The Wingham Advance, 1906-12-13, Page 5•
High Ball 1.':it. Shoes 05.00
New Hard Hats $2.50
The Smartest
cauiralcr1TED ar:rnE t7010anCo.1906,
in Huron,'
When you know that for
the one make of Overcoats,
which any other store in Hur-
on can show you, we offer
you 4 Canadian makers' gar-
ments, and 20th Century,_ you
will not wonder why we're
selling to men every day who
have failed to get suited else-
where. All we ask of any
man is a chance to show these
Coats ; once he sees them and
tries thein on, it's a sale and
an easy one. Some men look
at ours first and then look
around ; others look around
first and then see ours. It's
the same ending in nine out
of ten cases --We make the
sale. Right Dressy Overcoats,
all sizes.
$6.95, $7.50, $10.00, $12,50,
$15.00, $16,50,
Men's Fur Department.
We have a large assortment of Men's Furs, in Caps,
Collars, Gauntlets, Dog Coats, Calf Coats, Coon Coats, Fur -
lined Coats, etc.
Men's and Boys' Suits.
A large range of new
popular prices, all sizes.
patterns in Suits just to hand,
Boots and Shoes Trunks and Valises
TheRHCfowdeFCrowder EL
are two systems which you cannot afford to omit from
your business education. In those days, when everything
Must be done accurately and rapidly, the system used
must he the best and quickest.
Gregg Shorthand is easy to learn, easy to write, and
easy to lead after it is written.
Our catalogue will tell you all about the system, and
is tree for the asking,
School tereu: September till June, inclusive,
rarest City Business College
1. R. GREGG, Y. M, G. A. Building,
Founder' Gregg System. LONDON.
'1 :r 'Aren't Lest' Rubbers it you Wank neat, amok eoeurAtr eV—Wireless from
"the o11 woman who lived in a shoe."
Light and pliable), because no wear -destroying adultorants aro
mixed with the finest Para gum,
Conform to the shape of the shoo—give a glove -like, aoeurato,
stylish fit. Stay in shone. Wear long.
For sale by G. 13. GRlllE N, WINGRAM.
Chicago, neo. 4.—John Alexleudee
Dowle has gone raving mad, .'Elis
mind is now a wreck and It Is believed
that his end Is near,
--During the last fiscal year in the
United States 0,703 persons lost their
Jives through the operation of rail•
ways and 86,008 were injured,
---One hundred and fifteen bushels
• of oats per acre, grown without irrigtw
tion, is the report trade by Thos,
' Croolford, of Cardstone, Alto., to the.
Fat.'rn and Ranch Review. In many
cases winter wheat yield there is re.
ported to be double the estimate,
---The population of Alberta, accord-
ing to recent census, is 181,900, as
compared with 73,022 in 1901, Mani-
toba,'s population for 1000 is 30,5,51$,
while that of. 1901 was 255,211. In
Saskatchewan the population in 1906
is 250,981, compered with 91,379 in
—School trustees of North Fred.
erickburg recently advertised for a
teacher, stating that they did not in-
tend to obey Government regulatioes,
They were promptly informed that
they would be held personally liable
tor illegal expenditures, and the certi-
ficate of any teachers accepting less
than the minimum salary would be
—A mining engineer from New
York, who has had a huge experience
in Mexico and all- through the West-
ern States, said to a reporter that he
had visited Cobalt when there were
only three houses there. He believed
in the camp then and did still. The
feature of this eainp which distin-
guished it from other ruining camps
was the extreme richness of the
deposits. He was connected with
two large syndicates and was largely
interested personally. His American
associates, he said, were well satisfied
with the camp and also .with the min-
ing laws of the country,
The Bruce Herald says :—"Constable
Illebron of Deemerton on Wednesday
last, arrested Andrew Heidrich for
beating his wife. The evidence show-
ed that Heidrich was half crazy with
drink, and blamed his wife for spend-
ing the money that he had himself
blown in for whisky, He choked and
kicked her and tried to scald her with
a kettle of boiling water, and might
have succeeded but for the interfer-
ence of Rev. Father Wey, who lives
next door, and .held the reprobate
until Constable Illebron arrived and
handcuffed slim. When going to jail
Heidrich and wife `cried and shook
hands, hut she said she would.not for-
give him until he got oat."
