HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1906-11-29, Page 1The Wingham Adv
34TU YE.Rf NO. 14.
$1.00 PER
Church 'Ifle v
Rev. T. S, ;Boyle officiated at St
Paul's Cathedral, London, last Sun-
day, Mr. Cr. B. Cox, B. A.,, of Huron
College, supplying the services hare.
Miss Ann Owen, the oldest Sunday
school teacher in Great Britain, died
recently at Warwick, in cousequence
of a fall which fractured her leg,
about as month ago. She was In her
ninety-fifth year, and had taught re-
gularly at the local Congregation
SttgdaVy school for the last eighty-two
The Baptist church will hold their
anniversary services next Lord's Day.
The pastor will preach in the morning
on "The purpose of the church's exist-
ence;" in the evening on "Our motto
for the coining year." Special
music will be provided. Yon are in-
vited to be present and enjoy these
Next Sunday morning in Wingham
Methodist church, the classes will be
withdrawn and the monthly fellow-
ship service will be held at 9.30 a, in.
At 11 a. m., Rev. W. G. Howson will
preach on "Altar fires that never die
out," and at 7 pan., on "On the trail,
with the detectives." All are cordial-
ly invited to these services..
The anniversary services of Wing -
ham Methodist Church will be held
on Sunday. December Oth. Rev. J. E.
Starr, of Toronto, will preach at 11
n. m, and 7 p. no; collections in aid of
'eustee Board requirements. On the
fallowing Monday evening the Ladies'
.Aid will hold their ;tunnel teainet:ting
in the lecture room ; tea served from.
5 to 8 o'clock. A program will follow
-Rev. J. E. Starr and Rev. Mr. Joliffe
of Clinton will give addresses; Miss
Joynt of Lucknow and Miss Brock of
Wingham are expected to recite ;
music by the choir, solos, etc., will
complete an interesting program.
At the celebration of Rev. Dr. Mc-
Mullen's jubilee in Woodstock, Rev.
Father Cook, of St. Mary's Roman
Catholic church had a seat on the
platform, and was one of the speakers.
In the course of his aaddress, Father
Cook said that Dr. McMullenhad
preached the broad doctrine of the
cross and the spirit of Christ. He
said: "We hope that as the Lord has
blessed him in the ministry He will
bless him now ; when he goes to his
Father may his departure be a
glorious sunset. Ile has heen an ex-
ample for all to follow, and his life
has been a benediction. He has labor -
sad With en eye single to the Master's
service." This was a generous tribute
to a Protestant minister, and express-
ed exactly the relation that ought to
prevail between the clergy of
the Catholic and the Protestaut
The Local Markets,
Wheat, 08 to 70c; oats, 33 to 3tc,•
flour, $2 to $2.70; butter, 20c; eggs,
Loc • chickens,: Scpti lb. • geese, So
ducks, 10C; Wilsey, 120 to 15c , li.vo
hogs, $6 to $0.10; hay, $10 a ton;
wood, $2.50 to $2.75; coal, $7.20. Fall
report of Tuesday Toronto markets on
page 2,
Death Of Mrs, Milne.
After AD illness of several months
from consumption, Mrs, Chas, Milne
passed away early on Satnday thorn-
ing. Her maiden suttee wee Elizabeth -
M. Scott and she formerly resided in
East Wawanosh, The funeral took
place on Tuesday affternoon, the ser-
vice being conducted by Rev, W, G.
By A Big Majority.
"On Tuesday, Nov. Oth, the State
elections of Washington were held
and J. Winchester Callicotte, Repub-
lican candidate for County Proseeut•
ing Attorney, was elected by a inajori-
ty of • two hundred votes over the
Democratic candidate. Mr. Callicotte
now holds the offices of Clerk and City
Attorney of Prosser, Wash„ as well
as being Prosecuting Attorney of the
county." This refers to the husband
of Miss Marie Cornyn, formerly of
Juni ARarrzD: New Hand -sleighs,
at the "Big Book" Store ; 25c each
and upwards. -R. M. Fisher.
Married In Manitoba.
Miss Alice Hawking (formerly of
Wingham) was married on October
24th, at the residence' of her brother,
Mr. John Hawking, Ninga, Man., to
Mr. Peter Johnston of Winnipeg.
The bride was handsomely gowned in
'white silk. After the ceremony, fifty
guests enjoyed the rich wedding ban-
quet; then Mr. Geo. Robinson pro-
posed the toast of "the bride," referr-
ing to the high esteem in which she
was held in church and social circles.
