The Wingham Advance, 1906-12-13, Page 4Kaiser the Jeweler
Next Door to Hamilton's Drug Store
a/aua ileaems.saprles==eattttaIPaeaaMIIIIIIIIIIssesamewewII
Positively Giving Up
1 Business Our large stock of Watches,
Clocks, Jewelry, &c., must be
Isold by Jan'y. 1st. All goods sold at cost and be-
low. Now is the time to get Christmas Presents
at prices that cannot be equalled.
A Square Deal.
We want your business—we're wilting to do a
whole lot to get it—whatever we do, however, has
got to be "straight." We want your confidence as
well as your business, and the only way we know
how to get both, is to deserve them.
We, ourselves, have a lot of confidence in the
Clothes we make, and our ever-increasing business
proves us right.
Our Furnishing Department
Is full of good things, especially for the Xmas,
season :---Beautiful Neckties in fancy boxes, Nifty
Neck Scarfs, Beautiful Gloves, Fancy Suspend-
ers, Swell Handkerchiefs, Fur Collars and Fur
Caps, Hats, Sweaters, in fact everything in our
line that is beautiful as well as useful for gifts.
Boy Wanted at Once to learn Tailoring.
Maxwell & 11111.
Tailors and. Men's Furnishings
Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000. Reserve Fund, $4,500,000
D. E. WALKER, General Manager ALEX. LAIRD, Asst. Gera Manager
it very facility afforded Farmers for their banking
business. Sales Notes cashed or taken
for collection.
BANKING BY MAIL. --Deposits may be made or withdrawn by
mail. Out-of-town accounts receive every attention.
Wingham, Ont., Branch:—A. E. Smith, Manager.
---The residence a t'ho. I. Scho;•tab,.
in New York:, liars taken four years to
build. It ie estimated that theserviees
of SAM men were employed in itseon-
struction, and tate cost, including
furnishings, is said to have been
$8,000 ,000.
Advices recently received at Otta-
wa state that Hon. S. V. Hyman is a
very kick ascan, and bis weight has
dropped fifty pounds, and he is so nes
o: ous he cannotbold s. glass of water.
The specialist consulted by hint says
that the Minister's recovery depends
upon immediate and aabsokute rest,.
a s
--seer. Lemieux, Postmaster -General,
says that it is contemplated that the
post office should be the means by
whish parcels can be despatched and
collections of any charges thereon
made by the department on some defi-
nite scale, So soon as the details
have been perfected Parliament will
be informed of the scheme fully.
Fall And Winter
DUBSS GOOD$.—I have determined to clear out my Dress Goods
stock tit greatly reduced priest this fall. As the season goes on, many
Minas ere going at less than 75c on the dollar. Bieck Dress Goods s
P1 IN'' s, Fan and Dark Winter Prints at creat.
FLANNELETTES. --I purchased very largely by the case in all
kinds from be per yard up, Can give you heavy 36 inches wide, all color -
into, at 10c a yard.
IIMETINGS.--Grey Flannels and II'Iannel Shirtings, and a nice
•iatlety of Shirts made to order.
HO1iE-1,CADE BLANKETS.—Front the Wroxeter, Teeswater and
Kingsrnil1 faactGtiesi, Pure stook, well cleansed, and very cheap, at the
pees wool has been this summer. 0141 and see them if in need of a
pair. Sheeting in white gaud grey, 86 wad 72 inches wide.
U DERWEAR. t keep the celebrated Stanfield Shirts and Drawers,
made irate Noss Scotia wools, soft; and flexible, and guaranteed not to
shrink, in sizers from 28 to 46. Ladies' Wear In the Puritan make. The
IRA brands its. Canada. Also ]hisses' and Children's in all sizes, from
150 Nash up to the Attest.
TIO R i. From the Wellsiey ]'rutting Mille direct. The beat
goods in Canada, made from pure Northwest wools, and at
priocannot be equalled, guilty considered.
I AD Y'-MAfl1 OLOTAING..4 have decided to clear out ray large
stook of Clothing this fall and winter, and can gills you great bargains in
this Utas A nice OwerOcett for #4.00, maul ptloe t�.00. A good saervice•
Bai14 y y. good work Penor $4,00and a large stook tt for $1.00,nwort *1 a> . Snits,
spianclOA111413TS. A hiro number of eggs in All -wool, Union, Tapestry
sold B'raesais, at aboral f twice. Cull and ee4e them and get prime.