Collingwood, D c. 4.—At the ship-
yard of the Collingwood Shipbuilding
Company, on Wednesday about noon,
the great steel steamship "Midland
Prince" will slide down the launch
ways and displace 4,000 tons of water,
for that is the weight of steel and iron
in the ship, which is intended to carry
10,000 tons of cargo on twenty foot
draught. She is intended for the
grain trade and general lake freights
from Port Arthur, Fort William, Du-
luth and Chicago to Georgian Bay
ports and Lake Erie ports. There is
also building at this yard another
large steamship for the Farrar Trans-
portation Co. of Collingwood, which
will be launched next May. She will
be 400 feet long, 50 feet beam and 26
feet deep.
—If the local optionists are success-.
fol in the approaching municipal elec-
tions Leamington will be the centre of
one of the largest prohibition districts
in Ontario, Local option by-laws will
be submitted to the rate -payers in the
Townships of Mersea, Garfield and
Tilbury West, in the towns of Leam-
ington and Kingsville, and the vil-
lages of Wheatley, Comber, Rutltven.
and Staples. The ternperance senti-
ment is strong in all these places and
there is every prospect that the by-
laws will carry. Provided the tem-
perance people are successful there
will bo no licensed hotels nearer
Leamington on the east than Blen-
heim 40 miles away. Tilbury Centre
and Stoney Point on the north 20
mites distant, and Essex and Harrow
on the west, about 18 miles.
—Kincardine electors will vote on
three By-laws at the Municipal elec-
tion. Ono to fix the assessment of
the G. T. R. at $1,000 for twenty
years. In return for this the com-
pany proposes to erect a new station
and generally remodel things where
the trains now arrive. It is under-
stood that the place will be beautified
and fixed up in a manner befitting a
town of the importance of Kincar-
dine. The second by-law is another
$2500 for the agricultural park. The
third by-law to be submitted is to
grant Henry Coleman the interest on
$1,000 per annum for ten years. It is
a renewal of the by-law at present in
force and the one drat was defeated a
short time ago. Since the other by-
law was defeated Mr. Colman has
gone on and completed the work lie
proposed to do. He has spent about
$7old stoe.
00hasin halbuiltgnew in prperpens with
cement floors and has �dt pens
capacity of his own output.
Blood, Pure, Rich, Rod,
Nosy gleow in the face, sparkling
eyes, vivetiotls spirits tie .all the out.
sense of gond blood, No surer way
exists cif purifylog and enriching the
blood than to use Dr. Ilanetiton's Ville,
ny their gentle (tenon on the bowels,
kidneys and liver they filter every int-
pnrlty from the system, leaving it
wlinlesoute anti able to do the work
necessary for the rnalntenaned of
To bc' well, look well, and feel al.
ever; at your bent, use Dr. Hamilton's
Pine of Mandrake and ]lutiernttt, a
truly wonderful modieine for young
and old, Price Ma tit ttli tieftlem
Croton to Telegram.)
Quebec and ber solid sixtyfive
members will be off•set after: the
eensue of 1910 by the west and its
more than eletyilve members.
Already therovineett of Manitoba,
Alberta and Saskatchewan are the
home of over 800,000 Canadians.
With the population of BritishCoiutn-
hia added, Canada at last can boast
of 1,000,000 people west of Lake St*.
Canada west .of Lake Superior is
even now entitled to a representation
of forty members.. at Ottawa. A con-
tinuance of the present rate of pro -
geese for four years will make western
Canada the home of more people than
the province of Quebec, and give wes-
tern Canada more members at Ottawa
Mart Quebec has now.
The change has been a long time
coming. It is clearly in sight. Cam-
el° juts all but outgrown the sort of
lthat is merely the fancy name
race and creed vote.
for Quebec's
—The relatives of the late Wm.
Ivers, killed on the road near Nile on
the night of October the 8th, have
tirade through Dickenson tie Garrow a
Chihli on the township of Colborne for
$10,000. Mr. leers met his death
through driving over the edge of a
culvert, causing his load of lumber to
ovorttt,rn, and it is claimed, that the
fatality was the result of neglect on
the part of the municipality in not
properly protecting the place,
Why Do You paint ?
Soinetimes from shock or fright,
but usually because the system is
weakened and depressed—it lacks
power to react horn sudden strain.
