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The Wingham Advance, 1906-09-06, Page 5
Lchigh Valley Coal • Come with the crowd and leave your order for Lehigh Valley Coal, that is free from dirt and clinkers. It has no equal. 6 el0f100000t eo0o©D O J. D. Burns Tf-• E WINGHAM ADVANCE • ' THURSDAY, SEPTEMDErc 6, 1906 4Ci..., ti oi HARVESTERS! EXCURSIONS TO THE +4z. NORTH-WEST CY' GOING SEPT. 11, good to return until NOV.12, 1906 SEPT. 25, good to return until NOV. 26, 1906 RETURN FARES FROM YOUR NEAREST STATION: Winnipeg • . $32.00 Yankton . • 835.00 North Dattleford $39.00 Souris 33.60 Regina • • 36.15 Macleod - 40.00 Brandon • • 83,55 Moose Jaw . - 38.00 Calgary . . 40.60 . Moosomhl ■ • 34.20 Strassburg • • 38.26 Red Deer • • 41,60 Areola • . 84,60 Saskatoon • - 37,25 Stettler 1. Estevan - • 35.00 Prince Albert • 38.00 Edmonton., • 42,50 For rates to other points, booklet and lull particulars, see nearest Canadian Pacific Agent, or melte C. D. FOSTER, D.P.A., C.P.R., 71 YONC:E STREET, TORONTO. l ' 1 c ( ( I t ] ) i ( 25 Gents , WILL, PAY FOR , , 1 Advance t t From now until the i 1st of January, 1907 i, fir' ' 4a� . — 4 ,.,,, �" =' "ls•`a:F /-„.sem Irl � . !f`�>r il x %: "' s/'..' r. �� � `�_w Help Wanted! We need Money and must sell Furniture. Give us the money,and for 30 days you will get the best values in Furniture ever given in Wingham. Walker Bros. Sc. Button. ••, t;0000®t® ..ter Tialir,, Diff All depends on the tuition whether you will make a success teacher allows you to depend look in the back of the will be a failure. There books—we teach you to stand ' port, so that you have that ‘ essential to reputation of 4 \ cient training Shorthand ' 4 Booklet free. ' - inclusive. Students sl;• -- forest 1. W. WESTERVELT, '• Principal. 4141111161,11100CIRIgftso$1100,24110•00119ti.0011 ®1001101 ��� -,iThe . . rence r you receive in a college of business life. If your on other students and book for answers, your course are no answers given in OUR alone. You need no sup- when you start life in earnest confidence in yourself so a business man. We have the giving a thorough and effi- in both our Business and departments. School term : Sept. till June, may enter at any time. City Business College V. M. C. A. Bldg., LONDON. illikete 000000000000000000000000000000000©0000�,000:3©O0GO000 t WesternFair The Exhibition That Made Fall Fairs Famous. An ideal occasion for a family outing. Daily ascensions of a navigable airship, always under perfect control. The most wonderful invention of the age. Royal Venetian Band, the most celebrated European musical organization, under the great leader, Victor, will give concerts daily. Fireworks on a, more magnif eeut and imposing scale, picturing the great Carnival of Venice. Many splendid educational features for the boys and girls. For information { write W. J. REID, president. A. M. MINT, Secretary. LONDON SEPT. 7-15, 1906. 00000 'Hews Items --On 'Tuesday last, Mr. I. Barnett trove a load of flax to. the Scafor•th alit, vvhieh weighed 10,418 pounds. —Nine -tenths of the Blaine school - lams are working for an average ,•chary of front $0 to $0 a week. half ,f theta receive less than $200 each a rear. -The Canadian Pacific, Railway an - ounce they will establish a new train eiviee between Montreal and Van- onver, that will cover the entire dis• auee in 90 hours, Detroit, Mich„ Aug, 28.--•Twenty- tne persons, including the captain's vifo and two little children, were esened early to -clay from the burning iteamer, Charles A Eddy, by the Detroit and Cleveland line steamer ity of Mackinaw, off Port Sanilac, in _oke Huron. All of them escaped nn- njured and were brought to this city In the City of Mackinaw. Owen Sound, Aug. 20.