HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1906-11-08, Page 44 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER S, i906 For Clothing, Dress Goods, New, Rich and Fashionable Furs, and all lines of Ladies' and Gentlemen's seasonable Un- derwear, come direct to D, M. Gordon's. No house, no matter how much noise they make, can give better value than you will find here, and every article new and up-to-date. The new- est and best is none too good for our customers. As usual, all lines of pure, fresh Groceries are always in stock. " D. M. Gordon Ilinirsominssommommossomr 33,essaaa.”333 a3a3ataa-a'a33-3a3aaaaaaaaaa-44 ,eaa 333 ill A LIGHT STEP Cam be enjoyed by every woman who wears "VICTORIA" Shoes. Her style, her carriage, her pos- ture, are determined by her walk, and her walk is determined by her Shoes. We will be glad to give further particulars. Ask for them. R. Johnston iy Has Sole Right of Sale w E .**, -E€C1 4 -Ea *.Ca. EEfriE; EErr***Ere:fr.'**ze itie :t'rit-eev.see:fc Cut Prices on Heating or Cooking Stoves (COAL OR WOOD) We can save you from $2.00 to 0.00 on a Stove. Bargains on Second-hand Stoves. We need your money e.nd will give you good value. CENTRAL HARDWARE BISHOP & BALL amsfle teesMUM aamnaraaraa1110atlwarilaa1to111t'woof)% DO NOT FORGET That it will soon be time to buy your Xmas. presents. Why not buy them now and have us lay them away for you, while you have the assortment to pick from. Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing a Specialty. Jewelry Made To Order. I Kaiser the Jeweler CHISHOLM BLOCK. aauanlimmt MEM NI MafiaataManiir MICIC101730C Fall And Winter Announcernent DRESS C -ODDS: I have determined to clear out ray Dress Goods stock at greatly redoced prices this fall. As the season goes on, meaty lines are gong at lest than 75e on the dollar. Black Dress Goods a special"•,tty. P R1NTS.—Fath and Dark Winter Prints at east.. FLANNEI,ETT . 1 pnrchase.d very largely by the case in all kinds from 3e per yard up. Can give you heavy 3i3 inches wide, all color- ings, at 10e n nerd. SmTYI iGS.--Grey Fiannets aed Flannel Shirttnge, and a nice variety of Shirts r:i'tile to (;riser. Waren31ADE ELA REtS. .Prom the Wroxeter, Teeswater and $zngi ill faeteries. Pare sts^k, well deemed, end very cheap, at the rrize wed has let this trimmer. Call and see them if in need of a pair. Sheeting in vette and, grey, :he and ns inches wide. tliDl°;1tWE 1P�..--I keep the celebrated Stanfield Shirts and Drawers, nada from Nota S-naa weals. sot east flexible, and guaranteed not to shrink, in s'.zes from Od to 41, tellies' Wear in the Puritan make. The Int hones in Canaria. . :Busses' and Children's in all sizes, front 15e E _s b np to the finest, Hostel 7. -•--From the Wensley gritting Mins direct. The beet -Wetting wends in Cans. made from pore Northwest wools, *nd at prices that eannot be ea;'ialied, €laality considered. IiEAri%-'liA3)E t"Ii()TFIL4G.y-I have decided to eteer mit any large etoeek of Clothing this fall arid winter, and can give yon great bargains in this. line A Mee Ovtrer at for t4,fe , rang proe $9.00. A good servke- able Snit fcr ?.t , and a large stoek to select from. Boys' tiehcol Suits, atsp.er el.3 a j. A geed work Pant for $1.0 t. worth $1.43. CARPETS. --A large t,timb r of trete ia. An-wt'GI, teen, T peetry and Brussels. at •ttie'ut hair pore, Call and tree thein ani get prices. Sterne cheap Henna Cerpeta and State to oler. Linc leeai in 1, 2 and 4 3'tr3S wide, Odelo#ix in 1 and 2 yards wide. Pt It GOO1 S..—A frit of Coen, Wergild, Et,sian Calf. Dog and Bithop Coate for men. For Iediey, Astrarban Coats that ca rneot be beaten ,furs eatet and uelitlr. Workmanship gnarant•_ed. Call and see theta. slate, C4tpa, Gloves, neer styles. and lents ga iety to select from. Booir, Shotes, Robbers, ai fall line on head quid of beat rintlity. Groomes*, *IWO* ail complete etock on hand, trbah and ehesp. A. Mills a 0 0 0 0 v n 0 n y a n ,, 4 M14.4,04,4000+00.0 a. a a. s a a. 4 4 4 4 • • • 4 a . • —During August last, Wet entries foz' settlement were made by persons coming from the United States to Canada ; the Northwest receivers the majority of theta. • —The Christian Guardian says that Premier Whitney and Attorney -Gen- eral Foy are to be thanked and con- gratulated upon their determination to root out political corruption from the Province. e . —A curious result of the recent adoption by the 'United States army of the system of identification by finger prints has just been reported to the War Department, in the discovery iu the person of a soldier at Fort Lea venworth of a British rnurderer, for whom