Among the array of wedding gifts
was a well-filled purse from Mr. John
Hawking. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston
will reside in Buchanan, Sask.
County Council.
The session of the County Council
which convenes next Tnesday will be
the last under the present arrange-
ments. The new County Councils'
Act will come into force, and the
Council of 1007 will be composed of
the Reeves of the various municipali-
ties, and where the population is suf-
ficiently large enough, of the deputy -
reeve also. The next Council will
therefore he touch larger than the pre-
sent, which consists of two repre-
sentatives from each of the eight
divisions, or sixteen. As there are
twenty-six municipalities in Huron
county, our next County Council will
have at least twenty-six members,
and probably more, for there may be
some municipalities in the county,
that are entitled to send their deputy -
reeve. It is said that "In the multi-
tude of counsellors there is wisdom."
Whether this will extend to Huron's
new Council or not remains to he
Font I, LrTER.s.TrJRE :-G. Kenne-
dy 98, Tennyson Glanville 96, May
Williamson 95, Freda VanStone 94,
Minnie Sherk 00, Edna Gannett 87,
Ln1n 1VIeLanghlin 82, Harry Dore 80,
Pearl Duncan 70, Elam Armour 70,
Chrissie Rintoul 75, Edgar Patterson
71, Geo. Moffatt 70, L. H. Barrett 69,
Eva Armour 68, Herb. Dere 68, Clara
Brock 66, T. Aitchison 64, Tillie :Pat-
terson 03, W. Simmons 62, Clarence
Blackhall 59, Lizzie Green 59, Margaret
VanNortuan ,58, Mabel McDonald 58,
Simpson Orr 57, Hazel Jackson 53, Ar-
nott Brock 51, Charlie James 59, Ross
Maxwell 48, David Guest 56, Gertrude
Bush 32.
Foust 1I, GtsoetOn Y :-Lew. Harold
06, Reta Davidson 93, Carter McKee
91, R. J. Gallagher 01, Belle Robertson
90, Mina Currie 88, Nelson Biggins 86,
Wm. McLean 86, John Holmes 85,
Maggie McLean- 83, Lizzie McKee 83,
Clayton Procter 82, Florence Imlay 80,
R. Ji. Lloyd 79, Clara Beckett 79, Eva
Campbell 77, Ruby Kerr 76, Mae Mas-
oh 711, .Allie Little 74, Geo. McKersie
71, Earl Porter 71, Jennie Bowman 07,
Annie Garniss 07, Ben Cronin 67, Pearl
Vinistone 67, Gertrude White 66, An-
i` ' hie Barber 633, Frank Howson 63, Alli-
dred Jewett 59, Jeanette Brock 51,
Irene VanNorman 51, Merle Lamonby
45, Sadie Davidson 40, A. Hart 30, SV,
Galbraith 28, Stanley Elliott 20, John
Matson 25. Edna Diamond 20, Lillian
Hogg 20. Frank Calhoun 15, Fred Cor-
ley 1.4, Lillian Moffat 13, Dell Burwash
0, Viola Isard 0.
Fon I11, HISTORY* Alfss. Wilson
92, Miss Welhvood 89, W. Breeu 80,
Miss Isbister 87, Miss Scott 85, 'Miss
McEwen 85, Miss Nethery SI, Miss An-
derson 82 R. lloneith 81, G. Tees 80,
Miss McLaughlin 79, Miss Cruikshank
78, 3Iiss Deyell 78, G. Elliott 78, Miss.
Leishmtan 77, A. Posliff 70, Miss Mar -
sales 85, Miss Wilson 75, F. Scanclrett
72, Miss Duncan. 71, Miss Lovell 71,
A. Ishister 70, T. Robinson 70, Miss K.
Cruikslttank 09, Miss Duncan 60, Miss
VenNortnan 69, Miss Mcl3ur•ney 08,
F. Copeland 66, R. Hough 06, J. jack -
son 65. R. McBurney 65, J, Argo 61,
Miss Sheriff 00, Miss Bone 57, Miss
• Padfield 57, Margaret Anderson 57, M.
Dobson 55, Miss Musgrove 55, Miss S.
Scott 55, Miss Peddle 45, Miss G. Dobe
son 41.
F'oltaf IV, LATIN t -Viola Davidson
02, M. Gordon 85, P, McPherson 83, G.