This condition demands rebuilding,
demands nourishment, which is best
supplied by Ferrozone. In every
form of debility Ferrozone is a speci-
fic. It fortifies the digestive and as -
simulative power of the body, pro-
motes the elimination of waste ma-
terials, builds up tissue, gives energy
and resistance. To have rich, red
blood, enduring nerves, a strong con-
stitution and lasting good health, use
Ferrozone. Sold everywhere in 50c
boxes or six for $2.50.
Notice To Creditors.
In the matter of the Estate of James Grigg
of the Township of Morris, in the County
of Huron, Yeoman, Deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the
R. 5. O. Chap. 129, that all persons having
claims against the estate of the said James
Grigg, who died on the Twenty-eighth day
of October, 1906, aro required on or before
the Fourteenth day of December, 1906 to
file with Wm. Hopper, fernier, or Wm.
Wray, gentleman, Executors or the unP.^,r-
signed, a statement with full particulars of
their claims, and of all the security held by
them (if tiny) and that after the said date, the
said Executors will proceed to distribute the
assets among the persons entitled thereto,
having regard only to the claims of which
they shall then have notice.
Dated at Wingham this lith day of No-
vember, A. D. 1900.
Solicitor of Executors.
Notice To Creditors.
In the natter of the Estate- of Christina
McDonald of the Village of Lucknow, in
the County of Bruce, Spinster, Deceased.
NOTICE Is hereby given pursuant to R.
S. O. 1897, Chap. 129, that all creditors .and
others having claims against the estate of
the said Christina McDonald, who died on or
about the Thirtieth day of July A. D. 1903,
aro required on or before the Fifteenth day
of December, A. D. 1906, to send by post pre-
paid to the undersigned Solicitor for the
Executor, their chrtstian and surnames, ad-
dresses and descriptions the full particulars
of their claims, a statement of their accounts
and the nature of the security (if any) held
by them. And further take notice that after
tho said last mentioned date, the Executor
will proceed to distribute the assets of the
deceased among the parties entitled thereto,
having regard only to the claims of which be
shall then have notice, and that the Executor
will not bo liable for the said assets or for
any part thereof, to any person or persons
of whose claims notice shall not have been
received by him at the time of such distri-
Dated the 13th day of November, A, D. 1906.
Solicitor for Executor.
Notice 'To Creditors.
In the matter of the Estato of Clayton
Alfred Grisdale, late of tho Town of Wing -
ham, In the County of Huron, Mechanic,
NOTICE Is hereby given pursuant to It.
S. 0. 189T, Chap. 129, that all persons having
claims against the estate of the said %cyton
Alfred Grisdale, who died on or about the
19th day of August, 1966, aro required on or
before the 19th day of December, 1906, to send
by post prepaid or deliver to J. A. Morton, of
tho Town of Winghnm, Solicitor for Mary
Grisdale, the administratrix of the said de-
ceased, their Christian and surnames, addres-
ses and descriptions, the full particulars of
their claims, the statements of their accounts
and the nature of the securities, it any, held
by them, and that after the said last men-
tioned date the said Mary Grisdale will pro-
ceed to distribute the assets of the deceased
among the parties entitled thereto, having
regard only to the claims of which ho shall
then have notice.
Dated this lith day of November, A. D. 1910.
Solicitor for the Administratrix.
A. h. Mumford tells how Psychine
cured him after the Doctors
gave him up
"Tt is twelve years since Psychine cured
the ' of galloping consumption." The
speaker was Mr. A. E. Mumford, six feet
tall, end looking just what ho is a husky
healthy farmer. He works his own farm
near Magnetarvan, Ont.
"I caught my cold working as a fireman
on the C.P.It." he continued. "I had
night sweats, chills and fever and frequent-
ly coughed up pieces of my lungs. I was
sinking fast and the doctors said there
was no hope for me. Two month, treots
mint of Psychine put me right on niy feet
and I have had go return of lung trouble
if Mr. Mugnford had started to take
Psyching When he first caught cold he
Woeld have saved himself St lot of anxiety
and suffering. Psychine cure, all lung
troubles by killing the germs—the mots of
tho disease.
(Peo,teunced Si-k.enj
bOc . Per Bottle
tango, at tit anti Art—lett dee gestate,
Flour Mills.