the Scotland Yard authorities have long been looking. *• • —Miss Rose Fritz, of New York, won the world's typewriting cham- pionship in Chicago last Wednesday. She wrote 2,467 words from dictation in half an hour, making only five errors. Of the other thirteen entrants Paul .Bunten, who defeated Miss P. L. Fritz last fall, dune nearest to her record, He wrote 2,406 words, but made 61 errors. .. • —Although it is a Liberal paper, the Wiarton Echo speaks with enthu- siasm of Mr. R. L. Borden. It says Mr. Borden "is a gentleman of fine address and irreproachable character. Throughout all his public life he has shown himself to be a statesman of high ideals, possessing a good grasp of Canadian public matters, and should he ever be Premier the destinies of Canada will be in safe hands." .. R —The largest cheque ever received by the Ontario government for succes- sion dues, and perhaps the largest, ever received by the provincial treasury, except from other government sources, carne into the possession of Hon. Col. Matheson last week. It was for $510,- 672.43, and was in payment of the suc- cession uncession dues on the estate of the late George Gooderhatn. The sum receiv- ed by the province is percentage col- lected on a valuation placed on the estate of 510,400,000. .+. Arctic Circle where for several weeks the sun never sinks to the horizon. At Bodo, which Is but little more than a day's ride by hoot from `.I`ronclhjern, the sun is visible at midnight from May 311 to July 11. At Harunrerfest, which is the terminus of some of the steamboat lines, and which claims to be the northernmost town in the world, the son does not set between nay 13 and July 28, while at Tromso, not quite so far north. as Hatutnerfest, the Inhabitants have but ten days less of the midnight sun, —In the House of Commons last session the promise was made that there would be no further sales during the year now running, of public lands, save to actual settlers. Notwithstand- ing this promise, on the 28th of June last, the Dominion Government sold nearly three hundred and eighty-one thousand acres of Iand in southern Alberta to the Robins Co. The price was $3 an acre, but this price is sub- ject to a reduction of $2 if a. quarter of the land is placed under irrigation. .a. —The total number of members in Canadian Fraternal Societies on De- cember 31, 1905, entitled to sick and funeral benefits was 78,0775. The amount paid for sick benefits during the year was $469,215.8S and the amount paid for medical attendance $67,627.39. The total membership of societies issuing life insurance was 264,310 and the insurance in force amounted to $1,437,614,195.38. The amount of insurance benefits paid dur- ing the year was $2,288,140.25. -Ontario mining properties are valuable. Anthony Blum, principal owner of the far-famed Laurentian mine, near Wabigoon, Ont., stated that a cash offer of $9,000,000 has been refused for the property. Mr. Blinn would not dispose of the controlling interest .in the mine at a valuation of $5.000.000. The King Cobalt mine, owned by the King Cobalt Mining Company, Limited, has been sold to a New York syndicate. The price paid was in the neighborhood of 52.50,000. 4* • —Dundas Banner (Liberal); Wher- ever we turn, bribery, dishonor, dis- honesty, corruption, stare us boldly in the face. What an example is being given aur growing youth, the boys who will be called on to replace the men of to -day in handling the helm of the great ship of State and steering it through troubled waters to a port of safety. To what end will the lessons tend which are being given them day after day? Are they not bo*and to absorb some of the evil at least, and, if so, can we hope for a purer life with a higher ideal from 11 them than we have from their fathers? I, It Honor is to be a thing thrown to the winds in exchange for power, poli. tion or wealth, then we say "fled hely our country." • —Sonia evidence .tending to show why school books have cost so much in Ontario was presented before the Text Book Commissiont 1 tecently. Ar• 3' —A k new system of communication has recently been installed on the line of the Canadian Pacific Railway Com- pany. The system is called a telegra- phone, and by its means itis possible to telephone and telegraph over a single wire at the sante titne without interference, Through the courtesy of the company controlling the sys- tem, the following facts have been furnished to tate department :—The telegraphone instruments are for the use of railroads, and connection is made with the ordinary telegraph wire used by the iailway company for directing trains. It