HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1906-12-06, Page 2Le i a Sl al a a a eee a., „ , ef V.. alati Homan guard Wised Iva. II- "witutly '")eiltsus Ls). 11. lava watake-We suppose the , 4' 4" t csoarteraion er guard. of flair solaiere.-- , eyeeweee. Whedon. 12., Tat etnessel -They pooh- . aliViiilliaLlaTIONavav lagellitfaft NIX XII ebly beet a beeried, bafereusi. eiveatbeg to. REPOR . DI(. 16 UFOS toueider the beat course to purette. Large money -it took a huge bribe to induce . ....eeeeee Josue Wean Ye= tbe Dei.4.--Matt. eii: tae. , than te thua crielinate themeelvee. 13. : eeneeera r.kosiees! lel.kRie tatuenentaryeaL 'Thu Whille* At tile While wlept---The Absurdity' of tbis i Ta mom, a w.eiit ett the Ere tomb (v. 1.) I. End of the tiabb:Lth--- pasith.n is apparent: "I. ib e diseiple*, were sor, wok wee change in pric After the Jewieh leatlebetle was vest. It rould not bave an". desue away Itad , Is umbaieted. With g1;108 0t 200 0 KT ;Mutton. Wheat tbe aaril settlo**6-41 measey rate* will be mare in ISM atria la evidesoe a usual. (lemma vetelde Oott. i 1 cattalo sem ate estlefeetory, tout evi re- 1 wieners sir Net *anaemia* are It reale. . 113 i'lreeet reepeetaVictoeiVona are .4i: IsittVintilit syRiKt sETTLED, Aonne.in w, srentee y raiireede tied` it nutuber of large luiltuttrial cows/rue au IAT. AucelalftiglY fratifyiug tu ensideYes• and Pox' et market teetly satisfactory to emplopere tt... loag as Premier Scott and Mr. King Went ee. wheat, tireratr ‘,4ctTstrlit1.:ifIllIiisti Theo emit rlyer at geoee Agriculture ehowss USW impurtant au element iieutilks ,kt the farmer is. For the curreut year be es- ika ludueo deekted itrit of cautieu. :whets ot " o h I epat e to Indianapolis. elevied on tiaturday eight at, eunklown. they attempted it. 2. The ,eismoes wereillit at lu to 7sc mut ot Me bushels , et 88e. Valley steady. 40U bushels; To dawn --The wetnen probebly left ass Much amazed at the news of the re. i &4 Le tz,,,. oat"uomuw, too bufaxol sell. their home* at different timee. John surreetion as were the priests. 3. The fug at Inf tu 41e. Outs load ot pee ee brought Imp, "Whets it Wit* yet dark" eemeth Roman soldier,* set to watch Jesus' tomb Ibtiz per 'by:Mei. continuestinewith offer- 3.1ary. Mark *Aye they came At the "Os- would not ali be asleep. at the same hirlierodti rate Ifutter Soul. at 86 li? Nkl tier 0 , , iug of the attn." Vint day of the Week - tante 4. The comma could not liave ih, end egga at of. to 300 per dozen tor Owlet we in the tomb part oi Friday, voted large tame of money merely to tree), while eew lald are quoted et Oc. VOW - *II dr* Saturday and part of Sunday, have reported a truth. 3. Sleeping sole tri tirmea DV fair aupply. there beim; titles tit whielt wait ealle4 three days according to tilers could not know what took piece." I 25 leede in at $14 to 214 a ton for thnethy, Jewishreekouing. He amee very etu•ly 14. Will persuede litin--Perhaps by aud at $10 to $12 for mixed. Straw tiu- in the morniug on' the first day of the bribee, or by threatenieg to report his changed, one load eeniug at S18 a teal • , week,' Jams lay in the grew on ehttur- met deed* to the Raman emperor. secure zsirtasetlim trzvfyirritapt a‘ ated day whielt signified that henceforth the yote-Erom the penalty of sleeping on Meat, white, bush. ... ..,$ 0 73 S. 0 73 Jewish gabbieth, like all other Jewish in- guard, which WaS death. 15. Until has IM., red, bush. ... .. . ..... 0 73 0 13 stitutious, was dead. The first day of daee-The story started by the soldiers Po., sluing, the week -the xesurreetiou day, width Neste reported until the time of the writ- , eo„ goalie, bush. Gets, bush. .. ... .. ,.... 0 33 0 41 was ealled by John the Lord's day, ha* lug of the mount by Matthew. 1 Harley, bush. ... ... ',.. (1 54 0 De the• ayChrietion Sabbath. The first day 1 PRACTICAL A1PL1C,A.TIO.NS. 1 Pett'i, blatii.-:a.- -. - '.... 8 788 8 113: alwe been observed by Christiens as 11 u loan( ion... •'‘... 13 00 16 00 of the week was the first day of a ROW i 1. The Marv. "Mary Megdadene and Do„ mixee. ton ... ,.. 1000 12 00 000 , 6 60 6 20 6 40 7 50 1 80 9 00 disPansatfou, ',thief). leas 111 every resPect the other Mary came" (v. 1). Josue had Stye!, per ton ... ... ,., ... 10 oo better ana grander than the old. Mall died. There was no doubt of that. The elacileaaee, meoe, eupe, ... ... 6 30 Magdalerie-She Was a native of Meg,- licaliers thruet the speer into his side data, a town on the Sea of Galilee( eme and there issued blood and. water (John Do., Mt 1, hush. ... .., 6 00 Do., No. 2, bush. ... ... G 25 was foremost among the honorable wo- Nee. 34). The Roman centurion asSered i ri„troi;u1):.1311. ..• ..... 1 2 men who ministered unto (hriet and Pilo,te that Jesue NVELS dead (Afark xv, pre,m„"d Las .8..‘ ::. ::: .... 8 80 Ris disciples, being especially devoted ' 44 43). (Matt. I Dego, dozen ... ... ... ... ... 0 28 to Christ for Hut mercy in casting out I xxvii. 63). The chief priests knew it 'Joseph a Arinsathee, and Butter, dairy ... ... ,.. ... 0 26 from her eeven evil spirits (Luke TM* I Nicodenuts lovingly wrappea him in frag- 1)°•• vreatuevY••• ••• 0 30 "g, 3). There is no evidence that she Wee rant lama and buried him (John xix. 40). Dellulze,ns, dressed, ih„.„0 11 ever A bad character. The other Mary dressed. lb ... ... 0 11 Tile tomb was a new one, where never Turkeys, per lb. .., ... 0 14 -This was Mary the mother of James before had man lain, so there was no Amides, per bbl 8 .... ... 