—Miss Louisa. tones, the victim of the daring assault ,f a few weeks ago, has practically re- overed from the effects of the out- age.. She has completely regained ler normal mental status, but has not he faintest recollection of anything which transpired on the evening in luestion, She distinctly remembers oing to town, but her recollection Toes not go beyond that point. In view of this fact, it is very improbable he culprit will ever be brought to jus - ice, is the opinjon of several officers ngaged in the search. —The British Bowlers have now completed their tour. They played vith 01 Ontario clubs and they won >ut against 47 and were defeated by l4. This is a pretty good record, but Iuron players made a better. The liritishers played with representative inks of five different clubs in Huron and were defeated by four. Huron is, also, the only county in the province n which the British suffered an all round defeat. The Corinthian Foot- ball Club, the champions of England, ideated every club they played with n Canada except the Hurons, of Sea- orth. —The following are the amounts that the several municipalities in the county of Huron have to pay this year for county tax : Ashfield, $1,674.- 24 ; Colborne; $2,739.60 ; Goderich Tp., $3,975.48; Usborne, $4,351.50 ; East Wawanosh, $2,858.04 ; West Wawa - nosh, $2,905.02 ; Grey, $5,143.50 ; Hay, $6,332.60 ; Howick, $6,087A2; Hullett, $1,627.80 ; Morris, $-1,821.81; McKillop, $1,48:5.24; Stanley, $3,843.18; Stephen, $4,029.81 ; Tucker'smith, $1,313.91; Turnberry, $2,031; Bayfield, $254.52; Blyth, $487.41 ; Brussels, $577.50 ; Exe- ter, $908.76 ; Hensall, $150.72 ; Wroxe- ter, $270.86; Goderich, $2,560.68; Sea - forth, 11,350 ; Wingham, $1,266.48; Clinton, $1,231.02. —Mr. Robert Seliery, Kincardine, who has not been in very good health lately, has been going out with the fishermen on the tug Onward in the hope that the pure air and lake breezes would benefit hhn. On Tues- day, he accompanied the Messrs. Me- Gaw out to the fishing grounds off Inverhuron, and while the men were busily engaged lifting their nets, he fell from the tug, which was steaming slowly at''the time. He had been sit- ting in the stern of the boat while the crew were working forward, and it is unknown how long a tirne elapsed before his absence was discovered. It is not likely the body can be re- covered. w N V M M t: N 4 Y* 4 Y 1, . Y Y M. V Turnberry. Connell mot August 27th ; members all present. The minutes of last meet- ing were read and adopted, The treasurer laid his half yearly statement before the Council which shows a balance of $500 on hand, The statement was adopted. The following accounts were passed and cheques on Bank of Hamilton issued :--Duff & Stewart, $150, drain contract, also $3,07, culvert, Morris boundary ; for gravel—H, Lawrence $3.60, 5, Vanstone $3,30, A. Longley $2,45, T, A.nslny $3,60, 3. King $10.74 ; J, McNaughton, $4.00, graved and damages ; Wm. McGill, $55,01, gravel and work on roads ; David Jewett, $1,50, damages ; David Pocock, $2.00, damages; John Fyfe, $3,50, work on roads ; Wm. Westlake, $4, culvert, 6th line ; Henry Wolfe, $2, brushing ; Thos. Walker, $2, brushing; Howard Bolt, $30, gravelling; John Burgess, $50, part salary ; Robt, Musgrove, $10, gravelling. The Council adjourned to meet in the Clerk's office, Bluevale, on Mon- day, the 24th day of September, at 10 o'clock a, m, John Burgess, Clerk. It arouses energy, develops and stimulates nervous life, arouses the courage of youth. It makes you young again. That's what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 350, Tea or Tablets. Ask your druggist. —The Gorrie Vidette reports the following : — "On Monday evening, some brainless individual put a pack- age of Paris green on the grass in the pasture field where Geo. Town pas- tures his cow and horse, no doubt with the intention of doing.away with one or both of. these animals should they partake of the poison. Who ever the miscreant is that is so tneau as to attempt to do such a dastardly act on one of his fellow citizens should be found out and severely punished. As far as we have heard we were un- aware that Mr. Town had any enemies in the town as he is always very courteous and obliging to his fellow citizens as well as to the travelling public. —Augustus Riley, a clerk in the war department in Washington, 74 years old, declares that he