is possible to talk for a distance of from 60 to 75 miles through sin telegraph instrurnents on the regular despatcher's wire. If the wire is not so heavily Ioaded it is pos- sible to talk for any distance up to 200 miles. A set of instruments may be carried in the baggage car of the train and by its use the train crew can talk to the despatcher from any point of the line. The time required to make connection is one minute. The tele- graphone is connected to the tele- graph wire by means of an extension pole with a clamp on the end which hooks over the wire without damaging it. The method may be learned in one demonstration. * 4 --Prof. Goldwin Smith, over the signature of Bystander, says in the Weekly Sun :—The most cool-headed and competent observers telt us that corruption reigns at Ottawa. The edi- tor of the Government organ there leaves the place in disgust at the shameless dishonesty which prevails. "The callousness and carelessness," be says, "of the public men of to -day, in- duced by a seeming belief in the ad- miration of the people for smart trick- ery and corruption, is offensive to any icon who hopes to find statesmanlike ability, common honesty, and straight- forward dealing in the chief council - house of the country." He contrasts the present deadness of the public conscience with the horror shown at the Pacific Railway scandal. Since that time opportunities for graft, es- pecially in connection with railway companies, have greatly increased; while in both parties alike any sort of distinctive principle such as might give moral life to a party organization has faded away. In what other legis- lative assembly could be found an es hibition of corrupt influence so general and so shameless as that which we were called upon to witness in the las session of our Canadian Parliament. What greater misfortune can befall community than total loss of puhli respect for its national council and i Government ? lf BEGIN AT THE TOP TO -DAY. (Toronto Star, Liberal.) The men who can do most to stop fraud and corruption are the parts leaders, and especially the leaders of the party in power. The best toursa that the members of the Dominior. Government can take at the present moment is to admit this responsibilit fully and frankly, and act upon it. The Government of the day is abso lately responsible for the character of the election officers, the returning offi ter, and the deputies. It can insist or these being men of good character, just as it insists on the honesty o1 clerks hi the post -office. It can insist on the returning officer maintaining his independence, and refusing to sub mit to the dictation of politicians an patronage committees. It is withit the power of the government to elimi nate fraud and • tampering with tht ballots with almost absolute certainty The Government can put a stop tc public corruption, that is, to the offer of public works in return for votes, It is not enough for a Minister to sad that he is not personally making these appeals. He can repudiate there, not generally, but specifically, to -day is North Bruce. He can declare as often as the appeals are made, that the Gov ernment -will treat North Bruce with impartial justiee, no matter nhether it may support or oppose the Govern went. He can declare that the Gov eminent respects the independence of the electors of North Bruce, and will not seek to destroy it by threats or b bribes. He can declare that the Minis ters are servants and trustees of the people, and have no right to use the trust funds for purpose* of bribery He can repudiate all those who see t nold W. Thomas, secretary -treasurer to place the Government in the poen of the Copp -Clark Company, under tion of committing than breach o lareseuxe from the C'.otnnussion, <xi,l trust and of making that assault ox that his company, 'Warwick Bros., the liberties of the people. •'t i '4't:. J. Gage and Company, Who The public are tired of generalities hal been printing the echool books for! and platitudes about corruption The the. Poyvinee, have not tom 'ted with 'tRionn.t TefhienGoe vseprnehanodf definite y,ae to each other. The ('.''pp -Check ('company the thief holder of political power, is paid $30,' to get into the combiner the right body to make a beginning and share its profits. Frank Wise, l If fraud and t�ainrrring with hallo tt president of the t'anadian McMillan can be abolished, if the cntruizk appear Company, amid the Fourth Deader, fd roue icer the Government n 'rolish for public expenditures can be abolish enrich cost 400, wits not, in his opinion,. ext, that will makes a good beginnin worth more