1,!.) eles the Less and Joaes (Mark xv. 47); the doubt of the identity of the body of lartt:g pueerr eboLub , .',:'. ... . ,. 0 30 Onions. per bag ... ... • 0 76 13eet, hindquarters .., ... 7 00 Do„ forequarters .., ... „, 4 76 Do., choice, carouse .,. .. 7 00 Do., medium. mettle 5 60 Mutton, per cwt. .... ,.. 8 00 Veal, per cwt. - ... 9 00 Lamb. per cwt. ,.. „ ..„.. 9 00 CHEESE MARKETS. same as Mary of Cleophas, slitter of the mother of Christ (John :the 25), To the women *named here Mark adds Sal- ome and Luke adds Joanna and. other women. Note the deeotion of these wo- men. They came not expecting the ree surrection, but bringing spices! to em- balm Cheat. Sepulehre--The tomb was cut in the. side of a rock, like a etve, large enough for several persons to en- ter. The entrance was protected by a stone, sometimes round like a large Inillstone, rolled in front of the opening, which was at least tbree or four feet In height and two or three in breadth. The opened sepulchre (v. 2.) 2. Earthquake -The earthquake and the re- surtection took place previously to the arrival of the women. There was also an earthquake at the time of Christ's death (Matt. xxvii, 51.) "Both were given for the same purpose, namely, to mullet to the `senses' of men the mighty operations that were going on be- yond the reach cf csense."-Wheaden. Angel of the Lord -Luke says "two men," John says 'two angels," while Mark agreeing with Matthew as to the num- ber speake ot him as a "young man." These evangelists evidently speak only angels seen is explained by Lessing; "The supposed discrepancies in the number of angels suPu i explained by Lessing: "The whole grave, the whole region about the grave was invisibly *swarming with an- gels. There were not onl ytwo angels but many a them, Sometimes one ap- pears and sometimes another, at differ- ent places and speaking different things." Rolled baek-"Not that Jesus cobla not have burst the barrier. but the ministry of angels was necessary to give form to the transaction to human conception." Sat upon it -The angel was probably still seated a -hen the women approached. III. The angel and his mesea.ge (vs. S-7.) 3. Countenance -in the original this word refers not only to the face, but to the general aspect, the general appearance. - Barnes. Lightning -in vivid and intense brightness. White - This was heavenly apparel. This daz- zling whiteness was the symbol of joy, purity and glory. -Jacobus. 4. The keepers -The Roman guard, Did shake -The appearance was suatien and unex- peeted. As dead men -"It is very prob- able that the splendor of a glorified body Is always sufficient to oeerwhelm the senses and prostrate the strength of a living mortal." See Dan. viii. 27; Rev. i. 27. 5. Said unto the women -The angel who sat upon the stone had metered, the tomb as the women drew near, and tlaen the women entered also, and the words of the angel were spoken to them on the inside (leb.rk xvi. 5; Luke xxiv. 3.) All apparently entered, but Mary Magdalene finding the sepulchre ernpty, aaatened away to tell Peter and John •that Jesus was not there (John _ex. 1, 2.) Fear not ye -The angel's message embraces the remainder of this verse and verses 6 and 7. He epoke words of peace and comfort to these mourning friends of Jesus. The keepers and the enemies ei !Jesus had mason to fear, but these disciples had peat reaso•n to rejoice. 6. Not Item -Tombs and Roma* guards and seals could not hold the Prince of tire. Wicked men tried, to keep the &v- in the grave, and: for centuries iati- delay hoe been deehbag ite surging wavee against the door of the tomb, but they have fallen &armless, for He. is Da there: "He is theen." risen -111e, manner of the reuniting of Christ's soul and body in Ilia resurrection is a mys- tery, one of tbe secret things that does not belong to us. The reeurrection of Jesus was the crowning ,proof that Be is the Son of God (Rom. i. 4). Aa Re raid --See Matt. xvt 21; evil. 23; Luke ex. e2. 44, 45; xviii. 31-33. See the plaee•-- Pointing doubtless to the particular cell in the tomb.-Whedon. This would be convincing verielence. 7. Go quickly -The resurrection did two things: 1, It waived the dead hopes of the disciples. It was a time of &awes and brought (1) joy, al vice:Ty, (3) faith. Only the feet of the retutreetion ean necount, for the marvelous eitange that came to them, by which they were Mad. with courage to suffer end die for their siee-n Lord. 2. The reaurreetion brought hope to hu- manity: (I) It brought the hope of im- mortal Bee beyond the grave. (2) It givee apoteraluse of our own temirreetion. with spiritual bodies like His glorious body. (3) Cellist is alive sod is time able to -make His promises good to ns; He is able to save matt the utternmet, easing He "ever liveth." (4) The tisen Meet is the remedy for every trouble, (it) The fear of death and the grexe ts mellowed. It Christ death has met its Moder, end the grave eel", no ismeeer esisim to be the victor. Tell Ni tisiesptes betted of anointing Him as deed they may rejoice His being alive from the deed. "Death hath 11.0 irtere tIcrridniett over Mtn!' Into Galilee-Aceoedmg to lIk pronelee in Matt xxvi. 22. lc'. Jesus eppeters to the women (ve. 8. With fear -Fear at what they haul sesta joy at Idea they had heard. - Wadi. S. =Tem* to -et Wet -Thai Was the osseend appearartee. The first appeer- irate was to Mary Magdelene (Mak rel. 9). It seems that wheo she told Peter eel Jolter of the etepty tow* they at onee rat to the sepore to see or elven- eeeme (Jobs xx. II -18). letter in the metratag Jesse met the other women Wiles herd grnle to tell the &eagles, -who were tyro)oohiy seettered and, easy &tee hole borne diameter away. Ali hart -- Illegally, Meer"; the Ors* eattabattos rot meeting *ad patting. Worshipped Heme-lity oa the ktwes lied lemen- keg Um gramil with the festetleetal. ka. SUM they see usav-Thi* pnblis enhotment was made fa order that Jesus (Luke xxiv. 53). At Paate's ding the Pharisees made the sepulebre secure, sealing the; stone and setting a watch (Matt, xxvii. 