We're often asked by ferment, which
U better, t0 get wheat grated or buy
soar? (.4rieting is the chespeet; you
save from 25o to 135o on each beg of
floor, and then you will get our flour,
Which is the beat,
Our chopper la rurating_sealo, and
eau chop from 4000 to 5000 lbs, an
hour, so there will be no waiting to
get your ohop done,
Five Lilies Floor, a bbl...$2.10 to $2,30
Prairie Bose Flour, i bbl, . 2.00 to 2.20
Star Flour, per g bbl.... 2.00 to 2.25
Cream Pastry Flour 1.80 to 2.05
Low Grade Floor, ton26.00 to 27.00
Bran, per ton. • 27.00 to 18.00
Shorts, per ton 18,00 to 20.00
Screenings, per ton 18.00 to 20.00
Chop, per ton 20.00 to 25,00
Winter Wheat, per bush, .. , 08e to 70o
Goose Wheat, per bush OOo to 620
Manitoba Wheat, per bush,75e to 86e
Goods delivered promptly to any
part of the town.
We are sole agents for
the celebrated Scranton Coal,
which has no equal.
Also the best grades of
• Smithing, Cannel and Do-
mestic Coal and Wood of
all kinds, always on hand.
We carry a full stock of
Lumber (dressed or undres-
sed), Shingles, Lath, Cedar
• • Posts, Barrels, etc.
Highest Price Paid for all
kinds of Logs.
Residence Phone, No. 55
Office " No. 61
Mill " No, 44
J. A. MoLean
Iingha .'s Brightest and Best.
Christmas Presents
We have imported a large stock of useful
Christmas Presents. You are sure to get the right
goods. here at right prices.
handkerchiefs We're showing a very large
range of Silk, Laren, and
Linen Handkerchiefs. Prices range thus -5e, 10e,
15c, 20c, 250, 35e, 50o, 75e and $LOO.
Silk Waists What more useful for a Xmas.
Present than a nice Silk Waist.
We have a large variety of the latest and best
makes for Xmas. trade. See our Special, $$.00.
Kid Gloves We carry only the best makers'
Gloves -- every pair guaranteed.
A pair of our best Gloves at $L25 makes a very
nice present.
Silk Collars We have just received a large
shipment of Ladies' Silk Collars
made specially for our Xmas. trade. Come in and
see our large assortment; we're sure to suit you in
variety and price. Prices -20e, 25c, 35c, 50e, 75e,
$1.00 and $1.25. See our leader at 50e.
Silks A large stock of Silks to choose from.
Special values at 50e, 75c and $1.00.
Umbrellas Ai nice range of Ladies' and
ents Umbrellas. Pretty handles
and good coverings. All prices.
Groceries Just opened. up—New Raisins, Cur-
rants, Figs, Dates, Citron, Orange
and Lemon Peels, Confectionery, &e. The best
Cheese always in stock. Buy your Christmas
Groceries here and save money.
Xmas. Is Coming.
What will I get my friend for Christmas ? You do not need to
worry over this perplexing question,, for W. G. PATTERSON has
something to suit everybody. Never before has there been in Wing -
ham, or in any town of its size, such a large stock of the latest and
best Jewelry and. Christmas Goods of all kinds ; we want the people
of Wingham and surrounding country to call and be convinced of
this fact. There'll be no need to send to the city for goods after
seeing our stock ; we will sell our high-class goods for Iess money
than you c,n buy them in the city.
Ladies' and Gents' Gold and Silver Watches of all the best makes
and newest designs. The largest stock north of Toronto to choose
from. Rings, all prices, in all designs ; nothing makes a better gift.
Diamond Rings from $10.00 to $250.00
Solid Gold Neck Chains from $5.00 to $50.00
Onr line of Gold-filled Neck Chains run from $1.25 to $12.00
Solid Gold Brooches run from $3.00 to $50.00
A large lino Of Gold-filled Brooches from 50c to $10,00
Solid Gold Cuff Buttons from $3.00 to $6.00
Solid. Gold Gents' Tie Pins from $2.00 to $15,00
A splendid line of Silverware, and also Novelties =�
of all kinds. We have a line of fine Leather Goods
which will make handsome Christmas Gifts. In short,
we have everything that you could wish for to make
acceptable gifts. Come early and make your choice,
for our goods are selling.
W. G. Patterson
The Great Watch Doctor