HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1906-11-29, Page 5THE WINGHAM ADVANCE — THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1906 THEKING I30RSALINOIIATS Crodor �o and If that to put that a bit to3'•^ rforget Ys ing ing business the fact of the any other That styles, fit, the 1tcllif;ent 1 1 to the the amount. v-,.r-r.rHfo..1! HA'T..... l �a r Overcoats s ••M•N•!►14tt••••l•111111111111 ...... *;3 50 $;3,5') .: Ten a r N ee 4. y1 A'y' .. .. .'.. i ..:... :, _m.,..., n •, � F 4• you have the idea Me. Boyer, because $10.0() is all you care into a Snit o1' Os' colt, s. s�v� y •'' r. s you'll have to take something • 'k xl }4y lacking in style we want t t big (, ..cr... r i . This )' Cloth- 'n to h- 6 t owes its existence to M :y that it takes better care man with this amount than ���� brute can or cares to clo, ;; F .et it ;.g,ivv, hint the saute smart phi ` -Y the same high stan(llud of same painstaking and in -`k" y z attention, that it gives loan who spends double e „ .. y y�.47 v u • ! }Nt y W h Overcoats. ' 0.'.'Y.2 {,a�Yx; .„iQ„ Judge the variety when we = y say that at $10.00 we show in > < Black alone, 4 distinct styles and s' s? cloths. Fancy stripe and over- v¢> t S' check effects in •h'- � < e fi; this season's now Y est patterns and shades. All are risk ; .. �.. made with splendid broad shout- o: a _ ders and perfect -fitting collar and tt3?Tol ui�•� lapels at these three $10.00,prices—arinND $ 12.50 . $13.50. COMIGIlTeD e 7 fle:•7Wf le,'1(ais05 Suitsyy • A magnificent range of the newest fancy pat- 1 ✓ L l ita5 ternsin hard-wearing English Worsteds and ! Scotch Tweeds, blues and blacks, etc., single or 4 double breasted styles, all splendidly tailored and high-class trim- 1 mings, unmatchable values at $10.00 and $12.50 3 We are sole agents for 20th Century Clothes, the best made 4 in Canada. iBOYS' OVERCOATS AND SUITS AT BARGAIN PRICES. O44 Men's Coon Coats, Calf Coats, Dogskin Coats, j Wombat Coats, Fur -lined Coats, Fut' Caps, etc. • MEN'S FURNISHINGS FOR XMAS.—We have just received a ar la ran a of Men's Ties, Mufflers, Gloves, Shirts, etc. Com- amencing December 1st, store open every evening till 10 o'clock. 4 — a Z i ..��.&uua�ILaA�1.at.0.Aaaasun TABLE NO. 1—Fancy Plaid Dress Goods 11 1111 CroWder 0011 1 .n,�4\s�1bildes&•a®&sssnsewsai sw al ro From DesKl'o Desk • 0 PRIVATE MANAGER P qt: !:`moi is only another way of saying " Ambition. " We all are ambitious—we all want to reach the top, but if the first few rungs in the Ladder of success are missing, it's pretty hard to get a foothold, isn't it ? Begin right and attend the FOREST CITY BUSINESS & SHORTHAND COLLEGE. Nothing is taught that is not needed in business life: The rungs are all in one ladder, and when you graduate you stand alone on a firm foundation. Business and Shorthand work our specialty. 'Write for our catalogue ; it's free. School term : September till June, inclusive. Forest City Business College J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal. V. M.0.11. Bldg., London. " There aro ' Maple Leaf' Rub - bore to fit all stzoe and shapes of men's, women's and childron's shoes.'—Wireless from "the old woman who lived in a shoe." Fit neatly, snugly and accurately, too. Leave no openings for the water to sneak in at the sides. Get a pair and keep your feet dry. Maple Lea ubber For sale by G. B. GREEN, +`N, WINGI1A.M, Turnberry. (Imm it met in the C'lerk's oftii'e, 131UeviLle, on Nov, 10th, Member's all present; the peeve in the chair. ',i'he minutes of Itelt streeting lead and adopted. The report of thaTp. Engineer on 12th con, MUnieiplLl drain was land be- fore the Council which shows that the contractors had done their work well, np to a point on lot 19 which was not completed and on account of heavy flow of water might be laid over for some time. McMichael--Ref.ltorford ---That the. Engineer's report be adopted and fllod --carried. A petition was laid before the Conn- ell asking for the