66). When the great stone wee rollea to the door of the sepul- chre the men went Away, but the Marys seemed to have lingered eaferk sg. 47, Luke xxiii. 55, 515. 11. lite aleseage. Au angel brings the message of joy. Angels sang at Christ's attveut. Angela ministered to hitu after his temptation. Angels strengthened hint in the garden of agony. They were never absent from his hour of need. except wIteu he bore our sins upon the tree. 5. Progress. "He ,goeth before you.. there shall ye see him" (v. 7). 'Josue had often told his dieciples of the fu- ture arul his life was always suggest. big his death, but they had net unaer. stood. They had read superficially the victories of las life being so occupied with their to -day, that his suggestions of to -morrow fed unheeded. Now • all is over, they turn instinctively to lavish their affections upon hina in his grave. Many- discinles are like this. They rest in a past experience, lavish time and af fection on its preservation and fail to go on and wail: in newness of life." III. The meeting. 1. Obeoience re- warded, "They departed quickly" (v.7). "Thou meetest him that rejoiceth and w5rketb righteousness" (Isa. 64: 5). Ev- erything in the Christian life bieges up- on obedience. Our ability to trust cor- respoeds with our willingness to obey (1 John, 3: 22). 2. Love encouraged. "They came and held him by the feet and worshipped him" (v. a), Christ's first Manifeatations of himself were in accordance with the great principles he had taught. Love was revealed to love. 3. Faith strengthened. "Then said Jesus unto them" (v. 10). The words of Jesus are the warrant of our faith. His first words after his resurrection are significant. They were (1) words o courage. "Be not afraid" (v. 10). An evangelist, preaching in a dangerous part of a wicked eity, 'was suddenly startled by a great excitement in the street. A crowd. had gathered abont the hotiee and were shouting in the Itst. inn language, "Death to the heretic." He knew that the cry meant butchery. Hu- manly speaking there was no deliver- ance. There was not even a spot in Nvhich to hide, His feeling was one of abject terror. As he tried to crowd himself into the little box evhich served as a pulpit, his little Bible fell open and his eyes rested upon tile words, "It is 1, be not afraid!' As suddenly as the fem. had come it departed. He rose calm and festrless. Just then two mon entered a narrow side door with drawn daggers. He supposed they had mime to end his life, but one of them said, "Don't be afraid! we are friends, fol- low us," and they led lam out through the crowd -which opened to let them pass. • 4 - THE RESOLUTE. INVESTIGATION INTO THE WRECK AT TORONTO. Toronto-, Dee. 3. -Commander Spain opened an investigation here this morn- ing into the wreck of the schooner Reso- lute off the Island. Capt. John Fahey, senior officer, St. Catharines, master of the Resolute since October hist, gave evi- dence to the effect that be did not think that life-saving apparatus on shore could have saved the crew owing to the sever- ity of the storm. Capt. John Sullivan testified that had there been enough water in the western gap the vessel could have got in. Ile had no idea the vessel was in such danger tilt twenty minutes before it foundered. Capt. Wm. Hall, deputy harbor master, and Mr. Haney, first niate, also testified.. The evidence went to show that the night was an ex- ware are moving briskly and dry geode trernely rough one, and it would levee . are even more Active. The boot and shoe been hard to Ileac prevented a wreck in trade is briek. each a gale. Vancouver and Victoria -The trade -situation here holds eteedy with a. good CHICAGO'S PRESIDENT. movemene in all lime of goods whole. gale and retell. Money is fairly free and all lines of goods are moving briskly al- though priees are etestdily adveneing. Quebec -Unseasonable weather it ro. tarding the mevemente of travellers in eountry parts and orders are not !aim- ing to hand so freely as anticipated. ITaiiiiltort.-There hits been Mille change in the trade situation there dur- ing the past week. The eorting trade is still it little quiet but epritig lateinees is Toed in all aireetione. Retail blade &in- hume to suffer freely teas effeete a tile street tar strike. Collections in most ages are fair to good. teuates thst value of farm products in the Lineal States At t6,794,000,000, whieh is 8483, - MAMA greater than A year ago. This year we are produciug pig iroa at the rate of 20,000.000 tone a year, or more time muglaud, ilermany and Preece comblued, and many of our steel. mine are sold. more than twelve uionth ahead. $teelt market eondittens lever moeerato fluctuetions. Large estruinge, tar - +arable Anginal reports and all coed news ap- pear to have been tutly discontinued. We may ;me occasional upward spurts. between uow and the clogs* of the year. .PrIdara rally being due to the. temporery .improve - Evidently felt it Was Not a Time to Stand on Ceremony. M:nes Open to Non -Union Men- , Equal Treatment Clause, Winnipeg, Dee. 2. -Word comes from went the money atuation.