Troy 82, T. G. Wilson 80, R. Bryaus
70, E. Wiley 05, W. F. Iiisco!t 50.
ror the latest and most tip- -
stook of Christmas post'als, souvenir
cards, all kinds of pictaro post cards,
and stationery,go to Miss .Fishers.
Also all lines of ancy goods, eusltion
tops and centrepieces, centres ens-
beoidered to order, large assortment
of wool bed -room slippers, hand -made,
Toy department will be open on ar-
rival of toys from Gerinany.---ISL. Al.
In every clime its colors are unfurled,
Its fame leas spread from sea to sea ;
Be not sur rised if in the other world,
You hear of pocky Mountain Tea.
Ask your druggist.
is the first tamp towards positions minis
from X3000to10,000 Dor annum In rail
wap service. von can booamo a good
operator in a tomtits it ion study in The
ventral T•{ograp11 Sabot, 3 Gerrard et,
E., Toronto. The new, sohool In Canada,
write for pnrttoitlars.
W. 0. S AN T. 3. ,W_ 3QQTT TON
Lovely New Shirtwaists in Silk,
Poplin, Lustre, Sateen and Cotton
Valour, ranging in price from 50c up
to $4 each -this week at the Bee
Hive. ,.
Fon SALE. -A second-hand 4 -horse
Sweep Power, including tumbling rods
and pulley, in good. repair. Will be
sad reasonable. -J. T. Holmes, White-
Dn. OVEN'S, M. D., London, Eye and
Ear Surgeon, will be at McKibhon's
drug store the first Tuesday in each
month ; hours, 2 to 9 p.. m. Cataract,
squint, failing eyesight, nasal catarrh,
deafness, head noises treated and glas-
ses properly fitted. Next visit is on
Tuesday, December 4th.
Property Transfers.
Austin A. Lamonby has sold the
cottage property on Patrick St, to
Isaiah. Moore who gets possessionn at
oneo....AIr. I:dtvards of AI'erz'ickville
has purchased from Richard Ander-
son the NloMannus homestead on
.Minnie .St., opposite the Methodist
Church, These sales were made
through the agency of J. H. Chisholm,
Real Estate Agent.
Union Sunday School.
DEAR Borrow -The Union Sunday
School at Holmes' school house, Turns
berry, closed for the season on Nov.
25th, tinder the superintendency of
Mr. John ICerr, Wingham. On be-
half of the school we wish to convey
our gratitude and thankfulness to our
superintendent for his untiring efforts
during the last five years in educating
the children in the troths of the Gos-
pel. Under his leadership, the school
has always been of an harmonious
tone, and steadily inereasing in every
department, and to -day it is one of
the most up-to-date Sunday schools in
the country, Although Mr. Kerr has
absented himself from his own Sun-
day school, the result of his labors
have been exceedingly appreciated,
and his reward is waiting. Signed on
behalf of the Sunday school -.-Win, S.
Extending Baisiiess.
Ganes', Limited, Toronto, wholesale
dealers in farmers' produce, whose
Wingham branch is 'smudged by C.
3. Graham, are extending their busi-
ness, and will have in operation this
week a most up-to-date plant for the
killing of hogs, cattle, and the pre-
paration of bees and general fresh
and cured meat products. This estab-
lishment is situated at Toronto Junc-
tion, .convenient to the Union Stock
Yards. Its railway facilities are also
good, as it has two sidings running in-
to it, The grounds are six acres in ex-
tent, and contain an extensive group
of fine buildings. The capacity of this
concern will be about 6,000 hogs and
1,000 cattle per week. With its ex-
cellent sanitary arrangements and its
un -to -date equipments, it is quite safe
to predict a most successful career for
this industry..
See them, and get price surprises,
which will please you, in Mens and
Boys' Clothing and Funishings-at
the Bee Hive.
Miss Ethel Hall is visiting friends in
Owen Sound.
Mr. S, Wright of Kincardine was in
town on Monday.
Mrs, Ilobt. Cruikshank, Minnie St.,
is visiting' London friends.
Miss Priscilla Powell has returned
from her trip to the West.
Roy Seylfert left on Monday for
Listowel, to fill a situation there.
.Miss Pansy Reynolds of Clinton
spent Sunday at her home in town.
Conn. D. 13e11 arrived horse from
the Northwest on Tuesday; Ise went
as far west as Wolsely.
Miss Toy Browett of Stratford has
been the guest of the Misses Robinson,
Shuter street, during the past week.
