HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1906-11-08, Page 5THE WINGHAIVM ADVANCE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1906 S •0•••••NN••••••10••0••••• ••t!!0••••••••0•••••••••0• Now Ualyd Bats. Now Shirts and Ties. 1 I 1 1 • Here's More Proof That Crowder's Overcoats Are Best, Ou Saturday last five of our many Overcoat sales were made to men who said they had been looking around in different stores. Some had been in one or two places, others in three or four. Many more of our sales were probably lnacle to men who had been conifraiing, but these five mentioned it to us. Each day awn tell um the same story.Ineach c e 4 ease we made the sale and it was an easy sale, the co;atrl themselves did all the selling. 20th Century Overcoats. Tho French back, the newest of this season's Overcoat models, eut with form, fitting back and deep centre vent, and with decided flare to skirt. We show the most perfect fitting Coats in town. Prices $16.50 and $18.50 The Chamberlain, a smart coat style that never fails to ap- peal to the man who wants dres"siuess and doesn't want anything extreme. It's cut 42 to 40 inches long, with splendid square shoulders, perfect fitting collar and full hanging box back. We show it in neat patterns and in plain blacks, and black and white check effects. Prices $7.50, $10.00, $12.00 Boys' Overcoats. Cut in mannish styles, These garments for boys more than deserve a look from you. Brack or fanny. Prices $2.75 to $7.5000A-YRIGHTCb BY771r L°WMbr3CQ.I90s Men's Suit Bargains For Saturday. To keep the Snit selling up to the pace set by the Overcoat sales, we offer on Saturday 29 Snits that are now in stock at $12.50. Every garment is new this season and up to the latest of fashion decree. Single or double breasted styles, sizes 33 to 44 chest. On Sale Saturday, New Price.. $10.00 010111111..11MONOMM 4.1•1.11111111.21•110.6•11X.....21110091201•11, MEN'S FUR AND FUR -LINED COATS AT A BARGAIN. COMMIS Ian Friday and Saturday Bargains. Boys' Fleece -lined Underwear, all sizes, regular prices 35c to 50c Friday and Saturday Bargain 29c Men's (Heather) wool worsted Socks, regular 35c. Friday and Saturday Bargain 20c BOOTS AND SHOES - TRUNKS AND VALISES The R. H. Crowder Co. • •0••S•O••••••••••••••••••• e ••••••••••••O••••••••••••• For $1..00 (Cash) the ADVANCE will be sent to new Subscribers from now until January lst, 1908. Too Busy to write an advt. this week, but be sure and call if you're needing anything in Furniture. Waller Bros. & Button Oodericb. ! Teeswater. The Teetunsehs of Goclerieh hare Teeswater is to have a Local Option their hockey club organized for the campaign. Fade likely to be taken season.into consideration by the ratepayers Toward the lake shore, near Au. , are that at present the corporation de- thony .Allan's, a flock of fifty or more I rives a revenue of about $321 frotn the wild geese were seen the other day, !hotel license fees, and that in the but there was no gun in sight. !event of a prohibition law being pass- ed the evidence of Goclerii lr to be- ed the deficit caused by the cutting off come a city is the fact that $12 a foot of this and the reduced valuation of lass been refused for residential pie- j hotel property would cause tan ad - II v trace m the tax rate of about two mills. For four weeks or more it has been known that there was likelihood that Mr. Brink would be dismissed from the postmastership here at an early date. How the movement was set on foot or what the grounds of dismissal The new dredge Excelsior and tug, were not known, nor is there much t. owned by the Owen Sound Dredge Brienlightenmentken these and facts yen • Brink is a Conservative for ten perty on the banks of Lake Harm, in the town of Ixodericlr. In order to allow time for more bal- lasting to be done in the vicinity of Milverton, the opening of the Guelph and Goderich line for regular traffic to that place will be delayed until about Nov. 15th. Company, sought the shelter of this harbor of refuge hast week. The Ex- celsior has a dipper that lifts five yards at a dip, and is a very powerful j 1806. As Mr. Brink has always been years ho has held office under a Liber- al government, having been appoint- ed before the Conservative defeat of machine. It is said that Rev. Jos. Elliott is al- ready canvassing for the Mayoralty. Whether there will be any one else in the field or not, is unknown, but it is not unlikely that Mr. G. 1?. Blair, who is an