spends less than twelve cents a day for his living. "My average expense every day for 5 years past has been less than 12e" said. Mr. Riley, "and. I have had plenty to eat. The system requites only so much. I sleep like a baby and at lei- sure I go for a several utiles' stroll through the pants. I never get hungry; most people feel that way when their imagination rubs away with them. I live on $4.11 a month and I have an itemized statement to prove it. My favorite dishes are ap- ples, eggs and rice. I avoid meats and indigestible foods. They tear the vital organs up and put them out of use." Riley saves 05 per cent, of Itis salary, He is a Mian of strong per- sonality and is an excellent specimen of manhood, He is not a miser, and ire declares he abhors the life of a recluse. IIe says he lives well, and he is the envy of the clerks who squalid. et all their earnings and are heavily in debt. "I never took as drink of liquor in my life and I never used tobacco in any form," he said. "It is dead easy to live to life of economy and thrift, and there is no pleasure in spending • all one's earnings in extravagant lin. ire Ask any "JAP" that you may see, "Why the Czar, with Bear behind," had to climb a tree. The Yanks, God bless the Yanks, says he, They gave us Rocky Mountain Tea. Ask your druggist. Lucknow. Dr. and Mrs. Elliott left Monday for a three months' trip to Great Britain. During the doctor's absence his prac- tice will be taken by Dr. Blake. A pretty house wedding was cele- brated, at the Treleaven homesead, on Havelock street, on Wednesday, when Ethel, daughter of the late Alexander and Selina Wheeler, was united in marriage to David Alexander Downey of Stilton, Wellington county. Of 4000 people who left for the West on Friday's excursion, fully one-half, says the Toronto News, were from the County of Bruce. When we are told that 20 went from Mildmay, 26 from Walkerton, 82 from Kincardine, 150 from Paisley and '70 from Lucknow, we can well believe that the estimate of the News is about correct. Mr. Harry Days is dead. The clang of the fire bell could not have created more excitement than the above an- nouncement made on the streets of this village during the noon hour on Thursday, August 23rd. A block of buildings destroyed would not have caused such a vacancy as the sudden removal of him who had been so long one of our best and most admired o business mon. Too close attention to the store in the heated terra, in addi- tion to sickness and bereavement in his family, undermined his usually strong constitution and cheerful dis- position, and although he was at work at 10 o'clock, death carne shortly after the whistle blew for 12 noon. Mr. Days was born near Wroxeter nearly forty-eight years ago, and began the study of chemistry in Wingham, re- moving thence to Lucknow, where he remained ever since. Why Chest Colds Are Dangerous. They lead to pleurisy and pneu- monia; Follow the advice of W. H. Fowles of Powle's Corners, Ont., who says :—"I used to be subject to at- tacks and although I used most every- thing nothing relieved quickly till I discovered Nerviline. I have used it for pleurisy and sore chest and found it just the proper thing. For lum- bago or neuralgia it's quick as lightn- ing. I cheerfully recommend Nervi - line." Strongest, cleanest, most pain destroying liniment on earth is Pol- son's Nerviline, 25c bottles sold every- where. Teeswater. The Presbyterian and Methodist congregations here will hold Union services next Sunday. The roof of Knox Church is being re -shingled. Jas. Gallagher, of Bel - more, has the contract, and the best grade of British Columbia shingles are being used. The Arscott Bros. are building an addition 20x50 to their tannery which will accommodate a number of new vats, and increase the capacity of the plant by 200 hides of leather per week. Donald McKay, of the 8th con., re- ceived a telegram on Tuesday convey- ing the sad news of the death of his son, Robt., who was at Kenora. De- ceased was about forty years of age, and left Culross nearly twenty