Township Engineer to be brought .on to survey, snake pro- files and assessments of a proposed drain through lots 7, 8 and 9 in the 8th O es i o sten nc andlots 7 and nd 8 in the 9th concession, signed by five of the own- ers of the said lots. McMichael—Moffatt-•-That the pray- er of the petition be granted L 1 that the Clerkbe instructed to notify the Tp. Engineer to come here and make surveys, plans and award of the pro- posed, drain—carried. Thomas P. James, Esq., applied to Council to have the outlet from his drain on lot 19, con. 12, cleared out to the connection of Bryce drain, Ac- tion deferred until next meeting of Council. A communication from the inspec- tor of prisons and public charities, was laid before Council, re patients in the different asylums from this muni- cipality that do not contribute the sunt $1.40 per week and stating that ten cents per day for each patient will be charged to the municipality from the lst day of January, 1000. Moffatt—Kelly —That inquiries be made into this matter both as to resi- dence and payments, and report at next meeting of Council—carried, A communication from the western municipalities power union re applica- tions for electric power was read. The following accounts were passed and cheques issued :—John Musgrove, Board of Health, $4 ; \Vin. 13, Cruik- shank, Board of Health, $4 ; Jno. Bur- gess, Secretary Board of Health, $6 ; Angus McKinnon, gravelling, $91.92; Jas. Kirton, repairing culvert, $1 ; Jos. Walker, repairing culvert, $1 ; David Holmes, inspecting gravelling, $1.50; Jas. J. Scott, repairing culvert, $3.50 ; Jas. Porter, repairing culvert gravel road, $10 ; Duff & Stewart, lumber, $18.05 ; Dnff & Stewart, 12th con. drain, $560 ; Paul Powell, salary, $50 ; John Tervitt, inspecting gravelling, $2.25 ; Janes Elliott, fees Board of Health, $4; Chris. Jobb fees Board of Health. $4 ; SVm. F. 'Smith, sanitary inspector, $2 ; Robt. Yeo, inspecting gravelling, $6 ; Peter McLaren, ex- penses to Goderich, $5 ; Saml. Van - stone, gravel, $2.61 ; Wm. Riley, gra- velling, $60 ; Robt. Popher, gravelling, $10 ; A. Messer, filling approach Mor- ris boundary, $9; Jas. Porter, repair- ing road machine, $1 ; A. Currie, ac- count, gravel, township share, $6.19. Council adjourned to meet in the Clerk's office, Blnevale, Saturday, Dec. 15th, at 10 o'clock a.m. John Burgess, Clerk. Mothers, Isere it is I A friend and comfdrter, an unceas- ing aid in every house for the hund- red and one ailments that clo turn up. Nerviline is too valuable to be with- out. If some thing eaten causes trou- ble, if it's cramps, indigestion or head- ache, Nerviline cures, For cold on the chest, aching limbs or lame back rub on Nerviline and get ease at once. As a family safe -guard nothing is known to excel Poison's Nerviline. Get the large 25c bottle from your dealer. H. Brown, Bag and Metal Co., buy- ing all kinds of bides, wool and pick- ings, rubber, copper, and feathers of all kinds. Highest price in cash ; if brought to honse, five cents a hundred extra; 50c a 100, cash, for old iron. East Wawanosh. The Council inet on Nov. 15th, pur- suant to adjournment. Members all present. 'Minutes of regular and spe- ctal.tneetings read and passed. Reeve and Councillors reported that in accordance with arrangements made at special meeting, they met and had inspected the area of ground in East Wawanosh, as assessed by the township engineer, to aid in construct- ing branches to connect with the Kelly and Ellison ditches or drains in Mor- ris. After inspection, they could not see why part of lot 40, and W} lot 41, con. 5, were brought into this assess- ment at all. The Clerk was instructed to write the Engineer and ask him to appear on said premises as soon as possible and make explanations, and to notify Reeve Ellis when he would be there so that he could go over the ground with him. Court of Revision again postponed in the meantime. Petition of Wm. Watson, D, Sproat, Robt. Owens, Dan'I Geddes