than 15c. 1 and ret ae good example. Then it wit . I be easier to deal with the tether fellowi "s#I who cern "just as eorrupt," and -with The North Cape, the northernmost that corrupt fringe off electors t }x', x which the politicians ascribe thele paint of the continent of Eutrope, Is i own temptation end their own fal usually the destination of the tourist,; from Pete. The only wary' to i" 1 but it is not necessary to go so far to mists tpptlen sat i'or eaecb luau to da hi: glee alt that there is worth ;teeing. me own I.tt t'rea'd tat t ens. tb � 4Wi$ o'K ti pasty'! katderlt tel set flan There eras malt. t la teems above the sums& 'ffil ''''ir''''w-1 4.r.T t , c hundred have ture coating House in ported week, est of conspiracy die, drew tions charges trate to horn at mals Robson, his were an animal. has Toronto a The in daughter neglected price with ty borne, and cipal a fected 1 Grey, from taken gets hundred strike samples of ounces of the est are is ter throat, stroyed, ly , —During the present season two and nicety -two factories been engaged in the manufac- of sugar beets in Dance. The amount of foreign liquor now in through Toronto Customs is three tithes that which carne a few years ago. Much of the im- liquor is going to Cobalt. —At the assizes in Walkerton Last the list for trial was the black- for many years ; it included a case child murder, acase of rape, one of and another of theft. —P, B. Lewis, of the Hotel Norman - Clinton, and the hotel clerk, An- Scott, have been fined for viola. of the Liquor Act on three brought before Police Magis- i Andrews. The fines amounted $70 and the costs to $10.90. —The Spring Grove herd. of short- cattle was disposed of Oct. 23rd, Queen's Park, London. The ani- were the property of Capt. Tom who has decided to give up Ilderton farm. Forty-three cattle disposed of for a total of $5,005, average of about $116.30 for each —The most honest man in the world been discovered. On Tuesday the customs authorities received letter containing a one dollar bill. writer said : ''Gentlemen, while New York a few days ago my purchased a silk tie and to call at the customs. The of the tie was 53.50, and I here- enlose one dollar," —The eonstituences in Huron Coun- in which Local Option contests will take place next January are Us - Tuckerstnith, Stanley, Grey Hensall. In all these the Muni- Councils have agreed to submit by-Iaw. The hotels that will be af- should the act pass in each are in Usborne, 2 in Tuckersmith, 4 in 2 in Stanley and 2 in Hensall. Port Arthur, Oct. 20.—Great excite- ment prevailed in this place to -day with the arrival of Manager Hanson the west end of Silver Mountain. He brought with him samples of ore from the thine, some being nug- of pure silver, one weighing one pounds. It is the richest ever made in this district; the are a revelation to the oldest miners here. Assays trade of some the ore went nineteen thousand to the ton. There is plenty ore in sight, and it is thought that nine will become one of the rich- in the world. Good Reasons For Success. The majority of catarrh remedies useless. But one that does cure Catarrhozone. It clears the head of alt mucous discharge. Putrid mat- in the nostrils, phlegm in the and disease germs are coin- pletely swept away. The cause of the disease is destroyed, it's results are de- and the system so thorough- cleansed of catarrhal poison that cure is permanent. All types of catarrh, throat, and bronchial trou- ble, colds and coughs are more cer- tainly cared by Catarrhozone than any thing else, Two sizes, 25c and $1 at all dealers. The Huron County Weather Insurance Co. Insures farm property against damage from wind storms, tor- nadoes, cyclones, &e. ABNER COSENS AGENT — WINGHAM A Good Chance to secure an education that will most quickly and surely fit yon for the practical duties of lite is offered by this school. tinder new manage - went, with improved equipment and courses, our oldest school is the new- est and one of the best Write for catalogue and free budget of "Bug - teas Writing." BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. le. M. C. A. rouge & 1 eGill Sts. Building. TORONTO. T. M. WATSON, PRINCIPAL. The Leading Commercial School, CENTRAL &TRATPORD. ONT. This school is recognised to be one Of the best Commartial schools in America. You tan wifely judge a sehool by the applioetiona it receives. This terra we received applications from firms in six large American cities and from far more towns and cities of Canada, includ- ing Sesitatoon, Se.