Mrs. Blue of Hepworth is visiting
her sister, Mrs. Murdoch, who resides
with her slaughter, Mrs. M. Robert-
aErnest Andrew of Gorrie ,arrived in
town on Monday to attend the Coin -
media Department of the •1Vingha,m
Business College. s
Mr. Will Reeler of Guelph spent
Sunday with his parents in town. His
svife accompanied him home, after
an extended visit here.
Win. Holmes of town, John Holmes
of Tarnberry, and Andrew Holmes of
H inovale went to Waterdown on
Tuesday to attend the fuueratl of their
sister, Mrs. OW. Gray, She leaves a
husbeed and four softs,
Mr. and Mrs, 1t, II. Young, of Lung
Beach, 'California,' were guests of Mr.
And N'it's. Sperling over Sunday.
They left on Tuesday for New York.
Mrs, Myles Young of J3lyth Also spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Sperling.
Milne-Iu Wingltani, on Nov, 2.ith,
Elizebeth M. fieolt, wife of Mr.
Chas. Milne, aged 38.
Lougbeecl-4n Wingham, on Monday,
Nov, 20. Dorothy, infant daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. 1) Loughced.
Stonehouse -mon bast 'i'Vasvanosh, on
Friday, Nov. 23rd, 1 lizebeth Rath,
wife of Mr. Richard Stonehouse,
aged tS.
Rioting In Hamilton.
The strike among the street -car men
in Hamilton assumed a serious aspect
last week. Cars were demolished,
store windows smashed, and an at-
tempt was made to dynamite the
barns of the company. The police
were powerless to control the mobs,
and as soon as a stone -thrower was ar-
rested, the policeman making the ar-
rest was attacked, and the prisoner
liberated. The city authorities prov-
ed utterly helpless to restore order,
and troops were hurried from Toronto
and London. On Saturday night a
frenzied mob of thousands gathered,
scores of citizens and police were in-
jured, and the hospitals and cells were
filled with victims. At least one
death occurred from a blow. All this
in the so-called "Christian" city of
Hamilton, in peaceful Canada, and in
the twentieth century. For further
particulars see page 7.
Cold Storage Important.
During the debate on the .Address in
the House of Commons last week, Dr.
Chisholm, ALP, for East Huron, de-
livered an excellent speech on the
important subject of Cold Storage, in
which he is so much interested. Dr.
Chisholm hats gathered a fund of in-
formation on this subject, and mar-
shalled his facts in excellent form.
When he had concluded his address,
Mr. R. L. Bordeu, Leader of the Op-
position, walked over to him and con-
dratulated him on his speech. As evi-
ence that Dr. Chisholm's efforts for
the farmers will not prove unavailing,
the may say that the :Minister of Agri-
culture paid hire as compliment by an-
nouncing that the Government in-
tended to induce a measure to extend
the cold storage system. There is a
taint of money for the fanners of On-
tario in a complete system of cold
storage, and Dr. Chisholm deserves
support, and also credit for: repeatedly
bringing this matter to the attention
of the Government. He now has the
promise of ameasure being submitted.
The Advance hopes to give the doc-
tor'sspeech in full next week.
WANTED. -Body makers for buggy
and sleigh work, at onee. State wages
expected and when, you can come. --
Wm. Gray At Sons, Ltcl., Chatham.
Electric Light Pleat,
This year, the Executive committee
of the Council has made a heavy ex-
penditure in per
nanent improvement
of the plant and line extensions, The
eonunitteo hope to bo able to meet
this oxpendittre out of the income
from light users. If they do this, the
committee will deserve the .thanks of
the citizens for the exeellent; nian-
ngeinent. Sonne future time, it might
be wise to take luta consideration the
supply of power to the industries of
the tow», Why have to secure power
from Niagara or even Goderich, when
the town owns two excellent water -
powers, stud an electric plant, that
lies idle all day P
Bible Society. Meeting.
The annual meeting of Wingham
branch Bible Society was held in the
Presbyterian church onFriday even-
ing. The officers elect for the year
are: President, Robt. Lockhart; Vice -
Pres„ Robt. Cnrrie ; Secretary, Jos.
Have; Treasurer --Rev, N. Burwash.
The following representatives of the
different Churches were appointed�
directors :--Wm. Fessant, F, Buchan-
an, D. M. Gordon, J. A. Taylor, H.
Davis, T. L. Jobb, A. Closer's, Peter
Fisher, John MeNevin, Robt. Mooney.