years ago. W. K. Smith last week attended the shoot of the Ontario Rifle Association at Toronto. The best shots in the Do- minion take part in this shooting, and it speaks well for Mr. Smith's skill with the rifle that he succeeded in winning a number of prizes. He is this week at Ottawa taking part in the Canadian Rifle Association mat- ches and has again succeeded in tak- ing money in a number of contests. Doctors Change Their Methods. Years ago they fought catarrh by internal dosing. They caw this ruin- ed n - ed the stomas and changed to the ozonated air cure, better known as Catarrhozone. "This treatment is stare to cure. It goes to the source of the disease; it destroys the. causes that maintain catarrh and even in the worst cases permanent euro is gnaran teed. Failure with Catarrhozone is impossible. Antiseptic., healing and far-reaching, it's bound to cure every. time.. Endorsed bymore than twenty thousand doctors in Aniorlka alone and sold in 25e and $1.00 sizes by all tl,ealtlerLL SMUT IN PAW. WHEAT. In each of seven years, at the Agri- cultural College at Guelph,, experi- ments have been conducted in treat- ing winter wheat in different ways to prevent the development of stinking smut, and the results have been very satisfactory, In tho average of the past three years, untreated seed pro- duced 4.4 per cent, of smutted heads, while seed which was immersed for 20 minutes in a solution made by adding ono pint of formalin to forty gallons of water produced. a crop which was practically free from smut. Not only did the formalin treatment effectual- ly prevent the development of the smut in the crop, but a considerable larger yield of grain was obtained when the treatment was applied, The average yield of grain for the three years from untreated seed was 38.7 bushels, while the crop grown from seed to which the formalin treatment had been applied yielded 45.0 bushels per acre, This indicates a gain of about seven bushels per acre in favor of the treated seed. Several other methods of treating seed for the pre- vention of smut were tested, but the formalin method was the cheapest and most practical of all, as well as being effectual. Put one pound of the formalin in thirty gallons of water, place the seed wheat in sacks and suspend the sack of wheat in the formaldehyde liquid, and lot it re- main in it for one hour. Drain the liquid out of wheat, pour wheat on floor, and spread to dry. Put another bushel through the same process. In two or three days the wheat can be sown, and not a wheat head should have any smut upon it. ,l• Does Your Heart Flutter ? You know heart fluttering means you're not as well as you should be. It's an evidence of impaired nerve and muscular power. To obtain cure, try Ferrozone; it has a special action on the heart as seen in the case of Thos. Grover, Cole Harbor, N. S., who says : "If I exerted myself it would bring palpitation. • To carry any very heavy weight or go quickly up- stairs completely knocked me out. When bad attacks came on I lived in fear of sudden death. Ferrozone gave my heart the very assistance it need - cd, and now I am quite well." For heart or nerves it's hard to excel Fer- rozone, 50c per box at all dealers," 5000 Bushels Apples WANTED —AT THE— Wingham Evaporator. On the merit of their performances alone are we willing to have them judged. Simplicity of construction., combined with a skill in menu. facture, which is the .inheritance of 13enera- tions, make good time keepers and consequently comfortable watches to carry. Their efficiency is assured by a guarantee which enables the owner to have any constructional defect remedied free of charge by the nearest agent in any part of the world. They are not made in grades which cannot be fully guaranteed. The above and',other lines of Watches, of the best makes, all at RIGHT PRICES, The highest prices will be paid for apples fit for peeling. No small or soft apples taken. The Evaporator has been overhauled and new machinery added, and we are in a position to manufacture 260 bushels per day. We want 16 boys, girls and men, immediately. BROWN & IRWIN WINGHAM MACHINE• SHOP This shop is once more in my charge, and I have engaged a first- class machinist, who will promptly and efficiently attend to all work entrusted to us. All kinds of repairs to machin- ery, bicycles, steam fitting, etc. A Call Solicited. At the Old Stand on Victoria St. W. G. PATON 00000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000 For Neat, Tasty :_: :_: Job Printing of 2 •. S _: every deserip- :_: _: tion at Prices :i: to suit you, call 4. 