and W. K. Whaley, praying the Council to take immediate action for the fortnation of a new union school section in Bel - grave, and to appoint an arbitrator to actin this matter. Ex -Reeve M. Lockhart was appoint- ed arbitrator on behalf of the town ship of East Wawanosh. Anonymous communication receiv- ed, claiming $100 damages from Coun- cil for failure of Engineer to attend to his business in the township in a regu- lar and proper manner when called upon to do so—filed. Treasurer reported cash on hand, $80.58. By-law No. 13, 1006, appointing place of nomination, places of election and deputy -returning officers for next en- suing municipal election, duly read and passed. Accounts received and ordered to be paid as follows :--W. Birkett, gra- veiling, $21.75 ; McKinnon Bros., gra- velling, $47.40, $40.25 and $26.70 ; T. I3. Taylor, lumber, $14.40 ; W. Dobie, gravel, $6.37 ; G. Daley, gravel, $1.24 ; W 'V. Fitzgerald, gravel, $3.01; .Tames Young, gravelling, eon. 11, $23; G, W. Proctor, gravel, 67c ; W. Nethery, gravel, $1.68; W. Keehne. gravel, 28e; Jas. Tnnney, gravel, $3.85, and draw- ing tile, $1,50 ; Jas. Redmond, gravel- ling, $33.58 ; R. 'Tanney, inspecting, $3.37 , J. Rogers, digging outlet, $3.50; Jno. Cook, digging outlet, $2; Wm, Rogers, tile, 400 ; .1, Geddes, posts and plank, $5.80 ; W. Pardon, gravel, 70c, also plank and repairs to culvert, 85; Alex. Porterfield, repairing culvert, 50e; H. B. Elliott, 25 copies drain by. laws, $16. Connell adjourned till Dec. 15th. 1', Porterfield, Clerk. Thorns in The Mesh, I+;von worse is the agony of corns. Why suffer -=cure is waiting in every drug store in the form of Putlrlatl s Corn E:ctractor which relieves at once, clues thoroughly and without pain, For good results use only "Pui'lrai4;i'6," Clinton. Mr, 1). Cariteion has finished ;nodi• er season's paeking of apples and will this week complete the shipping. He bought :350,)0 barrels of winch he xe- tains only 7,000 wilielr are in storage at Toronto. The Sovereign Bank will hove into its new ppremises this week, though the exterior is not all completed yet, A marble pillar, on its way here trona Quebec, willreplace the (n eo of bricks standing t the corner. Owing to the large attendance at the Clinton Business College, the pro- gressive management have found. it necessary to get larger apartments fitted up. An additional teacher Mies Rosa IicNee of London, who is a Gold Medalist, arrived in town last week and is in charge of the. Stenographic Department. A traveller, who was a guest of the Normandie, met with what might have been a very serious accident last week, He was making for the dining - room but got turned in the wrong direction and opened instead the door to the trunk platform from -which he fell to the street beneath, a drop of about ten feet. Ile fell upon his face which was considerably dis- figured and he was rendered partially unconscious. } Your stomach churns and digests the food you eat and if foul, or torpid, or out of order, your whole system suffers from blood poison, Flollister's Rocky Mountain Tea keeps yon well. 35 cents Tea or Tablets, Ask your druggist. Notice To Creditors. In the matter of the Estate of James Gri of the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron, Yeoman, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the R. S. 0. Chap. 129, that all porsons having claims against the estate of the said James Grigg, who died on the Twenty.eighth day of October, 1900, aro required on or before the Fourteenth day of December, 1906, to file with Wm. IIopper, farmer, or Wm. seyoeithtfithe ur gnd, astatemnt Executors. of their claims, and of all the security held by them (if any) and that after the said date, the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated at Wingham this 14th day of No. veniber, A. D. 1906. DUDLEY HOLMES, Solicitor of Executors. Notice To Creditors. In the matter of the Estate of Thomas Joynt of West Wawanosh, in the County