The address of Rev, W. G. Hanna of
Mt. Forest, district agent of the So-
ciety, was perhaps the best ever de-
livered ou such a topic in Wingham
and was a treat. Duets by Mr. Cline
and Miss Farquharson were very ac-
ceptably rendered. The attendance
was not as large as was desired, there
being. other gatherings. Collectors
will be appointed to wait upon the
citizens for their contributions.
A New Hymn.
The -following hymn was sung by
the choir of Wingltani Methodist
Church on Sunday evening last, Miss
Homuth singing the verse as a solo,
the choir singing the chorus. Mr.
Morton, leader of the choir, composed
the words as well as the music, and
the Advance gives the hymn below, as
a tribute to our local talent. Onr
readers can judge of the hymn for
themselves ; the music was in keeping
with the sentiments of the hymn, and
was a.ppreciated by the congre-
gation ;•--
There is no friend to me like Christ
Ice's ail the world and niot'e to rite ;
He comforts when I'm sore distressed
And feminist donbts He sets axe free.
Life with its trials may oppress,
The World at tunes scent cold and
These auaatter not since I may lay
My burdens all upon the Lord.
Chown :
In Thee, 0 Lintel, I put my trust,
Thine. only Thine, I want to ice ;
My tiiels are searce worth a thought
entice Then dost hear thein all for ore,
My heart is filled with wondrous peace,
My voice breaks forth in joyous
The burden of my theme is this,
To Jesus Christ I now belong.
When billows high roil o'er my soul,
And darkness deep beditns my view,
"Yet will I tenet my Lord and King
For Ile will bear me safely through.
".Y'ou,ton, may know the sweet repose,
The blessed hep riness of one
NVho trusts bis ev ry entre to Bion,
The Lord, the C,'htist, God's only Son.
My Saviour stands with outstretched
Joe's willing, anxious, to forgive;
Will you not conie to Hint just now ?
Will yon not turn, believe and live P
Dr. Redmond announces that night
calls after 9.30 o'clock will be answer-
ed at his residence, corner of Patrick
and Shuler streets,
They Investigated. •
County Councillors 3, T. Currie and
W. McQuillan were in Wingham on
Tuesday. They made a personal in-
spection of the High ,School and hos-
pital buildings, so that they might be
able to vote intelligently when the
question of grants comes up at the
County Council. Regarding the Hos-
pital, they found the building far
superior to anything of the kind in
the county, and they consider the
location admirable. They can now
conscientiously advocate a grant at
least equal to that given to Goderich,
with a far inferior building. The
Councillors also had many kind things
to say of the High School building,
the outlook for the success of the
School, and the teaching stuff. Mes-
srs. Currie and McQuillan will soon
close their term of office. The Ad-
vance considers that they have been
faithful in discharging their duties,
and have looked well after the in-
terests of their Division. Next year,
a new and touch larger County Coun-
cil will be elected. It might be wise
to return some of those who have had
experience under the old regime. We
think that the interests of Wingham
will not suffer at the next meeting of
the Council from any neglect of the
representatives of this division,
%mai Items
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Lougheed mourn
the death of their infant daughter,
Dorothy, which occurred on Monday
Miss Tait, who was chosen by
Wingham High School Board as
fourth teacher, has decided not to
come, and the Board is advertising
Fort SALE. -,-One young Cow. Ap-
ply at the Bee Hive.
Mr. J. Norman, of Wawanosh, bad
word last week from bis eldest son in
Iowa, to the effect that he was ill with
typhoid, and he purposed going there
to attend hint,
Rev. Mr. Mclterroll of Lucknow
passed a subscription list on behalf of
Mrs. Jas, Atkins, whose husband was
found dead at Wingham last week.
The response was generous.
RUnuERs.-We have the best in
every good style of Robber. --W. J.
Col, McDonald, of the Guelph &
Goderich Railway, was in Goderich
recently and stated that the line
would be completed to Saltford this
fall, provided the weather Itept fairly
The Canadian Pacific Railway Co.
has issued a circular to its engineers,
warning theta that the failure of air -
brakes to operate will not he accept-
ed as an excuse for accidents -in the
BoY WANTED. -At once, to learn
the tailoring, -Maxwell .Sc Hill, Wing -
Mr. Geo. le, of the Queen's hotel,
is still very ill. A specialist from To-
ronto visited him professionally this
week. His friends hope for his recov-
ery, but his case is considered very
Miscellaneous Brevities.