4. at The ADVANCE _; :: Office . . . . _. .4. 4.4 • Wedding and other Rings. Wedding Presents in great variety. Repairing receives special attention. W. G. PATTERSON rA 11111 li /ri�r""�'�";r 11.._ , ..„C,.suiil 4111 1101mml ING)F–STAY FENCE. POINT 2. With ordinary ears the Dillon (HINGE. STAY Noma will last a lifetime. Thousands aro now using It. Stays do not slip nor bend when top wires aro borne down. Illustrated Catalogue iroe — live a-outa wanted. W RE F-E.NCE CO., LIMITE.C. ♦ T 11,02 n lE & The Huron County Weather Insurance Co. Insures farm property against damage from wind storms, tor- nadoes, cyclones, &c. ABNER COSENS AGENT — WINGHAM WINGHAM Flour Mills. MEW W. J. PRICE, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTIST (Successor to Dr. Holloway) Will continue the practice in the office lately occupied by Dr. Holloway, in the Beaver Block, Wingham, There are three things necessary to m•,ke good Flour—Good Wheat, it Good lklihet, and Good Machinery. \ve have these three in our mill. All the Manitoba wheat we use is No. 1. This is what "Five Lilies" Flour is made from. Its strength is not lessened any by electrical or any other process to make it white, but it is white, pure and healthy in its own natural strength, So if you wish the best, Manitoba Flour, be sure and get the "FIVE LILIES." Don't be put ot1 with any other. If your dealer does not keep it, there are plenty of others who do, Our `STAR" Flour is very popular. We , believe it is the best FAMILY Flour on the market to -day. as it has the qualities for both bread and pastry. Give your next order for "STAR" and you will be satisfied. �4►Ni�NNN���N�4lN�N� You Make A Mistake Z If yon buy a Piano with- out seeing our stock, comparing prices and taking into account the quality of the instrument. All the best makes always in stock — Heintzman, Newcombe, Dominion, and others. Also Organs, and the very David Bell Stand—Opp. Skating Rink best Sewing Machines. • ••••••••••••••••••••••••• PRICE LIST : Five Lilies Flour, bbl ...$2.25 to $2.50 Prairie Rose Flour, bbl.. 2.05 to 2.30 Star Flour, per 3 bbl.... 2.00 to 2 25 Cream Pastry Flour 1.90 to 2.15 Low Grade Flour, ton26 00 to 27.00 Bran, per ton 16.00 to 18 00 Shorts, per ton 22.00 to 23.00 Screenings, per ton 18.00 to 20.00, Chop, per ton 20.00 to 28.00 Winter Wheat, per bash.... 73c to 750 Goose Wheat, per bush 70c to 70c Manitoba Wheat, per bush88e to 900 HOWSON, HARVEY & BROCgLEBAR. JUST ARRIVED A Complete Stock of SUiTiNGS • OVERCOATINGS TROUSIRINOS AND VESTiNOS. These are all of the latest de- signs and materials and at pikes that are reasonable. We have a. special line of Blue and. Black Worsteds you should see. Call and have a look through our stock and see the Fashions for Fall and Winter. All you have to do is—tell us how you want your garment made and we make it that way. Our tritnmings aro of the best. Robt. Maxwell High Art Tailor • Wingham Tailor Made Clothes X15.00 We'll make your Suit to your exact measures, to your order, for fifteen dol- lars, correctly shaped and faultlessly fitted, superbly tailored from some pure, all -wool fabric, staunchly guaranteed. For Seventeen, Eigh- teen or Twenty dollars, we r would use a fabric of still higher quality. We make them with care and skill, and can guarantee you entire satis- faction. Trousers made to your order at $3'50, $3.75, $4, $5 and $6. A complete line of Gents' Furnishings always in stock. IVI. S. L1 llomllth Tailor and Gents Furnisher Two Doors from Post Office