experienced Councillor, will also be a candidate. The gale and heavy rain of Satur- day night and Sunday caused a con- siderable laud slide on the hill near the new elevator, and the western sec- tion of the new railway trestle work is now almost a total wreck, where it was undermined by the G. T. R. steam shovel gang. The new Alexandra Hospital an South Street, which it is proposed to formally open on Dec, lst, tbe Queen's birthday, received its first patient on I week was, weather conditions con - Monday last, when Fred. Williams, i sidered, well attended, and it may who it will be remembered was so I fairly be said that with the passing of each day since they came to town m. the evangelists have „!oven in favor. Some idea of the enthusiasm they have aroused may be gathered from the fact that there are many in town and some four or five miles out who have not missed a meeting of the series. Those who have professed a conversion must be nearly two hund- red. At the Sunday afternoon meet- ing games of chance particularly cords were up for castigation. Sunday even- ing saw a largely attended mass meet- ing. On Monday afternoon there was held in the Methodist Church a meet- ing at which temperance was the sub- ject of discussion. Some 36 members were added to the local W. C. T. U. and so great was the enthusiasts that the town is likely to have a local op- tion campaign as a result. very accommodating about the office and has all along given very fair sat- isfaction (in fact there appears to be no complaint locally) "politics" was naturally alleged as the reason for his removal. The postmaster has many friends about Teeswater, Liberal as well as Conservative, and among the Liberals, there are many who object to the pernicious system that removes officials, for no better reason than that they are not party friends of the government of the day. A number of these have been asking the reason for Brink's dismissal, The revival meetings were brought to a close by a mass farewell meeting on Wednesday evening, Oct. 31. Every meeting held during the past badly burned at the up -setting of a donkey engine on the C. P. R. con- struction works a couple of months ago, was removed there. The storm of last Saturday made sad havoc with what remained of the outside breakwater, and to -clay not a particle of that structure can be seen. How tnueh of the breakwater was de- stroyed is not known, and its presence there, hidden by the lake, is a danger to navigation. The floating lights and nearly all the poles to which the lights were attached, erected during the past two weeks, were washed away, and the outside channel is now riot lighted. Judge Holt further adjourned the case of Jasper Brindley, convicted of bigamy, until Dec. 3: It was carried to the court of appeal, which will not meet until Nov, 12, so that sentence could not be passed on Wednesday in view of the possibility of the convic- tion being quashed. Brindley's wife, Rosa Card Brindley, obtained a divorce from him in Detroit, and Brindley and a girl named Picot went to Detroit some months ago and were married by a justice of the peace. It is held that Brindley, being a resident of Canada, was not subject to the divorce laws of Michigan, and is not legally separated from his former wife. step ing stones Success must of necessity be lasting in order to successfully weather the storms of business fife. The Paas sx CITY l3USTNESS & SIIOItTITAND COLLEGII trains young men and young women to take minor positions which eventually lead to positions of responsibility and trust. The foundation is secure. Our students go up, not down. We are unable to supply the demand for our students. Why?- Be- cause business Igen recognize the superior training they receive. Write for our business and shorthand booklet t it's free. School term : September till June, inclusive. Forest City Business College 1. W, WES1iIYCLT Y,M.C.A. Olds., 1'dnolpa1, Lodes, PRIVATE OFFICE NANAG nor TYPE%JR(TINLy 5NORTNAND 01111ERCIA1 -.. '`;tiff71 smow 1I ►l' Fon SALE.—Lot 18, con. 7, Turn - berry, one hundred acres, nearly all cleared ; in grass many years ; good soil and well watered, Terms to suit purchaser.