Are we to have a mild winter ; some
say we are ; two such in succession ;
What a snap....A Walkerton man
called in a hotel to get a drink, and
leaned on the counter; he leaned so
hard that he broke his elbow, and a
doctor had to be called in ; so saith a
Walkerton paper....Now listen what
one chap says :--
That marriage is a lottery
Is true, I'm much afraid ;
But also it's a pottery
Where fancily jars are made.
...Twenty-five lives were lost in last
week's storm, on the great lakes
alone. "Cap." Sullivan of political
'fame was wrecked and drifted into
Toronto harbor on part of the cabin
of his craft. The "Cap" was probably
less comfortable even than he was in
Wingham during the stormy night
preceding a certain West Huron bye-
election....A man has been sent to
gaol for hitting his wife with a "stove -
lifter ;" that ought to put a "damper"
on such actions in the future....Don't
complain of money being scarce, there
is said to be one hundred million dol-
lars in Canada alone ; hustle round for
some of it....Last week, two cows
were advertised for sale in this paper ;
within 24 hours, four men called to see
them with a view of purchasing ; it
pays to advertise, if you have some-
thing that the people want.... Bel -
grave Foresters hold their annual con-
cert next Tuesday ; a good program is
promised.. .In many marriage notices,
the bride is said to be "led to the
altar". -just as if she was unwilling to
go ; not a bit of it; hundreds of them
hust aching to get there... .Some
unters near Tarbert mistook a spring
calf for a deer and shot it ; not quite
as bad as the case reported last week
where a team of horses Was killed by
hunters, who sighted game ....A large
moose weighing nearly 800 lbs was
on exbibition at Moore's restaurant ;
Eisner Moore's rifle helped to bring
the monster to the ground.. ..'.Che
Band concert on Friday evening was
not largely attended, there having
been so many concerts recently. The
boys are expectant of an excellent
program for their next effort; watch
for date thereof, ...Three weeks from
next Tuesday will be Christmas day ;
1900 is drawing near its elose....T}te
I. 0. O. F. have removed their furni-
ture from the Mason block, to their
quarters over T. A. Mills' seed. store
Dark days of late have rendered
necessary return to coal oil lamps in
some stores even in the forenoon....
What abort the Mayoralty P \Vho
shall be Reeve? Will there be a run
for Councillors? Please name two
good men for Light and Water
Commissioners? These and sundry
other questions will soon demand at-
tention from the electors.
Dr. Brawn, bye, Ear, Nose and
Throat, will be at the Queen's Motel,
Wingham, Nov. 20th, from 8 a. no to
2 t,an, lyes tested and gbtsses stip-
Prof, Dorenwend's mind •,,
:ts oral
worn on over 5:5,000 heat axrixi,ll
classes, and in all stations o' life.
They are the essence of Ixerfecti
light in weight, durable and a great
benefit to healt
the head fro»
tarrh, ate. Tr
strattin the co
geode free of charge,
Hotel, 'Thursday, Dee. 6t
t1n'otection to
brought., Ve-
nt demon -
of theso
W. T. Pember, hair -dealer and scalp
specialist, of Toronto, will be in
Wiugham, at the Brunswick hotel, on
Wednesday, Dec. 12th, with a full line
of Hair goods, and invites an inspec-
tion of his stock. See lois advt, in this
Young men who want "the thing"
in Shoes will find here exactly what
they are looking for. -SV. J. Greer.
It is reported that there are to be
radical changes made in the liquor
license Iaw. It will he in all proba-
bility decreed, among other things,
that no minor will be permitted to be
employed in the manufacture or
distribution of intoxicants,
We have received an account of a
hunting incident in which one of our
citizens is said to have figured. As it
is entirely personal, and no name
whatever is attached, we do not know
who the author is ; hence we decline
giving it a place in our columns.
Call at R. Johnston's and see his
line of Felts, Rubbers and Shoes and
be convinced.
Some parts of the Northwest are in
danger of a coal famine on account of
a strike at the Lethbridge coal mines.
Several towns are reported at Edmon-
ton as out of fuel, and one of the coal
operators declares that the Govern-
ment would be justified in seizing the
mimes and working them for the bene-
fit of the people.
The Advance has it on good authori-
ty that the pupils of the High School
intend to furnish the program for the
next Citizens' Band concert. As few,
if any of them, have figured on a pro-
gram an previous concerts here, we
expect something fresh and entertain-
ing. No doubt the Band will accept
the kind assistance.
