French Catholics to open rebellion,
as rendering the situation exceedingly
grave, and possibly as entailing the most
deplorable consequences.
In the meantime the Government bas
completed preparations to enforce the
"The encyclical is very grave," said M.
Brined.* "The Pope now assumes a po-
litical leadership and the vital question
is whether the Catholics of France will
consent to follow him or not. If they
do the Government will act with even
greater energy because of the tolerance
it has manifested heretofore. Every vio-
lation of •the law will be prosecuted and
furthermore, special measures, legislative
and otherwise, may be taken."
The special measures referred to by M.
Briand are those intimated by. Premier
Clemeneeau in the Chamber of Deputies,
namely, to strip the clergy of their priv-
ileges, to compel them to perform mili-
tary service, and as a last resort to
treat them as foreign subjects.
Militant Catholicsare rejoicing at the
stern attitude of the Pope.
The Encyclical Brief.
The decision of the Vatican may be
summarized as follows: Parish priests,
vicars, etc., must remain passive,aucl
may not co-operate in any act of seques-
tration, but if the bishop considers that
the refusal of the Treasurers to.surren-
der the keys may cause grave conse-
quences he can permit them to do so on
condition that they do not sign any do-
cument consecrating the spoliation;
Bishops may authorize Catholic officials
to participate in sequesters if the refusal
would endanger positions necessary for
the maintenance of their families, but
parish priests and other Catholics can-
not participate in acts of sequestration
in any manner• unless the sequestered
ecclesiastical property is permitted to
pay rent to the public administration,
or unless the contract cannot be broken
without heavy loss; churches, presbyter-
ies, episcopal mansions, seminaries, etc.,
which are seized cannot be rented except
in ease of absolute necessity and after
the administration has signed a declar-
ation not to attempt in any wise to
abridge the liberty of the lessee; if call•
ed to the colors ecclesiastics roust ap-
peal to the Council of State, but `pend-
ing the Council's decision, should their
failure to respond to the call subject
them to the penalty of desertion, they
can report for seevice; if cultural associa-
tions are farmed the parish priest artist
remain in his church and continue to
say mass until driven out by violence.
If a schismatic priest appears the legi-
timate priest must leave the church, first
warning his parishioners; he mast not
participate in any schismatic service.
A Noisy Party From St. Thomas Caused
Trouble at the Mapleton Tea Meet-
ing -Clinton Smith Invited to the
Basement and "Punched" by Mr. W.
G. Charlton.
St. Thomas despatch: Considerable In-
terest was tnani£ested in the Mapleton
Church row ease, heard here to -day by
Magistrates Hunt and Day, in which W.
G. Charlton, assistant to the pastor of
the Disciples' Church at that village, was
charged with assaulting Clinton Smitli,
a St. Thomas railway employee, in the
basement of the edifice on Monday night,
after a tea meeting. The courtroom was
crowded, and about at dozen witnesses
were examined.
The first witness aworn was Clinton
M. Smith, the complainant, who said be,
was an employee in the Michigan Central
shops. Ile attended the anniversary tea
meeting at 11Ma leton on Monday evening,
December 3. He was one of a 'bus load
who drove in from St. Thomas. After ,
the entertainment was over the St.:
Thomas people were invited by the pas- I
tor, Rev, R. W. I3allah, to go to the
basement and have lunch before starting
for home. He went along with Miss
Shipley and others, and while standing
about eight feet front the door the de-
W. G. Charlton,
bvthe lEft shoulder, told hint to getout,
and hit him in the eye. The blow 'half
stunned him and knocked him to his
kneels. Then Charlton
poteetled to r
shove him out of the door,
Further evidence for the complainant
was to the suet that the tela meeting
Mrs. Storer Accused by President Roose-
velt of Misrepresenting Ilia Govern-
ment, Meddling in French Politics,
and Intriguing to Influence the Vati-
Chicago, Dee, 10. -The Chicago Tribune
in its Washington despatches to -day
says that an extraordinary letter has
been addressed by Bellamy Storer to
President Roosevelt and the members of
Itis Cabinet in regard to his dismissal
from the post of Ambassador of the
United States to Austria-Hungary.
Mr. Storer was dismissed because of
his wife's supposed interference in af-
fairs of the Roman Catholic Church and
her alleged misuse of letters from the
President. It was also charged that
Mrs, Storer had meddled with French
polities by taking part in an anti -
Republican intrigue to promote the
marriage of Victor Bonaparte with a
member of the Orleans family. Both of
these charges '4r. Storer denies.
The correspondence shows the famil-
iar relations of the President and the
Storers from the time Mr. Roosevelt
was Governor of New York just after
the Spanish war. Sone of the Roosevelt
letters to Storer were addressed "My
Dear Bellamy," and to his wife, "My'
Dear Maria," and Mrs. Storer addressed
the President as "Dear Theodore,"
In a letter to Mrs. Storer, dated Dee.
