HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1906-11-01, Page 5--The Soo power plant will be en - Waged to extent of $1,000,000. --The quantity of poultry raised in this part of Ontario has increased enormously within the past few years. This is doubtless due to the enticing prices offered as a result of the easier access to the Old Country market by reason of improved cold storage and transportation facilities and also be- cause of the widening market of the Canadian West. —The Salvation Army immigration officials and agents held very impor- tant conferences during the recent councils in Toronto, when every de- partment of the work was discussed, s and imporimportant,developsrr eat will fol- low. The plan of operations is now well under way for next season's work. Commissioner Coombs and Brigadier .Howell (the Immigration Secretary) met the agents and in- structed them as to the course of pro- cedure for their future work. The agents of the Army at London, Ont., or Toronto will supply application forms at once, as the first ship's load the corning season will come to West- ern Ontario. From past experience the first ship brings an exceptionally good selection. All applications for this ship's crowd must be in by Janu- ary 12th to 15th, 1007, WING HAM Machine Works. Having a firat•ciass machinist:, I am prepared to do all kinds of repairing on the shortest notice ; also castings made to order. I am building a few PORTABLE SAWING MACHINES—they're sorno- thing new. Call and inspect before placing your order elsewhere. A Call Solicited. At the Old Stand on Victoria St. W. G. PATON 0•••4.O••••NN•a••0••44• t • You Make A Mistake IIf yon buy a Piano with - 4 out seeing our stock, comparing prices and taking into account the quality of the instrument. All the best makes always in stock — Heiutzman, Newcombe, Dominion, and others. Also Organs, and the very s es best Sewing Machines. David Bell p Stand—Opp. Skating Rink 40o0111.41,44N.00414.40r....0 1 COAL1 We are sole agents for • the celebrated Scranton Coal, which has no equal. .r. Also the best grades of Smithing, Cannel and Do- mestic Coal and Wood of all kinds, always on hand. We carry a full stock of Lumber (dressed or undres- sed), Shingles, Lath, Cedar Posts, Barrels, etc. • Highest Price Paid for all kinds of Logs. Residence Phone, No. 55 Office " No. 64 ._. Mill No.44 J. A. MoLean I1 -i 1-14•i4•i-l-14.1-i-l-i-14•F,d- oo 00000000000©oo 00000tu M1 THE WXNGIIAM ADVANCE THURSDAY, NOVE)4I3ER I, I906 •••••+OsN••o•••*♦6•••00•••0.000••••O••••••N0••••0 i 1i • s •i ••i •••• • • • • • •••• g • • Blue Front Store, Wingham. 0 o••••.•••••••••••N0.00004000000060000000000400000000 MEN'S STORE NE3WS. Overcoat Duty! You owe yourself an Overcoat that's right ; the Over- coat that's right owes you proper protection and wear, but you will not find that "right kind" of Overcoat everywhere. You'll certainly not find it if you shop at random, if you patronize most any kind of a Clothing store most anywhere, if you jump at the first re- duced price advertised, if yoti rush into a store and rush out, buying the first coat shown you. To 1•rocure that "right kind" of Overcoat you must go to the right store, the kind of a store that confines its advertising to facts and invites investigation and comparison. If you will consider these points, we believe that you will leave your Overcoat money here. We have nothing old or shopworn to show you. • Our Overcoats Range in price from $6 to $18, and your money goes back if the coat goes wrong—but it won't. Bo careful or you will have ono of last season's styles put on you. Boys' Overcoats. We are showing all the season's best styles in Overcoats for Boys. We have all the natty designs in short and long lengths, sizes 21 to 38 chest. Prices—$2.75 to $7.50. Men's and Boys' Suits. We have just received a sprink- ling of new patterns in Fall Suits all which we will clear out at bar- gain prices. Co rRIGt1TCo BY ft1G l91 1b CQ.1900 MEN'S FURS. We have a large stock of Furs now on hand which were bought right, this season's goods (right from the fac- tory, not been laid in store all summer.) Good Clean Stock. MEN'S COON COATS MEN'S BLK. DOG COATS MEN'S WALLABY COATS MEN'S BLIP. CALF COATS Splendid choice in Fur -lined Coats at a Bargain this week. The Roll. Crowdor CO. i • 4 1 1 1 1 Too Busy to write an advt. this week, but be sure and call if you're needing anything in Furniture. • Walker Bros. .