of Huron, Farmer, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0.. Chapter 129, that all porsons having claims against the estate of the said Thos. Joynt, who died on the Eighteenth day of May, 1906, are required on or before the First day of December, 1900. to file with Adeline Joynt, the Executrix, or the under- signed, a statement, with full particulars of their claims, and of all the security held by them (if any) and that after the said date, the said Executrix will proceed to distribute the assets among the persons entitled there- to. having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have notice. Dated at Wingham this 2nd day of No- vember, A. D. 1900. DUDLEY HOLMES, Solicitor for Executrix. Notice To Creditors. In the matter of the Estate of Christina McDonald of tho Village of Lucknow, in the County of Bruce, Spinster, Deceased. NOTICE iq hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0. 1897, Chap. 129, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said Christina McDonald, who died on or about the Thirtieth day of July A. D. 1903, are required on or before the Fifteenth day of December, A. D. 1900, to send by post pre- paid to the undersigned Solicitor for the Executor, their ohristian and surnames, ad- dresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature of the security (if any) held by them. And further take notice that after the said last mentioned date, the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which ho shall Hien have notice, and that the Executor will not be liable for the said assets or for any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by him at the time of such distri- bution. Dated the 15th day of November, A. D. 1906. DUDLEY HOLMES, Solicitor for Executor. Notice To Creditors. In the matter of the Estate of Clayton Alfred Grisdalc, late of the Town of Wing - ham, in the County of Huron, Mechanic, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0. 1897, Chap. 129, that all persons having claims against the estate of the said. Clayton Alfred Grisdale, who died on or about the 19th day of August, 1906, are required on or before the 19111 day of December, 1906, to send by post prepaid or deliver to J. A. Morton, of the Town of Wingham, Solicitor for Mary Grisdale, the administratrix of the said de- ceased, their Christian and surnames, addres. ses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, the statements of their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them, and that after the said last men- tioned date the said Mary Grisdale will pro. ceed to distribute the assets of the deceased amongthe parties entitled thereto, having regaronly to the claims of which ho shall then have notice. Dated this 16th day of November, A. D. 1906. J. A. MORTON, Solicitor for the Administratrix. HIS WIFE'S LUNGS BOTH AFFECTED But the Great Consumptive Preven- tative brought Health and Happi- ness to his Home " Our doctor said there was no cure for my wife as both her lungs were affected,' says Mr. L. H. Walter, of Pearl Street, Brockville, Ont. "It was a sad disap- pointment to us both, just starting out in life, only married a short time. But before she had finished the first bottle of Psychine the pain in her lungs quickly went away, and after taking six bottles Mrs. Walter was a new creature and perfectly well again." That is just one of the many families into which Psycbino has brought hope, health and happiness. It is a living proof that Psychine cures Consumption. But don't wait for Consumption. Cure your LaGrippe, your Cough, your Bronchitis, your Catarrh, or your Pneumonia, with the remedy that never fails-- PSYCHINE (Pronounced Si -'keen) 50c. Per Bottle 11.110Ver 10444 *1 and s2:—A11 druggists. DK 'T AW SLOCUM, Limit.do Toronto. WINGHAM Flour Mills. We're often asked by fanners, which is better, to get wheat gristed or -buy or? Gr'sti • cheapest; flour? r ng 1s t the p st, you save from 25o to 25e on each bag of flour, and then you will get our flour, which is the best. Our chopper is running again, and can chop from, 4000 to 6000 lbs, an hour, so there will bo no waiting to o get your chop done. PRICE LIST : Five Lilies Flour,bbl,..