-lionre Olews, Illditillaphlia of the .settlement of the r strike at Lethbridge eoal mines and the MORE ARRESTS. !people of aasketchewan will now rocure a considerable measure of relief from the distreasing coal famine, It was a EIGHT POLICE AND SIX STRIKERS rether extreme move from isome points ARRAIGNED AT BUCKINGHAM. of view for a Deputy Minister of the Do- Lininion Government and. the Premier of Alex, McLaren in Ai%) Reld-Judge De- the great Province of Saskatchewan to ides Enough Evidence Subinitted stet:feel,: le of thousana mace to awitTutfa American woritioginen as Mayor is Acquitted and Aecuser to the reopening. of 9 40 Charged With Perjury. 'mine, but reflection will show the ma. I -a Canadian coal o 1.1 hesitation 0 se Buckingham, Que.,, despatch: The pre- aunt ,Was not OPPOrtlIne for 0 13 liminary hearing of Mr. Alexander Mae, liomrrnoe4diAneTauce4uerss: not proyfaionai 'basis o likei to secure o eo Laren, eight police, and six strikers, 'of settlement was reached on Monday 0 le 350 0 80 0 50 1, 00 800 660 725 600 900 10 00 10 00 Belleville. -At Weekly meeting of cheeee board held here to -day there were offered 688; 11 9.16c bid; 35 sold, balance refused. Board adjourned for season. Loudon. -To -day eases colored cheese were offered at the closing cheese market of the season, Bidding, 113 to 11%c; no sates. market win reopen first Saturday of May next year. New York,-Cheeee; quiet; unchanged; re- ceipts, 3,075. Eggs., strong; unchanged; re, ceipts 3.M. WINNIPEG WHEAT MA.RKET. At the Winnipeg option market to -day the following were the closing quotations; Dec. 72%0 bld, May 76Yao bid, July 7714c bid. KET. teaux. tshould meet at Lethbridge on receipt the Bruise For alleged manslaughter in the death of a wire from Indianapolis, and the 12e per 11),; of strikers Belanger and Therrault.--Mr. 'etrikine• miners will no doubt return to b. charged with manslaughter in causing lest. The coal company bad conceded the deaths of Deetctive Warner, Thomas an increase in wages amounting to prac- tically an extra ten per cent. all round. Belanger, and, Franecas Therlault, strik- , Definite xecogeition of the unioe was ers, the men killed in. the riot on Oct,. 8, ;absoletely refused, but the managerneut were practically concluded before Juuge ;unbent ea far as to diseu.ss terms for a Choauette. It was expected that the .hasis of settlement with the represeatta- hearmas would routine° for a day or :three of the United Mine Workers . of two longer, but six or seven of the as•kmerice. not iu the employpaent of the Crown'e witnesses failed to show up, and Judge Choquette decided that •esiough evidence bad been submitted and post- ponedthe formal commitnients. He, how- ever, ordered. the defendants to appear before him At Rull on Wednesday next, when ohe finishing touches will be put ou the hearings, Bail was renely, company, which was taken by the men as A moral recognition at least, The effect of the settlement leaves the mines open td non-union men. No doubt whatever the conditions at Sas- katehewan had a con.siderable effect in inducing oneessions from. the respective parties. General Manatee abeam% ed. stated that, with the strike ended, he The emu under (wrest are as fol. can increase the output, which is now lows: from 200 tens to 300 tons daily, up to For allegee manslaughter •in causing 600 thus within three weeks, and the the death of Detective F. W. Warner, output would than gradually increase to Oharette, Colbert Bostren, the normal winter level of one thousand Louis Landry, J. B. Clement, Adelard to one thousand two huedred tons daily. Hamelin. and, George Robinson -Oro It had been arranged that the men 1312ITISII CATTLE MAR London.-Canadlan cattle in markets are quoted at 110 to refrigerator beet, 8%c to 90 per 1 .Alex. Macloiren, Vice -President of the work on Monday morning, . It must James alacLaren Co.; Feank Kiernan, be .added that one further important Chief of Police of Buckingham; John C. point secured for the men by Mr. King Cu:settlings, bailiff, and Detectives .was the arrangement for a reference to Thompson, Scott, Delorme, Eangrem, arbitration ef &spites or grievances McManus, and Picard, of the:Thiel De- 'which prove impossible of adjustment teetive Service. , , by the ordinary routine of the mine. For alleged neglect of duty la not ,The basis of agreement does not con - reeding the Riot Act -Dr, Al•ex. Reder- 'cede the eight hour nem, coroner of Buckingham. -. Interesting events followed. one an- other in quick succession to -day. Mayor Vallilee was acquitted on a charge of negleetIllg his duty and Cyril Tounne gam,. aged 45, who testified against the Mayor, wee arrested and looked up on a oha,rge of perjury, Then Chief Mc- Caskill arrested Alex, MaeLeren, Kier - man, Oununings, and the Thiel men. Pleas of not guilty were entered in eaoh case. It is likely that there will be a spe, dal eitting of the Collet of Ring's Bench at Hull to try the sixteen. men. • - • .. WOOL MARKET. London. -The offerings at the wool auction sales to -day amounted to 12,349 bales, lnelurl. ing a large eelectIon of merinos. Competition was keen. Scoureds were in demand for France and the home trade. A large assort- ment et crossbreds sold well. Anierleans buy- ing superior grades. Prices allowed a hard- ened tendency, and greasy halthreds sold at the highest, of the series. LEADING WHEA.T MARKETS. May. July. 84% 83A 821/4, .. 