& Button `Luc know. The Central telephone office has been removed to l)r. Spenee's new chug store in the Beaver Block, just across from the old office. V'Te are pleased to announce that Mrs. 0, P. Tennyson, formerly of Lneknow, who was serionsly injured in the recent wreck near Sudbury, is recovering. Owing to the mischief perpetrated in the village on Hallowe'en night last year, the Council appointed several special constables this year for the protection of the property of the citi- zens. All offenders will bo strictly dealt with. A. special public meeting of the shareholders and all other well wish - ()g the Lucknow Elevator Com- pany, Limited, is called for Saturday, the ;3rd of November, 1000, at 2.30 p.rn., at the Town Hall in the village of Ianeknow, to take into considera- tion the best ways and means of re- ducing the indebtedness upon the plant of the Co., and thereby prevent- ing any possibility of the property passing out of the possession and con- trol of the farmers and others in- terested in maintaining a good rnau'- ket for grain in Lucknow. The eapi- lal stock has been increased to $7,000, and if liberally subscribed for, will place. the Company on a sure foun- dation. Clinton. No less than forty-seven telephones were burned out in Wednesday's storm. As evidence of the mild weather,Mr. Wiltse plucked a few dandelions and Ed. Courtico a few raspberries last week. The Jackson Manufacturing Co. has a splendid artisian well, over 100 feet deep, which lately has been supplying all the people in the neighborhood with good pure water. Word has just reached here of the death of R. J. Tufts on Oct. 13th, at his daughter's in Albany, N. Y. He was for a time a resident of Clinton, where he was manager of the Hotel Clarendon. He afterwards married lIrs. Morley, but they agreed upon a separation, she residing at present in British Columbia, with her son. Mr. Shaw, the medical health of- ficer, has sounded the alarm in regard to the use of well water. "It should all be boiled before being used for drinking purposes," he said to The News -Record on Tuesday. I have tested 100 samples and nearly all I found to be impure and this is the cause of the several cases of typhoid fever we now have in town. The long dry spell followed by the recent heavy rains has caused this batt state of af- fairs. Some of the deep wells are about as had as the others owing to a five -inch drill having been used and a four -inch pipe which allows surface water to find its way down." —The Government will open on Nov. 15 for veterans' land grant claims the townships of Burk Revell, Hartmann, in Algoma North, and. Carnegie, Mur- phy and Hoyle, in the district of Al- goma. The land is good clay land. These aro six mile square townships, and each will accommodate 144 loca- tees, an aggregate of 804. A vote of $50,000 was passed at the last session of the Legislature for this purpose— enough to meet 1,000 demands. Nine hundred and sixty-one certificates have already been surrendered, and at the rate applications are now coining in it is expected that by Monday the remaining 30 surrenders necessary for the exhaustion of the vote will have been made. 4.— Be A Strong Man. Increase your vitality and nerve en- ergy, restore vine and force to your overworked body. Ferrozone will do this as it did for Walter Wood, Beau - port, N. B., who writes :—"I can say Ferrozone has given me a new lease of life. A year ago I suffered so from nervous exhaustion I was scarcely able to drag myself around. My ap- petite was gone, I had. no color or am- bition and felt used up. One box of Ferrozone started me bads to health. 