Special prices to those wanting meat
in large pieces or by the quarters --
Thos. T. Field.
The Girls' Auxiliary for Missions, of
St. Paul's Church, intend holding a
handkerchief bazaar and cafe chantant
in the school -room next Tuesday even-
ing. There will be a continuous pro -
gamine of music, and light refresh-
ments will be served. Mrs. Boyle and
Miss Houghton, with the young ladies
of the Church, have charge of the en-
Cameron Robeertson rejoices over
the birth of a son, it being the first,
' e
Mrs. Mclnne� of Wiu barn visited
with 141r. and Mrs, Robert McKenzie
last week.
Mr. Thornton and Miss Peacock of
Morris Sundayed at Mrs. Owens, East
The home of Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Tay
for was gladdened by the arrival of a
young daughter.
W. K. Whaley is quite indisposed ;
his many friends will be glad to see
hien in the store again.
The Methodists will hold their an-
nual Christmas tree on Christmas
night ; posters will be out,
Clegg & Co. shipped a carload of
hogs on Monday, and Armstroug &
Co. shipped a carload on Tuesday ; the
price is $6 per 100 lbs.
R. J. Clegg has purchased the 75
acro farm from the executors of the
late James Grigg. The farm is half a
mile west of Belgrave.
William Hopper sold four ordinary
sized. rock elm trees for $48. If the
farmers had some of the old time rock
elm there would be fortunes in it.
A Box Social, under the auspices of
Trinity Church, was given in the For-
esters' hall on Nov. 28th. After the
boxes were relieved of their contents,
asale of Iadies' work took place, fol-
lowed by a short but excellent pro-
What might have proved a more
serious accident happened recently
when Messrs, Geo. Coultes and Arthur
Cronyn were bringing a horse from
the station, Fz'ont some cause un-
known the beast became fractious and
kicked Mr. Cronyn In the face, cutting
it badly,
The Forester Lodge here will hold a
grand concert on Dec. 4, and they ex-
pect a large attendance, Among
those expected to entertain the eudi-
Pnce are -Will. J. White, comedian,
of Toronto, Miss Spence of Ethel, Mr.
Murch of Blyth, and Mr. Gracey of
Wingliarn, Miss Dinsley of Wingham
will be the pianist. Seats may be re-
served at 35c, at Sproat & Whaley's.
A full house is expected, and an en-
joyable evening.
DIED, --Elizabeth Rath, beloved wife
of Richard Stonehouse of Belgrave,
passed peacefully away on Friday
morning, Nov. 23rd, at the age of 73
years. Mr. and Mrs. Stonehouse set-
tled on a farm near Belgrave over
forty years ago, having experienced
all the hardships of pioneer life. They
made for themselves a comfortable
home, but some years ago sold to one
of their sons, and moved into Bel -
grave. Mrs. Stonehouse was connect-
ed with the Methodist church, a, kind
wife, and devoted another of a family
of three sons and five daughters, all
of whom will cherish kind recollec-
ecollecttions of a dear mother taken away.
She leaves besides, to mourn her loss,
a sorrowing husband. The sons are -
James of Dungannon, Robert of Bel -
grave, and Joseph on the homestead.
'The daughters are -Mrs. Nixon of
Rapid City, Man., Mrs. Barney of
Exeter, Mrs. Russell of Saginaw,
Mich., Mrs. Wilkinson of Escanaba,
Mich., and Mrs. Hopper of Morris.
They were all at the home of their
deceased mother to attend the funeral.
The services were conducted in the
Methodist church, Belgrave, by Rev.
G. NV. Rivets, assisted by Rev. T.
Stedman of Bayfield, a relative of the
deceased, the pallbearers being her
three sons and three sons-in-law. The
bereaved family desire to express their
gratitude to the people of Belgrave
and vicinity for their kindness to
them in the hour of their bereavement
and during the illness of the de-
Mr. Perfect, of town, has a letter
from A. H. Perfect of Fort Wayne,
Indiana, who is looking up the history
of the "perfect" family. He finds
that the fancily emigrated from Eng-
land to Virginia as far back as 1700,
and says that there has never been
found anyone of that name that could
not trace their relationship to the
same family, He wishes all the infor-
mation possible from our townsman.
A complete line of Felts, Rubbers
and Shoes now oh hand at It. John-
ston's Boot and Shoe Store.