80% 1014 17% 70 79ye One. New York „ • 80i4 Detr of t • „ . . . . Toledo ... St Louis ... 72% Alluneanolls • "• 7614 Bradstreet's Trade Review. Montreal -Milder weathe some litele eftect upon the trade nravement here during week. The retail trade is a and the sorting trade has slightly. The outlook for tip continues bright, orstere for continuing to come in well. T trade looks even more prom a. week ago. In some lines and fancy neckwear some targely over sold. Prices all very firm. Domestic znills f in keeping up with orders and some lines ef woollens. D foreign goods are also slow eery trade is very a.ctive an tinue so until the close of Canned fruits hold firm. Te very firm with the supp grade Japans running very I Me of the hardware trade similar condition•to that of t trade. Toronto -The fen:tine of -tr nes to be the firmness for lines of goods and there 6ee sign of an easing off in t in the near future. Taken as wholesale business of the over has been a very good o leetions have generally kept isfactorily. Groteries m and dried fruits and e,anned tinue to hold very firm. The hardware is still very brisk other lines, prices are ache( trade usual at this time o All lines of holiday trade promise well and Indeed the of opinion that in that rega be the biggest year in Ca.n history. Winnipeg -A touch of col, hue given a, welcome 21111 trade here and throughout t country. Tbe freight blocked is having a really terions trade. The grain movement account of the shortage in money is, therefore, a li amengst the farming eon= other feature is the fact th tremely difficult to get goo wholesalers and the retaile some lines, there is positi At the preeent moment it though the holiday trade m feeted in this way. Grocerie ✓ has had woolesale the past time quiet rotten off ring trade all lines, Ile holiday ising, than of jewelery houses are round are ind trouble for cottone eliveries of . The gro- d will eon - navigation. as are also ly of low ow.. the there is a he drygoods ade contin- almost all nis to be no Itis respect a whole the season. just ne and col - up very sat - eying well goods con- de.mand for , anti as in wholesale f the year. continue to re is no lack rd this -will adieu trade d weather y to retail he Western e, however, effect upon is slow on ears and ttle tighter unity. Am- id it is ex - de to the rs and, in ve eearcity. Make as ight be af- a and hard - Dr. atideon to be the Head of the Dig University. New 'York, Dee. 3. --The Herald this morning reports that Dr. Merry P. &edema, Acting President of the Uni- versity of Chicago, has the wapport of John D. Roekefeller for the Presideacy of the university in succession to the late Dr. William R. Harper. It is - said to be altogether likely that be n ill he elected when the trustees of ihe uni- versity hold their regular meeting in January. It is understood that shoithl Dr. Judson be chosen Mr. Roektfeiler will once 1110re make a munificent gift Tandem-L*0M tretle ht fairly Inlet; of money to the university. to which and manufsteturere there eontinue bitty. he has already *been so liberal. WG BAHOESII1PS. LARGER AND MORE POWERFUL THAN THE DREADNAIIGHt Peritmouth, Eng., Dee. 3, -The keel Odra of another Dreadsoght were laid The holiday' trede will he heavy' and the outlook for spring business is also good. Mime -The opening' of Perlistritent las given a spurt to retail trade. CLEW'S RAMAT. Owing to, 'flank:4+111g heiistere the approaeldtg esentog otmesses, the skeet market ban been more et left flasiedkre. Prot - idled Tiorcegratt's maize wessote win be welted with irenvelsi Intereet -order to aves here by Admiral Sir Archibald Thrtighin, hoist far Its flopporte nom* of the ilo-oelled iendenrien et the day: wad the die- thr ‹,0,11•Mitttider-ftt-ehief at Portsmouth, zotaltni of Conran Alf* %Von sia* facras* will be larpertast to tosertatt. Metier market oanditioas IteprOVed some - whet, Vends bete been returning Mere INAIY front the interior and bank offIchtla continue to rettert etuntervietive pelley trim mating at stens. Amalie the fleet of January 00.1. Sidereal. etringenty may be antIMpated. Ze the Inkunis of tura *tenth, howeeter. fends wolvdetwe tor dividend laid Intermit Will tette reterned to Hie bankts a t flex of mon wiener tree tire ltittlior telstrald also eerya to lftprott nut WO monetary this tuorrling. The new battleship will be larger and more powerfal than the firsit D'Machtreitseet. Istld an arm+ of the pre- iliattary stork has aimed).- been dose, it is exported that lier eosuitrnetion Will KryikTrati rapidly. Illops.11.111tAbr4T,j, °Label. hvadki,i1.4" rerreLprok,nttb* simp,likier.4.atioco;viefrornktreln by the crimpeny Ow a isseeneede la Gelb* NEW CATHEDRAL IMPOSING DEDIUTION TO -DAY AT RICHMOND, VA. Richmond, Va., Dee. 3. -With dedica- tory ceremonies participated in by the moat distinguished Catholice prelates in this country, the cathedral of the Site - red Heart, the gift of Mr. and Mrs•, Tho. ma F. Ryste, took itis place toehty ae one of the greatest institutions of its kind in the United. States and a mom, ment of the church in the south. Tbe ceremonies, beginning with the coneeeration at 6 o'cleek this morning and followed at 11 oalcolc by Pontifical higk mass, attract a large . crowd -to Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Ryan, came from New York to attend Cardinal Gib- bons, Apostolic Delegate Faleonio and many archbishops and biohops fromall parts of the United States were conspic- uous figures in the services and state and city officials were present. • v* HONORED BY SHAH. MR. C. II. STEINWAY GIVEN IMPER- IAL ORDER OF SUN AND LION, New York, Dee. 3.