Some eber<p Il(*pets end Mae to offer. Linoleum in 1,2 and 4
wide. oot h w 1 sods yards wide.
GOODS. --A lot of Ooon, wombat, Bossiest C7alf, Dog end
Mans. Coaster mat. Poor ladies, A treehous Mete that riaaranot be beatrn
for 1141rna ialsti quality. Worktossisehip gu*rattteed. Oen sod see them.
Gloves, soar styles, end huts veriety to Meet from.
f ea bead, frees rod cheep.
--For the past five months Prof. W.
F. Lord, of Cambridge University,
England, has been quietly investigat-
ing the possibilities of Canada, and is
enthusiastic over the future of the
country. "The past of Canada •has
been anxious, but her present is solid
and her future illimitable," is the prac-
tical summing up of the conditions of
the country by the professor.
—Ontario bas a general interest in
the conditions under which a wan
must incur $1300 law costs in the sim-
ple process of legally proving that he
does not owe a debt of $630. This pro-
vince surely needs prompt and ener-
getic action in the direction of law re-
form when a man cannot clear his
home from an unjust claim of $654
without letting himself in for lase
costs to the amount of $1,300.
—Ilse Toronto News says that quite
reeently "a matt walked into a fire in-
surance o4dae In ".f'oronto and prof-
fered the agent $1,200, an amount
paid to his father by the company
over twenty years ago. The eon had
set fere to the premises to save his
father from otherwise inevitable ruin.
Ever since he has been laying by dol-
lar on dollar with the secret purpose
of accumulating enough to make good
the terrible fraud he haul. committed.
Through good and evil days the
has atcett:nnlatctl, and the
nutn':1 eonseienre is at last at rest.
Such incidents tend to redeem crime
of half of its abomination, and almost
make a hero of the criminal,"
—A despatch from Chicago states
that students of the Ontario Agricul-
turaI College at Guelph were awarded
the first prize in the judging contest
for all animals combined at the Inter-
national Live Stock Show. In the
contest of horse judging for the Mc-
Laughlin pros.' prize, Ontario was
fourth. For individual excellence, A.
H. Hamer of Ontario was first, J. 0.
Olsen of Kansas second, and C. C.
Nixon of Ontario third.
Two very costly railway stations
are being built in New York city. The
station proper of the Pennsylvania
will cover four city blocks, and will be
the most expensive building in the
state with the exception of the Capitol
at Albany. It will be 772 feet long
and 133 feet wide, and the contract
calls for the expenditure of about
$25,000,000. Including the thainsheds''
and other minor structures, twenty-
eiglht acres of space will be covered,
and the total cost of the improve-
ments will runup to $50,000,000. The
Grand Central Station and sheds will
cover blocks, and in the
waiting room is to be the largest stair-
case in the world, leading to a spa-
cious balcony overlooking fifty tracks.
k „ -
-At the meeting of North Oxford
Reform Association in Woodstock last
Thursday, the members were served
with several red-hot pointers on cor-
ruption in partyism by E, W. Nisbett,
Mr. Nisbett is the Liberal who tried
for the nomination for the Dominion
House, but was defatted by George
Smith, 111, P. Mr, Nisbett averred
that the disclosures in London were a
disgrace to Cauadianism, amid ap-
plause. "We cannot," he said,
"stamp it out by saying the Tories are
just as bad. We are not cleaning the
Tories' stables. We are cleaning our
own stables. If we laugh at it and
think it smart, then it will go on.
But it is for us men in North Oxford,
as well as in other places, to
stop it." These were sensible words
and likely to do more good than simp-
ly yelling "You're another."
111r. Studholme,tthe tabor candi-
date was elected in Hamilton for the.
Ontario Legislature in place of H.