—H. DAVIS, Wingham. The Rev. Irl R. Hicks 1907 Almanac. The Rev. Ir1 R. Hicks has been com- pelled by the popular demand to re- sume the publication of his well- known and popular Almanac for 1907. This splendid Almanac is now ready. For sale by newsdealers, or sent post- paid for 25 cents, by Word and orks Publishing Company, 2201 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo., pnbhshers of Word and Works, one of the best dollar monthly magazines in America. One AImanac goes with every subscrip- tion. Rheumatism Almost Killed Her. For years Mrs. S. Stahlschmidt of I7utnberstone, Ont., was a martyr to rheumatism. "I was so stiff and lame I could scarcely walk" she writes. "An attack striking my limbs made walking impossible. Friends and doc- tors gave prescriptions but I only got relief from Ferrozone. I took twelve boxes and gained from the first. To - clay I am well, feel stronger, weigh heavier and look the picture of health." Whether muscular or in- flannnatory, chronic or otherwise, Ferrozono does cure rheumatism and sciatica, 50c per box at all dealers. When Illness Comes. Have yon near at hand a remedy that will alleviate pain and help till the doctor comes ? A wise thing is to have right in your home a bottle of Nerviline which gives instant relief, and prevents disease from spreading. Nothing known for the stomach and bowels that compares with Nerviline. For cramps, indigestion. heartburn and headache, it is indispensable. For fifty years Poison's Nerviline in 25c bottles has been a family stanch -by. Get it to -day. 4 Lucknow. Mr. Archie Scott, who has been in the Bank of Hamilton Here for some years, has been removed to Toronto. The Methodist church was beautiful- ly illuminated on Sunday night last by light generated from gasoline aucl put in on trial by a Goderieh firm. Ryan and Fennel, of Kinlougb, threshed on the faun of Win. Arnold, 12th con. of Kinloss, on Oct. 22, 1,263 bushels of oats in 4 hours and 45 minutes. .A. good audience greeted the Rev. J. H. Hector in thesMethodist church on Wednesday evening, when he de- livered his lecture on "Slavery, Past and Present." Much sympathy is felt with Mr. and Mrs. M, Hogan, of the 12th con., who lost one of their twin children by death, at eight months of age. This is the third death in the family this year. 'While in Toronto last week, Mr. W. Chisholm, Inspector for Nest Bruce, was taken seriously ill. He was sub- jected to the X-rays treatment and will likely have to undergo an opera- tion, f Ru ers "I want you to soo that the' Maple Loafis on the next pair of rubbers you buy."—Wtrelese from " the old woman who lived in &shoe. Buy a pair and you'll be so pleas- antly surprised you'll tell the good news to your friends, Made of finest grade of Para gum, which makes the toughest, most waterproof rubbers in existence. Truly astonishing wear - resisters. And yet so light and neat. 1IIS WIFE'S LUNGS B0T1 AFFECTED But the Great Consumptive Preven. tative brought Health and ilappi. ness to his home t" Our doctor said thee was no cure for ray wife as both her lungs were aifected,' says Mr. L. 11. Walter, of Pearl Street,, Brockville, Ont. "It was a sad disap- pointment to us both, just starting out in life, only married a short time, But before she had finished the first bottle of Psychine the pain in her lungs quickly went away, and after taking six bottles Mrs. Walter was a new creature and perfectly well again." That is just one of the many families into which Psychine bas brought hope, health and happiness. It is a living proof that Psychine cures Consumption. But don't wait for Consumption, Cure your La0rippe, your Cough, your Bronchitis, your Catarrh, or your Pneumonia with the remedy that never fails - PSYCH1NE (Pronounced Si -keen) 50c. Per bottle Larger adzes $1 and 02—all druggists. DR. T. A. SLOCUM, Limited, Toronto. WINGHAM Flour Mills. Bread made from our Flour took 1st prize at Winghatn Fair. This proves that our Flour is the best that onn be bought. You cannot all take 1st prize, but you eau all have good bread by using our Flour. Bring your wheat for gristiug—it's cheaper than buying flour, Take your choice of either Five Lilies, Prairie Rose, or Star. PRICE LIST : Five Lilies Flour, a bbl.. ,$2.10 to $2.40 Prairie Rose Flour, i bbl.. 2.00 to 2.25 Star Flour, per ?2 bbl.... 1.90 to 2.15 Cream Pastry Flour 1.80 to 2.05 Low Grade Flour, ton.. 26.00 to 27.00 Bran, per ton 16.00 to 18.00 Shorts, per ton 20.00 to 22.00 Screenings, per ton 18.00 to 20.00 Chop, per ton 20.00 to 28.00 Winter Wheat, per bush..., 67c to 700 Goose Wheat, per bush 600 to 62e Manitoba Wheat, per bush750 to 85e Goods delivered promptly to any part of the town. For sale by G. 13, I IIIc N, •WINGIIAM. HOWSON, HARVEY & BROCKLEBANR. ♦♦ David Bell Stand—Opp. Skating Rink• e0••0••••••••00••••••••••!