-A Finnan, isued by the Shah of Persia, just received by Charles H. Steinway, of Steinway & Sous, reads as follows: "Inconsideration of the friendship existing between the Covernmente of Persia and the United States, and in appreciatioh of the ser- vices rendered by Mr. Charles Hermann Steinway, I, Mozaffereddin, Shah of Per- sia, have commanded that the third class star of the Imperial Order of the Sun and the Lion be bestoNved upoti him, Month of Ramazan, in the year. 1324." Another honor recently conferred on Steinway & Sous is their appointment as manufacturers to the Court of Spain, making the sixteenth royal appointment conferred upon Steinway & Sons. BURNED TO DEATH. FEARFUL FAT Z or FOUR MEN AT A HOTEL FIRE. HAMILTON STREET favor of delivering a parcel to the sta,- tion await et Matcher, the other took the accountant's valise and suletituted for it another so like It that Mr. Mo - Arthur did not discover his loss till he reached inetcher, The bank will not lose anything, as it has A policy with Lloysle in London covering lust suelt ac.' etirrenees, The ingham Advance neo. Ran - Proprida The eapture of the thieves it; looked for, After their trick valise had been W opoolowsmarem given to Mr. McArthur they left the D 4 SURCERIS Wait at Buxton, and were last, seen (Tosaing the fields there. ACCOUCHEilit, • e1 01110*:-Iipstalre 10 the iltandossakli SWINDLED THE EMPEROR, Block. 0.•••••••••01 Austrian Monarch 'Held Up by Men CAR STRIKE SETTLED. Wearing False Beard& Budapest, Dee. 3. ---It is stated that while the Utoperor-Xing rranei$ JoskspIt .sres woJking early this morning bt tho garden- of the Italian here two emir - witty agedmen, who claimed to be vet- erans of the -war ,of 1848, %vested hini and told a pitiful tale of their tiletrcs.'*. Teir etery so anovea the Emperor's feelings that he weote an ceder for 1,200 kronen, ($:340) mut sent a f.eriltAt tp treasurer to fetch the money. The !men thereupon bolted. They were sne,se• pant/1y arrested and proved to be yquug men wearivg tale° grey beavdst They liatt uppamotly sealed the garden wale amine; the night and wetted foe thie Majesty,. hoping to meet MA on lone and karrituit j 0,J.01,0 os intimidateinto ban giving (From the Hanailton Indications this atternoon point. to definite settlement of the street rail- way trouble. The compauy's action in withdrawing non-union men ham the city system and the Hamilton and bun- das line has considerably lessened any chalice 'of a further hitch in the negoti- ations, and it is hoped that things will be in suck shape when the Ontario Rail- way Board meets to -morrow morning to continue the arbitration that nearly all the points will -have been eettled to the mutual .satisfaction of the company and The conciliatory spirit shown by Hon. .L M. Gibson, President of the Company, and W. D. Mahon, the International Pre- sident, after Saturday afternoon's con- ference was encouraging to Chairman Leitch and his colleagues and was taken as an indication that the trouble is over. In fact Colonel Gibson remarked that thetemight have been a peaceful settle- ment without a strike had both sides ehown a little more mutual forbearance. Both officials agreed that another con- ference 'arranged for to -day would prob- ably result in. a settlemenb of the sche- dule and other important points. The conference that was to have been held. this morning was postponed until this afternoon. It had been arranged that the meeting should take place at the City Hall at 10o'clock. President Mahon, Fred. Fay, President Theaker, J. MeIlwraith and J. A. Reeburn, of the Executive Committee, were on hand, but were notified that the company's repre- sentatives could nolt meet them before o'clock this afternoon. Me Mahon said there was nothing new in the situation. "We have made en- quiries," he. said, "and have not been able to find. any of the city men who are not working." When the union officials were asked about the Radial men they eaid nothing definite had been done yet, and it looked ae though the tompauy Nrae, going to sn east on the Reiter -ay Board. arbitrating that point. The ;withdrawal of two non-union creme on Seturday night undoubtedly prevented further trouble. Many peopte who found out what CAM the non-union men were on refused to aide, and, two of the inert quit when they found their ear was being leeyeatted. There wee dan- ger of tpeuble on etc Janice street north run, too when it was ascertained that one of the non-union crew& wae on duty there. It is sald that the union erew which took the OAT dewn on the next run lista to dislpay union cattle to eseape loing attacked. 40. • - HA Night calls answered g saw P. KENNEDY, Kay (Menther of the British Atedleal Associetten) COLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. Opeolal ettentiolinrgillseasest et waft* Owns Tionniz-X to I 7tatpoli, .4.••••,•.