11, 1905, after the efforts of the ,Storers
in behalf- of Archbishop Ireland began
to attract attention, the President ac-
cuses her of misrepresenting the United
States Government, and states that she
is known in, Europe as the American
"Ambassadress' to Rome.
"I cannot trust myself to express fully
the feeling of indignation with which I
read the letter to Mrs. Storer."
"My wife was deliberately accused of
having quoted isolated sentences from
the President's letters to convince other
persons that he was doing exactly what,
as he asserts, he had explicitly stated
in writing that lie would not do.
Firemen Recover the Corpse of Mrs.
Blanchette, With Her Head Crushed
in -George Ladouceur Arrested on
0ttawa,.Dec. 0. -An alarm of fire at
midnight Saturday, when the ther-
mometer was standdmg in the neighbor-
hood of 25 degrees below zero, brought
the Ottawa firemen to a ramshackle
• double tenement dwelling at 279 Slater
.eta•eet. The flames had not made much
•headirny, said the firemen on, entering
• the kitchen diseui•ered tate corpse of 1lre.
Emma ]Manchette lying on the floor. The
body was somewhat scorched, but on the
faec were many severe bruises, and the
back of the head had apparently been
crushed in by a powerful blow from some
Itemvy inst•1rmremt. The body was remov-
e1 to (at rge Rogan' niungu!n, there to
await an inquest, which Dr. Baptie, Cor-
an0r, h:* deeded to •open to -morrow.
Lr. ]3aptic has ordered an autepay,
' and the Ii0I::ee are looking into the sir-
cumutancee. They ,believe that the
, woman was murdered, and that time enur-
derer set fire to the lionise in the Trope of
concealing the crime.
Mrs. 1elanti tette irate a nuaariett women
who had separated from her husband and
was living with a danyman named Geo.
• Ladouceur at the address above. men-
tioned. After the finding of the 'body the
police arrested I.:ulaucetu• at 1)ivaI'.
next door, and took him to the cells. lie
w'as under the influence of liquor, and mu
coherent explanation als to ]iew airs.
Blanchette came to her death could be
obtained .from alai.
Even after sobering up he .i:rofessed
-that hits mind was a blank as to the
ensurrenecs of the evening. The police
have leveed that Ladoueenr bought li-
quor: last night, and all the ciretlnletnnees
eceiu to point to a drinking bout, in
which two or more persons participated.
Ladottoeur is married also, and his
wife and family reside at Ayhner. lie
will be held on a minor charge pending
the result of the`n.uest and autopsy.
The Detroit Free Press Has Changed
Detroit, Dee. 10. --Control of the, De-
troit Free Pres, the oldest morning
'paper in Michigan, was purchased to -day
by Philip H. McMillan, E. D. Stair and
!Henry Stephens, of this city. They
bought the stock held by Col. F. J.
Hecker, Wm, C. McMillan, Charles L.
Freer and Trmnan D. Newberry. The
price mode was not made public,
Mr. McMillan is the younger son of the
late United States Senator James Mc-
Millan. Mr. Stair is head of many
large theatrical interests, and is presi-
dent of the Detroit Journal Company,
and Mr. Stephens is a lumberman, who
is also a stockholder in the Journal.
The purchasers announce that they
bought the paper as an investment.
Italian Thinks Ile Has Solved Aerial
Itome, Dec. 10. -Count Ahnerigo of
,Selii°, who since 1884 has been expert.
molting with airships, believes he teas
found the ,'elution of aerial nawigution.
His new machine, which is in the shape
of .n, slidp, e.mteins a fifty -horse pone*
motor aril o rudder ten garde ,quare.
Mettles; this, there is a kiml of tail
about flinty -five yards square, •wine!;
may Lerudder, t'.•
ay n....la:rettulltt,aaiaiatiu
cn.l a 1 this an arroly to keep the obi -
balance. This Airship, it 4s sacra
r •tri' the air#
can c, , rn .eforfive t
in hour
rritl rtt rteh icing, attain u height of
4.000 feet find teas'VIM of 25 'mites an
hour. Experimenter will soon be made
with the machine,
;e't, .41110 -
Coolie 1n Delirium Jumps Into the Sea and All th*
Other Coolies Wanted: to 1 QUO .
On Another Vessel Over Thirty Lascars Tried to
Throw Themselves Into the Sea.