•k. on the west and Charlottetown, P. E.1'., on the east Our &teea. Writs oraanmr cataloguueer t3r+tdu• ErX.tOrr a; Mel ttottr av, Prinetpals as High Grade' Training pays and that is the kind the famous off EIXTOr 2 OB4O1,1 iO, OW. ciivtes to its stndeats. Recent .etsdte,te have takes petitions at Miatiee front 730 per manta to 71004 per neantn. It it a .vatt.kacitit Met drat sit sdieeel is the i1Mad th splendidGinie t enter. Alt 1graduaa tee }'etpositions. Deemed is nearly 49 flims tbdl supply. Writ* too -dale for oatxzogn3. W. j'. It1.1.101'C, opal {flee. if aa4 A1+ st nder *4.I ******** ***&4***UU*tt **********4**********6 T1113 "BIG STORE" Winghatn, Ontario. John Kerr We are receiving New Goods daily in order to keep our stook well felled up. We purpose carrying a better assorted stock than ever, You'll not find a cleaner, better stock of New and Fashionable Goods in Huron than we are sl awing right now. You'll get Bigger Bargains and more of t.beln at this "Big Store" than you'll get elsewhere. Read the list of Bargains this week. 1 Bos Ladies' Kid Gloves, sizes 6 to 74, regular $1 to $1.25 for.. 75c 1 Box Ladies' Mole Gloves, gray, assorted sizes, reg. 50c, now..., 35c 1 Box Ladies' Leather Beits, black and colors, reg. 50e, now 33e 3 Doz. Imitation Leather Belts, black, new buckle, each 25c 3 Spools good Cotton Thread for l0c Men's White Handkerchiefs, 8 for 25c Men's Wool Sox, 2 pair for 25c Bargains In Chinaware. A large quantity of odd pieces we are now offering at HALF PRICE. Groceries and Fruits. Morse's Best Soap 7 for 25c Naptha Soap 6 for 25c Judd Soap 12 for 25c New Juicy Oranges, per doz25e New Dates 3 lbs, for 25c Large quantities of Dried Apples, Good Batter, Hand- picked Beans and Fresh Eggs wanted. Bring your Dried Ap- ples) in at once. Prices will B00/1 drop. Men's Overcoats . Cut Prices Boys' Overcoats, Cut Prices Men's Rain Coats Cut Prices 'Women's Rain Coats Cut Prices Women's Fur Coats Cut Prices Big Out in Prices. A. number of Roller Window Shades, regular 35c for 8e Curtain Poles, oak or walnut fin- ish, complete with brackets, rings and turned ends, regular 25c, now 19c Travellers' Samples At big reductions in prices. Ladies' Wrappers, Wool Toques, 11Too1 Fas- cinators, White Underskirts trimmed with lace, white Night Dresses trim- med with lace, Men's Shirts, Ties, Women's Tweed Skirts, etc. These goods are offered very cheap. Come in and see them. POULTRY. Good Prices paid for Poul- try. Good fat Ducks and Chick- ens, dry picked, will bring big prices. We will not take scalded Ponitry at any price. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000. Reserve Fund, $4,500,000 HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO B. E. WALKER, General Manager ALEX. LAIRD, Asst. Gen'l Managee BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND IN THE UNITED STATES AND ENGLAND BANDING BY MAIL Business may be transacted by mail with any branch of the Bank. Accounts may be opened, and deposits made or withdrawn by mail. Every attention is paid to out-of-town acco:knts. Wingham, Ont., Branch :—A. E. Smith, Manager. MIK OF llAMITTO WINGHAM. CAPITAL PAID UP , .. $ 2,500,000.00 RESERVE FUD 2,500,000.00 TOTAL ASSETS . 30,000,000.00 HON. WM, GIESON — President 3. 'PURNEIJLL, 'Wide -Pres, & Gen. Manager H. M. Watson, Asst. Gens. Manager. B. Willson, Inspector. BOARD OP DIRECTORS. Zno, Proctor C. C.Dalton Hon. J. 8. Hendee Geo. Rutherford C. A. Dirge Deposita of 71 and Upwards received. Int- erest allowed and computed on SOth November and Slab May each year,and added to principal Special Deposits oleo received at current rates of interest. C. P. SHIM, Agent Tttekinaor, & Holmes, Solicitors DOMINION BANK. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, Capital (paid up) - $3,000,000 Reserve (mg pea%iE>' • $3,$39,000 Total Assets, over $42,000,000 WINGI1AM IIItANCli, Partners' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on alt` points in Can- ada, the ignited States and Europe. $AViNCS DEPARTMENT, Td lawetdnilfhJtadupwards, * addedoprlpe30t n anal Sid Deoaraber each sawtr, . T. REPBURl4, liner I Va lISMa, $etfattsr W. J. PRICE, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTIST (Successor to Dr. Holloway) WiII continue the practice in the office lately occupied by Dr. Holloway, in the Beaver Block, Wingham. COAL! We are sole agents for the celebrated Scranton Coal, • which has no equal. Also the best grades of Smalling, Cannel and Do- mestic Coal and Wood of all kinds, always on hand. We carry a full stock of Lumber (dressed or undres- sed), Shingles, Lath, Cedar Posts, Barrels, etc. Highest Price Paid for all kinds of Logo, ence Rhone,No. 55 OffiCeNo, 4 Mill " No. 44 a t Men ;. e44-