1 took a number of boxes and nay health was completely restored." For ,nen who are tired, pale, nervous and thin -blooded nothing compares with Ferrozone, 50c per box at all dealers. 11" ewz uteine. —British Columbia mills cut 473,- 713,080 feet of lninber last year. The property known as the Welland General Hospital, is to be sold under mortgage. ---Tire Moose Jaw Board of Trade are asking the C.P,R, to build a $100,- 000 hotel in that place.. ---California has the smallest horse in the world. It is only 22 inches high, and weighs 7 lbs. when shod, —The Exeter Times has. been acquir- ed by a local company, and it will in future be conducted as an independent Liberal newspaper. --It is estimated that the output of the Alberta coal mines this year, not- withstanding labor troubles, will be over 1,250,000 tons. —Judge Klein- of Walkerton under- went an operation at Battle Creek, Mich., on Thursday last, and late re- ports show him to be progressing favorably. —Contracts have been let to the amount of $27,000 for the erection of a new sanitarium on the grounds of the Toronto Free Hospital for Consuml5 tives near Weston. --A. statistician has calculated that there are in Europe at this moment 9,500,000 men under arms. If they were all lined up the line would be 1,500 ,piles long. —A Government bill will probably be presented to Parliament at its ap- proaching session dealing with at least some phases of patent medicine problem, which was the subject of a Parliamentary investigation last sum- mer. Stratford, Oct. 25.—(Special)—Diph- theria has broken out at Wartburg, a village five miles from here, and has assumed alarming proportions, A dozen families are affected. Two lit- tle girls died recently. The village school is closed, Stratford health an- thorities have taken steps to prevent the spread of the disease to this city. The provincial health officer has been notified. —Great outcry is being raised by cattle men in Southern Alberta over shortage of cars. Sixty thousand ex- port cattle have already left for Great Britain, but there are five thousand more awaiting shipment, and a pro- minent shipper is authority for the statement that there is not a stock car west of Winnipeg. The situation is rendered serious by the fact that Nov. 20th is the last day on which cat- tle can leave Montreal, and a bad snowstorm may come any time and tie up shipping operations at this end. Large bunches of fat cattle are being held at present. CAUGHT COLD ON THE C.P.R. A. E. Mumford tells how Psychine cured him after the Doctors gave him up " It is twelve years since Psychine cured the of galloping consumption." The speaker was Mr. A. E. Mumford, six feet tall, and looking just what he is a husky healthy farmer. He works his own farm near Magnetawan, Ont. " I caught my cold working as a fireman on the C.P.R." he continued. "I had night sweats, chills and fever and frequent- ly coughed up pieces of my lungs. I was sinking fast and the doctors said there was no hope for me. Two months treat- ment of Psychine put mo right on my feet and I have had no return of lung trouble since." If Mr. Mumford had started to take Psychine when he first caught cold he would have saved himself a lot of anxiety and suffering. Psychine cures all lung troubles by killing the germs—the roots of the disease. PSYCHI (Pronounced Si•kecn) E 50c. Per Bottle Largor sizes SI and 52—all druggist.. DR. T. A. SLOCUM, Limited, Toronto. " There are 'Maple Leat' Rub- bers to fit all sizes and shapes of men's, women's and children's shoes."