Carscallen, deceased. The Liberals
put no candidate in the field but sup-
ported. Studholane, who defeated the
Conservative candidate by nearly 800
votes. Mr. •Studholme says :—"I pro-
pose to support the Goyernment's
power policy, in fact, I believe I will
he more often with the Government
than against it. I know what the
Government's policy is, and I don't
know what the policy of the Liberals
—Col. Tisdale, representative of Nor-
folk, said in a debate in the House of
Commons the other day, that he knew
of two constituencies in which six
hundred dollars was the limit for cam-
paign expenditure fifty years ago, but
in which no Candidate could hope for
success to -day without spending five
to ten thousand dollars. The Simcoe
Reformer, published in the same
county, recently declared that at Ieast
one-third of the electors are open to
bribery. If this is true, the moral
conditions of this so-called Christian
province are away below par.
—The Weekly Sun says, that if the
legislation proposed by Mr. Fielding
is approved by Parliament, more than
the entire value of the entire bog pro-
duct of Ontario for one year -rill be
required to meet the total of the iron
and steel bounties for the twelve years
beginning with 1898 and -ending with
1910. Or another way of putting it,
is—that nearly the entire value of the
cheese factories in Ontario in a normnaI
year will he required, if the legislation
now pending at Ottawa is approved,
to pay the bounties the Dominion Iron
and Steel Co. will have received in the
eight years ending with 1910.
CAPITA' PAID VP $ 2,500.000.00
Ruszuva Irwin 2,500090.00
TOUT. 80,000,000.00
IION. WDf. OIB$ON .— Prostdeat
TUitleinn..1s, Ince-Proc. ti Goa. assuager
$; M, Watson, Asst. Gene. Manager.
R. Willson. Inspector.
Jno, Proctor C. C. Dalton Ito*. J. S. llendrle
Deo. Rutherford C. A. Eirge .
Deposita of $1 and upwards received. Int-
erest allowed and computed on 10th November
and 31atMay each year.and added to principal
Special Deposits also received at current
rates et interest.
C. P. SMITH, Agent
Dickinson, Sr Deimos, solicitor*
Capital (paid up) $3,000,000
Reserve taed ns vndivid- „ $3,839,000
Total Assets, over $42,000,000
Farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts sold on all points in Can-
ada, the United. States and Europe.
Interest allowed on deposits of 51.00 and
upwards, and added to principal 30th June
and 31st Deeomber each year.
Although the popular interest in
polar exploration has somewhat
waned since so many expeditions
which were confidently expected to
reach the Pole have failed, much of
the old excitement was stirred by
Commander Peary's outstripping ail
his predeeessozs. He went withtu 200
utiles of the Pole, which is now
"farthest north." The Duke of
Abruzzi's expedition in 1000 went
within 239 miles, and Nansen, 1895,
within 261 miles.
Peary sailed from New York on
July 15, 1905, in the Roosevelt, a ship
that had been built for this very pur-
pose, and he reached a high point in
the Arctic seas iu a shorter time than
any other explorer. He left his ship
at Grant Land, in the American Arc-
tic, and set out to reach the Pole by
dog -sleds. He sledded to a point 400
guiles north of his land base, a feat
that was never equalled over the
rough Arctic ice ; for to make this ad-
vance north he had to sled a cinch
greater distance in his zigzag journey.
When his farther advance was hinder-
ed by open water. Thus he settled'
one disputed question—whether there'.
be open water that far north. When
he -had reached his highest point, the
fee -pack was broken and he drifted on
it eastward—perhaps 200 miles to the
coast of Greenland,
He rescued one party of his men
just in time to prevent theca from
starving, and they eat eight of their
dogs. To the usual experience of Arc-
tic hardship was added the peril of
drifting on the ice ; and for a second
time, Commander Peary owes his life
to the husk -oxen that he 'killed in
Whoever may reach the Pole, if it
shall ever be reached, Commander
Peary has placed himself among the
very greatest of Arctic explorers ; for
if the ice had not broken under him,
and drifted eastward, there is every
reason to suppose that he would have
gone 200 miles still farther north and
solved this riddle of the earth. He
seems to have proved the hopeless-
ness of trying to reach the Pole by
sledding over ice. When it is reached
it will be reached by some other
—This is the way the Toronto Tele.
gram views the election of Mr. Stud•
bonne, the Labor candidate in East
Hamilton ;—"As to the effect of the
East Hamilton bye -election on the
fdrttuces of the Ontario Opposition,
there is not enough of the Opposition
left either in hwnbels or quality to be
affected by anything, The provincial
Liberalism of Ontario is dead in the
trespaes and sins of a long continued
subservience to the reactionary and
corporation element in its member-
ship. Fast Hamilton has delivered
the 'Whitney Government from the
danger of subservience to the tame
element on the Conservative side."