• ----------------------- You Make A Mistake If you byzy a Piano with- out seeing our stock, comparing prices and taking into account the finality of the instrument. All the best makes always in stock — Heintznran, Newcombe, Dominion, and others. Also Organs, and the very best Sewing Machines. •• • WING HAM Machine Works. Having a first-class machinist, I am prepared to do all kinds of repairiug on the shortest notice ; also castings made to order. I am building a few PORTABLE SAWING MACHINES—they're some- thing new, Call and inspect before placing your order elsewhere. A Call Solicited. At the Old Stand on Victoria St. W. G. PATON 00000000000000000000000000 Lehigh Dalley 3*4 Coal, Come with the crowd and leave your order for Lehigh Valley Coal, that is free from dirt and clinkers. It has no equal. J. D. Burns. ************************* 0000000000000000000000000 THE LEADING STORE ISARD'S GREAT Cut Price Sale. Twenty Thousand Dollars' worth of New Goods to choose from. Move quick—we can save you money. Come in the morning if possible. COTTONS. A lot of mill ends to clear, reg- ular value 10o and 12:c—your choice per yard. 70 PRINTS.. Your choice of tho best Ornm's Prints, only 10c COATS. A Line of Children's Coats to clear at $1.95 HOSE. 10 Doz. seamless ribbed Cash- mere Bose, worth 35o, for,... 25c UNDERWEAR. Men's Heavy Wool Shirts and Drawers, worth 65c, for 50e COLLARS. Ladies' new Silk Dollars just in, reg. price 350—your choice. ... 25c DRESS GOODS. Pretty Plaids, double width, reg. 35o goods—on Sale for 25o HOSE. 5 Doz, Children's Black Ribbed Cashmere Hose, all wool, good value at 20c—our Cut Price...15o CARPETS. 36 inch Union Carpet, worth 35 cents, for 25o OVERALLS. Men's Heavy Mole Overalls, while they last only 750 TABLE LINEN. Extra Heavy Wide Table Linen, 50c quality for 40o NAPKINS. Regular Dollar Table Napkins, nice size, for 75o LACE CURTAINS. 12 pair fine Lace Curtains, 81 yds. long, good value at $1.00 —Sale Price 750 immlusaasisme RIBBONS. All colors in wide Silk neck Ribbon, 25c quality for 20c, and 20c quality for 156 PLAIDS. 10 pieces new Plaids, all fast colors, nice quilt linings, our Sale Price, 5e BLANKETS. Gray or White Flannelette Blankets—your ohoice 750 11011.11.11111111.4111.010101. GOLF JACKETS. Ladies' Golf Jackets, pure wool, white, black, navy, cardinel, cheap at $2.25—they go at, —CM FLANNELETTES. 20 pieces wide Flannelette, new patterns, fast colors, worth 7o and 8o, for 5o OVERCOATS. Men's Heavy Black Overcoats, new style, well made, regular value $8.00—on Sale at $6.50 SUITS. Boys' Suits, sizes 83, 34, 35, reg. $5.00 value—on Sale for $3,75 DRESS GOODS. A line of fancy Sake Dress Goods to clear, reg. $1, for ... 50c MATTING. Heavy Japan Matting, one yd wide, regular 20o, for 15o BAKING POWDER. One pound tins of Art Baking Powder with a graniteware premium, worth 500 to 60o— your choice for 410 TEA. No. 1 uncolored Japan Tea, good buying at 25o—Sale Price 20c JACKETS. Ladies' lined Blk. Cloth Jackets, 6 and 7 dollar value for $5.00 TOWELLING. Extra heavy Linen Towelling, worth 10c, for 8c SOCKS. Men's Heavy Wool Socks reg 25 cent valve 20o TIES. Silk Ties, new 25o, for 19c 't roomt`oqu e Sale. & CO.CQ. A lot of Men's S' patterns, worth wassommouft Numerous other lines at OUT PRICES that we haven here. Come and see—it will pay you. No tickets punched or coupons given, during H. E. ISARD nim Vve M �a4m�vrwuY�tvtiw��+vvumvYa FURNITURE[ For the Fall Trade. S. Gracey Has a very fine assortment of New and Up-to-date Furniture, in BEDROOM SUITES, SIDEBOARDS, PARLOR AND EXTENSION TABLES, BUFFETS, COUCHES, HALL RACISTS, MATTRESSES, SPRING BEDS, ETC., ETC. If you want anything in the Furniture line this fall, before buying come and see what we have, We will be pleased to show our goods. We think we've something that will be to your liking, and at very reasonable prices. If you want one of the best Spring Beds that is made, try the rt HERCULES" SPRING. We have them— they are the best for the money. Yon may try them a month, and if not satisfactory return them. We have a few pieces of CARPETS and a few FLOOR RUGS (Art Squares) to clear but at a price. Picture Framing a Specialty. UNDERRTAK%ING. As in the past, wo give our prompt and personal at- tention whenever our sev- vices are required, at any hour, night or day. S. Gracey FURNITURE DEALER and PRACTICAL UNDERTAItER