Paris, Dee. 10. --On December 11 the throwing hiuteelf into the sea. For ac
ber], suieide•e.en shipw eek marked tbo ! few minutes all the tither eooli,-s roceai. d
l�•ing jottrueys of thrice r�teannwllipfr wench un the verge of ferllol,•n A their• eorn-
canle to their piers here yesterday, ac- ' rade over tar Whip's r wilyide gird were united
back to their bunks by the 'united
ceiding to the IIeaald. 'i'tvo of the von- efforts of the 1iLite men aboard.
sela camp from Oriental poet 'u: It was whale the Ileo of 9 '
poets, tvh a taro Inatuk Wesal
one which met with the most serious , off Mercy, in the Red ea> that her
disaster finally overcame leer miaow- troudrlb begun. ;fano Bin of rewith
ltanat3 uplifted and a look of eli,aiuus
tunes on the west coast of South Amer -i fervor on hie 'face, elation.y wet him-
ica and rounded Crape horn with a vain- self into rite sea, uttering a• preyrr to
able cargo of nitrate of soda after bay- Malty -lour Iu a tivtheere the other
ing .been practically rebuilt in the sat- ; thirty -lour Lasalt in the crew prseiarey
1' y jto follow aril, alt suddenly Iwstiessxd by
dow of the Andes. I an insanity of fanaticism, Capt. 1'isiwyea;
Religious and racial huaticism •neouglit and his officers quieted them with din
trouble to the Foxley, flying the British Nulty. Afetr lt wing A'l ietlanticre, the Dem
1uns rfes,,
i:'ag', from China, and to the Den of wofhit11retarradnedintiu o feapaogu i ren se thagent she
Jluins, another &iti,sll ship, ;from Java, made .an extremely slow passage
while the elements were responsilee for The Abbriaolrne originally started on
the •dis•,teter to the Abbriholnie, from her voyage froze Iquique, on the south
'sludge°, on the South American coast. American west coast, for New 'Hoak ,om
ILardly had the Foxley left Algiers Aug, 16, A little over two weelm later
on dun• way home when the bed bed she sta'ttek ,on Satellite Rick, near- Pun -
appeared among the coolies in the crew, tia, and began to leak badly. Capt.
As the vessel pasted Gibral,taa' halt of Drown beached her at Martha Island,
the crew were in their bunks unable to and as the ship lay there etittii a mantel
move a limb. On Nov, 9, one of the omen ago, two thousand tons of her enago
stied. The next day another was dead, were lost in the wreck. She was eon -
and the day .following a coolie, crazed signed to W. F. Grace dt: Co., her Anne -
with delirium, eemmi•tted • anionic day lean menta,
He Went Through the Northwest Rebellion and
Despatched Contingents for Boer War.
Ottawa, Dee. 10. -(Special). -Colonel ant of the 911i he rose to the command.
Louis Felix Pi-nault, C. M. G., Deputy He lserved throughout the Northwest Re.
Minister of Militia, died at his residence ion, He was a member of the Quebec
Legislature for a time and also took
some interest in newspaper work. Col.
Pinault's serviees to the country were
shown and appreciated in the despatch
of the Canadian contingents to South
Africa, during the Boer War. He leaves
a widow to mourn his loss.
The immediate cause of Col. Pinault's
death th was heart failure. arlur°, He had been
confined to his room for several months
from cancer.
on Laurier avenue this forenoon. The Col-
onel was a brave soldier, a man of excel-
lent executive capacity, which made
him one of the best deputies iu,the ser-
vice and one whose genial disposition
endeared him to all who carne in con-
tact with him. He, was born et St. Fer-
main de Rimouski ,on Nov. 9, 1852. His
first love rias. the army. From Lieuten-
The Loss Will Amount to About $400,-
000 -Eight or Nine Firms Suffered
Serious Loss -Several Other Pre-
mises Damaged by Smoke and Water.
Montreal, Dec. 9. -At 3 o'clock this
morning a disastrous tire broke out hi
the wholesale dry goods district on St.
Helen street. It began in Matthews,
Towers & Co.'s building, and quickly
spread to the neighboring stores and
warehouses. The 'ass is estimated at
$ .00,000.
The principal sufferers are: Mat-
thews, Towers & Co., manufacturers and
importers or Pen's furnishings. $80,000;
the Canadian Underwear Company, fancy
leather and bookbinding supplies, 45,-
000; Thnntas May & Co., dry -goods. $33.-
35:000; Redpath estate, building, $15,000;
Yorkshire Importing Company, woollens,
etc., $80.000; Greenlees & Sons, $5,000;
W. Strathern, commission merchant,
MOO; M. Galameau & Co., tanners and
leather merchants, $10,000.
Many other warehouses had their con-
tents injured by smoke and water and
the total loss will easily reach $400,000.
The extreme weather conditions hamper-
ed the firemen in their work,
Triple Alliance Has Lost Old Force Since
Anglo-French Entente, But is Still
Necessary as Safeguard to Italy and
Vi;enna,' 1)ec. 10. -Discussing in the .
\cue Freie Presse toelay the relations
between Austria-Hunguy and Italy;
Sugnor Luzzati, ex -Italian Minister• of •
the Treasury, is quoted as declaring
tlutt the military preparations of Aus-
tria along the Italian frontier are
bound to lead to the arming of Italy.