The beginning of the new year
will see the greatest revolution in
transportation since the stage -conch
gave way to the railroad train—In the
substitution of eleetrlcity for steam
on two of the greatest railroads enter-
ing New York, This installation is
but the first step in a great champ.
Wir.iese telegraphy is Islet becoming
a commercial totem, and it has nil.
rxentotte pneeibilitiee. The turbine
opens a new era to steamship travel.
The flying machine may be ma the
paint of pettcabllity. Within our
own lives we have *atm notable Wren.
ere in means end methods 46 tornma
nYication, bat we arta ereterrltvg s +a'lay of
genas. Buyers!
D. T. HEPBURN, manager
R. Vanstone, Solicitor
••••••••••••• •••••••••••41.
Raving such a large stock of
Xmas. Goode, everything will be
sold at prices that will sell them.
See our stook and priers before
purchasing elsewhere.
You Make
A Mistake
• If yon buy a Piano with-
out seeing our stock, comparing
prices and taking into account
the gaality of the instrument.
All the best makes always in
stock — Beiutzman, Newcombe,
Dominion, and others.
Z Also Organs, and the very
ibest Sewing Machines.
` David Bell
Stand—Opp-Skating Rink
Headquarters For
Watches, Clocks, Gold and Plated
Jewelry, Silverware, Silver and Ebony
Novelties, Petzoy Sets and flexes, Burnt
Wood & Leather Goode, Fancy China-
Werenoveltits . Gold, Silver and
Pearl Umbrellaas; Speataolee in gold
and silver t #anoy Stationary, Novels,
Gift Boot* lathiest, Hymen and Prayer
Books, dren'e Fancy Goods, Xmas.
Oardi, Cal sus, Piastre Books, Dolls,
Toys. Cathexes, Musical Instruments,
Cootie mut Souvenir Pot's Oards, &o.
Flu* Wadi, Clock tad Jawelry
Repthiag a apachtity.
. *MO* =rat Villtdata.11
Machine Works.
Having a ftrst•class machinist, I am
prepared to do alt kinds of repairing
on the shortest notice ; also castings
made to order.
I am building a few PORTABLE
SAWING MACHINES—they're some-
thing new. Call and inspect before
placing your order elsewhere,
A Call Solicited.
At the Old Stand on Victoria St.
Anyone desiring a
particularly desirable five
per cent. investment,
kindly call on
Loan & Insurance Agt.
Winter Term Opens Jan. 2n41. hero are
some of the recent records made by the
Ado' gill
Out of last 250 calls from business firms
we filled 15 of the positions. We bad no
one else ready to send. Have also had 82
calls for business College toaohers. 101 ex.
students of other business colleges or
shorthand schools were enrolled here dur-
ing last two years. We believe we have
the best commercial school in Canada.
We thoroughly satisfy our students.
Write today for catalogue,
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal
(Cor. Y onge and Alexander Sta.)
YBM.MCA.Vone & Ol
from January 2nd, 1007. Enter any
time. Excellent results guaranteed.
Catalogue and lessons in business
writing free.
Winter Term Opens Jan. 2nd
his rch s reoogni to ane
of Oho Ieading Ckmmerciai schools in
Amadei. Our Eradiates ste in demand
ae Bneineaea cohere tawhrn& The most
recent applieetion we received for a
teuebe r fir ;I15O per year. we be-
lieve we .are running one of the meet
n the Pro?loes. ta Tia ae end
OHM 14R for help is several limes
the supply. Write ter free restaMetns.
*atm & Mal t.uomrr alr, Ihisatsais
The "Big Store
Wingham, Ontario.
John Kerr
Every Department
In this "Big Store" is full of Goods suitable for
Xmas. Presents. We invite you to call and see
the great variety of Holiday Goods in this store.
FOR YOUNG FOLKS. --Toy China Tea Sets, A B 0 Blocks,
Picture BIocks, Checker Boards, Dominoes, Fort, Orokinole (new
style), Pcarcheese, Toy Books, Automatic 'Pops, Nickle Trumpets,
Carpenters' 'I'oois for boys, Cloth Annuals, Globe Return Balls,
Child's bets, etc.