••••••••••••••••••••••••••,... DR. ROBT. C. REDMOND At Physician and Surgeon. (0111oe with Dr. Obishebni them- money, ADA., ro,a, • • •• Doctor of Dental Surgery of tbe rep. WOOD, 7OPER CORD, nsylvania Oollege and Licentiate el Dental Surgery of Ontario. Snow Blockade Causes Fuel Famine in Nevada. Moe ever Poet Offine-WINQU4311 Reno, Dee. 3. -Unless the fuel famine in Nevada is broken immediately auffer- ing and sickness and perhaps death will follow in the wake of the storm which, • BARRISTER AND soucmou R VANSTONE has raged for the past two days. Coal eannot be obtained in Goldfield Money to loan at loweatrateat ORA or Tonopah,- and wood is bringing ex- orbitant prices, as high as $70 per cord. REA.VER BLOCK, Ties and telephone poles are being burn. 746. ed. A trainload of wood is being rushed into Southern Nevado., alta the famine in Goldfiela and Tonopah, Will in all probability be relieved before many days, The fuel famine extends over the en- , tire State and even in this city coal can-' not be purehased. Woad can still be se- cured here, but only in small quantities, Es re Dieldnaen Sadler Helms and ab very high prices. 4** COBBLER OP COPENICK. GERMANY DESIGNS. Said to be Casting Longing Eyes Feria. 011i St. Louis, Dee. 3. -Pour men Were th.(),,Xew York, Dee. 3. -The Herald to. burned to death And probably has the folhoning cable despatch injured in a fire early to -day that pwrneree- ef44extna,Tlit,etirosenn: isProttoIrielleaaninskeoli,l's) lit..vtiw- tically destroyed the Lighthouse conducted by the Salvation Array at the northwest tomer of Ninth and Mare ket 'streets. More then 200 men were asleep in the building when the fire was discover- ed, the greater number being on the eecond and third floors!. All beratue panic stilt -ken, and before the firemen arrived end could stretch nets many had jumped from the upper windows and were pick- ed up eruishad and unconscioue oh the street below. The fonr dead lutve not beenidentified as their bodies were too much burned. -4se • MR. C. M. HAYS CONVICTED. Evidence Heard in the Per:nye-Mile Case Saturday, Termite. Dec. 3.--Idir. Chtrles M. Dam Gamma Manager of the Grand Trunk Rail - era, was teelageally convicted In the Pollest Court ell Saturday at felling to provide third-clare tste *non vat railroad In totettlos. The ease: wee 0410r:zed Indefinitely ter sou - lenge In order to fled What the Coat& of Aimee will steatite avert the stated cm*. Same eviskettee wee beard. The dircetars 04 t1 Chue National fienk &eel:trod on Monday a dividend of 400 per eent., payable to the storkhold- era of mord on St. Andrew's Day. *bah alive for It year, .perimps three yeatg. whesede if lie had uet be.sn called ikatll wouhl have takkn place in a forteight. Other deet3rs tog:Painted with tie aisc fl1140i14 regarding l'io- fatr Wrist fuluaa, whiah they cottkitt2r not justifiable. Die;.oatatiete ere wet:denim; whether (lemma:11y is not about te anake a grand coup. ' DICKINSON & HOLMES Butter; Solicitor; Ito. :ilk Office: Meyer Elea Winghsam. TOO CLEVER TO BE FREE. Thieve:: Got Sr,soo by Using Trick Valise at Tilbury. Tilbury, Dee. 3. --Mr. McArthur, the neroentant of the Sovereign Bank here, was robbed of a valiiie containing $1,300 in ItiOney and n numher of drafts pay- ment tf vvhieh rens promptly etopped, white on his way by trnin tabs morn- ing to the Fletcher mileoffiee of the bank. The robbery was cambia), planned by two wellknown Detroit thievies, vale had eomelmw learned thet Mr. Me - Arthur makes three trips a week to Ileteher, carrying money and papers in valise for nee there. The thivps- ct tke train Jere, and entered into ronversation with Mr, McArthur, and while ore asked hlfot to 430- tlwas the Ile Was Sentenced to Four Years in J. A. MORTON ISARRISTER AND. SOLICITOR. Prison. MONEY TO LOAN. Berlin, Dec, 3. -The 'trial took place office :_morton Block, winos., to -day of Wilhelm Voight, rendered fam- ous in Gerraany as "Captain Von Coep- enick," owing to his bold robbery of the treasury of Coepenick and the arrest of the burgomaster of that town Octo- ber 16 with the assistance of a num- tier of soldiers who had been imposed upon by Voight There -was great pressure to obtain admission to the court room, application for tickets bar- ing. been received from all over Ger- many and even from foreign countries. Voight was sentenced to four years' improvement and costs. The indictment included four counts, namely, aggravat. • \\TEL LINGTON MUTUAL " FIRE INS. CO, /6sta.leinhed 1840. Bead 001sze GUELPH, oNT. Rieke taken on all clamps of beetteable pee pert, on the dash or premium not* eyetele. lessee GoLnik, Clue. DAirinaOst, President. fieomeary. JOHN RITCHIE, &GANT. ONT ed forgery, publicly depriviug another of liberty, fraud end wearing a military uniform without authority. ' HE HAD THE HABIT. 131oom Wanted to Marry Every Good - Looking Woman He Saw. Montreal, Dec. 3. -Louis Bloom or Swartz, was yesterday found guilty of bigamy, Bloom is the men who had a wife, Ethel Levic, in Erie, Pa. He de- serted her, and reamed a Montreal wo-e man, Ethel Schneider, shortly after his arrival here. He said to Judge La- fontaine: "When I see a gootalooking woman, I want to marry her; 1 can't help it." In passing sentence of one year in prison, the Judge remarked to Bloom: "Your first wife does not want to live with you; your second wife cannot be allowed to live with you, and the beat thing for you is to putt you out of the Way for a year." • -4404-41.- NEWFOUNDLAND FISHERIES. Ambassador Reid Says Trouble Will Be Satisfactorily Settled Soon. 'London, Dec. 3.