Continuing, the Minister contended that
Austria-Hungary and Italy ought to
recognize that the triple alliance offer-
ed the greatest security for peace ;be-
tween Germany and the Anglo-French
The one real danger of the peace of
the world, die said, lay in the rivalry
between Germany end Great Britain,
and in arse of wire breaking out be-
tween these two eountt'ies Austria-liu.n-
gary and Italy bad everything, to lose.
They should therefore unite in eixtieay.
otuig to promote a good undenetantt-
ing between Great Britain anal Germany.
• e, .
Japan to Compel. Peace by Defying All
Attack -Work of Rearmament and
Reorganization to Extend Over Sev-
eral Years -New Special Forces to
be Organized.
London, Dee. 10 The Times' corres-
pondent at 2ulcio sends the following
cubic despatch: It is believed that next
year's budget provides for extensive
changes in the Japanese army. First
the garrisons in Manchuria and Corea,
now comprising four divisions, will be
reduced to one division each, drafted
from tile home divisions, instead of be-
teg special cops. Secoudiy, the saving
ilius effected wilt be employed in furnish-
ing six new divisions fur the home estab-
distiment, whereby the strength of the
army will become nineteen divisions. This
signifies an increase of • nearly 50 per
cent. Thirdly, three special forces will
be organized. namely heavy field artil-
lery, quick -firing field artillery and cav-
alry, all horsed with the best cattle.
Fourthly, the work of rearmament and
restoration, which the \Var Minister de-
sired to complete in a brief period, will
extend over several years. Funds for the
Iabove purposes will be obtained by
means of economies in other depart-
ments. There will be no new taxes and
no new loans. It is understood that this
programme was subject to much discus-
sion in the Cabinet. The Minister of
l War declared that the safety of the
country depended on the execution of his
plans, the sole object of which was to Se-
cure peace by making Japan too formid-
able for anyone to ettark her. The other
Ministers were not disposed to accept
that view, but finally yielded. When the
new programme is carried out Japan will
be able to place an army of three-quar-
ters of a million men in the field.
Seriously Wounded by Woman in Wash-
ington Hotel,
Washington, Dee. 10. -Former United
States Senettle Arthur Brown, of - Utaulh,
to -night Ilei in n eritieal eonditian in
the Emergency Hospital from a pistol
1•1:ot •wounl inflicted by Mrs. Anoa M,
Bradley, or Salt Lake, who arrived here
to -day from tint eity, The .shooting
occurred in Senator llroavn's apartment
in the Raleigh hotel, ts1 ere Mrs, Brad-
ley oleo bad registered. She was ar-
rested, and confessed that she held shot
the man because ::a refureed to :marry
Detroit, Mich. December 10,-11a+t-
dont Livingstone, of the Lake Carriers
\ssociation, was advised last night that
the lee -breaking fleet of tugs headed by
the *teenier I n
A ltlkt int to 'rtl
h the
� �
Pittelmrg SSteamehip ('ompetny. heti enc•
tended in opening it channel through the
Fre hi St. Mary's River at four o'eock
on Sunday stfbee Oen.
Chicago, Dec. 10. -Dr. Ferdinand Henrotin,
aged 25 years, one of Chicago's moat eminent
physicians and surgeons and President of the
Policlinic Hospital, died of heart disease
yesterday. He was considered. one of the
nation's most eminent authorities on the
pelvic cavity. Much of his services has been
of a public character. Dr. Henrotin was born
in 1147 In Brussels, Belgium,
Now York, bite, 10. -Returning steamships
Lave brought black in the last week many
eltamand importers who went to Rurope to
get supplies for th6 holiday season, and they
agree that the gems ars scarcer and higher
In prices than ever before in their existence.
Christiana, Norway, flee. 10. --The Norweg-
ian Parliament has conferred the Noble Peace
prize upon President itoosevelt.
New York, Dec. 16. ---John J. Itlnneeilly, the
sociallet labor candidate for onay-or to the
campaign et 1903 was drowned yebterelay.
Windsor, ()nt., Dite. 10.-->Aldernutu Fos-
ter has decided to withdraw from the
Mayoralty contest and will seek ro•elce-
tion as at alderman.
Life Sac ifiecd to Man's Terltper,
Newark, N. J., Dee. 5.---Elsor Morgan,
of C'harlestt,wn, W. Vit,, was shot and
killed here to -night. Fret -
crick .Tivntit's. who is missing, is being
soug;l.t by the pollee.
Two n, , n ees get int) it fight in
hoist o T, .
f ,i.11lln � home, Jennings' me, and• a crowd
gathere.l. Ile ordered the crowd away
and when almeed by one of the women,
it Is alleged he fired a revolver into the
erowd, the bullet striking Mora**.