DOLLS.,—buitation Kid Dolls, '4Vashabio Dolls, China Limb
Dolls, Kid Body Dolls, I)reseed Dolls, Dolls of all kinds at low
FOR WOMEN. ---Furs, Silk Waists, Fancy Collars, Belts,
Ties, Kid Gloves, Fur -lined Gloves, Hosiery, Fancy Handker-
chiefs, etc.
FOR MEN.—Gloves lined and unlined, Fur -lined Mitts, Col-
lets, Ties, Braces, Shirts, Underwear, Hosiery, Umbrellas, Cuff
Buttons, Plain and Fancy Silk Handkerchiefs, Linen and Ex-
celda Handkerchiefs, etc.
HOUSE FURNISI-IINO.S.—Floor Rugs and Mats, Fancy
Door Mats, Chenille and Damask Curtains, Pine Lace Cu tains
up to $5.00 a pair, Chenille and Damask Table :and Stand Cov-
ers, Fancy Linen Stand Covers, Tray Covers, Sideboard Drapes,
Table Linen, Fancy Silk Piano Drapes, Cushion Tops, etc.
RICH CUT GLASS.—Berry Bowls, Salad Bowls, Celery
Trays, Vases, Pickle Dishes, Tumblers, Knife and Fork Rests,
Salts and Peppers, Water Bottles, etc, Every piece is first-
class crystal, without a flaw.
Chinaware Department.
We are showing a splendid assortment of
Fancy China, from the best Potteries in France,
Germany, Austria and England.
Real Limoges China, Handsome Decoration 97 -piece
Dinner Set
Real Limoges China, Handsome Decoration 44 -piece
Tea Set $15.00
We will soil the above in single pieces or any number of
pieces you wish.
A great variety of Fancy Cups and Saucers, Salad Bawls,
Bread and Butter Plates, Cup, Saucer and Plate Sets, Porridge
Sets, Jardineres, Celery Trays, Bread Plates, Berry Dishes,
Fancy Lamps, Fancy TeaPots, Cream Jugs, Sugar Bowls,
&e., .�c.
We're showing a fine lot of Choice Fancy Chocolate Cream
Candy at 20 to 50e a Ib. We'll talk -about them next week.
Xmas. Presents
In Silverware, Lamps, Cutlery, ..Skates,
Carpet Sweepers, &c., we carry a large and well
assorted stock. 'QUALITY HIGH, PRICES Low.
♦NNsss♦♦NN♦•NN••♦{♦♦Ms••s•♦♦♦♦••♦NN♦♦•• ♦{♦♦N♦♦NI♦s•♦••{•.♦M♦••.♦♦♦♦•
Lehigh Valley Coal
.2• It has no
:_. equal,
Come with the crowd and leave :e
your order for Lehigh Valley Coal, 4.
that is free from dirt and clinkers.
J. D. BURNS =♦
• :•
We must sell $2,000 worth of Furniture in the
next 80 days. If yon knew- what we are selling
Couches and Parlor Suites at, yon would have one
this week. Note the following prices ;—
SIDEEOAItDS.--Worth from $12 to *14, your choice for....$9.00
COUCHES.—Worth from $0 to $11, your choice for 7.50
EXTBNS1ON TABL'RS.--Worth from $.8 to $10, your choice
for a .17,50 to 8.50
17INING17003t SUITES.---iligh.olnss, sr cut oak, polished,
buffet extension table, leather upholstered chairs, worth
from $00 to $100, your choice for 75.00
PAnt,on SU TES. wattle from $35 to $40, for *25 to 39.00
nunnoOM St1XT ,S. ---I Porth from $12 to $14, chigoe for... .3 0.00
We hate other high-class suites at lowest prices. Come
end get the Bargains, for We Meat have the money.
All kinds of Chairs, it1 half•doaaen lots, from !8 00 up.
All the above prices are for Onsol Oagvr.
Springs, Mattreeote, Iron Bede, Fancy hookers, Centre Tables,
dm., at Special Prises. Now it the time to buy.
Walker Bros. & Button,