-Lliited States Am. bassador Whitelaw Reid at the Thanks- giving Day banquet last night said the United States were in absolutely friend- ly relations with all tbe world, including Newfoundland, and nowhere was the gallant little colony more respected and admired than in the United States. 73e - fore another season earne round there would be good feeling ,enough and love for fair (telling enough at both ends to reaeli a settlement which should make an end to the fisheries matter for- ever. ▪ th • o WHERE THE JONES SANK... Captain Rumley Thinks He Has- Found the Spot. Owen Sound despatch: The tug Sand- ford is still searehing around the Cli tian Wands for the bodies from the wrecked steamer Jones, but without bie- wes so far. -Capt. Rumloy of the tug Glalstone, who came over the mute to.deer front Lion's Head to Owen. Sound, pas41.1 o'er r and located a spot three Mika from Cape Croker and a quarter of a mile off ehore itt aboatt 70 feet of weter, Where he thinks the Jones sank. He noticed oil on the water and trased it to where it, eame bubbling up. Tho Jones took on a considerable cargo of oil from Isere on the ill-fated trip. TWENTY YEARS' TERM. Sentence of Robert Walker, Who Shat a Detective at Montreal, Montreal, Dec. 3. -Robert Walker, a young criminal yet in his 'teens, who shot and seriously wounded Detective Lehuquet a few weeks ago, when Ii was surprised robbing the Stake hardware premisee, on St. Paul street, was sentenced to twenty. years in the pod- tentiary to -day. Virisile Walker was using his grin, Detective O'Keefe, who was with the other detective. felled Walker With An CO handle, and both had to be taken to the hospital. Walker le a youhg, but hatiened criminal. CHARGED WITH ARSON. John Snowdon Suspected of Setting Vire to lat Jacolne House. Brantford despatch: John Snowden was arrested last night by °minty Con- stable Kerr, eltarged with setting fire to a house belonging to Ida Jaen* an In- dian woman, on the retatare. It appears that Snowdon Is a white matt, who knAl been residing with the Jacobs family for mom* tinte. A row mewed in the house and Rttowdon drove the Wonsan and her ehildrort from the place, mut was left in ooestessiou. Yotm*y morning the: hottest W68 found to he on fir, end istfore etf- fretted atefitriestreis Woe et liartd everythitog t• that itioxio we So YEARS* EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS Destoiss COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description mar I f!titCtt-iCr 411 ltagrAtrytinitigIvrttPateigra00Ponm'nyarti sent free. Oldest a eney tor securing pat5ttta. Patents taken t rough Atunt & . retelve opeekfinetke, without charge, /lithe $deittific A handsomely Illustrated rrealy. Largest Mr - common of any scientific journal. .perois, $8 a ear; four months, El. Boidby am newsdealer& MUNN & CeA36113r"dwaY. New York . Branch Washington. re. 0. Write for our interesting books"' Invents or's Help" an "Row you are swindled." Send us a MO sketch or model of your in- vention or i mprovement and we will tell you free our opinion as to whether it is probably patentable. Rejected applicationshave often latest successfully prosecuted by us. We conduct fully equipped offices in Montreal and Washington; this qualifies us to prolate- ly dispatch work and quickly secure palenta as brosd as the invention. Highest referencia furnished. Patents procured through Marion & /Ma- orioenrIwn reeeivtowssppracpetairrtIce without charge in vDominion. distribuwd throughont the Specialty ..-Patent business sof Manufai, hirers anti Engineers. MARION & MA.RION Patent Expert:4 and Solicitors. office,: 1 New York Life Trld'g, Nontreal ,. t Atlantic BLIVYashingten D.D. .1.1.0110•••••••••111•1.0•14. RUNAWAY TRAIN. CRASHED INTO A GANG OF MEN LOADING A MACHINE. I -- Killed Two and Injured Four Others, Three of Whom May Die -Result of ; a Collision in Broad Daylight 011 a I Straight Traele in Winnipeg Yards. Winnipeg, Dee, 3. - An extraordin- ary reilroad accident eceurred in .the C. N. It. yards thie afternoon, When one ; locomotive was hi collision twice within / a few teconds, causing the death of two, linen and serious, injuries to at Falai Ifour others, three of whom are net ex- pected to The &eel are: W. Neil 0.14 M. Mud - I love two worktuen, who Wor•k; essieting; It! _loading 8 pcat fuel timeline at the soding. A light englire WAS muntang• out to the weet *yards when tlic North- ern Pacific exinassi from tle •!=,••••-ii about due. The engineer on the laid Socemotive endeseeoriali to Meek UM deetinetion ix -fore the ateeeier rived, but his action Testi:de1 on,y in a head-on collicion with the incoming ex- press on a etritiffht, open st.retch et tie,* in broad evlieht. all of which tended to nuilte the urea:int apparently inexcestaite, Beth engineers, when seeing the. car - %V10 inevitAble„ reversal their en- gines. The yard engine was tramehed and derailed; the one on the expreae brio re-petaled, pueled eieer of the n reek, end, without a, erew, alerted to PtJant back into the eIty yards 1st a fair reseed. Noth- ing mold be done t,) check it, am!, 0411 fortunately, it took an open +-Alta. caul orashed into a train of Mending freight outs, which were being lona& at a 9.1.1. A gang of nthtl, who wer,‘ w.b.king mental the great peat tooel.m,, mien Us e *are telescope!, were emeit. m tho wrockage. end two killed Rini fuer 10- 5it'll5d• Ors feleserseer of tee eeereet. lat. Patti lady. watt slightly injured who11 the filet p4t. orwriel.