$2.10 to $2.30 Prairie Rose Floor, bbl.. 2.00 to 2.20 Star Flour, r,per , bbl.... d.04 to w.1 G Cream Pastry Flour 1.80 to 2.05 Low Grade Flour, ton..; 26.00 to 27.00 Bran, por ton 17.00 to 18 00 Shorts, per ton. 18.00 to 20,00 Screenings, per ton 18.00 to 20,00 Chop, per ton 20.00 to 25.00 Winter Wheat, per bush.... 680 to '70c Goose Wheat, por bush 60c to 62o Manitoba Wheat, per bush75e to 85e Goods delivered promptly to any part of the town. HOWSON, HARVEY & BROCKLEBANK. COAL !I • We are sole agents for the celebrated Scranton Coal, which has no equal. Also the best grades of Smithing, Cannel and Do- mestic Coal and Wood of all kinds, always on hand. We carry a full stock of Lumber (dressed or undres- sed), Shingles, Lath, Cedar Posts, Barrels, etc. Highest Price Paid for all kinds of Logs. Residence Phone, No. 55 Office " No. 61 I41i11 " No.44 J. A. McLean THE LEADING STORE Bigct Pr!oo si STILL GOING C 1NG Obi. We've satisfied hundreds ©f customers with "BIG VALUE GIVING" since this Sale began, and there's no' 1 casco why every visitor will not go away well pleased with value received. We sell what we ad- vertise, and live up to every promise we make. Tables of Bargains. TABLE NO. 1—Fancy Plaid Dress Goods 5c TABLE NO. 2—Boys' heavy i nes Underwear 35c TABLE NO. 3—Ribbons, all colors, plain or fancy. 15e TABLE NO. 4—Wide Neck Ribbons, reg. 25c, for.. 20c TABLE NO. 5—Flannelette Blankets, nice size.... 75c TABLE NO. 6—Heavy Ribbed Seamless Hose, reg- ular price 350, for . 25c TABLE NO. 7—Mill Ends Factory Cotton, value 7c 10e to 12i -c, for TABLE NO. 8—Ladies' Vests, reg. 25e, to clear... 20c TABLE NO. 9—Wide Flannelette, fast colors 5c TABLE NO. 10—Ladies' Fancy Silk Ties, worth Thirty-five cents, for 25c ClothiLARGE STOCK of the best makes ng CLOTHING on second floor. We dollars' of save of you money on every worth Clothing bought here. The right style and fit guaranteed. See our Suits and Overcoats at $6.00—big value ; Overalls, 750 Smocks, 75c ; Pants, $1,25 ; Boys' Reefers only 32.00. ; - WANTED — Large quantities of Butter, Farmers Eggs, Dried Apples, Potatoes, Poultry. We the Highest for Dry pay price picked Fowl. Bring your produce here. Agents for New Idea Patterns. Price 10 cents. only I1. E. ISARD Sc. CO._____ �m�mmmmmmmmim�mm�mm as. Is Corning. I NNE Di What will I get my friend for Christmas ? You do not need to worry over this perplexing question, for W. G. PATTERSON has something to suit everybody. Never before has there been in Wing - ham, or in any town of its size, such a large stock of the latest and best Jewelry and Christmas Goods of all kinds ; we want the people of Wingham and surrounding country to call and be convinced of this fact. There'll be no need to send to the city for goods after seeing our stock ; we will sell our high -Mass goods for less money than you can buy them in the city. Ladies' and Gents' Gold and Silver Watches of all the best makes and newest designs. The largest stock north of Toronto to choose from. Rings, all prices, in all designs ; nothing makes a better gift. Diamond Rings from $10.00 to $250.00 Solid Gold Neck Chains from $5.00 to $50.00 Our line of Gold-filled Neck Chains run from. $1.25 to $12.00 Solid Gold Brooches run from $3.00 to $50.00 A large line of Gold-filled Brooches from 50c to $10.00 Solid Gold Cuff Buttons from $3.00 to $6.00 Solid Gold Gents' Tie Pins from $2.00 to $15.00 A. splendid line of Silverware, and also Novelties of all kinds. We have a line of fine Leather Goods which will make handsome Christmas Gifts. In short, we have everything that you could wish for to make acceptable gifts. Come early and make your choice, for our goods are selling. W. C. Patterson The Great Watch Doctor WINGHAM as* ,s*