The next meeting of the Ladies'
Auxiliary in connection with the Fios•
Dital is called for Monday afternoon,
ee. fitd, at four o'clock, in the Coma
Chamber. A eotdiatl invitation is
extended to all the ladies of Wingham
to be present. It is especially hnpor-
tent that all the members of all the
different committees be there. The
membership committee has been very
successful in sectring members, but as
yet have not had time to complete its
Lose.. -Between Wingham and Jim.
Coultes', 3rd, line, Morris, a pipe vise.
Finder please return. -0. J. Thornton.
The 1 tmmittee appointed by Wing -
ham Bh4.td of .Trade to ascertain the
probaabilities of securing a Carnegie
Intildin� tar Wingham is eontinuing
their efforts. A letter has been writ-
ten to Mr. Carnegie, under seal of the
Board of Trade, asking his considera-
tion of an applicattiott for as grant of
$15,000. The members of the Coinmit-
tee are hopeful of seeming the gift,
but possibly considerable correspond-
euee will be necessary before it is
Only four weeks to Christmas. Now
.lar the Vitae to select your Christmas
1'ootwvear, Come, wen our display.
SV. 3, Greer,
Mr. Wm. Messer is on the sick list
at present.
Miss Mabel Coultes is suffering from
rheumatism in her eyes.
Mrs. Snell and son Lloyd left last
week for Michigan, where they
spend a short time with relatives.
We are sorry to state that Mrs. Jno.
Gardiner is in very poor health at
present but we hope that she will soon
The Swiss bell-ringers who gave an
entertainment in the Methodist church
last Friday evening, were much, en-
joyed by all present.
To BUIr,DEnS. A. carload of fresh
Durham Cement to hand ; also the
best plastering hair always on hand
(eleven pounds to the bushel) at the
Wingham Cement Factory. ---Simon
Mitchell, Manager.
Fall Is Here!
And along with it
Colne .,. ,.. ,..
Coughs and Colds
Do not let them
linger. Our .,...,
"Syrup of White
Pine and Tar"
Will scatter and cure them
in a day or two. Invest 25 "-
cents and be convinced. and
Walton iloKibbou
That she has tried all the Shoe
Stores in town and the Chil-
dren's Shoes she gets et W. J.
than any of the shoes she hasbanght at other stores. She
says, also, that she thinks W.
J. GREER's prices are a little
lower than others ask for shoes
get our shoes without looking
not so good. She says, too,
that after this she is going
right to W. J. GREER'S and
T T • V•
Spectacles for
Nothing could be nicer than
a pair of Gold Spectacles for
that friend of yours who
needs them. You can select
the kind any time and we
can fit and snit the owner
whenever they can come in.
Our prices are low.
Order Xmas. flowers now.
Walley's Drug Store
Mason Block,
The .1�1a
The accompanying cut repre-
sents the Mason block (before
the plate glass fronts were put
in) erected in 1870. On Deeem-
ber lst in than year the proprie-
tor started business in the book,
stationery and fancy goods lines. .•
For twenty-seven years Iva baro':
labored to build up a successful t --
business, and by honest, upright
dealing have endeavored to ,
merit the confidence of the
On December 1st meet, we'
enter our 25th year, and as lin-
portant changes are being made
we intend to hold It formal e .
opening of tate holiday season of ",, ' "'°t
buying, by introducing the pule ` '- ,
lieto an Immense
stock, aart of m
which will be displayed on the second fiat formed occupied ieol bythe
1. O. O. P. 'The basment of the building is used as a storehouse and isliter-
allycrowded with foods. Het*, too, la our unpacking room, where goody
are prepared for display. The main floor Ina annex aro packed with limeygoods, stationery, books, wall -paper, .toys, etc„ etc. 'I'lte second fiat will be'
easily accessible from the mein floor, and here also will Ire fou»al a fine dies
slay, eltietly of books and fancy goads, here, too. will he our private nfiiee,
tidies' dressing room, cite, Nearly the whole Wilding, ineludin the annex,
will he devote sl to the bueiness bean so many
years ego. S\ a pride our-
selves in the fact that there is seitecel theequal ofthisstock west of
Toronto. y
We are grateful to the pulclie for the liberel patronage and kindness re-
ecived for so many years, and hope still to maintain the sante pleasant lntsi-
nees rehttfon n. We hope to continue to merit yottr favor, eauiidenee ,and
good Will, Conte to tttir opening on Dee. 1st, And kindly give us ra t•hare
of your holiday trade for .01ir Respectfully yours,