—wireless from "the MA woman who lived in a shoe." Fit neatly, snugly and accurately, too. Leave no openings for the water to sneak in at the sides. Got a pair and keep your feet dry. aro two systems which yon cannot afford to omit from Your business education. In these days, whoa everything must bo done accurately and rapidly, tho system used must be the beat and quickest. Gregg eas Greg Cad Shorthand atea id i s easy aq to learn, easy to write, and Our catalogue will tell you all about the system, and is free for tho asking. School term: September till June, inclusive. Forest City Business College 3. R. GNEGG, Y. M. C. A. Building, Founder Gregg System. IO N DO N . aple Le Rubbers...ma.. For tale by G. B. GREEN, WINGRAM. Lehigh Valley Coal, Come with the crowd and leave your order for Lehigh Valley Coal, that is free from dirt and blinkers. It has no equal. J. D. Burns. ************************* 00000000000000000000000000 THE LEADING STORE ISARID'S GREAT Cut Price Sale. 41111111110/10 Twenty Thousand Dollars' worth of New Moods to choose from. Move quick—we can save you money. Come in the morning if possible. COTTONS. A lot of mill ends to clear, reg- ular value loo and 12Sc—•your choice per yard. 70 ••••=lminms• 1001101•14111/0101.6111•1.4101M01 PRINTS. Your choice of th o ce e best Crum s Prints, only 100 COATS. A Line of Children's Coats to clear at $1.05 HOSE. 10 Doz. seamless ribbed Cash- mere Hose, worth 35c, for.... 25c UNDERWEAR. Men's Heavy Wool Shirts and Drawers, worth 65o, for 500 COLLARS. Ladies' new Silk Collars just in, reg. price 25c—your choice....25o DRESS GOODS. Pretty Plaids, double width, reg. 350 goods—on Sale for 25e HOSE. 5 Doz. Children's Black Ribbed Cashmere Hose, all wool, good value at 20o—our Cut Price,..15o CARPETS. 36 inch Union Carpet, worth 35 cents, for 25o OVERALLS.• Men's Heavy Mole Overalls, while they last only 75o TABLE LINEN. Extra Heavy Wide Table Linen, 50o quality for 40c NAPKINS. Regular Dollar Table Napkins, nice size, for 75o LACE CURTAINS. 12 pair fine Lace Curtains, 3S yds. long, good value at $1.00 —Sale Price 750 RIBBONS. All colors in wide Silk neck Ribbon, 25c quality for 20c, A lot of Me and 20c quality for 15c patterns, w PLAIDS. 10 pieces new Plaids, all last colors, nice quilt linings, our Sale Price . 5c BLANKETS. Grayor h' • Flannelette Blnkets—your choice a to 700 GOLF JACKETS. Ladies' Golf Jackets, pure wool, white, black, navy, cardinel, cheap at $2.25—they go at...$1,69 FLANNELETTES. 20 pieces wide Flannelette, new patterns, fast colors, worth 7o and 8o, for 56 OVERCOATS. Men's Heavy Black Overcoats, new style, well made, regular value $8.00—on Sale at $6.50 v�o SUITS. Boys' Suits, sizes 83, 34, 85, reg. $5.00 value—on Sale for $3.75 DRESS GOODS. A line of fanny flake Dress Goods to clear, reg. $1, for ... 500 MATTING. Heavy Japan Matting, one yd wide, regular 20o, for 15c .BAKING POWDER. One pound tins of Art Baking Powder with a graniteware premium, worth 50c to 600— your ohoice for 410 TEA. No. 1 uncolored Japan Tea, good buying at 25c—Sale Price 20o JACKETS. Ladies' lined Blk. Cloth Jackets, 6 and 7 dollar valve for $5.00 TOWELLING. Extra heavy Linen Towelling, worth 10c, for 8c SOCKS. Men's Heavy Wool Socks re41111111111111.111=1 25 cent value Numerous other lines at CUT PRICES that we here. Come and see—it will pay No tickets punched or coupons given ; 20o Men's Silk Ties, new worth 25c, for lOc haven't room to quote you. during Sale. & SCO. n. E. ISARD TIES. 40WWWINAYMMAAMYAWMAIMPAIWVANk 1 5a FURNITURE For the Fall Trade. - s. Gracey Has a very fine assortment of New and Up-to-date Furniture, in BEDROOM SUITES, SIDEBOARDS, PARLOR AND EXTENSION TABLES, BUFFETS, COUCHES, HALL RACKS, MATTRESSES, SPRING BEDS, ETC., ETC. If you want anything in the Furniture line this fall, before buying come and see what wo have. We will be pleased to show our goods. We think we've something that will be to your liking, and at very reasonable prices. MINVOINME. ,11•111111111/1•111111111% If you want one of the best Spring Beds that is made, try the /t HERCULES" SPRING. We have them— they are the best for the money. You may try them a „k month, and if not satisfactory return them. Wo have a RUGS few pieces of CARPETS and a few FLOOR t (Art Squares) to clear out at a price. Picture Framing a Specialty. MenxltrA3ct G. As in the past, weive our prompt and persona at- tention whenever our sov- vieos are required, at any hour, 'night or day. S. Gracey rtr_ FURNITURE DEALER and PRACTICAL UNDER"TARER